The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 1-26
•MNN CUT' or vax twqaty yean, o pivon rue more »vo ever tried. T to my friends ns Qillard, Elgin, Xttt ie Book- g across the old estaurant id dirung , reached 25 e and gfield, 0 . OKW iW * i MUJASaJ nrftrstn-nt Otii Sen1 ion RVRUtffn wi$‘ HIO Ofi'CC, »■fiolfcc of m la t<mt Th e Purest Is Best. Made at Jamestown Hills, R. G. George, Prop,, Jamestown, O, PRIDE The Best Is Cheapest. SOLD BY ALL FIRST CLASS GROCERS. i. flbrvikrt .■»n»}»fe imvo fa tongt ip butt&er* or Meats only kind to pplfarieea for ana' they’ re M. Don’ t go 6’s hoi. Buy rsE, »K O, :.-wuuKite-ixt.*) The Two Best T h e Sy racu se Chilled Su lk y P low Th e G a le Foptlift G ang P low ’ NO B E T T E R M A D E . •• . •*(■• Corn Planters Mrs. Helen Ross, an aged lady Who resides In the Holmes addition is very ill with pneumonia, Miss Nellie McFarland Saturday in South Charleston. spent -.-Rockers, eouehcB, folding side hoards, afcMeMillaa’ s bods. -TkvijcuMU’ <•'****_OX Mr* John Finney, who is attend ing.a medical college m Cincinnati was home oyer Sabbatli. ’on presents to the public a flrst-clMa play, “ Tho Clergyman’* Courtship,1’ ^.pril 4 , Admission 35 cants* tfrs, Georgs Smith and Mrs Anna Boyd attended the' funeral of Mr* Edmond BMtga. near Springs Held, Monday* —Be sure and 'see Uncle Jerrold in fchO'■‘Clergyman’ s Courtship” . Mis* Margaret Alexander of Spring Valley visited with Mr, W, E. Alexander andwife Saturday and Sabbatli, —House cleaning time is here and the piano needs tuning. Notify (1, R, PieglQr and have it tuned by Mr. Puehringer. Miss Rate.Nisbet has been in Dayon this week purchasing her stock of spring millinery. Mr, Joseph McFarland of Dayton visited at home over Sabbath, A prohibition convention will be held in Mr, Ceorge Dodd’ s office in Xenia, West Mainstreet, next Tues day at 2:SQo’ clock*. Sure Drop Sattleys NewWay C. N.Stuckey&Son. TELEPHONE. CEDARVILLE, OHIO. Ts worthy upon her —Mr, Fnehrlnger of Cleveland, who has toned pianos her*-for a number ;of yearswill ha.Rare .about honor bestowed the first weak of April, Place your order with G. F> Stagier. ■MissCllvia the Btar of the play,1' of an Misses Verna Bird and Hattie Dobbins and Messrs. Fred Dobbins and Fred Bird attended a surprise .party—ons*-Mr.—and- -Mrs-,--Walter Watkins hear Wilnerforce,Tuesday. Announce the completeness of their, stock of B u ggy and Team Harness on hand, the best in. Ce* darville for years. - Call and see _J±Latmew4>attern-of team-harness^ Dr. and Mrs. M. I.THarsh have for their guest Mrs, Marsh’s sister, Miss Camille Roudobnsh of Milford. —As I am going out o f business in Xenia,I will otter my entire stock ofgas stoves,damps and fixtures for sale at a Jew price, C, B. Martin, 23,Green street, Xehia. T toGoo3,DcyCrood,' Ho.Eotf,Mo'.Novo* % Btamped CCC. y bfiofe. agoor-N.Y. 537 LIONBOXES s m o get rid r,MBes: as di~ )t around. on to the roperties' effect up” , stem by heumatie 2d,,.find . assured* y cures disease, ' , er years . ‘ it w ill mot you. eompli- v advice, ling and rolonged that I could Ins my shoes could manafto Jtaln, j T hen all tlirotigh old me I had Inflammatory tit Dr, Milos' and f com*- m the- ctart ontlm have am able to ANDERS, way, N., J. Mile*’ NarV- Im to return } If It fall* lkhart, Ixid | LOCAL AND PERSONAL 2 “ Jap ■Tea’ ! March 24 Tuesday afternoon, —See brother Ruben' in the rural 'Hayseeddress, ' Mr* Roland Kyle of Xenia visited hero the first of the Weeki ’ —Mr. Dixon is fully equal to hie share of the honor. , —WANTED: A,farm hand- quire o f ^pderson Collins. ' in- Dr.3. C. George t»f ColumbUs was parents, over Sal the guest o f his bath. JapaneseCurios on the “Jap Tea.” exhibition at Miss MabelHarris has accepted a ”position at the telephone exchange. Come to the “ Jap Tea” 'and buy a cup ana saucer, ' , ‘ ' , Mr* d. W., Smith o f Cleveland spent a few days hare the first of t&c week* ^ ' * . * —Carpets, mattings at McMillan’s, and linoleums tfr, and Mrs. D.- H. Sullonberger visited in Oxford from Saturday until Tuesday. Misses Dora and Charlotte Siegler spent Saturday and Sabbath with Dayton friend!?* • • ’ , Harry Bradfute of Washington C. H. .spent Saturday and Sabbath with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N.Lott, Mr. 'W* R, •‘UHfclekhas been in Col umbus this week on business- Mrs, Todd and.son *f Dayton Spent Tuesday with Mr. J, H ; .Nis- betand family. Ray. Thomas Tnrner-and wife of Marissa, HI,, arnyed Monday even ing. Rev. Turner goes toRew York tor a visit with his parents,' while Mrs, Turner will remain here-.. Don’ t forget the “ Jap Tea” on Tuesday afternoon, March 24 * at the homeof Miss Lula Barber. . FOR SALE;—Rhode Island Red cockerels and pullets. They are beauties.^ Citizens ’phone. Cedar* vilie exchange. 3-6“tf, ; ■ F. P. MbCarley. A ' Tull line. of Harness Accessories, , ^ - ^ # * ’ ’ 1 ^C3*. - Brushes, Clippers and Harness Oil. Our experience has taught us to. get such styles as the trade [wants* - ' —FOR SALE:—Plenty of short slab wood. Apply,to tho D, S. Ervin Company, , Mr. Harvey and daughter, Miss Martha, and Mrs. James Ginn of Jamestownwere guests of Mr. and Mrs, D* Ii. Crawford, Saturday. Mrs* J .N . Lott and Mrs. J* H. Brotherton spent Tuesday with Mr. ■Thomas Hess and wife of Spring- ' field. , Going t o leavo Xenia and will sell out at cost. See the great bargains in all gas stoves, fixtures, .lamps, etc., at .C* E, Martin’s on Green Istreet', Xenia. —Special sale of gas lamps, sfoyes and fixture!?' owing to going out': ofbusineos, 01 E. Martin, Green street, Xenia. 1 Rev. H. C. Foster of Salinevilie, jO., will preach for the R, P. eongre- jgafcion, Sabbath: —Leave your order with G. F, Slegier and have yottr piano tubed by’ Mr, Fuehriuger o f Cleveland*^ . Mrs, Hamfs of Springfield wa» the «df F* An* d.™ ,* a w n n t o f e i l ^ r t . , , . -1 . —Be sure and attend the Senior Class play o f the 0* H. S. . 1I1111..................................... ■wewn^i.Vniinyi»ii m i Mrs. H* A* Fumbutt and Mrs. Jdhfc Oonddn ,anent Monday in -Curtains to ■ak MeMillan's, fit .your windows 'Miss Margaret McNeill left Mon day to visit her brother, near Belie Center, being called there by bis illness. . Miss Barbara A.^Bishop, aged 71, and for ihany years a resident Of this county, died at the home of her sister, Mrs, A. D. Black, of Springfield, from paralysis. Inter ment took place Tuesday afternoon,' at the cemetery north of towh, ‘ OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT- ■tfflipii Mr. and Mr* irrank Endsley, and son o f Daytori, were guests of Mr* and Mrs»,R« 8. Townsley over. Sab* bath. .. ' Mr. John Steel o f thegas office, is soffeiJngfrom a growth on b is,left eye. An Operation Was necessary, Wednesday. ‘ : —FOR. SALE*. A folding bed nearly: .new* Prio# reasonable. Inquire at McCollums ^eweleystore* Mias Pearl Bt&estraw, who re cently underwent- an operation for appendicitis, is related greatly, im proved. raw Mrs. R*H. W w i fp ^ d e d a thim ble party at the heme of" Mrs. Sam- hoi Manor in Xenia on Tuesday afternoon. 0 . F E R T I L I 7 E R Q ■ h h I I I I H m r I Dp to this time yott Lave bought Fertilizers with out any certain knowledge of their quality except the claims of the manufacturers. Then you had to Wait a year or more for a printed report to tell you whether the claims Were justified. Now, there is no need of buying Fertilizers like a cat in a bag. There is no reason why you should not know in advance what you are going to get for your money. But there is only' one firth whose goods you. can buy with this knowledge of their value before you pay for them—that’s THE SMITH AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL COMPANY. When you buy their prod ucts you GET ALL YOU PAY FOR AND PAY ONLY FOR WHAT YOU GET That'* the Only way te buy—and that Is the SMITH way e l aefflnff. Every egent ef HIE SMITH AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL COMPANY h authorized In writing te take a sample from every shipment an arrival and hay# It ^analyzed by any chemist fie eheese»r a t the expenewef tifie-nmnuffteturem. . , THESMITHAGRICULTURALCHEMICALCO, Box. 20 COLUMBUS, OHIO Mr. and Mrs. W* B, Stevenson en tertainedat six o’ clock dinner St. Patrick’s day the following indies ? Misses Martha and Edna Cooley, Vera Andrew, Ina Murdock, Sadie Ihff and Mrs'. Charles Stevenson. Clarence Jeffrey, the 12 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln'Jeffrey may,loose the^sight of his, left, eye, owing to an injury received last. Sabbath. He was struck fn the eye accidentally, bursting the eye ball. Prof.'W, R, McChesney, of Ce* darville college, delivered a splen- didaddress before several hundred meninthe Y, M. C. A. at Dayton, Sdtidayafternoon* His subjecfcwas, “ TheGreatest question, How Shall Wo Escape If We So Neglect $a}vt£ >r 'A' Mrs, F. P. Foster was called to Cincinnati awing to the death of Clifford Dallas. The funeral took place Wednesday.' The deceased for a number of years^Was connected With the Cinoinnati public library* Ho was 24years of, age aiuLis tho third son to die! Each of tho others died just thirteen years apart, There were many floral offerings. ■ X Mr. Collin R. McMillan and sou Hugh, left Monday for their home Id Colville, Wash., after a visit of sevoarl days with Mr, McMillan’s brothers, James A., and D. H. McMillan and sister. Mr* MoMii- an came East to. accompany his son home from Detroit, where ho has been attendihg school, Please send me a nice large fish for roasting. T ' know that they are fresh/because* they came direct, from the lakes. I see that you keep all kincl\of vege tables, and canned goods, and your prices suits therieh and the poor. We ‘can eat the choicest cuts and J your meats are delicious. I see that you intend to ' stay_in the business) and I wish you success. Yes I • have fresh and smoked meats. , Fresh and Salt fish. Vegetables, and Canned .Goods at my Meat Market / Near Rairoad. * |k Chas. fl. Spencer Telephone 100 . Cedarville, Ohio. Fresh and Salt Meats, Vegetables, " ’ ' ? 1 * , ' ‘ ; t , ' ■ ' r Messrs. F. P. Hastings and wife, Mr. J. E. Hastings and wife and Rev. O. H. Milligan and wife at tended tho Muskingum banquet at tho Florence hotel in Xenia last Friday evening. Dr. J*Knox Mont gomery, prosidont of the college, gave a toast of “Muskingum as a World Power.” Rev, Milligan Used for his subject “ Why Saudi My Boy to Muskingum?” Dr. W. G. Moore- head was toastmaster, A ■ four course supper Was served the guests who were graduates of tins college. YOUR APPETITE I f your appetite is poor, eat meat. To tempt your appetite and nourish the system our choice ■ meats are not excelled by anything, The weak and the strong, the small and the hearty eater alike enjoy them, 1 , GG.TOMER, The “ shower” given Monday ev ening hy Misses Iiiilift Stewart and Belle Middleton at the hoirio of tho latter, in honor of Mias Mabel Grin- die and Ray Lawrence, who were married Wednesday.evening, was a very pleasant event, The young couple received a largo number of very useful presents. Mrs. J, O, Stewart was toast-mistress of the OVehing. Mrs. John Johnson, Miss Sadie Hlff, Rev. W. R. Graham arid Joseph Finney gave toasts to the bride and groom. A two course luncheon was served the guests, Aboutlifty were present. The house was decorated With red, white and green hearts. R, C. WAITAPPOINTED, At a meeting of tho- towrislnp trustees Mr. R. CL Watt was ap pointed on the library hoard to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna tion of Mr. J. W. Pollock. . Mr, Watt was elected chairman of tho board Tuesday night at the or ganisation while Pfot. W, R McChesney m secretary and Mr. F* F. Hastings, treasurer. NOTICE. 3’ eraon having smoked meat at out storewill please call for same at once as we need tho room, O.JH. Crouse# Osterly * , 57 Green Street, Xenia, O. ANNOUNCETHEIR EXH IB IT O F SPRING A N D M ILL INERY Thursday, March 19th, Friday* March 20ih* Saturday* March 3!at» 0 Authoritivc creations by the foremost NowYork designers. InBUch rare shades as Old Rose, Mn- - genta, Copenhagen Bine and all the Ilnsset and Tan colorings, The massiveness of some of the models go to make an exposition vastly more splendid than ever. - INSPECTION INVITED. Kji^lWlpMW
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