The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 1-26

ij.tiiiiluiliTiTftTTffinilnniTiT*'* ?*m *~m *****11 pJ | f ^ ■* ittgoii O E D A i m L L F , O H IO , Wi? S q UCTT YOVR FATUWvAGK *a<J prtnjiiso m e f u l and prompt atteutilm. to alt business Jaimted to ns, HRW VORK DRAFT *hd JSANKMQNEYiORUERS- Th* cjjcapsst atul most con- v*$i*nfc way to semi money by mail. m § Loam ^ n a l or Collateral Security. BK&JstngHour*: 8. A, M. to 8, P, M. S. W, SMrjJiTj Presldenfc, 0 . 1 1 . SMixTr, CaBhier. Prising Down Pains are a gij;n of serious female com* plaint, that should have Immediate | attention. If you begin la time, yon can generally treat yovrsell at home, •without the need oi consulting a physician, by the regular use of Cardul, the well-known remedy for women’s ills, . Composed,, o f purely vegetable- and perfectly harmless medicinal, | ingredients, being, besides, a gen­ tle, non-intoxicating, -strengthen­ ing tonic*- WINE OF WOMAN’SRELIEF relieves all female complaints, “Aty wife,” •writes John A. Rodgers, of Hampden Sldney^Va, ,Hwas nothing but a walking skele­ ton, ,from female trouble. She suffered agonies with bearing- ‘ | down pains, backache, and head-, ache. Doctors failed to relieve- her, so. she took Cardoi, and is’ now entirely cured.” , ’ , At All Druggists Scoff*# Emulsion strengthen* enfeebled nursing mother* by increasing their flesh and nerve force# ft provides baby with the necessary fat and mineral food for healthy growth. Abb DPUQ0IST3! 60c, AND *1.00, POLITICAL" PHRASES, The CedarviHe Herald. J * i . o o P e r Y e a r , - A ICAKLJ3 J30LJj. - - E d ito r. FRIDAY, J IO T G, 1908 *57^ MARSHALL-TURNBULL. .Aquiet home wadding took place Thursday evening at six o’clock at the home of Mr. artel Mr*. J* 33. Turnbull, when their daughter, Nellie,.became the bride of Prof. LeroyMarshall, assistant superin­ tendent o f the high school. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the family and a few relatives of the .couple, Rev. O. H Milligan officiating, After? flm wedding Borylco a four course dmner was served. Mr, Mar shall and bride started that night on a,short wedding trip. They made no announcement o f their destina­ tion. The bride and groom are •both popular' /young people and their marriage proved quite a surprise at this time. They have the best wishes of a host of friends. How Some of the Common Term* In Use Originated. While many believe that; Benja­ min hranlilm was the author..of the " " " " . r f i S K r c , ' , ? , , , ™ * » • W WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, stating, ago and describing sym». tomo. to Ladies Advisory Dept,, The Chattanooga. Medietas. Co,, Chattanooga, Tonn. . El 36 T1 A N H A T TA N RESTAURANT ri _ * < ( j J fo . B g f. D e tr o it S t , X e n ia , Q, Bill of Pare. i.uxua<H.« Coifeef Tea, Milk,...,.. Dread h,nd->'Btttter..... Fried Potatoes..,.,..... - Baked Deans........ t ,,. Pie, pef quarter.,-.,.,... Ham Sandwich... ...... ................ 6c Buttered. Toast..—.,..................... 6c Cheese Sandwich...^:........ : ......... 6c ’Cake 5c Steak, Chops, Ham’or Bacon.:.,.. I6e Ham or Bacou With E g g s ..... 20e Hot Roast Beet, Weinor or Egg Sandwich....................... „„... 5c Soap.... ....-............. ................ ce Fresti Oyster SteW..............—...20c Oysters, raw.. 16c Bread and Butter with Meat Orders MEALS ” » » «' 25c ? 0 BWOSTTOmow AND WE DON'T MIND TELLING YOU THAT ONE GALLON OF OUR eiEEI SEEPBIII Will go farther than any other paint on the market and give better general Satisfaction, We have many testimonials from practical painterswho have usedoar goods for years- And TlEWJWMTOinTlEIW KNOWS is: FOR SA1.C BV Kerf Si-Uastlngs B e OS. 1 WANTED!* ' We want agents hr all patto of the T;» K. to soil our famous Dr- 'Wil­ liams Pills, Bend ns your name nml address and we Will send you 32 boxes td sell at *56 per box, w|»en aold smut ns the $3aud receive aduil act of cooking vessels consisting of a i And 0 quart vessel. A limited mmnlrer of tl»mi vessel sare given to ltdrodm e our pills. Order quick, 3>R. W ILL IAMS MEDICINE €0., ROSEVILLE, OHIO, Special Showing * - / < All'Next Week oi f • SUMMER MILLINERY, i| Helen M. Toms, j * ?8W«t HighStreet. 0 | SWG ftE t& i * OHIO. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Be it' Resolved, that th9 Village Olerk be authorized and instructed to advertise for bids for furnishing 20arc lamps of 2,000 candle power and 10lamps of 1,200 candle power, or 60incandescent lamps oi 100can­ dle power or as many additional lamps ot each kind as council may desire for lighting the - streets, alleys and public places of said village for a period of ten years— Said bids shall he sealed in aplain envelope and marked “ Electric Light Bid” and deposited with the village clerk by noon of JUne 15th, 1908. Council reserves the right to re- jactany or all bidB. “j , G. McConrumn, Clerk J. H. W olford , Mayor. Pessed May 21, 1008. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS. Moses C. White of Anderson, Indiana; AlbeitH. White of Bloom­ ington, Indiana; John E. White of Bloomington, Indiana; Francis A White of Bloomington, Indiana and Ella J, Seaney of Bloomington, Indiana and Edna M. White of near Palestine, Crawford Co., Illinois, the above being the Post Office ad- dress of said parties When last heard from, will each take notice that on the IGth day oi May 3908, -VI, R. Snodgrass Died his petition in the Court of Common Pleas, Groans County, Ohio, in case Ho. 12091against tlio above named de­ fendants, praying for judgment against them in the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars and in­ terest since the 8d day of May liXK», on account of legal service* render­ ed for them in the case of Moses C. White, etal., against John Alexan­ der Dowle, efc al, case No, 11215 Common Pleas Court, Groefto Coun­ ty, Ohio, and plaintiff also asks for an attachment against U 10 proporty of the defendants in this county, and that it be sold to satisfy plain­ tiffs claim, and the costs of suit. Bald parlies are required to ans­ wer on or before the Ilth day of July, 1902* or judgment may he taken against them aud their prop­ erty in this county hold to satisfy lm*am«, with costs. ,, C*20d M. B: Snodgrass, •«* . ■ ■ - utilized to show its significance/ there is good reason to believe that tire originator of it was Charles Miner and that it .first appeared in one of Pennsylvania's country newspapers in the'year 1811,. “Mending iffis fences" originated in 1880, when John Sherman was a candidate for the Republican E residential nomination. Shortly efore the convention Sherman dropped out ° f the. senate's activi­ ties and wept to his farm in Ohio. He was followed by a reporter, who came •upon the' senator while he, with his brother-in-law, Was renew­ ing, the wornout rails that inclosed his estate. The reporter asked how Mr, Sherman was employing his time, and the brother-in-law, laugh­ ing, said; “ Why, don’t-you see ? He is mending his fences/’ 'Pipe laying” was a terra which for many years signified fran'd at the polls, I t developed during the New York campaign in 1835. The Whigs were charged with trying to import a large number of voters from Philadelphia^ and to prove this allegation letters were intro­ duced in which it was sought" to show that the illegal voters were referred to as so many, yards of pipe. This form was employed, it tras said, because the bulldingyof the Croton water pipes ‘Was then under way. While men^were indict­ ed, thdj^wcre acquitted, yet the phrase in common use for many years. 'Nowadays it has given way to more specific. terms, such as “ repeating,” "ballot box stuff­ ing,” etc. “ Gerrymander,” .^hicli means, to icarrango the "boundaries of senatorial and legislative dis­ tricts of a-state to suit the needs of the dominant party, is sometimes quite -puzzling to the person who tries to figure out it? definition without consulting a dictionary. In 1811, while Elbridge Gerry was elected,governor of Massachusetts by the Democrats, who also got con­ trol o f both houses of the legisla­ ture, it was thought advisable by them to so redistnet the state th$t eh the map o f the istate show­ ing the paw* districts wa? shown to Gilbert Stuart, he-remarked that it looked like a salamoi ler. rfBut it's really a gerrymahd retorted a wit. “I acknowledge _the com” was originally a political term, but It is nowadays found useful in many other circles as a witty way of making a necessary retraction. Dur­ ing a congressional debate in 1828: Andrew Stewart made the assertion that Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana sent their haystacks, cornfields and fodder to Philadelphia and to Now York to bo sold. This statement was not literal enough to suit Con­ gressman Wickliffe, and he rose to deny i t , .declaring that the states sent “ horsesr^niules, cattle'^ and hogs.” “ Yes; you put thirty bushels of com into the shape of a hog and made it walk off to an eastern mar­ ket,” TCtorted Stewart. And then, seeing what In's adversary was driv­ ing at, Mr. Wickliffe, with a saying grace of humor, covered his retreat by saying, “Mr. Speaker, I acknowl­ edge the com ” “ To make up a slate” is believed to have originated through an early custom of using a slate when a ticket was being arranged, so that the changes could be easily made in order to arrive at a harmonious re­ sult*—Philadelphia Press. A Spider'* Musics! Ear. During the entire summer until late in the autumn a large black hunting Spider (lycosa) dwelt in my piano. When I played andante movements softly, she would come out on the music rack and seem to listen. , Her palpi would vibrate with almost inconceivable rapidity, while every now and then she would lift her anterior pair of legs an! wave them to and fro and up and down.: Just as soon, however, as I commenced a march or gallop she would take to her heels and flee away to iser den somewhere in the interior of the piano, where she; would sulk until I enticed her forth with “ Tramnerei” or Handel’s “ Lar­ go.”—Dr, Wier's “Dawn of Reason,” ; Quaint Dr. Cdlcs. Dr. Colics, an eminent surgeon of Dublin, who died in 1843, was remarkable for hid plain dealing with himself. In his foe bo? x lie jad many such candid entries as he following; “ For giving ineffectual- advice for tkaffte3s4 1 guinea.” '“ For attempting to draw out the stump of it tooth, 1 guinea.” “ For felling him that ho was no more ill than I wan, 1 guinea.” “Fornothingthat1knowofexcept that heprobablythought he didnotpaymoenoughteaktime, I guinea” a M E t e t f e s g s a w ' »• mif .1 iU 3 K A »!■**&‘-'lien ts» s-.ta- ^ g 1* ' . * * »W o r * of UUn „ute At Ul* fo*" **® l»‘>* tat? gt-ccral, Mt»a« th« ouniifitatlts o( tto ** Uuif O* tlyn * w to SC. btab **tl,)* 11 - -shiH r^-wettaojy ->;a cf t* * ,* «tl* «* I t to CS; aW fKCt'ons ta xw.d m U W ^ nm IkTflf 11 ' ') ^ WH *La’n lie lullj4*nd , on-three different flajw. un- ft ht-iFRi'y, tiiree-raurtiin of tpeUd to til* I iqukq in wblrU fU'T-tase -with tills, rta*: but the mSii.* rr r UU ct its final Ff,a*x f *b«U la ao ,«* * b« 4 l*p(ntiC!l with, ct,,,0i'9 t.'Of* thru; o«o subject, * ’ 3 j cb *b*U b« clutlv (..pwwHj Hi Its title; aita no lav abail t* revived or *mended, SS fffjtiS?w *<"1 wutalu t}i«, entire net bf » • ***Uoq or snttons a:(icndqd; a»4 the eertlon-or sa umeedea shall 00 . rdw, he nrmeuted toTJie fc'jveXcor for his wproikh If h» Rpprov* I*, lie can fshall] •‘Wu U. It h* do not cspdys ii, be shall send it With hi* objc-ilond Ip writing, to the house to.-which H arlxta^ted which, may then reconsWer tu« V 91 * ou Its yaBsago, If two-tljlrds of tit* wnh*M elected to that bouss the* s u m to tdpas* the bill, it phall ' S* K at* g llli tb« objections of the eaver-nor, t° th« other house which may -also rocon- Cider tho*vohs oa 4tit passage, ft two-thirds of ths jnejabsra sleeted to that house then * 8 fee_tp ropas* jt, it shall become a law,not- yUustftritltaK the objectionfi of tho governor. If r hUJ shall hoi be returned by tho gov- ernor within tsn days, Snndwya excepted., after betas presented to him, It ehall become a taw, Unless the genersl assembly by ad­ journment prevent Its return; 4 n which case, It. ahftll become * Jaw unless, within ten days after such adjournment, It slmn ho filed by hint, with his objections, in tho office of tho. Secretary of state. Tito governor may' dis­ approve any Jtcm or Items Ip a«y- MU mak­ ing an appropriation of money, and'tho Item or Items, sp dlsJtpprqvatl, shall ‘bo: stricken therefrpm, unless rt-pussed In.-■tho manner herein, prescribed for'the ropapsfigo-«t a vtlL See. 2. This amendment shall take etttfet or the first day- of January, A. D. 1009-. C. A, TuostMprf, Speaker of iho Hmise ol HeprcsentaWies,. ANfiBSW I*. H arris , . . . ■ „ - . ■“ President of theSenate, Adopted. >Ia)*ch 20, 1000. •*a v •>, i , i , .ta*.. > * ‘ 'r UtaTEn STMisfi oy A mehica , onto,, Office of the Secretary ot State, I* CAUMIfA. THOMPSON, Secretary of State of the.State of Ohio, do hereby certify .that the foregoing is an exemplified copy,. carefuly1compared by- me with tho original roll* now on file tn this' office, and in m y: .official custody- as Secretary of .State, as - t o - : poped by the laws of tlib' State of Ohio, of a Joint Ttesolutlon adopted by tlxerGeneral As­ sembly of the state-.Of Ohio, on the 20th day Of March, 'A- D, 1000/ Itr TsamtojJy WuRttaop. 1 hhve hereunto subscribed my namci nnfi ftfflxcd -my offlcinl seal; « t Columbus, thin 23rd .day ot April, A. Di 3008, : CAnMl A. THOMPSON, [sBAt..J Seerctary at State. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO TtlE CON- WITTUTION OT O I«0. joismsfituTios Teammcnipelffionjwerf^rlicIcTwrtve el the Con. Sa it resolved hy the' General Assembly of ■ the State,of Uhio : SECTION I , - That. * proposition cdiatl ho submitted to the elector* of- tho state -of Ohio, on. the-first Tuesday after -the'first Monday Ift November,, lfiQS.-to aniend■section two of article twelve of the constitution of tho. state of Ohio, AO tfikt it shell read as followsr - - _ . ahi ’ icur xir... V EtNANCU taxa W on .. Sic, 2.-, The'Ohnorpl'Assembly ahull have power to .establish and maintain .on' equit­ able system for trailing elate end local, revenue. It iday classify -the Subjects of taxation so far as their dlfierehccs -justify the sdm'a 5a order to secure a just return from each; . All taxes and ’other, charges shall he .Imposed 'fo r public purposes only and 8h'aU he Just, to each .subject ,The power ot taxation shell never he surrendered, suspended or contracted ftWAy, , Roiide of -the state-of Ohio, 'bonds -of any city, village,' JjnmJet,,county - of .township ‘ in’ this slate* issued to bShaft cif the public schools of Ohlonsnd ths mesas of iustrnction In conw«tlo« thstswltto burying grounds, fiuhjio *chool.bouss*, btntss* used exclusively tot public wo-rshtu, tosUtutUms of purely puhlle charity. puMto property used sxciu- Mvsjy for any ,'pumja nUcnoiSA, ana personal ----- ... .... - W .... fa pu\>)!*hed' ss may be srty, so -exempted, h« saesrtslnca a directed by lew, SccttOK 2, All taxes sad exemptions to fore* when tats smeudmsnt is adopted shell remain In force, in the earns manner and td ths same extent, uaiw* and until otherwlcs directed by statute, - J. B. ClUMBEitaAlN, Speahtr Z’m Tcm. of tha ftouse of —- Representative*. JiUtta M. WtaLiAua, . ■ President of tho Senate, ' Adopted March 27* 1808. 0NITOO S tatic * o r A mbbica , Omo, ’ ■’ Offlco.of the Secretary ot State. I, CARMI A. THOMPSON, Secretary ot State of the State of Ohio, do hereby Certify that .the-foregoing., ( b -an exemplified copy., carefuly compared by me with, tho original rolls now on file In this office, and in roy official custody as Secretary of State, as rc- jairea by tho la* ■ “ — Joint Resolution jcmbly of the 8t*___, of March, A. D. 1903. , in TrATtMoHt wngBXoy, I have hereunto subscribed my name, and affixed my official *o*L ut- Columbils, this 2Srd Upy or. April, A. D. 1908, * „ CARMI A. THOMPSON, : Secretary of state, qui od b» J wsqf the State of Ohio, ot s i adopted by tineGeneral As­ se a Sate of Ohio, on the 27th day PROPOSI3D AMENDMENT TO THE CON* STITUTtONpF OHIO, J0IHTtt50LUTI0S PrerMtng js i*»*<nw»| U |h< CeaiUlSltsa el the tUtr *1 Ohh reltlivs U OteUmCetlhc cam- jBeocemmi tl tM r<fd>r sesilens d thegedersl n n e ilf. Be O resolved h i. the (fcncral Assembly of ^ the State of Ohio : . S ection 1. A proposition ehall bo feub mlttcd to the electors ot this stato nt tho next election Tor members of tho general assembly to amend section 2fi of article II of the con.-itllutiOB, no ns to read as follows! Sec. 25. The regdiar session • of each oneral Srscmbly shall commcaco on tho ret Mondty in January next after It la chosen. < _ 'C. A. T hompson , Speaker of the lit,use of /taprecrofol/i-es. ANtmfcW h. HAftilld,. . . . J'rrstdcni of the Senate. Adopted March SO, J 800 , VtnTta S tate * or Aw.rstcA, Omo, OfiicoOf the Secretary of state. 1, CARMI A. THOMPSON. Secretary of State at the State of Ohio, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is an exemplified copy, carefuly compared hy m« with the original rolls now on fils in this office, and In my offieisl custody, as Secretary Of Slate, as re­ quired by Iho law* of the Stato of Ohio, of a Joint Resolution adopted,by the GcHcrel As-1 semhly of the State nt Ohfi>, on the 20lh day of March. A. V . 1*69. . IN T08IIMONT Witshear, t have hereunto •tibaorlbod my name, end affixed my official *.**!; »* Columbus, this 2Srd day of April, A. D. 1908. r , , CARMI A. THOMPSON, [SEAt,] StcTstarg of State. Proper Interior Decoration, M rs.-Mary L . Bookwaltcf, la a talk tho other day on tho subject o f In­ terior decoration, said that “ the av­ erage home is a jungle o f unrelated things, moat o f them a burden to tho housekeeper, the timid and the bread­ winner, to say nothipg o f the gu est” Correct Hues, harmony o f color and restraint in ornament were among the things she recommended. garawsui trews* tk * mMnrRssvus. J | j i » “SMOTjbN!Ai( zTr* . tRWSS HOLDS ' H o ld an d s t jtM ft d I f Is a a c Wigterman. P W 'JAKE THIS CUT” AXegetabibSriwafianforAs- sli^allngiteFwMandBegti^ tD^tt^StoinaibiisaoilBcftyi^s.^y I N T * M 1 S * '( h il,lJ K h N C A S T O R I A For Infants and Children. The KindYou Have Always Bought Beamthe meSfandl&^trti,’ad«Deilhep ObiumMorp^nor mitral. T v o t T u a s c c o t ic , JlKifKafOMSrSttfVEtMraiW , $ht&m .M&Smjia? ,AperTecl3RemefiSrforConsfipa- Eon.•SourStaa^cftjDiarjslJoeh WormSiCoifiVEl^ions.Fcveristf nc&awricl lo s s OF S leep . • *3--»r ■ '*■...... . , . racSiiAilc Signature of K E W Y D H K . ;/ . jA-l:A> u u > n lli- V jJ .D o s i's - y .yC i N i *s of In Use ForOver ThirtyYears CASTORIA *TticeettTMm company , nkwyobw errv. “ Wo recommeud it; there isn't nay bettor-,. In mid-eummar you have to trust Well Cared For Meats ija hot weather are the only kind to buy; we have proper appliances fox keeping them right, and they?!! ' sweet and safe when sold, Don’ tgo meat shopping when it’ s hot. Buy of us and he sure. , * C. H. CROUSE, CEDARVILLE, O. J H. flciVULLAN, Manufacturer of CEMENT GRAVE VAULTS! Hollow Cemfent Building Blocks, Chimney Blocks, Veranda Col­ umns, Piers, Etc., Etc. Telephone 7. Cedarville, Ohio Sismss BAD BREATH Btormantas Xha&neat tronblswithmystomich mnduned all kind, of medicines. My tongue has •’ a. green a* eras*, my breath bavin beenae: nbadodor. Thousands of stoutwomen who imagined 'they'must have, their corsets made to order now are wearing the famous * NE.MO Self-reducing 1 A lso the Royal W o r ­ cester Attieri- . can Beauty]— 50c tip to 53.94 Children’s Dresses $1, to $2. Ladies* Dress SRirb-^-fine se- '■¥stout Women -lection, best fitting. Waists —Alt in Net—Persian Lawn and Percale Muslin Underwear— great Stock. Long SilK and Kid Gloves— all the rage* Jackets and Suits to fit the body and purse HUTGfilSOH& GIBpY’S, XENIA. . _ OHIO. TOW N S LEY BROS,. ‘MfiaHMWMMaMHMStaHMBianMaHManMawMHamaMaBMHMMHaaHMmNMHnnMaMas- . Cedarville/;Ohio* Manufacturers of Cement Building Blocks, Build­ ings raised and^foundations constructed. See us for Cement work’ of all kinds. Estimates cheer­ fu lly given. FOR DURABILITY AND SERVICE. % m W e have found “J.-M.” ASBESTOS ROOFING equal to all demands. Whether it he used on the most modest farm building or the largest manufacturing plant we have always found it true to its trust. It is made to give service. Every squarejs thoroughly inspected before leaving the factory. The workmanship is right, andHiie materials used in its construction are as good as money can buy, . As evidencej—w e canpoint to Asbestos Roofing applied in the early nineties in good condition to-day. Furthermore* it requires no coating or painting. **Th© first cost is the only .cost,** Our Booklet “ R,” Sent free 6$ request* will give you Valuable information. ■. 0 i wVII. W , Johns-Manville Co.- * Cleveland, 0. ___ _______ _wo wqek*:Ugo a frlondtecomtnund Cascarota and After uBlngthorn I canwilllncly a cheorfullyeftythat they therefore lot you know thafcl shall yocoramei; . them to artyone suffering itom, «Uoh troubles/* \ Chat. H. flnlpanrl(h)EivfnKton )> Best For r ytw The Bowels j * CAHOVCATlUanC ..PJesskut, Pslatsbls; Potent, Tsste Good. 6 0 Good, Never Sicken* Weaken or.Gripe. 10c. Hc.SOe.Never- *ol 4 in bulk. IPha genuine tablet atamped, C Op« < Quarantoed to euro oryour money beck* Sterling-RemedyCo., Chfcugo orN.Y. S9fi ANNUALS/ULE,TENMlLUOli BOXES Pam i Weakens" Headache, rheumatism, neuralgia, or pains o f any; / nature weaken the s y s - " tem—they are a strain up­ on' the nerves. Almost ’ instant re lie f can be ob­ tained by taking Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills, aricl w ith ­ out any bad after-effects. Take one on.fir^t indica­ tion o f an attack—i t w ill ward i t off. They are a Peasant little tablet, sold >y druggists everywhere," 25 doses 25 cents; never sold in. bulk. , ■T Was Buhject to constant head­ aches lor a period of four years. At titties I was almost unatted for the work In. which I am engaged, that of station agent.- Through tho advice of a friend I tried Dr." Miles’ Aritl- Pain Pills, and the result has been that I have entirely .eradicated my system of those continuous headaches , that follow a continual mental strain, They have done for mo all that Is claimed for them.” 0.1*. RUSSELI/. • Agt.C.&N.W.Ry., Rattle Creek, ia. *T have used Hr. Milea’.Antl-Paln- PUIs for a year now for neuralgia and. find there Is nothing like thorn* They surely have- been a /blessing to mo.” JiRS. M. J. HAMILTON. Upper Alton, Ills. . Your druggist sells Dr. Miles’ Anti- Pal n Pills, and we authorize him to return the price of first package (only) If It falls to .benefit you, Miles Medical Co*,.Elkhart, Ind Baker’s Restaurant. Now located in the Book- waiter Hotel Building acroee ,the street from the old “Adams” stand. Restaurant in hotel lobby and dining room on second floor, reached by elevator. Meals 25o and 35c. High Street, Springfield,, 0. LIQUORml MORPHINE" „ llabjts/ it the Only Sura and rational treatment COLUMBUS OHIO By strengthening the nerves which ontrol the" notion of the liver and huwrtx iJr.- Mites’ Nerve and Liver Pills <-ure -onstlpatlon. ttr doses 2 $ eettta. f l . g g t a . « « r«hWo9,MoO^RoS toterssiMSH. AMsgstiee lo» toe Husowithhmtafeasof htaWital ftlurtrat ySe OoFY-ti.BD^ Yr.-umo fmg