The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 1-26
«si miiwatawriTWHiamw minw Samuil rrJr-7* ?. BuyYourEasterShoesandOxfordTies Wfisjlo onr lines mo vepietavsitb every stylo tSiat’s -good and a afce anti width to fit any loot, . , for the i jm m r Wo ii»vo Patent Fol£, Bongfda Kid* Ik'ml'Glasjccl Gun Motal Leathern, with plain or Up torn in Button, Bluvher or La<*t*j cither Tj?mWelt: or2£<*K»ySowedSolesat$1.40, $1.00, $3.4(5,$2.39$3.Ga, $1, ; FOR MISSES’. Patent Colt, Dongoln Kid, Box and Kangaroo Calf, in Button Blacker or L?.?.o. Jn McKay Turn anti YV'elfcSoles »fc#t $1.25,11.45, $1.9fiati<l$3,45. FOR THE CHILDREN We have every thing that's nowat 19o, 35c, COc, 75c, $1, $1.23, $1.50. FOR THE MEN, We hayo Patent Colt, Vici Kid, Radium and Gun Metal Calf Leathers, in swagger uml more conservative styles at $1.90, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $L0Qan<l $5,00, FOR the hoys . We can give you Patent Colt, Y id Kid, Box, Yelour and Satin. Calf, on all the tie,at and noliby lasts, Bluchor or Lace. $1.00, $1.25, $1.5!), $2.00, $2.50 and $3,0QV - These goods are such as we handle only. Strictly first-class in every partic ular, and at the prices are absolutely the best the market afford?. Don't fail to see our line before makingyour Spring purchases. Every sale guaranteed to be satisfactory or money refunded. Meet your friends, leave your packages, and make your headquarters at our store. • Oscar Young, 7' East Main Street. Springfield, Ohio. Fine Tailored Suits For Easter , «i. ......... m.’.ul!'''V '""""“...................................<■■>■*» ‘J ^ "‘ ' Only a few ipore days for shopping before Easter. If it is an Easter Suit you need we were never so well prepared to please you as now. - Eton Suits in all the popular fancy suiting materials and Panama Suitings at $12,50 to $25, , ' ' Thenew man-tailored Cut-away Jacket style suits, in plain, and fancy, material at $15 to $25. Suits A t Very Special Prices. 1 *, . This week we will sell a few suits that were last season,s styles, but good ma- 'v terials^ in plain colors and mixtures, assorted into two lots as follows: Lot Ifo. E Ladies* Suits marked to very special price of $5.00. . Lot/No. 2 . Ladies' Suits marked to very special price of $7.50 • Lot'Ho. 3. Ladies'Suits marked to very.special price of $10.00. Suit Hats For Early Spring. The correct new shapes, with just enough trimming to make them have the right style and effect, hats that you would want to wear how, in the Burnt Straws, Browns, Navy and Blacks, prices $2.50, $3, $3,50 and $4.00. “FINE M ILLINERY AT DRY GOODS PRICES HERE /* 1 •HfifcCO., XEN IA , OHIO. Wren’s Advance Easter Sale. y * W e are just quoting our jackets to you th is time because we wi§h to call your attention to our new Spring Styles. But we have fancy and tailored Suits, Coats and separate skirts in exclusive styles and at remarkably low prices. Let us show them to you whether you buy or- n o t * L A D IE S ’ AND ' M IS S E S ’ J A C K E T S $3.03 Bach, for Ladleo* mul Mlnsioa1all-wool Covert Spring Jackets, all now stylet), fitted or box effect, narrow strap, velvet and button trimmed, lined ami utillned. Every ciize from Misses’ 14 to Ladies’ Afbuafc. Other stores sell no better at $5.00.............................$3,98 $5.00 For choice of an assortment of Ladies1 and 1)116300* new Spring Jaeketrrifi the fine, hard-twisted English Coverts, and all- wool black broadcloth. All man-tailored garments, strap, fancy braid, button aud velvet trimmed, loose box or tight-fitting models eollavJpsa or Coat collar effect, satin anti lined throughout, guaran teed to fit correctly. .Sizes, Missea’ 14 to Ladies’ 40. No bettor eoat.on earth at $7.50. Wren’ s special price................... ......$5.00 $2.9,3 For Children's and Mioses’ new Covert Spring Jackets, collar caff and pocket trimmed well made and perfect fitting. Sizes 4 to IS years Regular value $1 ami $3. Wren’s special price..... $2.08 $3.93 For Children’s and Atlases’ fine all-wool cloth and fancy nov elty Ciuxfo-Ju the very newest color combinations In checks, and plaids and stripes, beautifully trimmed with braid, fancy velvet and buttons, collar and eollarJesn effect, Colors navy, cadet, red, brov/n,-and an endless variety of-fancy novelties, Sizes ft to lfi years. would ho cheap for these. Wren s special price, $3.98 Wo bc/.e nowon display fhe most complete line of Children's and ilissea’ higher grade Jackets in tho state at $5, $7.50 $10 and tip, Call and seo them. . *■ The Edward Wren Co., SFlIINGFlEhl), OHIO.' 5S#*5 Who Says N o ta Bad Guise. “ ih a t quare .lookin’- wagon tho boss’ son wuz driviji’,” said Casey, “is called a dogcart. I wonder w’afc fur.” j “ I dunno,” replied Cassidy, “ ex- |sept that inebbe ’tis bekase they’re Idruv he pups mostly.” —Pud*. • i Certain Thing* Happen Suddenly. “ Dublej has an automobile, hasn’t ho?” “ I don’ t know.” "Why, I thought you told me you saw him with one yesterday.” ‘ Yes, but that was yesterday.” — Boston Transcript. A Culinary Question. A. philanthropic lady \yaa a-lecturing one night Ah auaisnco or poor folha an to how to 1 v&aright. Bho showed them how to ttiako a coup ot just a mutton hone And how a fish’o head could mako a goad square tnoal alone. When up a nurly follow got and naidi "Your «eipo May ho all right—I ain't no cook—hut plcaao osplalii to mo— ) d^hc rest of that thero 9 oh, you know— j how did it got away 7 j Who got tho moat on that there bono and left' the consowmo?" j —Now York Press, I man _ i Pennsylvania — LINES— — D. 0. Excursion March 23. Chance for* Easter Visit to Na tional Capital. Especially attrac tive at this season. One-way Second-class Colonist Tickets sold dally during March and April to Idaho, Montana Mexico and Pa- ific Coast Points at Unusually L o w F a r e For details, consult Temtsylvania Lines Ticket Agent ,T. W itfuifcbaugh, Cedarville, o , mm k UTT iX . NONSENSE* In Wa* tli* Qar« cf Oircumstartccs This ILifortunatp Man. He looked as i f he might have been a- baseball umpire. He wag battered and t e ic e d to such an ex tent that his best girl would have pesred him by on the other side, The mud clung to the .legs of big trousers, and his hat. was ensconced in a cute little out of the way cor ner in the neighboring cubway, “ You ought to be more careful,” said a bystander as ho tried to con ceal a smile at the man's appear ance. . ■■■■■., “ Careful!” shouted the unfortu nate man, “ Say, -listen to me a minute. X was crossing the street. An automobile was coming in one direction, a moving van in another, a trolley car from the east, a qab from the west, and there on the sidewalk was my tailor, who had recognized me and was waiting to throw it all over me for $50 that I owed him. The auto threw me. against the van, the van tossed me against tho ear, the ear landed me against the cab and The cah fairly deposited me in the arms of my tailor. Careful, indeed!” And the crowd dispersed.—Judge. AH the Same, Street Oar Conductor—Where do you want to get off at? PrawsyPassenger—Minute street. Street Car Conductor— Why, there’s no such street on- this line. Drowsy Passenger—All right j let me off at Sixtyrsccond street.— New ‘Orleans Times-Demoerat. Ypu Can’t Please ’Em. ./ “ Why, Mabel, why are you pout ing?” “ George told me last night that I was beautiful. £ told him he must have been shortsighted.” “ What did he say?” ' “ Tho. brute said he always knew he Was.”—Milwaukee Sentinel. Obviously. & 1W> “After all, madam, we are but microbes in this .great universe.” — Harper’s, W'eeMyw ' Tha’ Roal Truth. “ Did you notice, that people who walk in the straight and narrow path, usually become narrow mind ed?” “ No; they’re not nearly so nar row minded as tho people who merely pretend to walk in the nar row path.”—Houston Post. Better Way. “ It’s better to take things good naturedlv instead of getting angry,” remarked the thoughtful thinker. ■ ^“ That’s right ” rejoined the ex pickpocket. “ When X was in the business of taking things 1 always let the other fellow do the get mad act.” —Chicago News, ; » Long Artificial Watercourse. The Bengal canal, 900 miles in length, fo the longest artificial water course in the world. PROTECT Yourself and guard against ill-fitting and poorly made garments. Y*ou 'Will serve your interest best at Kaufman’s. We Now Have On display a Full Line of Spring SUITS AND OVERCOATS Perfect in shape, make, and pattern. Call early and get the choice. Springfield's Greatest Clothing Store. 19, 21, 23 South Limestone Street,. . Springfield, O. l i To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LaxativeBromo Quinine Tablets.^<6 SevenMillionboxes sold Inpost 12 months. T h is s ign q tn fp ( Cures Grip in Two Days, on every box.25c. v -Cape Cod Folk. Some curiously appropriate names are to’ be found among the citizens of a small village on Cape Cod. The local lumber dealer is named Lum- bert, the milkman is Mr. ""/aterman, the'fish merchant Is M r Phlnney, the minister is Mr. Paradise and the pro vision dealer is Mr. Bacon. CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children. The KindYou HavaAlways Bought Bears the Signature of Eberso le Pianos ABSOLUTELY d u r a b l e “ We iiavo for camber of - » .err used ffSbrisoiePianos inthe Conservatorywhere they .m con-tantly subjected to the Jrard- usthind cf uoe. W0 hawitosJiv tbo Ebersole to be a good, durable pluno, wol|. "If Auv* a.rwearandtearof tbemusic ' to ®11, *' J* *•*,B auk , Directress ........ • it] "Jonservaloryot Uuslo. MAHUMi 3 Tc.,^£ . i T h e Sm ifti & N ixon P ian o C o . IO and S'? E. Fourth Street. CINCINNATI, O. THE WELD r m r m w £6 S c ie n ce fias deve loped som e th ing infinitely better than the o ld -style w r a p o r c lamp . ITTSBURGH PERFECT” FENCES ARE WELDED BY ELECTRICITY. m Is the modem method of construction. YeaVs of life ate added through the elimination of serious^I&i 6 edefects* AWRAFfields ittckfaie,cr.tcksthegalvanisingandallowsthe water tohitaektitehare wittt A ammmt,e|dcplawd galvanising on “ PITTSBURGHPERPECT” REINFORCES^g#RO» ifcOTiCw M<uMin»T nua i Ai TriE ELEOTKtGALLYWELIiES dOiwTj tatafiita'g'ifK! CTAYS CANNOT SLIP. They are .ffways}usf whetc they were fefit. Sidy kttf -aRMfit■»&»• becetneone picas when tfieunfentemade. The fenceislikeatofidsheetof federatedst**!. Every Rod is Guaranteed Perfect. Don’t atlpw yo at prejudicein fhvet cf tfieraplaly-dCdtinng-Anditiniv rt>t*fvy4# yoti fisvr heretofeeeknown, towatp your goodjudgment. »MtTSBURCH FERFKGT’*FCNCES IttPfKitNff#KCCRl»lt« imm hundreds of thoasanasofdollarsWorthofstandardmaterial Isdaily-Welded% The hoopon ifieaveragesugar fcarrel la ffieisolatedcotJnfry grocery store !s an electrically wetdtd « prodnst, ’ , , , If yourwagonwasmadeIn a luge factory,Ifafiresrt-erewrfdcdfcyefeetrieffy. Yoa wju findetectricailyVnelded hoapa on leeCreamfreetersandwashingmachines,ohmany ttrtwiandbuckets. .Examine **FHTSRURCH W H f lO T 1' fencesa#emadeby thismodem, dtnpU endmamtos process,predating ** THE W ILD THAT HELD.1’ . MR. FARMER t LISTEN, NOW. Evety«|ent fumdlingMP tltilU R C H ^ER EK O T »»fenc«N«(fi&)F j » 5 M « Itedtoguaranteethis: *■ that tea wire#are not Injured at theJoint#, J ? ■1 1 4 ^5 that the fen#* I# pfcrtoatljr adjuatabte <« Uneven emurid. that the stay# win net separate frtm the strhivfs. that the fence Is all riftht in every fiertleuter. Could you ask any more definite protection? Your compete satisfaction is Absolute!? Assured* . C. M. CROUSE. 3? Mm ' i S K c. , .. tatiUR*Htinej; ’lASNS 8 awe^weAtity: IV! m n PilTJKPai m ^E C fftN aN S ^ tm l $lyk% j Bh.*
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