The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 27-52
rtlKfcMWPWK itBMriMwrililfiT(E<MpitaMWiBSi>W^jWlfei^li!W R Cbe . Chriettme Stocking 4 i parody by FRANK J. BOKNEILU How dear to this heart In the stock* ing of childhood when fond recol- •'• lectlot* presents it to view! OS fhrrstinas_ St_Kick.came from frost whitened wildwood with e v e r y loved toy which my Infancy knew. Tho wide spreading chimney, the sled which stood by it, a horn* and some books—1 remember them'ah'” a doll for my sister, and baby bouse • nigh It, and then tlje full stocking which hdngonthe wfllb-tbe Santa Claus stocking, the bountiful stocking, the Christmas morn stocking which hung on the wain The well stuffed envelope t bailed as a treasure as early that mom* ing T opened my eyes and found there the source of an exquisite pleasure, the purest and sweetest that nature supplies* HOW ardent I seized it With hands that wove, glowing and back to my"white sheeted bed went with all, then soon, with the emblems of love overflow ing, was happy In what to my lot did befall—the Santa Clans stocking, the generous stocking, the Christ mas mom stocking which hung on the wall! How sweet through Its round - open top to explore it as ' pojsed ' on my knee It inclined to my view! Not a hot, tempting breakfast could make me Ignore it for - l o n g e r at most than a * m inu t e or two. And now, far'removed from the levied situation,-.the tesr of regret wHI'intrusively fall ns fancy reverts to my. youth’s habitation and sighs o’er the > stocking n tiich hung on’ the, wdll— _ • the Santa Clans stocking, the "plethoric stocking, the Christmas morn stocking which hung on the wall! But grown people find there’s a later sensation as grateful as any they felt long ago. It copies when 'they witness the glad exultation which on Christmas morning their own off spring Show. And now, dear old ,Santa Claus, let me petition your, favor tor children, both large ones arid small. Bring aU the bright hopes to the fullest- . . frilition that rest fa each Mocking which hangs on the .wall—the wealthy child’s stocking, -the poor ureldn’s stocking; yes, dll every .stocking which -hangs „ on the wa ll! ‘ “ I t P a y s t o T r a d e i n S p r i n g f i e l d ." FRIED’S XMAS WATCHES 1 ■ A k\. ,* * U ■y ' t' - . - vj.frvf/v Xmas buying: becomes a pleasure when at Fried's beeatiseof .their exceptionally Targe and magnificent" stock in all lines* whether it b e * Watch, aXHatnonT, 'a m Cut#Mrs, {m Arfizifc Piece e f R oo | wo < h 3, isrlfcia* or whatever may be to your fancy. In Watch Cases you w ill find many1new 'and beau tiful lines to select from , and our line o f high grade movements, as well as the cheaper ones, is, always complete. This Size Watch Hunting $12,75 F, S445 1(1size, open face, 20-year gold filled cas* with 7-jew- ^ elect Elginor Waltham movement, a good timekeeper.... . •5 12size, name kind of a watch us above, only a little smaller, with 7-jeweled Elgin or Waltham.....- .... ....... ..... «"*75 Id size, 20 year gold filled hunting case, With 7-jcw- oled movement........................................ ............................ 5UJ./6 10 size, 25-year hunting case, v/ith 15 jeweled move- meat....................................... .............................. -.............. Slo.UU 10 size, 14-kt. bunting or open face beav solid gold case, with 15-jovelod Elgin movement............................... $4J.UU We have one 12 size open face 14 kt. solid gold, with a 15-jnwnled movement, Speela price,.............................*25.00 Wo especially recommend onr 17-jowcled adjusted Howard movement in 23-year case.,,........................ .......... * o / , 6U The name grade movement in a 16 size case................. $35.00 17*jewolecl Adjusted Howard, in heavy 14-kfe open face case, with handsome monogram on hack................... * /U 00 Special-in Gentlemen's^Watch. 16size, 25-ycar opert face cast, 17-jeweIed Amtrican movement only • $17 $i 1.50 m - $ 11 . 5 ) f; *:54PO Wu ftfft offering thin very good value in a ladies' watch, 2*Ke-tf <\ t »\ hunting. 7 jewejf d Elgin joy Waltham,,..,.... $11.50 ‘ H«i»U vliatolafn* Mates’ watch, In m year case, Ho* . iiKoi m\bright fiuinh, wtfh hafcdsomo monogram.....'.........$10.00 opmi face, £3»ycar case, with le-jeWded Hampden movement. nwiv< 1pendent, a very reliable timepiece — $l(»»0O frt-avy solid mM tw u , with good movement,,,.,,$20 «p F R IE D S Jewelry Store, BSKASTMAlSm-., , HMMtHtt’tEMJ, O, MVuihir. t* of the M -if hauls' At-.-melafirni which refunds round trip Use* v. >!bin 4o itub a of Mpt hy,field on purehasisof $15or over r *‘JT PAYS TO TPA&B W SPJUWPiB LB' ' l Only a few more days, then Christmas. They’ll be busy days but this great storeys prepared to handle easily and satisfactorily immense crowds* Never in our history have we had such complete stocks for Holiday gift selec- i ‘ ' , . #5 , , ’ , ' , } ' _ , ‘ , ' tions. Each of the six floors and the big basement are filled with the world’s best merchandise and at' prices from 20 to 50 per cent.* less than elsewhere. Make your Xmas shopping easy by coming to Wren!s. A large and compe tent corps of salespeople—rapid cash and package service—broad aisles and plenty of counter room—and the best selection of good merchandise in Ohio and at the lowest prices on earth, quality and style considered. : 1 . Your Round Trip Fare Refunded on Purchases of $15.00“ or Over. BEAD CHRISTMAS TREES, , Nov.lty Jnv.nted by German .Wurnar Approved by K*J****- If nature’s supply of Christmas trees gives out, as ’some pbopIO have feared it mlgbt, there will still b# Christians trees as long, as a German woman Ju this qlty remains alive. Out of green heads, Wire and tiny waxen Ornaments she constructs mlnlnt(ire trees which have been thought pretty enough ts grace the court of Ludvig of Bava ria tn^ his *time ftiul to amuSe the ehtldfen hf 7fal‘ ser Wilhelm o f } Germany. Thai wasWhen the in ventor waaUvUjg in her native country. Since; coming to Amer ica she inis made tbepi foe variouR well known pen pie. ' ^ One oc the ad vantages of these trees, fibs says, fs» that they are al most indcstilioH heat, crushed. JOBE BROTHERS & COMPANY, CHRISTMAS GIFT SUQOESTIONS. Our Christmas stock is now complete in every respect, the store has been appropriately decorated for the occa sion and our friends and patrons are cordially invited to visit us. Nothing has been over-looked or neglected that could in any way be made to contribute to, the Christmas value o f the stock or to display it to the' best ad vantage. As Christmas will soon be here* we urge upon all the necessity o f making their selections and purchases as early as possible in order to avoid disappointment and the confusion incident to delay. BEADCltM9TMA3 TItEE. bl& They may be packed into small compasu, aud when they are wanted again it 13only nece3 eary to straighten the branches out Into the original shape. When the Inventor was a girl, fifty fire or sixty years ago. In Munich, she went to one of those schools whete German girls are taught to do. as her daughter says, “everything mlt the hands." It was having - to make wreaths out ttr heads that suggested to her the notion of making bead Christman trees. She set to work and fashioned innumerable tiny loops of green heads, each at the end of a long slender wire. She bound the loops to gether In threes, making trefoils, and the trefoils into branches and .the branches into a tapering trunk, the trunk being formed of nothing at nil but tho individual wires massed to gether. Then she trimmed tho tree with candles and those tiny waxen fig ures which the Germans ore adepts at making and fixed it In a pot of sand and melted wax. Her parents were quite proud of lb Her father, who i?a$ director of the Hofgarten in Mu* nleh, showed it to his royal master, and King Ludwig Immediately ordered one for the Christmas festivities at court After coming to this country she sent ono to President Roosevelt mid was gilevCd and surprised to find that he could not accept it. “I expect he thinks he gets some dy* fiamlte," said the daughtef.-^Ntsw York Tribune. . Christmas Caution. "Is It customary,to hang up one stockin' or do iutinh pair on Christmas eve?’ said Mr. Eraotus Plnkley. "Only jes’ one," answered Miss Mi ami Brawn. “If you Dangs on to de mate you isn’ tailin' so many chances on somebody lie’pin hlsso'/ to foot wear •‘slid o' leavin' prosentn." Washington star. CASTOR IA Mi InMt* RadOhiWriJL TinKMYosto AlwaysBought SHgaitwre of JAPANESE W ARE . Conajatingof beautiful things in cups, saucers, platen, bowls, tea arid chocolate seta, femes, berry and fruit Bets decorated in gold and color’s and at prices ranging up from ..............10c HAMMERED BRASS lu nut bowla, fern dishes, smoking sets, jewel boxes, vases, candle sticks, hat pm holders, ash trays, pin trays, fruit com potes, pitchers and many other attractive things, ranging in price up from............................23o CUT GLASS Consisting of a cholfte collec tion of tli* very newest patterns in nappies, olive dishes, celery trays, fruit bowls, vases, salts and peppers, ice cream service, Water sets and other desirable pieces, ranging in price from...$1 GLOVES Comprising a full and complete stiowing of all lengths and col ors, among which are the cele brated Lafayette gloves, made ', by Alexander, per pair.........$i.CQ Voltaire glove, two-clasp, per pair. ....................................,..$2.00 Ladles1, English Oape gloves, per pair.......... ,$i.oo English Caps, silk lined, per pair..... ........ ...,.$1,00 Mocha glove, silk Imed, per pair............. $1.50 Ladies' golf gloves, per pr...C0o IIANDiaOROHIEFS Embracing ono of* the finest and mostcompleta stock we have ever shown. Men's Pure Linen Initial hand* kerchiefs, six in a box, tor tho t six................................ 7fic I ,Other Initial, .Handkerchiefs leach........................... ssfio and loo FOR. THE WOMAN Umbrellas Waists Patterns, Belts' Bags in fancy boxes Coat Sweaters Furs Silk Petticoats Table Linen Doilies Japanese Ware Fancy Baskets Waists Combs Hat Pins Belt Pins Barrettes Silver Toilet-Sots------ Odd Pieces in Silver Books Fancy Stationery Eattby China C it Glass Hammered Brass Pieces FOR. THE MAN Shaving Sets Smoking Sets Umbrellas Hammered Brass Handkerchiefs Gloves Pieces Half Hose Sweaters Underwear Bobe Blankets’ Mufilers White Handkerchiefs, with col ored borders; each.................‘...23c Embroidered Handkerchiefs, beauties, from...........„$L00 to 10c UMBRELLAS Child's School Umbrella, a good ono at,,..,........... 50c vColored Silk Umbrellas, child ren’s, at............................... $1.50 Men’ s Umbrellas, .plalh and mounted handles, up from... $1.00 Ladies1black and colored Um brellas, Up from.......... .........$1.00- TABLE LINENS ( Comprising now and beautiful pattern cloths, per yard, up from............................ $1.00 Napkins to match, per doz, up from.......................................$2.00 Piece Linens up from..........COc- Lunch and Tray cloths, up' from,........ .......... 25c Japanese Draxvn work, squares auu round, up from................ 25c ^ Heal Oluny Lace Doilies amt centerpiece Up to........ ......... $4.00 NECKWEAR Consisting of fancy Stocks amt collars in special holiday boxes,, up from..................... 28»» Chiffon Neck Buffs, up from $1.60 Now Buching, per length, up, from,..,....,................................. „loc WAIST PATTERNS Of new and exclusive designs in White goods, novelties, fn gift boxes, up from...................... ,.75c BELTS An attractive collection of new holts, comprising leather silk and novelty silk lined, with handsome buckles, regular dol lar values a t................ .00c Combination leather and elas tic belts, black and colors, up from ........................... 50c BAGS Solid leather in all the new shapes, up from................... Il.po Alligator hags, new shapes and Sizes, up from........................ $2.50 Leather hags in greens, blttes and tans, upfrom..................$1.60 Men’s Traveling Toilet eases, fitted.............. ...... $5.30 anu $5.00 COMBS Jeweled backs in shell aud am* ■her, regular dollar values up from................... 60c Comb and Barrette to match, new, per set....... ................... $Lco Belt pins, veil pins and hat pins, up from....... .............. ........22c BOOKS Special attention is directed to this feature of our .Christmas stock, embracing a wide and varied ‘selection of all the latest and most Interesting stories, Gilbert Neil, The Strollers, “ Double Trouble, and mauy others of equal interest. Special Library Editions, per copy....................... 260 Special Copyrighted editions, per copy, usually $1.60 at....... ,60c New Fiction, regular $1,68 books at.........................................,,$I.00 Juvenile books, in durable and attractive •bindings, alluringly printed m colors, Up from......10c STATIONERY Fancy boxed paper and envel ope, Whitings best qualities, in gift packages, np from 25c BASKETS Our collection of baskets em brace many new and novel things ia both large and small sizes, including shopper, Waste and sewing baskets, in plain col ors and some with Japanese dec* orationp, up from .........250 KN IT SWEATERS « For the boys in grays, whit* and other colors, np from...$1.00 Ladies' Coat Sweaters, in gray white and Colors, up from....$2.t»0 TO ILET ARTICLES Here there are many useful and necessary articles, inclnding powd*r boxes, . hair receivers, manicure pieces, shoe horns, hooks, ombs, mirrors, brushes, etc., etc., alsn a iull and com plete lino of Hudnut's, Collates and other noted perfumes, toilet waters, cream, bath powder, soaps, talcum powtfir ami ,o* tions. It is ’ tnposslble to quote prices, owing to the variety and extent of this stock. EtUlS In the distinctive soft, fiat muffs and neck pieces, compris ing sable squirrel, jap mink, black lynx and bine fox for both women and children. Furs, Waists and Petticoats SII.K PETTICOATS WAISTS Hew net effects in white And cream, satin messalihc in light and dark colors. New plaids, white linen, tailored and finene waists. A choice collection w,bich affords nnlimlted opportuni ty for the exorcise of Individual selection. Brices tango Horn $2 60 Heavy taffeta in black and colors with wide full tailored ffouttie. Exceptional v a i n a At,..... ..... ............ .... . ....1,6,00$ Aside fmm the foregoing items, .pur stock contains many other appropriate and attractive things suitable fo r Christ- (mas presents, and you are particularly and eordmlfy invited to call and inspect the goods at you r leisure. JOBE BROTHERS & COMPANY, - XENIA, OHIO. j
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