The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 1-26

*• iH] ■ i if For Bceo ltftat Chur -Job Wiidfc w tS ofcma^w# w ith M h flfJ ift o .. . . •r**lif%f* if* f*fciii*tn*B'i 'T .ft r i *‘%rf‘4‘T«T'|‘l>of~|ifTii''Nt)F i.i~*HiTriii^i> % cda ■iygcsi T H 3 S T Y -F IR 8 T Y E A K NO . 1. C E D A l t V I I A E , 01 mmp 1 USCHSSMML CANDIDATE.! The time 1» npyroeohirig for oo«- gr*»*ioo*i »ud _the situation at ^•woot indicate a number of ©a-mUttetes, the flmt to auttouaoa balBjf Hon. Jew# Taylor of Jameetowrt, The followingietter in self exi«laoatory ? I am « candidate for Tiepublioan noralnatioitaed electionto CoagMKB in this district—nnfcone looking fcr victory without an effort™not one making a delegation to aaoint bow © => one in another county or to trade a band wagon, While Hanna was in hi# prim* the JBo#ewaa all for Han> n*t frw#us© Foraker vraaa dead one in tlnjae days, Hanna's breathhad uofcbeen gone very long uhirt For­ aker eteek took ame and then the i liepnMiean-Heiunrratio. •-lender.5 ’ |Nokwidt, flopjifd to Foraker. Any opa having information aa to who, baa the best olrttnoea in fh<r Taft- Forakey fight will Be doing the Boss a great favor By‘putting Trim next. A t “ present tive county machine hana towafd&Foraker for lie la one of their kind. J. A. f A CELEBRATION. "Congress, Any assistance yo t may give me will fr* fully appraof&tad and not forgotten with the election. Truly yours, ’ ’ ' ’ , Jesse Taylor, re ■ 3* r' 9 * x 3t I.Hi , S-*. id IZ,^ t ?r : * *. * J f r -4 > V, ‘ ' v 'M “>■7*5 ■■ ■ 1 25 m r fcSL 3 m i*?f sjp I «£ Fi>. ;TJ , r , 'We"are‘tnorfl thanjpleasedjtoicnow ib a t ’ Senator Oran F. Hypes of Springfield isbeteg mentioned as a possible candidate for lieutenant governor*, a most important-pi&ce particularly when the upper House bt the Ohip legislature' has ■a clam vote on party measures. Senator Hypes served two terms as repre- afnt&tive from Clark county aad w«& next honored by being elected to the„ Senate' and is', serving’ his. Second term derplte that it has been a time jionored custom ip that dis-" triot to have but one term, His work in the House1ami Senate baa drawn the‘ attention o f "the'entire state. He is eminently'qiialifletTfor the place and has' not betrayed hfe trust in4 representing T p Constit­ uents faitbfu’Ty. Ha is at present . JtepublieaU spader in flm Senate and hasmade'!Bomeexceilentspeec;h-- OBv He is clean iu hts, methodsand honest to the cote. He .has Been a strong supporter of file anti-saloon measures, the liquor people of„ftie own 'district-' never attempting to bitfrtg abowtehis defeat* Senator Hypes is a personal .friend of Oov- ,j!twoT Harris, who it is stated would M gtad te,- have him as running- ,T mate in -the coming afcmpafgo, He ’ *^betterman csfhfeelound for lien-ten-. wpsfH 4 JTust how sortie of these Bimon pure JEtepublloana can swallow- Fms aker and Bis methods is mors than, most people who claim to Be the blast bit conservative can tell. 'For­ ager opposes anything that .Presi­ dent Roosevelt,favors, Foraker rep resents the greedy corporations and' corrupt politicians apt! those v|who remember his- administration- as Governor of dSffc state ©g,n truthful­ ly verify these statements. There was the Rogers franchise act, the rate and pure food bills, jtlje attack onFresidenfc HoKinley a t the out­ break Of the Bpanlsh-Am^ricari wbr and many other events. -To cap th^ climax he ha& selected a Hrdwn county UemOctet to head his staff In this state, ftnowing that public* lty inight cure a few of the ids o » the body politic the Senator, estab­ lished a free j -formation bureau Hast Weekwe received,a. letter front ilo^ert pt&veiigbm'njiative pfdho^n county,"tyhlch'hds^beejEt'-BDinooraliC sincetne mind of ipan rtin’Uetli nbfc, as to whether the H'eCaht "would take-Up ..the Senator's; cause'and publish •„matter Compiled by.My* Stevenfeon. Having/ always es­ poused the Hepubhcan causeSvhere oortsistohfeTrVith RepubhcaU pi;iu<-j- ples, We could do nothing else than Consignthe letter to th© waste bak^. kefc Thu Herald could not, sappoait U candidate that u*aft wholly .'iid- vcrso'to 'Roosevelt poheies,’ and SVgainecthe rank Undhie ot -the He- publican party? Mr. Stevenson f<?r a l mgfimOWas'politteal %ditor of the Bn^niver haying previously edi­ ted Democratic papers In Southern fitbio. "Wenotice that a few "%dod’’ Repunllcank editor© imy© started th© publicaticnof t’he Fotakcrslush, •ttie,orlgl»-4»f .whioh’ they probably b*«l little idea. With a few Hapub- ilo^n papers the mere aama tljpbmp*- u S mms *t****f taint isbl'^ I A union : is©held iiabt F, churchmwleel iAnil-B&loon “ ?Whit©, a Xenia, O., December lh, 30i)7,! ^ Editor “ Herald,” , - f for a number OodarvUle, O. ! vigorous campa#j DcarBir; - ’ loons. Ha Is The .Commercial Club of this city, * n<* baa bean ok after careful consideration, appoint- forma duHug ed a Committee of Fifty, of which Ho has taken Mr- J. F. Orr is chairman, to cor- sider, devise, and Carry apt plan^ for celebrating a ‘'Home-Coming” fur this ©lty juid county, .some time in tbs latter part of the summer or early fall of 10Od. A t %meeting of thisHcuoral Com- mij,tf» hold pome time ago, tlte un­ dersigned were appointed a sub/ eominiltee to communicate wiili the villages and townships of this coun­ ty, and to invito them to co-operate In this celebration in this celebra­ tion and thir lnvi'atTon fs.hereby ex-, tended. . fb fS suggestedby the uudorslgned ftub-eommitte© that a general meet­ ing o f the citizens .oih your vicinity ba called, tiiab, 'itio ^matter bo tpre- .sejiteifand dlsqussHd, and a moni- 'mittee be appoint* &„ to co-operate wifch, the Hmtetel, Oonmiitty© at Ronia. ' r f . >* r *Mol-fiofor, it is *further ^snggcste.d that-the -gbuoral phuig b& s<>' ar- rang©d'-;'thafc, -each -locality-of- tu© eounfy ' w ill. celebrate a - ‘ ‘Home- Coming of its own,,and lit amanner ploasiiig7.toifs*eif ; ihatkDor th© lo­ cal . ‘/flome-Cftramg” - chlphrittloii M s boon held in th© diiToromk parts of the county^ all shall unite tea great addglorious/ecasiou of a COtinfcv Home-Coihinu 5! eolohr;ifImv couuiy^ o e- tetegV'ceteb aflon' m Soma, The plan and (ho c-hura- ter of this cclehretlon .md the day Of the'Week upon which it s^allbe heUP arc, ypt tU'bo wor.lted out. Everything that -has been done'is purely tentativor ’ and this sub­ committee is certain .that ,tlie peo­ ple of this city, and, especially, the ttencrnl Committee of Fifty," would like to have th© active, earnest and enthuai-astic co-operation of the whole county in this affair, - You have doubtless “reusl,, of the ‘‘Hom^-CumtHgar*' teotheFooimtfea of. the atate bite last year. Ttseema yd y«^etes, ishif Yellow S p r in g campaigns and.3 name in thoa£f | crowded hou *^,''■*£ SPfcCiALCC ;'iThc ifegisiat in Columbus mp tom of two yog will hav« the correspondsuk Herald roatlete w| of the law makf cloned term anil b©possible tetesiteg. meaimi UP wilt'demartff1 part ©f our rehdai^ *}? ’ * 1*. To preserve the and also tp pretet of the,parts put sc, all into, a pan o'if ralp-d U jo wheel d will pass through i film wheel and le t ; soaked ter ahopt i the wheel*,will the Hartda/ Orsdisa author F r u i t s , a lieltei' nutates a’' food, teds woro-ased' of thamealiftide l^;|ween-meftls ter ajboh'6 their iteH soon (liaappear. ■ if-'. p i ¥d 1 I -'11 ; |^.bfiForOhto i Gjjffef good until, ?r •. air. L 1 J^1 *> * w N ‘ sit tlSt i m SSflt >!##,< The Oilid legislated meets the -first of the new year and all eyes - are turned in the direction of ,this’ body. There are many bills to sigbf atthis time that are of grave impor­ tance to teepeople. First to receive . oensideraHon will no;; doubt be the countylooat^Ffion bill. This meas­ ure wlU have th® support of the aisthyatocn forces. Another bill will M that of compulsor/ prima- r i « for each partv. This will be s bRter pill to the professional podh- oian bo| the conservatives in each of too,dominant parties wdljirge Its passage. In fact both party plat­ forms have contained* plank along thlu line. Theye is a*possibility In the whole election system being changed after tlmorder of the new law used tins last November for the selection of members of the board of education. Then there will be r*- vhhm of to« tax laws toat tax fran­ chise privillges as ordinary proper­ ty. Oorporatiorto have Drumyear to year stayed tote msauror* by oon- triboifctog hnavily to ijoth pUHtiond parties fereampaign purpose©in toe Dope that their vaJaaBle rights would not b*: m-tAested. The public te dteUuntdi'rtg‘ « obaagft in th* tax laws and the moramept has the an- dor*Ma#bt of most all einc’;bodies 'Ta to* state. AtteStAstndidate. h i So’ ptdtj of War, Taft, i» home and Bis frtend* ana admirers are busy pushing bis campaign for toe presidency. Th# Farkk*r *le- m*ot to the state is using «r*ry rasthod poaslbl# to «mharass toe Taft saovsmeni and discredit the Hftosevelfeadministration in the in- Sermfts of toeprafftsekntal polttkian, great ftorpomtiona and Wall street (©stetNtens. The writer nnrmg the past 6we weeks has met a number otJ poditlclaa* who are out inahe inter­ est <rf PWaJcftr for president. Not 'me has yet atoted'that he believed Shat" FOriteer was sincere in th# .moTemmt but was merely playing pdkUfti to hold bis SftaUa toe Ben- ate. Altoougb l%rak«r slated in ih« ffSblift print aotfust weeks ago tost be was not a candidate f* t th« ssateoml s*ai from Obte, y * f snch pm m m fm m * prefsWtenai politr- fiaa *is4 owft vt toe <M School at tftate, wttitb* Htoftts wlto so meoh saitp 1%# Foritosr mow»#®i -km IteMigtet abemt w»M Inter***!#* and a«as*»g totogs partlc«lariy m this tettsty. A J*MWhi»« pofitloian and ,w*at» * wi»ft#r, no islway#,. tw tarw 0 fMite tesas te oroa what pgtaelpte it wop. It te stated that Bote has b r t m iteateo- sriate eo tfss iia f f o r a f t M * Th# 'm tm m p * * • » « « * • « f a f r^ m r n - *Lo ntiitihHffintTr I f l t e J » ki t m m t t m m * m wm, m «■ » *•* *» ••• interest of toe Wall THEM NOTES. On Monday, December' .’K)fh, th© Fairbanks Theatre, Springfield Ohm Will prof-ent on© of - the leading smo|tunal aatyessea of the stag#, Mrs/ lojslie Carter. Mrs* Carter bagduringher career oh too stage established herself as one of the most accomplish actress of the day. Her jtoaition it such thather annua] appearancew on©of gfeatinterest to tbs theatrical isemmnrtlty* Her eminence is .no longer disputed. She is supported by a strong and capable company., She will offer one of to* pisoes from h©yrepertorl* which includes “ Du Berry,*’ “ I * Tosoa” and “ Catnllk” 1 On Nsw Year’s Day, matinee and bight, The standard rural drama, *Way Down Bast” with toe original cast headed by Phoebe Davis, wi|l be presented at Ah* Fairbanks Theatre. There can no longer be any doubt over the merits of this production, fer it has b«ert offered for th# past **v«n oonsesutiv# years gad at no time hasit failed to secure large and approving andtenee*. Its wholeuomepletutts of New Kngland ratal life have a permanent attrac­ tion, for it is based ort universal human nature, -' • •. Mrs. Patrick Campbell appears »t the Fairbanks Th*»tr« on Friday Jabnary krd, in on* of the piece* from Mr repertoire, which includes The Seoohd Mrs. Tanqneray” fthd ‘Th* Notorious Mrs. Kbbsmith.” After a bttlUanl opening week in Nftw York on November llfh Mm. sloas «©« maly' M great op and pleasure to the home-ffli*iasr» , and visitors, but also equally pleas­ urable to those who welcomed them homo, ,Will you notf&kfc this mat­ ter In hand, arouse an interest in your vicinity, andhave a committee appointed to devise plans for a local cetebraliOrt? appeal to you > to •‘get busy/rl to go towork in earnest in this matterr and t©' co-operate with too Committee Of Fifty of this city te> arouse an enthusiasm all . oVcf the county toteimend that we will havo-one of thO,.greatest cele­ brations of tile kind that has been held any where m Olito. ’ With the hope that,you. will give this your early attention and ex­ tend the invitation to the citizens of i your Vicinity, we remain, Very Respectfully, v Edwin B, Cox. ' JphnA Nisbet, Wm. F; Brennan, Suh-commifteo, e^aertiiri i-Huttdays. ^toe-h Stepud Oa# heatoarghSlso’tot Eeeo»Bi»rb«r - *Cheap, W* D- Clsmana. Xirfuls. t m isle id in &f Colttmbns and°CXeveland. sSasa B e n ie tnW ; W e Guaiantee T o Save Y e u From 10 to 50 P e r Cent on AH Y o u r Purchases, f *3 The pig should lie thrown on its-, back And held until stuck. One man should stand ailnde the body,' with his feet close against its sides and take holt! of It# front legs, In this way the hog can ho easily, con­ trolled, Another person should do the sticking, A narrow straight- f hladed knife, eight inches long, 1 should lie insertedinthe hogsihroat after making an indeion through the skin, Justin front of the breast bone, The point of th© knife should' he directed toward the root .of tfto tail and held exactly in line with the hack bone. ‘When th© knife bjp© h<fenrim Into the threat six or eight inches, the depth deponding on the , size of th« hogs, it should be given ' a quick turn to one wide and with-', drawn. The arteries that arc to he; cut run clue* tegethcr, Juet inside- the breast bone and will faith be cut when (he knife is turned, provided itis sharp oh frith side# of the ■Si. Campfrfiiand her complete company ♦poiftt. 'A pig killed in this wane*wilt u from fxuidon in gjjfrasn^of sprclalT fitted private ears*began a Jnurnt which is to carry them across to j Continent, North and South, into Canada, and * * far (South a# the borders of Mexico- Mr*. Campbell i# devoting herself ckclusively toj the latest «uc«**»e* of bat Ifagw «ar*»r, “The S#oon I Mr*. Tampi*- ray” and “ Th# Hefcorlon* Mrs. Ebbsalith.” * w i w m fawal repmerttattr* for i frdarvlll* apd rieinity to look after renewals and tuictca^i subscription list of a prominent monthly magnate*, on a •alary and ©ommiwkm bast*. Exp© dfr iii a >«ry few and wiil bleed out thoroughly. $ m k*wmU $W, The reedcr#of thisjteper will fce plesaM tolfsm iliSttbMvls ajt hast one : diM#sethst »rie*K» his btto sl.Ie, to tnr* In| *UJfr Mftite* sml that ist’swrrh. 11*1’* OsWfrhrwrei* (lieonly peltm- rarenow known tetis* »t*dir«lfrsterniiy, rsterrh being a'roftstlteiioftsl dtwmy, «*nnlrfs a* romtitntimisl imUroent, ilnjl's «;*Ulrrit i f*oii*is tefcettiatemshy, M-lincdirectly up*! Ofi’thcWoodand of System!' thereby deeUnylhg the fonndetion of th#’ «u*esw,ah'i*l»ins:th«p»ti!nt Slwngth hy! hiiilding ilnttieco#«fitttli.m and ««sl*tiny uMnreindoing it* work. The propri. tor* hsye»ojnn.»MiHin iw-fnrHtfee power*, that theyolfriMWi*Hwidre! tediumfortiny Here Are SV'Jiy U r0 D O Sell Jabots, BHfies and B u fc te s B e low A l l Oompetifcion, PlifST—W* «>v whetssaler* and r»Ud as such I© thj *h»* market*. $EC0bD~4Wft Hay* a chairi of retail *tor*s and 3o’.mi.o** whoi«**f« house, :;nd sell to fhitiy of th# laqjeet rvtftd deatsrft^-tmi we can prove ini* ’ ■ ■■- 1 THiHD—We #r* *t *Ei tsiree' represented in th# Extern .mark#**, ftrvJ ci'o*ir,g «oai* *«r large no , other “uriiera weufd dars'dliempt, Juto fa secure L*rfi h * w tor eur trade. rC,UriTrii—Net *nty c.i w# buy for spot cash, but Is v. fiirr.iy of “ own15money at aii times to «j.,..«te to manufacturer* who *r# pressed for i jo- * ruently we o>;t the best and greatest cf b T e r »ur WHOLtSAkS and RETAIL Tft.ntiE, ' ^ ■-.■-•■■■ PiFTti—-Ws a*’* recognized if.* war'd over as -one of tha hergeet buyers c f dost* and Shoes In the United 9tni**, and our inntense purchasing povei- «n*b*s u* to offer you the greatest of v*!«r j #t afi timee, saving ym from 13 to SO per : tent, ■ 1‘- r ',<■■■■. . ■ filXTH—Orte price t» "jelly w* mark everything in pie-n figsree and till t» everybody at tfie lowest p-ice. eevia# ycu tie rtfaii deaTarV profit, a SAVING OF 10 TO SO PE?; fiilfJT. SEVSNT H—SEAR IN MINI) that at ail thrice ftverv yurohaee nrade'-at our store H pbshivtiy at yiheleeale eost or less, The dealer’s rctaii prof t is yeur* arid is rsiiue doubly safe by our ferrous guarantee. 1IOHTH-0UR FAMOUS GUARANTEE hinds every pnrohfts#. - Any purcha-;* to be fdhrtd urs* s*ti»fa*lory, you are ot perfect liberty to riturn it, W* will correct *ny error, yours or oura. Your money la only deposited entu you are Sit* isfiid, *r after ree*ona«*« wear any articia do;.i " not arevs se ropro» »ntod, wilt be rsphtsed FREE OF C6*T. t i f s Greatest Bargain Shod Store > O F E V E E Y B B S C R I P T IO K A N D Christmas Slippers F O B E Y E B Y B O B Y A T - Wholesale Prices v o t r s a v e t h e B E T A m d e a o e b *# © B o m ’ ' A Saving of 10 Per Cent 50 Per Cent “ A G u a r a n t e e d S a v i n g o n E v e r y P u r c h a s e 1 C o m e - W e W i l i P r o v e T h a t O u r P r i c e s A r e L o w e r T h a n t h e L o w e s t Beau tifu l 1908 Calendars $*ree-- A s k fo r Them. t * - ^ r t i l W e m m > U t l » l>«r ouit. f Direct from large W h o le s a le r to OoMum er j'Yitkuo m id d le ­ m a n ^ p r o fit . 4 M1 35 till MAINSTRET, SnflEU’SGREATESTSHOE ,* B T O B E O P E N B A T O B B A Y E V E N I N G m r a t , 1 0 O ’CT.C3K. • rtewee fie#in*We, bfit act mw«#te#ry,; tmt tH*t a i*ii» ## rerr, ft h.ifnrl»*tn O w i wgpffrtonlty fov right fwnmrt, te«limoni#)* Ad-rtrsMFwbUekftr, »*>x W, Htelbm A.l-tem y. J. rHKXKV A c „ Tofrfro. O WWWf i r l 4 KoMi-y bru#(rte«, life. ‘ * |HeUp,(to«y W«*#t*»het*et, } Betoemhor, W o tluaraftfeo To u$aYo Y o u From 10 to i>0 F o r Cent on.AH YourrPwrclmae*. •' il 0 [ * h ■tiffiwir VERY POOR CO P / - P - •<v*w .3(*,» ^ •* **'*’ v ’4