The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 1-26

. r ;i b F o r K x c e lle n e o O u r J o l t lV«rk will fouiiwp with that * f any other firm*, , . She Steroid. T H I R T I E T H Y E A R NO , 20 . CEDARVILLE, OHIO, F«$DAY; HAY.IO, 1007, SKETCH OF A COMMUNICATION* G.W. HfHEH, Hon, George Harper, ,of Cedar Vilie, is deeply interested 1 1 fhe wel- fare of b is fellow men' and Relieves the young men of the country should he educated on the g reat problems ‘ of the day. ' - Ho in. GeorgeWi. Harper, of Cedar* Vifle, will givemore money to Cedar- ville' college for the bensfll of the young man of the country to the 1 end ?that th e y ' m ay master-grave problems of state over which the country has been divided. Some ,tim e ago H r. Harper gave tile college-$5,0(10f o r . the establish- . ment of a chair of sociology. I t is ~-t - his id e a to strengthen this chair to: the maximum ., In making the gift Mr. Harper stipulated jh a t the es sential,' facts,; regarding finance, transporation: taxation cd-operation political economy and civil govern- • m en t should he taught. ----- “I believe’’ said Mr. Harped that our.young men should be given thorough kuowledgo of- these ques­ tions. -They are becoming more important yearly; and' the. future - voters of the .country should he' schooled,in their^Magnitude.” . Mr* Harper nJadfc the declaration , that h®'Wiguldgive ton college more %~ ”01 hiif deoli- live abate of sociology i n Oedarville college one of importance, rivaling sim ilar chairs in th e large r ^edu­ cational institutions* la k e m any m en of large wealth, Carnegie, Senator Walsh, Rocke­ feller, Girard and others Mr, Harper leads toward the establishment of institutions and the enactment, of measures for the goOd of the common people. H e does not, however; believe in fritte ring money away* Industrious and economical himself . from early boyhood he furnishes an Illustrious example of the' possi­ bilities of American life in building up one of the la rg e s t' fortunes in Greene county. . Mr, Harper and his estimable wife have 5,000 acres Of land* Two fhous- ands acres of the 3,000 in Ohio are in Greene county. Mr. Harper is said by some to be th e wealthiest man in Greene county* HiS wealth is ordinarily placed a t about half a million dollars* I t needs bu t a look a t his rugged features to decide th a t be fa a man of strong character, of fixedness of purpose and unyielding determi­ nation* He has a nose not unlike th a t of I . 3. H ill, th e great railroad magnate o f the Northwest, and a chin th a t reads energy and grit. Even tem­ pered and as certain as the magnetic needle, Mr. Harper headed steadily in the direction of success and in ­ creasing wealth. Ho will be 82years of ago tho 00th of th is m o n th .. In those 82 years he has seen marvelous changes in tho growth and develop* of bis country1. Fo r Instance Chicago was n o t y e t dreamed o f when ho was a yohrig m an full of hope and enthusiasm. When be was outW est ju s t a fte r tho end o f tho Mexican War lie bought inlllb io la a lot of Mex­ ican land warrants. Hq hold the land a while and sold a t a profit. “ We can no t always tell w h a t is ahead, ‘.'he said* “Had I held th a t land until now I would be able to sell i t for half a million dollars.” Mr. Hkrper began business for himself when 10 b y dealing in Cattle out in Illinois, H is father gave him a little money to s ta rt with, (That w as before there whore any railroads in Illinois anu land was selling At tlie Congressional price, $l.S6 p e r acre, Mr. Harper was horii near Solum In Ross township. For tho la s t 40 years he 1ms lived qntotiy and un­ ostentatiously in Ccdarvlile, follow­ ing the good old motto, “Old fashioned honest and a flno sense of honor make tho mail.” H is esti­ mable wife is ?*. Him comes from one of tho ftfremosfc fam ines of Central Ohio, she being a Murray o f tho Houth Charleston fam ily of Murrays. 'limy wore married 1st JW and have no ch ild ren ,^X en ia Herald xn-t •ab-mm seems to th ink alff who oppose bonding tho town for *30,000 or $40,000 aro opposed to edu­ cation of the people. Their opposi­ tion Is to autborjuslngau incompotpnf board to raise the tax rateand put a debt on the poor and their children for the next thirty years* Tho tax rate Is now $3.16. This is to be in­ creased anil continued for tho next thirty yeartr. They propose selling the old school bouse and site that cost $30,000 or $4Q i °Q0 for two,' three, four: .or five thousand dollars. This Site is centrally located and every way better than any Bite proposed to be acquired by the school board, r The property of the poor, w ill be . confiscated by-the high taxrate and capita* Will be. driven from., the town. Spend $30,000 or $40,0QQatt"d have a school house worth less, and not so well located as the oljl one. Tam in favor of a union high school built by the assistance of the other-district and would vote for tax for that purpose; I believe in educating the people bntnot robbing them by high taxes and graft. $ G. W- H arper . v-sV " J h & s / Vi *V^VV '4 ^VA *This item when marked with hr . fcdes, ilcnuies diet your jsubErrip is duo and a pro©pt -petite- ■ aicnt is earnestly desired, P R I C E S I , 0 0 A Y E A R * OFCOUNCIL. Joh» Council m et in regular session 1 ; The body Ibrought h a | Dayton wlioro the tit van inmate of the Day t Ipital fpr several years. ;was held Thursday at i native town. One son Monday eveningall members being] present. There was no business of j g rea t importance and the regular] routine was followed^ out. ] Reports from the different com-; mlfctees were receipts for the mc'nth past being jlngs and a sixteen year. $23J, the increase being due-to a flne|p.m l Hooro, Jte, and 4 ' of $200 on Thomas Mitchell fo r ,a ll colored, at the Violating the Realjaw «oup was lining from :had been Itate Ho's- ttf funeral liftop, liia rvives. METTHEDEBT OH PRESEKTLEVY. XENIANS Af read, the mayor’s] OfficerKenntmar I was quite surprised a t the Editor of the Record la s t week in trying to belittle some o f our- best Citizens .because they did nob agree with him. about building $ new School-house. And I was especially surprised that he should classify nie among those who are “turning back the wheels of progress”'since I ...*ve financially assisted him to a greater extent than has any Other person in this community, , I was led to do this through the influence of one who stands high in educational circles and Who wanted an independent-paper. R u t as with m ost papers—the edi­ tor was soon given to understand th a t ho m ust d o a s the gang io ld him and he quietly-yielded. I do no t know ‘what, ta x any one else pays. bu t if th e gentlemau will come down to o u r office wo will show him where pdr eheck paid $2(57.39 for taxes fast December. ' Now, while we are so unfortunate as.jto faaveso'much of our holdings in.Cedarville Corporation, yet many of themwhomhe oaiis the ‘Howlers1 i are fortunate & " ........... trying to protect the more unfortu­ nate ones. I would ask every good American citizen in tills district who has the, right to vote to come out on-election day and proteebus against this great fraud whieb they aro attempting to put upon ns, , ° D. y, E rvin . The committee on municipal elec­ tric lighting wa? discharged. 'Weimer reported on Die sidewalk m atte r on south Main street. T, R» Mechling offered, to deed to thd village enough ground to straighten the sidewalk. Mrs. M ary Ewry wouidmot give any grohiid or Tofuse to p u t a price on it. She had a t 1 tempted once to pub in a walk bu t was stopped by council. Wm. Cleirtans bolds two shade trees ht $25 each if the walk is> s e t hack. Samuel Albright has offered, tq give a strip m front of ins. property. Mr, Andrew thought th a t the work in th a t end of town on the sidewalk was done op the rules of contrary- ness.1 H e stated th a t some time ago Mechling Was asked to fix his walk and he refused to do so, now he wants a walk, Mr, Andrew was in favor of laying the m atte r on fhe table until the parties got ready .for a walk aud then there would be no trouble in dealing with them, The matter was tabled, * , j . W. Pollock and W* 3- Tatbox were present and each asked for grades for walks and curbs. On motion of W arner a committee was appointed*!0 v i e w the situation. Mayor McFarland appointed th e whole connell as a committee. The sites were to be viewed Tuesday afternoon. ’ • I t was reported th a t th e safety valve on the fire engine was no t in the p roper condition, and th a t a new one%vasnecessary so Officer Ronnon was ordered to -go to Dayton And get a new one. _i . „ A. facesa was taken un til May 11. Xenia, police Month couples had driven a t Were danffigtog the was also thought that, had been upset ip the p a rty spen t the n igh t i s j jail and Wore taken to day morning. ! m ■Delia Go- girl with *s Stevens Bit of the The two tenia and riage. I t carriage ^here* The *e village Mu Tues- MONEY REGB»0, .The treasurer', of lege received this we Treasurer of the Nor Vermont Presbytery formed Presbyterian.,' contribution of$ 21 p 0 fo i'| moot Fund* Th is Ip tion ann ounced Hast for tb coming some time ,1 rilleCo l- tfrom, the fo rk : and U h e ' Re- lurcb,, a. i Endow- ^ubsci'l))*: being is spring. W eather re « t . a communication . E ditor of the H era X/D; , - I* understand th a t a few of the “Interested” ones In the new school house, an il strange to say many of them have no Children to educate, would liku to smooth over the. s u r ­ face of the presen t tabgle by leaving the impression th a t the did building would be used as a shoe factory. Who le to head this concern and w ha t Assurance,has tho public th a t such a factory will locate here? Why throw away a good, substan tial building on a^chance, for iustance the'cheese factory? Then, would, i t be ju st find proper to Sell thupropor- ty to parties knowing th a t the water is impure, this contention being an argument against the present loca­ tion* I s i t possible th a t th e labor­ ing class is imune from Ah epidemic that* m ight reach children? This impure water story seems to loose its effect when properly analyzed. There Is another side to the “Greater Ccdarvlile” story as the “ interested” ones wan t the tax-pay­ ers and patrons to believe. The story as to tho Iota for a site and selection and promises to the labor­ ing classes th a t each man will get from 10 to $lO0teaohis allbosh and Is only a boon-A-rang to cover deeper, things th a t should have been brought to lig h ta tth e mass meeting. We all know J . H , and T. B, An­ drew and their methods, particu lar­ ly in trying to embaraas the gas company in securing a franchise hero, which m ight mean opposition to them in a branch of th e ir busi­ ness. Wo are ■a ll in favor of a “ Greater Ccdarvlile” b u t before these men p u t themselves before the public as “ heavy” tax payors nml exemplary citizens le t them begin a t home and improve some property they own on the north side so th a t i t Wilt be a credit to tho town, As it is a t present i t is a disgrace to the community and A discredit to ad­ joining property.. We people on this side of town get little in tho way of street improvement, Rut th is Is not so With thoso men who have molt' own lots filled and street Improve­ m en t made on the south side 'a t the public® expense. ■ I f the “ interested” ones w an t tho support of the north elders they] w an t hotter examples of “puoiic spirited citizens.” Ne’iwWsinjSR. C R W QV&. a. ■ ar*w. exited her# s ig h t owing'to a journal bteRkingon a west ixnmd freight. The ca r wax considerably damaged as wa# the track . Toe crew worked most?’of tho n ig h t to. get every th ing in shape, Trains wero sen t west over the ea st bound track and little trouble was occasion­ ed by.the wreck. On Wednesday afternoon the crew was again brought here to put a car on its trucks th a t had been set in on the side track near H e rr and Hastings elevator. The car was sent In too hard and when the trucks struck the humper t h e ' car wont over on tho side walk. Rainfall 2.8$ 0l»ohefl«j rection southwest^ pet shine 38; clear days- *14 part, cloudy <B m unberj thunderstorms 0; snows | snow 3 inches;ffaafc*»7f pf tomperftfcurolgtk temperature 41 degts temperature 6(t degre degrees- April 1907 colder than April 3 cent, J«?sS'mmshitfe*;; Samuel Cresaweli, > rind -Mr it, sun-, m d y -15; tips 12; lepth .of l; range vferageof highest |owefet.24 - degrees so pei ter*' !c. TEACHERS U A t g me*tiag of board NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT; In the Matter of Publication of tho Notice to tho E s ta te . of Lydia Weymouth, Deceased, Notice is hereby given th a t the un­ dersigned has been appointed arid du ly qualified by tho Probate Court of Greene County, Ohio, as Admin­ istrator of the above named estate. All persons indebted to said estate m ust make Immediate payment: those having claims will presen them for settlement. Thomas \V, S t. John. NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT. In the Matter of Publication i-f the Notice in tho E state of Isaac P . Weymouth, Deceased, Notice is hereby given th a ttlio un­ dersigned lias been appointed and duly qualified by the Probate Court ot Greeno County* Ohio, as Admin­ istrator of the above named estate. All persons indebted to said estate must make immediate payment} those-, having ebhno- w!H present them for settlement. Thomas W, St, John. NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR BONO ISSUE. Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education of Cedarvllle Village School District-, Greene County, Ohio, th a t there will ho an election held In said district, a t the Mayor’s office, between the houm of 5:30 a. in, and 6:30 p. m . on the 18th drty of May 1007, to consider tho question of a bond issue of $30,- 000.00 (to run $0 years) for the pur­ pose of purchasing a site aud erect­ ing thereon a new school building as provided in Section 8901, of the Revised Statutes of Qhio. By order of the Board of Educa­ tion, Andrew Jackson, Clerk, McFariaod; Nov ^ MeGivon; No. 4 p a .% C, C* Moriah; N$t» S, 'Mia# V era Andrew; Ltnsoy Marshall a s ­ sistan t superintendent. ‘ Miss Vera Andrew will tea^h m u ­ sic. CONCERT APPRECIATED. The entertainment a t the opera hptiso last Friday evening by the orchestra ana glee club of Wiibex- force University wm« one of the best things of the season, ’The night was bad and the attenuarice no t what it BhOuid have been* Bhould this or­ ganization return hefa we predict a crowded house, DRESS UP. By wearing a NVitwor l>ow tic. A tailor-made suit with Cottar and tie to match are what you want. . R, \V. L'ttick, Halwrdasher, MONEV to loan on first mortgage on FARMS, only. Wo also have FOR SALE SOME desirable farms and several nice .CEDARVILLE, XENIA and JAMESTOWN DWELLINGS. SMITH & CLKMANB, CEDAR­ VILLE , OHIO. A Narrow fiacapc, G. W , Cloyd, a , merehant, of Pluck, Mo., had a narrow escape four yearn ago, when he ran a jimsoii bu r Into his thumb. He anys: “ The doctor wanted to amputate i t hut I would not consent. I bought a box Btickloti’s Arnica Salve aud th a t cured th e dangerous wound,” S5c a t a ll Druggists. —Pu rina baby chicks feed eau be purchased of Nagley Bros, I t is w ith o u t doubt the liest food oii the m arket aud contain* no grit. The life of the chicks depends largely on the food i t gets. Have chicks th a t are healthy and you will notice a rap id growth hy rising Purina baby chicks feed. ffrATK ok Onto, Crrv or for,x»o, ?^ k tu (ft.u s rv . FU a S k L O ksxky Disk** oMh ff»st he U senior partner of fhs firm of F, J, CtrrSRV ACo., (lobrpr bUiinw* in tf» ritjr of Toledo, County, find sfstn afonw(4, and that said ifirtti will osy the sums ONB ilT N'DIlBI) PrthLAIB for eaeir «]t*ry *w* of Catarrh (hat rausnot lie cured by ih* twe of HArt’s CAtAimnCbttit, tnAKB J. olIKNBY*. Sworft to ixforfem*wwd*«hwrilied in my presence, this (ithdsy at f>»o»m'w;r, A* 15' J888. - A. W, Gf.KAJWN, ] skao | Notary Public irsll'o Ofitanh curs k taken ihttmmly and nets directly on th# blood end inncoua aurfarcs of the is yetet*. thud for teriimonb I'sis, free. ‘ » During the vast amount of talk on the school question few liave considered the exact cost and how such is to be met- when ;li&time comes. All reports fhat taxc? jviffnot be raised, and rents accord* ingly, will best be shown further in this article, It it ,be»t for each tax payer and patron of- the schools to get out pencil and paper and do 'some figuring for himself and not take the word ot a few who pay no taxes, or have made a; miserable failure in business for them­ selves. Let the arguments be what, th_ey, will other than the cost of such an improve ment but has any one of good standing ever yet bargained for or purchased an article that has not yet had to be' paid for? NO' -one ' believes for one minute that labor and material will be given the districts free of cost to make this im­ provement. Then with a tax levy at the limit at the present time how is this cost to he met without the greater levy? A representative of the Herald-’in­ spected the records of the'schools as far as expenses are concerned andfound that for the year Of’1905 if cost '$5,378.48 to operate the schools. This, be. remem­ bered was before salaries were raised. The proposition to issue bonds to -the extent of $30,000 at fourper cent, and we are tpld they cannot be sold for less than tour arid one half or five per cent, would meafi that the first year the interest would be $1,200,With $1,000 principal to be met makes the sum of $2,200. Using the J005 basis of operating ex­ penses a t $5378 and the interest arid principal at $2,200 makes a total of$7678 to he met next year, if the bond Issue carries. It Is next proper to know as to our re­ sources, The tax duplicate is $488,076. The limit allowed by law for a school tevyat present is 12’miffs. Thus if can be seen1that our income will only be $5,667.71 to meet a debt of $7,678,48. Taking it for granted teat the board' get| tt premium of $&00Oon the bonds tee board will face a / shortage >on tee levy of A 2 mills for tefe'riext" twelve ' or wjwd is the relief? ligporivdAfldtvw3*<sj&v son’s book? as to tee fand# on hand and the operating expenses this year. We alrjo find that only $405was paid ttifil die treasury for the BdxweU students. With ottr" calculation we .have given the board every advantage, We used the running expenses of a year under tower salaries, we used as low rate nf interest as possible and vet " will not come out as .*rdand others have represented them to’be. We have taken up the matter with Dr. J. 0. Stewart, the chairman of the mass meeting, who is already opposed to a higher tax rate for the good of the cor­ poration, The Dr. has been ready for a new building but we doubt if lie with others had taken the‘above view of the situation. It mustalse bd taken intoconsideration that a new building will be more expen­ sive to operate and that more teachers will probably be used. These facts have not been taken info consideration and only go to show that with them tjic shortage will be greater under the pres* erit levy. * ' Some Valuations And Taxes Paid\ The question of taxation and valuations of real estate in Cedarville as brought put last week by the organ of the plunderbund has created considerable discussion and opened the eyes of a good many people. According to a letter of D, £}, Ervin published-in this is­ sue the statement of the organ that Andrew Bros, pay tax to the amount of §272.30 or $1.49 less than .R, Rood, G, W. Harper D; $ . Ervin; H. M. Barber, L. G. Bull, J, IX. Wol­ ford, David Bradfute andKarlh Bull combined, speaks for itself. . We know of $207 of the, $273 being accounted for. I t is then useless to go farther and leave it to the public as to whether the other seven pay the difference of about $66 or an average of a little over $7 each., . ; The Editor of the Herald visited the Auditor’s office Tuesday and found some startling things concerning the ap­ praisement of some of our residences. As Andrew Bros.} boast of the amount they pay in faxes it is of course most interesting to know how great.the valuation is on their homes* ' The'residence in which J, H. Andrew resides is listed for $1,900. The owner would-refuse $5,000, for it, T , B. An­ drew’s residence is put in at the insignificant sum of $1500. Would he sell it for three or four times that amount? The old Elriek property on North street is listed at $490 and the two brothers as owners refund $700 for it this week and are holding i t at $1000. A great ado has been -made about ,J. H* Wolford’s residence and his taxes. We find that this hyuse is listed - 4 . «o . r ’! - ! ” li^, > i , : W: at $1,400,.an old house, repaired, with a new front and, veranda. Yet it is only $100 less than T. B . . Andrew’s valuation. ‘ Would either of the Andrews .trade with Wol­ ford and pay the difference in valuation? We also find that J. C, Barber is down for $1,900. on his residence, would either of the Andrews .trade with hirq? We also find that the Mrs. Buoy McClellan property is listed for §1,0Q0 which makes the homes of the “heavy taxpayers'1’ look rather diminufafive. The.home'.of J. D . . Williamson on the same street'is listed a t $2,100, severalTmndred more than either of the Andrews. These figures are given the public to prove the absurdity repre^ufs oh©hors^, buggies,; &m ie^ credits, ■ such as coal, wool, machinery, salt,-grains of all kind, seeds, harness, watches, pianos, diamonds, etc.. Does any one. doubt the truth of the term “tax dodger” as applied to them? SchOlarBof tile township schools who have samples of Corn for the agricultural display tviil please leave same a$ C. M. Crouse’s store Monday May 20., D. L, Crawford,- Supt, Old English Floor Wax Johnson’s Floor Wax The Springfield Hardware Co., MIXTHISAT HOME. The following? simple home-made mixture is said fo readily relieve amt overcome any-form of Rheuma­ tism by forcing the Kidneys fo fil­ ter from tho blood and system all tho Uric acid arid poisonous waste matter, rJiev ltig a t once such symptoms as backache, weak k id ­ neys and bladder and blood diseases., as it doesn’t cost much to make, and is said to b e6 absolutely harmless to the stomach’. Get the following harmless Ingre­ dients from any good pharmacy: Fluid E x trac t Dandelion, ono-lialf ounce; Compound Itargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsapa­ rilla, three ouhees. vMix by shaking well in a bottle, and take a tea- spoonful after each meal and again a t bedtime. This simple mixture iSsaid to give prompt relief and there a te very tew cases of Rheumatism or Kidney trouble It will fall to Cure perma­ nently, These aro a ll harmless, every day drugs, and! your druggist should keep them In the prescrijdion de ­ partm en t; if no t have him order them Iftmi the wholesale drug houses io r you rather than fait to use this, if you are affected. DEATHOFREV.WYAT .iFIMEirOF cum. The following is the program for the closing exercises' of the Xenia Theo* logical Seminary: May 7,10v the written examinations. May 12, Sabbath, at 7:80 p. m. the baccaiurcate sermon, by Rev. S. R. Lyons, D, I>. May 14, Tuesday, at i 10 a. m., the meeting’ of the Board of Trustees; at 2 p, m., there will be a conference touching the interests of die Seminary, led by Rev. Frederick! Elliot, of Waterloo, Iowa; at 7:30 p. m., the annual meeting of tee Board of Managers. May 16; Wednesday, at 9 1 a. m., the oral examination; at 7:30 p. m. the anual address by Rev, C. S. * Gleiand, of Philadelphia, Pa„ to be followed by the presentation of di­ plomas to the graduating class, . F. A. Voung vialted a t home this week for a few days. Mrs. Young Is Bpending the week with her par- ent6 iti Yellow Springs. Mr. Young graduates from tho O. 8. U. and from tho Fox School of Oratory next month. M :u W- W. lliff and sort of Dttanesburg,N. Y., tire guests a t the homo of W. H, lliff and family, Rev. W .W . lliff will come late r to ho here fn attendance a t the animal meeting of the R. P. Synod. Mr. C. (J<Weimor has taken over R. McClellan’s interest in the m eat store and now lias active charge. Mr, Welmer will sell his livery stock Saturday a t public sale and from th a t time on devote hia energy toward the meat trade. My Best Friend. Alexander Benton, who lives On Rural Route 1, Fo rt Edward, N. Y., flays: “ Dr, King’s New Discovery la my best earthly friend. I t cured me of asthma six years ago. Tfc has also performed a wonderful cure of Inci­ pient consumption for my son’s wife. The first bottle ended the terrible cough; and this accomplished the others symptoms Teffc ofio by one, mill she was perfectly well. Dr, King’s Ntnv Discovery’s power over coughs and colds is eimply marve­ lous.” No other remedy has over equaled if. Fully guaranteed by all druggists, nor and $ 1 . 00 . Trial bottle free. Word has been received of the death of Rev. Richard- ^Calvin W yatt, which occurred at. his' home in Norwich, . Ohio Friday, April 26th. Rev. W yatt had been in poor health for sometime past, and a t his request had only recently been released from ills pastoral duties a t Norwich, where he had been located since April, 1800. Fo r seven years he was the beloved paster of the U. P . congregation a t Clifton,Ohio, resigning his charge to enter tho home missionary field lit Kansas. “Mr, W yatt was a humble and fa ith fu l laborer in tho ministry. Crippled by the loss of one arm ( as wtnnrdofetancLin tho war fof the Union, ho was no t unfitted for service as a good soldier of Jesus Christ, and he has now received his crown of victory, l ie enjoyed the confidence nmlJove ot iris breth­ ren in tho largest measure. His name will long be remembered by tlie people among whom he labored. His works will follow him Christian Instructor, I it Don’t ffay Alimony. to bs divorced from your appendix. There will he no occasion for it if you keep you? bowels regular with Dr. King’s New Lite Pills. Their action is so gentle th a t the appendix never has cause fo make the least complaint, Guaranteed by all Druggists. ’Ale Try them. . worrspexiiioru Carpets are going up. announces tho manufacturers; but fkev must rd down, say the Uouselmonera Wonderful ficzvma Cure, “ Our little boy had eczema tor five years,” writes N. A. Adams, Hen­ rietta, Pa. “Two of our home dot ~ tors said the case was hopeless, his lungs being affected. Wo then em­ ployed other dortoi'/vlm t'uo benefit, resulted. By ©banco Wo road about Electric B ittersjbonght abottfo and soon noticed Improvement. Wo C 01 - tinned th is medicine mifil several bottles were used, when our boy whs completely cured.” Bout of fill bint tt medicines and body imUdliiR health ionics, Guaranteed by all riruggi&tft, fiOc per buttle. i 1 . A m