The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 1-26

<6 v1 o ii«w ^ t3 J 5 t> x « $ « afctt i ’DDARVILLE, WHO, ■ <g-’-»-«i,j* W* Soxacir Your, P atronawi end prhtoiBo careful and prompt attention to all hTOiMss : intrusted to ns. NEW YORKDRAFT and DANKMONEY;ORDERS. The cheapest and most con* vsfllenfc way to Semi money ?>y twkll. _ • • ■ ■ ' . . _ : Personal or Collateral Security/ Bihldng Hours? B, A’. MUto 8, P. M. S. W, S mith , Presidents O. L. SMEfH, Cashier, A GOOD WAN SUFFERS. Kheunutism. BjritsnwtWaco, iiU*dp&tleat cut>«-u<&Ma llmba,»ndiafre.dfromtb• ihioUei tbit biYaboundldm, pathtpe,for nut. Mr. S'rwk Strait, *'well knownmoreuantofNewHampton, W.y.,8ajn: * ‘Iaufferadtortaraafritu Sciatic Rheumatism i Mjre«».«u aver*badon»,andnone ; of themeauataken(puremeTelief. usedJ}r.yaYidKennedy'eI'*Yor- )iteKamedr, ofUcmdout, K.Y, and ___ amentirelyridof ereryaymptom _ "v U% otjnytrouble. .Onlytbroabottle* broucntaboattht*.wonderfulresult. XtliMbuiltmo .tipandbeenofgreatbenefitinotherway*. .1heartily recommandfttootherBuffer,rs," Dr. D. Kennedy’s FavoriteRemedy. RondoutjN. i . PriceWj 6fS?|S» Bad Backache Such agonies us some ^omen suffer, every month, from hack* .ache! Is it ntcessaiy? No. It can he prevented and relieved, when caused by female trouble, by tafc* lug a medicine with specific, cura­ tive action, on the female organs and functions, which acts by re­ lieving the congestion, stopping the pain and building the organs andfunctions ap to aproper state of health. Try, ~ , WINE. OF KOMAN’SRELIEF *f Mdfcwff for If yews," writes ' " “ sA*Atem, tf r ' * so !««iM sefenaat steulght. Tb* doctort te*M not M f n e , s o I took Cards!, «ad: -new l-fed iBc* a new thumb ,” " AtAU Druggists WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, •tutlngr ag» and descrllilnsr symp- K ickeis. Simply the visible sign. Chat baby** tiny bones are not formingrapidlyenough. Lack of nourishment is the cause, Scott**? Emu lsion nourishes baby's entire system. Stimulates and makes pone. Exactlywhat babyneeds, ALL DRUGGISTSI Me. AND $ 1.00 The Cedarvilie Herald. JS i.oo P e r Y ea r . .FR IDAY , APRIL 34,1008. „ LATEST DEMONSTRATION. ■ - A .a A a :.s . M: a .j.A JS '.ja .jj.JL .r .e . A .as.a.-A.^.jL a - a -. • yTTTilTT™IltfTVV,A,,iTTf<T™“ ""l™V EXTRA MGNEY OR A BUSINESS Timber Lands are a first-class | Investment. One dollar or more • will buy an interest in profit- | making timber lands, Agents to *1 sell on our plan make good. / money. Writ* for details, <i ■■* II The Sterling Lumber Co,, < ‘ 524 Citizens Bldg., :: Cleveland, Ohio. I; . ii If, you have a large or small - > 2 sum to Invest we can show you ]\ [ how timber lands will give you •> handsome dividends. 2 nANHATTAN R E STA U R AN T 3ST0. 8 N. Detroit St., X,cnia, 0. Bill of Bare. Coffee, Tea, Milk.................. ..... 5c Brfead and Hotter....................... 5c Fried Potatoes............................. Co Baked Beans........................ fie Pio, per quarter............... Cc Ham Sandwich-,...:;....................... 6c BHtfstext.ToM.fe sc Chess* Sandwich........................ 6c Cake.............................. 5c Steak, Chops, Haul orBacon....... luc Ham or Bacon with jBgga...........20c Hot Boast Beet, Weiner or Egg* - Sandwich............. fie Soup.................................... 5c, Fresh Oyster Stew.......... ............ 20c Oysters, raw,.... ................. 16c Bread and Butter WithAltai Orders M E A L 'S ■ #* * *• *t‘ g $ c WANTED* We want agents In all parts of the I?. 0, to sell our famous J)r# 'Wil­ liams Pills. Sendun your name and address and we will send yoit 12 boxes to- soli at *r»e per box, when sold send us the 13and receive a foil sefeof cooking vosssl* consisting ol a JM atulff quart vessel. A limited anmberof thole vessels are given to tatroditteour pills. Order qiiiok, 2»ft> WILLIAMS M13DIGINI3 CO., HOBKVICMi, OHIO. Cincinnati has experienced the first move of til* saloon forces in the way of an organization to attempt; the much .heralded ehOck’ on the anti-saloon movement. Under the name of a personal liberty league the liqqor forces of Hamilton coun­ ty held a monster meeting at Music hall in Cincinnati last Saturday night. There were novelty attractions, such as band concerts and fire works to attract the crowds. A. parade was held in which twenty or thirty thousand men took part. Ail this was apart o f a prepared {program to stir the people against the anti- saloon “Wave that is sweeping the country. ^ Eight thousand people are said to have been crowded m Music hall to hear some half dozen orators for “ personal liberty.” Those who have read some of the speeches are -fully convinced that.the only “ per- eonal liberty” that is m jeopardy is .that hi the saloonkeeper, the brewer and the. distiller. “ Prohibition does not prohibit” was a prominent phrase with all the speakers. It was shown according to the orators, that, more liquor is being sold m “ dry” towns than be­ fore. It so, why this demonstration last Saturday night? The real-facts are that in many towns the saloon and the sale of liquor has become a» thingo f tha past owing to the many drastic Jaws against the evil. In ether towns- that hate taken this rote as aiacli liquor ia being tfqld iis:ft*!***,&*. «wsfc4. before. It might he said that as much liquor ii being abltf in Cedar- villa as before the town was toted “ dry” ,- There are » number of pauses for this, the most prominent of which Is the laxity ,of the courts in dealing with offenders owing to political puli. Cedarvilje is a good example of this one cause. A man may be found-selling wet goods against the law but to get him eonvioted is another question. To eouviot the violator evidence must be secured by flofhe reliable 'person. A detective may be employed but through political trickery his evi­ dence Is ruled out by some court or a perjured story accepted by the courts as the evidence of Innocence qn the part of the liquor interests. Tii*n 'the merchant, minister,' manufacturer; lawyer and all law abiding citizens ate asked to Zend support. A fund must be raised to carry on the work, I f the violator is acquited or wins the case on a mere technical point, those directly interested loose faith and no longer care to support what they call , a “ loosing venture.” Beal prosecu­ tions will never take place until the law abiding element organizes for this purpose, Criminals and law violators band lor their own pro­ tection, so must tlii other tide. The anti-saloon movement lias hot been a failure no matter if every Saloon-keeper continues to PoorBlood Tour can trust a m edicine tested 00 yea'fsl Sixty years of experience* think of that! Experience with Ayer's Sar­ saparilla; the original Sarsa­ parilla ; the Sarsaparilla the doctors endorse for thin blood, weak nerves, general debility. , lint *v«h thU strand' old teMltelne ewMAt do fa Mat work it -the liver ia inactive and Use tsivKSU &itittir*ted> Ttor the Mat eosniwere* anita, von etmutdtake ievauve dosvatsfAje*'* rill, *hi!« taklnirtheSataapariil*. ■XUs»m*ni(Swta;,**r*»f yen W# km* sieaentetat W* snbiiaK lb*timMvVkU «»U cttirffi<KU«iae«. ffAmVKKMT. AoeiicistPy atem ttCTowt. violate the law. The liquor laws are not the only laws that are vio­ lated today A b long as there are laws there will be violations, It this essily ior laim’ The greatest fear the saloon forces have is the result of the education of the coming generation againBt the use of beverages, Tpe closed door of the Baloon, -regardless of violations, is one of the. greatest educational movement launched. Tho youth who knows not the temptation is not. likely to break over in after life. The demonstration of. Saturday night will he repeated in other cities and towns of this and other states, but there is no cause for alarm. It is the future of the saloon business that is alarming the liquor men of today. They know that as long ns liquor is made the drinkers of today will use it. Gloomy prospects ap­ pear for the dram shop of the future owing to a large per cent of young men that will be reared without the knowledge pf the open saloon. Tarty lines are no longer an issue on the saloon question or with the so.called “ personal liberty” leagues then why should the opposition ■re­ main unorganized owing to political standards? NOTICE. TSfetict 1* hereby given that all vaults must be cleaned up and rub- bleh and aehes carted away by May is, 180B. Any ponton failing to com­ ply with the above notice shall be considered guilty of misdemeanor and punUbed accordingly. By order of the Board of Health Samuel Albright, Health Officer. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. In the Matter of Publication of tho Notice in the Estate of Mary A, Barr, deceased. thafe -the- " ‘v! 'iindersig'n^h^b^w»Hp^iuied and* duly'qualified by.tho Probate Court of Greene county, Ohio, as Admin­ istratrix of the above named estate, All persons indebted to said estate must make immediate payment; those having claims will present them for settlement, B ailie 15 . M itchell, The" funeral * of Mrs. Hugh McHatton will be held today froni Mr. H. A, Barr’s residence at 1:3G, The deceasedwas tho daughter of the late John Collins and thetwidow of Bev. Hugh McHatton. Slid died Tuesday evening. Miss Rosanna Badger daughter of Mr.’ and M ts Martin Badger, died early Monday morning after a sick;- ness- of -geverafinonths. The -dd- Ceased was about twenty-live years of age and was a graduato of Cedax- vnle High school. For several yearsebe taUghtschool inKentucky. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon, but burial did hot take place until Thursday awaiting the WllBam, o f Pasulylvania, Burial took, place at Massteg Creek. Fitted by Nature tp H*nj O ij .’ , The leech has three jaw*, each fit­ ted with 80 to 90 teeth. 8 tat * orOmo, Orr#or routeo, i JjVQAJiCtvRir PaxsKJ.O bbhky ntakea path that he is seniorpartnerof the firm of W. J. Oavvex & Co., dolnrhadecfti in the <dtyof Toledo, County, »oa>«t«te afonwid, »od that eaid farm will pay th*aupis OFft HUNDRED DOLLARSlor aapli aywy.ease of OatarrU that cannot be earedby theuse of H am .’a 0 atab *8 C obb . PJtANKJ, CHENEY. ■Sworn to beforemeandsubscribed inmy nee, thi*<Jthffey of December, A. D- S o | beao j- A . W GLEASON^ Notary Public Hall’sCatarrh cure wutaken internally andactsdhvedyon the blood andmaoons surfacesof thesyatom. Sendfor teettmoni- tds, free. . The Ruth of the Amazon. The tide has a greqt inftuOneo ol\ the Amazon, extending many hun­ dreds of miles from its mouth. At the northern part of the mouth Oc- ,eurs a curious phenomenon, called by the natives “pororoea." During the full and. the dark of tho moon the tide reaches its highest point for a few minutes only. Aa soon as this tide begins to a rumbling roar can be heard far away, a distance of five or sixmiles. It is the pororoca approaching. This ,roar increases with the- coming of the wave, Which is from thirteen to thirty feet in height and covors the entire width of tho channel. An­ other wave follows immediately, then a third and sometimes a fourth. After these waves havo passed, the impetuosity and force of which nothing can resist, the tide resumes its regular course. Quick Recovery. A dentist in tho Bose building has a little daughter who believes the efficacy of prayer. I f you want anything pray for it, and. you’ll get it—that’s what she thinks. The other day her father, who tells the story, was trying to shamO her for having disobeyed him. 'What would yon do if papa were to die?” he*asked her, "Oh,” she told him, "matoma and I’d Both pray i-ig another papa for me, and we’d have one tho vlfry next day,” —Cleveland Plain Dealer. Thought He Wes Home, A German, merchant’s wife com­ plained to a friend recently; " If Only my husband were not so nb- sentmindedj... The other day, when we were dining at a restaurant the waiter brought him some bad fish, and all of a sudden Fritz threw the whole thing, fish, plate, bread, all at my head. I was ashamed”— London Scraps. The Cannon Ball Tree. Among the plants of Guinea one of the most curious is the cannon ball tree. It grows to tho height of sixty feet, and its flowers are re­ markable not only for their beauty, but also for their fragrance. Its blossoms are of a beautiful crimson, apnearing in largo bunches and ex­ haling a rich perfume.* The fruit resembles enormous cannon ballsj hence the name. However, some say it has been so called because of the noise which the halls make in bursting. From the sheila domestio utensils Mo made, and from the contents are obtained several kinds of acids, sugar and gum as well as the materials for making an excel­ lent drink in riekness/ LEGAL NOTICE, HO. 12Q57, Common Pleas Court, Gr#ene County, Ohio. Mary Kelterbran, Plaintiff, • ’ , ' va; -' v V , k " Everett Helterbran, Defendant. Everett Helterbran, defendant herein, residence unknown, will take notice'that on the 19th day of March, A. D, 1908, Mary Helterbran filed, in the Common Pleas Court,of Greene county,. Ohio, her petition for. divorce against him, on the grounds of wilful absence and gross neglect of duty, and that the same w ill ,be for hearing at the court nouse,in K«iua,‘0hi6, on April 27th -1908,, or aasoon-thereaiter as the same can bp heard;' by' which titae.- defendant *must .answerer demur to saidpetition,, or judgment may bo taken against him. 4-17 d. tSigned) Mary Helterbran .iri.UI-.i.N aUisnfilner isriMingraL i ’NOTKAXlfC'O.TIC. FdcSmile Sligrfftfure of x m r ' EXACTCOPY OF WRAPPER. b CASTORIA Tor Inikatg and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THtCCNAUPCOHMHY*flBWYffIK.C|tV*, '•TAKE THIS CUT'’ AT* J H. ricM ILLANi Manufacturer of CEMENT GRAVE VAU LTS1! Hollow Cement Building Blocks, Chimney Blocks, Veranda Col­ umns, Piers, Etc., Etc. Telephone 7 . Cedarville, Ohio. SHESIfFS’ & 4 LL State of Gfeio, Greene County, s*,5 - Pursuant to command of an order of sale mpartition l»su«d from tho Court of Common Plea* of said county, and to me directed, and de­ livered, Twill offer ter sal* at pub­ lic auction, at the front door of the Court house. In the Cityef Xenia, In said coupty, on Saturday, May 16 , A. 0 . 1908 , at 2-o’ clock p, m.* the following de­ scribed lands and tenements, as a whole towit ; Situate in the County pf Greene, ih the State of Ohio, and iu tho Township of Cedarville, and hounded and described as follows, viz:—Dying on th« waters of Mas- sieB’ creek, being part of military survey entered In the name of Baylor Hill Ho 1824,it being a part of the same tract of land conveyed by the administrator of Martin Bawne, deceased, to Stephen Wil son; Beginning for the part hereby conveyed at three small jack oaks xtt.David Anderson’ s line and* run­ ning thence with said line north 85% degrees east 119.6 poles te a stake In William Marshall’s line; thence With said line south 4be degrees east 101poles to s stake and sassafras; thence south 86 degrees west 119.6 poles to a stake Corner to Isaac Wade; theaoe with said Wade and Joseph Eakestraw line north 4££ de­ gree West 101 poles to the begin­ ning, containing seventy-five acres. Also the following real estate, sit­ uate It County of Clark, in State of Ohio, and in thetewnshipof Greene, and which at one point adjoins the' above described real estate, ahd' bounded and described as follows:— Beginning id the line o f Albert Seller* a stone eoraer to David Andersen bears North 1 degree, 65 minutes West, 1.5 poles; thence passing said corner stone and then with the said DavidAnderson!* liner Korth i degree 66 minutes'West* 71i70poles tea stake in the Clifton and Helnia road; Thence South 74 degrees 90minutes Bast 1.0Qpdles to a stake; theuee South I degree 55 minutes Bast 71.42 poles to a stake; thence »7 degrees 55 minutes West I pole to the beginning, con­ taining 71.66 square poles more or less, tb* same being need aa an en­ trance from said read to said 75acre tract, - . Said premiseswere appraised as a whole under a former order of this court at f»7.f» per acre. Terms of Bale; Iscash, in one year and H in two years, deferred payments to b*secured bymortgage on premises sold, To be sold by order of said Court in case jsto. IffOfft wherein Florence $T. Arthur is petitioner and Mary A. Hellers, eta!., are defendants. HOWARD AFJ?L*mT13, Sheriff, Greene County. CHASE ST®WART, F.*8d Attorney for petitioner. Wee $ 3 i ■ ‘ Thousands of stout women who Imagined they .must pave their corsets “madettr; order wourare- wearing the famous . NE.MO ’ ■, Self-reducing Strsip A lso ihe Royal Wor- . cester Ameri­ can Beauty] 50c up to $3.94 Children's Dresses $1, to $2.- Ladies’ Dress Skirts— fine se- ^>,* lvsto for Stout Women lection, best fitting. Waists —All in Net—-Persian Lawn and Percale Muslin Underwear— great Stock. Long Silk and Kid Gloves —all the rage. Jackets and Suits to fit the body and purse WITGflISON S GIBflEY’S, XENIA . OHIO. 9 f 9 $ 9 i TOW N SLEY BROS,. Cedarville, Ohio. M anufacturers o f Cement B u ild in g B lock s , B u ild - . ings raised and foundations constructed . See us for Cement w o rk jo f a ll kinds. Estim ates cheer** fu lly g iv en .- TOR DURABILITY AND SERVICE; 3 W e have found * “ J .-M .” A SB E STO S R O O F IN G ^ . equal to all demands. Whether it be used on the most modest farm building or the largest manufacturing plant we have always found it true to its trust. It is made to give Service. Every square is thoroughly inspected before leaving the factory. The workmanship is right, and the materials used in its construction are as good as money can buy. As evidence—we can point to Asbestos Roofing applied in the early nineties in good condition to-day. Furthermore* it requires no coating or painting. “ The first cost is the on ly coat. ” Our Booklet “ R .M Sent free on request* w ill give you valuable information. ^ H . W . Johns-Manville C o . / *Cleveland, O. “ Wo recommend it; there isn’ t nay better... „ In mid-summer yon have to trust Well Cared For Meats in hot weather are the only kind to buy; we have proper appliances for keeping them right, and they’re Bweet and safe when sold. Don’ t go meat shopping when rt’s hot. Buy of us and he sure. C. H. CROUSE, CEDARVILLE, O. i l i a «»Ih*v6ti«ed|your vaituablo Cascareta and-jSnd themporfectr voBWn'6.dowlthbpt.tb«mr i^haye usedthem tor gometime for Indigestion:jtnd;hU- lousnesHandamnow completely cnTed# «oeom* mend themto everyone. Once tried* yon WtU neverbawUlionl H.Y. Best For The Bowels. CANDYCATHARTIC' wf, Tlover{piclcan*weaken,orwripu< swl « abldInbulk. Thegenuinetabletetrftap Guaranteedtocureoryourmoneyback* Sterling Remedy Co.* Chicago or N»Y» 6oa JWNUALSALEi TENMILLIONBOXES, C£», O S t B X f t f l Z R 2 55 g > x £> g G*r5-t-z S E 2 > S «i t » 5 r n 2 s 2 r £ 0 S 2 t » x s - i r - 7 j * - ^ E2 m E5 > 35 53 & ’ % 2 3 < R P i B \Qt . x o " c r w. JPSO 5 ! 1S < C5 5 , » o S o f t N.cncn if? Ss-8 * 4 8 . 1 r s r » a f ----- — Sl^— LIQUORe«l MORPHINE" Hobits, Is the only eur* *md sssBssas&s%tfs®ttz COLUMBUS OHIO - Work of Love. Lovo makes our heaila go rcuad, and wo eometinios iihaglho it's the world, i •* .£*4 Baker’s Restaurant. Now located in the Book- waiter Hotel Building across th e , street from the old .“ Adams” stand. Restaurant in hotel lobby and dining room on second floor, reached b y elevator. Meals 25c and 85c. High Street, Springfield, O,. Mwmm&tiiiiSni to *< Fi Fencii that* Perfec weldei wires, hold 7m, i. TlisI Cl) а, Noi a No) . t. fit* S. ( ( 6 . Goal T. Gaa| б. < 9 . Mad 10. Mo; anod. •< of tho , wrappod Dl