The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 1-26

o k Si-lX^ »rf»~‘g^'^tei^g~'«r<t 4 ^t- j*j$Ls*fT>i OHIO The Purest Is Best. M ade a t J am e s tow n H ills , R , G. G eorge, P rop ., Jam estow n , O. The Best Is Cheapest. FLOUR SOLD BY ALL FIRST CLASS GROCERS. ICE CREAM SODA! A L F IN N E Y 'S _m' t LOCAL AND PERSONAL •VHy<M9^JKMy<iiy*eJc>(>I Miss Boa* Stormont was the guest of her sister, Mr*. MeGarry of X*uia over Sabbath, -Carpels, mattings and linoleums at McMillan's. Ice Cr$am Furnished for enter­ tainments and Dinners* Sold in any amount Alias A- L . Craufurd spent Mon- .. J Jnw In ^ a l ninKjhn^ . . ,. ........r .v .... Afr^Joseph McFarland of Dayton ■pent Sabbath at home. We arethePeople whosell the House Furnishings. Let. us prove it by/showing you our 100 Rooms o f Remnants .;pHk'HjF 1-2 regular price. Also an im­ mense stock (this seasons patterns) - to select from , at 5c to 25c per bolt. Sample book on request. Misa Edith Morris spent Saturday in Dayton. ' —Seed corn that will grow. Get it at Kerr & Hasting** Bros. —Doublejand single acting force pumps, also pitcher spout pumps In stock at J. E, Pierce’s. • ^*!A*iy*'.ni*,!'r;»,*.i»i‘«f.iii,■ ■ Miss Mable Xtoberl* of Springfield arrived Sunday evening for a visit with Miss Eleanor Smith. •Mr.- D. H. McEarlaud and wife visited in Dayton, Sabbath. Miss Inez .Shepherd entertained the G.Q. T. club Tuesday afternoon, —Attractive prices on buggies at Kerr &Hastings Bros; Miss Kate Hisbet spent Wednes- Iday m Columbus. In many different grades and patterns, 25c to 67 l-2 c per yard. — A fu ll line o f these popular Floor Coverings from 12 1-2 to 33 l-3 c per yd . Room Size in all the different kinds and qualities—Ingrain, Brussels, Axminster, Velvets, $5.00 to $2ff.00;each r Is the .beat Kitchen Floor Covering made; coats a little more at the beginning but is cheapest, in the end. We show quite a stock. LACECURTAINS & WINDOW SHADES , 50c to $4.00 pair and iL hy ,-patterns to select from. A ll colors and (widths from 15c up. WE PAY 15 cents per dozen for Eggs . 09 “ “ pound for Lard 1 091-2c “ “ “ Bacon BIRD’S MAMMOTH STORE. P. S,***If you want to sec carpets or Wall Paper come in during the day. We Can Mot Show Them Jtfter Might. MONUMENTS, CUTSTONE, STATUARY Your duty to your loved one*who hava^ passed away. , Let their final restingplacebemarked for all time With asuitablememorial. If you desire originality ia design and thoroughness in , construction— come and see us. With our superior facilities and equipment, which, are not equalled by any retail concern in the tT. 8., we aro prepared as never before to fnrmsft high grade Work less money than inferior work will cost elsewhere. We employ ho agents in tills territory, I f at all interested in any in our line, write, phona for catalogue ot if possible call to see us, Dell phone $!>i, Citizens phone 2lS. Established 1801. G EO RG E DODDS & SON, 113 , H 5 »i ; 7 )HQW . Main St, Xenia. O. W. H. BlAir of Loveland, publish- ?of the Tri County Press, has be*1* ven a verdict of $2,000 in the Hato* ton County Circuit Court on error. '« recently sued the ChatOeld & fysds Co, of Cincinnati for $10,000 srnage* for Injuries received while irchasing goods in their war* a«se. lie stepped into a vacant airway that ww» under repair, wing to darkness he was net able > see the dangerous place. Remarkable Metaphor/ The Englishwomen suffragists have contiibuted besides other things to the gayoty of nations a remarkable miked metaphor. On© of these stren­ uous ladles, speaking of, the lack of interest of women In their rights, said: 'As yet it Is but a Ilea bito on the ocean, but let us arise in all our strength and nip it in the hud. we hate seen too much not to know where the boto pinches.'' Mr. A, Z. Smith made a business trip to Cincinnati last Saturday. , —Curtains to tit your windows at McMillan’s. Mr, Walter Iliit was in Columbus Wednesday on business. Mr. Frank -B. Bull of Shelbyville. Ind.Hspent Sunday -with bis parents —Bookers, coaches, folding beds, side boards, at McMillan's ' r Bev. Boas Hume of Clifton will preach Sabbath for the B. P. con­ gregation. Mr. ClandeM. Phillips Wife and son, of Dayton, have been visiting here. ■ Miss Louisa Smith was the guest of the Misses Binck o f Xenia over Sabbath, Mr. Boberfc Hanna Of Chillicothe *s.visiting his daughter. Mre.J, W. Dixon, —FOB. SALE j—Plenty of short slab wood. Apply to the D- 8. Eryip Company. Pbe Springfield Matinee club will give a horse showat the fair grounds on Wednesday* May 27.- _5 Mr. JattomHolmes add wife* low Xenia spent Thursday at the home Of Mr, H. H, McMillan,. Clsan newspapers put up In ban dies and sold for five cents each at this ofilce. Mr, and Mrs. Allen Haines at­ tended the funeral of Mrs. C. H, Smith at Jamestown Sabbath. Mrs. Belle Gray has for her guest Mr., and Mrs, Beid of St. Louis, Mrs Bold;being a sister. Mr. Boberfc McFarland, -who has been at Williamsport fop some tim'e lias returned here. Mr, Bert TJstiok and sister, Hello, Were guests of Miss Lillie Stewart over Sabbath. —Use Verihest Flour for good re­ sults. For Sale only at Townsleys’ grocery. Mr. J, D, Sllvey returned to Col­ umbus Sunday evening after a visit of several days at home. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Townsley are the proud parents of a son. that ar rived at their home Monday, Miss Edith Neold returned to Xenia Sabbath evening after a visit Wifh Dr. E. C. Oglosboe and family, Prescription c . - . Shopping. « i There is a saving that does not sate. There Is no satisfaction or profit in saving a few centB on a pre­ scription and getting medicine of an inferior quality. Euless medicine is carefully and skillfully compounded, by experienced persons, it is costly at any price. The thing to look out for—to in* slsfc upon—is quality. Quality is the only tiling to think of whenwe buydrugs. Our utmost care and professional skill attend the compounding of every prescription. If you want the Satisfaction of knowing that your prescription Is absolutely right, bring it hero. Ho ono can give you more ac­ curate preset lption service than you #at here. ...Isaae Wisteman... —A small lot of se$d corn that will grow. Speak soon for it. Ktrr escHostings Bros. Mr. Frank Shepherd and family '-idWAtfjgAij»*&u '■ • —If you want the earliest of all the best of tomatoes and cabbage. I have the plants now ready. ® • B, W. Kennon, Dayton will have an automobile show beginning next Monday and continuing throughout the*week. $1.30 Cincinnati Excursion Pennsylvania “ Line*. Sunday, April 20th. Excursion train leaves Ce'darville afc'f;S0 a, to,, cen­ tral time., ' Mrs. Florence Bemshefgof Spring- field and. Miss Jennie Harris ot Chicago spent' Friday at the home of Mayor Wolford. Mr. and Mrs, .Joseph Waddle will give a reception this evening in honor of their son, Elmer, and bride. MissEleahor Smith and her guest, Miss Wancia Simon's returned to Cleveland, Wednesday evening after spending their spring -vacation here. —For a good galvanized steel tank, see J, E, Fierce. Mr. George Strain of Webb City, Missouri, made a short visit here with relatives, Wednesday, • House cleaning time is here and you will need cleanpapers for your fioors. Large bundles At this ofilce for five cents each. Mr. and Mrs. James Holmes and daughter o f Xenia spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. H. H. McMillan. Miss Anns, Atkison of Selmaspent the week with her sister, with ‘ her sister, Mrs. Baper Wade. —Machine oil, SsOopergallonwhile it lasts. At J. E. Fierce’s shop. Mr. O*M. TOwnSley was in 'Can­ ton therfirst of the weak where he purchased an automobile. It is of the steam type, manufactured by the Locomobile Company. Bev. O. H, Milligan, wife and son left Thursday for Hew Concord, where Bev. Milligan assists Bev. John JDownie in communion ser­ vices on Sabbath. FOB SALE:*-Bhode Island Bed cockerels and pullets. They Are beauties. Citizens ’ phone. Cedar- vllle exchange. 8-8 it . F, I*. SicCatley ThoMagar Straw Board «fc Paper Co., has been shut down two weeks owing t o » shortage of coal, due to theminers strike. The mines wets in operation Monday and it is ex­ pected that there will be plenty of coal by Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A, JBmlth had for their Easter guests. Sabbath Miss Margaret Stewart, Bev. Massy and Bev. Davis of Wilberforce Miss Stewarthaa an excellent paper on “ Christian Religion” at the Easter exercises held Babbath in church. f The posfcofllce department in anx ious to completely revise the pres­ ent form of addressing a letter, Festal authorities state that If those sending mail would write the name of the stAle first, county second, town third, street fourth and the name of the addressee lost, the mail handlers could do their work almost twice as fast. It seems that the work of raising #5,000 for the Xenia and Wilmington traction line h«« proved to be quite a task, only $6,000 being raised so far. People are skeptical of such proposition* and do net have much confidence 16a company that only needs $6,000more. “TheBestis Always the Cheapest” We handle the Hamilton and Peters Buggies and Carriages, two o f tne best made Vehicles on the marked. We compete with alV dealers on price and teafliiiSi Sattely and Gale Cultivators, McCormick Disc Harrows, International Gasoline Engines, Manure Spreaders, ‘ McCormick Binders and .mowers. C, N. StucKey S0ti. --- 1908- KING Standard and Reg* istered 33832 , Trotting Trial 2:t9 1*4 Seal brown liorse with tan banks, 15.8 hands .high, goodstyle and.action,weighs 1100pounds with-best feet and legs. He has sohie colts with fast trials. His .oldest' colts here are coming yearlings. His coltsare large and handsome with good trotting action, GAMBETTA KING by Game' Warden 27005, he by Gambetta Wilke*2:I0*& sire of 300 With standard record*.' GameWarden’s dam isAlice, damof Aljietta 2:16#, and Alice Wilke# 2:17, by Onward2:26#, sire of fUSInfist. ■ - - , ~ Gambetta King sfirst damHannepin Maid, damof i trotters and one pacer, Second dam, Sallic Messen­ ger, damof Lady Thome 2:26. $25 T o In su re a L iv in g C o lt. PRINCE, J. Bay Stallion 10 hands high, weighs about 1200 pounds,and a very strong Built horse with,good style and,action. As a breeder he is second to hone, His Colts are showing well and and some of them will be worked this year,' His-oldest colts arc coming four years old. Ho doubt lie will be a speed sire, PRINCE J., was sired by J. W„ C. 2:10j& sire of Valdo 2:1U>4, Billy J 2:1 1%, FlettyJ. 2:1G&,. Orphan Boy 2:10>i, Winona J. 2 : 2 Florence fe, 2:20^. His dam is Solon Bell 2:21 by Jugler Boy 2:i7. $!5 To Insure Living Colt. BLACK JOE Jr. Black Spanish Jack, six years old, good, size, good action andanumber one breeder. His colts sell for good prices. - $tO To Insure Living Colt* Tlie GambettaFarm is one mile east of Jamestown on the middle Jeffersonville pike. ’T or tabulatedpedigree and particulars call on or ad­ dress the owner, J A M E S B IN E G A R , O w n e r . Citizens Thone 11-176. Jamestown, O. FARMS 50 TO. TOO Constantly on band FOB SALE throughout Ohio, Write us TO­ DAY for our descriptive list. State size of farm and locality desired—or if you want us, to Sell your farm, writo us. We can sell it for you. Years of exper­ ience. Good bank references, Smith & Clematis, Real Estate and Laan Agents. Cedarville, Ohio. Also agents for the famous Car- terear Automobile. FOR SALE. BUff Plymouth.Bock Eggs, Hug- get Strain. 76c*nts for setting of 16 eggs. J. E. Hastings. Word has been received that Mr. Ralph Wolford, who lias been in Moxioo since last fall, would sail fromVeto Ortiz, Thursday of this Week for Hew York City. Coming by boat to New York City and then home will toake a delightful trip. At th* Democratic convention held In Xenia Jast Saturday J, .0. Bates of this place was oboson as one tot the delegates to the state convention. Messrs. O, JR, Brad- fute aed j . A. McMillan were cho­ sen delegates to the congressional invention when It Js expected that Congressman M, it, Denver wlil he i’e-nominafed. F r e sh F ish ! F r e sh * Why not tty some Fresh Fish once, they are good for your appetite and health, I have made arrange­ ments at the lakes to have nothing but Fresh Stock, so they are shipped to me the same day they are caught. W e have all kinds o f vegetables in season. Breakfast Foods, Canned Goods and Jellies, Smoked Meats. Fresh and Salt Meats. In the same old stand; at the same old place near the same old R , R .;o n the same old street) the same old Rhone 100 ; the same old name Chas. n . Spencer Telephone 100 CedarviHe, JDhio. Fresh and Balt Meats,^Vegetables.; Man'* Lack of.Chivalry. From the beginning the "excuse o f Adam” : "The woman whom thou gav* est to mo to ho with me, she tempted mo,” has been a iavorito one with all mankind. "Chcrche* la femme” is the Old French proverb. "There is never a bit of mischief but a petticoat is at ttho bottom of it,’’ says the old English i version of the same maxim, Slew March cf Muftle. It takes time for some operas to come to England, but Gluck’s “Ar- mlde ” beloved of Marie Antoinette, probably establishes a record in thla respect. To bo exact, “Armlde”—pro* duced at Covfcnt Garden last night - has taken 120 years to reach our . shores since its. Initial production in j Paris,-London Dally Moll, * s^Fl#****of tfogHjit ‘tr , t I *