The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 1-26

u O U R S P R IN G H A T S are characterised'by B cer­ tain visible disinction com* bining perfect fit, clever style, faultless finish and expert workmanship. A distinction appreciated by men of good taste. They are valued the highest by those who .wear a fine dressy hat, Stiff. Hats—$100. to $3.50. Soft Hats—'75c to $5.00 SULLIVAN . The H atter. 27 S. Limestone St. Springfield ,€>. 150,000 USED IN EVERY UNE OF BUSINESS SOB, A lt. HJRPOSES TB*1-?- * Th'» O L IVER i6,M typew riter 'v'“" W. J. TflRBOX, LOCAL AGBNT. ■Cltltng tai toll 4*t*U<*n— 4«n»»d, FISTULA Jim a m , DISUSES OF THE RECTUM Dr.KrCIrlbHr*anft*tie»»toto*yttfiMlnt mi. to* m'.!le to*l h» MtOtM » fpwiiiUj el iheee dI»»*M* *n4fewfc*4.M jMri ttw*tMt«tp.>:«nr*. XftMta M w MnUffi 1 nm baelaw,.. BMdfer,Xiffitn. UltM M l » I » DiMUto u d Ofnuar at Wotia, warns nm wx>«w Merit, wkuh onrai ■a*toto»tow»t» *t eared. XrtaUM«ltW& d r j . j . M c C l e l l a n C olumbus , 0 . %>;*•: Ann**1 «6 Write 3tti»fc ^ a r i n r t t e y ^ m8Wril*SfrM, „ , „ <nfl6*, Wis., Sept. So* 1908. IvOiaUrun downfrosii nmtroa* MWaadomwcrkandlndtoresign jsy fttnl take a- test* a found that, I was not gammgmv strength and health AS fast as I ooold *isk, as ywrWua i « G«.kl was tetctnsiifiiGta.05cadi a wood iiMidiiift® for tiio ills o£oar’ **, I bought* botflo andkgan Using if. I trtH satisfiedwith tfco testms from the ufa o£ tho first bottK*5:dtookthr«aiareandth« found I wm restored to goodhealth and stiffiiotfli and able to tand tip my work with r e n te d vigor* I otmaidA*it a fineionleanaex. rllent for mta-ouf, nwctis condiiw#* Htd#mptewrd id «ides#o it. A i m w m m i t t i Wl#ew»w»«JtfeSIdwit Fmtrft * I I S*3 Iwtflo «<Wine of (W .d v A u ,t> , pelage of fSedfwdV 8fcM*-PM<ighfc today, wihe T ca RM i LOCALAND PERSONAL —rise Golden Buie Flour. ** 1 ►*>#>* Mrs, ID, (x. Lowry spoof; Tuesday and Wednesday th Xenia. _Mr. John McFarland visited rela­ tives In Dayton la st Saturday. FOB SALE; A now 150 egg Sure- Hatch Incubator. A. O. Bridgman. Mr. J . Harvey Crawford I jub been quite ill a t Ids borne in Jamestown. FOB BENT; A bouse. Inquire of Thomas Wylie, —.Dry, short, slab wood on sale now a t The D S. Ervin Go's1, Mr, John Townsley has been having an attack of thelgrlp, Messrs. C. N» Stuckey and It. B. Barber wereln Columbus last Satur­ day. Mrs. Oliver Dodds ia the guest of her sister, Miss Bernice Wolford of Cincinnati, FOB SALE:—Ago-rcart,' large size In good condition. Inquire a t %Is office. Mrs. Andrew Holmes has been quite poorly bu t is better a t this time. Miss Fannie. McNeil is in Cincin­ nati this week attending the dress­ making opening,. • Mrs. F . P. Hastings'enter tamed,a number of her lady friends Tuesday afternoon a t a thimble party. Mr. H arry Fink of Hamilton was the guest of Mr. Walter, Ballenger over Sabbath. FOB' SALE:—Six head of steer calves, Also a fifty egg "Buckeye Incubator in good .condition. • ' , B. G. Geibel, Mr. and Mrs. H. H , McMillan spent Monclay in. Cincinnati, return­ ing Tuesday morning, ■Miss Florence Alexander has re-' signed her school in New Jasper township owing to ill iiealth. —ftolden -Rule Is the brand tha t's been with you for years and it’s bet­ ter npw than ever. T ry it. Miss Bertha Dean, -who Is attend­ ing bulsness College a t Drbana is home on a vacation" Mrs. James McClellan and child­ ren have returned to their, home in Indianapolis. —FOB SALE: Buff Leghorn eggs. Fifty cents for fifteen, J . A. Burns, Miss Pearl Doane of Do Graff, O., will assist Kate Nisbeb during the milliner y season. Mh Samuel Shaunon has moved oft to the Wilson farm just" vacated by Mrs. Mary Ewjry, John M. Homey o f Plain City, has a Duroc, Jersey sow tha t gave birth to 23 living pigs, 12 of them still living. Mr. Charles Nisbet of Loveland, spent Tuesday with his motner, Mrs. J . M, Nisbet, who has been suffering with heart trouble. —Do you long for the good bread your mother used to bake? Then use Golden Buie Flour and you can liaveifc.' I t is reported th a t Kev. 8 . M. Bailey of Xenia in now confined to ids bod and th a t he has little hope of ever getting to his farm east of Oedarville* Mr, Charles Smith visited his mother in Greenfield the first of the Week. Mrs. Smith has been Bick for some time and will return south soon a s able. Communion will be observed in the R, P, Church Sabbath, preach­ ing Friday and Saturday. Bov. W. it. McChosney will bo assisted by Bov. W. M. Pollock. “ Golden Buie Flour has all the flavor that’s m the wheat, and makes the biggest and sweetest loaf of any on the market. Monmouth Cellego la to have a $W,00Q Carnegie Library, Tim College raised a certain part and Mr. Carnegie gave the other, City- ens contributed $7000. Recently tho sm ith & N ison P ia­ no Company of Cincinnati held a yebns contest, Amon# the winners wore Messrs. J . W, Badabaugh and H . B. Hitchcock. The former drew a $63 order and- the latter a $50order. A GOOD ENTfcTAlNMENT. Mr. Charles Shannon underwent an operation a t the McClellan hos­ pital In Xenia last Friday. I t is supposea (bat a t some time he bad bruised bis hip bone causing him great pain lately. I t is thought the operation will be successful. Mrs. M, M, Petitory a grate temperance worker fropi Dayton, w ill meet with the IJ, c , % 'y . in the TJ, P. Church, "Thursday, March 2i r«t. In the afternoon she will conduct a Mothers Meeting in connection with the uenai program, and in the evening she will deliver temperance address , in. the D, P . Church. All are accordingly invited to attend these meetings. Mr. George Powers has moved n ea r, Grape • Grove and G, F. Marshall has moved into old March- all homestead. . Mr, Jacob Spahr and wife enter­ tained a number of their relatives Thursday a t dinner. Those present were Mr. J . C, Towusley and wife, Mr. Harry Townsley and wife, Mrs, C. C, Morton1‘Mr. O, M, Townsley and wife. ■Asa C. Kline, Ova ' Kline" and others, to S. Jane Kline for $1.00 and other consideration, 00 acres in Jefferson township.' LOST:—A black pane between tbe post office and S. S. Collett’s resi­ dence. Betutn to J.'H , Brotherton, Mr. Nelson Corbin, who has been employed by the Hagar Straw Board and Paper Co„ for about "eighteen"yearsT^jas rented a farm sou th east of Xenia and will take possession Monday.' The Gavoi Club was incorporated this week according to a Columbus dispatch. / ' Mrs. Clinton Reynolds, of Blan- chester, Ohio died a t her home in th a t place on Thursday last and was buried on Saturday.- Mi>. Beyuolds was first taken with grip but pneumonia developed and she died after a sickness ofvtwo weeks. Prof. ,F„ N. Keynolds and family were present during his mother’s last sickness and death. The pupils ;Of the High school drafted eymp- tnetic resolutions in behalf ot their Professor. . The McFarland and Puffer Mov- ing Picture company gave twoentcr- tainmonts^tbis week and consider­ ing every thing, they had successful nights. Tho pictures are tbo^Jatest out, in fact the same as will bo found in the cities. A t present they use gas for light but -have ordered an clectrlcrl attachment tha t is exp­ ected by Saturday. This will insure brighter pictures. A surpise was given Mr, and Mrs. Ervm Farris last Friday evening in iionor of their twenty forth wedding nnnivoroary Supper wna curved and a number of useful gifts Were presented, Among those present were Rev.W. J , Sanderson and wife, Mrs. Mary Farris Cincinnati, Mr. D. H. Ervin and wife, Miss Jennie Ervin, Mrs. Martha Ervin, Mr.M.E, McMIllerr and wife, Mr. J . N. Fowler and wife, Mr. J , D. George and wife, Mr. J . A, Burns and wife. Ths Postoffieo Department has. given Out an Order that there will be no more due stamps a t the post- office, I f you carelessly mail your letter without a stamp, or wlth in- suflicent postage, the same will be sent direct to the Dead Letter Office, and not forwarded to the person addressed, ns heretofore, with in ­ structions to the delivering post­ master to collect the shortage, Xema Republican. Mrs, WM. Hyu tt of UrbUna and Mrs. Henry Harley and, Mr. Eli Small of Springfield' spent Monday a n d .Tuesday with relatives here. ,, ", 11 f, \Ye will pay hipest, prices for butter and eggs, meat and lard. Bring them in a t once. Nagiey Brothers. ___________ • We are in receipt of a circular, stating tha t Bpaver College, located in a town of the'same name in Penn­ sylvania, has become a college for women. The institution was found­ ed in 1853 as a female seminary b a t was changed in 1865 for a more ex­ tensive course in education., A movement is on now to raise an en­ dowment 'fund of one-hundred thousand dollars, The school build­ ings are all new and modern as they were newly constructed after the fire in 1895.- ' . : Tho Franklin County grand-Jury. reported'Tuesdfty on the- “graft” charge in connection with the City offlcais of Columnus.- There were about a dozen officals indicted for “graft” in a joining contract, some of them having four indictment each. Other indictments *were re­ turned against those officals who drew public money other than their own salary. The Ohio State Journal make the exposures th a t lead to a est to and the resignations of the fficals. ‘---Tho Ladies Aid Society of the M. 1*1. Church will hold anEastor Mark­ e t Saturday March 80. in the O. W. Crouse room next to Opera house Market open# a t one o’clock. Mr. %mt Mrs* W* If. Lackey of Jamestown entertained a number c-f their friend# Thursday a t dinner* OnHe a number from this vicinity were present. MiA Ann Hi it, who lms resided on Xenia avenue for several years, will m«vd to Houth Charleston dm first $1 G I V E N A W A Y • ■' ' ' ■» * 1 ■ • HThe Herald today publishes a “Who Says” contest and for tho first corpecL-answeya sve _wiU giye^ikppizV of _Qne Dollar, divided as follows: .Fifty c*ints to the first correct list of answers from a resident in town that gets mail through the local post office. F ifty cpnts to the first cor­ rect list of answers from a resident who gets mail by. rural route, whether through the Cedarville hr any other post office. The Herald has selected^ lis t, of phrases and sentences used by different advertisers, however none but those whose advertisements appears in this issue. Read the ads. and locate the parts We have selected. AN EXAMPLE. How to solve the problem is in the following, "Quality is to be remembered long after prices- are forgotten” . The answer will be found in Kerr & Hastings Bros. ad. in the second line. SEND BIT MAIL. A ll answers must be sent by mail and not delivered direct. They will be considered first in the order of mailing as in­ dicated by the post office Stamp, All answers must be in the Herald office by six o'clock, Tuesday evening, March 19. CONTEST RULES. 1 . Employes-offthe Herald or their relatives or employes of other newspapers, are not eligible to enter this contest. 2. In making out answers write on one side of the paper and number each answer to correspond with the the num­ ber of the problem, 3 . I f you cannot answer them leave a blank line and go on to the nekt. 4. The winners and answers w ill appear next week. WHO SAYS? 1 Wo again offer our efietomCM. 3 The small 'amUienRly feHt^r. . / 4 Exclusive MilllfiWfy •BfcOTA 3 Cem«ntwn!fknfAll kinds. \ ' ii Tho pRk of Tatis. , Wiioti you once know if. ' • ■ $ W i only «0roplof##k® 'of eWMffflfflt fo tkw ew ., 0 :o n r Stuck Jia lm p ly 'm up iftenn t ' - ■ 10 PetRe tift Bhftdo make and pattofn. 1i Tho fonce i t #11HglB itt *v#«y p wtloulftf. IS, . S p r i n g l l t b l t o i L ■ lib Hovou tnillloft fa lte tm W In past twelve month#* 14. Our office is opposite* r HM BOGGAN'S TOGGERY SHOP* Our Anuual Spring Opening. WHICH W ILL TAK E PLACE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MARCH 14. 15 a n d Id , . * ■ . * We promise this in advance,—tha t it w ill be an.event worthy of the special atten­ tion of every LADY in Cedarville. There w ill be on display the pick of Paris, the choicest of London and the cream of New Yprk's most carefully collected designs* YOU A R E CORD IALLY IN V IT E D TO A TTEN D , ‘ • . Yours Respectfully, P E T E R A . B O G G A N , 1 1 South Limestone Street, Springfield, Ohio. Ik Farmers desiring machinery should call on me at my stand in the Field's Livery Barn. Having opened for business you will find the newest and latest to be had, I have the exclusive agency for all McCormick goods and a number of other Standard makes, . r~ PLOWS HARROWS CULTIVATORS BINDERS MOWERS RAKES TEDDERS WEEDERS MANURE SPREADERS GRINDERS FARMW AGONS AND BUGGIES If we have 'not just what you want we can get- it for you, , * C. N. STUCKEY. Tho hotel building owned by Howard Bateman has been sold to a party a t Lilly Chapel. Mr. Maze will move into bis property' oil Xen­ ia. avenue. Mr. and Mrs. G, ID. Jobe enter­ tained a number ot friends Thurs­ day. That only those w ith money, can accept the high appointments la our diplomatic service is shown by whatf, Whitclaw Reid spent for festivities, Hovering two day for, Alice Rooevelt Longswortli during her recent visit inlDiigl&ntl. Mr. Reid spent fl7.&00 While his salary is only $33,000. Word has been received here of the death of John Biekett ofRaxton 111., who died a t his home lest week. i ■ Mr. Bamtiel Greswe11 reports that there was ft five inch rain fail on ’Tuesday and Wednesday, A sk Your OtonDocior u he fells you to take Ayer’s C h e r ry P ec tora l fo r you r severe cough or b ronch ia l trouble, then take it. If he lias anything better, then take that* We have great confidence In this medicine* So Will you, when you once know it. ffiu. tent kind 6f a WitlmonUl*;* '•Sold for oner sixty «4» A ■Mil,.. ...--------- ----- nut***#, o.An#m.,nowm* sum v 3» SAfclWA*lU.A. tiers i&%»«. m & s z MovingPicture Show OPERA HOUSE * ~ - ........... * - Saturday Night, Life of the American Cow Boy, Train Wreckers, Together with several of the smaller views: ADMISSION . iO Gents. j^unnm riarssi Mr. O* ID. Bradfuto is in Golumhnri this week whflro ho ix giving a sc­ ries of ioetuiTH to tho short town students in tho agricultural depart­ ment. Mr. Bradfuto has « lecture each school day uf ftw week and J uh subjects are along tin* lines of cattle feeding end breeding. Mr, Brad- Jfato being a member of tho O. t l . ; Board attended the regular tucotmg white in tho city. j Horry T. Raker, proprietor of th Falaco cigar store m Washington f it. and a eon of Mrs, 8. T. Bskar * th is place, allpped neeideotslfy a the Matte a t Ms homo recently #« Rustalned two fractured rJha, Aft* Urn injury began to mend Mr. Rak< had tho misfortune to sn pozo n 1* tho result of utntoiug nil U C<sod th a t had taken place.