The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 27-52

<•» l'- I 13 i ... . / o n o A $ zm i u > i$im* THEXCHANGE-BANK UEPARVILLE, OHHL Wn HQLTtTC YliVU l*AT«OWA(HJ atul promise careful and prompt .» attention to all innrincssu ‘C5 i,.,j .'intrusted to us,2 NEW YORK DRAFT ami GANKAIONEY.ORDERS* 0 Tho cheapest ami most con ­ venient way to Bond money by mail, , Loans Made on Real Estate, Refsonal or Collateral [Security, Banking Hours: 8. A , M . to 3, P. M. S.;W, S mith , Presidents 0 . L, S mith , ('ashler,. The Cedarvilie Herald i'x.oo 3Per Y ea r . IC A R LH BLJLIv - - E d ito r . FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1007. HE :IS TIRED. At least one politician is biretl- got enough of the gan'ie and is going to quit. Pie lives away, out m Kansas, wiore it [leesn’ t malts any difference t i us in this part of the country what ticket he has been voting, but the way he says going to get out of the game is interesting. I have wasted a lot of time aiuLenergy in my .day,” he says. ' ’ ‘running around and hollerittg- my head off for some other fellow who had an axe to grind. This fellow made me think his trouble ‘ was mine, and I took off my neat and went to work. Then When 1 had au axe to grind tins fellow had troubles of his own and I hart to do my own grind­ ing?"’' ' • . The* effect o f malaria lasts a long time. You catch cold easily o r become runt-. / down because o f the after effects o f malaria,' •S tren g th en y o u r s e l f w ith S c o f i M m g t t j i f& n e ' - - - .......................... It builds new ModS and tones up- your nervous.’* system, v ALL DnUCQtSTSj DOc. .AND Ol.OO. It takes a lot of people a lite time to tiiid out those fuels, hut sooner or Infer, if a man will keep his eyes op'mTit? will soo them. It is getting % little harder every year to find mm to carry torchon, and there are I law uneouslitatumnl -lEtorfcWalkers- that is the name of { conflict of .authority the. excitement the Kansas map who has enough of j i* based. As a matter of fact, there Thorn Is no money and mighty littlo satisfaction in being a battle scarred veteran for some fellow who forgets to even acknowledge jmuy salute after the fort of the enemy has been stormed and won.” It would not he a bad idea for fellow to hike a census occasionally of the men in his neighborhood who have profited out of polities. Let him run over their names and find out how many of them would take off their coats and work for him. Let him meditate upon what ser­ vice for thelrcountry the politicians did for the money they got out of the game, in other words let the average man study the game ol pol itics a little closer and if the aver age matldoes not realize that he has been a fool for years, then, we miss our guess, or he is young. Quite a large section of the press is trying to get up a states rights excitement over the railroad rate situation. Several of the states have passed railroad legislation affecting’ the lines within their own border and In some of the states: the rail roads have declined to recognize the new law, holding that-railroad log islation is a federal function and tliat the individual states have made their mandatory rales sp low as to amount to confiscation, which is of course contrary to the consti­ tution. The, first state in which- there has been an absolute clash of state and federal authority has been in North Carolina, where Judge Long, ~the State Judge,- has -fined tile railroad $30,000 for non obser vance of the two cent fare law and has sentenced two of the ticket agents to work in the chain-gang m lieu ,of their paying a fine- Judge Prichard of the Federal court -has -allowed a Writ of habeas corpus and released the aganfs, declaring the On this of polities—springing up every­ where. Walker says he lias permanently retired from the axe-grinding busi­ ness. .“ I know that i f I attend to my- ownbusin-isa properly,” he says ‘,‘ 1 won't have any time to give to the other fellow. I -will of course stick to my friends and get out on tlm firing lino; I will .defend their good name and help to put food into their larder; I will ask no more than I can give and will give all I can. IfLit I have quit buckling on a Sword and going forth to war every time some fellow gives the war-cry. I la not the least excuse for hysterics. By the action of the state and fed era! courts, the question of law lit the case lias bee i squarely and promptly raised, .Nobody expects to see the governor of North Caroli­ na call out the militia to keep the erring ticket agents' in the chain- gang. . Neither need any one expect to see federal troops invade (he soil of North Carolina to uphold Judge Prichard’ s decision.- Tho case will Simply go to tile .Supreme Court of the United States and will probably he advanced on the docket for prompt hearing owing to its impor­ tance. Before the case lias a chance to come to a hearing tho American public will probably have had forty other sensations to interest it and when the decision of the Supreme Court is rendered, the newspapers will have to print a column of ex­ planation along with it lo remind people what it is all about. It may seeni ungracious, hut really we can network up any excitement worth mentioning on the subject of state rights. ■1 .. , ' ' 1150,000 USED IN EVERY X.INE OP BUSINESS 3?6B AU, PUEPO0BS l b *— OLIVER soft full -detain$t»<■» TVpeWfJfcr Tha , Bffifttfrml YUibf* * ' Writer i . J. TflffBOX, LOCAL AGENT. Don’t Be Nervous ladies, but get tid o l thedis-1 ease -which is the cause of j most of woman's nervousness,! vie., female trouble. "I was j very nervous," writes Mrs T . I» Jones,- of Gallatin, I Teon* "onfl suffered six years| with every disease peculiar to my sex. I had headache,] backache, and acute female j inflammation. I took three! bottles of Cartful and it cured] me* I gained 35 pounds in weight* I tell my husband | that —Lunch and Meals at Finney's. —We have an experienced rub fitter in our employee. Let us fig- ure with you. Pierce and Northup, Mr. W. B. Seining of Xenia spent the day with Mr, J W. Pollock and family. Mrs, Flora Karcli of Chicago is the guest-of relatives here. Mr. Charles Stormont is suffering from an attack of heart trouble. "Mr. and Mrs. L. (K Bull enter­ tained at dinner ’Thursday, Mrs. T. O. Reid “and daughter, Miss Elma and Mrs. Frank Reid of Memphis, Tenn. ; Mrs. C.L. Spencer and daughter of Xenia are spending- several days with Mr. R. Q. Watt and family, Mr. Spencer will he here over Sab­ bath. ' Mr. John Stine attended tlje. Maryland reunion at,Dayton to-day. —Order ice cream dTFinney’s. Mrs. R. O. Watt will give a thim­ ble party Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs, Charles Spencer and daughter. —Lunch at all Hours at Finney's. Mr. p . S. Ervin has been under the weather for several days since his return from ,the Miami Valley. Chautauqua. p Fire Sale H eritab le vHaa-^titer jq £ P i- — - . .— - -- - — ' s»? ■ - an© Prices.* A t M iller's Genuine. Clos­ ing Out Sale of the Smoked P ianos, Deep Cut Prices on Stand­ ard Makes o f Uprights, Grands and P layer P ianos, Actual Sav ingo f $75 to $100 on new and reliable Pianos* i The peopje of Sprmgfleltl and vi­ cinity have already beyh notified thatmypresentStack Pianos and Orgai®wouldhooffA’otl at greatly Reduced Prices ns soon ns the In- surfin'ise Adjusters./completed their work, TheReduetion Sale is now on. The recent fire in the.Bowman block Bmokecl all of- my Piano and' Organ stock- Tho insurance coin- paiiiesallowed; a reasonable, iimount -tovthe damage.. We shall during fiiis sale give customers the benefit of theamount of damages collected, which meads an actual saving of “from$75 to on each piano. -Tho whole stock in thoroughly overhauled and m now in fine con­ dition. Many new Pianos including tlm Ludwig. Kimball, MePhail, Hiunes, Clough Warren ami Sing­ er will be offered at- Factory Pncos' and Jess. - Some very reliable Uprights .in Mahogany-and Oak,"“fresh and now-. Rev. 'John Wilson of .Rtcd4hmd4-^^^V#Ve>'and $190, 'Easy, terms. Organs ©te Kmd You Have Always Bought, and which lias Jbeea ia .use for over SO years, lifts homo tiio signature o f ■and lias beenmade under bis per- jf - w a * fi°nal supervision since its infancy, H’Z'Ttfy, AJlowno one to deceive yon in tins. , All Counterfeits, Imitations and ‘ <«Tu 8 t-ns»good,, are bui? 13xj>erin.*ents tliat trhlo witii and endanger the IieqltH o f Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment* What is CASTOR IA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Its contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It re ieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency.. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural eleep* The Children’ s Panacea/—The Mother’s Friend* GENUINE CASTOR!A ALWAYS Bears the Signature o f “TAKE THIS CUT” l i I f •|c®Cl»Y#iibJV ” W<» re’eommand it; there'isn’ t nay better,,. In mid-summer you have to trust to a large degree to your buto-hcr. Well Cared For Meats in hot weather nr© the only kind to lmy; wo have proper appliances for keeping them right, aud they’re sweet and safe when sold. Don’ t go meat shopping Avhen it’s hot. Buy of us and be sure. C. H . CROUSE , CEDA3WILLE, O. : TheKM YouHaveAlwaysBougM In Use F o r Over 3 0 Years. • a ■ - THCOiSNTJltm^OMPAMY, TTWOnnAVOTncCT, NCWYOflKenrv* PILES «r bare suffered with piles for tliirty*ffix years. One year ago laat April I began taklmr Cascarets for conatipatioR. In tho course or. a week. I noticed tho plloa’began to disappear nmi at; tho end of six wooka they dhl not} trouble me at all. OaHCurete have done wonaora forme. I am entirely cured and. i'eelllkea now m an .Q o o rco Kryuer, Napoleou, O, Best For * .■m The Bowels ^ “ C andy cathartic J . H . H c M I L L A N , M anu fa ctu rer o f Center, Wis., arrived Iiere. this- tuoi’uing and will spoad his vaca­ tion hero. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Barber are? entertaining Mrs. T. G. Reid and daughter, Elma, of Memphis, Mrs, Charles Howard o f Xenia, and Mr. and Mrs. John Crain of Jamestown, to-day atdinnvr. ____ ■ Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dean. 3ir. and Mrs. Frank E,- Dean and Mr-, and Mrs. Warren Dead, have issued invitations to a largo number of friends to honor of their father and mother, Mr. and Mi-fw Andrew H, Bean* who will celebrate theii golden wedding Wednesday, Aug­ ust Si, at eleven o’ clock, MONEY toloau oif first mortgage on FARMS,’bn1y. Wo also Imve FOR SALE SOME desirable farma and several niCr CEDARVILLE, XENIA and JAMESTOWN DWELLINGS, SMITH & OLEM a NS, CEDAR VILLE, OHIO, : Mefisrs. UM . ('rouse and J. IE! Wolford.-Attended the Annual Re union of the Ohio Maryland A mo ciation at Dayton Thursday and Friday (today). Tills organization has grown to be quite largq aud their meetings attract attention throughout tho state. ' I t is expect­ ed that the association members and friends will get an exceedingly low fare, to Baltimore for tho Mary­ land. Home Coming in September, The rate wilt not he over $15.00 for tlie round trip ami will lie good tor thirty xlays. The same ticket will have slop over privileges for the Jamestown Exposition, .Philadel­ phia and Washington. Such a trip one could not well afford to miss. AUGUST WEATHER. and Good Square FiunoA Several attractive Uprights sent as samples will bo closed out at cost and freight added. This affords a good opportunity for Lodges, Halls, BohooU amlUhurehos to procure a Piano or Organ on a small" invest­ ment. Ifyou are thinking at buying any time this year it win pay to call and investigate this Stogfc now. Every Lis.fument jwst as represented, and saf infection guaranteed, - . \i not convenient to call lit once, write or phone. : TloaaanfevPftlatt^blO. pfttont. ’rRsteGoochDOGboO, Never$lclront Weaken orGnpe. I0c, 25e,50e.Never sold Its bnlk* Tbii Bfinoitio tabletstamped OQO, Guaranteotl to ottfe or youir baek* ' :/ v r ^ ) | / r f S a i n n A I i n 1 r A SterUne R em edy C o., Chicago or N .Y . 553 CBMENT Q boxe & Hollow Cement Building Blocks, - Chimney Blocks, Veranda Cbl- umns, Piers, Etc., Etc. Te lephone 7 . Cedarvilie, Ohio. W ire # 4 % Music I S N O W Store, Third and llli—-Unsctflcd. tmt generally fair. Fifth to loth—Unsettled, alormy conditions, withpcoasional Umtuior- storms, Jdgh wind and min; most violtMifc botwenn Htli and lotli. Eleventh fit kith Generally fair ami. hot. Fourteenth to 17t.ii Thunder­ storm, wind and rain. Eighteenth to illtli-Stormy weather, with damaging storms of high winds, rain and hall between 2(1anti Sltft. • Twenty-fifth to 20th Hof wave. Thirtiethto Olsf—Slorm. windand aim - W. W. MAfcsit. The Limit ol Life The most eminent medical scien­ tists ate unanimous in the conclu­ sion that tho generally accepted limitation of .human life Is many ears below flie attainment possible with the advanced knowledge of which the race is now' possessed. Tho critical period that determines its duration, seems to be between GO uid (JO; the proper rare of the body during this'-decade cannot be too strongly urged; carelessness then being fatal to- longevity. Nature's best helper after &j is Electric Bit­ ters, the scientific, tonic, medicine that revitalizes every organ of H.e body. Guaranteed by all druggists G()<\ CASTOR IA For Infants and Oliil&ren, ThuKindYouHaveAlwaysBought .Board tho Signature of 31 fL Limestone, ,st. Springfield, <>. F. II. Miller* FropriOtor, N. R, Tli« oldest and most relia­ ble Music R(:ore in tin* city. Lima College Th* dMipftSt tout th*>Uest S<J» InMtotbwestem Ohio ADAPTS ITS WORKTO Tift! INDIVIDUAL WANTS OP TUBSTUDENT, corns):* oir study Ulassical, Keientiflc, -Literary, Normal, Preparatory, Uonimoi- eial,. Civil Engineering, Law, Pharmacy, Music, Expression and Dramatic Ait, B o o k k e e p i mg’ and S h o r t h a n d . Ocptoliteid* Unexcelled Anywhere. All graduates of good standing guaraufrd positions. EXPENSES Three moytbs iTuitiob) . Ten Weeks (Tuitioni . . O.uu Board fpni* W'Orl.'i « . . 1.(55 rs ’LisiTi’wi ttsii ; Wiioi/Anumi’s lu Rook) loping » - - $.'!(),CM In rype.w iting,Htonography liO/Mi In both ‘ - 65.00 £tujentsM*y Inter At Any Tioio ANY I'oURSB O T i.rb llY UAI, HU takuv ire lobhuspondunck U»tl Term Begin* Sett. and. For fuE! lufiamation write to CHARLBSCHRISTIAN MILLUU. PH. D. PRESIDENT - LIMA, O She who wails tlu* penalty of.sewing wor­ ries in hot weather, Besides we canH prom­ ise you such a variety to select from later in the season. The most beautiful things will be picked up first. I f you want the. best come early. See the N ew G ing­ hams, they are counted very smart this summer for grown-ups as well as- for children. Every nerve, is a Jive wire' connecting some part of the body with the" brain. They are so numerous that if you pene­ trate the skin with the point of a needle you will touch a nerve and receive a shock—-pam it is called. Aches and paiiis come from a pressure, strain or in­ jury to a nerve; the more prom-, merit the nerve the greater the pain. When the pain comes from a large nerve it ia called Neuralgia ■whether it be the facial nerves, or the heart, stomach,. sciatic or other prominent nerve branch. To stop pain, then,- you must relieve the strain or pressure upon the nerves. Dr. Allies* Anti-Pain Pills do this. ' “ l fluttered Intense pain, caused by nmiralrrln. X doctored and used vari­ ous n« dic’lnos -wltUnut Ecttlns relief until I . .began tailing, Dr. Miles’ Anll-Paln I'lUs. Tliey did mo more good Hum nil tho medioinea I ever need. They never full to euro, my l.cKdiiehcii, end their use never leaves any bad nXtor-offeeto,'1 sms. war. heckman -, IT,7 W, tih St., Krto. l»a. Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills are sold by your dfurjtilsf,'who will uuaranleo that" tho first packaoo' will nonefit. If It falls, he will return your money. 23 doses, 25 cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind PTGHISOfl & G IBpY ’S, XENIA, OHIO. P e n n s y l v a n i a - — -L INES— — 1 From UERARVILLE to t 3a$e$toum CKpomioii . Daily Exeiitolonrt (o Norfolk Tour Easjit with Ktop-overs at Pittsburgh N ew York Harrisburg Boston Baltimore Philadelphia Washington R ichm ond and other poiuts NorthiAfest W es t Southwest HBEUfAL REDI’-CED FARES Sunday Exctmiimi to COLUM- BI’H. i'l.Oi) ibaiiut Trip from J (VdarviU.h lA'vuraion Train * leaves h:l!> a, m, Angimii !, 1 For partiuithiin call on .T. W. RADABAWH, Tldtot Agent TOWNSLEY BROS., C e d a r v i l ie , Ohio* Manufacturers .of^Cement’ Building Blocks, Build­ ings raisedjjand foundations constructed. A, See us for Cement work of ’ all kinds. Estimates cheer- Iw lly^ g iy en . Qu ick and Quiet, r GlIEEN o f creaniies3, rapid in reaching results, silent and satisfactory in action* royal in simple beauty and purity, Washing S 0 9 p The one splendid and substantial white Soap-—the best ever used in tub Or boiler. Besides being the most effective of all cleansing agencies, it acts as a sterilizer and preservative. While maltingbleached clothes dazzling white, it prevents colored clothes from fading, a I woolens from clirinlting. It restores brightness to woodwork, and is-unrivalled for-> ‘ dows, dishes, glass, sliver and tinware. One cake outlasts two of Ordinary COaps, 5 cents, At all grocers, Bakcr$ Restaurant. Now located in the Bgolc- walter Hotel'Building across the street from the old “Adams 0 stand. Restaurant in hotel lobby and dining­ room on second floor, reached by elevator, Meals 25c and 35c. • High Street, Springfield, O. MapleCity •Win; MAPLE CITY SOAP WORKS* Monmouth, Illinois. 7\cyt* LIQUORo«, MORPHINE VlvSinJ'5 •‘afional treatment t & o & s & T v a V m S K COLUMBUS OHIO Old Ciook In doad Repair, jamoa H. Olai-k, q ( liardwick, Vt„ Ima a clock about 160 yearn old. Tho lnahosaiiy race is novtm feet tall. Tho Wilks are of wood, and all tho repair- Ins nrodod for a Iona limo had to ha tnado on ttjeso. R L - r , - y f iioyis, msa Wit* rihiiTjiRaa, UcSnwii »•*«»es* ?togs8tfte l i - ' .-ft?: <«Wi, $U>9\ Fine pcnditl 99 c for Q>\ All i-iizos, Patoot Lt*at| H^*rMrvwvs«°M ^ LOCAL At ‘ —Mower ficcLiti —Ice Cfoaiit fill Mr. George J1'. | Cincinnati over --Finbnt oaudul --Bentpolisbins Mr. (’ , M. CroJ with relatives n<-;| —Gre-eno Couivi] 7, 8 ,« . Miss Carrie Ti .Springfield l lie ii)| Bring us yoitrj Nagley Bros. . —Your home C| August 0, 7, 8, 9. A "----- Sfr.D'."MVTTbwll ■ cinnati, SabbatliJ —Curtains to (| at McMiLlau’ s. - M i l l i n e r y at M iss Nisbe .Rev, c. A. Yo| turned to Piiiladel —Beat bulk coil cents a pound. A| —Firman rodsrfi| at Wolford's. Miss Berlha Cr| '{\ -of Springfield roi* Miss Venia Bircl with Miss Belle Rl —Rockers, eoucl hide boards, at Mu - . ■ -■V • ' -7 * ■ . * —-1 \ n * I —Garden plows| Hastings Bros. Miss Grace Clarl ’ --visiting relatives 11 —Carpels, mailing at McMillan’ s. Misses Elsie Hal McFarland sponfl Miss Mary Bird! home of Mr. W. T| berforce. —Try Pierce &j mobile supplies,I machine oils, gasil Miss Mildred Rl gle Rife left Tuest| town Exposition. Miss Rosa Htori| number of rohifif afternoon ai a tbil —Are yon an -yoilr wages? Y'X learning to use a you cun rout mac er’s, In the Arcail for a month and cessfiti. W h a t l S a tu i ?o 1 5>It: , S511>. f?ack I All kinds oj find every till We iiftv- away .alts*dull