The Cedarville Herald, Volume 30, Numbers 27-52

Our Pianos For Themselves - GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU FROM $50 TO $100 AND ARE HERE IN WN TO KEEP OUR PROMISE ALL EASTERN MAKES AND ANY KIND J WANT, SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PRICES, PHONE NO, 65, GEORGE 8 SIEGLER S LOCAL AND PHONAL -Finest candies at Nagley Bros Mr.'John M. Finney Jr. of Glnnin- nati is visiting here. < Mr. Will Dufflold of Dayton spent Thanksgiving here. —Best polishing powder on eartjj at WISTERMAN'S ^—Automobile oil atKerr & Hast­ ings. /• —Best line ot calces at Nagley Bros. —Tankage for Kerr & Hastings. Robert Parker Miles, December 2, opera house. Prof W. R. McOhesney and wife entertained a large number of rela­ tives Thanksgiving. Dr. E. C. Oglesbee and family spentThursday with W, M. Neeld of Xenia. Prof. F. A, Jurkat, wife and son, and Mr. John Bromagem spent Thursday with Xehia relatives. The K.. of P. lodge will give an oyster-supper Friday evening, Dec­ embers, at the Fostor hotel. Messrs, F . P. and J. E, Hastings and their families took Thanksgiv­ ing dinner with Dr. Jesse Johnson of Xeula. Miss Charlotte Sieglef left Wed­ nesday evening for Ludlow, Ky., where she will be the guest Of friends until the first of the week. Mr* and Mrs.- Wm. Spencer enter­ tained Mr. JfM. Bull and wife of Springfield and Mr. Thomas Spoo­ ler and wife of Xenia. Thanksgiving. Miss Bernice Wolford of Cinoin- iatl enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner it home. EditorJ. IS". Wolford of fellow Springs Was also present. Quilting like yOu had done two rears ago. Scroll work and dlfler- int designs, The price will be forty ients a spool. Cali up1. Phone No. 4. - ' • ! ' ■■ I, V The nextnumber on the lecture lourse is Robert Parker Miles, who viil appear in tlve opera house, Dec- >mber 2 . • trs. Charles Nlsbefc and children, Loveland came up Wednesday mng to spend a few days with i, Andrew Winter. Editor W . H. Blair and family Loveland spent Thanksgiving ith Mr. Blair’ s mother and sister Clifton. Dr. J, C. George of Columbus re­ turned to Columbus this morning, after a Couple of days visit with hlB parents. Mr. John Lott came up from Cin­ cinnati Wednesday evening, in or­ der that ho might spend Thanks­ giving here. He returned to the City last night. Mrs. James McClellan and two daughters o f Indianapolis came Thursday and will visit here far about a month', when they expect to go on to Toledo to reside, Mr* Mc­ Clellan having a position in the ad­ vertising department on the Citizen,' published in that city. ’ tHSSS- Double*Breasted Fleeced lined Underwear, extra heavy weight, Regular 75c quality. Our price, ,50c SULLIVAN , THE HATTER. I I 9. i.u .icto iw St. Spriiisflold, O. Misses Clara Kyle and Lulu Smith were the guests of Miss Mar­ tha Bromagem ,of Fairfield last Saturday. Remember Miles for December 2 , Lecture course, Miles, lecturer, December 2 . —For oil meal and cotton seed meal go to Kerr & Hastings. —Universal Bread Makers $ 2.00 to $2,50. The Springfield Hardware Co, —Rockers, couches, folding beds side boards, at McMillan’s Bring us your eggs and butter .Nagley Bros. -Hats, millinery, etc., at cost, Miss A. L. Oraufnrd. Mr. A. Bradford spent Tuesday m South Charleston, Mrs. John McElroy of Dayton is visiting friends here. Mr. C. M, Crouse was a Columbus visitor the firstof the week. Messrs. George Little and A. Z. Smith are in Franklin. —Storm and stable blankets, robes, etc., at Kerr & Hastings. —Curtains to fit your windows" at MeMilian’s. Mrs. J, W. Dixon and children are visiting relatives m Chiliicothe. Miss Mary Johnson is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Huntington, of Pittsburg. .,......... .... _ _ —Golden Ruleis the brand that’ s been with yon for years and it’s bet­ ter now than eyeT. Try it. —Tor Sale or To Let:—The excel­ lent Cottage House and lot, known as the Ferris House. R. Hood, The Andrew family dinner was held this year at the home of Mr. S. M. Murdock. Mis*Margaret Cushing o f Spring- field is being entertained by Mrs. W.J. Smith. Latest reports from Joe McFar­ land, who was operated on for ap­ pendicitis in Dayton recently is that he is much improved. Take advantage ,of of the closing out sale at cost now going on at Miss A'. L. Oraufurd’s. Miu-Rufus McFarland came over from Dayton Thursday, spending the day with relatives hero. ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Alexander and daughter, Mildred, spent Sabbath with relatives in Spring Valley. VThe county auditors of this state have been meeting in Columbus this week. Auditor William Dodds was present at the meeting. —Onrving Sets, for Thanksgiving $1,50 to $8,00. , The Springfield Hardware Co. Charles Spencer will operate a meat store in connection with his fish and oyster store. Mr. and Mrs. L,* H. Sullenberger left -Tuesday morning for Oxford where they will visit .with relatives until the first of next week. The eight lodges of the Knights of Pythias in Green County,,are hold­ ing their reunion in Xenia, to-day. A prize o f $40 is offered to the lodge having the largest attendance in the parade. -^Golden Rule Flour has all! the flavor that's in the wheat, and makes the biggest and Bweetest loaf of any on the market. The W. C. T. If. will meet Dec­ ember 0th in the U. P. church. Mrs. Flatter will bo present and give a report of-the National con­ vention. Mr. Sidney Smith and family, Mrs. O. W. Marshall of Xenia and Mrs Stewart of Jamestown took their Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. A, Z, Smith and family. The pupils of the primary d ^ a r t- menfc of the schools each gave something in the way of eatables or clothing to he distributed by the benevolent association. Eula Blanch, daughter of Leon and Orpha Dalby, aged one year, two mouths and one day, died Tues­ day of pneumonia. Burial took place at MassieB Creek cemetery. Rev. R. A, Hutchison secretary of the home mission Board of the United Presbyterian church, visited Mr. R. F. Kerr and family Wednes­ day and Thursday. The Cedarvillo High School foot bali team went to Troy, Thursday to meet the High School team of that city, Tho locals lost by a score ot 28 to 0 * —Universal Food Choppers $LM> to $1.50. - Tim Springfield Hardware Co. A money.Qtder baa always shown its superiority over the check or clrafbi n tho last money panic. The money order ib Uncle Sam’ s own paper, and stands dollar for clpilar. In last week’s Jesusa mistake was made in- regard to the year that Samuel Tarbox came, from>Malhe to Ohio. It was in 1848 instead of 1850 and John Tarbox came in 1849 the year of the gold craze in California. Owing to a standstill-Of business duo bo the shortage of money the Chicago packers have called in their traveling men. Mr, Charles Hop­ ping, who has been out m the inter­ est of the Libby, McNeil & Co», is home until after the holidays. A Richfield, O., audience never enjoyed such a treat as the Robejrt Parker Miles lecture, according to a statement of W. B. Simcox, presl- d nt of the lecture course committee. The committee has been urged to secure his return next year. Thanksgiving was observed in many homes this week, because at last there is a flour, manufactured that fills every* need. Wherever Jamestown Mill's ‘ ’Ohio Pride” is used every day Is a day of Thanks­ giving In that home. The Mealley heirs here and m Clifton ana elsewhere are about to come Into alarge legacy of several thousand dollars from two aged la­ dies who recently died in Maryland. The Boases, Cotterells, Fitzgeralds, Mealiy’sand others aro some of the persons who will be benefltted by this wind fall. The opening basket ball game m . the Alfred Memorial will take place, Friday evening,, with Bethel - High School of Forgy O. Admis­ sion 166. Quite a number from Cedarville are going to take in the Free Excur­ sion to Dayton next Tuesday, Dec­ ember'S. The postmaster has re­ ceived a notice that NO, 20 will stop that night if fifty people go. Robert Parker Miles, who Comes As tho second number on the lecture course, has delivered over 500 lec­ tures in tho past four years. Ho 1ms been endorsed by press and pulpit. He lias endorsements from D. L, Moody, Charles II, Parkhurst, B. ParKor Cad man andmany others. A’ most successful sale of high- class horses was held at the Clem­ atis stock farm between Jamestown and Xenia last Saturday afternoon. Thirty horses wore put up for sale and moot of them wero sold. J» A. McCormitk, of Marietta, purchased Minnie Elder for $5G0, tho highest price of any of the horses bought. He also purchased Bon Elder for $275. ■■ ________ ^ \ Mrs. H* H. McMillan has received word of the serious illheSS of Miss Alfaretta Hammond, who is loca­ ted in Egypt as ft missionary under the United Presbyterian congrega­ tion. According to letters received Miss Hammond is In.a hospital suf­ fering from tho offocts of vaccina­ tion. Miss Hammond lifts many friends here who will regret to hear of her affliction* -Millinery at cost. Attend sale, , Miss A . L, Craufurd; —Carpets, mattings anil linoleums at McMillan's, ■ Mrs, J* E. Eavey ot Xenia was the guest of Mrs. W. H. Iliff from Saturday until Wednesday. —Buy shirts and overalls at Nagley Bros, ■—Enterprise Grinders and Stuif- fers $2.60 to $5,00 The. Springfield Hardware Co. TRAHSFtS. OF L ESTATf. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Minser en­ tertained Thanksgiving for Mr. Carl Minser and wife of Lima and Mrs. Charles' Brotherton o f Dayton. Mr, Frank Welchbans and wife of Springfield were guests of Mr. O. M, l ’ownsley and family, Thursday. —Attend Miss A, L. Craufurd’ s closing out sale ftt cost. All milli­ nery and trimmed hats at cost, . —Rochester Tea and Coffee Pots, $ 1,00 to $ 8 . 00 * The Springfield Hardware Co. Mr, R. F. Kerr and wife and Mrs. J. P. Rogers of Wheeling,. W. Va;, expect to leave Monday for Chicago. Mr^ and Mrs. J .D . Geprge enter- tained a number of relatives at a Thanksgiving dinner. Mr. J. L> Marsh, wife and daugh­ ter of Owensvilla, were the guests of Dr. M. L ' Marsh and w ife -over Thanksgiving: —Are you anxious to increase your wages? Y«>n certainly can by learning to use a typewriter. And you can rent machines at Ltmbock- er’s, In the Arcade, Springfield, O., for a, month and see if you are suc­ cessful, The Commercial Club, of Yellow Springs held a banquet Wednesday evening at which time there wore addresses by Attorney James John­ son, Jr., of Springfield ^ K l u d g e C. H. Kyle Of Xenia* Mr, Elder Hutchison and Sister, AUse Carrie, o f near Xenift hrtve iBshed invitations; for a Colonial masquerade party at their homo this (Friday) evening, A largo number irom here are invited. The Denver (Col.) Republican 1ms the following, to say of Robert Park­ er Miles, “ He is one of the first lec­ turers of the country His word pictures are gems. His lecture abounds In w it, humor and pathos, brillianfcflasbes of eloquence and in­ spiring illustrations.” Tho College Athletic Association has secured the service Of tho Nevin Quartette of Xenia, and they wiil entertain Cedarville patrons at the opera house next Thursday*evening, Dec. 5th. The quartette needs no formal introduction, as those v/ho had the pleasure of listening to them at odf last Farmers Institute will testify, Mr. and Mrs. N» I.. Ramsay en­ tertained the following persons on Thanksgiving; Kev. Luther AIc- Campbell, Ahnont, Mich., Alvin McCampbcH of Xenia Seminary. Dr. J. S. MeCampbelt and wife, Xenia. Misses Mary and Ida Van Scboyelr, Reynoldsburg, Arthur Ramsey, Morning Bun and Messrs* John and William MeCampboUand their fam­ ilies of this place, Air, D. B. Ervin sustained a bad tali last Friday afternoon while at work at the stone crusher. He bad started to ascend a ladder when it turned and fd l to the ground. The ladder had been placed on a box car which only made Air. Ervin’ s fall the worse. Air. H. AI. Murdock returned Thursday aftera weeks trip in West Virginia whore be went, to inspect sheep in the Pan Handle district. Ho purchased an Atwood ram of tho pure blood variety and had it hero by express. Air, Alurdock states that It w the only one of tho kind in tho county. James Clifford Trubee to David F, Smart 90-1.00 of an acre in Beavercreek tp., $100* James K. Webb and Betty A Webb to Charles v.B. Hatch, lot In Jamestown, $830. W* D. Lazier to Jos. S.‘ Kersey lots in Xenia $1. Joseph C. Worley to Warren F. Brandenburg a lot in Osborn, $400. Lillie Pennington Young admr., ■to John Hussey, 14-100 of an acre in Xenia township, $400: Eva Stanley and Izaiaji Stanley to Wm. C. Miller, 69 .and' 80-100 o f an acres in Spring Valley tp., $1350. ■ - • ' . J, H. Little ana Sarah Little to Artie B. Little, 40 acres in Ross tp. $L ■* . J, H. Little and Sarah Little to 'Nellie F. Bryan, 34 acres in Silver- creek tp,,$l. E- H. Munger and E. A. Alunger to Orren Hill jr., 3 77 acres in Sprifig Valley tp., $850.. - D. K. Wolf and AI. A. Wolf to Charles G. 'Williamson,, lot m Xen­ ia, $7,000. . , Richard Galloway to Caroline R. Turrell, lpfc in Galloways addition to Xenia, $600. Albert ,Q. Griffey and' Afaggie Griffey to William Copsey, lot jn. Spring Valley, $500. Margaret E . Neeld and William Neeld, 22-109 of an acre In Xeuia, $1. ' Amanda Bpahrami W» 0 , Spahr: to Alary E . Bales 7-20 of an acre In New JftBper tp., $75. Caroline WIngertor and Julius J. Alolitor to Alatfha Irvin lot m Xenia $L ' ■ . . Lowell W. Baker and Alice Per­ kins Baker to Chas. H."Johnson, 5 aores in Xenia tp., $650. ■ John McDaniel to BertE. AleFar- land, 7-32 of an acre in Cedarville tp., and village, $ 110 . • Dona At. J. Griffith to Geo. V. Sims, 42.08 sq. rdB, in Spring Valley $30, Sarsli E. PenlaMl.of New Mexico, to„ William Werca 8-10 acre In Jamestown, $64. Elizabeth Lighthiser to Mary M. Holland, lot in Spring Valley. $1. Leigh Harper, adm’r., to John W. Mills, lot in Spring Valley, $250. Mary AI. Farr to AgustusW. Beall lob in Spring Valley, $3000. Ernest F. Ewing and H. E. Krelt- zer to Mary L. Graves, tract in Su- garereelc, tp., $700. Mr, and Airs. W. H, Iliff enter­ tained Mr. Harry Iliff and family of London and Rev. W. II. Graham and wifo ot Cincinnati, Thursday. Air. Walter iliff and family, who have been m Indiana are expected home to-day to remuin for the win­ ter* —Use Golden Rule Hour. GO YEARS' EXPERIENCE T rade M arks DESIGNS . . . . . COPYHiaHTS.&tt Anyone sending it sketch mid description ay attlCKly oscorloln our opinion froo wlictlie; rnveUMUn 19 probably patentciblo.C onutiuni1*. llotf"strictlywnndeiitmli tiAHODOnK on I’numti tent froo. Oldest opener lor socurlnnjpatcnw I’ntonta token thronnh Mann * (So. toct> »* notice, without chareo, In tho ScientificAmerican. Ahandsomelylllnslrotedweekly* J.flKttsi R I M & Q0,3°1Broadway, fjgyy Y 0$ * Branch Oflieo, C 23 V B t. Washington, H IGH PRICES FOR R AW FURS Writes For Price List. P. SLACK'S SOWS, East Main Street. Springfield, Ohio. People are rapidly learning that wa­ ter chilled by contact with ice is much more wholesome than water into which ice is put directly. Sealshipt Oysters are the only oysters shipped without ice or preservatives, put directly in the • receptacle with them. Th is is possible only through the use of the Sealshipt Oyster C arr*er- “ Once a Sealshipt customer, always a Sealshipt customer.” Try Sealshipt oysters once and you w ill never ac­ cept any other kind. Sealshipt Oysters Fresh Every Morning at Chas. f l . Spencer Telephone. Cedarville, Ohio, RING MONTH F O R - 1907 B A B IE S J • y I f your baby was born this year, bring it to out store any time before the end of 1907, and we will gh e him or her a solid gold ring for a Christmas gift. McCOLLUM, The Jeweler Enlarging Your Business If you are in - S F . business and you HgL - want to make W k more money you rea^ every word we have to say. Are you f l y spending yofir S v B money , for ad- S w vertising in hap- fif wj hazard fashion J f «ob as if intended for charity, or do you adver­ tise for direct results?- Did you ever stop to jthink how your advertising c|m be made a source of profit <= to you, and how its value can be measured in d o lla r s and cents* If you have not, you are throwing money away. Advertising is a modern business necessity, but must be c o n d u c te d on business principles. If you are not satisfied with your advertising you should set aside a certain amount of money to be spent annually, and then carefully note the effect it has in in­ creasing your volume of busi­ ness; whether a ro, ao or 30 per cent increase. If you watch this gain from year to you will become intensely in^ terested in your advertising, and how you can make it en­ large your business. If you try this method we believe you will not want to let a single issue of this paper go to press without something from your store. „ • • We will be pleased to have you call on us, and we will take pleasure in explaining Our annual contract for so many inches, and how it can be used in whatever amount that seems necessary to you. If you can sell goods over the counter we can also show you why this paper will best serve your interests when you want to reach the people of this community. Let Us Be Your Walter We never tire o f helping others when they ask for good job printing. We can tickle themost exacting typographic appetite. People Who have partaker! ,of our excellent service come back for a second serving, Our prices are the most reasonable, too, and you can always de­ pend on us giving your orders the most prompt and careful attention. Call at. this-office and look over our samples* This month’s Butterick Patterns | are 20c and 15c —none higher, j v