The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 1-26
CEDARVIXLE, o h JO. W e H omc I' jp Yen n P atkonaiui and promise- careful nutlprompt- attention to all bnr.imGs NEWYORKDRAFT and BANKMONEYjOJiDERS" The cheapest and most con- wiilenf, way to send money by mail. Loans Made on Real Estate, Personal or Collateral ;Security. Banking Hours: 8. A. M. to 3, P,.-M. S.JW. S mith , President:! ■ 0 , I* S mith , Cashier. The Cedarville Herald. - S i . o o P e r Y e a r . K A R L I i B U W E d ito r . ■FRIDAY, KAY 17,1907. - SENATOR DICK SEES A GREAT LIGHT. And so there is to be no conference, after all! Mr, Dick, like the immor tal Mr. Fimfigan^ is “off agin, on agin, gone agin,” ' ’.Mr. Dick has never set liis foot-iipon an 1 inch of really safe and solid.poiitica! ground since his discoverer, guide and mentor, Mark Hanna, died, l i e has tried to play a game of politics with Mr. Foraker a'? a partner, with varying success; the Senatorial firm has been embarassed, in both itsanner or outer operations by the mutual-, distrust of its distinguished members. Sometimes, os a sincere- friend of Mr. Dick, we are strongly moved to advise him to retire from the political arena. ' He is too tmsuaj^eefc- ing, too iinsofisticated, too trustful and innocent, to cope with the powers of political darkness. Every body jollies him -along, pats him on the back, calls him a great man, makes him believe- he is really a statesman and leader— and then, when the pinch comes, “dumps” him. We are sincerely sorry for .Mr, Dick.*.This "conference” ep isode, with its large begin nings and its inglorious end ing, illustrates sadly but em phatically the folly which Aesop's frog was guilty of when she assayed to swell herself into the proportions of an ox. Mr. Dick like the frog, swelled and swelled — and burstedl ' t A Seriously; the Republicans of Ohio should resent, as an insult to their intelligence the assertion made by .Senator Dick that the conference was called by him only to secure party harmony and unity of purpose. Every member of the party in this state who has read the papers and fol lowed the course of {political events during the .past sixty days knows ith a t Senator Dick determined to call this meeting only after anx ious consultation with Fora- ker and Cox and such other anti-Administration politi cians as might be counted on to aid in destroying Taft if the thing could be done. Their object was not to promote party harmony, not to secure unity of purpose and action,, but to threaten >lji f*. Taft susTto defeat the will of "the great body of the party in Ohio unless their own political for tune might be saved as the price of peace. . The conference which was Rickets. Simply the visible sign that baby** tiny hones are not forming rapidly enough. Lack of nourishment is the cause* Scott's Emulsion nourishes baby’s entire system. Stimulates and makes hone, Exactly what baby needs. ALL DRUGGIST Si 50c. AND *1.00 intended to accomplish this purpose has been called off. Mr, Dick announces tha t it is “indefinitely postponed.” Why? [Simply because it had become absolutely certain tha t the result of tha t conference would be HANNA’HGREEN MEAT/PAINT \VUhstands the wear tm4--4nar of, of the elements far better fhtvn^akft made by.the old process of mixing by baud. Figmontsand liquids are thorough lydueopobated, thus assur ing a liner and more, durable product. Spring Valley Is to have a new enterprise in the manufacture o f a patent plaster. Tim product twice disastrous to the hopes wil1 1)0 ,Ma(lu <)f ’* rock o f lhatmw nn fA iia- fit* f in tlm nenr Umfc Tho l e c t o r s 01 life p x o m o t e i s , lU**t, HI cue Fulla-rson and "WaUim will erect a overwhelming endorsement of Taft, and second in the refusal to commit the conferees to Mr, Foralcer’s Senatorial cause The conference would have been held, without question as to its necessity or wisdom, and at all hazards, but for the certainty tha t the Senators.and their anti-Taft faction realized that the sen timent of th e .Republican of the State, and not they them selves, ‘would .dominate _and control the actions of the conference. While we give full and cheerful credit to Senator J. Eugene Harding for his party patriotism and sound common sense • in “calling” Mr. .Dick’s hand, and in exposing its fatal weakness, we are convinced that no heed would have been paid to Senator Hard ing’s appeal and that it would have been treated with scorn- fill contempt, .had Senator Dick and Foraker been con fident of a favorable outcome. The smug and unctuous sentneces of Mr. Dick’s sur render hide a vast deal of au ger and disappointment. Does anyone believe tha t this conference would not have been held, had the canvass of its constituent members forecast the probable adoption of a resolution to endorse both Taft and For aker? Dayton Herald. —D ry, short, slab wood on now a t The D. 8. Ervin Co’s. sale plant. They tract of laml acres. have purchased a containing twelve —Clothing lo r Men and Boys, A wonderful choice line of.‘Fine,Suits’ to select from, in newest styles and streets. • Men’s Suits $10,,$l&.50--.a.ncl410.CQ Boys Suits $7.G0 §10.00 and $12.50, Give us a call. Bifal’s Mammoth Store, During April, in l!j elections 11 went"'dry"-nm i four wont „wel". The “ drys” are Beaver Dam. Her born, Buckland, Reynoldsburg, Ox ford, M'llledgeville, Mitlbnry, West Leipsie, Plojcerton, Washington, O H. and Ridgeway. The “wet* towns are Oaledona, Ironton, Bell- arte and Malvern, Farmers are warned' against a set of swindlers going through the country selling barbed wire fencing. They; offer to furnish a good height wire fence with iron posts for $ cents a foot and secure a contract that turns out to mcat. 8 cents a foot for each wire o ra total of 61 cents a foot.. 'Antelope on African Stamps, The atiteiope is part of the artns of Rhodesia, emblazoned on the stamps of that portion of British South Africa. Another species of antelope, known as the sasln. Is on the stamps of Nowapugar, a town In Hindustan with an active trade with the,outside world, which ha's been Issuing stamps of Its own since the year 1877. Woman Scholar Win* Honor, ■Mrs. Agnes Lewis, of “England, is said to be the only, woman who has received the degree o f D, D., which has been conferred upon her in reoog- nlttoa 4i her labors in deciphering some ancient manuscripts of the ftible which trere discovered lh a monastery on Mount Sinai. She is regarded as the most famous womati hiblq scholar In the world, Turbine Steamer?. . The first turbine steamship built In America made a speed of over 21 miles an hour tyn ltor trial trip, f t lo a. long time between cycles, Archi medes Invented the turbine engine 2.150 years ago and tt 1 b just no*w be ing Improved by modern physicists. makefien$Caywftile€aa$areM We have the Powders and Itcme dies that will do it.' Atsohavc the best Roop, Cholera and Gap'(jure. Green Bone Cutters, Drinking Fountains, Grit and Slielt Boxes, Brooder l amps and every tiling hi the Pou. y Line. Cyphers Incubators fr Brooders Incubators $0.50 to $29.00, Brooders $5.00 to $15.00. H . N . G A G E L , 212 E ast Third St Day Ion, Ohio, The Best Photos « That’s the kind we make. People are learning more and more that Baumgardner’s Is the place to get the. photograph they are looking for. They come here be cause of the artistic lighting, pose and finish of our work. No cheap, shoddy materials used, but the best and most up-to-date known to the photographer’s art. O u r B aby Pictures Have won for U s a Reputation . Baumgardner P H O T O G R A P H E R KING BUILDING, SPRINGFIELD, 0. tUtriliW IlftMIffi!?" msm&mssssmsm ■*.®T*«ecirw9*<ww3eJr**?* Taft fuming Etciv day ft I .- I h nru't* ULo Tap. lie J'j the :"a\ i>ritv :u jnstniftivo nulls of Rcpubllratt majnritiea la state J ob * Flatn: 4 i* fi-toat from fnunid ahki er.i :u5' :; lilt but the inimcnm’lj valtsubU' i;!|pj«,rt of t h e prraideat. :r- far p .: j baa ht-a ylvrn to any man. The i-rumtry is beginning to are l» Dm big and nnr-jD.'rtnl secretary of war a i'-r knec, st-'iv for Theodore Rootx-vcU, who will carry forward IioorovcJt’n plans and give full effect io iff--pp. The Americau iwoide ’Aitlisi more clearly every week that the president would have ■full confidence in the lieutenant whom he lias ,often rh.-fc<u to hold the helm steady during Irr. own absence from Washington. o Let it conic to bn believed that Wil liam Howard Taft would he the near est approach to another Roosevelt in the White House and all other candl- datea might us well give up the race. If tho people were sure that Taft would be closer to Roosevelt ideals’1 and Roosevelt methods than anyone else, they would not hesitate long to settle the presidential race In' his favor. For this; reason It looks more and more ifftc Tuft- Certainly no orbs else has no fair a -prospect, Tho big Ohioan would be as strong at the polls as in the primaries. There Is no Re publican whose nomination would be more discouraging to the Democratic leaders. Where is the Taft movement to be. stopped short of the White House?*' Who can prevent its com ptete success? TWO MORE -COUNTIES OUT. The Vinton .county and the Noble county Republican organizations have 'declared unqualifiedly for Secretary William II, Taft. The latter not only in emphatic terms endorsed the rec- ord'ef Eresldent Roosevelt's war sec retary, hut pledged the couuty to him. The endorsement consisted of several pages' of praise for, .Secretary Taft’s remarkable record of successful ac complishments, A. A* Day of Caldwell Is chairman of tho Noble county com mittee, The Vinton county endorse meat, sighed by-Chairman M.-C. Wes'- fall and Secretary Lafayette Eggles ton of McArthur, follows: Whereas, An almost universal sen tinient seems to prevail among the Republicans of this county favoring the candidacy of.Seeretary William H. Taft for the presidency qf the Drifted’ States* therefore, be it Resolved, By the Vinton county Republican- executive committee that we.hereby endorse the candidacy of Secretary Taft as the logical succes sor of tho present able incumbent, Theodore Roosevelt, and we hergby pledge him pur earnest and undivided' support and tender In his behalf every honorable, effort within ot?r means looking to tho advancement of.his in terests in this county, ' - Adopted April r i , 1307. . 81 C, WESTFALL. Chairman, LAFAYETTE EGGLBCTON, Sec. A Summer Resort Church,' 1It fs not generally known that Sec retary Taft is idf-ntifled with church work, says a daily Murray bay, on tho north b*ndt,»f the St. Lawrence river beiow *mm- titer resort for man/American*, one or the insUtutlduS of the plxCc ift whaf itt called the- trnftm church. Presby terians and Episcopalian# bold serv ices in the same church, one in the ‘morning ami the other in the evening, and they change each, speeded!ng Sun day, Among the trustees of this church are Justice? John A- Harlan of the United Status supreme court at- Wash ington; William H. Taft, secretary of war; Ezra BieCagg, a prominent law yer of Chicago, and CharJea P, Taft of Cincinnati. These men, with their families: affiliate at liome with either the Episcopalian or Presbyterian churches, and,, a* the number of sum mer vJaltois at Murray hay Js too lim ited for the establishment of se.paw o churches, they*'go together and form the Union church. This Jm3 been in fluentssful operation for a number of years. . N. Y. C-lobe for Taft. The New York Globe cayo editor, ally: “The Taft candidacy, apparently approved of in Ohio and not disap proved of Sn Washington, la In a happy condition. It arouses no con servative apprehensions—ia seeming ly ns acceptable to the right wJng as to the left wing of (ho party. While Secretary Taft has lowally supported the president ifi all Ills policies, neither Ida temperament nor hin rec ord Is ouch as to suggest that he would ever bo ,5 tr( tibie-nmltor. The situation may change before next year, but at present it. seems not Im probable that the big aeCretary’a 300 pounds of wkcd'Stttieurjs will *11 up the crovnesp ft. Hm Republican ranks atid that a fltmly united party will again present- a solid front to re- threatening Rryanism.” TAYLOR FOR TAFT. . Congressman Edward L, Taylor of the Twelfth district made the following publijr—declaration of ' hln T§|HJts8#i iHT'Vait'fi cMiiitltieyr *‘Tho eontiffitmt of the people of the district I have the honor to represent Sir congress is In favor of Hon. William H. Taft for president of,tho United States. "Secretary Taft is thoroughly qualified to discharge tho dutiefl of this high office. Ufa charac ter, ability and varied experience are ouch ad commend him not only to tho people of Ohio, -but to the people? of tho other Mates of the Union, - "In my opinion, ho should ho 1 OhloV, candidate for president in : tho next national convention." : P A T E N T S Uavrt:”.,mri ‘I«(t).M*fJtoM*i(-.eJansiallFat*' eat La-ibse ss conltu ted fw M«6trtAt£ Pres,1 atiti drricg t*r m * « tt o.*.i*ATeNtorfice ami VvOt.ine* airti-tcnt in l'.Jl tUMtiitn tnos4 remote f-,« Wnshinrtoc. , Umii Ctsiwi.iir'ihiito.. with dcscrip- UOn. Wt, ft.U,se, if Cn .-uttfree1ol CMpte- Our ftciint due till pitentSacccnred. A PKMC k, **1In- ■> c, I(Main Patento,’’wltn tost tit saw;,, in |he V-S. *mt foreign caunlries sent free. Addrti*. ■■ O.A.8NOW&CO. ops , FA fttr Oune*, waiihin « vo HI, A. C. j »- •uttsr .• ,a -■■■ 'A "TAKE THIS CUT” iiHMBBIWI' CAST0UI4 V r ..j , i:'- MU ‘ I" W.;'1L ■ A^getablePrcpQrationiorAs- slmilatingiktjFoodandRegutar' lingtiiaSlamaciisahdBoweJsof lNE .N ls /< HJLDKEN- Promoles Digestion,CheerfiiL nesjsatidltesuCOnlains neither Opium3forpltine-nor>liuerai, TSOTTSfARG O T IC . jntKtpe dfmdjars.wvB.mvim Pumpkin, Seed”' , * Mx.Smna* 1 KatkilUSdU- jriaiaeyifitil * Hfafetd. iSSKnm AperfeclRemedy forConslipa- non. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms,CohvulsionstFeverish- nca~ and l o s s o f S leep . ■f*. j ........ .....H im ....... ■i■? .1 . . . FacSimile Signature of N i 7 XORK . \ EXACT COPT OF V/RAPPER. k GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THCOeHTAUH COMPANY/NEWYORKerrv. e,:,. J. H. HcMILLAN, M a n u fa c tu r e r of CEMENT GRAVE VAULTS, Hoilow Cement Building Blocks, Chimney Blocks, Veranda Col umns, Pier^, Etc., Etc. Telephone 7 . Cedarville, Ohio, BMiMimR 4 SUITS AT POPULAR PRICES Skirts $6 to $12 the new plalffS, Waists, wool, $ 1-25 to $ 2 . 50 . Black Silk Waists, $4.50 to $40, BrilHnfeme Waists, $1 to 82.50. Silk Petticoats, excellent for 85, six yds, ruffle, Satin Petticoats, 81 to 82,50. Furs~-C611ars, Muffs, ets., latest styles, $1.75 to $15 . Muslin Underwear—Corsets Covers, Pants, 25c to $ 1 , Gowns 50 to, $3. Knit Corset Covers, Knit Underwear and Mentor are very popular. Five cases just in. New Outing Gowns, 50c to $1. Also Rain Coats. . f Room Rugs—Carpet size, a ll.grades. Tapes try, 810,75. Rugs, $1,50, etc.’ Druggets, $3 up.‘M\ A $ . . . HUTGHISON & GIBJiEY’S, S \ XENIA. J ?H I0 * ^ T0WN5LEY BROS*, U>L Cedarville, Ohio. Manufacturers of Cement^Building Blocks, Build-[ ings raised and foundations constructed. See us . for Cement work of all kinds. Estimates cheer* fullyjgivefi. , . ^ . “W p vocommond it; there isn’t pay better.,. In mid-HUimner you have to trust to a large degree to yoflr butcher. Well Cared For Meats iu hot weather aro the only kimLfto buy; we hayeproper appliances for keeping them right, and they’re sweet and safe when sold, Don’t go meat shopping w hen 'it’s hot. Buy of us and be sure, C. H . CROUSE, CEDARVILLE, O. BADBREATH •‘For months I hod crest trouble vrith my stomach and need all kinds of medicines. My tongne hs* been mituiilly ns green as grass, iny breath having Iodor. Two weeks ago a friend recommended. a b a d . .. Cascarets and obeorfully say therefore le t yon thorn to any one suffering from such troubles." „ , Chan. H, Uulpun,103 RivLigton St.. NewYork,NY . j BesT For F mi . ) ^ The.Bowels ^ tsxwxuw CANDYCATWmp PloftunntvPalatahldiiP^tontjTaBtejGood.DdGoodi Never Slck«u» Woakon or Gripe, 10c, 25c,COa.Novor, •old In bnlk. Thn ponuiuo tablet Rtninped COO. G uam Ptcedtocuropryourm onoyhack* Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y* ' 556 ANNUAL SALEjTEN MILLION BOXES a 1 «%| There is a handy helper * Mr • on which the housekeeper can always rely for her washing, dish-washing’ and house-cleaning. It is a splendid help with cold water, but with hot water, it accomplishes marvels. A few thin chips of Maple Ci tySoap . fllb writ: .I 01*-fliJ- and Stained washing. It fa pure soap that works these wonders. No injurious ingredients to cat the clothes or the hands. Maple City is a preserving soap. It ke«g»3colors from fading^ and. woolen from shrinking. It makes windows shine, china glisten and s ilv e r tparklc, Large, white cake, S cents, At all grocers, MAPLE CITY $PAf» Great Relief , During th a t trying- period- in which women so often suffer from ‘ nervousness, backache, sick headache, o r othgr pains, there is nothing' th a t can equal Dr. Miles' 'Anti-Pain. Pills. They stop the pains, soothe the nerves* and give to w/mamk tlm relief so much desired. If taken on first indication of pain o r misery, they will allay the- irritable condition of the nerves, and save you further suffering. Those who use them a t regular intervals have ceas ed to dread these periods. They contain no harmful drugs, and leave no effect upon the heart or stomach if taken as directed. They give prompt relief. ‘•T have been . an Invalid for 9. years. I have neuralclu, rheumatism and pains around tlio heart. By using Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills X am relieved of tho pain, and got sleep and rest.- X think: had I known of tho Pain Pills -when I was first taken • sick, they would have cured me. I recommend them for periodic pains.” MUS, IlBNllY FUNK, E. Akron.p. Dr, MfleV Anti-Pair? Pills are Sofd by your druggist, who will guarantee th a t the first package will bonefit, If It falls, he will return your money. 25 doses, 25, cents. Never cold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Baker’s Restaurant. Now located • in the Book waiter Hotel Building acros the street from the oh “Adams” stand,. Restauran in hotel lobby and dininj room on second floor, reache< by elevator. Meals. 25c an< 35c. High Street,-Springfield, 0 LIQUORoa MORPHINE' _ ft ?n^ ®ur® rational treatment COLUMBUS OHIO -F or blankolfl, storm froi rain aprons, boo the Una earri R. F j . Townsley, .lust the tt year for these articles. . - WORKSL Mohtnouth, llllnol 8 Fw'^| | m PtM^lcCMcJli'yitch! a a c a u s e s ! forthbllcrsaw,tf> himdrtd; of tisutifol I
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