The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 1-26

J S For K sep llen eo O n v . Sn% \ tyfitfli Will 4®®JMlST!- Willi ■ illat of any other H im .* . . Merald, '5AA4A/VV'^f^A?li nAO/YVWVV* TH$ Itca t£ r o bafiefl with m lodes, £Qxi& ifcai sirar «sb?ct»{ . is past doe aad a prompt aettln- meat is earnestly desired*»#•»«. | -ii.-^, . .g t h ir t ie t h y e a r NO, 12. t THIS SECTION. r in) vicinity wan visited by &very heavyrain s t e m Tuesday afternoon amj evening during which ‘time thero was more or less lighten­ ingand thunder. In Heme parts of the county there was heavy hail but little felt hero. During the n igh t the steady downpour continued and by morning Hassles creek was on a rampage. The water continued to rise until , late in the day -and reached a height that not more than once has been attained since the Hay flood a num­ ber of years, ago. There was no particular damage dpne other than to fences along the flooded territory* The township ditch th a t drosses Mam street over run its banks and nearly surrounded Hr. Charles Har­ ris property, The railroads tracks were flooded near th e lime works, Other branches were too small for (he volume of water, On Wednesday evening, the rain came -in torrents and by eight o’clock the creek had reached a point higher than th a t during. the day. I t was" reported th a t a .hog and a sheep were noticed "in .the high’waters, This.ipay have been true for many fields east of town were entirely covered with water and some stock may have been reached by the water, Thursday morning the water had fallen con­ siderably and a ll' danger,seemed past. There is one good feature pf the. high water and th a t is the cleansing ofthe creek banks before the warm weathet comes, The creek has had two good freshets this spring and the channel is certainly as clean as is possible to make it, - . DO YOU WANT SUMMER BOARDERS? Any one desiring a few hoarders during the summer months, will find if to their advantage to address the Nonpariel P<g. Oo., 420 Elm Sfc.T Cincinnati, Ohio, for information and sample of last years directory. "Write now, i t may mean many dol­ lars to you this summer. HTH.OF IEPflESIDEHT. a H* Frey, after a month’s illness with grip afclus home m Springfield reached Wilmingtou Thursday evexv- lug full of enthusiasm .as to the building of Spriugfieid, Wilmington and Cincinnati traction line and immediately went to work setting tilings in order for the completion of of the survey and arranging other details preparatory to the beginning of tiie construction of lhe line* The Construction Company which will bviild fhe road met with a mis­ fortune in the death Mr, Cahoon, its Vice President and capitalist, which occurred iu Hew, York last week, hu t It is^nofe expected this will cause any delay. Everything indicates th a t by the first of the coming year the line will be m per­ fect operation.—Wilmington Jour­ nal* - * BIRTHDAY SURPRISE. CISDAIOTLLE, OHIO, HUDAY , MAHUH15.1907. ROUTE OF PROPOSED TRACTION* S P R W S F / E L D PRICE S 1 .C 0 A YEAR . Mrs, J . D, Williamson was given a birthday surprise last, Friday in honor of her 78th birthday. Twenty- three children and grand children, gathered in honor of the occasion. Rev. C. A. Young of Philadelphia, Elmer Dean of Splngfield, ai d Mr, J . C- Andersen, Who is inOklaboma t were the Only ones‘ of tinT family] absent- , ; ._ " •i The children and grand children j remembered, Mrs. Williamson with I a g ift of $10, j The children present were R .B . j Wiiliamsop, J . C. Williamson, Mrs. S. C.Ahderson, 'Mrs. R, B. Bryson, Mrs. W. E . Dean. * „A feast f it fo ra king had been pre­ pared and It is needless to say th a t ‘‘Uncle Jonathan*’ took advantage of the day and did Justice to himself. Letter to a Schoolmaster. “My son will bh unable to attend school to-day, as h e lias fust shaved himself for the first time."—-Lustigu Blatter. "'■■'■'HOSi'EY to than oh FARMS, only. We alSO'HaVe FOR SALE SOME desirable farms and 'several nice CEDARVILLE, ■) XENIA and JAMESTOWN DWELLINGS. SMITH & ALEMANS, CEDAR- VILLE, OHIO* ’ —The Tarbox jhumber Company have a few nice sleds left. ASAFEINVESTMENT The West Side ,Building & Loan Co., Dayton, Ohio. Pays highest dividends on Stock, Fays 4 per pent Interest on Temporary Deposits, Loans money on Real “Estate in Montgomery County. Write for Booklet to-day. S. W Corner 3d &Williams. OFFICES:—S. W. Corner Main and;2d Sf v’ vton, Ohio. Elevators and Their P an g e ri. An elevator man calls attention to the fact that in every accident that ‘‘WANTED girls and young wo­ men a t the Fetors Cartridge Co., Kings Mill, 0» Work ligh t and clean. Good wages and comfortable w-cute to elevators the only persona hotel accomodations close to the Se dwr. those,standing near factory. AddreBB "As8istanfc Mana- - - * ger, Kiiigs Mills, O. SPECIAL NOTICE. JOHNALEXANDERDOWIE. John "Alexander Dowte, who dead*at Zion City,' was one of the most remarkable men of his time. No ordinary man could have built up the yeligtous oligarchy or the industrial organization of Zion City. If he had been let alone he might have solved tbnptoblem of the com­ munity he had founded, Thejmen Who tried to fill the shoes of Bowie wlieii ho liad been driven from the templorattled around in them pAln- fully* Zion City without Bowie was Hamlet with the melancholy FOR SALE: Ladles’ bicycle fram e' Dame ou t of the east. The structure Thomas make. No. 20citizens Phone had reared, like many adreamer before him, fell Into ruins when the ■ The person th a t bought opr ,Ce- darville location having discontin­ ued business, we -will again offer our customers aCthij* place, car fare on nil orders of $3.00 or over, and hope _ to see many of our friends down. We have a great variety of the npest up to date mounts and folders and. the duality of our work stlil better than ever. , ■ ,» Downing’s Studio, Xenia, O. A Lively Tunic. With th a t old enemy of the race," Constipation, often ends in Appen­ dicitis, To'avoid all serious trouble With Stomach, Liver and Bowels, take Dr, King’s New Life Fills, They perfectly regulate these organs without paia or discomfort. 2bo at all druggists. *, COLEGEORGANIZES ¥. M. C. 1 . Frank V. Slack, international secretary and B. J* Woodmansee, state secretary of tho Y. M. C. A. were a t the College Monday and Tuesday organizing a local Y. M, C. A. • .Mr. David, Brigham was chosen president, Ernest McClellan, vice president, -Kenneth Williamson as secretary, .and Elder Hutchison as treasurer, TOPURCHASECARS. Hr asrs. George Little and H. M. Barber left Wednesday evening for I-rgminond, Tnd., where they went to inspect and probably purchase a humber of freight cars.for the company’s use in shipping straw- A t present there is trouble in get­ ting cars to ship bailed straw for use in the plant. By owning private cars this trouble will be done away with. With such a winter as we have bacl if is almost impossible to liaul straw over the soft roads. As i t is, the company .will be forced to close down the plant in a few days unless the roads become settled, and tIllsjs,no t probable during March, SPRINGFIELDWINSGAME: The game of basket ball Tuesday between The Meteor of Spingfield and Cedarviile College resulted in the former, w i n n i n g by a score of 22 to 58. Thejgame was one th e . best contested gamesof the ‘season and the home boys played with credit to themselves. As the season is draw­ ing to a close there will not be many more, games, I t is expected th a t the College boys will have a t least one gaine with the Independents. ‘ Answer Was. Ready. . William P, Lapg, familiarly known as “Bill," the veteran auctioneer of Tilton, N; H.,. is very bald* One day while he was Officiating at an auction a would-be smart fellow .interrupted the proceedings by catling out, “Say, mister, if a fly should light on your head he would..slip up." . Quick as thought “Bill” replied, “If a fly should light, on ypur head he would felump ‘ through." X' Authors Flattered Themselves* Balzac, perhaps the greatest of novelists, was Conceited and, passion ately ambitious; he quite realized that he himself was equal to the most dis­ tinguished author of hit* awn or any age, Hume,,in introducing his essay On “Miracles,1*asserts that ho has dis­ covered an argument which will be useful .against superstition, “as long1 as the world endures." . Two and a Half Cows, Denmark, famous for her great ex­ portation of butter, has $00 cows to every 1,000 of her inhabitants, and if five, head are counted in a family, . them are two and one-half cows to r every family. • A Freak. . Botany may not recognize It, but It is nevertheless a fact that orange blossoms have been .-.known to sprout from widows* weeds—Evening Wis­ consin. TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE. Jane C. Fowl to John Hog-ett, 137 acres in Cedarviile tp», $lo5w.25„ William L. Marshall to Edward Feely, 100,04 acres in Cedarviile Ip,, $8554.40, Edward Feely and Ira Feely to James F. Shaw, 85,76 acres in CV darville ip*,'$3800. * Herbert Davis and Cora Davis to Charles B. #nnkle, lo t in Xenia, $ 1000 ; Charles F . Taylor and Hannah Taylor to Daniel D. Mopre, *23acr<» In Xenia, $1500. G.-E. Jobe and A lta Jobe, e taV to H. Homer Jobe,- 113.82 acres in Xenia tp., $12,332, • J . W, Marshall to George Wheel­ er, 70.18 acres in Xenia tp,, $1 and other considerations.^ j J , W. Marshall, to Wilfred Wheeler, 70,18 acres in ^en ia tp*, f l and other considerations. Helen G, Burlingame to Samuel A% Treat, lo t in Yellow Springs,' $ 2000 * William Thorne and Elizabeth Thorne to Hiraih M. Cttrrey, 57.81b, acres in Cedarviile tp .; $6000. ^ MaryM. Rahn ■ and others to, J . M. Marshall, 174.07 acres in Miami tp., $1 and other considerations. D. E. and Lydia Bailey to Eetie J,. Harrison, 9000 square feetin James­ town ^1,400, George L.Barlow to Home Build­ ing and Saving" Company, 83841-2 square feet in'Cedarville, $600.' ■ W.R, Sesslar to' B. B. Stackhouse, 29.34 feet in Jefferson Township, $2,- 500. for $1 and other considerations, three lots In Xenia.' , ’ ' Heirs of .Elizabeth Pettigrew, deceased, to Mary L. James, for $1' and otheP'consideration, two' lots in Market street. ’ ’ ^ •= Joseph Helm to JohuT* Hatbine, ‘ Jr*, for $1 and other Considerations, three lots in Xenia. ■ J . O, Toland, executor of the will of J ,R . Short, to John Dodd, one ;»ere in Jamestown, $1,000. ; Mary 0* Duck to ^Arabella Rust |and Joseph G, Bust,for $1 attd otlier ’considerations, three-fourths'of an acre in Sugaroreek. ; MaryL. James to J . W. Marshall’ for $1.00 and other considerations 11 acres m X en ia township. I Mary Easter to Nathaniel S’. Mer­ ritt, for $L(K)an(I other valuable con­ sideration, a lot iu Stewart's addi­ tion, tp the city of Xenia. Clara J* Hnprrtan to $, N. Losey for $1.00 other considerations 1-10 of an acres ‘in South Detroit street, Xenia. Albert and Elizabeth Wickersbam . to’G. B. David, 380 square feet m Jamestown^ $3,20. B u y Esxrly—Your E a s ter SHOES and OXFORDS B uy them a t th e Arcade Shoe S t o r e - Competent experienced salesmen to serve you from the largest stock, o f up-to-xlate footw ear for Men, Women And Children ever shown in th is city* H E W N A T T V S T Y L E S - - ^ C O M F O R T A B L E L A S T S S E R V I C E A B L E W E A R * p r ices, $4*00 values fo r . . • * • “ **•* P rices, $3.50 values fo r ..................**.$3*00. Ih ’ices, $3.00 values fo r . * . . **. . »* ^.$2.45 Prices, $2.25 va lues fo r ........... *.......... Ib ice s, $1.75 values for . . ***............. $1*60 personality of the leader ceased to 1dominate it. The history of th e re­ markable movement th a t centered aboutDowie is one of the ''m ost Interesting in the m n a lso f modern., ■times. Whatever may be tbougbt of him m some respects, it must be admited th a t Dowie Was possessed of some sort of genius entirely out of the ordinary. i. »QftOWlNQ l-ARG*n m n u m t t t n t v « « v 8AY Bpecial low prlew on all win­ ter Bhooft » *, . . * * Euhhars at wholesale prices, A nating of 15 per cent. Nisley’sL* S ^ p y < r s StpemWMe Shoe ftwte ilCAUfft Wt « iftv i YOU » i s r Kla Name Was on Envelope. A man had a telephone put In hb house and as ho was expecting a let ter from a friend ho called up the post office and asked the clerk in charge if there was a letter there for him. The cleric asked him what hla name was. He said; “Never mind what my name is; It there is a letter there for me, my name is on the en­ velope.” MIXTHISAT HOME. The following simple home-made mixture Is said to readily relieve and overcome any form of Ilheuma* tnsm by io rdug the Kulrieys to fil­ ter from tho blood and system all the uric a d d and poisonous waste matter* r llevlug a t once such symptoms as backache, weak kid­ neys and bladder afid blood diseases. Try lt, as it doesn’t cost much to make, and is said to be absolutely harmless to the stomach. * Get the following harmless ingre* clients irom any gmd pharmacy1. Fluid Ex tract Dandelion, one-half ounce*, Compound Kargort, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsapa­ rilla, three onnees. Mix by shaking well in a bottle* and take a ‘ tea- spoonful after each meal and again a t bedtime. This simple mixture JSaatd to give prompt rdfot, and there a re very few cases of Rheumatism or Kidney troubles it will fail to curb perma­ nently. These are all harmfess, every day drugs, and your druggist should1 keep them in the prescription de­ partment; if not have him order them from the wholesale drug houses for you, rather than fall to use this, if you ate affected. ' This is an invitation to evpry Lady to attend our formal opening THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY , MARCH 21 , 22 , a n d 23'. Showing the latest most improved stylo in Millinery for the SPRING SEASON OF 1907. Special Musical Program Thursday Afternoon and livening, March 31, Itigio Orchestra. The Famous, SpringtfelfFft Exclusive Millinery Store, 35 to 39 So. l?\>nntmn Ave., Hpringisld, 0 . * V, M-