The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 27-52

W Dywtfaiy tom*/ Cute# scufo modTronic dianrhoe*,dyjen. Uiy.dic'.a * inixbus « summer complaint/' Asiatic ■.Mckr*, ami ptevcr.tsthc develop; went of twlioid fever. Same wonderful m '**#&* b u rn ed to ail p«t* oftoeworivi. “ w o r n LIKE HAWC.” m m m m Price 25 o e n ti per b a t. Don’t accept a «nt»ut«te-* » i»B ed “ Jw* as good.” ifyotir druggist hasn’t it and don’t £» to to it for youttcredirect to THE *RTAB1Q CHEMICAL CQMPUIY, dk'Ktfi, H. Y., 0. 8. A-____ 40«Yrt(tr>t"r>. The Peddling of Glasses has been prohibited by law in most states bn account of the inCoinpetenoy of the men that) are engaged in that,'way pf doing business.' A. call a t our office will convince you of the difference. C h a s . S . F a y , ' . „ M’f ^ d p t l e i a n 2814P3, Main St., Springfield, O. 5© TO lOO FARMS Constantly on hand FOR SALE throughout Ohio. “Write us TO­ DAY for our descriptive 'ilBt. State size of farm and locality desired—or if you.vwAnt Us to #ell your farm', write us. ; :We can sell i t for you. . Years of eXpex- loncp. •• i *’ *7' \ ^ l * ‘ ”~ ,4’* , >> * * * * SMITH, CLEMANS CHOPPING Real Batata; end U ta Agent*. Cederville, Ohio. CURE FOFJ PILES. The Fxcelsior Chemical Company of Ssttflusky, Ohio, has a sure cure for PILES in ixcelstor Pile Cure. This la a brand new remedy, guaranteed, to cure. „It consists of an Internal' remedy, a .suppository and an oint­ ment. The three remedies for One. Collar, Ask your druggist about, Ex-, eelsfor Pile Cure. EXCELSIOR CHEMICAL CO., Sandusky, O. 11POSTCARDS, - Six brand new ’ ; winning postcards for 10 cents.. 1! Out of the i ordinary—nothing 4; like the ^usual sourenlr card. ' . Aghntg and dealers can make big ) money with them. Send a dime • or postage stamps to ' __ UNITED PRESS, : , 624 Citizen Bldg* Cleveland, O. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. TkiKMYouHanAlwtfsBntH Bears the Signature of MEARICK’S FURS The Fur Season is now on. Our stock never so complete as a t this tim e/ Every known reliable stylish F u r will be found in this grand; collection. i Mink, Marten, Lynx, Seal, Beaver and Jap Mink Made in the very latest shapes of Neckwear, Muff* and Coats. Our long expert f seitce. combined with our early purchases, gives our customers the benefit of the best skins, best work- tbanship and lowest prices* 33 St Mainstreet/ Bayton. mm -'■fe.V'T »#■•£»*-**,* t F.CL woMieusrl:3 ertrij. IS# coacfergs a* lb* took tb i sUvst* coin, *‘A happy Noel, monsieur!” Lausing Drake entered tUe little im­ ps*## on th* brogd Av$*u# drt Maine •having hla shoulders, for bis back ached, He had been working k% the Louvw for five steady hour*—till the very last fraction of-light-held out, Why pot? What part, had be in the festivities of the#* happy French peo­ ple? We* not he one of the homeless ones, separated by the width of an ocean from Ms family? ■In hi* ettxdio apartment ho threw himself on a divan with a pipe and a* Journal Amusadt, But the Journal was full of allusions to the season, and aota*bbw be sighed- The eve'of Noel —Christmas evel It had been the Very best time of the year over there In hla dear gopthera home What ware tMy doing how? Getting the things .ready for the trees, and tying up the wreaths of holly With red ribbon, and hanging a branch of miatie-ob, pshaw,, what right bad he to think of such things tonight? t " A clatter of sabots across the flag­ stone court-the. email daughter of thd concierge fetching water from the common tap; -from the, Boulevard Montparnasse the toot of a S t Phil­ ippine du Houle train and then si- Kiss do" <zte2o7X cto lifted, Bfco- threw out gsiarj etf)5Gb3 to -opsao cold looking sparrows. The Inst rays of the winter suntoimhcd'tiiB^wnervvulw- parting that separated the burnished waves of half. " If he only dared speak to her! She might misjudge him before he .bad a chance to show bis intentions. But he would do i t He would seize the mo­ ment while this fit of madness lasted and speak to her, ,In saner mood his courage might be unequal to i f Ha hurried out of the room and stood, bat in hand, in the court close to her win­ dow. ’ - “1 am your neighbor across the way, mademoiselle.’* he said. *'Ifc Is a month since I first saw yon, and I’ve been wanting to know you so much,' so touch.- I have no means of-obtain-, tag an introduction, and at the risk of your displeasure and yonr scorn-1 have ventured to speak to you tonight, to tell you how- the little Christmas carol' you sang Just,now somehow flew straight to a fellow’s heart and,, made him think of home and all the old familiar JoyB of the season.” HO held oUt a card. His hand shook a trifle.- But the girl did not^notice.- She was looking at him steadily, after the first start- of surprise, the color coming and going in her cheeks. But In her eyes was no fear, no dlspfoas- 17 HE OHLY BAILED SPEAK 70 HER! lencCt Drake wns picking up„hts pa­ per again when— - Th* snow t*y On. the ground; i - Tha stars shone bright— Ah, It was the quaint old English carol, with 1th liquid, sweet melody, which he'd learned at bis mother's knee, and It was the American girl tcrosa the court who was singing it; When Christ our Lord was boph . Op Christmas n igh t No *wonder the tears- came to ills eyes, That particular carol and that particular girt made up a combination to which he was a bit sensitive If the truth had bceh dragged from' him. Inst that very morning he bad writ­ es home; “There’s a little American girl oppO- He. 1 don't even know her name, but the mere sight of bee keep* me straight She's all atone, and -she's evidently studying music, As for her sfuging, she has the most beautiful voice ihe good God ever saved from a lost violin, a Voice to maks you pray, little mother, to turn your laugh* ter to tears, to turn your tear* to laughter,” From the day when he had first seen her, watering her geraniums on. the sill, the window across the court yon­ der had become a sort of shrine. And at each new glimpse of her an unform­ ed prayer of thinks surged up Within him that a creature co lovely had been sent by heaven To keep the word "gentleman”, stainless, to make it a thing to strive for and to takj a cleanly comfort in, <■» Slio was a stranger too. It was h bond between them. Tonight perhaps she was Suffering tike him from home­ sickness And loneliness. HoW soon he ieould make her forget all that! They ’could have a reveUlos at their own and a Jolly little supper, laughing to­ gether in sheer happiness of a mutual understanding of the Christmas spirit abroad, tlncbaperofted? What would they heed of a chaperon; they twd- two toiler* tor the sake of art, com­ rade* In arm* made equal in rank by the blessed chance of being both Strangers in this wonderful old Paris? There was & moving gleam of some-, thing behind ttje geraniums yonder,- The cheesecloth curtains stirred, and *#>*« ure, rather the expectancy of jayi ex­ plorer whp, VeSturlng far, finds tha, present godd,"though that to come bs unknown.-..... Presently they wont out and balled a flacre, ■■ . ” “Where shall It bt?” asked Drake. "Laure’a? Volsln’a? .Peter's? .No, l* have it,’ Margnery’s,” Bo they drove to* Marguery’s, and, Drake ordered,a boulllebalsse (to bo quite ..seasonable) and a langouste mayonnaise and a bird and some sweets. They had a very Jolly little supper indeed and no end of amusement watching the merry looking. French- people at the tables, all devouring boulllebalsse and other nice things. "And to think,” cried the girl as the dock struck 11, shivering with pre­ tended alarm, "that I'm sitting here at this hour, mnehaperoned, in a French restaurant—with a map who hasn't even been conventionally Intro­ duced!” "Don't!” cried Drake abruptly. "Cornel We must be going home, i t Is a bit late.” She Wa* silent whllrf they left Mar- guery'a and hailed a fiacre. Then she broke out In a queer little voice that was low and tremuloust "I think you must have a slater, You take such good care of k girl,” The fiacre tolled Info the-glare of an overhead arc light; and ho saw her looking at him with a half mysterious, half divine gratitude, "Please don’t do that,” he answered In a hushed voice. Something iiialde him was {founding furiously. Borne* thing at hi* temples beat and throbbed. "Don’t do what?” •“Look like that” Bhe' not only looked like that, but moreso, ; “Young man, young man,” laughed' She, with mock warning, "I fear you are Wishful of turning a girl's head.” "The Lord be good to me!” ho broke out, hi* pent-up passion of dreams, rushing to h!S lips now that tire bar­ rier fell, "Don't you ace It's because I-well, Pd hoped to pas* the evening without telling you that 1 loved you-' that’s why t was hurrying you home / ' ELASTIC ROOF PAINT tot tin, metal, paper, lelt and ruberold roof*, Is proof against the weather or rust, Absolutely«on- potous. Will hoi crack, peel, blister or stale. Will not evaporate after once set. Is a flueWater-proof­ ing material, Contains no Ingredient* such a* salt and lima which enter Into tfii compoaitlon o f the major part of the ao-eatled roofana Iron paint* on the market to day which have no elastic qualities and ar» destructive to metal* and fibr**, and are btotod to ttyrtaH** any metal,- It 1 # germ proof. ' Smifer tirtM/gr*ndfriit Hif, SVty Mt pnttfum /k tu t DfttHit m lt nt Uteri, T h e O a L L M A M <SMH»«*fg*V rwnMwgfetlftw/Wi* ' mm ----------- - - - - - - * - - - —— ----- - - *-r ■ - - T "* T BARGAINS IN CLOTHI We have just closed from one of the leading makers of fine clothing in'Chicago, R S rH IR S H ^W IC K W IR E & € 0 ?f whose product we have handled for the past five years—a large quantity of their reserve stock in hUnRWidcttafe, To tliis purchase we have added many broken lines from our own stock, The prices on these specials are . ; " /* , • •• ' ' ^ ' "V. ; , $2$ and $30 is s Season iis i p tot above Purchase are styles for 1908 and igop* The Suits come in a great variety of Fancy Pat­ terns and the,Overcoats and Raincoats in all styles from plain black to fancy browns. We firm y believe that no such opportun­ ity for money saving on fine clothing has ever been offered in Xenia At this season of the yeir, 50 &52 E. Main St R. 5. KINGSBURY XENIA, OHIO. yo ur appet ite w !• in demand now, and we have an extremely ele­ gant line of correct shades and colorings in fine serg­ es, caisimeres, tweeds for suits; and the best and la­ test fabrics for overcoats* We fit and fashion your suit or overcoat so that It gives distinctive style, correct fit and shape. ; If your appetite is poor, e a t m e a t. To ts sap t “-your appetite and nourish th e system Otir e h d lc s meats are not excelled by anything 'The weals and the strong the small a n d th e hearty -eater alike enjoy them* C G GIVE US A CALL. KANY, The Tailor, onto. s*;i TRY OUR JOB PRINTING E b e r s o l e P i a n o s * 1 t ^ B tO U T r g L Y h u t . 4 0 t . c , tuff* have tor Ocfttorvifory wh*to tbsy ,.*** kind c* '!**. W* l dutabk piano, W*UAh’- , toon» ** tji - > & x n « '-V*/ j!5■*y. li T h u S m i t h 'tfe N t x e n Cii# «# suMi I I I L P w m k Mtimitt , e!Meif«NAti» i