The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 1-26

u- ate?- os) /* For Excellence Our Job*! VYork \yill compete with that o f m y other f irm ., „ , ' C e d a r t sm THIRTY-FIRST YEAH NO. 2. CEOARVILLE, 03 m desirous ■* ' The following: dispatch Was fakefi •from the Enquire*: and shows whAfc a desperate attempt is being made ‘ by tbo, Schmidt machine in this county to get control of tho con­ gressional situation in the naufA bf ‘‘party haymony,’' - „ Thereat object is to get control of theRelegates to thenatiofiaacffeepdh' Itean convention in the interest ot SenatorForageror any other candi- .date that4s adverse to the, Itpoije volt ur Taft policy: In accordance with the plan st> ' , rangedat a meeting of the Smith,' or -anti-Hildebrand Congressional ' Oonupittee, anCincinnati last Thurs- <■ day, a meeting of tne Greene Coup- ty Republican. Central Committee '-wag held here" this afternoon and resolution^ i-wet-e,adopted strongly, 7 - advocating a^v. “ demanding” ,thar 1A Tlfnlte ‘ *>*_»* ,3 fo jn ±ekbrfii|g gressionalH^Jir f ' Clarence Schlent-^and M* A. BfoadStone,’ feheQH, sbrand -and Smith committeirioirv respectively. .Were both present at the meeting?’ andwhite evhry effort was made by bur position, and: wo earnestly fife them to cooperate with us and h^lp restore tlaet. party to its rightful pi?.eo in the uisim.t, - 1;-f? “ Wc request'the said Congres­ sionalCommittees that, in -af-rang* iogtor » call for inch, convention, , /? ihey adopt same-fair, reasonable "and uniform inefcliod of selecting the delegates thereto.” , A copy of the resolutions will he sent to each member of both Con­ gressional Committees and to the chairman of the Republican Central Committee of each county of tbs district, accompanied by a strong request that each chairman "c'alfbi'a committee together .and urge the adoption of similarresolutions, hav­ ing in view harmonious -fiction on tho part- of ,tthe-two Congressional Committeemen .and ultimately, \a jolufc harmonious meeting of both Commit.tees.."resultingin “ one .con­ vention of united action of a united party,” ' * ILRETIRE. ,, ’ ,', men'spoke in favOrof it, yef no defl-^ . nitc?action wsis taken, by the two /[ ^committeemen to heal the breaCju Mr*Schietttzfj when speaking on the fhe small 'Republican, vote' a' yeah ago last November forTMr.. Hilde­ brand.’ he thought that some,action , f tftuldhavebeen taken at that time ■' by the Central' Committee -instead ' •- o f "allowing Mr, Hildebrand to‘ be .defeated. •y The local Counts' Central 0«m^ mittee. is in control of the,--anti- Hildebrand factJotv, ahdia'strqagly SrCZ] W , , ft is saidthat the. Hilde&rahdfnc; iron is just as strong for Taft.%'The - - ,1'iighti it is claimed,is not ever the Congressional nominee, but for, the1 • selection of delegates"fh the RepuB- p lleah National convention from the "^llatricfe at large, it being oonoedsd YEAR’S BEST WISHES. While ushering the old year out And welcqming'the new, Our sincere thanks and best regards Kind friends we give to yOu, Your pafcronage enables us- ■ ’Our businessto increase, ' To please, to suit, to satisfy, .Qar-sfforts ne’ er sliall cease. The fruitfulverdant sunny south Tbf oriental Shoffe, The north," theislandof the sea Combine Within our store. 'A harmony of fragranceblends, While neatness charms the-eye With BweefgoadieS tothe taste 1And-food'tb satisfy.; ",,V ' A* * A We’ ll ainsWer promptly to ,your cell With friendly Courtesy? * And strive tomajke-fhis year to yo n Mostsatisfactory. k friendly greetingpatrons all, -We givC in accents clear •, - With wisher that prosperity "^Mfey mark tin?gladNew year, -V , * t '* -NAdiaRyRBoii- "WEEiCOF PRAYER, BegittningSAbbafch evening dan, 6 an# endingHabfe&th evemingdAa. ^usmfl'’ uahm The retiring members of council met Tuesdayevening to finish the business of the year. All members^ were- present hut Weimer .ami* MoAfee. • , .^ ' V; There was q shortage In ' the -oryicft fund and a bill of the 3). & Ervin-CO' ^amounting -to.g58.0.%had tobe.left over.for the now council to pay when tho .fund would perjnlt. Other bills including the salaries oi the officials were allowed* and? amounted to |8S6.SG. The following IfMbe standing of the different funds- previous to the allowance of the above billHj General fund!................. .Safety fund......... ............ ....858.1T Service fund....„............ Health fund..:.,.,.,.................... Tntal’M**.,,,*,, ..^ioi8,is The auditing committee consist­ ing of Mbrtou and. Andreevreported that they found tlie- clerk*s and treasurer’s books in good condition and correct as to tba bankaccount. The mayor’ s" report showed that fines and licensesiiad beeu collected to the amount $15. . ' , There beingno• otheiy bnsiness.,the body adjourned with out day.‘ d A v id M c M i l l a n ; E&rmore than fortyyears a r^sl-- dent'of Chattanooga and a highly esteemed .member of our First Church, aft it ah illness of several months dotation entered into.the rest and. joy of the life eternal' at midniglit, Dec.13, jgo7. He was widely known, having been for many years, employed in the postal Service of the government and "Was as widely esteemed for his noble characterand sterling worth, ‘ Having knowhhim intimately for more than forty years,, we 'deeply regretnbtbeingable" to attend‘the funeral ' services which Were held in, tbe^Ebtth Church last’ Sunday afternoon. Services werer conduct­ ed by the pastqr, Kef, jfafcber Eree- man assisted by Rev. Dr. J.*“ iftchtdMs SJS-.V.'n. 5. H Woi Tiietitjfcic wjio, entered, ( hie fourty ten term, - . "j ’ j , o , mc and will be fot cial as in years best aeeonnf •/;;TH| ;|FF l Those who take- ijeceiving 'utlopS?i saWa,good sigh ‘ Cjnhinha^,? article, bearingf- of-yTed” Ric. ? as the ■newl^, ^ of the One A story had ' that made Jg H stjaet a 1M& f * c m m m rnm rntm®. rt;\s‘ v \e Officials, K -i i MILLIS ELECTED PRESIOEIT, Omet -lit tk*so*4#mm on* idmii T|ie; memhera elected to village council last November took ■> their' ■ seats Wednesday morhiug. | The first order was organisation. *,i0WP?** appointment of committees. by . r Mayor Wolford and the elecfcioho f agorda am tic thfMls a president of council, will preside . . - overthisbody during the absence ot; "ff.Z,* the mayor. - jest from<*«4> Jt G., McCORKEEii. y r willMtfate newtb J. H.; Wolford, T fo ,c nAlw oaiminn a, hi The selactioiv of a presit^mt re­ sulted In their being a tie vote twice between John E. Randall- and dvW. Pollock. Wolford hhd the deciding vote and stated’ that he would de­ cide in favor of Randall, who was theyounger of the two and would b*. called upon toact as Mayor In of death or removal of the official. The committees are street, Caldwell, PoUoo% Bull, *; -V fcJ ■ Finance; Pollock Pump; Randall. Light; S b f e i t e -Fire; Bull. Claims; Irvine^ ■|f»yor of laughter that tbs; ^Year’s looming. Tie Is now serving of six; yc$rssince he served his third <* ° *f J 1 A, * „ 4 * t* occupies t he yillage clerkys chair Icietit and accominodating an offi- ^ d isr eg a rd ed hs-dne ox the connty/ 7 :.:.- • '[ \ :<t y \ . me. ivrngahd sLories, 1when tliq lishod an election pjaeO [manager Olnb. rtiH: SUSPENDEDBUSINESS. Hr* Granville Keyes, whd ■ » restaurant m the Ground eouple ofmonths ago, < Saturday and moved f wherqit is unde engage In. the many reistat is givenas ’ would have rigid and ths cleared of'nhj by parent* ai bell. e* old District. ‘ ' Ja«B9 Taylor, one o f the many candidates for the Republican nom­ inationfor COngrbSa, who resides in this county, wap present, and stated ’tliafcwhiie he was in the field as an aggressive candidate for the naroi- ' nation, he positively would not ac­ cept the nomination i f ft came from tbe handeof thhBoard'’Of Elections of the district through a factional .fight,,as has been the cate for the ' past four years,'as such a proceed-1 ure would thean. the election of another Democrat. ' . “ .It is conceded■by the■ leaders of theanti-Hildebrand faction In this connty that unless Some method can he devised to bring the Hilde­ brand people again into fold that it would be practically useless for any. Republican to attempt to defeat MattDenver, the present Democra­ tic Congressman from this district. On the other-hand -the Hildebrand people claimthat they arewilling to submit thematter to primaries, but do not propose to. give up the whip, n6w that it is m their hands, for fear that it may he turned upon them, ■■ ' = The resolutions, which were adopted and which will he sent over the district deplore the lack Of har­ mony, and urge the members of both Congressional Committees in the district to lay aside past differ­ ence* and to ujom bands in onb call for one Congressional Convention to he held in this district,” They bre urged to remember that further in­ jury to tho party can qniy result from a continuance of the present situation. 5tWe gall on them a* brother Re­ publicans*” the resolutions proceed, to remember thatWeare all Repub­ licans, and are each and all entit­ led to be heard'WhenWe speak for party harmony. Especially do we request theta as »ach committeemen to act hi harmony with an unselfish determination to-do what is bestfor the whole party and jointly issue a call for one convention. “W'edemandofthetwo Congres­ sionalCOmmitteemeriofthiscounty thateheyatonceactivelyana joint­ lytakeuptheInterestsof theparty andjointly agree upon some fdir, justandreasonabledecisionof tho questionshowindispute, and urge Upontheircd-members to do like­ wiseandtojoinWiththeihihW joint meetingforsuchpurpose, whereby partf loyalty and party harmony, mayberestor*o, audthat.they do thisatonce, Tide action is taken noti#theinterestotwhyfaction ok individual, noragainst the interest Ofanyfactionorindividual In the district, butsolelyandonlyfor th* goodot the piittyj and this- being our aimand purpose, we appeal withgreatconfidencetothesenseof fairness andjusticeof all Republi­ cansofall factionsofail the coun­ tiesofth*districtin the juitict of Sabbathdan-5- ThePromisesof God,; Luke11:9. ‘ r”7 Monday Jan* .,9. Things Unseen andEternal. 20or, 4:37,18. ' TuesdayJan,7 The Triumphs Gf Faith, l John 6:4; Heh. ,11:27; Rom, 8:37. ■ ' Wednesday ,Jan, 8* The Church Made Truly. Glorious.' Eph. 8:20, sliKev*'*#,.,' ’ . Thursday Jan. 9 .Mission Home And Foreign. Acts.' 10:34,35; Matt. 28:19, Friday—10.^ Intemperance- (phe Master Social Curse, Hob. 2:16; Frpy. 28:20; 1Cor. 3>i0. 'SaturdayJan. 11.ChristianUnity JohnIf;21*23.' Sabbath^Jan. 12. God Revealed. Hebi1:1,2'. - The first’ <four evening* the serviceswillbeintheUrP. Church; thelastfourinthe R. Pi MainSt. .TheSabbatheveningserviceswill heat 6:30 all other services at 7:00standard time, May- it be preeminently a week of prayer, humble, earnest believingprayer. Let *11 thepeople carry their Bible*withthemtotheservices. BOTH WEiflE INJURED. While. ..driving home from the Selma institute Monday night Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lott, of tieltna, Were thrywn out of their buggy And both seriously it not fatally injured. The night was dark and Mr. Lott drove too. close to the 'Side„of a bridge, the Wheels On One side Ot buggy running up tho side railing upsetting the buggy and throwing the occupants out on tho hard .floor. Had the hotse not b^en of a qUiet disposition there would have been a runaway and both people with their little ia-yenr-uiu would have been killed, hOt file’ hofsA stopped at the word front Mr. Lott. Mrs. Lott; sustained a broken collar bone and Mr. LOtt’s back Was badly sprained and It la feared that both are” injured internally. Dr. Rutfigardner attended them. TheAon was thrown out With his parents hut Was fortunate in receiv­ ingno injury. Rev. Dr, Bovafed. dean of Chattanooga. '«ltwitbstandingthe iiioloment weather a ikrgc concourse assembled to pay the fast, sad tri­ bute to fills noble man.—Knosville: Methodist Advocate-Journal. Star says that he newr oven hoard -of Edwin Pearson Richards. * 5 Chicago Lyceum Ladiesare • com­ ing. . i. ' deed, -during the suffering and I tb%Open, - . . . . . . . . . • • ^ • deafeno f mydoar son,ai«i especially 17«y highlyotthereader, MiscEffle^ to my sisters of the M^R. Aid So­ ciety, and G/A. R, for the beautiful floral offerings, JC; Palmer. She also possesses a magnificent, strong and expressive contralto voice. Her readings are Mrs. James Murry, entertaining. iw p rr hardware firm in that city. Mr, Samuel Haglcr was down townWednesday, tho first time in four weeks, _ j SixDaySpecial Saleof Men's, YoungMen's, Boys and Children’s Overcoats. ' ' ■$, -rn.-....■■'■■'■■’...... .................. ; .. . . . . . ' ...... The Choice of Our Entire Stock of Overcoats for Men* Boys and Children at an Actual Discount of Not a single exception or a solitary reservation. This sale as all others conducted by The When is onhonor—Youwill findthe original prices on tickets (nonemarked up for the occasion). Pay the salesman,25 per cent less than the markedprice. We are overstocked on;Overcoats on accountof themild season, hence thereason for thisextraordinary six dayssale. Note the ef­ fect of this generous discount. * Men’s and YoungMen’s Overcoats ESTABLISHED NEW RATES. The CedafVillc Tclsphcn* Compaq ny wili» tsgitonfngJknusry firstphi in fnrcc smno nsw rides and rates. In connection with telephone rental toll* Andrepairs. It tils rental is not paid by th* tentho? thi month the rates for refr* denes will be M<23, Ifpaid on or be­ fore th* tenth only $1.00, which makes a saying of twenty percent, All bill* Tgpi bo payabW at tho office S3.98Overcoats, Less25 per cent.......... 2.99 $4.98 Overcoats, Less25per cent, ............................ 3.73 $7.45 Overcoats, Less 25 per cent............... 5,59 $9,85 Overcoats, Less25 per c e n t , 7.39 $12.45 Overeoats, Less 25 per cent............................ 9.34 $14.85Overcoats, Less 25 per cent.....................; . . . 11.14 $17.50 Overcoats, Less 25 percent. 13.13 . $20.00Overcoats, Less 25 percent, ....... . 15.00 $25,00 Overcoats, Less 25per cent....... ................ 18.75 $30.00 OYercofds. Less 25per c e n t , 22. 50 $35.00Overooate, Less'25 percent............. 20.25 $40.00 Ovefcoats, Less 25 per cent............................ 30.00 $45.00 Overcoats,Less 25 percent. . 33.75 $50.00 Overcoats, Less 25 per cent.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,50 $6(^00 Overcoats, Less 25 per cent........................ . 45,00 Boys and Children's Overcoats, Reefers and Ulsters, $1.98 Overcoats, Reefer^andUlsters Less 25 percent. ,$L49 $2.08 Overcoats, ReefersandUlstersLess 25percent.« 2.24 $3.98OvercoatsResfersandUlstersLess 25per cent,. 2.00 $4s98OvereoatsReefersand UlstersLess25per cent. , 3 74 $5.98 OveaCoatS, Reefersand UlstersLess25percent.. 4,40 $7,98 Overcoats,. ReefersandUlsters Less25per cent. . 6.01 $10 Overcoats, Reefers andUlsters I,ess 25 per cent., 7.50 This Special Sale Opens iTiricl&y M o m lh l J a n n ^ Y 3 r d . ' a r i d ’" C l o s e s T r i t t r s d a y ( lug J an u a ry 9th , tat 6 p . m .