The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 1-26

o t . ............... .. B ird Says H A 3 O VERCO AT S , CLOTHING AND PANTS . « Oa which he is making a cut o f 40 per cent, and that he will meet and beat any price made on this class o f goods. I f you intend purchasing getAour prices and and compare tne goods with others offered yon. 40 per cent off on all Ladies7 Ready-made Skirts. 4o Per cent pff on all Purs, Get in on our sugar offer. Tomorrow is your last opportunity to, get 20 lbs Fine Granulated Sugar for $ 1 , 00 , Cash Only.__No trade on this.______ ___ ______ W A N T ED : Pop Corn. Veribest Flour 241-2 lb. sack 70c W E W I L L PA Y 1 %* , , * ►• ' ’-til . ». »v- \■*■:■. r: v.,-.l*•; - .. .1 ; . ... ■:.■> ■ .v- 23c doz. for No. 1. Fresh eggs, in trade, tomorrow only February 8 th. W e will pay 25c pet lb. for Choice Butter. ', - f i r c T i ® Jlist at the close of Ike fiegfim, last week several members or the legislature missed their train owing to a change in time. An tho rail­ roads havediscontinued the publish­ ing of time tables In the newspapers since the two cent fare law went into effect the public has no way of knowing tlm time of trains. The members who were left found the very thing the public had to put up with and a bill has'been introduced to compel the railroads to publish timo cards in all tho newspapers that are published In towns the various roads through. When this Is done there will bs no excuse of not knowing just when schedules are changed. The House finally passed tho bUl providing another Loxow invest!-: gution In Cincinnati, and other cities Monday. Two years ago i such a bill piu-sed the Senate and the Drake committee found a graft of several hundred thousand dollars JLIL,Cincinnati,^ The__banks paid ‘ j —LOST: Some where in town a f LOCAL AND.PE^ONAL ||l^hm-hobt for a buggy.,, Tinder Hear Dr, Watsoh at opera house February U. ■>„ —Curtains to fit your windows at MeMillan’s, - , Miss X,omsa Smith spent Tuesday in Xenia. —Tor oil meal and cotton Seed meal go to Kerr &> Hastings. Miss Florence Ilussell spent Sab­ bath in Cincinnati. ■—■Mattresses, bed springs, Jthe best to be had at McMillan,s. MisBKate Nisbefc spent Monday in Dayton. —Automobile oil atKerr & Hast­ ings- ' Mr. Charles JBasKin is very sick with the grip. —Carpets, mattmgs and linoleums at McMillan’ s, FOR SALE:—A two-horse Troy wagon. J, H» Brofcherton. Mr. Harry Waddle was in Col­ umbus Wednesday on business. —Tankage for hogs at Kerr &> Hastings. Miss Fannie Wistermnn has re­ turned home after a visit with rela­ tives at Rockford, O. Mr. Fred Hamm pf.Columbus was the guest of Miss Lula Smith from Friday until Monday. Mrs. James Thomas and son of Joliet, 111., is the guest of hor Sister, Mrs. A, G, Eyaleth. —Storm and stableblankets, robes, etc., at Kerr A Hastings. -FOR SAbiE:—Plenty* of short slab wood. Apply to the D. S. Ervin f^nfVinfimr ■ I-*jr****^*............. ................. Mr. J. R. Coopor is confined to his hoitifl with an attack of pneu­ monia. Opera house February 11< Dr. Watson. Plat opens at McCollum’s on Saturday morning. —Now stock of Bibles for teachers arid scholars. West s Book Store. Xenia, . Mt* and Mrs. W. J. Stevenson entertained ft number of friends at dinner Thursday. —FOR SALE: Buff Plymouth rock cockerels, M each* W. A. Turnbull. If you want the sweetest and best loaf of bread got a sack of Veribest at Birds, it ’ The Madame Williams 'concert company Is liolding tho boards at the opera house and will appear again tonight for flte last time. When Dr. Watson is -tedlcd upon for ft left!mo ho never falls to JlleftSC please leave at Townsley’ s grocery The next number of the lecture course will be February 11,-at the opera housp. Plat opens Sai.urday morning. . ' Ohio Pride is tho winner. ,Cannot make enough. 6 t , it, Adi leading grocers sell It and We garanteb it. 4t. Latest reports from Rev. Homer McMillan, who has been vfery ill at his home near Atlanta, Georgia* are . that he is greatly improved. Thenext number on the lecture course will be Dr* Tas. R. 'Watson on one of his noted lectures. The plat opens at McCollum’ s Saturday morning. , ' - George Edgar, who ha3 been In the GallipOlis Hospital died in that institution and his remains are expected Miss Clara clematis has returned to her home hi South Charleston after a visit here with her brother, Mr. Wm. damans, Jr. who4 lias been ill with pneumonia. The first ice of the season was harvested- Monday and Tuesday, Mr. G. H, Croiiso gettmgone house nearly filled before the rain The quality is excellen t and the thick­ ness given at eleven Inches. The Dr. James B. Watson, who cairns to the opera house February l i Is a gifted orator and humorist. His talks are the embodiment of of truth, culture, eloquence, wit, wisdom and pathos. Word has been received hereof the death of John Leary of Spring field. He leaves a mother, sister and ono brother in ’ Los Angeles, Cal. The Leary family lived in Cedar- ville for isnumber of years, FOE BALE:—White Plymouth Rock pullets and Rhode Island Red cockerels. PridesTtasobftbie. Bell phone Clifton Exchange. F. P. McCarloy Designer, for 8 years $1.«0 Designer for 5 year $1.60 CoSirtopolHiatt $1*00 ( World Today $I.KH *3.<Wfor $1.00 Designer 80c { ; Designer 00c } Womans Home Com- 1 1.80for $l.£0 'pattlon $i.0Q, ) T. N. Tarhox, Agent. The suit of Z> T. Phillips against Tresslar for vlloatmg a contract came up for hearing Tuesday before Squire Bradford damages to the extent of $160being asked for. The court advised a compromise which was done Mr. Phillips received #8 while each paid half of tho costs. Tho suit wan one that covered a toeti'fdnt of trade statute and both parties agreed to the compromise. back this amount into tho county treasury,. The politicians Under boss Cox fought the investigation ahd the Supremo Court held tho Drake committee Illegal. The new committee will commence on the water works in Cincinnati that has already cm . tenmillion dollars and not yet completed. The Cox support­ ers, few"in number among the legis­ lators, failed to stop the passage of the bill. Parly lines were swept aside In tho Senate Tuesday when the In­ itiative and Referendum joint reso­ lution was adopted. Eleven Seuators opposed the measure, Twenty-three were necessary for adoption of the initiative and referendumwill be the means ot voting,the state ’ dry as u i whole. It was claimed that votes were traded on this- bill with the Rose county local option bill. Ttis ,a question what. the House will do when the resolution conies up for hearing. Senator Ward has offered a resolution to submit tho question of a constitutional convention in this state. The people Will get to vote on it this faff if, the resolution passed both house#. Twenty-four members of the Senate voted for-the Bose'county local option bilt Wednesday after­ noon, The liquor people could only, bluster thirteen Votes on their side, It was a glorious victory for the Anti-Saloon League for the largest liquor lobby that ever, gathered in Ibe state baa been in Columbus Since the Rose bill was- Introduced, A member could have ’become independently rich just by casting his vote with the allied saloon' interests. Money was no object and the price was not considered. The senators from the cities have during both terms of the legislature voted- with the liquor people Senator Arbenz in the roll, call voted with fhe liquor interests as he did two years ago. Appeals front the people of this county fell upon.a deaf ear and lie argument would convince him that he should vote in the interest of his constituents. Tho per cent of signatures was raised from 28 to 35 and the hill will not become operative before September 1 , 1008 There is no question but that the House will pass this bill tfs it now stands and that by a largo majority. The Senate has passed a bill that will require all hunters to take out a license for fall hunting, State nlmrods must deposit a dollar with* the county . clerk while foreign persons must pay $10. Senator Howe introduced a bill requiring all railroad to establish tho “ block system” on their lines. The companies can have until 1011 to complete the work. , v TWOLUES FOR RENT, A six room dwelling, both rain ids ftudieuee. He will appear at the ftnd well water, good stable and Opera lioHiH*February H. {contaalfr located. Dr. W. J, Ibxom MELOST, PUBLIC vji i . The undersigned will sell at public auction, aFthe home farm o f the late Boberfc Tindall, deceased, nine miles southeast of Springfield, Ohio, .and two miles, northeast of Selma, Ohio, Just south o f the Springfield and Selma pike, on . . . ‘ * 18, [90S, -TH Xenia suffered a $100,000 fire loss, beside two lives, early Tuesday morning.-— The well .known wholesale grocery firm*of Envoy & (>$>. were wiped out of existence by a total ops . Tho building stands a mass ot fallen bricks and tangled debris. The loss is the largest and tho work of the fire the most Complete that Xenia over experienced. The John A. North building was adjoining and suffered by smoke and water, tho contents being ruiried by the water. The property on the west suffered greatest l>y tho falling of the Eavey walls. It is owned by tho Crumbaugh estate and is a,total reck. The falling wall cut tho building nearly In two. It Was tn the falling of this wall! that Joseph Fletcher and Martin ' (Tilery* two minute men of the fire department lost their lives. There was no idea at the time that, tho wall would fall and the two men were directing a stream o f water in a window. Chief Buckles had just handed the men a cup of coffey tach and was ‘leaving the scene, Tho (Uiiof wan far enough away to escape with a number of bruises and cuts, nothing serious. The j !$} , r o a n , cm m , Commencir.js at 10;00 o ’ clock a, m., the following chattel property of said decedent; * 18 HEAD OF HORSES ’ ’ “* Consisting of horses, mares and colts j drivers, drafts and workers. 45 HEAD OF CATTLE Consisting of 8 cows, 27 steers, 2 heifers, 7 calves, 1 bull. 1 f - a 371 HEAH j Q E ^ H E E F ^ -------— - Consisting of 162 head of feeding sheep, 25 breeding ewes, 180 lambs and 4 bucks. - 118 HEAD OF HOGS ~ Consisting of 7 brood sows, 48 feeding shoats, 11 sows and* 52 pigs. . . GRAIN AND HAY Several hundred bushels o f com in crib and pen. 1,000 Shooks 4 of corn. 200 bushels of oats. Lot o f hay ' ^ in bai’n and stack. ' ^ , IMPLEMENTS, ETC, *" Farm wagon, buggy, sleigh, roller cutter, plow, com shelter, hay fork and rope, harness o f various kinds, feed racks, lot o f lumber, steelyards, grain sacks, and other implements, tools and artic les^ a useful nature, ■ , TFJ$IS OF-SALE—A credit o f eight months, on approved security, will be given on all purchases in excess o f $ 3 . 00 ; under that amount, cash. ' , : ; J M L G o n n a b l e ■ ’ . ' As Adm’r of the estate o f Robert Tindall, deceased. - E .F . COREY, LAMAR T IT pS ; Auctioneers. . ■ . r ‘ . - EDW IN S. HOtTCIC Attorney, - 1 Binnsr will be served on the premises by the ladies of the M. E Church. s 1 - 7 Solid Gold Glasses *■ . * Cb• ft fitted with ~ Special lenses for $5 worth $15.00 ~ InvisibleBMocals at $ 3.50 worm $10 Chas. S, Fay, M’f'g, Optician, 2S1-2 E. Main St, Springfield, O. other two .men were killed Instantly their'bodies being, crushed to a pulp. ' The origin of tho firo is thought to ho lnclndlary and an investigation will he started at once. Mr. II, H. J3avOypresident oil the company is in tlio south. Tabor Lodge, I. O. O. F. was in tho same building and the entire lodge effects were lost. ' Tho Eavey company had just finished invoicing and the stock was ’ valned afc $80,QOO, The Insurance is -given out at. $72,000. The building was insured for MOBOo^tnaklrg a total ed $88, ooq for tiffs one firm, Dayton fire department was asked for aid and a special train was watt- ingafc the station to start when the order was contermatided as the tiro was then under control. , ,. FARMS 50 TO lOO Constantly on hand FORSALE throughout Ohio. Write us TO­ DAY for our descriptive Usf. State sfzu o f farm and locality desired—or if you want us to sell your farm, write as. We Can soil it for you. Years of exper­ ience. Good hank references. Smith & Clematis, Real Estate andLew Afents. Cedarvlile, Ohio. AioO ctgririS for tlio iSiutiUS Vin- tercar Automobile. Tlie Flftte to Buy Talking Machines THE BUCKEYE TALKING MACHINE CO., New Location, 105 East High Btreet, Springfield* Ohio. Mr. S. M. Murdock spent Wed­ nesday in Troy. Mr, F. F. Hastings Is laid up with*the grip this week. Mr. H At. Murdock la still quite ill Mr, Howard Sayers,nightoperator at the tower, is on the side hst. Mr. M. W. Qolhtis of Trenton was In town last Friday. Mr. J. E. Hogsett, accompanied bytholattcrs mother and nephew left Tuesday evening for Oklahoma !where thejl will locate. ■ j Air. J. A Bumgardner of Strawn .Kansas, is the guestof Infl brother, 'Mr. J. A. Bnmgatdnet*, east of j town. * Mrs, Jacob Hiegler lias been suffering with tho grip the past few days, i With Mr. and Airs. Hatnucl Cres- Well and AIr. nmI Mrs, tj,. M» Cres- weli all sick, tho Creswoll homo has been converted mto a hospital. j Mrs. Sarah AtoOlellan filed last Sabbath after a long Illness, ’She Is survived by three daughters: Airs. W> F* Townsley, Airs. O. C. Wolmer and Atiss Etta AfeOlellan; and one son, Air. R. AfcCldlan. The funeral was held from the late residence Thursday afternoon, the services being conducted by Dr. R, C, Ativi- dletOn, Burial took place at the Baptist cemetery, ', Afftyor Clarence Schilenta of Yellow Springs, the grain dealer of that place Who has entered tho race for Congressional honors wan iff town Thursday looking over the ‘ ground and greeting friends. Air. Hchiient/ seems' highly elated over his clianecs for tho nomination and reports that the people oyer the district are strongly endorsing his committees action in'holding ft S primary instead of the usual cut and dried convention. ,jy attesthHhn* th* nerves wWC -Urol Hi* «■oen Uir- Hi.'r And howri- Mih-s' Mw Pill# i-ur- :.«tir»Hon, f« <WH #> c*rtU. No other food deteriorates ,* so rapidly na the oyster. Its habitation is tho ocean. / I t requires coolnesB and absolute freedom from ex­ posure to the air m order tv retain its delicious fla­ vor and its wholesome- hobs . Sealshipt Oysters are brought directly from the cholcestbeds of dmoiv lea. They are shucked into porcolftin-Uned cases, sealed and packed iu ice, which never comes in con­ tact with the oysters. The use of Sealshipt Carriers is'thc secret of their su­ periority, We buy the best, we kill the best, we lie „ ’ . • , l.**, Teio- vegmbTesr&c,d0rH° nrt SivG USa trlal* -Fr k *»* »>*k« meats,' Sealshipt Oysters Fresh Every M orn ing at Chas. n. Spencer Telephone100. Oedarville, Ohio. Fresh and Halt Areata, Vegetables, VOTE FOR CLARENCE SCHLIENTZ FOR CONGRESS, YOUR APPETITE to , ' * • ■ ' ■ I f your appetite is poor, ea t meat. T o tempt you r appetite and nourish the system our ch o ice meats dfee no f excelled by anything. Th e w eak and the strong, the small and the hearty eater alike enjoy them. G C, WEIMER, , > ll!l I'lUlll I'-lf’' fihlvn Aftlt )Viln fills ->t ■hr mo w £5tEssrs 23CW V -‘,T-'---- T-— — , r- in Tho regular meeting of the W. C. T. Ik wilt ho hold Monday afternoon February lfith In tho tk 1*. churclu Afro. J, 1’. Smith, a state speaker and Superintendent, of .Scientific Temperance linfmehou will b; present and give a talk and sho will nUj(*rqnak again in tho cvenitig at ? otelock in thffsaint1chttvch. Dr, Abbs’ Anti-Rilu This TflkAe psia I This Is also iho day of the V j Alcmonai and a collection < ;.tftkcu forboiinfU «»f name, ] ,'bofiy WvL'omo. Latest ropoi-ta from Air. \ Alatslmll arc that Imis un the ’ Curry o f tho Xenia mt H will preach fort iso R, V. IHonBabbath. > o