The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 1-26
o wt&Anmwn *#90, <’F»ARVILLE> OHIO, W * S©MjC2i> Y our P atronage xtori profhleo careful ami prompt Attoiitlou to aU business intrusted to us, NEWYORKDRAFT and BANKMQNEYjORDERS* The cheapest and most con- Yutffont way to send money by mail. Loans Made on Real Estate, Bribklng Hours; 8. A. M„ to 9, P, M. S,' W, S m I th , President, O. i(. S meth , Cashier, Are You Regular ? II you « » net, ills aslx» •* disease, a sift o! *#*» faldfea femaleiroofale, tbit nay be infer* -midst snd weilcealfif yoar cos* stifuttoa, and Isyli® « f for yoa Mack fataremfferifijf. Many thousands ol vrealc, fa* regular, suffering women have, far the.past SI yeara,faeea greatly benefited or cared fay the as* of tint weMnown, successful, jnttly vegetable, fcmalo toalc and cars* flv* remedy WINE OF WOMAN’S RELIEF Apple u. Barnes, of Alto, fox* writes: “I ciught coll, which made me Irregular mid gave me paias fat ay shoulders sad sides. For almost 2 weeks I could wt lift a chair, Cardul brought aio , all right again; I hare ao men 1 ,pains and am la very good: health." " A t A ll Druggists WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, -statlng-ageand describing aynop-- toms, to had{t* Advhory:Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tons. - 21-94- HANHATTAN r s # t a u T p ? a n t Hfi. HN. JDotroithlf;., Xema, O. B ill o l Fare . Coffee. Tea. Mllk....w......... t.,....... 6 cl Brlfad and Butter.......... 6c Yried Potatoes.......... ........ ..... . 5c . Baked Beane................................ 6c Pie, per quarter................ ....... . 6o Ham Sandwich...,........................ 5c Buttered Toast.... ....................... Be ’ Cheese Sandwich............. 6c Cake 5c Steak, Chops, Ham or Bacon.... 15c Ham or Bacon with Hggs........... 2Qc Hot BoastiBeei, Weiner or Egg Sandwich.... ...... 6o SoUp............... 6c Fresh Oyster Stew........................20c Oysters, raw... ....... I................... JCo Bread and Butter withMeat Orders M E A L S 25 c The « ffe& o f S c o f f s Em u lsion on thin, pal* children t* magical* It make* tbain plump, ro*y, active, happy. It contains Cod jUvef O il, Hypopho*phit«s »v«3 Glyceemc, to make fat, blood and bone, and so put together that it is easily digested by little folk. ALL DRUGGISTS) 80c. AND *1.00, >1* The CedarviHe Herald. JI r .o o P e r Y e a r . tCAJBJWEJ mw tkt* - w BNitior. m n s r , WAY 29, If®, Smee the election of district dele gates and delegates-at-large to the ^Republican National Convention began one of title largest of the east ern dailies has kept an accurate' account and has published an exact tabulation of the men chosen. These figures are most intersting, hearing little resemblance to the speculative forecasts which have been supplied to the press in the in teresfcof this or that candidate for nomination for thePresldency. They aresimply a record ofe very instance In which instructions have been given to a delegate, and of the sev er&l cases in which delegates not Instructed have explicitly made known their intentions. These pub lisbed facts are coming that the choice of the Bepublican Conven tlon for President of the United States is now determintd, that the nomination'of Mr. Taft is the will of the people. Mr. Taft could enter, the "convention today with not fewer than 620' votes out of 980,- majority that ;would secure his nomination on the first ballot, and as the tide is setting so -strongly in his favor his majority is likely to increase by the natural process of accretiod beyond the dimensions now clearly discernible. Hillsboro patiently waits for a citizen to step forward and donate a lot on which to build the library toward which Andrew Carnegie has said be will give 915,000. The town schools closed this week commencement taking place ar# ten graduates, The township schools close today, the township commencement being June 2. Mr. atld Mrs. J. M. Bull and s*n Fred^ of Springfield spent Saturday and Sabbath with relatives here. Prof, Leroy'Allen and sister, have for their guest Miss Myrtle Allen of Wooster. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors for their kindness during the sick ness and death of our dear wife and mother, W« especially wish to thank Bey. Sanderson and Rev, McChesney for their kindnesB also for the many flofal offerings' X M.’Heck and family. DOES IT PAY TO ise tiEV nmn IT PATS THE MANUFACTURER whomakesIt,andvrfe>fnorder to place a cheaparticleonth*marketmeetend does use cheep, Inferior materiate, Which are onlypoorSnhatttalwfbrtheiitoteriatouatd far ihemshufAdtuWsof finfr&ksspstota. IT DON'T PAY THE CONSUMER. THeceforsiMFoatiK>rong}ihr^kbi**(rictlr pfirapaint andonewhichhaa stood the lestforyoow. Askfor PH'SGBEEHSESLFIIIT FOR BALE *Y a Kefr &Hatiings Bros ese? WANTED! We want agents In all parts of the T j . fci. to Sell onr famous Hr. Wil liams Pills, Bend ns your nAme Ami address and we will send "you 12 fKHtes to sell at file psr bo,*, when sold send us the 93and receive a full set of cooking vessels consisting ol a t, 4 and 6 quart vessel. A limited *Hhiber of tUcfao VcsSr-ls Aro given to introduce onr pills. Order quick, HE. WtM.TAMB MEHHJINpi t)0M JlOREViLLE, OHIO. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Beit Besolved, that the Village Clark be authorised and instructed to advertise for bids for furnishing 20arc lamps of 2,000 candle power and 10lamps of 1,200 candle power, or 60 luoahdescent lamps of 100can dle power or as many addltipual lamps of each kind a* council may desire for lighting the streets, alleys and public places of satd village for a period e f ten years. . Said bids shall be sealed in a plain envelope and marked “ Electric Light Bid’ *-and deposited with the village clerk by noon of June 15fcb, 1908. Counoil reserves the right to re* jectany or all bids. , J. G. MeCoRKxnr,, Clerk. J. H. WOnrOBD, Mayor. Passed May 2l, 1908. NOTICE TO NON RESIDENTS. Moses C. White of Anderson, Indiana; AlbertH. White of Bloom ington, Indiana; John E. White of Bloomington, Indiana; Francis A. White of Bloomington, Indiana and Ella J. Beaney. of Bloomington, Xndianaand Edna M. White of near Palestine, Crawford Co., Illinois, the above being the Post Office ad dress of said parties when ilkst heard from, will each take notice that on the 18th day of May 1908, M. B. Snodgrass filed hlS petition in the Court of Common Pleas, Greene County, Ohio, In cate No. 12091 against the above named do fondants, praying for judgment against them in the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Hollars and in terest sinee the fad day o f May 1906. on account Of legal services render, cd for them in tne case of Moses O. White, efcal., against John Alexan der Howie, et at, case No. 11246 Common Pleas Court, Greene Oou* fy, Ohio, and plaintiff also asks for an attachment against the property of the defendants in this county, and that it be sold to satisfy plain tiff’s claim, and the costs of suit. Bald parties are required to ans wer on or before the Hth day of July, 1908, or judgment may be taken against them and their prop* erty in this county sold to satisfy the «ame^ with costs, C»26d Ut, Snodgrass. The announcement of the mar*, mge of Miss Alma - Soburr of London to Mr. Hartford B, Welsh, for June llth, at the heme of the bnde, has been made, Miss Schurr has visited several times with Mrs. F, P* Foster and. made many ac quaintances. Mr, Welsh is pros ecuting attorney of {Madison coun ty and has been re-nominated' for another term. Another Memorial daydraws near aud it is fit and proper that we lay aside our labors so far as consistent and meet with those who stood be tween our. homes and war’ s desola tion to strew flowers and otherwise observe the day in a proper manner. The Cedarville Cornet Band will furnish muslo and good speaking is expected. Come out all for a short time. •By request of Curria Post No. 94. - Bev, J. J. Wilson and bride left Wednesday evening for Cincinnati where they started the next morn- lag for Virginia, 111. Bev. Wilson recently received a call in that place but could not enter upon, his pastoral duties owing to Bmail pox. Dr. J. G. Carson of Xenia was in town Wednesday greeting friends. It Is expected that the Hr. will be a candidate for representative at the primary this fall. .He. served one term in the Senate and feels that his experience In the legislature deserves a terra~1nr-thcr—Houser Whilo mtown he was the guest of Mr. W. P, Anderson. The Postmaster • informs us that scarcely a night passes but what an ink bottle Is upset,' pens destroyed or blotter* are thrown on the floor or dMfaropad..'1This is doneby small boys loitering In, the post-office lobby. This will have to be stopped or the Postmaster wi\l close the office promptly at 7 p, m. This will be quite an inconvenience to patrons If you want access to the office till 10 p. m., you must report any cases of loitering In the lobby of the post- office unless on business. The sheep on the farms in the vicinity of South Charleston are sick and if they could talk would probably tell what the trouble is for their owners can not figure it out. Several hundred head are af- focted, and the disease is spreading. It is contagious and whole flocks are affected. What the epidemic is the owners do not know, so they have sent to Columbus for the state Veterinarian to comedo South Charleston and diagnose the new disease. Colonel Milton Chaney reports that his entire flock is Blok, while Charles MIchelaon* reports that 60 head are “ on the bum” on bis farm. °°H* . * jwntvmMMftitt: JFwaMtas 8 «twO jwM *• Sw CMrSw-Sta, *1 At «*!»*itw*/*t»s**a K nufitt *'3 r *, S* U retalviS ky >Kt ifrinjral -At:/unify of (h* At** of Ok* Sscxiow 1 . A prwM'tiM vln.l bs act* tt/litti tet iha ala,tar* at thl* <*ato at t i l naxt alactlea. for wawbrrs cf tha *rncr*l to anttul tb* coaitHutlou ot tl»» f‘*U of Ohio ao that aacUon* IS to 32 , both toclu«tY«. of artleW 11 . *htU tespecttvaly ho pumbored a* oaettoe* IS to 3 3 ; aud orct'.^n* 16 aud 18 at *u*h arltc-ia, h* to tsfituitA aa to road as fellows; Sec. 18 . Kv*ry*laH**}i»ll b* Cully and distinctly raad oa Utroa dlfforaot daya ua» to**, to casa of «r*aa«y, ttirw-tourUin.qt tha m«mb*r* alacUd to iha house In which U sh*U h* pOBdinr, shall with this rule; but the rsadii.r rt a hill so Its final passato shall la so css* ho dlspsn-sd with. Ka hill shall contain inor* ;iiau one subject, which shell be clssrly (;*pres»»d lu It* tltls; and no law shall b* revived or emended, unless the new net er.nttlu the entlr* act revived, or the aectton or aectfoas amended: and the section or srettone s« amended »bai| be revealed. See. 18 . JCve:r bin jessed by the gen eral assembly shall, hetors it esq become a law. he .presented te the governor for bis approval, it be tppmvt It, In can {phalli atudf tt'witli his ‘ohKctioiis in wrltlhir, to the house la which it orHctneied which may then, reconsider the vet* on Us passage. It two-third* of the members elected to that house then agree to jpp*s« tbs hilt. It shall be sent, with the .objections of the governor, to tbo other house which stay also recon sider the vote on Its. passage, it two-thirds of tbs members elected to that, house then agree to ropes* It, It shell become a law, not- J withstanding -the objections of the governor, f a bill shall not be returned by the gov- rnor -within ten «*y*. Sunday* excepted, ■iter being presented to him, It shall become S I R 8 E S 3 ! after such adjournment, it nh»U be died by him, with his objections. In the pfltce of the secretary of state. The governor luay dis approve any item' or Items Jn any bill malt ing an appropriation of money, and the item or Items, so disapproved, shall be stricken therefrom, unless ropaosed lit the' manner heretn prescribed tor tbo repassoge^of a Sue. 2 . This amendment shall take effect on the first day of January, A. D, 1908 . C. A. T hompson , speakerof fit# Haute of llcprcacnlatives, Affnnaw L. H aoms , * . , - Pretidant of fh# Senate, Adopted March 20 ,’ 1908 , tTNITKn StATES OP AMERICA, OHIO, Office of.the. Secretary of State. X, CARM 1 A. THOMPSON, Secretary of Statq of the State of Ohio, do hereby certify that the 'foregoing la an exemplified copy, carefuly compared hy me with the original rolls now on file: In- thUhtfice, and In-my official euatody as secretary of State, as re quired by the laws of the State of Ohio, of a Joint Resolution Adopted by the Heneral As sembly of the. State of OblD, on the 20 th day Of -March, A, D, 1900 , , t ■I n T ebtjmon V W hereosv t .have hereunto subscribed my name,' and affixed my official ssal, at Columbus, this 23 rd day o f April/ A. D. 19 QS. CARMJ A. THOMPSON, [SSAUj Secretary of State . For the Children To succeed these d*ys you must have plentyof grit’, cour age, strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. You know it mRkes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. ThechildrenMhnetpOHlWyhate/roodhealth* antes*thebowelsarofnpropercondition. Por* rect anyconstipation by giving small laxative dotes.ofAyer'srills.Allvegetable,tugAr-coated. A - . MAIRVHJ0*. f i P V Q AtHmcune. M v l CltERRVPeCTOftAi. We have no seereteI Wo publish the fenaulat of all our aedlelnes. nd acijuBtod l-y Isaac Wlfitorniaa. PROP 0 8 E 1 D AMENDMENT TO THE CON STITUTION OK/OHIO. - - ■ ' jqmmoivMK . Te smissnf ssefisa'arilcU twelvt si tha Csa. sHialrtaef Ohie, Re ft retotved iff the benerat Aaseoiblff of tjie State of Ohio : ■ . S ection , I. ' That a -proposition shall be submitted to the elector*'of the state ot Ohio, .on the first •Tuesday after the. first. Monday in November, - 1908 , to amend section two of article twelve of the constitution of the state of Ohio, so that It shall read as. follows: * ’ VAanct* XII. , . P in A ncb amp T axatioh . Sec. 2 . The General Assembly shall have .-power to establish and maintain an equit able system for raising state and focal revenue. It -may classify the subjects of taxation so.far j*s their difference!-' Justify the same in.-order-to. secure .a jusi. return from each. Alt taxes and .other charges -shall“ beTmposod- for-putltcrpurposea—onljr and shall he Just to each subject.- The power of taxation shall never bo surrendered, suspended or. contracted.away, -Ronds of the -state of Ohio, bends of any city, village, hamlet, cptinty ..or towhship in this state and bond* issued In behalf of the public schools of Qhih and the means -of instruction in connection therewith, burying 'grounds, public school hou***, houses used exclusively ‘ for public worship, institutions of purely public charity, public' property used exclu sively far shy public purpose, And personal «as%£ flK»U8*P!!3f-S. general laws, be exempted; from, taxation; but alt auoh laws shall be subject to alter ation nr repeal: and the value of .all prop erty, *o exempted, sball, from time, to time, be ascertained "and published' as may be directed by Jaw,- S ection 2 . All taxes and exemptions in force when this amendment is adopted shall remain In force, in the same tbs same extent, unless and until otherwise directed by statute, . J. D. CHA1I8KB1.A1N, \ Speaker Pro Tcm, of (ltc ltottne of Representatives. -J asicb M. W iluams , - Pmident of the Senate. Adopted March* 27 , 1803 , 7 - U nited srATxs or AMxaicfA, Onto, . Office of the Secretary of State, 1 , CAKMX A, THOMPSON. Secretory of -State of the State Of Ohio, do hereby certify that the foregoing is an exemplified copy, carefuly compared by me witn the original rolls now tin file in tbit office, and in my official custody a* Secretary of state, as re quired by the taws M the State ot Ohio, of a Joint Resolution adopted by the General As- sembfy of the State of Ohio, on the 27 th day Of March, A. J>. 1998 . „ IN TrBTiMONr WiiKRXor, I have hereunto subscribed my seme, and affixed my official seel, at Columbus, this 2 3 rd day of April, A, D. 10 08 . ■ . . GARMt A. THOMPSON, fecal-] Secretary of State. cram 'Sot In&nta and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ‘ TAKE THIS CUT” For Over TMCOCNTAUnOOMHNV. NCWV^aKCITV, M B H M l f i i J H .H cM lLLAN , M anu fac tu rer o f CEMENT GRAVE VAULTS? Hollow Cement Building Blocks, Chimney Blocks, Veranda Col umns, Piers, Etc., Etc. Telephone 7 . C edarville , Ohio “ ^Vo recommend it; there isn’ t nay better*,. In mid-summer you have to truafc-* to a large degree to you* butwher. j^/ell Cared For Meats to hot weather are the only *md to buy; we have proper appliances to r keeping them right, and fchey’rs aweet and safe when-sold'. Don’ t go meat shopping when it’s hot, Buy of ns and he sure, C . H , C R O U S E , CEHABVILLE, O. PILES Ik - Thousands of stout women who imagined they must have their corsets made to order now are . wearing the famous1' ' NE.MO Self-reducing Strap -tSHSS&r for Stont Women PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CON- - ST 1 TUTION Op OHIO. JUMTlOtMLUTlON PrtpMtof M MHMttaMt H <fc« CsMfthlUu •( lbs *1*1. ri •hi* CtMvt tt tfc*ttsMsflh«CMS- ■Mcsjorti *t llwngaUc m **S m * stth* t/mtu iMMkly, S t tt rttalced iff the General Anenbly of the State of Ohio: ' S ection 1 , A proposltloa shall b« sub mitted to th* electors of this state at ths next elettloil for members of the general assembly to amend section 25 of article II ef the constitution, so as to read as follows: Sec. 2 0 , The -Tegular ecssfon of each f enernt Assembly shall commence on tbe rst Monday lit January next after It Is gheaen, . ■ , . fi, A. T hompson , Speakeroflhe /rente ef RcprtteniaHeet , A nmkw it. H arris , , , . , PreetdCnl of the Senate, Adopted Match 2 0 , 1908 , Utnxr.D SfAiES or A mssica , O hio , Office o f the Becrstary of State. 1 . OARMI A. THOMPSON, fleernUury 0 State of the State rt Ohio, do hereby certit “ f 4. foregolsg I* as exemplified copy, csfetuly totnpsrefi by me wilh the original rolls now on file in this ofilce, and In my official custody s* Secretory of State, nt re~ A ls o the R oya l Wor ces ter Am erl- canB eau ty j i/:? 50c up to $3.94 Children’s Dresses $1. to $2., Ladies' Dress Skirts— fine se- lection, best ,fitting. /'■ ' ______ _ . Waists — A ll in Net— “Persian Lawn and Percale Muslin Underwear— great Stock, Long Silk and Kid Gloves — all the rage. Jackets and Suits the body and purse fiUTGfilSOfi & GIBliEV’S, XENIA, OHIO, of Msrcb, A. it. 1966, I n ttnpMonr W hwmof , I have hereunto subscribed my nsnto, and affixed my official *«»}. *t Columbus, this 23 rd day ot April, A D. 1908, CARMfjA. THOMPSON, tSEAb .1 Stcretarg ef state Proper initrlbf Deoorfition. Mrs. Mary t» Bookwsiter, lu a talk the other day or the subject of in terior decoration, said that “the av erage home is a jungle of unrelated things, most of thent a burden to the housekeeper, the maid and*the bread winner, to nay nothing of the guest.’* Correct Hues, harmony of color and restraint in ornament were among the things she recommended, By strengthening the nerves Which otttroi the Action Ot ths Uver and bowel -0 tw, Miles' Nerve And Liver Pills eurr obstipation. M 4 4 m * K cseittA. Modsrri FunetuAUon. By a scandalous Shifting of the bur' den ol authority, nobody punctuates any more, it is all thrown upon the printer to do his best, in the art preservative the custom varies, Some offices Insert a comma after every fifth word, dose punctuation, others after the seventh, which is open, or free, punctuation.- N. % Sun, ittfp t*in$ stillest tafitantty-^tfar, Miles’ Afaflsfafak tfe bid- - T 0 V V N 5 L E Y BRO S ,. Cedarville,{Ohio. Manufacturers of Cement Bu ilding B locks, Build-' ings raised and4foundations constructed. See us for Cement work|of a ll kinds. E stim ates cheer fu lly given . r . FOR DU RAB IL ITY AN D SERVICE , H ^ W e have found “J.-M.” ASBESTOS ROOFING equal to all demands. Whether it be used on the most modest farm building or the largest manufacturing plant we have always found ittn ic taita trust It is made to give service. Every square is thoroughly Inspected before leaving the factory. The workmanship Is right, and the materials used in its construction ate as good as money can buy. A s evidence-*we can point to Asbestos Roofing applied in the early nineties in good condition to*day« Furthermore, it requires no coating or painting. **The finrt cost Is the only cost** Our Booklet “R.*" Sent free on request, will give you valuable Information. , * « H . W . Johns-Manville Co*. ^ ^ .C leve land * O* , H Qo.t.nte.d *6 ont* oryourmoneybaok, Sterling Remedy Qo., Chicagoor N.V. . S 9 S 1 HKUILS 1 LE,TEKMILUOIBOXES W hy Suffer? Pa in P ills w ill relieve i t ’ —and leave no bad a fter- -edleetsr^That^sTlieimpor-— taut th in g ., N either do they create a habit. M ore_ often, the attacks^ becom e^ less frequent, o r disappear a ltogether,. D r . M iles’ An ti-Pa in P ills have no other effect except to re-* lieve pa in and quiet nerv ou s irrita tion . V • "%Ve are nfevqr without nr. Miles* Anti-Fain Tills, My husband and Son, aged 15 were awfiys subject to -sick headache until we began using theso Pills, and they have broken them up entirely. Don't think they have had to use them fox six months. I recommohd them to every one. A few weeks ago I heard an old. lady friend was sick. I went to, see her* She was down with LaGrippe, and. nearly crazy with awful backache. I gave her one of the Anti-Pain Pills and left another for her to take in a short time.- - They helped her right away, and she says she will never be without, them again. Last winter my husband was taken with- pluerisy on both sides, and I know he would have- died if it hadn't been for the PUIS. In less than half an - hour he was sweating, and- went to bed and slept,” MRS. G. H, WEBB, y • Austlnburg, Ohio. Your druggist sells Dr. Miles’ Anti- Pain Pills, and we authorize him to return, the price of first paokago (only) » If It falle to benefit you, Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Baker’s Restaurant. Now located in tha Boo Walter Hotel Building aorc tb& street from the 0 ‘Adams” fltahd, Restaura in hotel lobby and dinii room on second floor, reach* by elevator. Meals 25c ai 35c. High Street, Springfield, t IwiNl^ot^owii Sender FreeBooklet and tonal. imNtfthfaefiMHSfe*? COLUMBUS OHIO Work of tfivfi. ' Lovo makes ottr heads- go dud wo somotiine8 tma^lhe |i world. yatsr W faMlA attx L i S l i S g g g R a in k
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