The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 1-26
i im n 'i l JiH^ANI^eU ito*a» FEDASVI RLE, OHIO, Wu SOLICIT Yotft VLurntmilV and promteo careful and prompt ?p attention, to nil batines;::- '. A ”.i3 {JinfrirRet! to ur=,J NEWYORK DRAFT and BANKfllONEV,ORDERS i - The eheapeot and most con venient way to nend money by JfO'l- . „ ---------- Loans Made m KsafcEstate, Personal or C< iteral ^Security, Sinking Hours* k A. M, to 3*P. M, B- JW» Sisxxn, President; * O. Iu S mith , Cashier, srr D r . K E N N E D Y ’ S F A V O R M M E D F T E '1%j '' XUcasnnt to tolce," , . I’owerml to Cure, f? } .And’WcIcomolu. ^ evcryHotMo. . KIDHEYand-LIVEScure. , Dr; Kennedy'sVaTOrlMIlfimedy Do you Lave a lit o£ "the < btuis/* every month? Suf fer from headache, hack- | ache, lowwaist-pains, ctoep- f ing sensations, nervousness,,] LittfaWity, hregularity, or 1 any disorderof your natural functions? Such symptoms show that you suffer from f■c ie of the diseases peculiar towomen* Don't pipcrast* nafe* Take WINE OF ' 4 - 1 EXTRA MONEY ORABUSINESS tTi J| Timber Lands are a tirat-clans £ i . Investment. One dollar or more A 11 will buy an interest in profit- & *i making timber lands. Agcnta to ? J [ sell on our plan make good * money. Write for detaiio. j> The Sterling Lumber Go., I . 524- Citizens Bltlg., | .Cleveland, Ohio. | >i 11 «> If you Iiave a largo or small ■* sum to invest v/e can show you % how timber lands will give you 0 handsome divHosfij. % ■E H J DTT net EXCELS,€m p,Lte I I L d u cure 13 a I*ysl- dsn'* CURB, consisting of THKE13 DISTINCT REMEDIES-an internal, an ointment and a dupsosltory. Sim ple and easy to uftO. Quick relief and cur*, Money-back proposition. Writ® about your caso find Our doctor \vtll give it confidential find Individual at tention, EXCELSIOR PILS CURE1 {tin tbroo remedlrs) postpaid for One Dollar, Strife for descriptive folder, Addrrsa, Exofialcr ChcmlScI Co., S juv afirtky, Ofila. a F I S T U L A Am-Am . OWES OFTHERECTUM H?tfcifo'ftipfsaty***** t:.*?*'",.it#*mi ^ DfMftk*< CjftSWnj;e-tft* ^ *&r,. t w f M a: t ft fi' i* *»* softs*t tstsra».sf*a»i trstict isiwKii.tutcitato. tta.ra.. utiug.tH u D R . J. J. M c C f .E U .A N W K ’Si*. CQLUMBVS, (). I ft**** ifSKa-si. g.v _ • ‘i'-r J Pfff V A Boston schoolboy w&* tall, weak and sickly. Jr 'His arms were soft and flabby* He didn’t have a strong muscle in his entire body. The physician who had attended the family for thirty years prescribed S c o f f s E m u ls io n , NOW? To feel that hoy's arm you would think he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. ALL DRUGGISTS} SOo. AND $1.00# TRUSTEES M -ti. ' rise township tnu?te*8 met Mon* flay umi trn?ih»i*j».d tho usual amount o f imslncss, Tho old library trustees v,"cro re* appointed, M,'*Br*, F. P. Ilabtingu, <1. V ,F oU cck ami Frof, V/. 11, aroClhrsfiey. Tboy worn appointed for ouo year, Last year there was only ono road auporjlntcnrh-nti Hr. D. F. Dixon, iii-, murnl it almost im- po?«iblo to look afto . tin) roads as tiny shonld ho, Tht mwill ho two auperintcndcnfw thi^ year, Mr. IBsoi- ant! Mr, <». 35. Joho. ? oth arn_iyolJ irjnoa-n* .fn.rm«rs. jiruL-rhafr. offorts will ho for iho Inst interests of iha township at largo. CEMETERY MEiTINO. The Cedarville Herald, J S x .o o P a r Y ea r . COME OUT TONIOHT, TCARL.H J3TJLL, > .W. Ed itor. FBIBAY, FEmUARY 7, 1908/ SCHLIENTZASKS F. Yellow'Springs, Ov Jan. 28,1908, Terthe Republicans of Greeno Coun ty ,‘and the Sixth Congressional District: ■ , Tam a candidate for tho Jlepubli- e:irt nomination to congress io the Irilxth congressional district of Ohio, ami will go before the Primary to be held in the six counties of said dlis-. tviofc, February Uth, UW8, between the hears of one and seven p. mlTIn all the voting precincts of said dis trict. ' At said Primary election every republican in the district will have a chance to votehis sentiments for the candidate of his choice ancl have ^recorded thatway. This is a fair deal for alt candidates and all Republicans and T will abide by the decision add work for the honor and the glory of the Republican party, Jn the short’ time between now aiul fche‘election itwillbe impossible for me to see all the republican vo* tars of the district and I take This means of announcing my candidacy. T am in hearty.sympathy jS-itb There is to be a recess meeting of council this Friday evening and vthere should^be. a-hirge-attendcnce, ^It-is expeoted that the electric light question will come np for con sideration Wnd tho selection of a date for an election. There mav be some question as to bolding an* election in that there is no provision under the statutes for- such a pro- CeCdure. • ' The gupronie Court .this week rendered a decision which forbids a town or city having a municipal light plant from selling pqw.ev or light to individuals.- -This1- means that if Cedarville owned a plant j he rustdents could not use the lights In their residences. y«cli a decision puts the rest the municipal, owner ship argument, AVith all these complications the the light subject will be tho more interesting. . H^Hapnhlfcah administration and with Ehe candidacy"ofAf^Hon. Wm tX. TafCofOftto, for Fv*ddewt. in r iot Tam fh« original and first can didate .in Greene County and tho District to declare my support tor Afv# Taft. In so doing t have fi’o ill tceliug1 against any other candidates feu* President or for congress. The encouragement .1. have re ceived from a large number of the loading Republicans Of Greene (’minty and the district is certainly very gratifying to me. The outlook is good forme and I am in tho con test to win. . I, as a business man, If nominated and ejected, pledge my word and honor to honestly arid faithfully carry out the wishes of my constitu ents, to work for the best interests of all the people ana be ‘a credit to the district Tbelieve in harmony and a fair deal for all tho Republicans, With malice towards none and the kind liest feeling for all, I, as tho Taft candidate in Groeno County pud t'no-Sixth Congressional district, re spectfully ask tho support of all the Republicans and can assure you that my actions will ever be in har mony with the wishes of my* eonstit- ■euts, - Very respectfully/ Clarence Schkentz, FEBRUARY 15 * Timro will be special doliigfi at W<-imer\s meat store on February lb :;o you had better arrange to be present. All those knowing them selves to be indebted should ’ take advantage’ of the days offering. AN ORDINANCE. Amendatory to an Ordinance, entitled, “An Ordinance Fixing and Establishing the Amount of SalarywhichEach of the Officers of ’ the Village of Cedarville, Greene County, Ohio, shall receive, pro viding for the Amount of' Bond that shall be required of each, and by whom and in what mannersuch bond shall be approved, passed October 11* 3997.” Be it ordained by theVillage Council oE the Village of Cedarville, Greene County, Ohio; Sficrion 1. That sectionTuO (2) of' aa ordinance entitled, “An ordinance •Tho annual meeting of the Masstes" Crock Cemetery Associa tion was held Monday. Messrs. J? R, Cooper, J. H,: Stormopt and N. T j . Ramsey were chosen directors. The following officerswere elected: W. 3, Tarbox, president; J. A, Harbinson, secretary; superinten dent and treasnivV’ib, G. Bull. „ MORRIS INJURED. Gporge Morris had Ins left hand terribly injured Thursday' wl lie at work at- the paper mill. Ho was taken to Dr, B. C, Oglesbee where his hand was dressed. The little finger will have to be amputated and probably the third. 1will jsellat Public Sale at my resi dence, one and one-halfwiles North of Cliftonand seven miles..Southof Spring- field on the old Clifton road, TUESDAY# FEBRUARY 25 # 1908 - Commencifig at 3Do’clock,'the follow ing property: 7 HEJ&D OJFtiORSEi' f Consisting, of I Brown, draft gelding, coming threeyearsold: 1 iron gray draft filly coming three.’and.a good oner I bay draft filly coming two; I bay draft mare good leader and will work any place;11 gray general purposesmare; 1 gray draR mare, in fpal foPercherda horse; 1 wean- fthg draftcolt gdding. 6 HEAD OF CATTLE 6 Consisting^of ,Tmilch cows, I fresh, 1 -giving three gallon t>{ milk daily, and rone two galfoasrl Steer’calf five if oaths old; I Jersey heifer cun five months old; 1 calf two months, old, * ■_ 73 n m j } OF HOGS 73 Dame Jersey- shoats •Consisting of Sfc aMy„.3 weighing liStpoun^s ah pure bred; 25 sow fixing and establishing the Amount of Salarywhicheachoftheofficersof theVU- Don’ t forget the. big show, 15 of tiro funniest folks in the world will show fit tho town opera house, February fhdfith and 7lh. Admis- i:ion 10c, Sic, fiOe. Bceause we make medicines for tliern. W e fell them ail about Ayerfs Cherry Pectoral, and th ey p r e s c r ib e it fo r coughs, colds* bronchitis* con sumption* They trust it. Then you can afford to trust5 if# Ask your own doctor. Thob**t kind of h t*st!fnoblsl-r ’ •Mold iat ova sixty yours*” mm A JtftOotiyJ.O.Ajr»vbj.»fow»H,St<l*. ^ _ f «s#sAmnu» * f i p T C n m . %jj V # %> IMIK vwo *. tVe h*t> no strrrtsi XJ« t-ciWtftts thft t ofsit tn* Me.tlfttafa* MiiiHI . M pm Flll« ifsttlv tftf f*ctorat mT»f**Kln« up m tfplUr Uge ofCedarville, Greene County/ Ghb, shall receive, providing for the Amount of Ruud that shall he required of each andby whom$nd hi what manner such baiid be appfoyed, 'passed October II, 1997, and amended November 4, 1907# be, and the same shall beamended, soas. to read as follows; 1 S ection 2 , The salary of the Mar- i Shai shall he three hundred and sixty- five dollars ($805.09) per annum, pay able monthlyand he Shall be required to give bond in the sum of five hundred dollars ($509.09), which bond shall be approved by the Mayor andendorsed by the Council.. The salary of Street Commissioner, the duties of which office shall be in ac cordance with the ordinances oi Said village shall be twenty cents (29c) for Cadi' and every hour the said Street Commissionershall be employed in the discharge of the duties of Street Com missioner and he shall give bond as Street Commissioner ift the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.09), which bond shall be approved by theMayor and en dorsed by the Council, * S ection % That Section six (G) of an ordinance entitled, ‘An ordinance fixingand establishing the Amouht of Salary which each t l the officers of the Village of Cedarville, Greene County, Ohio, shall receive, providing for the amouut of bond that shall be required of each and by whomafid in what man ger audi bond shall be approved, passed October 31,1907/’ be and the same shall be amended, so as to read as follows: S ection G, Thesalary of the Deputy Marshalshall be twohundred and sixty- four dollars ($291.00) per anhum, pay able monthly and ho shall give bond In the sumof two hundreddollars ($200.00) which bond shall be approved by the Mayor and endorsed by the Council. S ection 3 All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent or conflicting ht-rewitharchereby repealed# . S ection 4. This ordinanCe shall take effect and be in‘force fromand after the earliest period allowed by law, Passed February 8,1988, J# II, W olfoizd , Mayor, Attests J*tj, MfcCoftjtJDtt, ' : Clerk*. shoatsweighing <sghiy pounds;. 1 (andsix pigt* S Sows with' .seven each; SDu?5c ters^v sows, all bred;’ 1 Chaster Whft^jpwrRred; i registered ikiroc tow, bred; .4 Polaud-Cbiua. rows bred to farrow is April; I Duron main hog siredby “Topaotcher. ” 3S HEAD OF SHEEP ‘ 5S Consistingoth&puro bred Shropshire Wes all bred; lSspring jambs; 33grade ew ewes; 1 registered Merino buck," two years old. . ' LEGAL NOTICE. No. 32913. Common Pleas Court, im?ne County,.Ohio., daggie H. Rasa m* Joseph Bftsn# Joseph Bass, residence unknown, will take notice that, on the 21th day >t January A. 3>. Ifttifi, Maggie 8. Jar,s filed lirsaid hottrfc her petitiot> against film for divorce, upon tin giorindB of wilful absence and pros* neftlecl of duty, and (hat the eam<< will bo for hearlnu at the Court House in Xenia, Ohio, on March lo 1998at 9 a. m, or as soon thereoftu ■is the flame ran ho heard l»y whiel fine dofendnnt io required to aim wet- or demur to said petition or judgment.may betoken against him (Figned) Mdggio H. lints. FARMING 7MPIEMENTS Ciinsisfing of 3 Troy wagon; 2 seta of side boards; 3 lhickyft riding Cultivator; 1Thomas HayRake; 1Osborn steelhay tedder; 1McCormick hinder, seven foot cut, good as new; 2 breaking plows, 1 Oliver steel 401new; 1 Clipper, plow; 3 Osborn mower; 2 piano box buggies; 1 SupertorFertUizer grain drill; IBarlow com planter and- check rower; 2 hay forks, 135 feelgood rope; 1 set oi work harness; 1set of buggy harness; collars, bridles andhalters; 1 set of wood lad ders; 1two-whed cart; 1one-horse culti vator; 3hog fountain n&d barrel; I pair i>f lines; 2 Pausage^finders; lend lines; reins; pitch forks;scoop shovel; double and single-trees; threc-nOrsedoubletree; 1 89-egg-jhcubator. Terms Made IQnoumHayo f Sale . E. “C. COREY. COL. R.E. COKEY, Auct. 'C. F.STEWART, Clerk, Public Sale Hayingcold my farm, I have decided to offerat Public Sale at my residence onthe old McHatfon farm, twoand otie- balfmik'sJEsforthwest oi Crdarvllle ahd two aud one-kali tniles Shnth-west oi Clifton, on theClifton and Wilberforcc pike, WEDNESDAY* FEBRUARY19,08 Regitining at If O'clocka. m. standard, the following propftftv: 3 * HEAD OF HORSES 3 Consisting of 1gtnc-ral purpose mare 12years old; 1blown gelding, coming 2 years old; 1brown filly,Coming 2 years old, slivd by Maple Belle, Jr, <y HEAD QF CATTLE . 6 Consisting of 2registeredJersey tows nothgivitig niiik, rtgittcreu in the A. j, C. C\; lpoilr-d Jcmy, registered in the A. P. T. t C. €. aisogivmgmilk; 1 Jersey cow, givingmilk; 3 coming three year old heifer, fvtnh Ja Jatmarv; 3 yearling Guernsey heifer; 2 sutkiilig calves; 3 Polled male calf, three months old, eli gible-toregister, 3& HEAD OF HOGS / SO Consisting of ft blood sows bred -for April farrow; 21 slio.its; 1 Poland-Cliina male hog eligible to register, IS HEAD OF SHEEP IS Consisting of 18 Delaine breeding ewes, bred to larohApril lGtli, FARMING IMPLEMENTS Consisting of 3 low wheeled truck; Peering mower* six fiwt cut, half bear ings, nl:,i«>st as g»-J<l as flew; 1 ton'gue- less llamilt'iit ultivAt-ir; 1spring tooth hay r.tkc 1flut-»<ah harrow; 1 breaking plow; 1 revolving weodcu hay rake; l covered- spilug w,e,um l buggy; 1 storm front; I set of buggy harness: 1 set of wotk hafnrss; some hog l.oti-.euarid feed boxen, watoimg tank and other at(idea too nmnefisiis to mt naVn. ri3fiSn,cks«if tom and fodder in the field, about Ilf) shocks of fodder and £30 bushels tsmre nr of corn, in crib. Terms Made IQnetm. Day of Sato CHARLES COMPTON, if. E. CGKRY, Anct, tP i%:g jndtewi wn’ r o jiii* The Il'ciHi Y ob Have ATimys Houglit, and wltfeR lias been, in me 4bp over SO years, bus born© tlie fdgnatnra o£ sind lias beenmade under bis per sonal supervision since its Infancy* Allowno ono to deceive yonIntins. All Oonnterfeits, Imitations and<sArist-as-good” at'o but? Experiments that trifle yvit-Rand endans’er the bcajtii o f '"xnitrms~ami Oiwtoen—lixpeirienco against lSxpermient. "TAKETH IS CUT” ISP ' ‘Wo Tcicomiijend it; tboro isn’ t -Ha-.VJbft-tvCS-.-r.n What is CASTOR1A Oastoria is a barmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Props and Soothing Syrups.. I t is Pleasant* It contains neitUep Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its a g e 1$ its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness It .cures Diarrhoea and.Wind Colic, It relieves Teething .^roubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency* It 'assimilates tho. Food, regulates tho -Stomach and Bowels, giving; healthy and natural sleop* (The Children’s Panacea-The Mother’s Friend* GENUINE CASTOR IA Bears the Signature o f TheKindYouHaie AlwaysBought I n U s e F o r O v e r 3 0 Y e a r e . THCCCNT*Utl<SOM,A.*V, TTMUnnAV^TRCCT, NEWYOI2HCITV. xm m m ■ j . h . M c M il lan , • Manufacturer of CEMENT GRAVE VAULTS? Hollow Cement Building Blocks, Chimney Blocks, Veranda Col- . umns, Piers, Etc., Etc. Telephone 7 . Cedarville. Ohio. I Large Sale of Cloaks. Before wm $5 to $13.00 Worth $10 to $25 Hutchison &Gibncy wash to take. (hla place and space to thnuk their patrons tor their very liberalpurehases the past year. In spite of the bank scare their sales are the greatest in the 45years of their business life. We wish all a Happy Hew Year * R, K. KKKKrChrk, S HUTCHISON&GIBNEY’S, XENIA. OHIO. TOWNSLEY BROS,. Cedarville, Ohio, Manufacturers o f Cement Bu ild ing B locks , Bu ild ings raised and foundations constructed. See us fo r Cement work o f all kinds. Estimates chcer- fullySgiven. Avert “ the Yellow Peril” In your own libme! Your reason tells you It is impossible to wash anything' pure white with cheap, crude yellow soaps, Resides turning white clothes yellow, ^they eat your fabrics and hands with their naphthaattdother injurious chemicals. The otic safe, pureway is to boil themwith Maple City Self Washing it a preservative; Soap, brightening paint attd * WoodworkfShiAingwiwtow.s, dioiics, tin and rtlvbnvarc, ” A ’laqto, uubstatitinl* *wliitc cake, ge.. At all; iocctn. M35BClllh, tllinMt, Sr ■- • In mitl-ninumcr yon have to truat to a largo degree to youftbutedier. Well Cared For Meats in hut weather are the only kind to buy; we have proper appliances for keeping them right, and they’re sweet aud safe when sold. Don’t go'^ .meat shopping when it’s hot. Buy o f us and bo sure. ' c. H . CROU SE , CEDjARVIRLE, G, DYSPEPS IA “Httvljig taltenVottrwonclortul «'Ca«c}ret»’,#or throe raonths andnetns^tjijttnjli- qujed of etouiach "tori1’* 1 lorott- and; ____ ____n a v.'Oultl in a year." catarrh and dyspepsia, i think a word ot praise ia duoto "CascarctB'ff thofrwondertal composition, 1 have taken imm ns other so^alled romedlss tntv.-ltUoutavail and Xdrnl thatCasqnrnts reUey. mora In a day than“'alt tho othora J -have ^mVaJIo'Sun'o, 103 Jloreor St., Jersey City, N, A Best For •The Bowels r in D i ^ CANDY CATHARTIC sola !n bulk, Tho fiDUHlnD tabiek st^mpi 'Guamutecd to euro or year money back* Sterling; Remedy C o., Chicago ot N*Y» $9* ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES *» . • ■* Nervous Break-Down Nerve energy is the force -that controls tke or- gans o f respiration, cir- *dilation , ' digestion and elimination. "When yon •fe e l weakr -nervons, irr i- ■ table*, sick, it is often be- canse you lack n e r v e . .energy, and tixe process » o f rebuilding and sustain- • iug life is interfered witiu Dr. 3diles5- Nervine bas cined tbonsands o f suck cases, and m i l we believe . 'bene fit i f not- entirely, cure you . T ry it. f'j.ty nervous system trave away completely,- and lett me tin the verge of tho grave. I tried skilled physi cians but Cdt .nO permanent relief. Cl im UUV UWAa/WW «y»wa* I got so bad 1 bad .to give up mjj business. X began taking Dr, MUcs Iteatoiatlyo Nervine, in a’ few days f w a s mueli bettor* and I continued ' to improve"until entirely cured. X. am In business again, and noVer. miss am m ousmess a u uv iihb » ait opportunity to recommend this remedy.” MRS. W . BURXCE, blyrtle Creek, Oregon. -Your druggist sells Dr, Mllei’ Njrv* Ine. and we authorlxe film to return price of firot, bottle (only) If It .falls to benefit you. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Bakers Restaurant. Now located in the Book- waiter Hotel Building across the street from the old “ Adams” stand. Restaurant in hotel lobby and dining room on second floor, reached by elevator* Meals 25c and 300, High Street, Springfield, O. MORPHINE Ifalu'ts, is the onlwstut fartl-uisomidlcffdto Dl tree booklet*nd terEv .4 C O L U M B U S O H I O W j p jM rs and rational treatment *** OHINKor DRUOd, 9etoior i .0 l twt tere’.*, 10*7 Nti-tfi OtimlMs *v*„ Old Clock In Good Repair, Janos 11. Ctiirl:, of Hardwlok. Vt„ ms a clook about 160 y*ars old. Th# tunhofian;> caso is sqven foot tall Tfet works are of wood, *na Ml the renal*. In* noodod tor a' Ion* time had to w wad* on those, ” 8 mm trt m II J.LUJU i'Zt l*A» ia'-\5«eaf» H'Mty isaae, f;-tm ef inteWimait, m ra iaa HJ On he v goo< -‘.IF- and Re G< oppe '; 3 i:o Ve 23c Feb i Butt Bi :-T Vo Sel - Hear l February —Curb McMi Miss L ‘ in Xenia —For i meal go t Miss F. bath in ( —Malti best to b< Miss K j In Dnytoi —Autor Ings. , ’ Mr. Chi with the —CarpelF at McMil FOR 8 wagon. . Mr. Hi umbus V3 —Tank. Hastings Miss F; turned hi tlves at I Mr, Frr the guest Friday ui Mrs. Ji Joliot, in Mrs, A. < ~Storir oteMat K —FOR slab worn Companj Mr. .T. his home toonia. Opera W&tfiote. on Baton —How and 6 c 1 k > Xenia, Mr. an entertain dinnerT) -FOR rock Oort II yon ' : loaf of bt at Birds. tw- \ )
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