The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 27-52
M * tOCAt AhOHSRSONAl. J)r, DavM McKinney w}U fill tiije Ji, Ppulplfc ttubhuih, H*sfcpoI?«JuJjogj 9 axueron emth At WISTEKHAN’S Mn. C. H . Ciogz* spent; Friday m South fhAVlqatoiu FOB HALE A twp*lrar#s Troy wafott. J. H, Brqthertoii. MPH MSWSMWIIM* ip^n»iiMiM l a S ' f f t a K H NEVERTOBESbENAGAIN.' *s** yfrgrMitr. rtyw»w(iiiri -togs. -AtitomoliUtolUtK^rr &H m L Mr#. K*t« Jackson q ; Xonlwhw feswpspsndisg the *s»t hers, -~C*rp*t#, matting;* and linoleum# af ■ ■■ Mr. Marry Wynton returned to Philadelphia Wednesday morning, —Tankage Halting#. for bogs a t Kerr A . The APim and township nehoolo closed today until after Now Years. The I . O. O. F . 'Will give an oyster sapper a t the FosterMotel this even ing. ■—Curtains to fit your a t MeMillftti’g. windows —Fresh car of Portland Cement, the finest on the market. D.'G. Ervin’& Co. Mrs. John Boss. Miss Lilias Boss arid Miss Efflp Conley spent Satur day in Xenia., - S' * f<--^-^v- *h <'-•r- i ' .-A 1 * , prof. Jerfcat, wife and son* and Mr. John Bromagera visited Xenia relatives Saturday/* _ • —Mattresses, bed springs, heat to be had a t MeMiUan,s. the Mrs, James McClellanvisited -her Jiuaband in Dayton last Saturday and. Sabbath. . —For oil meat and cotton meal go to Kerr <fcHastings. seed Mr, t t M, Crouse spent Wednes day and. Thursday business'. . , in Columbus on —Backers, couches, folding beds, side bi-atd#,. a t McMillan's fa •Mrs, Belle Gray and daughter, Docile, •were Xenia visitors last Sat urday. > * ‘ ‘ ' bitwifetVi robas. •WvirJ ■Nr*a Tt'if* <7>w w . i j —GflddauBw'M^i* t®« brand that’s been with yon far years and it’s bet ter now than eyex. Try it. 0 Mr. Charles spent Sabbath and family, Payne -of Columbus With O. C. Weimer FOB SALE: Book cockerels, Citizen# ,phone* Barred Plymouth*1 tJ . H. Lackey, Jamestown,' Ohio. - . —Parker-Pena appeal peculiarly to particular and. appreciative people. McCollum, the Jeweler sells them. Prof. Letdy Allen and Sister have returned to tbmr home in Wooster during the Holiday vacation. Mrs. J , H. Brotiierton and Mrs. John Lott spent Tuesday and Wed nesday in Springfield. -Golden Bole Flour has alt the flavor that’s in the wheat, and makes the biggest sad sweetest loaf of any on the market. ‘ FOB BENT: A farm nearCedar- viHe. Call on or address Henry Miller, Washington 0 . H. Ohio. Ut XLH . Marsha^ has been quite ill for more than a Week suffering with kidney trouble. He is much better a t this time. FOB SALE: A good kitchen range, Cinderella, in excelianfe condition Inquire a t this office, If you want some friend to think of you once every month in the year. Make them a present of some *n***rme. - T, NXTatbois. Mr. T. <?. Wolford was given* birthday surprise last 'Sabbath, a t his home south of town when a number of relatives suddenly called to spend tbs day with him. Mr. Tpro Johnson had two fingers on his right .hand badly mashed a t fch* paper mill last. Friday night Ha is able to be around but of course has not returned to work, a ji.asijursyosocial. a t the home of Mr. David B, Tumor Tuesday evening, December gist. Every body invited, admission JOe. Bemember the Selma institute Monday and Tuesday, December BO and SI. Dinner will be served in the school budding basement. While the, sessions will be held in 'the auditorium. Elsewhere in this issue will be found the account of the Milieu trial in which we etirte that Miller was, found guilty of first degree murder of Joseph Littler, when it should be manslaughter. Another scheme ot thriving is tha t of robbing the Salvation Army cans th a t have been-plated about the stores for Christmas dinners to Xenia’s poor. Tim cans At Njigley Bros, grocery.; a n d 1Townsley’s restauran t, have been robbed the past week. Childrens; teachers and , family Bibles, Psalters, Hymn books, Testaments, dainty g ilt books, in fine bindings’ Jl,B0 Kovels At et>c each, Poetical pomes arid illustrated books'in fine' bindings. Elegant box: paper, ^ card cases, framroed pictures JUier -Japanese-Austrlpn and American bric-a-brac, put glass etc.. We can suit you in Any line from cheapest to hlgn, priced goods, - West’sBook Etore Xen,fa O. Ellis McMillan, who is in the county jail for assaulting withtn- tend to wound EiS Wife, pled pot guilty in The Court o f Common Pleas on Wednesday. Word has been received herejfchis morning of the . death ,, of Mrs, CharlesNagley, of Delaware. The funeral Will he held Sabbath. Mrs; Nagley was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Wadeof Springfield, this being her former borne. Mr, Nagley is also a native of this place and baa bees mmmw& with. » gtoeery ha M&twtr. r • MONEY to loan on first mortgage on FABM8, only. We also have FOB SALE HOME desirable farms and several nice CEDARVII.LE, . XENIA and JAMESTOWN DWELLINGS. sm it h & o l em a n s , c e B a b VILLE, OHIO* A t a meeting of the atockhouldars of the Cedarville Telephone com pany held Thursday, the" following directors were” re-electridi D. -*B«- Bradfuto, D. Bradfute, W. B. Stevenson, B« IVKerr, F. B. Turn- bull* The officers chosen were: O* E. Bradfute* president, K, F Kerr, vice president, D. Bradfute, treasurer, F, B*.Turnbull, secretary, The hunting season has closed, and with it hearlya hundred earthly, records were closed. I t is reported tha t a t least 71 persons were killed outright while In pursuit of game during the past hunting, season. Eight ate reported to have been killed in thin statejden in Minnesota, iff in Michigan and 21 in Wisconsin. The list of deaths is slightly less than last year, but there have been i 90 serious injuries this year as against 70 last year. Most of the accidents have been caused by care lessness and in a t least four in stances men have been mistaken, for game arid killed, SHREDDERS BUSY* The shredders are having all the Work they can well handle this fall, more corn being shredded than over before* owing to the scarcity of hands* The fodder can bo blown right info ft'barn, thus making It eonveienfc aud c-aey to handle. For this reason husking corn by the use : The name, “ I ’oropaugb-Scliff Bros,** will never again be blazoned on circus posters. The big circus has been disbanded and divided be tween the two great circuses of the big show syndicate. I t was decided by Bingllng Brothers, the owners of the circus—and a t about all ths other circuses—that th* country was not large enough for so many big°show* and ths Forepangh-Sell# showwas put out of business. When ths season closed recently the msnageria was shipped to Bridgeport, Conn., fobs added to tha t of the Baruum circus, The paraphsraiia of thA circus was sent to Baraboo, Wi»., where it will be used by the Bingllng' show, Next season there will be hnt two of “ the biggest an earth,’’ both owned by Bingllng Brothers, CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS CAUSEANDEFFECT* . Mose Shockey of near Sabina, took on a quantity of boo?a and then proceeded to beat his wife Not satisfied with this lie continued to drink and in his. dsjariouis con dition told of the awful treatment to his wife. Investigation proved tha t what the map "said was true and the loafers in the Oota saloon administered sbpie o f ,|h o '^ ^ a e treatment!*Bhpokey.^• s ■ The wife had been beaten1into unconsciousness and thrown from a buggy and left in the mud on aide of the road. PYIfends were -notified of what the wife, beater had said and the unfortunate woman was found and .removed to the'home of a sister where she suffered great pain. . ’ The bar room friends administered rough treatment by beating and,' kicking the drunken briuto about the head. Having caused him as much pain and;8nffenng as he had' caused the wife then left him to' regain consciousness, , Bhockey has been placed’ under arrest on a number of charges bu t owing to his physical condition as a result of the peaUtig he has no t been able to appear in court. G L E A N IN G S . ties brush- and warm, Wafer .for washing milk cans them rinse with scaldingwater and stand itt the SUU. Take the first rainy day tb repair the tools, oiling the hmnes* and other matters that can be so,well done iff the barn pr workshop. Don’t hitch the bolt to $ load un til hehas bean thoroughly accustom ed to drawing a light wagon or sleigh, idM^*kiNrh to *.|!igkt first, Th t horse has a smaller stomach then the cow, and haa’^ess power to digest corase food hence it i s .worse than wasteful to oblige them to live on coarse food, i t is injnrouK Keep milk in cold -wafer. Don’t ueOwooden milk pails. Don’t allow milk cans to remain in the stable. Strain milk -carefully through the wire and cloth strainers, Don’s mix night’s and morniug’s mllk be fore cooling. " ‘ r THKftOOfcEVgLT TYRE. A letter writer to the Cleveland Leader declares for Secretary Taft in the following vigorous, language; "Taft b j all means, ’ "FirSt—Because he has proven re* peatedly, and. under widely Varied and severe tests, that he possesses, in * marked degree, the personal qualities which fit him, pre-eminently,-for the plate, BO Is a broad-minded states- man, no* a BeU*so$ktng politician. "gecond—Because he la president Koosevelt’s choice. By hia ’great re nunciation, gfcWell ha' by his thorough; familiarity with the demands and con ditions, the president has earned the right to have his preference In the case"Weigh heavily. "Third—Because be is ot the Boose- velt type. Be Could ho depended upon to carry forward intelligently and sympathetically the good work so wen begun, and thus to place the Boose veit policy on a firmer and more per manent basis. "Fourth—Because, Roosevelt aside* Its has always seed for all that is beat In American citizenship. J. H. B.” Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Stevenson entertained about th irty ot t h e i r ! of the shredder is becoming popular friends a t dinned Wednesday and a " ........... smaller number again on Thursday. T h e t’edarrllle college.baskefc bail team was defeated Wednesday even ing by the Bt. Mary’s Institu te team of Dayton by a score of 40 to Iff* Quilting like you had done two years ago* Scrollwork and dlfier- an t designs. The price fidtt bo forty cents a spool, f a l l up. Vfwm No. 4. among the farmers, Matty who shredded their fodder early have had considerable to spoil because of the sappy condition of tha stalk. TELEPHONE RATES* '"TM -fafe*fertile telephone have been raised Iff Q iefttont -ffimMar all due to tlm faCB the Belt eoni- panybas .^ateed ehfrtrpl fif th# Dltb «e«»fiC.ompariy* -Tlni patrons will riot Stand for the advance from i t to A ahnoting maioh will be held on fl.<Ky>cr month. I t is stated tha t the G c e rg /ltv in ?0t m a r the AL there were 1.960 subscribers but tha t fo rd Memorial, Tuesday, D-cembru ; Uiolial^has dropped to f f - «mra 24. There will bo jplentl of duck* and turkeys, Th#- t ’riited Fresb.vtci'iau Bsbbafh srdiMd wilt give a ctreat arid Mirlst- mn* entertainment a t the church laday mn mg. are nine suffered, exclianges and all have An Overworked Faculty, , AHhcugb man is horn unto troublo i,« has A great faculty for increasing hi* natural store,--BaUIrtOf* Atrtarh • A a#V»f# Shock. ^TThat /1 eaid Senator Beveridge of a witticism to ..the Cleveland deader* ‘was quaintly put. I t is ikd the remark of the <M Veteran, This aged man, going from hia room one niglxt to let out the eat* stum bled, on the landing and pitched headlong down into the hall. -‘Why* Silas/ called his wife, ‘is that you? I)ido you fall dotvnstairaP ’Yes/ grunted the old fellow, rising slow* Jy, ‘Yes, I did, and fo r about * minute and a half I thought I'd lost my pension,*" A S**tlek A clergyman was unexpectedly called upon to preach before the students Of a well known college, fie chose a ser mon from his "barrel" and without reading It Went to the college chapel* lie got on splendidly until near the dose, when he ama&ed tha boy# with his peroration, beginning* "And now a word In conclusion to you Who Hr* mothers,” ettrirtrmwiy wvwesaey*• #*Tte country was never mor# S erous than it is today," te ed flic political economist “Well," answered th e mer# lay- man, “ the country’s got to bo mighty prosperous to he able to pay H it prices th a t ore being charged.* fwWW**gr ■ . -.<.■•• V / r ‘ ,> Useful Gifts Which .■ . •■».*!£ ' ‘ e>. -j Are Sure to Please Meii^s Patent Leather Shoes Laches’ Patent Leather Shoes Meh^s House Slippers from 50c to $2.00 Ladies’ Fine Slippers and/ Fur. Trimmed Felt Slippers at- |ractivetPricfe$^‘ , u \ ■"*a Cfiildrett^s Fine Patent Leather ’Shoes and Fancy Soft Soles in i Beaiitiful Colors. ^*:v Ball Band felt Boots and Rubbers, the best rubbers and felts made We keep everything good in shoes ’s vj E a s t Main Street, *<,vr *». / . 'i t # & » . ¥ JVF r ’ * 'If . V i I -r? 1‘ <1 ^ CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS 5 FKOEBAt TAXATION. * <fti ,* ’ t Tb*f* t rgal peril In the tendency of th* ke<» tfa$ podple Uamaol.te ffriddla ripda the federal govemsient expeawive They do It tm the lawtririrtahlft theory that tha federal i government get* tis money easdly, per- * Imp* oven that ft cbltqcE* It from the foreigner who trade* with a*. Money that 1 * gotten *o way, in imagination, flow* out **»la freely. When we once . grasp the idea that every dollar spent ;i by the government Is raised a* truly 1 by taxation a# though tt were #prri&l Upon an anaewnaejit roll, perhaps we #11 have inere sympathy with the ef forts of the chairman of the appropria tion# commit©* to avoid useless or doubtful experiraeut*to gov#rttmci^,-r'. Houghton, Mloh., Gazette: vrnsK-tfie one *w«*Viijm Mabd—That near sighted Mr. Wheth- emo actually asked me on Christmas night if the wreath of wintergreen In the parlor wa* mistletoe, Allca—What did you teU hltn? Mabel^Why, what could I,? YO JB t The WatteFs Christm««. Cu#toin»r—I suppoee you make out very well around Christmas? . Walter—Net mo good, boss. Bom# folks,!* ju«* mean ’nutf ter go to a new restaurant Jest to ’void do waltfth# dey know. i—ri..“--V— r - vr^-r - A Christaia* Fsitlasyi Softly sctsain was the m!»Uetoe Where w* atoed from the rest Apart And clang together in mad embrace: firgardleMk of people r r rime or pise* And vowed that We never would par!, Ah, the mad, glad riot that through u» ran Defied the restraining art Ot comb and hrutb, toe we were the pair That stood tee the laef of an old b*a»'« hair— " ’ We would have keen hard to part! - Harvey Beaks In Bohemian, Vegrtariati Sueheaa. Th* Dacheat of Portland afid her daughter a re strict vegetarian*. / T always feel to greedy when, I dine with he r graes, confessed a frlcfid of the duchea#' t* rue once. KShe drinks no wine and eats only vege tables. I t makes one appear a per fec t c*nnib«l" Bkimm ilk,hiseuiti, h a tte r arid eheeea arff the only items eh he* gmce’-i menu a t lunch* while invariably fo r breakfast more skim milk, JettWe and a boiled egg form her daily repast year in arid year o u i—London Bystander. U sky **la H«hdr«d." Seven more aurvivom o f the Bala- klava char<r# have received recogni tion from me government. One haa been allowed Sfi cent# a day and the other aix Id etn ta a day.—Lloyd’# Weekly. C*£VwM^Jtviw hiMUll M ;f*U1IUPIIV9W dl mmm&*Mktoe mtrttttAtt ftt** Qvnitrtntt** diaig*. - -— ^ „ twnWaa , Mmm. jC.A.SNOWAOO Will be made easy if you come to our Store to select your gifts. Our stock is replete with good things for you and your friends* We have the newest in Ties, Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Gloves, Fancy Vests, Collar Bap , Glove Boxes Furs and Novelties in Jewelry Also Toys of Every Kind. Books, Stationery, Pictures, Candies, Nuts and Oranges. ■- ■■■■• • O ' ■ • - . ■2 ■ ■ i v In fact everything you find in other stores* with much more thrown in* Itis acommon expression “tt you can't find what you want at any other store go to Bird's/' Make your purchases in the morning If possible, you will avoid the crowd and get much better service at . ■ BIRD’S MAMMOTH STORE.
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