The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 1-26
ifa»uiMSESXl S t iHlWBtBijji iPlfW iTP TO IEFILLED # i With every county oifteo to bo filled tbw full tho people m il have * real experience in Ijandstalsing ■ With tho "eouutyvandidato.**. The chSBgo fa tho Jaw tr* io the election .. c2crr.~:y o g c a w ti msho x>m cf tho hotc$fc campaigns in the history o f Greene county. °It m il bo a bar v#«fc time for Boss Hehmidt and his followers, Tho men that usually have one hand behind their hack seeking tho “ velvet" will have reason t<>complain of tho financial panic, Then this will he the last primary’, probably,'whoro the gang will Jiavo full sway, counting in candidates Just as they please, Tho comiug primary lav/ that is now 'm the legislature means the relegating of the professional politician to the year ns far an control J:i concerned. The people will then be sovereign . ..Jnst-jairofttnriJr -nraSrlt htts-becrrrnr the pastv Two of a liind will meet for county recorder if all reports are true. Clem Linkheart is willing to risic hig ' chances against Mike Bread- stone even though the latter has the county machine and Boss Schmidt behind linn, Linlchearh’s friends claim, that Broadstoue can pot hope •to secure the support of the people owing to his stand for Foraker anti ' his part in the recent Foraker con gressional convention ink Xenia, Then Linkheartis a campaigner of the old school being sheriff two terms and mayor of Xenia. He is said to be the strongest candidate with the colored voters that ever came botoraihe people for an office in fhls county, Hike is no -begin ner in politics and his political re cord may be against him. He failed to land the probate judgeship and hankered after an office until he was appointed some years ago to fill a vacancy caused by the death ■of his predecessor. The contest will be watched with interest. Greene county will not have any particular strength in the selection Of a state senator in this district to succeed F. C. Arbenz. I t is stated' that Clinton countywants the honor, _and will have a strong candidate when the,lime comes. With allfne names that have been mentioned for county treasurer wo still bays one that was brought to our attention some “days ago—Mr. Bussell Brewer, one of the foremost farmers of the county, Mr. Brower ,is a veteran of the Civil war, a man o f excellent tjualifteations, and „ would bo a strong candidate i f h|< catered the races He, is free from factional alliances and if- indepen dently Bopubjican, the kind of man that should fill places of public trust. He haanevor held an elective office .to our knowledge,'but was court baililf under Judge H, L, Smith. GET RICH QUICK , ■ —~umU0l|n.™— Schemes of this class have again come-to grief along with the gullible investors, causing serious loss to innocent business concerns, as is hlways the case of panics inWall St. While this last lesson is yet fresh in mind, it is an opportune moment to consider causes and* means to avoid like trouble in the future. Direct your attention to that greatest of all Newspapers the Cin cinnati Enquirer. From its columns one cs’1 readily detect the trend of currency, its lodging places, by whomhandled, uses made of it, and final results. Again you read quotations o f Bonds, Stocks, and Securities o f every nature, fixing Status of all business from the retailer, to United States Government. Also Current News, facts and re liabledata covering theentireworld; all sufficiently explicit to enable thinking people to avoid snags and follow the channel of success. Its extra size and high price, is the secret of its ability to discover, obtain, print and serve its patrons With all the news, and cater towants of people in every calling of life. The Weekly Enquirer for the year 1008 has greatly increased its Clubbing offers which now include the most select and popular pub lications of the day at prices slightly over half the regular Subscription .fates. , Do not overlook the fact that the year 10OHpromises to excel hi pros perity any* of the past, aud that the Enquirer printed at Cincinnati, Ohio, is ouo of the most reliable ioukx - s of information. HUG S m ad f am old cap\. W e clean all kinds carpet* Cporaiurn of 1he Vacuum House Cleaner. Wc Contract Churches, Halts fywelUti$$ tmytahen THE VAUBV i $ 0 242*244 & fetSfc* Spitegfeld b 11 '1tej % ‘I t P A Y S Y O U T O T R A D E I N S P R I N G F I E L D . ” WRENS’ STORE* i- MEMBER OF THE SPRINGFIELD MERCHANTS* ASSOCIATION, A Great Sale of the Boggan. $40,000.00 So-Called Fire StocR Opened Thursday Morning, April 2d. To meet our desires that the sale should far excel any and all the sales Springfield has ever held, and it being our purpose that the expectations of the public M U ST BE MORE TH AN G R A T IF IED , and we know the eyes of all Springfield, as well as thousands of others: all over the State, are *now turned towards "W R EN 'S , Ohio's Most Modern ancOffdsFProgressive Departmelit'lEftoreT^welrave^p^ grandest aggregation of bargains-All Fine, High-Glass Merchandise-No Trash-at such extraordinary low prices as should make‘this the Most Memorable Ei^ent in the Life of the 31 Years of Merchandising in Springfield of This Great Store, - LADIES’ SUITS LOT I ' | LOT 2 , S - LOT 3. Misses’ Suits, Boggan’ s \ Bathes’ and MiBses' Suits s Ladies’ and Misses* Suits prices $12.50, $10.50, $13.98, 1Boggan’ s prices $18.50 to $25 <Boggart's prices $25 and up- $14.98. Our price for choice j Our price for choice { wards. Our price for choice $ 2,98 $ 4,98 $ 7,50 |LOT 4 J LOT 5 Consists of 77 Bathes’ and 5 Ladies’ and Misses’ Suits Misses’ Suits Boggan’ s price s Boggart's prices ranging tip oEoUs^^‘S° ^ lu Pr*ce ^or > to $45. Our price,for choice $ 10.00 $ 15,00 LOT 6 / j LOT 7 Badies’ and Misses’ Suits l Ladies’ Suits, Boggan’ s Boggan’ s prices ranging up- ? prices ranging upwards ’to wards to $50. Our price for 5 $(55. Our price for choice choice ;v v $ 15.00 $ 25,00 LADIES WAISTS LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 Badies’ Wash Waists, y Ladies! Wash Waists, S Ladies’ Wash W a ists,! Ladies’ Wash Waists, c Laches’ Silk and Wash j Boggan’ s price §1. Our < Boggan’ s prices $1 &nd$l.oO 1.Boggan,s price $1.95. OUr < Boggan’s prices $2.50, $2.95 ? Waists, Boggaa’s p rice s ' price, each • ? Our price for choice,; ''? price, each , > and up. Our price, each $ $3.50 to $5. Our price for { choice, . ■ LOT 6 * \ LOT 7 Ladies' Wash’ WTaists, 5 Ladies’ - Silk Taffeta Boggaa’s prices $5 and up- 5 Waists, Boggan’ s prices, wards. Our price for choice’ 2. $5.98 to $6.98. Our price for ■ y choice * L a d i e s ’ S k ir t s 1 LOT 1- Ladles’ and Misses’ Skirts, Boggan’ s prices, $5, , . .. . r , $5.65, $6.50.. Plain and Fancy Panamas, Fancy V .Bodies fefcirtir, Ijoggan e prit mixtures and AU-Wooi .Serges, Our price for \ wards, Our price for clioice, choice LOT 3 Ladies’,and Misses? Skirts, Boggan’s prices $ 7.95 and up. Our price for choice Lad ies ’ Ta ffe ta S ilk Petticoats Badieir Taffeta SilkT'eTricoatB^Boggart’s pricer' $5, $5.95,. $8,kl and up. Out price for choice. $3-98 Ladies ’ W a s h S k i r t s Lad ies ’ Lawn K im on a s LOT 1 Ladies’ Wash Skirts Boggaii’s price $1.60 Our pbibe , < * , *" 75c * LOT 2 Ladies’ Wasii Skirts, Boggim’g price $8.73, $8.95 and $4.50. Our price LOTI Ladies’ Kimonas, Boggan’ s prices 95c and $1.25 Our price for choice $2.50 59c LOT 2 Ladies’ Long Kimonas, Boggan’s price $1.6Q Our price for choice. 95c M ILLINERY LOT T Ladies* Street and Dress Hats, Boggan’ s price $C. Our price for choice LOT 2 Ladies’ Street and Dregs Hats, Boggan‘ s price $5.93 and $6.00, Our price for choice $2.50 $2.98 LOT 3 Ladies’ Street and Dress Hats, Boggsn’s prices $0.93 and $7,93 Our price for choice LOT 4 » Ladies’ Street and Dress Hats Boggan’ s price $8.05, $li,50 and' $10.00. Our price for choice $4.50 LOT 5 Imported Pattern Hats, Bog- gan’s prices, $10.00, $12.50, and $13.95, Our price for choice $7.50 LOT 6 Imported Models, Boggrn’s prices, $14, $15, $16.06 and $18.50. Our price for choice $10.00 LOT I Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Coats LOT 2 f LOT 3 S . „ $3.50. Our price for choice 98c LOT 4 Oliitdren’s Coats Boggan’ s prices $2,75 and \ Misses’ and Children’ s Coats, Boggan’s prices j Misses’ and Children’ s Coats, Boggan’s prices S Ladle’ s, Misses and Children’* Coats, Boggau’s $5.00and $5.03. Our price for choice | $6.00 to $8.60, Our price for choice. ! prices $6.60 to $9.03. Our price for choice. $1.50 ‘ LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 7 Ladies’, Mioses’ and Children’ s coats Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats, Boggan’ s \ Ladies’ Silk, Cloth aud Bain coato Boggan* pflceo $9.60 and upwards Our J prices $12.50 $13.60 and $15.00. Our \ Boggan’s prices $10.95 to $15.00. Our prices for efioieo £ price for choice f price for choice LOT 8 Ladies Silk and Cloth Coats, Bog- gah’nprices, $16.50 to $22.5, Our price for choice LOT 9 Ladies’ Bilk and Cloth Coats, Bog- gahs prices $22.50 to $28.50. Our price for choice $3.75 .if $5.00 *7.50 $10.90 $15.00 Thousands of odd pieces, Fine Furs, Coats, Waists, Millinery, etc,, not advertised* but the prices are proportionate the above, THE EDWARD WREN CO,
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