The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 27-52
CUT” • •• . a , there isn't tve to trust buti/ver. r Meats i»Iy kind to jdiancos for Hid they'ro }. Don't go 4 liot. Buy mirots and find i them ,' 1 I ik v o ustton and. ml, cured, ltccom* fried. you wUl c*Albtmy,N.Y. ID' tG<iod',DQGootl, av$5$t50e*Never, stamped CCC, bnclCi; ;■«.'■■■ ga or N.V* Cot m BOXES- certainty heart i$ , . in four- ' may be id know tits con-'- re short filiation, , shes; if side; if [mother- ii heart, (heart, is Lwill re- " jtle, and bnditioh” tie to tho Ivlce, as X airtilc; and U;ul pain side, and tv a deep ittle eictir- utr'and X in ivithout to try X)r. die, which. I am in as before, co Xcorn- bout thir* eincs, (Hid ■my heart HftMAS. sky; Ohio. s coin by antes that ’ If It falls aart, Tnd ant. e Boole- g across the old stauranfc :1 dining reached 25c and jfid d , 0 . ml fr hc.r::t It’d). L'Cfti Sot Eonsboofive,, 3HIO v»alc, , hn<u, %%, b«3. Til# toll. V'kn the resatf* has! to h i P pa«n** s&m K A U F M A N ’ S Good Quality Clothes BUY CLOTHCRAFT CLOTHES . Clothcraft stands for all wool, up-to-date style, per fect. lit, honest workmanship, and moderate price. Clothcraft suits and overcoats (from. $10 to $25) lack nothing of the fit and style that are found in higher priced clothing, besides they are made of pure, wool cloth, well trimmed and made. Better than any other .clothes at equal price. KAUFMAN’S Springfield’s Greatest Clothing Store, South Limestone Street. Department Store The Best Place in Ohio to Buy High Class-Mere---- ch&ndise. Our Grand Fall Opening has re vealed the fact that we have the finest stock of Merchandise ever brought to the city. W e wish es pecially to call your atttention to our millinery, tailored Suits, Coats, (Uaists and separate Skirts V They are unequalled by any merchant in the city, and our pri ces are from 25 to 50 per cent low er than elsewhere. Our stock of silks and “dress goqds is the finest in quality and the lowest in price. Compare our samples with those of other stores and you will come here to buy. Edward Wren Co., S P R IN G F IE L D , OH IO . This month’s Batterick Patterns are 10c and 15c—none higher. «e*| | LOCAL AND PERSONAL Oratorical Contest, November 1 . J Mrs, U . W. Harper upon! Wed nee-! day m Columbus. CLOTHING SHOES -Best polish ing powder on earth at WISTERMAN’S Mr, Rufus McFarland of Dayton spent Sabbath here. —Finest candies at Nagley Bros. Mr. John Lott of Cincinnati spent Sabbath here. Miss A. L. Craufnrd spent Mon day in Dayton, Mrs. Wm, Edgar left Monday for a visit with'Cincinnati relatives. —FORSALE: One Duroc Jersey boar, J, A. Burns, —Best line oi cakes at Nagiev' Bros. Mrs." Anna Townsley spent Tues day m Springfield. ~Dustdown, Trydt. Get It at Mc Millan's. Bring us your eggs and butter NagleyBros. Mayor Stroup of South Solon gave this office a call Tuesday! -Buy shirts Nagley Bros. and overalls „ at Mrs. Hester Trumbo spent Satur day and Sabbath with relatives in Dayton. —Second hand pheatoh for sale at" . H.Wolford’s. -Curtains to fit your windows at McMillan’s. Postmaster Custis of Jamestown was in town Tuesday on his way to Columbus. Mrs. Ervin Ferris entertained a number of relatives and friends to dinner last Saturday. The funeral of the bito .Marian Little was held Tuesday at James town. gm m m ■ OVERCOATS HAVE YOU HEARD IT? A FAILURE Right in your own town and you didn’t know it. Nevertheless it’s a fact just the same. Hundreds of Dollars worth of Men’s and Boys Fine Suits and Overcoats piled up in our store that we have failed to sell. The majority of these are extra good, heavy winter weights and consists of Men’s, Boy’s and Little Fellows suits of every size. W E M U S T S E L L THEM , and have determined to hold a five (5) days Auction Clearance Sale of these goods right in Our Own Store Room (Back room) so begin ning „ , • * ' * . ' ' ' - TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 5, And continuing each evening November 6, 7, 8 and 9, I will sell at Auction the above lot of clothing. During these sales we will sellBoots^ . Shoes and Underwear, also Remnants of all our stock. Now is your chance ,to secure your Winter Clothing just at the time you need if and at ypur own prices. There will be 2 sales on Tuesday November; 5 th, and 2 sales on Saturday November 9th. Sales begin at 2 and f p. mu each day.~ TERMS: CASH Carpets, mailings and linoleums at McMillan’s. I Rev, W . A, Bullock and wife left Wednesday evening fo-r their home In South Ryogato, Vermont* °- / ‘B A K E R , Auctioneer.- • P . S Come to side entrance of store on Xenia avenue. —Mattresses* bed springs, ifie, best to be biul hfcMcMtlhUhS. i Keepin mind the oratorical gott-{ test which wlU bo held in the opera ( Miss Mable Roberto of Springfield bouse November 1. rwas the guest of MifiB Edna Town- SleyySabbath. : ■ ■ ,:-SWk' have *TUl' experienced gas, lltter ih our cjiiplbyee. Let tt$ flg- dto-iritlxydd.. ■ ; . ■ ■Flertjiyatid Norfcluvp Mr, S. L. Storrett and family left Monday for Seattle, Wash., where he expects to locate..... . .. Messrs. John and Thorban Chart ers of Xenia spent Tuesday with Prof. F. A. Jurkat and family. —liookors,'couches, folding beds sidejboardSjJIat McMillan's —Try Pierce &Xorthup for auto mobile supplies, lubricating and machine oils, gasoline etc. Sir. R. S. Townsley nml wife were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hyalt of Urban,-i from .Saturday until Monday. - Golden Rule Is the brand that’ s been with you for years and It’ s bet than eyer. Try it* The oratorical contest will be held in the opera house, Friday evening. November 1. The price of admis sion will be 25 cents. Messers. Roy ami Fred Haines of near Xenia spent Bahbath wPh their atmt, Miss Hnrah Wolford. Mrs, James Townsley returned* liotno Tuesday evening after a pleasHiifcvisitwith Dayton relatives. Mr*R , C. Watt attended the Tom Johnson galoot fine bogs near Col umbus Tuesday* —I f you need * pheatoU and want a bargain call on J. H. Wolford. A bargain itt a second buggy. • “♦Fresh car of Portland cement, the finest on til* market. \ D. H. Ervin & C o,; ' Mrs. J, ft. Wolford and Mrs. Wm. Turnbull have been visiting Mrs. Oliver Dodd* of Marion this week. Miss Louisa Hmlth was the guest of the Misses Rinck of Xenia from Saturday until Monday. ‘ * ------- - ---------- | —GoldenRule Flour has all the, flavor that’ s in the wheat, and j makes the biggest and sweetest loaf of any on the market. ON TH E STREET Onthfestreet the man o1 men who are dressed the best and who have the ex~ f elusive style about them that Kany always gives their patrons are those :whomwe have fitted to a suit of dothing, a f dnee Albert, a cut-away or an Overcoat* If yon want to appear,at yourheet choose your fabrics now andhave your suit or overcoat made by Kany, The Leading Tailor^ ^ Xonia, OiUo. JAMESTOWN MILLS NEW MILLER NEW MACHINERY NEW MANAGEMENT V eribest and Ohio Pride Stand for all that is good and pure fn the art of manufacturing flour. Every sack guaranteed. Distributed by Kerr 8c Hastings Bros., and C. E, Northup. R. G. GEORGE Jamestown, Ohio* i Misses Lilly Btewarfc and Carrie ; Finney are, assisting Ibis week at { the Nisbet millinery. } airs. Sarah Barber anil Mfk L, U. Bull visited with relatives at Leban on from .Saturday until Turn!ay. J ttAWWUT —Pierce & Northup are, contract- | orsfor plumbing and have already. contracted with several residents 1 for gas piping. j j ■'*■" i S .Mrs. Auna Boyd and daughter, j Ethel, u'ero guests of relatives nil ;Jamestown from Saturday, unlil! ’ Monday. ^ Mr. Wilbur Oglesboo and wife of Lumbertou wove (bo gmsianf Dr. B. C. Oglestmo and wile Entnrday and fsalibath, YOUR APPETITE I f your appetite is poor, eat meat. To tempt your appetite and nourish the system our choice meats are not excelled by anything, The weak and the strong, the small and the hearty eater alike enjoy them. G G WEIMER, J date* Letter to a Oshoolmaotcr. - Swiarliig. . : ('ll will be tinnbl". to aitonl Ocorgo Bornatd Shaw hrfiues Uigt f; ~du?., it* Inin, mav? owrtirlns to n»f a riu. E^en on Unit s,‘ .i r;r. lei* tlu' ii.-iii. Uiu»-;- -.t,sc.t;., o^cosnl^cly Hlicml theory, oudMlhi’ is bhuicr, a nukaheo that should ba.aWud,
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