The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 1-26
■zatp Whj the! bud moil thoi| first G1 larsl wit! into! O ELI CUT’ r fc; thero isn’ t |have to trust. je bttfudusr* for Meats only kind to Appliance*) for and thoy’ra old. Don’ t go |d’£f hot. Buy r sE , i s , o . |1 with cfcronio eon* ■XLftdto tnkejm Very» JwawW/ore: 6<wel«, XisppHy t *ia » well aum-is t useil C»»c«rct* ‘f ’ Tlmnk*' Jti)i*,Ja<trnice.Ton. tin* humanity.” |i»innao«&Qk«t m . taste Hood, DpGood, fc, Ite.SSc.i^. Never . Bletatampe& COO*. fceybscJc. litagopfiN.V* 803 [ llidm boxes tes? i••; |erest you to be stopped ^i-Pain PiUs; ’ bact aftex- irithout dan- < {rug habit or , lacb diSar- sitively ctm- forphiije,- b o o t -cblae®-. Dr. 1 m (fetpMucd Idache comes |e> turbulent, srves. Anti- [hd streagfh- xs removing Ire harmless |cted* \ntl-Patn PHlis ■ache, and tv « ithlng that •will Jwlll euro tlm rvmis op Bide vr minutes* 1 .perameut, and lila wiictt mjr Tleiely exhaust* t can scarcely Jso times I al- lala Pills, and pay. It is re- ling' effect they Detroit, Mich, fills are told by guarantee th at benefit, If ft |r money. |ipsold in bulk* rlkhart, Ind rant. the B ook - ling across the old [Restaurant [and dining lor, reached „ tls 25c and pngfield, O. •ibrrr*T oar* ^ |l-DLuaStJ ... n*itrwrtW**** tWUKWt, sen*ft# ptsrtiinemitMwa, . OHIO a*- ■■ ■ fax fronts nr (e carried by tho thna of e s e h b e i ant!MIt.'ustrxHnflfe NftQC bilge*. rf TKAcmw * m m m sT m # , The Jfhprthfci«Mc‘Dthi?Meetingof thoGreene Coun ty Teachers*' AssetIsition far dir year J90C-f007wit! be held inthe Auditoriumof the McKinley, School Building, Xenia, Ohio, Saturday, April 13,11)07. MORNING f5ESSIOhV-9:3Q Standard, Singing Invocation, Rev. A, E. Read Singing Address, The Ideal School. Supt, T. A. Runyan, Fairfield, Instrumental Music. Harry Stake, Bellbwok* Address, Mental Suggestion Dr, \V. II, Finley, - i Xenia, AFTERNOON SESSION.—1:13. Standard, Singing, Instrumental Music, HarryStake. Address, The Past and Future of the Hungarians, Miss Mary Wilgus,, Xenia, Instrumental Music Harry Stake, Bellbrook, Address, Some .Qualificationsof a SuccessfulTeacher Hon. J. H, Snyder, Deputy StateSchool . .Commissioner, .. . . W . « Tlie Executive Committee finds that,a -number of Greene County teachers are not yet membersof our association, It is hoped that they will embrace the opportunityat this meetingto enroll for the present year, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. C. R. T xtlqw , Pres,, ■ D ora -S iegeer , Sec’y. D/H. B arnes , ; . OFMERST 10 THE FARMER. The Cedarvllle Horso Company lost “Baronet Jr.” last Friday even ing after a sickness of only one day. While the hbrso was somewhat ad vanced in age he was regards a gdbd one., Veterinarians were un- ableto save him and he died of in- D, L,. C rawford , Enw. B, Cox Wi&ggsg>' 7 The largest jobber of paints and varnishes in Wheeling, W . Va*, wanted to know which paints were the most popular and satisfactory in the. territory tri butary to Wheeling,’ Pittsburg, Columbus and Balti more* ,< : ■- - 1 • t , . '> , • Representatives covering tins entire territoiy thoroughly canvassed it to find out. . Their report contained the names o f nearly every first-class paint manufacture* in tlie vUnited States*. A t the head o f the list stood 'H A N N A S G R E .E N $ E A t * B A I N T a Tfc& notwithstasd- .'that this jobber had never bought a dol- the i&ot IT4. h to any one With a e op y o f thear report, will be interested m good paints. Hannahs Green Seal Paints arefor Sale by Kerr & Bastings Bros. There in ope advantage in glowing strawberries in preference to othfeV 'fruit, which is that less capita) Is re quired and the crops come.sooner* Plants set this spring will send out runners and from matted rows full of berries next year. >If kept clean the rows will give two’or three crops with a partial crop after the bed is old. The proper mode, however, la to make a new bed each year, as the Goat Isbut little comparatively. The assessors of Clark county have wet witb the Audlor and fixed the following valuations for stobk, gram and feed; Cattle, fat, Mo per lb; cattle, stock, fcper lb ; sheep, fat with wool, fie per lb; sheep, fat, without the wool, 4^o per lb; sheep, stock, H to $fiper head*; hogs 6^ c per-lb; wheat 70c per hu; corn 40c per bu; oats 35c per bu; rye, 60o per hu; clover seed.$0,00 per bUBhel; hay, timothy, $12.peir ton; hay, clover and mixed, flO.per ton; potatoes, Irish, 45c per hu.; wool 20c pec Jb,; tobacco, 10c per lb* Last year was the first- m this state where there was anything like •the.correctlfst of. dogs given in to -the assessors for valuation, The revenue from' .the dogs alone was quite an addition to the state’s fl- nances., This year both the ,owner Of the dog and the landlord -where the dog is owned, by a tenant has to be taken. The law makes the land-, lord liable for the tax. The asses sor must also list the deaths and. births of the year, making quite ajn addition to his work. The farmer reduces the value of his own labor by keeping inferior stookor failing to secure large yields of crops,- as the higher the pricesand the greater the production the better the remunerationfor the labor bes towed. There are periods when the fanner can hot perform work in jthe fields, for which reasonhe should aim to get his crops under shelter as fleoiMWpoeaible, in orderio do some kindsof work whichcan bo perform ed inside the barn* OF COURSE YOU ARE INTERESTED, What man is not interested in the subject o f what will be newest for spring wear? W ithout egotism we cam suggest no surer or more authoritative source o f in formation than a personal review o f our spring show o f Woolens*. Our stock is simply magnificent. You are never con fined here to choice from a few models, and this spring the number o f individual styles is greater than ever. The styles are authentic, the fabrics exclusive. Place your order here and now and we guarantee to make you a garment to your order, tailored in the latest style, perfect in fit , and workmanship, at the lowest price in the city for first-class tailoring. TOP COATINGS $17, $18, $20 YOUB CHOICE OP 500 ELEGANT PATTERNS DESIGNS FOR SPRING IN MEN'S TROUSERINGS $ 5-00 MADE TO YOUR P IT AND MEASURE. ' Repairing ixnd Proaslhg Dope* Willenborg Bros Tailors, 22 West High Street, Springfield, Ohio. YOUR APPETITE ,Xf y ru r appetite'is p.oor, eat meat* T o tempt you r appetite and nourish the system our e lio icc m eats are not excelled b y ’ anything, 1?he weak and the strong, the sm all and the hearty eater alike en joy them , R* McClellan* Dairy schools are nowlb operation In many states, and short courses of instructions on butter and cheese making are given at some of tho agricultural colleges. It was long ago demonstrated that inferior butter could not compete with, oleomargarine, and that good butte/ of chnlea qualify coftld always be sold,at a fair •price, Tho fact has also been demonstrated that there wasmuch to learn In making good butter, and that cleanliness and the proper management of the milk Were essential in producing the choice article* There has been wonderful advance in methods Of butter making, and oleomargarine Is responsible for It* Consumers will not purchase the counterfeit article it they can get the genuine, and poor butter is as mucha counter felt asany other imitation* Township assessors commenced their spring work Monday morn ing with a meeting in tho office of tho county auditor, for the purpose of listing personal property, amt receiving instructions and blanks in connection with their work. Property was listed as follows; horses, $60; to $100; cattle: fat, $4.60; heifers, $360; stock, $Itb$4; cows, $30to $60; registered cattle, $60 to $900; mules, $100to $200; sheep; com mon, $4 to $10; registered, $90; to 100; hogs, fat, $0 pet 100 pounds; stock hogs, $» per 100 pounds; reg istered, $20 to $100; carriage or lmggy, $10 and up; bicycle $5 op; automobile* $2oo to $1,600; grain; porn 40 aaats a bushel; wheat, 70 } i'ltiii a feuahtf; oats, 40 et-s, abucheli xyaDOeta. a bushel; Clovcrseed, $7a| bushel: timothy seed,-$2a bushel; potatoes, lu* a buehel, timothy hay, $i4* toe; mixed, $12 a ton, clover, $12 a tea; alfalfa, $1* a ton; watches, $5 to $60; pianos, $23 to $200; organs, $5 to m Rye U net half appreciated by the American farmer* It is veryhardy, will growou fh« poorest land, makes good winter and spring pasture and if sown early enough makes good fall pasture. .It is a good early soil ing crop. It makes a fnir quality of bay if cut In bloom or before, and it always eelleatgood prices andmakes the beat of bedding for cattle anct bores*. It Uytlso an excellent green manure crop for turning under In early spring. While It does noe add nitrogen, as th# clovers do, It makes a great deal of humus, and thus improves the texture of worn-out soils, It, wiH grow in any section that * an growanyof the small grains Where corn or potatoes or coWpeas are grown after corn, rye may he sown in the corn at the time of“ lay ing by” or may bo sown, on the stubble after the corn’ is* cut and bo plowed under in the spring for any o f thecrops mentioned.—W* J. - Spillman* w*J" "’ Washington O. H., the largest dry town in the-state will vote on local optionApril M. Ironton, will also have an election, on the wet and dry issue on April IS. At Washington Q*H, the fight wilt be intense owing to the fftCt thaii the dfys carried the place two years ago by a close mar gin. Then the saloon keeper fought tho election and the result through the courts and lost* Ic is expected that the liquor dealers will come up with a strong corruption fund. The Anti-Baloon league will have a $15,- (KH>subscription backing. -* 800 SQUARE FEET May be covered twice with ono gallon of Hann&’aGreen Seal Faint. ....Bssufy and Character. A famous portrait painter says that .beautiful wumdir do-not take the best looking pictures* , Mere beauty Is never wseedsafully reproduced by brlish or camera, unless the model express®* Character m the lines of her face and acre*,1In other words physi cal beauty ■alone becomes common- place unless it is enriched by some beauty of expression. ’It’ s the paint to' weather the weather* HANNA’ S GREEN SEAL. STAR TER Beginning April ist* W e W ill Sell Wall Paper Papers for w h ich you have been paying 8c* *sc Stripe, S crolls, Set Figures and flora ls, the usual 8c and io c variety ..................... ..................../ .................................................. * _ 7 c M ou ld ings 5 c a t , , ’ .......... .......................... .........*____ . . . . . . 2 x»ac We Give Green Trading Stamps TAKE AsLOOK IN THE ARCADE ; SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, '* a g a^W ^ h ea iA S double the pride of the prisonl day* The value of an article isit* price Compared to Its cost* The wheat ! !drill, the self-hinder, and. the com bined thrasher and cleaner have so lowered'the costof labor, and reduc ed the time in growing and harvest- 1mg Wheat as to enable the farmer to rnowgrowtour acres of wheat instead of one. as formerly* The way to make wheatprofitable is to Increase the average yield per acre by the Iliberal use of'fertilizers, Do you know that you can. save money here on the little things that you need and, are buying every day. Here are a'few o f the money savers. ' Plenty more as good Colgates Talcum Powder 25c p k g .. 15c Mennen’s Talcum Powder, 25c pkg.ISc Violet .Ammonia, large size........ ,20c' Colgates 25c Dental Powder with toilet soap specia l,........ ......,19c Pears Soap 12c or 3 f o r . _____ ; . . . 35c Ironing wax 2c or 3 fo r ............ . 5c Dress Shields, all sizes , ........ lQc Fancy Pearl Buttons, all sizes, 15c and 20c quality........ ................ 10c Ladies’ and Children’ s hose suppor- , ters all sizes, extra h ea v y ... ■*10c Child’s Patent Leather BeIJs........ .. 10c Ladies’ Silk and Leather B e lt s .. . ,25c Ladies’ wash belts. 10c to 25c‘ . Radcliff Bags, Tan o r ily ._____ __ ,50c, Pillow Tops, ready mad e , . . . . . . . t25e 12 Button Black G loves.______* .. 50c Mr. F*.D. Miller, who .has- Cne of the largest ftnit farms in this part of the state a shojjfcdistance from Springfield has carefully examined his orchard and finds that practical ly all the cherries 'have been killed. The buds do nob show life in any re- spact as far as the prospects are concerned* ‘ As for plnms there has not been so much damage. The peach crop wlil be fair, thqugh the early varieties ate thought to be frost bitten as well as the very la test. The summer peach Rcems un* harmed so far. Just why the early and latest peaches have been in jured and not others seems to be strange, * MA THIS AT HOME Thefel3b|Ufig simple hbmq-mode to cattily rplier® '##$ any. form of fjbivttm* tnd .peisoQooa matter,. •r lhrsing at ones snob oymptoin* a« backache, Weak kid ney*and bladder andblood diseases, Try it, as it doesn’ t cost much to make, said to be absolutely harmless to the stomach* Get the followingharmless ingre-: dlent* Jram any good pharmacy: Fluid Kxtraeb Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargo" oxie ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsapa rilla, three ounces. Is by shaking well in a bottle, and take a tea- apbonful after each meal add again at bedtime. This simplemixture Is said to give prompt, reltet, and there are very few oases of Rheumatism or Kidney troubles it will fall to cure perma nently. ' These are all harmless, every day drugs, and your druggist should { keep them In the prescription de partment; If not have him order them from the wholesale drug house* for you, rather than fall to use this, tf you are affected. " ‘ “Rawhide Hose.” ' ‘The name tells the whole story, they are as strong as leather, made for strong husky boys, and we can safely say there is no other boys’ stocking made to sell for l UMyoy- 15cl that will wear as welL and they are equal in wear and appeal 3 *5o stockings sold* Ask for the “ Raw hide.” AHsizes. ice to You do Dot need to pay mush for a V coat here. Good'st^les and materials fo r Children and Misses' at $2.50, $3, $4 and $5. Fancies and Coverts. Ladies' Covert Jackets «$4.5Q to $10. Ladies’ Black Broad Cloth Jackets $5 to $10* Ladies’ Silk Coats $5 to $10. JOBE ^he most sensible and most stylish dress skirt a lady can buy. H you buy it ready to *wear know exactly. what .it will cost and how it will look. Is not that worth knowing? Prices $10 to $15. ‘ 1* yon and BROS. XEN IA , OHIO. CO., To Cure a Cold inOneDay T a k e L a x a t i v e B r o m o Q u i n i n e t h H b u . ^ t v t j C Sevan kfiMkia box** soihl k> | hm 4 13 BtOntha. T & fe 0 «*C r ij» hi TWoRcyx, » onevery rrvxrt*** box.25c. ' mk ________________ ______ Science has developed something infinitely better than the old-styl© wrap or damp. ' weld -MPT * SfiP ITTSBURGH PERFECT” T * FENCES ARE WELOED ■ BY ELECTRICITY. This isiheirkxhmmethodof coxistraction, Yearsoflifeare ’ added duo trgh r o AWRAP holds in( 4 eture,<ificfes the galVanhlng afidalitiWs theWakf toattack tho bareWk«. A amount of diiphced galvanizing on “ PITTSBURGH PERFECT^ REINFORCES THE PRO*. TCCTiON AGAINST RUST AT THE; ELECTRICALLY WELOEO JOINT; examine the joint. S t a y s c a n n o t s u p * . T t e y * « ;rfwatejfiit w k te p oaepkeeworn ibetttrfMk made* ThtkotchiikeAtoMahtit oipetiotittd^ttU Every Rod is Guaranteed Perfect. Don’t allpw yottf pftjadlteln favoe of tficra^<df J«Ilm'ngandUaWantlquaJ<Jm*tb6j»youhAV» he(etolo<« known* to warp your goodftidgtbeat* , “ PITTSBURGH PERFECT” FENCES REPRESENT PROONESi, kcauw im&ttAt Ut thousinds 6f dollarsWorthci slintUrd material I* dailyWekkd by efecttkhy* * The hoop oh (he average i<ig*r battel la ihabolatrd cotmiry grocery rioce it an dtdtkoliy wddkd produev If your tvagon wa* made in a large factory, H*tite* vrrre weidrti by etoridty. Tun w S find ehcfrkatIy*weM*tI hoops on ice cream iteeuit and washingmachines, oft many tabs and buckets* Examine them* F iT ilkU fiOH PERFECT " fence* are made by1thNmodem, simple andmarvelous process, producing “ THE IftfELD Tf$A'* H6<l.D*’ ’ »M$,FAItWENi LISTEN, NOW. Every agent handling** PlTTSBUItOH PERFECT ” fencesIs author jbsdWftiaranteet&isj ^ Thai Xh*wires are nal trtiuredei *b»~Jointe, T m UH i # ten** la aerteSHir adluafafelA t* uneven tratuui*. llMrt Me stays will net MemMe atraiMl*, met Hie f*noe le ali.rlght in eveiy pertleuhir* C«Af you ask any mote deiln'ba protection 'i Yotte comjdetc satisfaction la absohstafy w s55tt. 4AI Attes^s WTDbURSH rEWECfrEMCWQfW l Siy)a> er. * *
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