The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 27-52

'* F ■<+ wd'-flfk#V'.tT^V'blS. 5 F*or Kx<^ll«a(ve Our l o b L - Work w ill compare w ith tha t o f any other firm , . , * V *9 *J \ y . y^vvvwvv!sA/vy Ti]jf3 item when CMfhc.4 with m Jftukut, deepen sifrd yj'w ssbricrm jp f-apt due and a prompt s till/ te.tEscaroutJydecked. ..»«' -i.— TH H tT T ~H R ST TEA R NO. 49. CEDAKVILLie, OHIO, DECEMBER 4, 1908, PR ICE 61.00 A* TE A R , f?*’ -g^CTrareW-j^'!> WASAGUEST nc tuc ocme Ul M IL IILIUOi Trie rjemld ig in receipt of a copy1 of the Hill start* Dispatch which was sene-us by Mr. J. M. Colley, a former regidentof this place- In if we find » marked ai^Ioie written by Miss E tta Brown, superintendent of the Training. Department of the State Normal School in Nebraska. Miss Brown was. sent to Europe, for Study by the government and her description of an afternoon recep­ tion a t tho home of Embassador Wbitelaw Bold and wife will, be read with interest by people -in this corinty, * - , Tho Bolds bavo about the hand­ somest establishment in London. Tiro-owner ibherttc^d it and could not afford to keep.ft up, go f t ' was one could, afford to tease i t until the Bet t-w came. They pay $30,000a year rent fop it. The halls 'and grand staircase of white mapbffj’ are, yety imposing, I/aekies in livery, are on every hand _ to assist and direct you. -The salon and drawing rooms are filled with famous-paintings by the masters, inlaid, cabinets of priceless bric-a- brac; cut glass chandeliers and elegant frescoes. Tho orchestra ■ played the softest and sweetest mu­ sic, during the entire time, arid a ■profusion of choicest flowers in eie- ANKiVEBSABY, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Turnbull were given a surprise Tuesday ,evening a t the home of Mr, and Mrs. J , H Wolford when about twenty-five of their friends one relatives called on them in honor of their tenth wed-' ding anniversary. An oyster supper was served those present, Mr. and Mrs, Turnbull were the recipients of a number of presents m honor of the occasion. FREY LINE. IS [Men rui/ry np m ME TO StEEP, Backward, turn backward, Oh time in your flight, Bring back tha t turkey that’s now out of sight, - Mother come on with tha t hot oven door . • Place it well wrapped on my stom­ ach so so,re, r J Wipeirom my forehead tjhose big drops of.sweat, ’ ' * - Cover b y feet with that felt cpver- l e t / . ■ > Cver mj pillow your Toying watch keep, Datum to sleep', Doctor, put me to sloop. ’ \\ Backward, turn backward sad hol­ iday gUntyageSW^re everywhere; greatvThab I that devil’s cake may-throw i-—.— ^ a w a y , ■ Cake withoutjudgment brings tears all in vain, arpisful of caster lillies, pink Tillies; chrsyanfchemums as large as plates, etc. - . •- v We ascended the marble staircase to the strains of music, and were met a t its head by Mrs. lleid, who, -was gowned in pale, blue satin with atr&in ay a rd or two long/ From there we passed on to the green drawing room, where We were greeted' b y Embassador Bold, dm elderly man with snow white., hair and'beard. Mo is finite unassum­ ing apd told. .«$ tha t we would find a large number/of English-people arid,many of our countrymen whom' vre probably knew. We passed around anti talked without any in-. troduetiori. J w«f gaits attracted fco,an elderly ih<§. Take it and give me b y fried mush ■again, ’ . ’ Those reared in luxury, such food may chew, Brit for us workmen these changes ■won't do. ■ ■ Overby pyor back fhe cold shivers creep. ^ Put mo to sleep, Doctor, put me to ■ sleep.. ‘ • M o ther/dear-bo ther, the night seems so long Slime by high jivingb y system got , wrong And with such ■agony surely it ." scorns,'« . " ’« ’■ Itisegpected that important de- velppments will result from the an­ nual meetjug of tho Springfield, Wilmington and Cincinnati Bail­ way company which was held Tues­ day afternoon a tth e Arcade hotel. Ci J, Clendennon, of New -York City, George H, Prey, Jr., who has been promoting the road for the S last few years, and a number of J other men interested attended the meeting. When Mr, FreyyasHsked what was in prospect he said that he.eouid not give out any informa­ tion a t this time. He riaid 'thAi kho outlook Was good and tha t the de­ tails would be worked out as rapid­ ly as possible. The proppsed lino is considered ono ot the best that-w ill enter Springfield as i t will open up a ’new territory where there- is a large field to draw ftom. - ’ It- will be of special benefit .to this city as it .will bo the largest on the fine wjth the excoptfdh of .Cfncin- hati.—-Springfield News, GOOD ROADS. The PostOittce DepartmCUtissued orders- about six months ago, re­ questing all.people ou Kural Routes to repair their'roads.' At tha t time there were, several ifiaees on o«r three Rural Boutes th a t through the*winter were bad- But the pa­ trons of the rural routes saw the point, tha t unless they made some repairs they would be minus their rural delivery, and they began and worked with a -will. We catvcongratulate the County Commissioners' first,. ihe township trustees next, and last but net least the patroris’of dlir rural routog/fqr the splendid work they have done tbispast year on the roads- We think our roads now will compare very favorably with any in' this state,-which we think should mak»* every citiren of Csdarvill/ town* Jbet the Having been present location theHnme Store ul of The Ffthfin­ find it absolutely j additional floor j volume , of burfr greater than anili doors of this stor the public. Tho store is lo« of Springfield, floors in the new fll can Trust Company store Is complete and js filled with most stylish of alk a strictly first The facts that thfl, has been a strong dj largely duo to the* Crease in'businoss.j ■As- to tlrn per? store every one of acquainted to the They have been' competence in lines and for 11 courteous,and pals trade. ROLL 0$t; No. 1.*-?Kathrji Bryan, Lois Lb'«i son, WUliamCol Ralph Fry, Paul' hell, Eddie luesa tin, Eddjfe WAtari Rumor, Ho Andre Emma Cbapcy' Wfibnr prinloy, •No-. T.—Hestyi'' Thomas, Blanclu No. Kussoil CtoswelJ; Helen. (, Stiickey, MaryJ Andrew, Berrni Sites No. in their weeks l attraction jflbd, to add to fLe much then t.hf jsnoti fo hsa?t' three .Ameri- »gi' Tho respeci st and rried in is store. ■ arc, new rdf and. ited in. I'tbo new ^yeeffate ig public for their gpectlve jty to jie Swith the Lucille il Lin- ■Collins, fly Grim rd Mar-; . , X Hanna p e n n o n , b Pauline Eulit" rrjofje rtrude it'jMMI Will TEST i no*i nnimiu mu LuuHLurnun Findlay, 0.„ November g7,—Suif was entered in tho Hancock couniy Common Pjeas Court this afternoon to have the Bose county local option law declared unconstitutional. The plaintiff Is Jacob Gassmari, a saloon keeper; and the defendants are Judge A, E. Korns and Theo­ dore W. Bayless, who'managed tho local option campaign in this coun­ ty, to restrain them from pushing the matter in the courts, Hancock going‘dry by 1,087, A temporary restraining order has- .also boon asked, for, but Judge Duncan is holding a session of Court in Tiffin, The saloon men quilt business hero December 16. Gqorge tf, 'Phelps, who assisted in the prose'cuiion, of the Standard Oil suits, is attorney' for tho plaintiff Who alleges tha t the' provisions of the Boric law violate the constitu­ tional liberties of the Subject of government .under both the state and Federal, bilL of rights; tha t it violates the principles of inviolabil­ ity, of private properly under the same bilLof rights’; that it is in vio­ lation of thatsection aud article of the constitution ofOhio which dele­ gates to the General Assembly such 'legislative' power as is not by the fenns.of the ‘constitution reserved to the people- of the state; tha t it violates the first paragraph'of Sec­ tion 26 of Article 2 of -the u'onstitu- tfoi/bf 185/requiring that all laws of a general nature shall have a un­ iform operation' throughout the state, and tha t Tfcviolates f her same section and article in that the Gen­ eral Assembly delegated the legis­ lative power to a majority of the electors Of the bounty audfprovides for the fakingeffedt; of the’law upop tho approval ofother authority than the General Assembly, in violation of said paragraph, which provjderi in terms thatno a c t shall be passed to taka effect upon the approval of Any other authority thhn the Gen­ eral Assembly, OUk HATS.. There is na article of any kind on sale anywhere with a b e tte r established or b e tte r deserved repu ta tion than our Hat& .. . W in ter styles now ready, a t the usual moderate cost. „ Soft Hats 5 0 c to $ 5 0 0 Derbies $ 1 ,50 to $ 3 ,5 0 SUliiilVflB, The flatter, 21 South L im estone , Sp r in g fie ld , O CANHAVEA HANDINIT ,-We h a v e done O 0 R p a r t to m ake th i s th e Big­ g e s t .and B e s t C h r is tm a s E V E R a n d th e ^finest s ig h t in tow n is ou r B e au tifu l S tock ,of .C h r is tm a s G ifts c o n ta in in g a l l t h a t is B r ig h t, F re sh ,. N ew * a n d N oye l in H o l id a y G ood s . , - • • WHERE YOU COME IN ; f I s in s im p ly g e ttin g bu sy .a n d m a k in g y o u r C h r is tm a s se lec tion s-from o u r w o n d e r fu lly com ­ p le te - a s so r tm e n t o f R E A L L Y D E S IR A B L E ' G IF T S at. th e fa ire s t a n d m o s t re a so n a b le p r ice s . 'J h . jvh ^ HoimaaHunt, w?dow « , r 0m8Uch gor^ s hereafter Til the famous artist who painted MThc I (* ~ Light of the World,!’ He was. the father of English1Sacred art, and made bis reputation on tha t pic­ ture. We were directed to tho spacious diningroom where there was otic long table, tho entire length/ of the room ou which, the refreshments were served arid , around .which moBtof the men' stood, while the ladies write seated, a t dozens' of small tables, on gilded chairs and served by men in livery. The china was exquisite an d - luscious. ifcjs/ wr ikhiirijfcftt- bow keep, Put trie to sleep, Doctor, put me to sleep. J, E. B ak »AW, RELATIVE DIED. .Ms*.Dayid:Bankin, o fl^hm h iltb HI., brother of James ,|iftrikinii.«^i TarkiOi, Mo., iho corti ah^ edltlb king, and grand nhotb/^t--lS|y8i; Clayton McMillan, died Sabbath, every thing.Nov. 22, after a long illness of kid- [ney and bladder trouble. bhree years m has boon done ih the last three, we feel positive vto Will be Claosed-among the hop not ethers' . j PoStmariter. NOTICE. Frank S. Davidson Co., Maty Goings, whose residence Is unknown, will .take nbtico tliat Zorn Goings, her husband, on tiie 6th day o f November 1908, filed his petition in ,,the Court; of Common Pleas, of Greeno" County, Ohio, against her, asking for a divorce from her on the grounds .of wilful absence from' him for the period Of three years without any jtiat caugc, which petition will be heard before the said Court oh the 21st day at December, 1908, Unless sue answers on or before that time. J2ora Goings. J. N.Dean, Atb’y ■ 18d. OPERA HOUSE—THREE NIGHTS, DECEMBER forecast . J B e g i z i n i t i g D e o . 10th. Robinson Cruso -First Night, Dec. 10th Old Farmer HopRins-.-Second Night, Dec* 11th The Folk$ Up Willow Creek-3rd Night, Dec 12 PRICES All Lower Floor 30 cents, reserved or not reserved, sill the same price. Balcony; Adults 20 cents,,children un- der 12 years 10 cents, , / P la t for Dee. 10 will open a t Johnson 's Tuesday morn­ ing, Dee. 8th . ./*, P la t for Dee. I I wiU open Wednesday morning, Dee. 9 th P la t for Dee. 12 will open Thursday morning, Dee. 10th INSTITUTES. E X T R A A T T R A C T I O N • ' * h ri t f ! . r t A . l i tJAN0<CUWKlNG / ' r to f* *•Albert omith; m t^«r *«*«** ***** tn H is Wonderful Act OFERA HOUSE E>A NigM, Dec. » , H w l 12, wHE THE FRANKS. BAVHJ60N CO. Don't M i. It. tHSCtmw Y O tr i; SKATS FAUI.Y . | 3 Dwt» Op*tt 1 :30 each ni*ht. Perfofmance i t 8 each night,j A LARGE PATRONAGE. The interest flic piddle is taking in the library is probably greater than most people imagine. During the month of Hepti iiibcr something over MWbooks were taken out while for Oeioberi the number reached boo, Miss Florence Fofhoe an librnrinn, is giving nseellenf satisfaction in that rapacity.. N«Whooke will he added as the funds become, avail* able.'' Mrs. ItavSnia“H»rper, widow of the late Georgs W. Harper, has made application In the Probate Court tube appointed administra­ trix of her hUBbauffg estate. , tip to the present time no will bf s been found and lawyers and others who have been closely associated with the deceased in tho past seem to have no knowledge of tho where­ abouts or f.nrh h document, Thovkvt«ni :itc will go to the wid­ ow In case no will is found. Bain and wind 1st and 2d, turning to Snow and colder Sd and <ith. Fifth ftndi-hxth—Milder and un­ settled, threatening ram of snow. Between 7lli and 9th—Cojdef rain and snow. Between 10th 1 and 18th—Fair Colder on night of 18th with snow, Between 14th and 17th—Cold wave and snow storm. Eighteenth and Ninofeonth—Cold tlnsettled. . Twentmthand Twenty-sixtn—sud­ den changing temposat urea, Cold wave and snowstorm between SOtli and 28d, _then milder Weather, BleCfc to wipd and rain 24feh to 2Gtb. Twenty'seventh and Twenty- eighth—Fair. Between 20th and Blot—Bam to snow and colder. W. W. MAitBjr. FOR FIVE MONTHS, ' fllVu.'wH '!<■ For fivemonthsMissNellieBrown of near Xenia and Air. Carl MeDor- manof Gladstone 'have kept their marriage a secret. The couple Were married June IGth in Coving­ ton, Ky.» and were snecessfnl in keeping their plans secret. They will reside on a farm neat Helms* TO CHICAGO. ul t Pays to Trade In s p m m P t E h n r ■ fi’ho first farmers’ institute io he iibld in tho county is on Thursday and Friday thfri week Its Yellow Springs. Cedarvillecomeri January (1-7; Jamestown, Janunry £7-Sri; Bellbrook, February lMfl. J , F. Gordon of JamestO.wn la olio of the state speakers this year, , I f you th ink the Derby too heavy, t ry ABtetaon soft h a t a t $3,SO, $5.00 or $0,00. Young’s o r Mallory’s a t $3, The When Bpeeials in all the new sharia* a t $1,98. * T H E WHEN- - Arcade * * - Springfield, O. Members4 M#rdb«nt« Asuociation. Looks Like aB i| in mind an auWmobile?party left hero Thursday evening for Spring- field to see Sam Bernard in “Near­ ly a Hero" a t the. Fairbanks thea­ tre. "When about five miles from homo fhe water pump refused to pump and lit this stage, pf ,an even Ingtf eritcrtamment WIth tlie mer­ cury 10abovo thorp was' every in­ dication tha t there was a still “greater night’' in store. By■ care­ ful manipulation each,one was hero, enough to.get hoino wilhOut walk­ ing. The Editor can testify that 'the following failed to see the show: & M. Crouse, G.'F. Siegler, Louis Tindalf and Harry Barber, Among those from this section who have been faking In tho Fat Stock Show in Chicago this week are: B. F. Kerr, G. 35. Jobe and wife, H. M, Barber, I). Brafiiute, O. E. Bradfute, F. 31. Turnbull, It. D, Williamson, Alex Turnbull, Homer Jobo and wife, Howard Little, O, B. Kauffman, Fleming Watt, W« L. MarribAll and two sons Arthur and Harry, WEATHER REPORT. The weather report for November is as follows: Bainfull, .78 of an inch; per cent sunshine G3;X light snow; frosts, 6; Wind direction, south west; clear days, 12; cloudydays, 9; part cloudy 7} xatigo of temperature, 12degrees; rains, 5; the last thunder Nov, 24; tho highest temperatuae, 68degrees; lowest temperature, 38 degrees; av­ erage temperature 4? degrees. The drouth still continues, about 112 days. HAML’nfc CnsiriWiifcL, Observer. DYNAMO CHANGED/ Tho Cedarvilie Light & Bower Company changed tho- dynamo from the old plant Tuesday to the Tarbox Lumber Co., where power Will bo furnished until the hew plant is ready for operation. The company will move the engine rrem the old plant to the new building. It is iii first class condition. Tho flew dynamo has arrived, I t is ex­ pected tha t the new setvice will b« ready January 1. $100 Rewards $*100. Tiio readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is nt least one dreaded disease that science lias been able to enfo in all its fltagta and that is Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure is theoftly positive care now known to the medlertl fraternity, Catarrh being a constitutional fliataSe, rfiiUifeS a constitutional treatment, Hall’s Catarrh cum is taken internally, acting directly up, on flic blood and mucoussurracesof system tlureby destroying tho foundation of the disease, nnd giving Aid patient strength by building up the constitution and insisting, nature it, doing its work, Tho proprietors bavo so much faith in its curative powers, that they oiler one Hundred Hollars fornny Casa that il fails to cave, " fe'end fot list o testimonials Addiff.?, F. J. (,'HFNEY <fcCo, 'lVkd* «, tf/itd by Druggist, ?3c. Hsll’li Family Pills *ro the lfth e. / m f * ig g a t h e r i n g u n d e r n n e w f ?1 rixake p e o p l e h a p p y a t C h r l s tm a $ t i th e . PLENTY OF THE BEST I s h e re *w a itin g .fo r - y o u t in sp ec tion , T o -find ; a Su itab le se lec tion is a p a s tim e , to p r ice i t is a p lea su re , to possess i t i s a p riv ilege . A v is it to ou r sto re is G U A R A N T E E of P o p u l a r P re s e n ts a t P o p u la r P r ic e s . We Can Meet Your Wants W h a t e v e r y o u r needs, com e a n d le t u s show you a v a r ie ty of b e au tifu l p re s en ts th a tw i l l a t onoe a p p e a l to you a s “J u s t th e T h in g ” . W e h a v e gen ­ u in e N ew A tt r a c tio n s ‘for C h r is tm a s a n d "We w a n t y ou to k n ow it. ‘ „ Come and See the Latest I t is a p riv ileg e to sh ow you our beau tifu l holi* d a y good s a n d y o u w ill ob lige u s by c on s id e r ing th is a p e rso n a l in v ita tio n to ba ll a n d in sp e c t our ex ten s ive a n d up-to-date lin e of C h r is tm a s N ove l­ ties . , Merit, Quality and Fair Prices A re w a itin g fo r y ou h e re in conn ec tion w i th a g re a t v a r ie ty of th e B e s t H o lid a y Se lec tion s of th e y e a r , a n d o u r w o rd of se a so n a b le g ree ting to buy- , e rs of g ifts is “ A SQUA R E - D E A L ” and . ■ *t • • A M E R R Y C H R IS TM A S T O A L L . The Rest of Everything for Xmas. Johnson’ s Jewelry Store, CEDARV ILL 0 , OH IO . G f tM l le township School Report. 1 .1,.t.v t I , .-Mb'. ' ._>•• 41. • 1 "tf 'K “K y : *1? vd t-a*'" K‘■ys. t m& s Xfi W £ ■ 3 ■' ■ » tf ft m v & ■ m / c ©r: V * 1 «■ l V M H *■*$ ty/v ■v-2 i-”.r--* NunibOl'hf HifUiet........ . . . . . “ a' -Tfi 41“ fi fi 17 { Etitollhieht......... ........ .......... ftfs at i l M 1? W m Average Daily Aimiulanra ............. . 82 1 1 li r ini 14 ■IS n ; i n Bar Gent Daily Attoriflatud?.................. M; m ss 84 e ii u i , Numtaf T a ftiy ..................................................................... ... . ..................... 13; « ii* fi. 1 d ft , ft! Number Trident Fves’y Dby . . 1H s 7 .-a: 1C.18 *9 » m Bet Cent Bfesent. Every Day ............... K%\i -m si 75 41 u Number of visninra .............................; fl Bank for Nuv„............ ....... . .. .. f f i 0 0 V* ff 1 11 il l It *» a;• 4 Jv VAMtxU&mttAh%