The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 1-26
The Purest Is Best. Made at Jamestown mils, R. G. George, Prop., Jamestown, O. The Best Is Cheapest. 5 0 L P BY ALL FIRST CLASS GROCERS. £ LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Paul Tindall of'Xenia] spent Sabbath with his brother, Louis, of tlsis place. The High School students enjoyed * Mm xotrbqx l«i^'T:riday eybhihg. ' Choose Tour Druggist —Easter flowers ‘ at Stewart & Dixon’s. v ■■ Mrs. J, H. Lackey of near James town is roported ill, —For Easter millinery go to Miss Oraufurd's. Mr. W. J. Smith of Cleveland was home the first of the woek. Mr. C, M, Crouse spent Sabbath , with friends in Lancaster. —Rockers, couches, folding beds, side boards, at McMillan’s .Mr^apiL-Mrs, Ogear rSatteyflgRi^^yT?^^ S]3eht-^atnrS% ■ ' " ' M K LesteiWagler o f Toledo-jhiisf - boon called here by the serious 111- —Attractive prices'on buggles at Kerr &Hastings Bros. The latest patterns and designs in Easter millineryn,t Miss Crnufurd's With the same sort of dis crimination with which you choose your doctor. The honesty‘ability, of the drug, gist is just as important as those 'qualities are iu the man who orjxers the med icine. Both should be se- 'lected because of your con fidence in their knowledge,’ integrity and ‘faithfulness. The work of each depends for its ‘ success upon the wotfc of the other —Curtains to fit your windows at McMillan’s. ' Mr, and’ Mrs. W, L. Marshall of Xenia visited here Tuesday. Mrs Belle Cray'had for her guest Mrs, McIntyre of Xenia. hess of his father, Mr. fSamue Hagler. Miss Eleanor Smith entertained a number of friends at a thimble party Thursday afternoon in honor of her guest. ■ : Miss Letha Rainey has gone to Biclimond, Va,, to keep house for her brothel’, John, who ha's just erected a new house of eight rooms on his farm. . —Carpets, mattings and linoleums at McMillan’s, Miss A. L. Oraufufd spent Mon day in Dayton, .■ '0 Mrs. Lucy -McClellan has b'efen the guestof Dayton relatives. —Cut flowers for Easter’ at Stew art &Dixon’s. Mr, H .H. McMillan was in Col ambus Wednesday. The Ladies’ Aid Society of the M. E. church will hold an Easter market in the Barber room on-’ Sat urday, March 18. Mr, Harry Ilill and "two sons of London are spending the day hero. —Heed covn-that will grow. Get it at Kerr & Hastings Bros. Miss Etta Lotrlmcr ot New Con cord is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. O, Thompson. Mr. Martin Coffey is visiting his brothers, Dan and Johh tn Cincin nati. FOR SALE*.—Rhode Island Red cockerels And pullets. They are beauties. Citizens 'phone. Oedar- ville exchange. 8-6 tf. F. P. McCarloy. A re R eady fo r You to T r y On Today. These models have not only the Handsome custom style that is the choice of the best dressed New Yorkers, but they’ll hold that ' style till your ready to throw them aside. You have the same advan tage in buying footwear at this store that you would en joy atanp Regal store In New York City. W e have the same “Thoroughbred” styles and our stock affords a range wike enough to satisfy the most critical taste. Sh&u W e S e e Y o u B e fo r e E a s te r ? Experienced Salesmen who Find it a Pleasure to F it You. KOCH’S SAMPLE SHOE STORE, and S, Detroit St., Xenia, 0,» W- L. KOCH, Ptop. W rong Side of the Street, AliMHUR l BILLET, Mgr. We Lead Others T ry to Follow. The Famous mmmmrnmmmmmmmmtmLTmammimmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . Above everything else, at the bead of the listof Easter needfuls, and dearest to the feminine heart is the Easter Hat. Our large exclusive millinery store is now a veritable bower ,of beauty in which you will And the hat that just suits you. It is advisable for those who do not want to take the chance of disappointment to secure their Easter head gear early tomorrow, for we anticipate . an unuauftUy heavy Easter rush. . ■.i’r .™ '" ------ A FEW CHOICE PICKINGS FOR EASTER W EEK = 2 S = = sse = = The Merry Widow and the Up-to-Date Sailor,,the newest fad, in burnt, black and natural; good value at $4, Special........ ............ ............ ................... ................................ ; ............................................. ........ „ $2.9$ Ladies’ Hats in new walking effects; value anywhere $3.50—Special...........................................$1,95 Trimmed Hats.....................~.............. ' . . ................................... ....................... ....$3 .95, $4,95, $5’95 and $6,95 Weave daily receiving shipments of new stock as the demand is constantly increasing fas Easter draws ne^r. Be sure and buy early. ' - . • 39-4I Fountain Ave., SPRINGFIELD, O. Misses Anna Ham’ and Bertha Ade of Frankforfc'.were guests of Miss Lulu Smith over Sabbath. „ Mr.. D, L. Crawford, wife and daughter spent Sabbath with Miss Martha Crawford of Jamestowu. ~ Mrs I. C. Davis and children re- turnedto Cincinnati Tuesday after a short-visit with relatives here; —FOR SALE:—Plenty of short stab wood. Apply'tbthe B; S. Ervin Company, ■3 Gambetta -— SEJtSON 1908 —— Easter market ln'the Barber room on Saturday, March-18, by ihe La dies’ AidSocietyof tbbM.E. church; Rev, Homer McMiliap fif -Georgia is fche guest o f his parents, Mr. and Mm. James McMUi —A small lot of ose«d corn that will grow. •Speak soon for it. Kerr &Hastings Bros, The Delineator for May has a striking picture o f Greene county’s court house. - - - ^—TJse Veribest Flour for good re sults. For Sale1 only at Towftsleys’ grocery. _____ ’ Mi*. John M. Finney returned to Cincinnati, Tuesday morning after spending a few days here With rela tives. Mr. J. D. Silvey Of the Ohio State Prison lS’off guard duties for a few days uudis spending hisvacation at home: * Mr. Will Spencer, who has lived for several years in the Clomans property on South Mam street liaB purchased the property on Xenia avenue owned by Mrs. Sarah Bnrbtr Sir. Frank Harhison has pur chased the Torrence farm of about 37 acres on the weSfcufde of the cor poration, No figures are given out hut tile transfer may say $1 and other considerations. Wm. Marshall, Ted Richards and .Tames Duflleld were lucky fisher men at Clifion, Monday. Ted land ed one that tipped the scales at four and one half pounds and a carp at seven pounds, Miss Eleanor Smith, who has boon attending Western -Reserve college, accompanied by her college friend, Miss “Wanda 'Simons-,of Kansas City arrived home Wednes day evening on her spring vacation Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Miss Bessie Brewer to Mr. J. Elmer Waedlo on Wednes day evening, April 22, at the home of tlie bride’®unelb and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. B. W, Anderson of near Clifton: A special Easter prayer meeting wilt be held Sabbath at 6 a. m. ih the M. E . church at which all are cordially invited. At 10:80 the Sunday school will have a special program. There will be no regular services owing to tide special pro grain. -■ ■ GAMBETTA KING Slandard and Reg* istered 33832 Trotting Trial 2:19 1*4 Seal brown horse with tan flanks, 15.3 hands , high, good style and action, weighs 1100pounds with best leet and legs. He has some colts •with fast trials. His oldest colts here are coming’yearlings, His coltsare large and handsome with good trotting action. GAMBETTA KING by Game Warden 27065, he by Gambetta Wilkes 2;19M; sire of 200 with' standard records, Game Warden’s dam is Alice, dam of AHietta 2;l5jrf, and Alice Wilkes’3:17, by Onward2:25^, sire Of 108 inlist. ” o • > • , ■> Gambetta Kings firstdam Hannepin Maid, dam of4 trotters and one pacer. Second dam, Sadie Messen ger, damof Lady Thorne 2:25. - - ' „ ‘ $25 To Insure a Living Colt; w S jn c E ^ j T . ii.y. ' - , • . . . . . ■ - 0- . ■ Bay Staliion 10 hands birth, weighs about 12(H) pounds,and a very strong lr-iilt horse with good style and aciiom 'As a-breeder lifeis second to none, His- colts are showing well ahdand some of them will be worked this year. His oldest colls are coming four years old. No doubt he will be a speed sire. . PRINCE J., was sired by J. VV. C. 2:16^, sire of- Valdo.2:i8jS^, Billy J 2'M%, Fletty J. 2:15>^, Orphan Boy Winona J. 2:2f>4, Florence E. 2;26j^,’ His dam is Solon Bell 2:21 by Jugler Boy 2:27, $t5. To Insure Living Colt. BLACK JOE Jr. Black Spanish Jack, six years old, good size, good action andanumber one breeder.. His colts sell for good prices. _ $fO To Insure Living Colt. The Gambetta Farm is ope mile east of Jamestown on the middle Jeffersonville pike. For tabulated pedigree and particulars call on or ad dress the owner. • JAMES BINE.GAR, Owner. Citizens’Phone 11-176, Jamestown, O. Mrs. W. H, Owens returned last Friday night from Pittsburg where she had been thoguestof herdaugh- ter, Mrs. John Lott, for several days: Mr. II. It. McFarland of Spring- field ,1 the well known piano dealer of that city with Mr, G. F, Siegler of this place Will have a display of, pianos in the room occupied by j Johnson, the Jewels?* Only a part; of the stock has been received, Mr. Bioglnr will handle sheet music ip connectionwith the plagwn NEW THINGS!! Men’s Suits The best $10.00, $12.50and $15-00 Suits in the newest styles—cuifa on sleeves and cuffs on trou&ers If you wish. Also a full line of Blue Serge and Black Worsted Stilts. New Hats Our motto is -‘Tho Newest’1 both In {Soft anil Stiff Hats—try us once. New Shoes Tans are the proper thing, and you can’ t go amiss if you buy a pair of Low-OutB this season-*-a full lino of Men’s Women’s and Children’s here. < . Tan Hose all sizes and kinds in Ribbed and Laco at iOc, lfie and 23c pair. New Trousers A swell line in the newest styles, Peg Top and Cuffs on bottom at $2,00 to $1.00 per pair. at BIRD’S P. S.*»*SeeWindowDisplay Saturday, Fresh Fish! Fresh Fish! Why not try some Fresh Fish once, they are good for your- appetite and health. I have made arrange ments at the lakes to have nothing but Fresh Stock, so they are shipped to me. the same day they are caught. We have all kinds of vegetables in season* Breakfast Foods,- Canned Goods and Jellies. Smoked Meats. Fresh and Salt Heats. In the same old stand; at the same old place near tbe same old R. R .; on the same old street; the same old Phone 100; the same old name Chas. f l . Spencer Telephone 100 Cedarville, Ohio. Fresh and Salt Meats,^Vegetables. * The light freeze Wednesday may liave cansod sown damage £0 the triiit but according to a number fef prominent farmers and fruit grow ers thero i*. 110 indication at this time. Tim midden change in Jfclm temperature from 70 Wednesday evening to £0 Thursday morning with a strong north wind brought out heavy wraps. -If yon want tho earliest of, all the best of tomatoes and cabbage: I have tlmplant# how ready. R. W. Komion, At a meeting of the Library true tecs, Mf. Jacob Lott was Selected as janitor of the new lmiidlug at a salary of $11 per month. Miss Flor ence Forbes will continue to act as librarian, -AGFM’H ‘WA’N’TEP >.—10 x crayon portraits <10cents, frames In cents and up, sheet picture# atm cent each. Ton can make 40 pi,- pent profit or $30.00 per week: Cat* alogtte and .Samples free. FRANK W, WILLIAMS COMPANY, 120H W. Taylor street, Chitago, Ill.j
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