The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 1-26
mgm mmmrnm WF58 wmrm e^DAiiviw.E, oiiiiK Wa Bourn1Yovu F ateo & aop or»d prowteo careful ami prompt *{itt«ntfon to oil business fetrosted to as. ■ NSW YORKDRAFT ana »ANKMONEytOROERS. Too cheapest! anil most con venient way to fiend money by mats. . Loans Made ©n Real Estate, Personal or Collateral ^Security banking Hours; &A, M. to 3, P, M, 8 . W . B m it h , President, c O. L« S m ith , Cashier; The Cedarville Herald. .fir,c>o E 'e r Y e a r , '. K A R L H m j l ' t , - - E d it o r * . pmDAY , MARCH £i2, 1007. Govnor Harris has issued n pro/ clamation desgnating April 12 as Arbor day. Home going member of congress TftUJt enjoy the, novel sensation of speeding some of their mileage, money for railroads tickets. • 35. H. Hartman is going to Berkley 'Springs for a rest. Quite natnoal for him to pick out a water/ ing place as a health resort. Sow that1Mr. Gortelyou has switched his-job to the Treasury, speculation, is ih order to what trust company'will win him for- its President. The next thing we will have the Engineer Corpus of the Army resigning to take -jobs at largely increase salaries with some of the trans-continental railroad. Hon. JeSSo Taylor Mayor of Jamestown having.been out of town moat of the time for ‘ the past year, refunded his salary to the village. The Mayor did not,think that he ■was entitled to a-salary for what little he did. A minister up in Boston suggests that, we ought to have' more Roosevelts. Of .course it would be hard to have too much of a good thing, hut just think of what wonld happen to ono ot them if he ever disagreed with the. rest on any subject. Too Particular The Waiter—"How* do you wish your bacon cooked, air?” The Farmer —“Boos it wake any difference in- the price?’' Tho Walter—"Why, no, sir/' The Farmer—"Then, by gosh, I'll have it cooked with three algo."—Cleveland Leader.' Take It Easy. . Worry klll3 more quickly than any thing Oise, ft is Insidious, and tho pofson works slowly, hut it reaches There isn’t much use in repairing a broken bridges until you get to it Therefore, pick a few wild flowers on the way, and take it easy. Rescue o f a Merchant, A prominent merchant of Shongo, N, Y., J, A. Johnson sayst “ Several yearn ago I contracted a cough which grew worse and worse, uiittl I was hardly able to move around. J coughed constantly and nothing re lieved my terrible suffering until I tried Dr. King’ s Hew Discovery. Before I had taken half a bottle my cough was.much better, and in a short time was entirely cured. I surely believe it caved my life, It will always be my family remedy for colds.’ * Fully guaranteed;' 50e and $1,0(3 at all druggists. Trial Dotflo free. Yes; 100,000 times each day. Does ft send out good Mood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health; bwtebloodf bad healtlb - And you know precisely what to lake for bad blond ^ Aycf’s Sarsaparilla# Doctors have endorsed It' for 60 years. Kfff >«i*»1.6V.i-Jjri.rijttiihAyoVftMnS, Mi O i A!»0*S*3tlfl68tUtat»»p. . • W.MKVfcd*. ' - mmmn> . - 1 yers WetfaWiifc is*mmm orsu Most people know that if they haunt keen ride they need S c o f f s D tn s f* 4rfon to bring back health and strength* But the strongest point about Scott**# Emulsion is that you don’t have to be sick to get results from it* It keeps up the athlete’s strength,putsfat on thin people, makes a fretful baby happy, brings color to a pale girl’s cheeks, and pre vents coughs, colds and consumption. Food in concentrated form for sick and w e ll, young and old, rich and poor. And it contains no drugs and no alcohol. A L L D R U G G IS T S ; 5 Qo. A N D S I.OO . The Winners. Mrs. William E . Alexander. ' Miss Ila Ramsey, R . F . D. Flo. 2. . 1 ’ T H E A N S W E R S . 1. Downing’ s Studio, Xenia, Ohio. 2. Hisley’s Shoe Store, Springfield, O. 3. R. McClellan, Cedarville, O. 4. The Famous, $pringfield, O. 5. Townsley Bros, Cedaryjlle, O. . 6. Peter.A. Boggan, Springfield, O, 7. 3, C, Ayer Co. Lowell, Mass. 8- Frazer’s Shoe Store, Xenia O. 9. Willenborg Bros. Springfield, Q. 10. Kaufman’ s Clothing Store, Springfield, O. H* O. M. Crouse, Cedarville. O. 7 12. Jobe Bros, Xema, O. 13. E. W. Grove. 14. C. A, Snow and Co. Washington D, C. 16. Suillivan, The Hatter, Springfield, O, 1 $1 GIVEN AWAY The Herald today publishes a “Who Says” contest and for the first correct answers we \yill give a prize of One Dollar, divided as follows; Fifty cents to* the first correct list of answers from a resident in town that gets maijl through the local post office. • Fifty cents, to the first cor rect list of answers from a resident who gets mail by rural route, whether through the Cedarville or any other post office. - . - The Herald has selected a list of phrases and sentences used by different advertisers, however none blit those whose advertisements appears in this issue. Read the ads. and locate the parts we have Selected. • AN EXAMPLE . How to solve the problem is in the following, “Quality is to be remembered long after prices are forgotten” . The answer will be found in Kerr & Hastings Bros. ad. in the second line. SEND B Y MAIL, ............. All answers must be sent by mail and not delivered direct. They will be considered first in the order of mailing as in dicated by the. post office stamp. All answers must be in theHerald office by six o’ clock, Tuesday evening, March 19. CONTEST RULES. 1. Employes of the Herald or their relatives or employes of other newspapers, are not eligible to enter this contest. * ' , 2 . In making out answers write on one side of the paper and number each answer to correspond with the the num ber of the problem, 3. I f you cannot answer them leave a blank line and go onto the next. 4. The winners and answers will appear next week. W H O S A Y S ? 1. TImy speak from faith born of experience. 2. Perfect; m shape, make and patorn. 3. Its tires were welded by electricity. « ■i. Every thing to be first class or no sale. 1. Catalog and full detail on demand. 6. Every style and design that fashion demands, 7. Allow no one to deceive yon in this. 8. The ofteaijesfc and most convenient Way to send money by mail. ^ 9. The makers of this brand make absolutely nothing else. 10. Hot necessary to buy, just come and see. 31. Furs change less than any other articles of dress and latest to be had. . . 1 12. Do Hot overlook the gasoline engine. 13. Ratal Hats I \ , H. Lemon/} and all kinds of fruit In season. 16. Our patrons are cordially Invited to attend. 10, .In the Arcade, 17. Are you ready for it? JG. These goods are such itsWe handle only, 19, We are just quoting our jackets lo you. £<J. Fine millinery at dry goods prices here. 21. The beautiful designs. LOCAL AND PERSONAL <- l rse Golden Role Flout. Miss Fannie lilif visited In Cin cinnati the first of the week- Mr, Walter Bailengcrhas returned to Hamilton. , Mr. W. J. Smith has returned to Cleveland where ho Is located now- FOR RENT; A bouse. Inquire of Thomas Wylie, —Dry, short, slab wood on sale now at Tho D S, Ervin Go’ s, MjpsMerleMcFarland spent Satur day aiid Sabbath in Dayton. ’ Miss A. L. Craufurd spent Tues day m Dayton. Mr. M. C. Price moved to Sadalia Monday, Mr.D. H. Marshailis again report ed quite ill, . ■ ■ . ’ Mr. C. X. Stuckey moved this week Into tho Clemans property. —The Tarbox Lumber Company have a few nice sleds left. . Mr. W, H. Owens and Miss Jennie Bratton spent Tuesday in Xenia., . Air, Frank M6or has returned to Winchester after a visit at the home of Mr. Moore McMillan. Sties Effie Barber spent Wednes day in Dayton. ‘ „ JUrs. Anna Smith and Miss L u ’ a Barber spent Thursday in Columbus. Mr. JOsmePakton wife and daugh ter, of Old Town were guests of Mr, John Ross and family over Sabbath. Miss Gertrude Shears of Dayton Is visiting with Mr. Ira and Stewarl Townsley. For spring M illinery call on M iss. Katie Nisbet on Xenia avenue ,. Mrs. O. A.* Spahr of Xenia spent Thursday with Mr. Mrs. James Townsley. __ '________ Those who have my fence stretch ers will Confer a favor by returning same at once as .they al'e needed, 0. M, Crouse. Miss Mary McMillan eniortaineda number of her friends Tuesdayeven ing. ’• ’ \ fir. Jacob'Lott and wife have been visiting Springfield relatives this week. —Golden Rule is the brand that’s been With you for years and it’s bet ter now than ever. Try it.- Dr- Whleharfc of tho Xenia Semi nary will preach Sabbath for the R. P. congregation. FOR SALE;—A go-cart, large size In good condition. Inquire at this office. Mr. P. A. Alexander and wife of Spring Va’ley were gViests of Mr.W. E, Alexander and family over Sab bath, , —Do you long for, the good bread your mother used to hake? Then use Golden Rule Flour and you can have it. TAKE THIS X U ? ’ PromotesD3gssiion,Gbserful- ass*}andltesfeCantalnsneither ~ ' jm,Morplunc norMiaeraL f K A R e o T i c . j^tftxdjssstitazemwt /UruAm ■ JBSjgjtv*' AperfecIReraedyforConsiipa- nan*SourSton\Aclv,Diarxhoeo Worms>Coitvulsians.Feverish nessendLo s s o f S leep . ■ II li-iwn*;i.. rac Semite Slgrttdurc of NEW -YORK. At t>mxmlb# .) 1 <I J J 1 ) 0 v> s - j y C i n i s For InfimtgandChiUmu The KindYouHave Always Bought Bears the Signature of EXACTcopy or WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty Years tM*CCNTAyFICOMPANY. NEWY9«« CITY. SUITS AT POPULAR PRICES •Skirts $5 to $12 the new plaids. Waists, wool, $1,25 to $2v5Q. Black Silk Waists, $4.50 to $10, Brillintine Waists, $1 to $2.50. Silk Petticoats, excellent for $5, six yds, ruffle, Satin Petticoats, $1 to $2.50. , Furs—Collars, Muffs, ets,, latest styles, $1.75 to $15 ‘ Muslin Underwear— Corsets Covers, Pants, 25c to $ 1 . Gowns 50 to $3. Knit Corset Covers, Knit Underwear- and Mentor are very popular. Five cases just: in. . New 'Outing Gowns, 50c to $ 1 . Also, Rain Coats. Room Rugs—Carpet size, all grades. Tapes try, $10.75. Rugs, $1.50, .etc. Druggets, S3 up* , HUTCHISON & G IBNEY ’ S, f “ Wo recommend it; there i/sn't any better.,, lit im<l-cuimtu*r you hnvi m trust to a iarge degi'fo to your bun-1.. Well Cared" For Meats in hot vreather are the only kind to buy; wo have proper appliances for keeping them rigid, and tljey’ro sweet and safe when sold. Don’tgo meat shopping when it’s hot. Upy of us and he sure, *C. H , CROUSE , c e d a r v i l l e , o . «X had tronblp with my bowels wiiich maSo hlood impart). My #nco was eovorod with jiitmiko which p o external rowauy eoulu remove. i tric-J jrour Ott*t!areta and erect wa* my Joy when th* pimples disappeared after a month s stendy tuc Ilm vo recommended them to all my friends end unite a few have found relief," 0 , J. PnBCli, 067 Part Avo., New York City, N. ?. Best For The Bowels. j stnaeam . CANDYCATWTIC Mrs, A. G. Brown has returned to her home in Monmuoth after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pollock. Thursday afternoon was one of tho early nummer days, the mercury standing at 75 degrees, only one be low summer beat. —Golden Rule FloUr has all the flavor that’s m the wheat, atid makes the biggest and sweetest loaf of any on the market. r ♦XiMry, fttd and Sale stable. 1 * Good accomodations and reasonable * rates to all. Give me a call* O W e i m e r flh'af of City Hotol.) CEDARYILLE, OHIO- HI FOR BALE‘.-S ix standard bred hellers. Polled Durhams of breeding age and one cow soon to be fresh, __________ Htenry Kyle. Mr. J. Emerson Kisbefe, of tho Indianapolis Star is expected here Sabbath for a abort visit, on aecunfc of his mother’s sickness. Measl is are again making their appearance among.the school child ren, Paulino Grindle being one oi the vieterns. The owner of ” Tho Trident aud the Net’ * and "’ The Redemption of David Corson, two hooks left at C. M, Crouse hardware store can have same by proving property, M illinery ' .Opening at M iss Katie Nisbet’s on Fri day and Saturday, March ug and 30 * Mrs. B. Pettiford, colored, died Tuesday night from cancer after a long Illness, tho funeral taking place Thursday afternoon, Besides her husband, who is a invalid from rheumatism, ono son, William Bald- win remains, Mr. Baldwin grad-t nates this spring from tt Chicago Medical College. Flakes of Snow MapleCity fading them ns strong eonps do water, ^ ----- -------- for * ...................... .................... . large, substantial white calm fa the moat economical because ft lasts m long an two of etfse* Kinds. 3centsatoll grocers, MAPLM CITY iOill* WORK*, Monmouth, lliItioi« TRY OUR JOB PRINTING . PJoBannt, PalatRblo, Poteni/TASte Good. B q G oo S, Novur Sickoii, Weaken or Qripu, loo, 25c, 50c.Never sold, iu bulk. The gcmilno tablet Etampod 000* Guivrftntead toeurporyourm oney back ■ : Sterling-Remedy C o., Chicago ir N.Y, 600 ' ANNUAL SA LE , TEN MILLION BOXES The Pain You know them; they are numerous,' '•and make their presence felt everywhere. The' names o f the family are Head ache, Toothache, Earache, Backache, Stomach ache, Neu ralgia, etc. They are sentinels, that warh you o f any derange ment o f your'system . When the "brain nerves become ex hausted or .irritated, Headache miserable.; if the stomach nerves are weak, in digestion results, aud you double up with pain, and if the more prominent nerves are af fected, Neuralgia simply makes life unendurabl . The way to, stop, pain is to soothe and • strengthen the nerves. Dr, Miles* Anti-Pain Bills do this. T h e "Whole Pain family yield to their influence. Harmless if taken as directed. ‘1 And Dr, Miles*.Anti-Pain,PlIJs an excellent remedy for overcoming head ache, neuralgia and distressing pains of all sorts, I have used thenj, for the 'past seven years In this capacity with the best of results." SIRS. JOD MERRILL, Peru, Ind. Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills are sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first package will benefit. If It falls, he will return your money. 25 doses, 25 cents. Never sold In bulk, Miles Medical Go., Elkhart, Ind TOW N SLE Y BROS ., Cedarville, Ohio. Manufacturers of Cement Building B locks, Build ings raised and foundations constructed. See us for Cement work of all kinds. Estimates cheer fully given , _ Restaurant. Now located in the Book- waiter Hotel Building across the street from the old “Adams” stand. Restaurant ih hotel lobby and dining room on second floor, reached by elevator. Meals 25c and 85c, High Street, Springfield, 0. FLEECYwooictia, coft andtniskriuilifcu; brightened coloredclotlieo-; chining windows5glossywoodwork; glis tening china, glittering glassware, and sparkling diver arc every day objects to the woman who manwonato her aid Self Washing A boiler from a rake ot this ider-workuvg Soap, will quickly make a heap of dirty clotliea lock ■ « snowdrift. It preserves toxtiue.0 instead c f testing” air’ “ ““ 3 tli “ t s a . It worka like magic infhot or r, and is tho purest* finest Sosu in existence * J I S S 4’aU-round” housework. This __, -—
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