The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 1-26

A- mm l a o u Q A K im n n *soo, ■ ~-Yta*sa w - l - t .• CRflAHVIJJiE, OHIO. W e S owoit Y olr P awokaok and, promise careful and prompt attention to all business intrusted to ns. NEW YORKBRAPT and BANKMONEY,ORDERS. •Km cheapest and most con­ venient way to send money by mail. Loans Made on Rea! Estate, Personal or Collateral [Security. Banking Hours: 8,A, M, to 3, P. M. S, ;W, S mith , president. 1 O, I*. S mith , Cashier. The Cedarville Herald. Sr.oo P e r Year, K A R L H B U L L - - Editor. FBlDAY, MARCH 20,1007. To-day is ArliorDay. I f Secretary Taft finally gets elected president, it will seem queer to him to be sending somebody else off on pacifying, trips. I f the railroads are not careful, ■some' of the states legislatures may get out injunction against their dis­ continuing their Improvements.’ / That sounds like a vacuum ont ■Wisconsinwayis SenatorLnPollefclt ■weeping. over Senator Spooner’s resignation, , The .President i s , a pretty busj man,' for when he is not doinganj 'thingelBe, hO is explaining tb»fch< will not be renominatkd fora third term.- ' , , , ‘ 4 * r w - ,-ir— -j— -'.Tf’-'O % Secretary Taft gays he' expects t« live to' see CohgreBs pflBS a Philip­ pine free trade hill. The Secretary evidently thjnk ho is a pretty goot insurancerisk. Th# railroad* are-perstateatiy cry. Cotwum pdan i* Id** d ead ly than it w e d t o be* Certain reKef and usually complete recovery wiHresult fromdie following treatment; Hope* rest, fresh air, and —S c o f f s E m u l s io n , ALL DRUGGISTS| 60a. AND *1.00. -Ralph Pari*#* at tb* opera house Wednesday avaalng, April 21. Ur J. y. Ohwargs of Cincinnati spent Babb*£h here. —Tiw Tarbex dumber Company 'have a few edeeelect- left. T h e W i n n e r s . K Wilma Spencer Cedarville O., Blanch Turnbull, R . F , B . No. 2. T H E A N S W E R S . 1 R.McClellan. 2 Hanna’s Green Seal Paints, 3 Nagley Bros. &' Administrator’s Sale, Ir. G, Bull; 0 F. J, Cheney, 8 . Jobe Bros, & Co* 7 JTIsley’s^Springfleld's Dependable Shoe House, B Willenbojrg Bros, i0 Homer Bros. & Cp. ■ 10 Hutchison’s and GibhCy’s, 1 H C. C, Weimer,' 12 J. 0 , Ayer & Co, Dowell, Mass. 13 West’s Book Store. 14 Kate Hlshet 15 C. M. Crouse., ’ ,, ■ lfl Kerr‘&Hastings Bros, ' f 17 C. M. Crouse, 18 Dimbocker’ s, Springfield, Ohio. 19 Chas. ‘ H. FletcHer, Hew York, N. Y. / ' 20 J. H. McMillan. 21 Mfeple City Soap.Works, Monmouth, III. Mr. M om Dean who is located .near Gov# Station spent Wednesday in town. Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Stevenson entertained a number of a six o’ clock dinner last Friday evening. , —Remember Ralph Parlette at the opera house Wednesday evening April 21, X Dispatches announce that Miss­ ouri isto have anextraordinaryBess ion Of the legislature. When Miss*- ourL has any’ other sort it will be timo to sit up and take notice. So many of the' papers of the country arc newconducting“ beaUiy contests” that the contest editors ought to be able to g°fc club rates on accident insurance, And that shonlc- cj. 4 SS> • help some. DewisHixon says there is no reason why the Atlantic should not be crossed at express train speed. Bui it is to be hoped for the sake of th< passengers that nobody will attempt to establish a block signal'system on the route. It is just possible that the Post office might debar the free seed di­ vision of the Agricultural Depart­ ment from the use of the mails on the ground of it being a lottery on terprlso. It is rare luck for those seeds to sprout. Mr* BoberfcBtrd went to Cincin natt Wednesday on a business trip for a couple of days. Mr. James Brown of near Mans field visited here the first Of the week.. WE PAY 27c FOE BUTTER AKB IGc* FOE EG(if?, O. M* TOWKSBEY. Alford and Mary Marshall of Xenia are visiting their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs* W. M, Barber and other relatives, lhp Session of the United I’ftsby-* terifcn church has asked the congre­ gation for four additional members to Usis body, making nine in all. The election takes place Saturday, April 20, Ruler o f Turbulent People* A very busy man is the ameer o f , Afghanistan. Sometimes lie even for­ gets to have his meals and is obliged to ask Isis courtiers.whether ho Ijfts eaten his dinner or not. Ho goes to bed at five or six in the tpornlng and gets up at about two In the afternoon, and always has his liorso ieady sad- died at Ido door, fresh bread In the pockets of lifs elolhea and revolvers and atturda close at hand, in cas» ho is, compelled to go on a midden jour* M f, Mosquitclcss Cities. ; Over in Europe there are many happy towns where the note of the mosquito is never heard, and the in­ habitants don’t care a snap about the, pennyroyal market. But in America the. cities which dan claim to hemosquifcpless would notxun up to a dosen. Denver is one of them, and, strange tb say, Grand Rapids, Mich., only a short way from the gnat Gehennas of Jake Superior, is another. The explanation is'•that the city is built on hillocks of drift sand; so deep and so finely pulver­ ized that they absorb moisture like tissue paper. Stagnant water does not get a ghost, of a chance to accu­ mulate, and" mosquitoes have car­ ried their cargS of microbes tomoro Congenial markets,— Health Cul- ture, , * ' , ti- A Mathematic*! Wonder, Jedediah Buxton was the great- bat prodigy of mathematics that ever appeared in Engjand. 33* ed* ao that ms abilitie* in £bi« respect were pculiarly natural. He would • walk over a piece, of land and tell with exactness how many acres and square rods were contained, in it. t His memory was so great that while1 resolving a question ho could leavo; off and resume thfc occupation again j the next morning or a week, a* month or several months later -and1 proceed regularly till it was com­ pleted. s Chair Versus Bsttlsshlp, A dentist who had been dosing p woman patient with agony for an hour complimented her on her com­ posure under torture. “But women stand pain so much better than men,” he added. “ There is a prom­ inent naval officer who comes here who howls like a brass band when­ ever a nerve is touched.” j “He does, does lie?” sniffed the j woman. “I wonder what he would do in a battle ?” “He would be as brave as a lion and as quiet as a Sunday afternoon. I’ll stake my soul on that,” the den­ tist added, “ It is all a question of what nerves are touched.” , A Clever Device. - A ’mother' with many stockings h darn has hit on the device of basthu a hit of net over a large hole andusing it as a foundation for the darn. Firelight Photographs. A photographer in London is taking portraits in a new way. He poa^s his subjects sitting by the fire and’repro­ duces the scene with all the cozy glow of a drawingroom before the electric lights are switched on. The photo-" graphs are costly* hut a bill of same- thing like $50 a dozen -does nob dis­ may the woman who admires original­ ity; ~v ” - Mrs, Jennie McKee, who has been a guest ot Mr, and Mrs, H. H,. Mc­ Millan has returned home. —The plat opensat McCollumsMon day morning April for Balph Par­ lette,'the last number on the lecture course, ■Mr, F, CLPrice and. family have beep visiting iff Chicago duriug-a weeks vacation that was granted Mr. Price. V FOE BADE: American Mandolin Harp call on Bailie Samuels 2>^ miles east of OedarYille on Colum­ bus pike . —GoIdOnBuie Flour has all the flavor that’s In the wjaeat, and makes'the biggest and pweategb loaf of any on the market., Bpv, VP, A. Condofc, was aguest at the home of B. C. Watt over Sab­ bath, He filled the United Presby­ terian pulpit Sabbath evening.. Two great joysU ‘ “ Search *the Scriptures” April 18th “ Bfp Van Winkle” April 39 th give by the Govel Club o f Cedar­ ville college. Mr, B, F. Kerr and wife and James Hutchison left Tuesday for Wheeling;, W, Va„ to attend the wedding of their nafee*.Miss Dora Rogers of that city. The ceremony took place Thursday evening. jCURES SEO M A CH mBfjSp . . . . ffie body, hut iftxmKh troubles arise from c *»!« hus *« ineating and stomach diaordet* upsettheentiresystem. Improrw my masticated food sourson t£o sknuadt, causing distrewing pains, botching tand nausea* Whenover-eating is persisted in the stomach becomes weakened and worn out and, dyepepaia , claimsthevictim* Thedford’ s Block-Draught] cures dyspepsia* It frees the Stomachandbowels of congested matter and gives the stomach newlife. Thestomachisquickly invigorated and tho natural stimulotion results in a good appetite, with thepower to thor­ oughlydigestfood. * Youcanbuildup'yonrstomach With this mild And natural remedy. TryTheaforda Black* - Draught today. Yon can buya package from your dealer tat SScTlf hedoesnetkeepitrsmd the money to The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.. and a package will oa mailed you# T H E D F O R D ’ S [ B l A C K - D M U G H T i -The Elyrf* Democrat states that unquestionably the three best lectures at the phaiifauqua. there last summer wereWilliam Jennibgs Bryan, Ba^ph parlette'anb gam Jona*. H «if Barlotte at the opera house Apr)»fe . . has tskea the Jehee' for Mr. Georg* latttMV Mr* Hamm&u is uow tearing downWaold r«wldenoe. The state Board of Pardons has acted on John MUnday’s case, he being sent up in May 1902, for ton years for burglary* He was re- puccd to elsht years on tho condi­ tion that be abstain from intoxica­ ting liquors. MayorWatson of Bellbr, ok could nobsjtand the temptations of a wei town while In Xenia Wednesday, and allowed himself to absorb to much of the tanglefoot. He. was taken before Mayor Brennan and given an opportunity sign the pledge which he did. A joyou* Buckeye Home Coming wilt be held to Columbus Septem berS-fl. Any one who desires friends or relatlven living outside the state to get invitation* from T, D, Calvert, Secretary at Agriculture, should hand their name* to Mayor McFar­ land, who will Send them in on special blanks. Dent fail to see “ BeareU ^he Scriptures’ given by The Govel Club under the directions of Mr. W. D. Jefferson of HewYork* E b e r s o le P ia n o s , - A B SO LU T E L Y DURABLE , «We have for ttiumbefof y'ArOuicti At^fsoloPlauosinthe Conservatorywherethey .ire <Xi»- 43 ntIysubjected to the hard­ est RI«d of we. We have fonnu the Ebersole to be a good, durable piano, wellab’ junttam** aiwearand tearofthemusic w><,,n* B aiir , Directress a; TostsmUotyriMail* ........ ....... -..........*. ...... WAaieMiA.-eea *t-. >«* W >'»'W rT lW im iH <»>w » The Sm ith & Nixon P lano Co> IOAnd I? £. rusith Strut, CINCINNATI, O* itn»i»m ».TO3ffitaaei>^»rtryga'rjriiW.y»ihT>i<««vi ♦Xioery, fm andSaltStable.. G ood accom odations and reasonable rates to all* G ive me a ca ll. q W e i m e r , (Boar of (hty Hotel.) CEDARVILLE, OHIO. : The regular meeting Of the W. C, T*17. will be held in the M, E. church, Thursday, April 18, afc 2 p, m, Tho following Is the program Music; Devotifonals, Mrs* Gal- bteath; Music, Quartette; Paper,— EnforMtnsntof Present Daws Sum ! Step toward Bettar ones, Mrs Mill!*, gap; Musisf Paper,-‘-Who' Is Be- sponsible tor L aw Enforcement m chi* vu«i,i«urdfyT .Mrs. Brotbertoni General Dlvecwiiiion; Music* Miss. Helen Gould has been traveling in Egyid Anting the last few week. She was much Interested in the work of the iJhltfid.H Preehytetian missions there* end upon'ftdtMhg "donated 46.000 to the •work At Luxor, 46.000to Asstat and_.41,000 to Carlo* In addition to hot gifts ef over 411,009. Mine Gould cheered the heart* of the whole mission force by her griwions manner and deep merest la t .n ,ui*tk,' Tea at a WJMrtton. Tie ChhMwk huvaaeurious way Of WorsMp*Nt the *t*tue of Buddha, with, their femrit* beverage. Into a great bowl of sweetened tea,, a statue of the god is placed; women bring their offering*, then taking up some of the tea with a ladle, pour It over the defenseles* head of the placid tod. From the same ladieful" they help themasiv**, giving a sip to each of their iittki <&•«, C AS TOR IA The B ind You Have Always Bought, and which has hem ha use for over BO years, has hom e the signature o f and has been made under Ids par- gonalstipervisioii since itslnfasoy* ' Allow wo one to deceive you in this* A ll Counterfeits, Imitations and. Just-as-good” are hut Experiments that trlde with and endanger the health o f . Infimta and Children—Experience against Experiments What is CASTORIA Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor O il, Pare­ goric, Drops aud Soothing Syrups. 'I t Is Pleasant. I t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is itB guarantee.- I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and W ind Colic. I t relieves Teething Troubles,, cures Constipation and Flatulency. I t assimilates the Food, regulates the ■ Stomach aud Bowels, giving healthy and" natural sleep* The Children’ s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend* GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of TlieKindYou HaveAlwaysBought In Use For Over 3 b Years* < VHB*(«TAUft«QMMM,r. „ HUMMV■TJICKT, riCWVOIAOnV. A ' . . ." SUITS AT POPULAR PRICES Skirts $5 to $12 the new plaids. . Waists, wool', $1.25 to $2.50. Black Silk Waists, $Li>0 to $10. Brillintirie Waists, $1 to $2.50, Silk.Petticoats, excellent For $5, six yds, ruffle, Satin Petticoats, $1 to $2.50. » Puis—Collars, Muffs; ets., latest styles, $1.75 to $15 - "* V Muslin tJnderwear—Corsets Covers, Pants, 25a to $1. Gowns, 50 to $3* Knit Corset Covers, Knit Underwear and “TAKE THIS CUT” A f “ Wfi recommand it; there isn’ t any better.,, In mid-summer you have to trust to a large degree to your bufcvher. Well Cared For Heats in hot weather are the only kind to buy; we have proper appliances for keeping them right, and they’re sweet and safe when sold. Don’ t go meat shopping when it’ s hot, Buy of u%and be sure. C. H . CROUSE, CEDAEVIDDE, O, CONSTIPATION ^'Torpyrt njo*y*«r* tiqflorefit'nlth ehronl«con- «tlp»Moa end during thii time i h#d to take.nn injoctlonot w «ww »tor onto e»eryMhour* before I could have *n Action on a t bowel*. BM>pUy l trl*d. C»jc*ret*> and today :I up a well man. Dorlng the nine yean before I need CaacantB I Sttffer.duntoldffliiorywltblnternalnlles. ITbanki ' to you,! am tree from all that thla morning. Von oaatuKthi* inbehaltotjangarlng bnraantty.” ... SiV. ri*b*r, ■138 Coats. Room Rugs—Carpefc size, all grades* Tapes- try, $10.75. Rugs, $1*50, etc. Dfuggets, $3 up. - ’ ' HUTCHISOR & GIBHEY’S , | T R Y OUR JOB PRINTING «S " T 0W N 5 L E Y BRO S ., Cedarville, Ohio. M anufacturers o f Cement B u ild in g B lock s , Bu ild­ ings raised and foundations constructed. See us For Cement work o f a ll kinds. Estimates cheer­ fu lly given . Which is Easier BOlLIHG clothes or rubbing them? Boiling is much eitier for thebick smlfarbetter for the clothes. The surest—* the tnly way tomakeyourwashingtikesnowis to bod themwifit MapleCity W s iM n f Soap Tfeeawhy does the nsphtht soapman try tokeep you boat Moiling clothes? fammhitttikp it Hrtg*ed itt hetitmtm Hestshraysevaporistea t^Wsphfiie lftgViJttf ytmonly * Jump of fat toWashwith. .Maple City Sotp *rerka aa well with coldwater a* any soap, and better still with boiling. It destroys every genri of andeanness and makes the clothes heatthfal st well as perfectly dean. It is absolutely Without s|rivtl for washing windows* woodwork, chiOa, silver and tl«« ware. -Big, substantial, white take, 5 tents, At alt groats, ' MAPLIE O lt Y SOAP m v WORKS, . Monmouth, s x«., Illlno i*. Plea»nt,P*l*t*bl«,Potent. Taste Good.Do Good, N»Ter 8 tQken, We*ken or Gripe, 106,25c.50c. Never . •oldIn bnlk. The cenulno tablet ttemped COO. Gn*nnt«ed to cure prxoUrmoney beak. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N,Y. 603 ANNUALSALE,TENMILLIONBOXES Head Ache Som etim es? If so, it will inter*est you to know that it can be stopped with Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills; and without any bad after­ effects, and this without dan­ ger of forming a drug habit or having your stomach disar­ ranged.’ They positively con­ tain no opiums morphine,- co­ caine, chloral," ether o r chioro- form in any foym. Dr* Miles* ang Raeftrdtdy*-. . The feaaon for this U expla by the fact that headache comes from tired, irritable, turbulent, over-taxed brain nerves. Anti- Pain Pills soothe and strength* en these nerves, thus removing the cause. They are harmless when taken as directed. ■"Wo uso Dr, Miles’ Anti-Pain Till* for. tho euro Of headache, and we think that there. Is nothing that will equal them. They •will euro the severest spell .of nervous or sick headache In 0 , very few minutes. 1 am ot a nervous temperament, and occasionally have spells when my nerves seem to ho completely exhaust­ ed, end I tremble So I can scarcely contain myself. At these times J al­ ways take the Antl-Paln Pills, and they quiet me right away. It is re­ markable what a soothing effect they have upon the nerves,*’ MRS. P. K. KARL, Detroit, MlCh. Dr. Milos* Antl-Paln PlUo a r « told by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first package will benefit. If Jt falls, he win return your money. 25 doses, 25 cents. Never sold In bulk, Miles Medical Co., Elkhart; Ind Baker’s Restaurant. Now located in tlie Book- waiter HoteF Building across the street from the old "Adams” stand. Restaurant in hotel lobby and dining room on second floor, reached by elevator. Meals 25c and 35c. High Street, Springfield, O* LIQUOR m MORPHINE' fiaMonal Utshnsht COLUMBUS OHIO ~F or biaukols, 'storm fronts of rain aprotiB, soo tile lino carried by B. 35. ToWnstoy, Just tho time of year for those articles. ’ 8 s n w g > a i . K a r f s s - . s m s s s t s s S S p ,b " " 4 * i