The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 1-26

L r t i ii<£AN l2£ il» CEPAHVIM i B, OHIO. W k S oitcix ^ Y or» P axbokagk and promise careful and prompt attention to till business intrusted to us. NUWYORKDRAFF w*4BANKMQNFYORDERS' 'Eh« r-.h«»p,s.-,fr ■and... most con* vcni”Rt way to «end tooney by mad* Loans Made on Real Estate, Personal dr Collateral Security. BankingHours: 8. A. M* to 3, P. M. S, W. S mi 3? h , President. 0* L, S mith , Cashier. The Cedarville Herald. S r.oo P e r Y ea r , IvAH LH B U L L - - Ed itor. FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, Moai A FEARLESS EXECUTIVE, X) Governor Harris has thrown r down the gadntlefc to. George B , Cox and his cohorts by! naming as judge o f. the insol­ ven cy court o f Hamilton coun tyK a jor A, M. Warner, ■agentleman anb a soldier o f the Civil war. Cox. wanted a notorious politician given . the place, and desp ite, the fa ct that the belief is general among politicians and others, who keep in touch with the politics o f this state that Cox . - is about to return to thepolft- a ical arena with all o f his oldr tinoe strength, the chief exec- . , utive turned h im ,down. It is believed that Cox will go - in to the next state, conveh vention with from SO to 100 votes, and if Governor Harris ; should be a candidate fo r nomination these votes could *be Used to advantage by him, bu t he shows the kind o f stuff o f which he is made b y giving Cox a slap that he w ill cher­ ish for many a day. What a contrast this action o f the governor to that o f anothet chief executive who. after promising an appointment to a Springfield man, -bowed to the will o f Cox and gave the place to one o f the Cincinna­ tian’ s lieutenants. * In the selection o f Major Warner the governor not only chose a capable man, but one Who had the endorsement o f practically every^decent man in Hamilton county. He has tw ice been nominated for judge o f the Hamilton county superior cou rt and is a past department commander o f the Ohio G* A . R . He is a Republican, but not o f the • A Boston adsoolboy was taB, i*Mk*RdafetK$F«' - His arm* were so ft Hud fWbby. He didn’t I m m * strong muscle in w entire body. The f&ysidsn who hsd attended the family for thirty years prescribed S c o t ? * * B m t t W o n * wm To feel that boy’s arm you would think he was apprenticed to a blacksm ith . AM. DRUGGISTS.! COe. AND *1.00 Cox brand, and he .will suit everybody except Cox and his gang. Governor Harris has shown in all o f his actions since death thrust upon him the highest honors in the g ift o f th e state that fie is a fearless, righteous executive and the Republi­ cans ought . to be arid are prpud that he is a member o f the party. It Quiets the Cough Min This is one r**aoo why Ayer’s Cherry- f*tetor*l It to Vila** iM in octufumpticn.' It imp# tb« w etf tod tttr o f utelett coaghiaf. Bat It doe* more it control* th* Inflammation* aglets the fever, toothet,hetlt. Ask your doctor shout thin. Tfc#b*»i H »a of * H9hU tor ever slaty , n n w A J jL tMMAmtk W*3wf»s#t#«*eW HsfisMlirtl m >« tm**m K it In a course of a little /-while the. bQuutry will krtow whether. .Con­ gress considers that the President Was withinhis rights .in discharging the. members of the 2$th Infantry who were dishonorably mastered out' of service, This is one of the finest opportunities that the oppo­ nents ot the Administration of" .Con­ gress havelia'd to make .a' personal fight on the President, thinly veiled UfHier the show of a -regard for law and facta, The President has strong defenders on the floor of. both the Hopse and the Benate. -and by the time the contest is over the denate in particular will know that there hasheeni a fight in" its*neigh­ borhood. “ . As tp thelaw in the eaBe Senator Lodge outlined it very plainly in bra opening speech'last week and the public that follows the debate and its outcomemay bear it flrmly hi mind fchafctbere. is just -one point of low to be settled no matter how the opposition may try to muddy the water. Two points can he -raised, one of lay, and the other of fact. As Sen ator bodge says there is no question that there were shooting at night on the streetso f BrowhesvJHe, the fact that remains to be determined is whether it was the soldiers that did the* shooting, or the citizens of BrownesvUle disguised as soldiers There Was one -man killed, another to badly wounded that his arm had to be amputated, and another had hie horse shot under him, narrowly escaping death. An investigation On the ground may and ought to bring out whether it was the cit­ izens, Willing to stop not even at murder, who did the Bhooting in order to cast disgrace upon the sol­ diers, or Whether It was the sol­ diers themselves who arc guilty. The President will bo perfectly willing to see this point of the fact settled if it can be settled, but about the law In the case there is abso­ lutely no question, The President is the Commander-In -Chief «f the army atld as such he can enlist and dismiss soldiers at pleasure*. Sena­ tor Lodge in his defense Of the President had armed himself with a multitude of precedents In this line and showed conclusively that It was always the commander-in* chief’s prerogative in every clime and country to dismiss soldiers o f whole regiments if he deemed i f for the good of the service Or the public. Senator Lodge pointed out that an enlistment was a contract terminable not at the option of the soldier, hut of the commander of the Army who employed him. This lias been held true innumerable times, and 1#it Were not true there would he no safety for the country could an armed regiment be retained In Its place on the rolls in defiance o f its superior ofUcer, The Attorney General, the Constitutional League arid any one else who wishes to ns* vestfgafe the affair may discover ail |the facts they choose about who j actually did the shooting. Brit about 5the President's right to dismiss as (many companies or regiments as he ‘ chooses, it would seemfrom Senator It is assertedthe watch trust com­ pany is going to advance prices. But probaply we can still buy time pieces on tick. If Mr, Harrlman’ e Salton Bea keeps on spreading, he will soon' he" able to drop Railroading and run a transcontinental ferry line. ^An editorial 9ays “ there are two sides to theEngbsh school question’ \ But you can't get either side to ad­ mit thereIs more than ope side to it. • 4* • . 1 I , , ‘ 4 » - , tiorigress is-nearing the end o f its session hut it'certainiy ought to ap point a committee to receive p few of the President,s messages during the interval. It is possible that the next federal Investigation will discover some working agreement between the block signal manufacturers and the Undertakers Trust. , . i ' ' ‘Governor Hughes Hews” is the head line in a New York papeb apd the chauces are that a lot of New York office holders are going to toel the axe in the neighborhood o f the cervical vertebrae. > ' ‘ - - .. AND DAYTON JOURNAL For $2.25. NEW SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. WeHelpYouto Save andHAKE MONEY. Havingarranged for exceedingly low dubbing rates with publishers o f the best and most .popular publi­ cations in the United States, Daily, Weekly and Monthly, we are now ready to fill orders at from Thirty to Fifty per cent, less than the re­ gularprices, giving Subscribers full benefit o f the lowest clubbing rates, at same time allowinga.libera! com­ mission to Soliciting Agents. To advertise our new offers, would entail a cost which we save to the Subscriber by asking each reader o f this item to send a postal card for Sample Copies of T hk WriKKi*YENftinRRR; and if so situ­ ated to do a little agency work dux^ ing theWinter, makeapplication for agency. It is a fact that Tuft B n * qui &K r offer! more and better bargain* than may be had from other sources, One offer gives $6.00 Worth for only $2.00, another gives a Daily paper* two Weeklies and two Monthlies for only $1,76* The Veterinary column of Teat Witexwr Brifttmta* i* worth from five to fifty dollar* to any horse owner* Writeto-day to ■* Mmquit*#* C&mpmnt't ■■ g*PfTpvWwWWF rvwWf SPIWPSF^*- !»*«**** « « , 1*« burglary «F a dandy’# wardrob# msant a (, tow whfcn It coajprl#- ad*•» InJcbri Qaheai'a caw tu 17H. *•* acarltt cloth suit laced with broad gold toes, hoed and faced with blue; a fine clansman cloth suit* with plate buttons, the waistcoat fringed with # silk fringe of the same color, and a rich yellow flowered satin morning gown lined, with a cherry colored satin, with * pocket on the right side," There Is somethinga little more manly perhaps in the drees of the gallant of 1000, pictured Ip one of Howland’s epigram#; Behold a roo»t accomplished cavalier. That the world'* ape of fashion* doth appear, Walking: the atraets hl» humor* to dl*- 'Close ' , ho**, ; •- - ■ T « . mutlea, eloake. Bpanlah- hat, Toledo . > '.blade, ■ . Italian ruffe, a ehpe right flemieh made. There seem# to have been no foolish prejudice against foreign made goods in 1600.—London Chronicle. The Betel Net, Chewing the betel nut In Siam, be­ ing a common hablh st every little die tance at you go through the bazaar ol Bangkok may be seen petty merchant* busy making and selling the prepara­ tion so universally masticated- The ‘leaves In which the prepared mixture Is wrapped are from a vine known as the chavlca betel. The nut Is from the arica betel palm, which reaches a height of about sixty feet,- whose branches bear several large bunches of nuts which harden and redden as they ripen and which resemble somewhat the bunches of fruit on, the date bear­ ing palm. The dealer# cut up their green leaves Into the proper triangu­ lar form, crack the nuts and with wooden spatulas work the' tumeric stained juice Into a paste. - It 1 b amus- Ing to see how skillfully they tom-the pieces ot green teat Into pointed, cone shaped cups, Into each one Of which they place a portion of the ingredients. Tories sod Mecrsclmura.' According to the- beat authorities, upon the subject, the Idea o f using white talc In the manufacture of pipes Is of comparatively recent­ pared with thp age of the habit of smoklbg, and what Is still morecurious Is the fact that in the oriental coun­ tries which produce white talc, or meerschaum, as It is called,- and where the,use of tobacco forms part of the education of the faithful the people never .dream of making this Substance Into pipes. They , make bowls and goblets of It, but no. pipe#. It."may be that the long pipestems which allow the'smoke to cool and lose Us acridity before reaching tbe .mouth leave the oriental smoker quite indifferent In re­ gard to the quality of tbe bowl- At all events, one-never sees * Turk with a meerschaum,pipe. Esonuotis LKtlng Power. The sheiless limpet pulls 1,084 times Its oWn weight-when In the air and about double'When measured In the water, ' Fleas pull. 1,403 -times their own dead weight The Mediterranean cockle, Venus-verrucosa, can-exert a pulling power equal to 2,071 times the •weight d"f ItM'ofrn\body... So great Is the power possessed by the oyster that to open it a forCe equal to 1,310,5.times the Weightier its sheiless body is-re­ quired. If the human being possessed Strength as great Inproportion as-that of -these shellfish the average man would be abl& to' lift the enormous weight, of 2,070,000 pounds, pulling In the. same degree as the limpet. Arid If the man'pulled In the-same proper-, tlonato. degree as the. cockle he .would sustain a weight of no less than 8,100, 800 pounds, TtvOFoOrOne*. During pne of Edwin Forrest’s eh' gagementi in Boston a poor artist call­ ed several tlmgs to see the great actor af the old tVIpthtop House. Each time he brought a picture which he had painted* He finally.left It with a note stating that he Was In needy circum­ stance's. Fortost read the note and took the wrapping from the picture. It proved to he a painting of himself as Spartacn*. FofreSt gazed upon It a moment and then ejaculated to tbe clerk; "Give him $10, If he Is as poor Ss his plcture,,he must be on the point of starvation.” Oa« W « r « l a r ia t la , Beerbohm Tree was once endeavor­ ing to get a well known actor heck Into' bis company. Tree received the man in his dressing room as be was making up. "How much would you want to come back to met” Inquired Mr* Tree, busy with bis paint pots, The other named an exorbitant sal­ ary, to which Tree merely retorted as he went on making up, ‘Tton’t slam the door when you go out, will you?” Tvre Thosgfctfl. *T want a .business suit now,” said Biopsy, "I was thinking of something In the way of a small plaid” "And ,I ” ,replied the tailor, "can’t help thinking Of something In the way of S small check." — Philadelphia -Ledger* 'Warict ASvice. A beauty adviser says, "For tender eyes make an Infusion o f ’— Ob, bosh! Every girl knows -how to make tender eyes without advice from any special­ ists.—Minneapolis Tribune, . The SisaAl, Tommy—DoeS jour ma hit jour foot under the table when you’ve had •hough? Tommy—No; that’s when I Haven’ t had enough. When 1 have she sends for the doctor,—Helper's Bazar. W« know accurately when We know tittle. With knowledge doubt increases. *“-Goelhe. Hay tlv* KK? Year!, The chances for living a full cen­ tury are excellent In the easeof Mr*, fomae Duncan* otHAynesvllle, Me*, now70 years old* &he writes! “ EL ectrie Bitters cured me of Chrome Dyspepsia of to years standing, and made ine feel as well arid si rang as a yoilrig girl*” Electric Bitters cure fttomach ami Liver diseases, Blood disorders, General Debilityand bod­ ily weakness, Bold on a guarantee at all drugfiifeH. Eric* only toe. - - ........ .. ■ - m The Hindi Ton Have Always Bought, and which, has heett. la use tor over 80 "year#, ho* home the glgnature «C and has beenmadeunder his per­ sonalsupervision since its Inflaacy# Allowno onSto deceiveyouin this* A ll Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are huh ' liM^rimants tl’ct fyJ'Ae with sad endangerthe health r f Infkats and Childreu—Experience against Experiment* What is CASTOR!A Oastoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. I t Is Pleasant. I t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ether Narcotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic, It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children’s Panacea—Tlxe Mother’s Friend* G E N U I N E CASTOR!A A L W A Y S Reays tho Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. the ei,wt»uB mmmuv , at *m aw «T i|n r, wm**«m city . New Fail Atractions s . FALL SUITS AT POPULAR PRICES Faff Skirts $5 to $12 the new plaids. Fall|Waists, wool, $1.25 to $2.50. B lack Silk Waists, $4.50 to $40. - ,Brillinfcine Waists, $1 t o $2,50, Silk Petticoats, excellent fo r $5, six yds, ruffle, Satin Petticoats, $1 to $2.50. Furs—Collars,-Muffs, ets,, latest styles, $1.75 to , ’ * ‘ f : , /V ' ' ; \ j ; Muslin Underwear-Corsets Covers, Pants, 25c to $1. Gowns 50 to $3. ' Kh it-Corset Coveys, Kn it Underwpar and Mentor are v e r y popular* F ive cases just in. Hew Outing Gowns, 50c to $1. A lso , Rain Coats. ' ,*• - , * ’ Room, Rugs—Carpet size, all grades. Tapes-. try, $10*75. Rugs, $1.50, etc^ Druggets, , - *' $3 up. « • \ , ,■ -** ; ' . HUTCHISON & GIBNEY’S, XENIA* OHIO. Ebersole Pianos A B S O L U T E L Y D U R A B L E . «W« have for uamrntorof y-sftjsused iShocsoIePianrislnthe Conservatorywhere they ire owriaatiy saijjactedto ths hard* *st kind s f sso. W« havn fotmu tha Ebersole to be a good, durable piano, well ate3,-4-.tanit -niWearand toarof themusic •jv-'Y Balm, Directress t-i aUDoaservateryoiltiisia. •............. 'StokWAOTt.isAs-jV-' ' ' Thfe S m ith fie N ixon P iano C o . IOand 12 E. Fourth Street. CINCINNATI. O. ^ 1 The Genuine ROGERSBROS- Spoons, Porks,Knives,etc. WrjMjl* JCtaw haveall the qualities Indesign, While* ittanship and finish of the best ster­ ling silver, af one-fourthto one-eighth the cost. Much of the sterling* now on the market is entirely too thin and light for practical use, and is for in­ ferior in every way to " S t iv e r Piute ihtti tite r s “ jn*» ntk. "TAKE THIS CUT “ We recommend it; there isn't any bettor.,,. In mid-summer you have to to a large degree to your butv*; trust er. Well Cared For Meats in hot weather are the only kind to buy; we have proper appliances for keeping them right, and they’re sweet and safe when sold. Don’t go meat shopping when it’e hot. Buy of us and he euro. C , H , C R O U S E , . CEDABVILLE, O. Mam’s Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High and Limestone strest- Springfield, Ohio. forcqnttlp.Moi.- -------------- th»t>Ue*0«e*ntodisappearandat ,yee£« theydid not trouble me at * , _ * .T . WMH**' dike*uswnau,” Oeorc*Ktyder, 'g*^*s ^naVondera'form eiT am eni 6est for TheBowels t o o c e o e t o CANOVCATtlAimC Doffi)o4i ... .£0e.Never stamped 000. your money SterlingRemedyCo., ChicagoorN.Y. 533 O M U M U r T a MILLIONBOIES H e a d A c h e Sometimes? If go, it, will interest you to know that it cun be stopped with D.r, Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills; .arid without any bad after- ■effects, and this without, dan­ ger of forming a. drug habit or having your Stomach disar- ranged. Hhey positively con­ tain no -opium, morphine, co- chine, chloral, ether or chloro­ form in any.form*. Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills relieve pain, and leave only-a sense of relief. The reason for this is explained ■bythe fact.that headache comes from tired, irritable, turbulent, Ov^r-taxed brain nerves. Anti- Pain Pills soothe and strength­ en these nerves, thus removing the cause. They are harmless when taken as directed.. . "We use Dr. Mile*’ Anti-Pain Pills for the euro of .Headache, and wo think that there is nothing that will- tequal them*. They, will euro tho Severest spell of •nervous, or sick headache in a very few minutes. I am of a. nervous temperament, and . occasionally, have spells when my nerves seem to bo completely exhausted. and 1 tremble so I eon scarcely contain myself. At these times I always take the Anti-Pain PIUs, and they quiet me right away. It is remarkable what a soothing effect they have upon the tieiyes.” MRS. P. E. ICAliL, Detroit, Mich. . Dr* Mil**' Antt-Paln Pills are aold by your druflBfst, who Will guarantee that tha first package will benefit. If It fall*,, h* Will return your money. 26 dot**, 25 cent** Never sold In bulk. MilesMedical Co„ Elkhart, 2nd ONEIDA COMMUNITY TRAPS n . NEWHOUSE TRAP Is the best Is tbs wsrkf, it Isa perfect machine. Hasd-ilttsdi Thoroughly Inspected aiuHsttoli Tha, VlUTun TRAP is the only re- llakle Isw-prtok trap. Don’t buy oklap ImtUtiM*. Be sure the Trap Pta toads as tofiswt: ASK ANY TRA 0 PEIL thk TAArrmir* ou io e i*iM**#Mmt* Sendt* Dtfi* ixrty, ihtfi % «V; JH* Ask pm* rnmm Avoid *ab»tUalet. Oar toll tr*<te'-riutY; it RMiOS MH.» look lo* it. Sold bf lending dealm everywhere. Before bayingwrit* tot 6*t cttalogqc ' Tkfmtit flMOttNt 1 ittHidu tt* ioswuU V Mefr^AW. t*unitjer r#>y< A i SMttOto m , OS,, Cakalm, Ohio CASTOR(A jtot til HiYit ftmJUbftfii# K» m guile m- Hrs. Bobvrt Blj iuXento* Mr. B. C. AndeP pj*,b0 bupioess. pt- JfO A daughter wai * Mrs* J*e**o* . — .biit Furnished rooutarg Rachel McMill»n,|j MIs»Fertha Owj*. jpgher brother ar;^ Prof.BT. 3BLRatling tertainedfriends jit at ■‘" ■•■"“ ""'lab Mr. and Mrs. H lan confined to the ho] Bev. WHl Grab, sp en t the first of tL Mies NelU’e Rre^fl’S number Of her- yot j evening- 1 ---------- fap 3 FOR SALE— O ! purpose work toi( team* •Mr. and Mrs. S. lertained a ann ■Wednesday. i Mr. Samuel EwtwJS calling on friends Friday,, . - Mrs. TY. J. St< morning for Belli .will,visit relatives,! Mr. John Rainey] for Richmond, Vtr look after a farm r! -Mr. H, M * ----- <ta, sister, Mrs^ Rache'^S 1 L Corrj^a Charles Corry.of Cg«°! HU.J Mr. arid Mrs- A. s = tertained Dr* Jose] of Xenia from. Satu - day. The case ,of Wmi , “Alex Hall of this p|0 j for Feb. 26,. by thir* Court. , ; ^ S ‘ thJP - -—You can get ad corduroy pants all^ctS Nagley Afros, A llir of * ..... .......ring Mr. and Mrs. South Lebanon ant..n n Xenia spent Thurstli - of Mr. E, <3-, Lowry Mrs. Mabelle Owi e rfi qinnati came.Thurs ,*.* a brief visit with ill- , and Mrs. W, H. The college baskofe^ defeat last Friday Jr „. North Side High ScL~\ ColUmbuB. fcve .Ftho Ik thi KM t GOINGI GOI j Irest Our last Auction u*ch« of boon And night. Re iislon f* .... «s nt and tain Mr. O, E. Bradfu ? am} this week attcndln mere’ institute, he kable anpo jRS. speaker! for this an Miss Lulu Smith her brother Mr. nephew, Mr* Fred bus over Sabbath. first frWl «***, —Do you long to your toother used u&e Golden Rule F have It* 1 E 1 Mee*r*. i*. £» J Homer have been tending the ditto meetings in Golum 9 Miss Ina Murdi to ml Saturday from where she has bee sister, Mrs. Waite «tol weeks, l-ftto Miss Belle Cam] a position with Gerk, Mr* Wm* etod bus eonhectio LA g f GREAT Dry Goods, GIo Shoes, this afteim Grouse1* store roo i Me**** Fred, w* nesday * th« m *nd State flavor , make* i nf any « HE! YIC t ft # m f9M