The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 27-52
■ ' r ^ T T " t y J A l *t *"*?Y r^rjf 9» •* is cur Id it; there isnft fou luvyo to trust* jyour Initwher. For Meats the only kind to |?r appliances for pit, and,they’ra In sold, jDon’ t go |n it's hot. Buy (OUSE, |LLE, O. ■.Torod with chronic qoqt Time l had to take pt* IcacTory^hooM before l-xnjr fcovvoia* Happily I Ip X am a well man* l>re I waed Oaacnreta X Ii.internal piles. Thanks— ■ 1 &&&tltla mirfntn«. Yen* Inforhfcg humanity.” |Jr\Fisher* Roanoke* Hi* |t For towels tATKARTIC at. Taste Good. Do 0063 , * lrljitf, 10c, 23c, COc. Nev'er . ,i tablet stamped OOO. > J money back. |, Chicago or N .Y , 603 MILLION BOXES [depends upon is nerve force Ibrain to direct jur body; it is . It causes your . I, and send the Vour veins; it fat causes your ist food, your [the biood, and fete bile. force Is. the I,your body, so |f-out, irritable, sleep, or eat • in or misery |r •nerves 'are system run1* re ’this vitality |Nervine which and‘build b p |ou .cannot be strong- nerves. gears Dr, .Miles’; Svln. fills have been ; Is. Early in mar* ping clliUlron; my lorn-out—could not Icttte; indigestion such awful dizzy . 1 using Dr. Miles’ Jfe I began to 1m- Round myself In ' S. t>. VOTING. „ New Castle, Pa, is sold by your luararttee that the fit. If It falls, he ney. Elkhart, Ind r - ............- '• want. m the Book- lilding across >m the old Restaurant and dining [floor, reache4 [cals 25c and Springfield, 0 . - raiicno! tTfstsient l at onuafl. fiendfor If thrift Ocnhleert*»»„ is OHIO ssl Repair. Hardwick, Vt„ y years old. The in foot tall. The [id all the rephir* tlmo Siad to t*& i f ' V M , 1 i 'j A W|MM| Look! Listen! JUST LANDED, -nm~m a BANNERTAFTCLUB Warren County Organization Boasts o f Membership Strength of Oyer a Thousand. CLEAN UP pipe jour resi dence with Natural Gas. ViTork done by competent workmen. Estimates cheer-fully given. See me before you have your work done. C , C , i la r t in . Headquarters with Crouse <fcCrawford. Pittsburgh Harrisburg Baltimore Washington L I N E S DA ILY W ITH STOP- .. OVER AT New York Boston Philadelphia Richmond and other points on one Excursion Ticket. GO OMEROUTE—RETURN ANOTHER—LONG L IM IT . ANNUAL SEASHORE EXCURSION Atlantic City cXSfgZ. Cape May ..... -Round Trip From . ......... ................ JIugust 8 EXCURSION TO N IA G A R A FALLS * * $6,50 Round. Trip from Cedaroille BOSTONvJuly, fjij to 28-—Nbw "England Old Homo Week-Stop j overs! sfc Baltiroora.'Wogliliigion, Philadelphia and New York.’ PHITjADEJiPHIA, .1uty 12 to 1(>—B, P, 0 . 32.—direct or via Washington, with stop overs, at Baltimore and Washington. , STJMMlSJt iromtisi’s FAItlSS to Ocean, Lake' and Mountain resorts,, and to Colorado and Paeifi Coast. Pot foil particulars consult J|. W. Badahangh, 'Picket Agent. What Gets Us Is the fact that we are showing Footwear ,that is distinctive in style, Superior in quality and Un equaled at the prices we ask. < Oxfords, Remember these facts and come-in andT Look over exceptionally complete lines for Men, Women and Children. ' __ !__ Shoes Right, Prices Right. Make Us Prove It, . 25 E. MAIN STREET, . SPRINGFIELD, 0 All Clergymen In Country,Hava. At Mohccf-Qignoturca to Piotigo .of Sup. port For Taft—President Price Is Enthusiastic Qver Effort, Warren county holds the record for tho banner Taft club. Dr. Rice Romp er Evans .of Lebanon, president of tho organisation, announces that tho mem bership .strength will soon ’reach the 1,000 mark, When the club was but a week old 475 Republicans had sign ed their names to the constitution. The remarkable success that has at tended the efforts of tho Taft support- era In Warren county is especially sig nificant, Inasmuch as the opposition to Secretary Taft’s candidacy has claimed the county as a stronghold. "Wo have a vice president In every votlbg precinct?*- said Dr. Evans. "Tho sentiment for Taft is pretty nearly uni versal, Every- clergyman in tho coun ty Jo for Taft, and so are nine out of every ten of the farmers and doc tors," Declaration by Club. The club members signed the follow ing declaration of principlesr “We, the undersigned Republicans and citizens of Warren county, by our affiliation -with and subscription to the constitution of the Taft club'of War- ten. county, do hereby signify our ap- ' preciatiori'af the executive and admin istrative qualification, of the.secretary pf war, William H, Taft, and do, with our esteemed president, Theodore Roosevelt, eudorso him as the Republi can presidential nominee in 1908. "We do furthers by our signatures, hereunto affixed, indicate that, w’e are not "in sympathy with tho past legis lative record of Senator Joseph B. Eor- aker." Commenting on the organization of Taft clubs, the Ohio State Journal says; "County leaden* as a rule discourage the formation of clubs. They do so because these clubs, Instead of being Content to be subsidiary organizations, often become rivals of the regular or- mnization for party control and the enjoyment of parly patronage, ‘ "Clubs spring into existence..often? est when the regular Organization is out of tune with popular sentiment, and. are formed usually as a means of voicing that sentiment, Taft Clubs Where Needed,. . “That no move Taft ■“duba have sprung up in Ohio is because in most; counties, -the regular Republican or ganization Is known to be in sympa thy with the Taft'movement and has declared for Taft or Is known to In tend to declare for him, . • *'In thtaa counties there is-no- occa sion to devise new machinery to-ex press the. popular, feeling concerning tho Taft candidacy. But wherever the ooutitjr cmBhL’tte* hate,tried btra&e» to bend pc' ahow dimet hostility, Taft clubs bate been fnfipc d or ere forming," j? r ■ W e believe in keeping things moving all the year through. The “ dull days” of Mid-Summer never affect this store. The way to keep people alive and energetic during the hot weather 13 to keep them livened up. W e are going t;o “M A K E T H IN G S H A P P E N ” for the next Thirty Days., W e don’t want any dull season here. . ' ’ < •t of It! Summer Clothing 25 per cent. off. * JustThinkof It! Young Men’s Two and Three Piece Suits. Closing Out Sale! TRIMMED HAT DEPARTMENT. Flower Hats, regularly 88.00?.......... .. Sale 84.00 Lace Hats, regularly 85 .00 .................... .. .Sale 82,50 Lingerie Hats, regularly $4 .00 ,..................... Sale* 82.00 Shirt Waists Hate, regularly 88 ,00 ..............Sale 84.00 Women’ s Toques and Bonnets........ . Sale $2.50 Boys* and Girls’ Crash and Duck Tan s , . . . . . 25 cts. Infants’ Caps, regularly 75 c . . . . . . . . . . . . , .Sale 25c. White Duck Outing Hats, 75c.......... .............. Sale 25c. Mull Hate, regularly 75 e ,. ...................... Sale 25c, Osterly Millinery, Thirty^Seven Green Street Xenia, Ohio. . A FAITHFUL SERVANT. .Nd rooUAr what a person may think of Secretary Taft as a prfofdnnttal possibility, one cap not help urtmirlhg tho man for Ms determination to stay by his -dntyr iHh<:f tlum'ib-voto ail- his flaw to Mmadvancement of hla boom. Secretary Taft has announced that he will not give up ids proposed trip to' the Philippines this fall. This deci sion means that lie counts Ida public duty a trust. If duty demands Ills presence1n Ihe Philippines, hn will go, jeavlng his friends to lock after Ills presidential boom. Some men under the same circumstances would resign their position and give their entire attention to wire-pulling and courting the public. It frequently happens, however, that the people look with •more favor on the man who busied himself with ids.duties rather than on the politician who worh-s for his own advancement. Judge Taft has shown himself a faithful arid capable servant of his country in the various positions of trust that ho has, occupied. This explains his promotion from one im portant office to another yet greater, and is also the principal reason why he stands In growing favor with the voters of the country.—‘London (O.) Times. FROM WEST VIRGINIA. Congressman Woodyard of West Virginia expresses himself a» follows t "If President Roosevelt would con sent to run for a third tern, 1 have no doubt but that he would carry West Virginia by an overwhelming vote. But the people of the state take, him at his word. They do not believe that he will again become a candidate for presidential honors. In this event, Sf orotary Taft has undoubtedly the call. The senUment la very strong for him, for many reasons. The peo ple believe that he rep'T-senis the ldt&3"of the adminlstratl .1more thor oughly than any other man so far men tioned for p r e s i d e n t - - - ------- ATTRACTIVE fdAN, There is not a more attractive man in the public eye today than Judge Taft. He haa nil tho qualities that go with .leadership, and undoubtedly would make an excellent president. As one who has helped' nlmpe and be-- lioven in Hie Roosevelt policies he would he their proteelor in tho White House, besides advancing ideas of his own which it would be (o the coun try's advantage to follow.—Washing- • ton Star, ' All new style and patterns for merly sold from $6.06 to $25,00 in dur Clean Up Sale for $4,98 to ’j 25 per-fcpnt off on a ll trowsers, makes many bargains in this line. A G O O D M A N S U F F E R S . riyyriy «lnsta CrmuMnlliMl J)!. BawdXonBwis’*S'swmieJtcajoil* Sfn ewo litJIlsaS vietotks tlisn KUwuaatiam, n, «c« fbK **iw swotirat[oatcan 08 Msior#a«*Bi* that fcavnb.v.nd biin, jiMhatia, f.-.y jfonsa, Mr. frank Strait, if won i.,V.,a.yar '‘IffifftfmiSUWMIKtlf >Sciatic Rheumatism ]Mytatewaaa,wtyfcad »«i5« r! tunwpnnn takr-ntatafisnijrabef, , - I tl't-t) l»r. Ua-rtdKotlftadJVli'atfrir. Sk,itflEcm«Tsr, t,f l i o n a n d :5ShS?virS‘f 2.™S S?“iFJ*sp®W Boys Knee Pants Suits, Either bloomer or straight. Trousers, formerly sold for $2*50 to $ 6 .5 0 m our Clean Up Sale for $1 :98 to $4 .98 - Underwear, Shirts, Hose, Hats, and in fact our mammoth Stock must undergo a like reduction. THIS SALE WILL LAST UNTIL AUGUST 17, # F ' > Come, look, Price, Examine. Seeing is Believing. No Cash Coupons Given Away During This Sale. HALLER, HAINES & HIGINS, 33 E a s t Main Street, Xenia, Ohio. » BUY “MIAMISBURG” BINDER. TWINE 4. ■■■ - -r At ioc pet pound cash on delivery “ Best Twine on Earth/’ 500 feet to the pound. '■ ■' T h e Springfield Hardware Co., sm an YOUR APPETITE If your appetite is poor, eat meat. T o tempt your appetite and nourish the system our choice meats are not excelled by anything. The Weak and the strong, the small and the hearty eater a l i k e e n j o y th em ," G G WEIMER,
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