The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 1-26

»3»-jS-VfT. I* For Excellence Our Job W o r k w ill com pa re w ith that o f an y o th e r f i r m . . . . Hedarv THIETY-FIRST 1"EAR NO, 25. O E D A R Y I L L ^ 0 0 1 0 , L. T. MARSHALL ! , ■' . ¥■ . . it lit*1 1 I'-. J , . ft*.-—*r—*i *8L~. IFIREIT COUNTY CHILDREN'SHOME. Fire, caused by a defective flue, broke out m the attic of . the Child- muLjJIoaie^V?-^eIsoic~W'cduBsuay and strenuous work that the bnild- mx was saved, When discovered the fire had already gained consid­ erable headway, the roof being ablate in. several places. The men at tt»e infirmary were notified, and succeeded In extinguishing the blaze with water carried In buckets. The attic Is directly over the children’s dormitory, and i f the blaze had Started in the night it might have resulted very seriously. The great­ er part of the damage was caused by water, .C andidate rok O' oijntv C i / eri ?. • Ip tbe cording nomination of a candidate for the office of Clerk or the .'Court on the Republican ticket, to be settled at the primary to be held on ■August 3rd, B, T. Marshall is a spirited contestant. Mr. Marshall “was born in SUgarcreek township, Greene county, where he gradu­ ated from the public schools. A t the age of eighteen he began teaching in his home district. * Being determined upon obtaining a college education he taught only two years, after which-he immediately entered Cedarvilie College, of which Institution he is.a gradtiate. Before his graduation lie waB em­ ployed as Principal o f the Cedarvilie public schools, which position he now holds, Mr. Marshall is a selfmade man, having put himself through school, teaching in the winter and Avorking m his vacation at all kinds o f labor;' Mr, Marshall Is welTqualificd for this office and has the cor­ dial and hearty support of the people pt this township. He will "be a pop­ ular candidate and will add sfrengtliUo the county jticket. i COURT NEWS. X motion to Strike but the petition In the case of Of Sr Frazer against Bayfptt ahd -Xeiiia Traction y, Judson H arm an receiver J&yton nonttesctbir n&cwVen rise negligence contained in items A, C, and D, of the petition and the l)»y - ton-TJnion Railway company, JTevih ,Nevin and K&tbfus. Alleging that he was discharged as. superintendent of the . Bath township schools, for “ frivolous and insufficient reasons,” Prof, D. H. Barnes has brought suit in Common •PleaS CoUrt agaiilst the Bath town­ ship. School District for $700, the amouubof salary that would be due him as superintendent from Oct, 21, 1007, to Aug. 31,1008. He says that the action, .o f'. .Abe „ -board ’ o f education .#of the district Avas taken witli malioo; that it avus not done at a regular meeting, or at an adjourned meeting, o f at a special meeting. BeSourd and Smith, John E, Barnes and John E. Egan att’ ys. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Be it* 1Resolved, that the-Village Clerk be,authorized and Instructed to advertise for .bids fur furnishing so arclamps o f 2,000 candle power and Id lamps of 1,800. candle power, 100 can- of. 60iii«pmdgspeirt lamp* of “ v " ‘ ' •** - j NURSERY INSPECTION. Under the Ohio Nursery and Or­ chard Inspection L ua V t every nur­ seryman, or any other person m the state, engaged in growing trees, shrubs* plants, or vines lor sale, must, before July 1st., file applica­ tion lor the inspection of such stock with the Ohio Department of Agri­ culture. The disposal of uninspect­ ed stobk, either by sale or gift ren­ ders the owner liable to a severe fine. These Inspections are made by the Division of Nursery and Or­ chard Inspection, nttdfree of charge when applications are filed before July 1st, For application blanks and farth­ er information, address: N, E. 9 haw, Ohio Department of Agricul­ ture, Columbus, Ohio. A „■ ,■ * i,■''■■aggie' Buy Hair At m y rate* you seem to be getting rid of It on auction-sale principles* “ going, going* g-o-n-e IM Stop the auction with Ayer’s Hair Vigor, It certainly check* falling hair} no mistake about this. It acts as a regular medicine; makes the scalp healthy. Then you mast have healthy hair, for It’s nature’s way. Thehostkind ol atestimonial“*• «»oMt m over i tety .start.” ... * * irntmoM* alleys and public place* o f satud village for a period' o f ten, years. Said bids shall bo-sealed in a plain envelope and marked “ Electric Bight Bid” and deposited with the village clerk by noon of June f5th, 1308.,. Council reserves the fight to re­ ject any or all bids. ; , J, G. M c GO bkeii L, Clerk. J, H. WpnkonD, Mayor. Possed May 21, ,1008. NOTICE TO. NON-RESIDENTS, Moses _C. White of Anderson, Indiana pAlbertH. White of Bloom, ingtou, Indiana;'John E. White of Bloomington, Indiana; Francis A. White of Bloomington, Indiana.and Ella J. Seatiey of Bloomington, Indiana and Edna M. White of near Palestine^. Crawford Co., Illinois* the above being the Post Office ad­ dress of said parties when last heard from, will each take notice that on the 36th day ol May i908, M. R. Snodgrass filed his petition in the Court of Common Pleas, Greene County, Ohio, lit caBe No. 12091 against the above named de­ fendants* praying rfor judgment against them fn the sum of One Hundred arid Fifty Dollars and in­ terest since the 3d day of May 190s, oil account of legal services render­ ed for them in the case of Moses C. White, ofcal., against John Alexan­ der DoAvie, et nl, case No. 11215 Common Pleas Court, Greene Coun­ ty* Ohio* and plaintiff also asks for an attachment against the property of the defendants in this county, and that it be sold to satisfy plain­ tiff's claim* and the costa of suit. Said parties are required to ans­ wer on or before the ilth day of July, 1908, or judgment may be taken against them and their prop­ erty in this county sold to satisfy the same, with costs. 6-2Gd , M. It. Snodgrass. A Cuts Lad. A young Irishman once went to a land hearted old squire for a rec­ ommendation. An elaborate one was written and read to him. He Itook it with thanks* but diu hot iffiove. ... | "Wlifif’s Abe matter with it? roared the squire. . ' "Oh* nothin” sort,” Said -the lad quickly, ' „„ "Well* then, why don’t you go? ’ "Sure, sorr* 1 thought on the strinjjih of a rccommind like that you’d ho wantin’ to hire1me.” FOR SALE. Buff Plymouth Rock Eggs, Nog* get Sttaiu. 7t»esntHfor setting Of 16 •gf», S3. Uastifcgt NET EARNINGS. r— Pittsburg, Penn,, June 8—Net earnings of 10}£ per cent on its cap­ italization are shoAvn by the annual report issued to-day of the Ohio Fuel Stipply QQmpany of-Pittsburg, which began,supplying gas for,, Cin­ cinnati last October. The report shows gross earning of $2,869,649,09, less expenses of $1,250,289’.7f, giving net earnings of $1^189,410.22: •Out ol this $70Q;Q0Q-was paid as .dividends. The increase in net earnings' over last year is $190,099,39.* SHERIFFS SALE. STATE OF OHIO, > ' Greene County, s. s. j Pursuant to command of an order of sale issued in. the Court of Com­ mon Pleas of said coupfcy, and to me delivered, I will’, offeb for sale at public auction afe the .front door of the court house, m Ufa' city-of Xenia, m said county, on Saturday* July 18 th* A, D. 1908 , at2 o’clock p. mi. the following" de­ scribed lamhTand tanaments, to wit: Situate in ,the County o f Greene, State o f Ohio, and In the Village of Cedarvilie, anil hounded add vl*i' Town o f Cedarvlile more fully d« scribed in the plat of said town* afid being the same property con­ voyed to John Rose by John e r r by deed fiat^d August II, 1858, and re­ corded in Vol. 86 page 620 o f the deed records c f said county— Said premises Were appraised at Five Hundred dollars ($500). *Terms of Sale; Cash. To be sold by order of said Court in Case No. 11483 wherein ’ W . B. Miller Is plaintiff and Alexander Hall, Adm’r, is defendant* . . - HOWARD APPLEGATE, t # Sheriff; Greene County, W, B. MILLER, Plaintiff’s Att’y.- Merald , JUNE 12, 1908. Thin Hem when marked with an j Indpx*denotes timt your fokicrif; is past due and a prompt fettle- ■nieijt is earnestlydesired,', PRICE $1.00 A YEAR. iff give Public 13 at Ilows: Beiies.'1* ■'request) irs and BAND The K. of P. Of P. an open air concert Square, Saturday nigh 8 o’ clock. Program is M arch -“ Canadian Overture—“ You Oufclt.” c -Two -fctsp—‘ -‘Msgap WaU?»«--“ Roetoty ’ March—“ Salute to Stripes," Interim March—“ Cradla of Waltz—“ Fall Roses Two Step-Northern Waltzes—“ Emerald, March—*l*Bat( loship ANNOUNCER! We are authorized' the name of W. F- didate for ■Prebate to the Republican pf August 3rd. B. F. ThomaS.wieh« that he will be a County Recorder o f Gij subject to the F®pub| to bo held Aug. 3d, is and. influence soHcitec We are aathoriz the name of B.- T. candidate for Clerk ject 'to rthe ' Rtipuhll| August 3d. W eare 'authorized’ the name ot Dr* D, candidate for Repress the Republican prim* Augusta, 1808, a We are autliorixec the natneof ■Walter’ candidate fey Countj ject to the R^pUbift be held Qn ^.ugust. < Dr. D. N. ■Spabr.' himself for th* representative and * race for this high in tliege-columns - there AA'as no quo j \ the Dr, to repre* His long practice ban made him the county, wl Will have m* * him in the oanv* firmsu^gorter, them £h the cbotosAf a Ssuator to succeed Reaator Fotaker, {announce, u» a can- subject election^ A- '•*' v ^announce ^data for County primary Tour vote itmouncB .tall as a |Urts sub- primary, iipnduncq lahr as a fve before bo held Announce in ns a dor sub- lirnary', to idunced *t|on for red the stated Bkij ago. ed- than boUnty. ^rcifesaion fbout i t h e illt- NOT A CANDIDATE. * Having made inquiries of Hon. Geo, Bittle as to his attitude in. the legislative matter, the Gazette re­ ceives the folloAving reply Avhioh is without reserve, or equivocatien. Xenia, Ohio, Junes, 1603. Mr- Xenia Gazette, Xenia, Oi - Dear6ir‘.—Replying' to your re­ cent inquiry as to whether- or pot I will be a candidate for a third term as a member of tho General As­ sembly, I have to say that I av III not be. Matters o f a personal nature, together with the fact that I have already been twice honored by ah election to the office, impel me to this coy elusion,, You are at liberty to publish this'lf you see fit. it- Yours Truly, Geo, Little. Antioch Chautauqua June 19th to 28th, inclusive Forensic Feast, Mammoth Melange o f Mirth and Music. Declamation and Drama, Sermon and , Science Under the Keafy Boughs of the Tall Oaks of Classic Neff Park,? with Its Purling Stream, Riot of . Nature and Multifari­ ous attractions. - ' BOTH SEATED. The contests that have been tak­ ing plape before the National Com­ mittee bn Credentials of the oomjng National Convention have been quite interesting. I t is plain to be seen that Senators Forakcr and Dick are trying to cause Secretary Taft all tbe.embarassmen t possible. As to the Sixth . District contest both the Taft and Foraker delega­ tions were seated, each to have half a vote; The contest was settled m sort of a compromise. ‘ Season Tickets $2 , Single Admission 25c TEN DAYS OF UNALLOYED DELIGHT Instruction from some of the master minds ot the fand. Famous men arid women to entertain., The ed« 1 cational event 'par excellent of the year. ..HI $100 Rewards $100. ' Thexeadcrs of this paper will bo pleased to,learn that tkere is at least, one dreaded disease that science Las been able to cure in all its stoges mid. t’ at is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cute is taken internally, acting directly up­ on the bipod and mucous surrnces of system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving ihe patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature,iri doing its work, The proprietors liaveso touch faith in its curative powers, that they oflbr one HundredDollars for any rasa that it fails to cure. Send for litto testimonials, ‘ Address. F, J. CHFNKY <fcCo', Toleda 0. Sbld by Druggist; 78<j. Rail's Family Pillsare the best. The Steller Event of Each Day Witt Be: FRIDAY , JUNE 19fch: / / - Count Bochwitsky, the Russian exile,: whose stories of Russian op- . . . pression make the blood boil. SATURDAY, JUNE 20th: , Two concerts by the incomparable Columbus Symphony orchestra. SUNDAY, JUNE 21st: ; T’wo big sermons by Bishop Hartzell,-admittedly one of -the biggest men In the religious world.' MONDAY, JUNE 22d: . . . Children’s Day,Pamabasika, the world renowned bird and. dbg train­ er, Vith bis ‘ galaxy of of animal actors: 4 TUESDAY, JUNE 23d: Farmer’s Day; Prof. Holden, the corn culture authority ot the World WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24th: . ^ \ , Janc Adams, of Hull House, Chicago, thd worlds? greatest settle­ ment worker. • ‘ i ' i| Weak Hearts in British Army. Nearly 600 men fall out from tho. ranks of the British army every year, owing to weak hearts and other de­ fects brought about by the illogical system of physical training in the. army, said Sir Frederick Treves re­ cently. This system-is now under re­ view. , ,fft Pays to Trade In SPRINGFIELD When it's hot, a man does not careliow he looks—a “ get rich quick” clothier’s harvest time. We like to sell to him again next fall, next year and al­ ways. That’s why our warm weather weoring apparel is as stylish and carefully made as it is comfortable. Our June Sale now going on gives us splendid oppor­ tunities in Men’s and Boys’ Summer wearables, -T H E WHEN— Arcade * - - Springfield, O Membftra „ Mofehants* Association, Ask for a Mobftte'Rook at this stbft. Xu this issue wifi. b„s fpund the an­ nouncement o f Mr. W. F, Trader its a candidate for Probate Judge- Mr. Trader is so well known Over the county that little need be said as to his quaitficatioua for the office for which ho lias entered," He was a candidate four years ago for. this same office and although defeated, yet-made a strong bid, 1iJs opponent knowing that there was a close corn­ iest. Mr. Trader .has been mayor of tho city of Xenia and served with credit to himself and the office, As an attorney he is held in the highest esteem aird one of the strongest men of the Greene county baft. His personal qualifications - also make him popular with the people; ’ FRANCHISE GRANTED, The Yellow Springs council gave the .Springfield Gas company a franchise at a meeting Monday evening, A charge of $10 is made for each tap to residences and stores gas to cost 90 cettta by meter meas­ ure, rental of meter to be $1.25 per year. The village to get gas for street lighting at $6 per post per year, the lamps and posts to be fur­ nished by the village and light the same. The tax payers some weeks ago voted to gtye company a bonus of $2,000 If the company would ex- tbifd the lines to the town. The cit­ izens of that place evidently watib ed gas badly When the cost is con­ sidered. I t Is estimated that the coat o f gas to the village for street lighting counting posts, care and efco., will be equal to electricity. Fifteenth year opens Sept. IS. Teachers should examine our Teachers’ course. Students for the ministry, law, medicine arid pro­ fessional teaching should study our Classical and Philosophical courses. Those who wish studies preparatory to agricultural; civil, electrical, andmechanical engineer­ ing can flhd them in Oedartille College. Our courses in Music and Oratory are exceptional. All who want a thorough edneatlen can get it right lit home in Cedarvilie Col lege ftt a trifling expense, Yeung people, com* U college. Every pur­ suit la calling for oolleg* graduates. Catalogue free. 4 DAVID McKINNEY, President Skin Like Velvet J*. J0.VT. P e r o x id e Cream h a * a M arvetou* E ffe ct on Rough Jfhtn. One or two applications will re­ move the roughness and by its occasional u&ethe skin ucqultea the smoothness and softness of a baby’ s. It is not sticky, and gloves may ■be worn a few mo­ ments after using it. Delightful after shaving... - - • - - ISAAC WISTERMAN. T H o t S H O , J U O T 'M T G. A . R. Day; Gen. O. O, Howard, the eloquent grizzled veteran. FRIDAY, JUNE 26tb; . . . Ohiyesbn, the Indian orator on “ The Bast Stand of the Sioux.” SATURDAY) JUNE 27th: - ^ ^ . o , r ' r Triple Clef Concert Co. of 37 young ladieB who have wen 8 prizes in 10 contests; "Walter Howe, famous leading man, who was witli Trying and Mansfield, in readings and reminiscences. SUNDAY, JUNE 28th: W.*J. Dawson, the great London-, Eng., preacher. Red Ticket Day i ,i ' . » Monday, June 15th, 1908 A T C. C. WEIMER’S. I f you. are indebted make settlement by this time m HI so that you may have an opportunity o f enjoying | the benefits of the day. Jk • ■ • ............................................. T . A -~ ~ r— •~~~— ... — — — % | What have you done with your Red Ticket? || Wo'rd Was resolved hors last week, oi the marriage c f Mr. Walter B. Hutson of Topeka, Kari., to Miss Olltc Shttarfc of Oakland, Nan. They wore married on the ifth of May, 1908, at 6 o’ clock, p, m., at the homo of the bride and started for Bacon, 111., at^joo p. m „ wlisr* the groom Is in business and whore they will make then? home., Mr. Hatson is the oldest eon of Georgs and Alice Hutson formerly o f this place. Tim young couple Arc very papular anti therefore have the host wishes of ft host of friend#. SELLS AGAIN. It is reported that Samuel Mc­ Collum lias eold hls jewelry store in Jamestown to 13. J. Harrison, the former 'proprietor, , Mr. Harrison after selling to ‘ Mr. McCollum lo­ cated in Texas fer a lime but did not ilk* the country. It is stated that Mr. McCollum may locate in Tennessee. / * —Mattresses, bed springs, the best to be had at McMillan,s, Naturally. "The last speaker/’ sahl the iir?t guest at the banquet, "was quite en­ tertaining.” < "Yes,” replied the other, "and he’s a self made man too.” “ t can’t say, though, that I liked his -delivery. It was rather slow.” "Oh, naturally. He began life tu a messenger boy,” -Kansas Oily Kewsbook. Comfotj; for your feet if you buy “ The Nnrsi’ s Hhoe” for sat* At fiitd’s. d*