The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 27-52

1 imtftr*nin ifrT.tirftwr^irftrtii sr’-y* i>itm»-.inr3iJin, MMRlt _____ __ .. .»-■»•-<ua- ****m- i-tiw^iiT litniHim'ifw rm-wwifr |,|M 'i i iiitV ifrfnirnri.'*~!-^)|it'hill 1 ^ '- . ^ A^ ' ,T'.r*M**, 'M^ * A^ ^ * 'Mj^ ' ' ' ^ ‘'* 'M'l'rt"M™.‘‘iiAi';''M'‘ ., r -/ ^ r~'r __^-»wct%-?MriW~TfT'T"^'','r - -***• .. .-—^.—- •- roowgiiw -- -*i Tlfefc,-tf.. kqbsrssn The Purest Is Best. PRIDE The Best is Cheapest. Made at Jamestown Mills,, R. G, George, Prop,, Jamestown, Ohio. Sold hy AU JFirst-cJass Grocers, t ,i WKSMSm MWffWPi' While Doing Your *mjr Xmas ■ . •- ■■ • . -. •- £• Shopping _• In - : ■ Dayton Don’t Miss Visiting the- Mose Cohen Establishment i *~Go to Townslcy’s for 5A. Horse A sail was born to Mr. and Mrs* B lankets. Mr, and Mrs. I . C. Davis and children of Cincinnati are visiting relatives hero. Clarence McMillan Tuesday, Miss Mora Nisbet of Xenia was the guest of Mtea Lnla Barber, shibb&th.. —Do not drive in the storm an cutting wind when you can get -. ;storm fron t a t Townsley’s- Jtiaa K a th ryn McGfiven will en ­ te rta in a number of friends F rid ay evening.. , .-, —Mattresses, bed springs, best to be bad a t McMillan,s. tho Rev Jason McMillan, who resides near Oyster Bay, and who was re­ cently operated'upon tor appendi­ citis, In reported greatly improved, Dr, E . C. Oglesbee and J» E. Hastings made a business trip to Troy, Wednesday. Mr. aud Mrs. L II, Sulleuberger »ave Thursday, morning for Oxford .■here jthey will be the guests of relatives. ' ' —Roekera, couches, folding beds side boards, a t McMillan’s Mr. and Mrs. L. (I, Bull will give the annual.Christmas dinnerfoi the Barber family. sale'has been m !ahgurah d, siul there are. thousands of Big Bargains to choose from, M O S E COH EN , M a in a n d Eourth . Dayton*. O. ___ *r**> er*-v*rr?».rji*>-«»>• LOCALAMD PERSONAL . —Closing out our line of stoves a t reduced prices. •- K e rr & Hastings, Mrs* Anna Hill of South Chartes- ton, spent ■Monday with ’Mr, and Mrs. John McFarland. —Kot only on special occasions •when you want extra good bread, pies, and calces, hUfc every day. .Ohio Bride Flour will’give this re­ sult, Mr, W. J* .Smith aud family of Kent, Ohio, are expected here this evening and wlU be the guest of Mr. and Mra. H, A. Townsley and family over Christmas. —To close opt oar line of stoves we have greatly reduced tho prices. , Kerr &' Hastings Bros, Mr, Boland JKyl0 and daughter, Miss Agnes Kyle and Mrs, Kate Jackson are guests o£ Mr. Henry Kyle and family. Mrs. Garoliue Wilson will enter­ tain the'children jand grand child, ten Christmas d ay .' —Carpets, mattings jind linoleums a t McMillan’s. Mbs Sad a Stever of Hew York .. , ., , , T City is the guest of Mr. and Mrs “May joys that dwell j n ,merry.'j. 0 , Barber, hearts, ' • And the mirth of Christmas clieer Be yours for’many a Christmas day And many a bright Hew Year,” Mr. Wahnce,Marshall of LaFay- etfce, Tnd', spedt,Friday and Sattir- day with Mr, and Mrs. C,-F- Mar- | shall and Mrsi D. H. Marshall. —Christmas presents tha t are worth’while giving, and-that are always thankfully received i Cloves Caps, Mufflers,.. Keekties, Hosiery, $hlrtA Hiphtellas, and numerous articles tha t go-to make up our largo stock. Buy now. Christmas Wilbe here in just a- law days. Halier, Haines &Higgins, Xenia —The robe you ‘want, large dis- play a t Jt&lph Townsley’s. . Mr. jplmmasMeghlingmade nbm- 'iness trip to Columbus, Monday* - School eloshs Thursday and will iMtfcopeu until Monday, January A ’—Curtains to fib you r a t McMillan’s. ' t' windows Mr. S. M. Murdock and daughter luaf 1 spent Wednesday in Spring- field* , . Miss Bernice Wolford of Cincin­ nati will spend Chrmtmas with ,hef p a r e n ts . . - -Storm Fronts I Stortn Fronts S Kerr & Hastings Bros. Kev. Homer McMillan, ot Atlanta, Georgia, arrived Monday for a visit with relatives here. 'FO IiSAJH : a few choice. Ply­ mouth Bock- cockerels. W. H . OreSwell- ,'Prof. R. A. Brown gave-a talk Sabbath morning in the U. H. chprch on ’’Mission Work, in Mpx- f ico1’ tout wag very interesting. 1 .Mr. and Mrs.. W* B. Stevenson will entertain the Andrew family a t the annual Ohristmas dioner, ■—To close onfcm y line o f P ittsbu rg Perfect fence Tw ill sell w h a t I have on hand a t cost.' O. M, Crouse, Mrs. J . B. Cooper, who has been in poor health for several mouths and Who suffered a relapse last, week is reported better. A FT ER TH E GRIPPE , "Vinol Bestored-Tlus Maxi’s Strength ’’Several years ago I was attacked by a severe case of grippe, which left me with a hacking cough, soreness in my chest, and bronchitis, I took nearly every kind of cough syrup sold on. the market, besides medicine givenjne_by physjclans, I received up' permanent relief until my druggist asked me ,fo try Vltsol; and after taking three buttles I was entirely cured. ' I believe Vinol to be the greatest blessing ever offered to the public, as It does what Js claimed for it.’’ Jfc E. It. Hicks, HaplesVille,' Ala ■The reason Vinol cures chronic coughs, colds mid pulmonary troubles is because it contains tonic iron and all the healing and body building Cle­ ments of cod liver oil but so oil? Vinol is also uuercelled as a strength builder for old people, delicate children, weak and run-down persons, and after sickness. gold~by C. M. Birigway* /k Xenia, Ohio ADAIR’S 20-24 N. Detroit St. f — ^ -------------------- - § ■ f Giye your friends Presents that are useful-something that will always re- mind them of the giver. Such gifts can he found in ADAJR’S EURNITURE STOEE, ‘;¥ DAVENPORTS In all finishes and coverings, $20.00 up Library Tables Finished in Gold- Oak or early English. Beautiful Mission designs Over sev­ enty Library and Parlor Tables to select from. Library Tables, $ 7 *00 UP Parlor Tables* f 1*25 up .jt(. -.A ’ ^ ' ' " -■'■■■ ■ \ve wB keivi'*' am Ekdfem guyorderof goo^s. *Whenintie cityvisitus. Xmas Suggestions w w w f w # w w w f Pgrlor Tfclle Special $ 1 . 2 ^ Aimudcan Utmrlerid Oak «»’ Mafm^uiy, Bognlar valwo Music Cabinet^. **• »«5b*i5 up BuDets.. . . . *........ $17.00 up H o o k e r s .............. . .51 .25 u p D in in g T a b l e s . , , , . *$6.00 up Stools, - *$B00 up. China Closets..$13.00 up Tabourettes «...<<->■35c up Couches •*••*•••*<* $7.00up Smoking T a b l e s . . .$1*60up Bugs, r, . .......... $3.50 tip G a s Portables......... $ 4-75 Up Pictures; Oil Lamps...............$1.50 up Mirrors * Sideboards............. $1200 up Morris Chairs, Etc. Mrs. J , W, Dixon and throe sons expect to leave Saturday for Chiili- oothe whore they will spend the Holidays With relatives* - While In Xenia, see the nice things for Christmas, a t the Parish Furniture Store, B0 $. Detroit St. Mrs* W* J . Smiley returned to her home in Sparta, IU.,’ Tuesday nmrnitiijf. ■She was called here ow­ ing the illneas.of bter father, Sir, H. H. McMillan, who is reported much Wpfovert,- > ISM CHRISTMAS W ill Soon Be Here ■ » / Now is the time to make your selections and the best place in Xenia or Greene County is —Buy ft % Sweater- -ducket for .witrmth. We have them for $1.50, $2, $2.60, $160 ami i n 1men’s sizes and $1.00 m hoys’ -sizes, in all the new shades and patterns. Haller, Haines & Higghis.Xenia. „ Mri .T. H . Xi^bet and wife, Misf* K a te X isho t and Mrs. Lucy Mc­ Clellan will fake Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs James McClellan of Dayton. —Heavy w inter clothing fo r men wdrking outside. Du tchess Corots toy Trousers, $s,00lCorduroy Vesft- wtth sleeves, $2.50; Cordufoy Coats. $-1.00; p’lan’nel Shirte, $1, $1:50, $2 and $2*50; H&ftvy Fleeced. -Under* wear, 60c a n d $i.oo per garment. W in te r ‘Cape; 50j> and $i. See us,' new, th e weather is righ t, • Bailer, HalnesA Higgins, Xenia, Mr* and Mrs, B, V* Kerf enter­ tained a mmhmM friends last Fri­ day- of B. A. Brown and mother, Mrs. Martha Brown,. Who have bvait in Mexico, and who visited several days last week withDr.ftrtdMrs. M,I. Marsh. “-Do not buy from catalogue and take a chance when you can see and b* convinced and get cheaper a t the Parish Furniture Store *n Xenia*. * ■Sod, Mr* %, T, Ph illips and wife, who recen tly went South for the w inter have returned to Dayton and wil) come hero in a few days. * Mr,; Charles Sparrow who 1 has been liv* ing In fbe Phillips residence will move in to the property owned by Mrs, M, A. TJriFaWelt W ChiUIcothr Street,- ' —W h ite S ta r Laundry. '' Wori guaranteed . satisfactory. EUl* ■ ligh t e r dull finish. Lowest p rico Leave a t F inney ’s restau ran t < call ’phone No, 14 and laundry.wh_ be called for, W. M. Begg. Mrs. Belle Gray, and daughtei. Miss Lucile, leave Thursday’ e,vei htg for P ittsburg , to sprtul C hn uiH:*Wt:‘a Ur - C rrtj, ah* tubftua itl (h a t. city They w u-o visit wuh Prof. A. D* Endf. n i'nr**i. i<n>, t-a. h .<*!* * home. - —We furnish tue uruno com,,: , til the Parish Puri it nr;; H or*. > 4 ft[ Ottio. ft- c Presents ADAIR’S FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES 20-24N. Detroit St, Xaua, Ohio. Besides an almost in­ comparable assortment of Fountain Pens, I have a Rue Hu* of IV fumes in hula and m cased, .glass-stoppered bottles, prices ranging from 2 5 c t o $ 1 . 5 0 Very suitable for Holj day gifts and for every day uso an the Toilet, a F o still have an at tractive line of jJuve­ nile books at rock bottom pika-. ISAAC WISTERMAfc H ER E YO U CAN B U Y Ladies’ gold filled Watch from . . $10 to $25 Gents’ gold filledWatch f rom. . . . $8 to $50 Ladies’ solid gold Case from.......$10to $50 Gents’ solid gold case from. . ,$40 to $100 Also a line dnovTprieed' Watches for • Ladies or Gents from ,........... $1 to $7 Diamond Rings from:. . . . . . . $6 to $400 Signet Rings from. .$1 to $16 AND A L SO FOR A N IC E G IF T -Toilet Sets, brush, comb, mirror; military brushes, clothes and hat, brushes, ladies’ and; gents’ umbrellas, necklaces in gold filled and solid gold, bracelets in gold filled and solid gold; gold Oiled heads and also solid gold 14K' beads, scarf pins, dress pins, solid gold and gold filled sleeve buttons, gold and gold filled lockets, and an endless variety of set rings, signet rings,, plain rings, hand rings,’ all solid gold, silver muLgold thimbles, gilt clocks, chafing and baking dishes, rich' cut glass, the largest, stock in Xenia. ■V [ Kodaksfrom $1 to $20, and all kinds qf supplies. FinehandpaintedChina, hifact a fui and large line of goods always t o he found in a first class Jewelry Store. F. J. H. SCHELL Steele Building, XENIA. OHIO. . ' ■ ■ . ! Put Your Money In a New Country The Pacific Coast extension oE the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway 1 now nuder Construe-' tion.opens to the settler thousandsof acres c£ excellent agricultural land. Thchcwcountry in Adams, Hettinger, and Bowman Counties, North Dakota, and Butte County, South Dakota, Is now reached by the new track* .The soil is a dark loam with day subsoil, and produces In abundance wheat, oats, barley, speiz, flax, corn and potatoes, Theland is well adapted to farming, good water i§found at a depth of from twenty to fifty feet, and the whole country Is underlaid with lignite coal that out­ crops along the streams, and In most cases can be had for the digging, The climate Is healthful, the a ir Is dry and invigorating, and the percentage of sunshiny days is high. Outdoor work can be done almost every day la tho year. Rainfall is amply sufil- * cient fd raise the crops. Regular mail* Services Iris been established, the roads are good, rural telephone lines traverse the country, and automobiles are in common use. The deeded land In thil district sells for from $10 to $18 per acre, “There are many instances this year where the cron equalled in value the cost of the land. a ^ - In Butte County, South Dakota, there is’considerable government land open for homestead entry* Government land offices ate maintained a t Lemmon, Hettinger and Bowman, where filings and final « proofs may be made. All of these towns are on the new lm$ of the Chicago Milwaukee & S t Paul Railway In Montana, the“new“railroad traverses good farming land. It Iris been demonstrated that big crops of grain may be raised. %Alohg the Yellowstone and Mussellshril rivers, he water is used for Irrigation, and phenomenal yieldsof alfalfa, sugar beets, and grain, are always certain. In the Judith Basin near Lewistown, Montana? Is one Of the most remarkable sections to be found on the now line, tinder natural rainfall, the famous bench lands produced this year an average of 35 bushels of hard wheat to the acre, and the price Was toccata per bushel. The basin contains about ,1SOOsquare miles ■ and is sparsely settled. Some government laad still remains open for settlement. A government land office Ismaintained at Lewistown. In Fergus County, outside the Judith Basin, is one of the greatest Stock countries in the world, and good ranches can be purchased at a rentotiablh figure. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul Railway Co. ha* established an immigration department for the purpose of assisting in the settlement and dsVslopmsnt of the new lands now being opened, Batnphlets descriptive of its resources Will be forwarded free on request. " F . A 4 M IU .E R ‘ $iti*r*Y p ju te t* rA g * i t^ n CHICAGO QIO. B. HAYNES lmm**vatk«i A**«V * « ADAM* S t H t t f , CHICAGO ‘ % v n X ’ Vj i Mi %y> iss* a*K s a w