The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 27-52

tore isn't ' to" irusV toiler. Meats kind to mces for 1 they’ re Don't go ofc. Buy ronld liofcb* rt dentT-ilb inco tttlstnj lmfl*better iny £tload« 11 Elver,JI m *. od.BoSoed, ,<\£ 0 c.:Noyer red OCO, cN.Y. 8ci i BOXES, s re­ in the brain, is re­ sleep, e d .o f hoiild, >ss o f loss pliys-- ' ; Iiles? -irri- rings ■ating tains re fo r eets. ■ .ted un- oucht I -t sleep .nt doo- if. aiy I was entrato : S 3 and Of tllO ottle of derfully ird bot- ime. I . child, tad, . Nerv- return It falls Ind Book- acrosa. e old aurant dining cached e and id, 0 , CStiJfOtfor 1 0 'toweta ft euro !»*#«*# j5 “W e Lead Others Try to Follow.” ~ r * s 2 r - 7M LOOK! LISTEN! U A N im b le N ick e l is B e tte r th an a S low S ilver Do llar” T H E R E F O R E Beginning Monday, July 6th, 1908, BIG The Largest and Best Known Shoe Store in Greene County starts one of its MONEY SALES which in the past have been given to the satisfaction of everyone of our customers in. this county 1 W e occupy and devote two large rooms to the selling of footwear only, and can show you a larger assortment than any store in this county, and at prices that have made this store the most popular shoe store in* Greene County, not with= -r standing the fact that we are pff the square atid on the wrong of side South -Detroit street. If we said no more you would know the store that sets forth the above. Th is Sale means much to you. Firstly, We Have just Received 500 Pairs of Samples from different factories manufacturing both Men and Women ’s Shoes at a So per cent discount. These samples are fall goods used on the road by salesmen who havel&nished selling their fall and winter shoes. The sizes are as follows: Ladies’ 3 to 5 and in M en ’s 6 to 8, and will be sold at prices less than the retailer pays, or a saving to you of 50 per cent. W e are agents for the best known lines of shoes made which will go in this Sale at cost and many cases less than cost. 1 '*'* ■ ’ . _________ . , ._________________ * __________ , ‘ __________ . , , - _ _ r - ' ■ ■ » To give you an ideaof what awaits you at this store of ours We will quote below a few of the many bergains, IN OUR MEN BOYS ROOM«=31 SOUTH DETROIT STREET Men’s 5(4.00 and $5,DO Pat.' Colt and - Gun Metal Oxfords $3.49. Men’s *4.00 and $5.P0 Pat, Colt and - Gun Metal Boots *3.59. * ' . {t Men’ s Pat. Colt, Tan Gajf and Gun . Motal Oxfords, $3.50 grade $2,89 Men’s $3.60 Pat. Colt, Tan Galt and Gun Metal Boots $2,89, Men’s $3.00 Pat. Colt, Tun Calf and Gun Metal Oxfords $2 30. jA_ Een’s $3.00 Pat. Colt and Gun Metal ' Boots $2.39. Men’s 2.C0Oxfords, all leathers $1,89 Msn’sja.60 Box Calf and Gun Metal Calf Boots; $1.98. > j Men’s $2.00Oxfords $1,49. Men’s Satin Calf Mat Top Boot $1.49 300 PAIRS Men’s Kangaroo Calf, Seamless Work Shoes, just tho shoe for the farm and shops, regular price and sold everywhere for $2.80, our jirtce during this sale will be....,§1.89. Boys, Patent Colt, Tan Calf and Gun metal calf Oxfords. Our $8,00 Grades, To close out.................$1,98 Boys1 Gup Metal and Satin Calf Boys’ Pateht and Gun Metal Shoes Blucher Shoe, our $2.99 grades. To baud sewed and oh nifty lasts; $3.00 closeout.,..,,., ........... .................. $1.99 grades ............................ ......... $1.99 Boys’ Patent Colt, Tan Calf and Boys’ Satin Calf and A’ lei Shoes, Gun metal Oxfords,'our $2.50 grades All solid leather and. our regular to close out. ....................... $2.00grade, to close out...............$1.49 Boys’ Satin Calf and V icl Kid, prices on Youth's and Little Mon’s all solid leather shoes, our $2.50 Shoes of same leathers and styles, grades............. ........... ;.................$1.09 cvtt in same proportion. .00 Gtndeg, Sales price LADIES’ ROOM=»=33 SOUTH DETROIT STREET Ladies* Tan and Patent Kid in Hand Turned and Goodyear One lot of Ladies’ Pnteti.t Oxfords and Sailor Ties, $9.00 Misses Patent and Tan OxfordtW $2. Welt. Samples. Size 8% to 4K* $3,60 and 4.00 Grades. Sale Grades. Sale Price $1,89. $1.39 ^ Old Ladies’ Common Sense Shoes in High and Low Cut, $2.50 Children’s Oxfords and High. Cuts. All leathers. $1.25 Grades One lot Ladies’ Gun Metal Oxfords $3.60 Values. Ail sizes and $2.00 Grades, Sale price $1.39. Salo price 89c, Sale price $1.99. Ladies’ VIci Kid Patent tip hand sewed shoot, Always sold _ . . , •, . , , , Ladies’ .Tlcl Kid Patent Tip Oxfords All Sizes in $3.00 and at$3.60. Sale price $1.99. Infante Soft Soled Shoes in all colors. 50c values. Sate $2.50 Grades. Sale price $1.49. Odd sizes In a big lot of Ladies’ $2.50 and $200 Ozfords. Sale $s*00 GratleB- Sale price $2.69, Ladies’ Patent Kid Goodyear “Welt Shoo, Irving Drew & Co, price $1.19. Misses Tan and Black Oxfords, $1.50 Grades. Salo price 09c. price 23c. White Oxfords and Barefoot Sandals in Ladies,’ Misses' and Children’s at Less than Cost, 31-33 SOUTH DETROIT STT, XENIA, OHIO. KOCHS SAMPLE SHOE STORE WRONG SIDE OF STEE.T | LOCAL. AttD; PERSONAL FRESH FISH 1 FRESH FISH 11 At Weimcr’d. Mr. George Barber spent Sabbath here. , ~,-ieo cream ahd cake at the lawn fate. Mr. Woodbridge Ttotlek returned to Cleveland, Tuesday. Mrs. I f AGates spent the Fourth With Columbus relatives. - Closing out salo of all summer millinery at Nisbet’ s. V f.3 . Smith of Clovelaild came home for tlio Fourth. «_Oomo totholttwufefo ami got an fee eecutn £«ono*. Curtains te h., your windows at MeMiilftn'n.' Mrs. J. 0. StevtAtt spoiltWednes­ dayinColumbus. - Attend the dosing out sab* o f gummor MilWnerS' fct NIsbsFs. • Mhltrcssos, bed springs, tho best to bo had at McMillan,8. Frank OWaugh o f Dayton, spent ||Abbktb with f#l*tlY#ibera. Mr. Fred McMillan of Des Moines, Iowa, spent Saturday and Sabbath with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. lames McMillan, Karry Owens, who is employed with tho Marshall Field Co., of Chicago is home on a two weeks vacation. ’ Miss J. May Hood daughter of tho late David L . Hood Esq., of Wall- lingten, K . Y ., is visiting her uncle and aurifc Mr. and Mrs. li. Hood, Miss Eflio Conley attended a re­ ception at tho homo of Miss Mary Harper in Xenia, Thursday, in hon­ or of Miss Ula Tnyloft who is soon to be a bride. —WAN' t e D : - S tock to graze about twenty acres of blue grass pastnra, running water. Call on George Thomas,- W. L. Marshall farm, 1V-24 d. Miss Veta Androw left Sabbath night for Jstcw York where she sailed for Europe. Sho is with a party of tourists and expects to bo gone two months. Col. John B. Stevpnemj, candi­ date for county commissioner par­ took of the Fourth celebration Bat- titdky and Incidentally looked after the iuforests of his campaign. 01 Mro. Sarah Mitctioll ban been the guest of Dayton relatives. —MillineryJ Millinery 11 Closing out sale prices nt Eiabot’ e. FrahJti B. Bull of Shelbyville, Ind., spent Sabbath with his parents. Mr. James Townsloy of Franklin, Visited relatives hero last week. Mrs. Matlon Towneley has boon Spepdlng tho Week in Springfield, Mr, Tunis Dubois of Xohia spont Saturday and Sabbath with Mr, Bird. Mrs. Ilutli OHho. has been the guest of Oedarvillo friends the past week. ' Mr. Noah Itandall of Anderson, Ind., visited boro tho first of the Wpek, Mrs. Mary Barber and grand­ daughter, Miss Bertha Doan aro visiting Indiana relatives, Mias Bertha strain left Thursday for Dayton whero sho will visit for a fmv days. —Closing out oaki, AU our sum­ mer stock nt greatly reduced prices at Nlobet’n. Mr. Charles Nosbit and family of Loveland have been guests of Mrs, Andrew Winter, Mr. Roy Patton of Bpring Valley was the guest of Miss Bessie Road on Saturday. RoV. Homer Henderson and wife, have been guests of Mr. Arthur Auld and wife the past week. Mr, Oscar Batferfleld is taking his yacation. Mr, Roy McFarland is substitute for route number one. Mr, W. E. Alexander aud wife wore tho guests of relatives in Spring Valley over the Fourth. Mr, Charles Hiff and wife of Chi­ cago arrived last Saturday and are being entertained by relatives. Mrs. O. W. Marshall of Xonia has been the guest of Mr, A. Z. Bmith and family for several days, Mr. W. H. Blair and family of Loveland spent Itha Fourth at Clifton. Master Maynard and Helen PuiYor are visiting in Hpringileld and Washington C. H, We regret to report that Mr, Hale Colima of Monmouth. iii.Thas been in poor health, saffering with rheu­ matism, j Mrs. I. g , Davis and ebihhonj have roturned to Cincinnati after! spending* few day# with relatives h*rt. The VV. C. T. U. Trill meet Thurs­ day afternoon July 16m the It. P. church, subject: “Medical Temper- aneo.” A short address will ho given by Dr. J. O. Stewart. Misses Lotha and Merle McFar­ land and their friend, Miss Minnie Milfcler of Dayton spent the Fourth with Mr. D.VH. McFarland and family, A superb finish id obtained by Using Campbell’ s Varnish Stain on floors, furniture or interior wood­ work. These stains are sold in 15, 25, 75 and $1.40 cont cans.’ Ask CROUSE & CRAWFORD for color card. Hon. Charles Howard, candidate for Probate Judge was in town last Friday. Mr. Howard lias held pub­ lic office- on several occasions and has not boon found wanting. He has served m the state Senate, may­ or of Xenia city and county prose­ cutor for several terms. Tho ordinance against spitting on tho sidewalks is now in, force and already we notice quite a change. It might bt>said that the officers ex­ pect to enforce the ordinance to tho loti or and offenders lmd hotter be cautious. For tho sake of decency mon should observe tills nev village 1 *W. I " ' —FOR SALE; Frosh 4hort horn cow, five years old, Clitirloo Raney Miss Mary Ervin entertained tho embroidery club Thursday after­ noon. Miss Mary Hart of Cincinnati spent Saturday and Sabbath with relatives here. . Miss Bessie Btraln returned home from Cincinnati Tuesday after visit­ ing there for a few days. —Rockers, couches, folding beds, sideboards, atMdMillan’s Miss Mario Dixon of Londonderry is the guest Of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Dixon. MissesBcrthaand Edna Stormont will entertain a number of friend# this evening. Miss Florence Forbes lias re­ turned to Trenton wi sho will visit Mr. M. W. Collins. Miss Lillias Milburn o f Chicago, loft last evening after a. few days visit with her graudmother, Mro. A. W. Osborn. Mr. .and Mrs. J, D. Bilvey enter­ tained Mrs. Howard, of Ilamiitan, Canada, and Mrs. G. E, Mastsrsan, at the Ohp> Penitent Ikry, SSundxy I Mr. Ber6 Ustick and sister, Miss JNeliio, of Columbus were guests of .relatives over the Fourth. - Mr. J. H. Hastings loit Wednes­ day for Now Coficord, wberojie at­ tended the funeral of a friend. Miss Louise Smith spent the week visiting friends in Jamestown and Springfield. —Attractive prices on buggies at Kerr &rHastings Bros. Mr. John Pierce and wife spent the Fourth in Dayton. Mr, W. W . Nortlmp and wife of Coshocton, O,, spent the Fourth hero. JUiPimiatlc i’aJnft niitsu-tl W Uso •»? pr. Miles' Antl-I’nli) Pilb, C3 O.^cs C5ela PATENTS ICavea:j, ixtid TtriiJe.Matit*oMAititlrti:Ja!3 P it tent:bnoiness wnrteae4to?MoetaHtCF#ta. - itw#Ometis crrssiTfcu,*.wrfcsrowtei tendwerancenwef atei.ilaI«ssissseiHinifcosrj bewototo-mWas*s!BgUi*‘, ■ J |„seedpcdeh’dwwi.ig«>«• -Iirtn.*with caici S s -1 fbMk. wo advise,U®atciitaKe #I| tcisive. Oarleesialuneil!)jwuentlsecaateJ. $ MMAM*kLt r , Ot wi n P*IKftti,*’ wStbi Most of same fsestliee. Atlareas. l o . A . S N O W A O O . i , *nn».-witflit♦#«<>*,WxtHiNftteMi k. # , .