The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 27-52
w>uat.j1-aMte"»7in(ViHiwiWilymi m ir h m isn «!« » » wiwi TAYLOR’S FALL AND W INTER OPENING, Sept. 21,1907 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. JAM ESTOW N , OHIO. S -rac-*-*-* . » x w > ^ r » t x r <■*• | —Mattresses, bed springs, the L O C A L A N D P ER S O N A L./ 2 W*s6to be had at McMillan,e. J■ Mr. O. M, Phillips of Dayton spent Sabbath here. -FineSfc.candies at Nagley Bros,' ' — j Mr. F. P. Foster has accepted- a Miss Jennie Ervin spent Monday Bchool at Platsburg. in Xenia, For Pure, Paint ask for LAW RENCE at 3. H. Wolford’ s. Taylor o f Jamestown for Millinery. Mrs- G. W . -Harper spent Monday .In Warren County. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Owens were in Xenia, Monday. •- -rPheaton buggy for Bale, a good one, , - Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Price have moyed to Cincinnati. Mr. Iia y Lawrence returned to Cincinnati, Tuesday. -Best polishingpoAVderon earth at W ISTERMAN’S Messrs. Reid and Cal Owens Avere in Springfield, Monday. . —Best line o f cakes at Nagley Bros. Miss Louie Storm of Middletown isthegUGBtof Mr. George Randall and family. —Repair-work o f'a ]l kinds. Gas fitting- and general machine shop Avork, Pierce & Northup. Mr. J .H . Wolford and wife at tended the Mills reunion at Rich mond, Sabbath. , Mr Hugh Turnbull, wl feand sonj Allen and Mrs. Julia Condon spent Wednesday in Dayton. Mr..and Mrs. W , R. Torrence o f Xenia were the guests of Mrs. Belie Gray Over Sabbath. Mrs. Margaret Boyd Is visiting her sister, Miss Lydia Jobe. —Golden Rule is the brand that’s been Avith you for years and it!s bet ter iioav than eyer.- Try it. Mrs. D. M, Dean has been- quite ill with the grip. Mrs. Ruth Clina of Chicago has Mrs. J. H. Milburn returned home been visiting relatives here. > Monday after a two weeks visit in Painesville and Clovelandr FOR SALE ; Young cow and calf. Tv W. St. John, Mr. Warner Randall is reported quite low to-day, Mrs. Anna Bbyd and daughter, Ethel, returned home Monday after a- weeks visit in Columbus. .*Rev. J. A..Speer will preach sab bath for the R, P. congregation. Mrs. W. M.Harblspn and daugh ter, Elsie, spent Monday in Dalton, —Carpets, mattings, and linoleums atMcMillan’s, It ticklei him to earn) it home almost as much as it pleases his father to wear it— The Stetson Hat In all out experience we have known of only one hat that can be said to be the leader in -style and quality. ThatVwhy we al ways offer the Stetson in all shapes' — 'Derby And Soft. $3, $3.50, $4, $4.50, and $5. SULLIVAN, The Hatter. 27 S, Limestone S t , Springfield, O. Lima College The Cheapest and the Best School In Northwestern Ohio ADAPTS ITS WORKTO THB INDIVIDUAL WANTS OP THESTUDENT, COURSES OF STUDY Classical, Scientific, Literary, Normal, Preparatory, Commer cial, Civil Engineering, LaAv, Pharmacy, Music, Expression artd Dramatic Art. B o o k k e e p i n g and Shorthand . DepartnenL Unexfceiled’ Anywhere All graduates o f good standing gtiarartted positions. EXPENSES Three months (Tuition)......$io.85 Ton Weeks (Tuition)........... 9.00 Board (per week)................. l.G>> UNLTMxrEb it iiu ntmoLAimitiM In BooUhceping - - *• ?30.00 In TypeWritingTStohograpiiy (50,00 In both - - - - - - - 63.00 StudentsMhy Enter At Any time ■ A l i t UOURSU Ok S*UDY UAST Bfi ‘ 'TAlCKW I)Y COhltKSI’ONDllUOfi {•all Term Begin* Sept, and. For full information write to CHARI EA CHRISTIAN MILLER. PH. O. PRESIDENT - LIMA. O Dr. J. C, George came down from Columbus this morning. —Ruy shirts and overalls at Nagley Bros. Miss Zola Downward entertained Wednesday afternoon at a thimble party. , ■ —Curtalhs to fit your at McMillan’ s. windows Mr. W . W . Creswell and Wife are the guests of Miss Mary Bratton of Chicago, Miss Elei nor Smith'entertained a number of friends at her home Tuesday evening. . —Try Taylor of Jamestown Fall and Winter Millinery. for Mr. Frank Townsley and wlfo spent Friday witli relatives in Day- ton. Miss Zola Downard entertained a number of friends last Friday even ing. Messrs, Jason and Clayton Mc Millan loft to-day for Denver on a short visit. ? * Mrs. J. P. Rodgers o f Wheeling, W. Va., Is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. R . F. Kerr. FOR RENT :—A cottage on RaBt Xenia avenue. Apply to Mrs. M. A . Creswell. ■-■n-./l.....rv-l ■Have your painter, use LAW RENCE and note tho results. Bold by J. H , Wolford. Mrs J. G. George spent the week with her son, Ralph George of Jamestown, Mr. 0 W . Dean returned home Wednesday nfter a two weeks stay at Kramer, lndMwhero he took the mud bath treatment for rheumatism. He statos that he has been greatly improved. Are you in doubt? Then use L a w r e n c e , it is the only sure answer afiti it’ ll please you. Of courso wo moan paint lor outside and inside. Buy the1LAWRENCE paint at J. H. .Wolford’s. Prof, Frank Y&ung, wlfo and mother, Mrs. Lila Youhg, le ft last w e e k for Y c H oav Springs for a short stay before going on to Van Wert, Where the Professor w i l l teach in 1tho High School in that city. •Mr. Samuel Kildow attended tho annual reunion of the 74th O. V. I. held in Xenia Tuesday. —Notice Taylor’s Millinery ud, bn this page. —Try Pierce &Nortbup for auto mobile" supplies, lubricating and machiuo oils, gasoline etc.- Mr. R, L . Shaw has returned to his home an Hillsboro after a visit j AVith his sister,'Mrs. M. G. Nagley, J Your property If painted with the ' LAWRENCE Paint will show to a better advantage,.- Bold by J. TT. Wolford, - ■ Mr. John Pierce attended the an nual meeting o f the J. O. U . A. M'. •„ of this state hMd atTIfiln. Mr. W . M. Collins and family of Trenton have returned home after a visit with relatives'Und friends here; D r.J .O ,. Stewart returned home Thursday after a Biiort viHit to Bat tle Creek, Michigan, and Chicago. -Fresh car o f Portland cement Use finest on the market. . , , D , B, Ervin A Co- The Young Ladles’ Missionary Society of P.-church held a picnic a t the Cliffs last Saturday. “ The Setting {Wakes the king Valuable” Likewise its the movement in the watch that counts. In gas stoves the- important part is the burner. A ll stoves have these, but the Estate Burners are on ly on ESTATE, STOVES. Economy , efficiency apd satisfaction make it ‘ .‘The Best in 'the W o r ld ’\ . . . ? , Crouse 6 Craw ford Btlng .ua your ugg» and butter Nagley Bros, ' Mr. nnd Mm. Joseph Ramaey of Brooklyn, N, Y „ spent Friday with Mf. and Mrs. G, W, Harper. Rev. W - J. Sanderson assisted in communion services last Sabbath in tho Youngstown Congregation. —Keep.the flies from by using. Cow-Ease, Hastings. . your cows Kerr and MiBses Marion and Ruth Patison o f Danville, Ind., are guests at the home of Mr.'Samuel McCollum, Rav. J. T;.""MoMman, who has Seen spending the”summer’ in Scot land has arrived homo for' a short visit. - -- ’ j - D o hot let a contract for gas piping in your store room or dwell- mg until you have had ah estimate from Pierce & Northup, _ ' . * . Messrs, Elmer and Frank Deo of Rockford, 111., arrived Sabbath for a visit Avith th e if,patents, Mr. and Mrs, John Lee. ' ** Miss Anna Lytle of Springfield, Avas the guest of Mrs. G. II. Smith from Saturday until Monday. Mr. John Nash has accepted the position as night operator at the j telephone exchange, Avhile attend ing college. STOP! LOOKU USTEN I!', Has your time expired for any paper or magazine? I f ao don’ t re new until you have my prices. I don’ t allow anyone to make a lower price than I. T. N. Tarbox, Agent. —FOR SALK: A DUroc Jersey boar, Call on J , H , Brother ton. —Have a sprayer and some Cow- Ease for the flies when milking time comes, Kerr & Hastings Bros. Miss Louise Smith entertained a number of young girls last Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss Florence Russell of Cincinnati. Mr, I. II. Erantzleft Tnpfeday for Van Wert, 0 ., Avbere ho will act as judge o f iha fruit exhibit at tho county fair. Mr, Frantz has held tills position for two or throe years at the Van Wert fair,,. Miss Daisy Thomas, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. John Pierce returned to her home in Louisville, Ky., Wednesday. Tho best paint will have tho name o f LAWRENCE on the label ami it’ s all paint-same ns practical painters use. Sold by J. H . Wolford, It is stated that hog cholera is getting in its work Avith a number of farmers m this vicinity. Several have had heavy loss during the past few months. The price of hogs at the present time means a good in come to the feeder. Mr, J, H , Wolford Went to Day- ton this morning to consult Avith the committee on rates to the Maryland reunion in Baltimore next month, Mr, Frank Reid and Avife, who have boon visiting relatives here, loft Thursday for Cleveland and other Eastern points, Miss Josie Charlton returned home Tuesday from Xenia where she has been in tho McClellan hos pital for the past two Avecks. —Pierce & Northup are contract ors for plumbing and. have already contracted with several residents for gas piping, Dr. II. C, Middleton and Mr. L . H . Sullenberger have returned from Oxford whArO they attend ed the annual meeting of the Cin cinnati conference., Mrtf. Sullert- berger, who has been visiting in Oxford is expected homo to-day. Mr, Burton McFarland of Iberia, returned Avith Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Auld, who Visited friends ill that I place. Mr, McFarland is attending college here. Mr. Janies CaUhvell has been tak* ( ing his vacation ns watchman at the Main street crossing. Mr. W ill McFarland is Ailing tho place during Mf; Caldwell’s abseuce, “ •Typewriters of all makes can be rented. Remingtons’ Smith Premier, Underwoods, Olivers. A t Litn- bocker’ a, In the Arcade, Spring- field, O. Mr, Charles Hopping, Avho has been traveling m tho WcBt and SOuth for Libby* McNeil and Com pany of Chicago, was the guest of his brother, William, tlm first o f the Week. Mr. Hopping for tho present Avili cover Ohio and Indiana and then work towards the Eastern states, MONEY to loan on first mortgage on FARMS, only. , Wo also have FOR SALE SOME desirable farms and several nice CEDARVILLE, XENIA and JAMESTOWN DWELLINGS. SMITH & CLEMANS, CEDAR VILLE , OHIO. Natural Wealth In Siberia,, Siberia, commonly imagined to bo A region o f desolation, is in reality a productive country, with largo rivers, extensive fomta and ample mineral wmith. . v Sfcdfcjfc JLA,|L J,A A1^1 Jtm ■ ]*.n*'~|*| • | ONE CftfiDIDflTE j X From Collier's Weekly*' ’ $ GUe catbdkklfctr for the piuddottoy IS nowinCuba attending to some buslneaa for the United States, 'Looking' jfter one public interest or'another ] t in deed been liis steady lifetime Jbu, He was a young man when a Judgeship came to him unsought. Heavier and heavier responsibilities, have seemed to gravitate toward him; perplexed and baffled men have instinctively sought ills help, He has gone, about each now task In a quiet, steady fash ion, without any consciousness of himself or of tho gallery. A placid and vague satisfaction over a piece of work rather well done has seemed to bo the most exciting emotion in his temperament; and glory lias never seemed able to focus liis imagination on anything less •rosalc than tho business of tomorrow. DECLARE? FOR TAFT. The Noble county Republican exec utive committee has Indorsed Secre tary William H. Taft for the presi dency of the United States by prac tically unanimously adopting the fol lowing resolution: Be It Resolved, by lhe Republican executive committee of Noble county, Ohio, that Whereas, William II. Taft will he a candidate for president before the next national Republican convention, and inasmuch as he has shown him self to be an able, fearless statesman, has proven himself equal to all emer gencies In the varied and responsible positions lie has held, Is in exact ac cord with the president on all the im portant problems and policies that the present administration has attempted to solve and inaugurate; and Whereas, He Is one of that class of men whose purpose it is to look to the welfare of the whole people, and; one of that class who are abovo talcing advantage of the great mass of .oui common citizenship to further the .in terests of the select few; and Whereas, There is a movement on foot to kill oil the Influence of Presi dent Theodore Roosevelt by defeating his policies and ills friends In the next Republican national convention; and Whereas, We thoroughly believe in the present administration and want its policies continued; and Whereas, We believe that there is no more able, nor better fitted man in the tTnltcd States, to take the place of Theodore Roosevelt than William H. Taft; and Whereas, We believe it to be to the heat Interests of our people hef-c in our county and our state, and in the country generally, to stand firm and steadfast in the present onward move ment towards a* government by and for the people, known and recognized na I'Rooseveltfsm” ; and Whereas, We believe that this move ment can best be carried forward un der the Icadotship of william H. Taft; therefore, be it Resolved, That we, the members 6f tho Republican executive Committee of Noble county, Ohio, Indorse William II, Taft for .president In 1808 and pledge outselvea to do nil that lies in our power to secure favorable action in liis behalf in this, the Fifteenth con gressional district o f Ohio. A; A. DAY, Chairman, tl, II. flHAMVFLL, Secretary, BU Y YOUR A T Oscar Y oung’s No, 7 E A S T MAIN S T R E E T , SPR ING F IELD , OHIO. The place where the greatest pos* sible amount of meiit is found in every pair. Boys’ $i, $1.25, $ i . 5 g , $ 1 - 75 , $2, $2.50 Girls’ 98 c, $1.25, $1.45, $1.90, $245 Our new jail goods are here and ready for your inspection. , Don’t fail to see them. LARGEST ASSORTMENT, LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES ALWAYS SINZ Fall and Winterr Millinery Opening Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nineteen, Twentieth, Twenty*one a u t i s t i c BECOMING A fascinating display o f graceful plumed hats, charm ing turbans and toques. Velvets, Felts, Bilks, Braidsj' Chenille, Also Smart Tailored Jlats, Keady-toAVear and Semi-Ready, A Charming hats for Misses and Children. S teete Bldg, X en ia , Ohio, Mnitt St,
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