The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 1-26

o fSKT '•*V> The EdwardWren Co’s Important Announcement. •. -a Furniture, Carpets, Stoves and General House Furnishings. •!I /»!-t,4W - TheEdwardWren Co HOUSEHOLD CLUB OnOur Newly Organized ‘‘Household Club Rates.” This is especially important to those interested'in the furnishing of a new home. Begin-* ning to-morrow, Honday morning, we will inaugurate our new system of Household Chib Bates, applying to Home Furnishings, which for a nominal monetary consideration places all buyers o f household goods upon the same plane as cash buyers, though practical­ ly having nothing invested* Membership-in our Household Club opens to you this vast stock o f House Furnishings unexcelled in point o f extent and variety by any house in O h io,, and with the low prices prevailing that have characterized this store as the *most popular shopping resort m Ohio* Our Household Club gives to the general public advantages in , buying hitherto Unknown in Springfield. The following is a reproduction of our • 64 Club Certificate” Which Is Self Explanatory. SBRINOFIFLD, OHIO THIS IS TO CERTIFY, THAT............ ....................................... ................. ........ ....................... . has become a member of Wren’s Household Club by paying Two Dollars ($2) memberlhip lees and is entitled to the.privilege of our rent purchase plan as per the following schedule: ITpoupurchases of Furniture, Carpets or tStoves. amounting to $25.00, or less, A $1.00 Weekly Payment until Entire Amount is Paid. No Interest. ■ . Upon purchases ot Furniture, Carpets or Stoves, amounting, to $50.00, or less A $2,00 Weekly Payment until Entire Amount is Paid. Upon purchases of Furniture, Carpets or Stoves, amounting to $75.00, or less A $3.00 Weekly Payment until Entire Amount is Paid. ‘ ’ . , , % P ’'■ I ' * .Upon purchases of Furniture, Carpets or Stoves, amounting to $10Q.00 dr less ” , " . •- -1 • ' X* A $4 Weekly payment Until Entire. Amount is Paid. I am entitled to a membership m The Edward Wren Co’ s Household Club, and lhe privileg" o f . their rent purchase plan, which requires the payment of Two Hollars ($2) upon joining ihe Club, the above weekly payments thereafter uutil entire amount is paid. All'of which I agree to do, SIGHED............ ........................... ;......... .*. ...... ..................!..... • ** ' , ^ * . i ’ ‘ _ ‘ t r ' * - WITNESS...................................... ........ ................ ............... - The Edward Wren Co. . . . . . « y . ..... , ........-.... -■ ........-...................... ............. .. ............ ' Either party may cancel this certificate by written notice, m which event the $2.00paid for same shall bo refunded, hut said cancellation shall not affect any existing indebted­ ness or its security. , T h is Certificate is not va lid unless signed by . an O fficer of, this Company. i ‘ * American Mission* Faggala, Cairo, Egypt March. 1, 1007. i’bo papers camethisweek asusual i were very welcome of course •mso glad you^ate having such a ■drevival aud amsure It is longed and welcomed by all the church Vo have had very helpful meet- ;shere during the past year or so ‘ as yet Egypt does hot seem pro red for a. great quickening-such they have had in India during - past two years. "We had. two si-ionafies and their wives from Sia With Us last night at prayer- ; ting, and it was a great mspira iniul encouragement to our own hi to hear from some who have i-'rieneed these wonderful fulfil, istof prophecies* hc-twmen were from the Southern i of India and are now white red old men. One was I)r, Boggs i the other Hi*. Rouse, related to Psalm “ transpr.aer” , although •4 a Baptist. ttt*parties} say they never attend* a more spiritual and peaceful :od than the one just closed, in , tfn-y nay they, never saw ling like it. .o had an unusual Association, wo are confident that better in*-m store for Egypt l)f the / i'l.tur*-, How greatly Our ;sii.u) church stands In need of cleansing from all sin an » a ■ npiriituU awakening, for we si »r*"Iy touched the Moharn- r.ifi in fhci'r great darkness, " » in tin- I-’aggnla, we are On which leads to the Mo- dau burying ground. Often ■" five i-r sis habies’fiesiclefl sev- ;;;<‘V«n people datl, , who arc .'can IsJ to their final testing . when Hie evening coiner, • vau ’J h !’„'■«)() still to he vlbta* in the air “ There is no god ex- ,i.ih a-.:;l Mohammed lathe ' ' of Allah.’ * One’s heart . ,< Hie hop. ] SSheKS writ- a s f - > in fhoprocer- ' ■ ’ am motovi and weeping i y»t —tonal mourning wonv u holiday air iiuililhehd : s'- >u: u and hoys®who pre- ' ■ > h*'.- o' suH rg LOVERS LANE, JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION. Power of Example. No man or woman of tlio humblest sort can. really be strong, pure good Without the world being the bet tef for it, without 'somebody being helped and comforted by the very existence of this goodness.—Phillips Brooks. Land Owned by British Railways. I The railways of England and Wales and own, on an average, 12 acres of land tor every mile of railway. Those who have my fence stretch­ ers will confeKa favor by returning same tit once,'as they are needed. O. Mf, Crouse. d i i u . i i-,m mid, IVagerfioft . if 1 ; In America, ;i Sitwa greater ex . o tlcu *•> j .try la the uv» » hi ’the rrasiiii la that Ira- I'thit feincs far mow men than ■ - • ■ . .. & • Bi/lcij By A Spider* Through blood poisoning caused by a spidei* bite, John Washington, of Eosqueville, Tex., would have lost Ids leg, which became a mans of j running sores, had he hot been per­ suaded to fry Buckloh’s Arnica. ■Salvo, He writes! “ The first appli­ cation peleiyod, and four boxes healed all the sores.’ ’ 23c, Ottafaii- ieed by all druggists. I CASTORIA For Infenta a M Children, The M YouBarsAlwaysBought Bears the Signatureof To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit* cour­ age* strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not.forget Ayer's Sarsaparilla, You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way, 'f!i6<1Mlf)t,cfrMMiritr«tiM!)lyIt.W!t6fcnilJieaUh miltuiti Hieimtrtilnnta in Mf.r.orpundliloit. <er- sff-ei iin?<’(ni9lit"iSlf.n !i? clviivr muoll l.ixstan ConesorAvoir*i-nio.AUvcscwWo.Dncaf coaleu. A SEed*t^y.O.-AV8#to,.td*6n,?st***. yers JoaniiMOtfire**of 9 . ISAtRVldotf, agch etiftfi. ea::aw i'r;Toa.«.. HMJJ Wsh*v«hdcsofei'sf V*«iia»1iofc tftdfoftoa’fttefft *w loBdielfttss. £AH*4 by JOHN KENDRICK8ANC$. Frate#or Byron fti'rUvbie, the^distin* KttiSh<-djr>et andpresident of tholllggfi- .ville AuihotV Hub, has been■-placed- In rimr-fe of th* mttnleipal gas plant at Hlgsrjvfife, Ind. Frofc .’sar Scribble bus fcatlno iireviou* experience lu the man­ ufacture ef jta», but there is no man in the Howler State who can handle vncl­ ops kinds of meters better than he, and. under ltf* admlnistiatton it is hoped the produce will mta* closely re- eemblh the dlvluo aidants than hith­ erto* ' ■ , : «t R - ■ The estimated loss of §500 per diem upon the city owned Staten Island for* ry in Now t'ork will be met not, as has been roared, by an lac-venae- ef the tax levy, hut by the printing of a sufficient number of tun# of ferry bonds to lie used as fuel as n sub.ifliute for coni, thereby savlug vast curis of money and the whole twiul i::3Ue being con­ sumed wlfljont adding any fnture ob- Ugatioiis, lni«n*t bearing or etherwiee, to the city debt. . *t *t : Tlie r-ify aut’i iritics i;f tllasiow ad­ mitted a fuss Ii-f ’; 'Or of ijijd.flft) ou the operaUoaa of their iuo plant. Mr.- Sandy MitcNah, toe in:r.!ft?35f of Troon, 1ms written to the LTasgow Sunday American Htflthig that ihcaa figures are more illnnJimt'ug than the gas, which strike,) the Am-rh au Rdnd ao a pretty good joke ft Scotchman. , «t »t We hear on ? »od aui’oEty that when the city of i hkagi fia :iiy enterij upon the opevutlw)! of the street car system the snbatimtbm of hammocks and swinging chair* for atrapy is not seri­ ously eeiitcmpkted. A sareiiatie corrMpiuideht, who has read recently that the operating' ex­ panses of the Lskewoad (0.) electric light plant *hnw ft ee.:t of $12!).C(5 per are, write* to auk hoW this com­ pares proportionately to the expense of rutmhiff Noah'* nrlt. The question t? respectfully referred to the Union Theological wmlnnry. We frankly confess that we do not know the an­ swer, K *t I'eopto who Hve in glass. houses should not, ihrsrw stosnw. A James­ town (JJ. Y.) nisn, Who complained re­ cently that the municipally owned electric light* o f that town wore fre­ quently out all night mm laughed out of court because: he had to confess that he was often out all night hJm- self, it if ■-. . ff' One-fifth nt tt» garbage of the City of New York I* consumed dally in op­ erating the electric lighting Plant by which the Williamsburg brldgo is il­ luminated, n mttt and * half long, or, eountlt!* both roadways, ihree miles, This means thsrt only 2 per Cent of New York’s W miles Of street light­ ing could b* psnfideA for If nil the gatlmge avMlabik were nsdtl tat that purpose. If, tfawwfoti*, »s has been ad- vocated, thi ifflMto tmlktihits and thor- % 'mtitSfim ishonfd lm lipteiv ey « mr > trprty sactrrOd threngh the towDing of this .commodity, It is surely up: to the loyal eltlxens ef New York to produce more garbage than they do nt present It is to be hoped that this hint will be sufficient to Induce the taxpayers to act, for, If they do not, who'known how long It will bo before the city finds itself at the mercy of nn un­ scrupulous, privately owned garbage manufacturing company, organized for no other purpose than to put the small J garbage producer out of business and | to secure the emoluments wlfich be-1 long to and should therefore accrue-to the benefit of the people themselves? The Genuine Awful British Tolophono Service. Commenting upon the recent sale of the Glasgow municipal telephone sys­ tem to tlio j’ ritish postoffico the Phila­ delphia Inqfilrer says: r‘The people of Glasgow are entitled to commiseration, for it is a case of out of the frying pan into the fire. By those who have tried it words have been declared inadequate to describe the badness of the telephone service furnished by the British postoffice. “ Municipal. ownership may bo all rigid In principle, hut private enter­ prise properly controlled for the public benefit usually heats It in practice." Present Ills Bad Enough. While the most sanguine of conserv- r fives may, In their moat hopeful mo­ ments or -when smarting under tho is­ sues ot cither Individualism or cor­ porate audacity, feel au impulse to try the prescription of the tnnnlclpal own­ ership doctors, yet a-recollection of the examples of municipal employment with which the past-is rife is quite enough to make one-bear the ills we know about rather thaii open a Pan­ dora’s bos of other ills, which once set free may never again be curbed or rc- bosed.-^Gcorgo W. Dlthrldge in New York Sun. fterhMrt Tllh JCnVi. Spoony Forks, Knives, etc. have all the qualities in design, work­ manship and finish o f the best ster­ ling silver, at one-fourth to one-eighth the cost. Much of the sterling now on the market is entirely too thin and light for practical tise, and is far in­ ferior in every way to '' Silver- Plate ihat Wears ” > Ask your dealer for ‘‘ 1847 ROBERS , BROS*" Avoid substitutes, Oar foil trade-mark is “ 1847 ROGERS BROS.” look for it. .Sold by leading dealers, everywhere. Before bayingwrite for oar catalogue tNTKr.SArrOSAlM!n,YEBco., SfoarciBrsTto _. MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO., Meriden, C«M. r * £crt</U)t FU\ Jftirki t S5 . VAmtTfiefr Money Back. In ISO;] Frankfort, N. Y „ installed a municipal electric light plant at a cost of COCOfor each inhabitant. The village trustees have now made a five year canltact with tho Utk-n Gas and Electric company because its price Is less than the mere operating cost of the municipal plant. Not, Goodf EJudinoos, neinn,*:rtau<v5 may say what they please, but government ownership, mu­ nicipal or national. Is wfotig from the business man's point of vlew.-Jeroiho Jones, When you live 1 ft or use property that la t o ed you pay the taxes. Modem Robin Hoods* In England,nothing has taken the place of the native genius for archery, Perhaps thO reason is that tho old skill of wrist and eyo in turned on to games, and wo have loot not.a quality, hut a proper eftwclsb for it. Soon, it, Id to he hoped, Robin Hoods mid Lit-1 tie Johns will bo found makinb bulls; With the Morris tube, instead of split­ ting wands with the arrow, over half the Villages of - England. A F A M I L Y SAFEGUARD tor, Or«en artanee* with.the Klees 6f Dr. 1)9- eeliec to handle her faincut vneta'a Great Tlinat and Lutif care. ((The best family safeguard ia A reliable household medicine that will cure croup, tough*, colds, chilly sensations, running eyes and nose, sore throat and bronchial affections—that will k’cep the children proof against all contagious diseases, qffsuch ft medicine is Boscfacc’s German Syrup, which baa urecord of 35 yearn in the cure of Consumption, catarrh *nd all lung and bronchial troubles, q'fhe fame of Gciman Syrup as a ton- f.vvinptRe cure, since its purchase by Dr, Gfeen fiom the niece of the famous Dr. Boschcc, has extended to all parts of thi «HD *oquit!i*3 *'00 'flfld ONICSVH*B ’V -if fo» <u/stnx> f t U s 'J vjs PijtJb t</f ej 3 NITV 9 VW S;no *>/£ ttad'dvuX-iiwaviiX-unitsnH , - . . ’A 'tf ‘VP}*«0 "Pi‘1 ’SttujmiHtto yppuo V V pits ‘Plans Jattmtxt puv Sutffeu) jo piifitm !;>,> */f?t '-SQir,*) •tHTdATIIi *sttctjc.'.)jy ttjf MJ tfntj fy pu£ ___ SHX oonttaa. « 4 UM „T,5 Wa,crCt,S' . RaffdVRj, AEV StSY i \ * *. n»d fiU ftih* eg *suojie}iU3|desqo “ntI .buofl *dwj paojad-Mfii emeu -eaXiuB eig «| dVUX yp|gj^ eid p3}O0d*u{ /iqflnejfiiii, l^fig-pasn ‘•uiqouwidojaednsj u ‘pjaoMVni n\ I*»q em•) dvux 3SHQHM3K ^ AJiMmVWOD VCII 3 M 0 i • f ^Th z e m 1 Frida schoo roeeti . -Th< decid* 400 a: the cc tion. school „ The have 1 had. li evenii heard has be patroi the sc no t be ers fro public A re is 'a fa centra the lea cess ir if then iiew bi Mr. A1 traliza the ole . / W e i duplicj Gedara outsidi has a t tion of ■ highesl highest Ths re) Jusfcpij.- e w n e r d they m owner 1 issued i 1 Hally in the pro money ‘ 31*84 le ment st money The ! the sam been ci from tl- this cor proven^1 but in School the issu work, to educi munity for thei The 1 7 o’ clock you are question Tadic Men’ s Men’s I 30 Bo-