The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 27-52
O K O A - .W - I S U sf" n?* c k d a u v h i ;% o*n*> * Wn ttowoir \m n B.vito»'&oi5 awl jmspifbc nn> fttiiuH prompt attention t** pll nn~m«'- •» intssbU'd t<» *Wi ( NEW YORKDRAFT and BANKMONCV^OROFliS* Ite Cedip/IIIe Herald. »n*.ot* P e r T e a r . 1?A1«I,I1 I5T*M- Bflltur. T h o <,Ii<vapt>: ffcii'J ■lJJrt*st- Wil* • voVdont way ;<> laoiscy l*y loans Made on Real Estate, Personal or Collateral Security. Batlklng Hours: 8, A. M. |oa, 1\ M. S. W. S mith , President. j ' O. I/, SM tt’it. ( ’ iis h u r . Headache „EveryMonth You .may Jliliilc, because you have long liad it, that you must have a headache every month, being a women. But If you think so, you,are wrong,, since a headache Js a sign ot disease oi your womanly organs, that thousands of other women have been able to relieve, or curt, by the use of that wonder* ful, woman’s medicine, WINE OF WOMAN’ S R E L IE F “1recommend Cartful to all sick women,” writes Mrs. A. C. Beaver of Unicoi, Tenn. “I suffered with headache, bearing-down pains, feet swelled, pains in shoulders and many othersi At fast l took Cardul, have gained 20 pounds and have found It the best mod* •Iclne l‘. ever used for fcmalo trouble^.” , At All Druggists WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, .stating1age and describing symfi- •toms, to hadica Adviaore, The Chattanooga. Medicare Co., ai^- 'Cna.ttanoogo, Tenn. - M 37 6.4 J* S‘ & m F11IJIAV .H LY 51. lint NOT' A WOLE. An tviftfy.l:; iff mimo *ff' (In* ffsti- uumy of ths*. Rid;;;way tl'iid might r t f l>c imt of jil/m.'at this time. An in most all triaH thorn an; muiio oiu'i»ri:»PBand thiti’ ont* was no t-.\- THE PAINT THE PEOPLEWANT AMO THE REASON WHY T h e essential qualities o f paints :o th eir DURABILITY, SPREADING are CAPACITY, COVERINGQUALITIESand BEAUTY OF FINISH. What more can be desired? HANNA ’S GREENSEALPAINTS Possess all of these qualities, and these arc P ositive P acts well known to themanywho have used these goods for years, with abso lute success, and who cheerfully endorse them. FOR SALE DY Kmu*. & H.v.TtNfiW Bun-’*. Equalisation, 3'rofessor Uiv.iider Yl .tthcW-., whi, i? at least as ,;<>od a v. it ,n he is a reformer, wan overheard otico tal;:- hi;* with Mr. ('arne:Y«. “ I notk-e, Sir. tY-fiierfo,'" he said-, '‘That yon don’t Ihr.j)/’ “ And why should I ? ' na'rt'd the philanthropist. “ Well/'' slowly iniswei'ed the pro* lessor, “ maybe they pn!l them alter* Mately.,,*-*Cippmt‘ott's ila^azilte. f Telephone and Telegraph Poles, llet-eut estimate,,' ;.iv« d00,00r! inih-3 of fehqihoiu* nrd f''■If*..^raj,1; polo line in tlii* HhiD-i.' At an average of 'forty j t o l , t o the iiiile tiioro are .‘J-2,iinti,n()i) in b ; p , nod, n.smtHiny that the li'se of n polo is twelve vears, there: mo nota id each year more than fhiAO/iUi* T,ole;-. “ "•W.AJrh'tsft. P I U S , FISTULA &m Ah?, DISEASESOF tif. IScM'ift «8o:c.W*St’i4*.6fnflfV. ftO’ I4!ft I'lt::!(..a jit r:i.-3 n ,ft.c;j 1.1ft,,,fttJi.Soi 3,,-t J, ft dti’ t. ft,fc.» I'M. r.5 k-y. Pi *1 r l SS'-I c*l Eh ;I 1! IV ■,.t, wirtorancsss o jmi m, tttsxri;i {tarsi KUc.toKC.'.av? r.vcbs.cHS.f i>a % j Galteii OcildiM, 41-BssiBf0*dStrefil M e C L B L L A H itwanii. Tiif* int'r<> filer ( hat ^Ir, Hulmvay did not attetnpt to offer any testi mony in bin fmhalf Weakened his eaae. Timre was without doubt positive proof that lie had received a large quantity of liquor during the time charged. His only rtFoiiree that lu» had sold this goods m com pliance to the law was for Imn to produce thta register which ho is compelled to keep as to prosenp;ion sales. The Herald, is morally cer tain that iTr. Ridgway is .guilty as charged vet we are not. pccustoimHl to fmptftntihg ids place and must roly upon, the statements of others. i\fr. JUdgway has boon a hard man .to convict in tho past . lie will bo just as hard to handle in this case and in the futnre.. The mere fact that, so-called .“ respectable” men como to las aid to defy the en forcement of tho law" doubles bis fighting strength. Mr. Ei rigway is In. politics. He is m the game for a purpose. He is engaged m a busi ness that needs protection, from the hand of the Jaw. Ho is out for the profit them is iu it. ,He docs not use society, the lodge, or the church to further his interests. Ho owes nothing to rho people that make tin standing of the community. But Mr. Ridgway has a strong billowing, such as it is. lie relies ori timimhwnce o f ft few of his “ re- spei'table” friends and co-partners hi politics for protection. He had them with bins in his other cases and he has thorn with him this time Three of liis-most intima te friends are .1. H. and T. B. Andrew and S, C. Wright. All three have at various'times come to Ins rescue. II was T. B. Andrew that assisted in in protecting the Ridgway interests the day the raid was planned. J. Hv Andrew has mailo light of the trial as a mockery and that “ nothing would bo done.” His action has been an insult to the intent, of llio ones responsible for'Mr- Ridgway being in court,—AsHor-AttvA-UrtgUfy. jus testimony issnftioicnt to satisfy all who heard it His admission of -Certain-ttiings and denialrmf-o r\i ers made MY. Ridgway a good' witness. Had cither of the ■Andrews been called their statements wmtld’nd don5>i. liave'h>ien Xh» same. ' , ‘ Now conies the Tadh‘» of ilm IV. ( ’, T« th sotting- up the claim that Wright- had posed as their .friend, He had promised them cer tain law enforcement when candi date for mayor. lie had evidently made other promises, “lie- had lo guarantee Mr* Ridgway Immunity. This is proven that Mr. Ridgway would not walk to his own funeral by electing a mayor that would raid hi# place. The members of the \V. V. T. U. since Thursday arc wondering just what Dm result would have been had Wright been elected mayor, dlls'testimony was far from satisfactory to them. When facts ar*‘ considered it can b?proven that Mr. Wilghfc dared to testify ugainst, He may not have been under diieet obliga tion to Ridgway himself oilier than' 11 a political way bur lm-im.Jlnan- eially tied to Andrew Bros., who are Ridgway's op-m supporters. It was Air. Wright's own paper that gloat d over Rldgway's victory sev eral years ago anil the File,; will prove the statement. We oli*‘i-1lies * facts to show that Mr. Ridgway h. Miotigly intreached t’iuit so-called “ respeembilby” is coveringmmli tiMHled information agai nst- a violator of the Jaws. We say in all candor in all earnest ness, without f<ar of contwuUothm, that Mr, Ridgway in more to he re spected than either of his friends. Tie manes no citui't to protect tin* iimraht of ,tho community. Ho is out ami out for himself. Halo not a wolf parading iu sheeps clothing. Eurfy committees aro always in favor of publicity of the fact thal tiiey need tho nioimy. After the empty freight ears get started eastward with their loads of grain, they Won’ t lie side tracked si,pun fora whilm Every eastward jmmsey means a westwardDoml of manufactured goods to pay for Dm wheat and corn. H i.f|m>t ofmn that oney>f Die great parties nominates a ticket wi*h n other candidate farther east loan Indiana. Tno nominations sue commonly arranged with some re lation of a Jvalune.* with (he center >f population, wldcim*: not far front Imlmmi. '1'ls! hWu Democratic ticket Bryan tiisd Dfciennmi imd I o D j ,ettn- dj.Iaftvi v,•of of Dt-n ccnM-v. Ih’ev ' huh ( *Difti, erne bar. to go hack to Dm l !>!, tho le- j.uhllejiu ftsda f «d Uiftvd sod fidh iv to timl si tomldtisition that .did mu haye. sum cahdiduf e ?r«mt i-jud o i In d ia tm , >,■> it t a s y o i M u i»\ T h om p s o n hag itch iiifph i> ;d d ic D ie fir s t r e p o rt ttf tlii' Bur: at; of Autoumbilfs, tdiow** ing tiif owners of machines tiling applications to |.e rmDu paying a revs mm ■-f ?ifl» **-h Tht ro are 77 imsfactr.ii r.s faes i-ssnal uetiing fd.fg’ ami h'«i chauffers, paying u toial of ‘ Tim expenses of the Bureau of until January 30, U!"b v.ill ()'-sjre.glfi leaving a balancn of CA-I” which luisi been f.urneii into the .Stale, treasury. All money re ceived from this department until the end of tho year will now bo clour revenue and it in now cstiimi* ted 1tlTiTtnrtm lut7il~4.vdjTM"~iTrAhy" neighborhood of $(HM)t)0. $j00 Rewards $100. The reader'' of till1- paper will he jilepred to learn that ilier.e is tit leapt one dreaded disease that science l.a* been aide to curein all its st.tfti's and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure iuthe only positive curenow known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hud's Catarrh” Cure is taken internally, actingdirectly up on the blood and mueouseumeeHof system diarchy destroying tho foundation of tho disease, ami giving die patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its wink, Thu proprietors ' have sumuch faith in Us eurativu powers, that they <>1nr oiie IIuntiredDollars for any ease that it fails to cure. Send for list o testimonials; Address. C. J. OHFXKV A Co, Toledo 0, Sold by Druggist, "fie. Hall's fam ily 1’jlls are the best. INSTINCT OR REASON? What a Nature Student Has Observed In" Died? and Animals, Along the hillsides 'where my. home is placed crows assemble in vast numbers. Js it only instinct that. loads thorn to set a sentinel on "guard when' they pull corn or ma raud the birds’ ’ nesls? Blackbirds do the sunne, and they have kept mo on a merry chase—merry for them —jnst at church time, to get them out of my c-orri. But in Florida these same birds do not set a.guard while hopping all over our gardens. Why? X think because they are catching bugs and know they will not offead us. Crows roost at a dis tance from their nests'. Why? I think the reason is that they are afraid of endangering the limbs where the nests are placed, Co-operative moral order sends the kingbird today to join tho crow in dghtmg the cleadlyTiawk/'hut'an- A t a ih cG tlng 0 f B o a r d o f JSdu- ca tlm s, F r id a y srm m ig v M ie s C a rr ie Fiimoy w;m.-b C», d to fill tho va cancy cam:: h by the resignation of M rs . H e s te r 17 u m b o . As Mr, John, it'cVurlaud was' not r.n applicant again for tho janitor-J, ship, Win, BoaHe way sleeted In hie j nlaeo. Gtop Pains aJnjjMt Instantly—Dr, Miles Anti-Pain put*. No baft Mter-efteeU. Mi. M«rrtv Marshal! returned last night from <’ aba where ho has boon bug tv-’JjitmiUttX of tho b'rth infantry and was on board a vessel during a cyclone and "inmtained injuries that are consider ed permanent, For several months lie was confined iu a hospital in 'Cubanml was given a disability dis charge. He was pensioned at $30 a month. • -n ■*- other day" 1 iirnl him fighting tho sdnimjeroji' that i^Etoaling-a„yo.tmg. robin for his dinner. Why' do the. English sparrows not invade my acres- at Clinton? They are all about me in va~t immbensf. fast aero»s the street, mid they jabber in crowds quite within my hearing, yet hardly once or twice a year dooVa dinglA sparrow show himself inside my line. I f this is instinct, it is very recently acquired instinct, for X lin'd a seri ous task in' teaching them iliac it was unsafe to intrude. ■ Why do my bees refuse to allow one of my hired' approach tho hives ? It cannot be instinct, although 1 confess I cannot, trace out the logic involved. Why do’ two of my liens follow a cow hour after hour idem;, the jnisture ? Not in stinct, I am certcin, lull these two have discovered what the others have not, that the cow's motions stir up grasshoppers and crickets. After my father’:,: death his dog led strangers into the homo, holding their l.autH in his teeth, and he watched to see if harm was meant. Was that good logic or was it mere instinct ? During a warm Bummer shower I saw an V.nglcworm try to draw a stick into it4 hob*, holding it by the middle. After a vain effort of fliis fort, it dolihernb-Iv felt its way to the end of the stiik and then drew it easily into the ground. Its din ner of soft h..?k reciiied. Was this ineip'ont rea-Tui? What in stinct eouid have taught that logical primes-!. SciVm e pnbli -lied my notes on ibe snbjctt ;:.fc the thee with ap proval. P-T uualiy, I do n->t believe that thr.'f.' is an iniire ab.-micc of thr-H» logical piece *cs from any part of Jiving nature- -not oven from the ovoid cell in which life first ap pears. I am convinced that the uni- ver .‘ 0 is uiargtd with muon and that instinct is only a byproduct of tuuvnval thought'.--!?. 1*. I’mvell in Independent, MtOrOSED AMENDMENT Tt> THE CON- CTITCT.'ON GV OHIO. , JOIN"" XESOLUTIOR S mpps I d * jn nreitail.nenl t^ iht Conrllivllon el tbs ■ dale OtOtiiPvtltliTt la filepiixijc o'Llllj. So it resolved 6,y tfiv Qvncrol Assembly of . llto-State * f O/Jio : E kc TWO I. A UropoSltJon i.h'j.l bft sub- nutted to ttie olpctovo o'f this ^latc at tho next election fop laembis"! oi the genoral essombl}*. to »tuend the oonstllutlon of tho state of Ohio bo Ihal, scetlona IS to S2, both Inolasivo, of article it. chalt rest>Mottv6l}- ho mniUieri'J rc ucctlono 10 to US; and sections •10 and IS of ouch attlclo be so amend'd ns to rend as follows t * ■ • .. A ftWK lII, ■ Boc, 10. Every .Mil. shall bo fully and olstibdly read on threa dIUcrent days-, un less, In cans of urficncy, throe-fourths of tho member* elcpted to the liouso |ri which It shall bo riMidlng. obali1rilspinsa with this rule; but the raadic* rr a bill cn Its final passage shall In no <v,sa bo illsocnscd with. No bill shall contain more'tun;: otto subject, which shall ho cK'stly c.xpVusssd In Its tUlei and no law- shall be revived or emended, unless the new act contain the entire net revived, or tho Section or sections n:bonded; and the section or seatlonh so amended shall bo repealed, fiee..3S. Every hill nesaed by the gen eral Assembly Thai!, luifuro it ofln become a law, ha prosoiited- to (he governor for his approval. Jf lie approve )g bo can (shall] sign it. II he dp hot Aopnve U, he shall send. It. with bis objections' In willing, to the house in which, it oilglnated Which may then reconsider, tho vote on. Its passage. If two-thirds of the members elected to that house then agree to rwpas* Ibe’ bill, it shall bo sent, with the objections of the governor, t<> tho other bouse Which wny fUso recon sider tho vote bn Its nnssa&e- It lwo*tlilrds of the metnbepts elected la that house then agrcB to ropass It, It sbplf hccome a lav;, not- W'lthotandtri!? tho obiccllons ot the governor. Jf a.hUl shall' not bo .returned by the gov ernor within ten days,, Sundays excepted, After being presented to him, it cball bccoma a law, untsso tlw general asseruhly by ad- Jtmmpient jil'ovbnl Its return; In v lilcb case, it shall become a'law' unKvs,\vltliln ten days after such adJoVifument, It shall be filed by him, with ilia objections, In the oiiico of tbo secretary of ntati:, 'The governor may dis- approve any Ileal or. items in.any bill molt ing an appropriation ot money, and tbo Item or items, so .disapproved; ahull bo stricken thorefrots,' uWfDfi repasaed in tho manner herein prescribed tor tho rcpivssagu of o . sun, 2- This Amendment whall taltq effect on the fired day c t January, A. D. 1000, „ C>At TROMPSOtf, Speaker of the limtse of Representatives. Ationcw I j . Hannul, 1 4 PK’jSfcftmf of the Senate. Adopted March Elr, IllOfi. .'r«ireGT,tTr:ft-r)!r'AVri:t;rcA,'X)rr[0;------- - Qfiles of the.gesret.'iry of State, . I, CAHbtr A,- THOMPSON...Secretary of Rtato ot tbo State «f- Ohio, do hereby certify that. Uia'JEarCitniag in. an exemplified-copy, rarefaiy compared by pm with the original rolls now on fllx in tnla toffite, wml In iny oiheiai custody *« Secretary ot SUto, a* re quired by th«"l*w» at the stftte of Ohio, of it Joint KeooluUon adopted by th* OeaerAlA*-’- ‘W0- t mh ^ I k’nteQKV iVayneny,I have hereunto xubscrlbwl nty rmme, and Alttxed my otficl*! r*al. at CalutnhUK, thl.v E.'lrd -day of April, A, D, 2.003^ , - CAUMt A. THOMPSON, CnrAr„i , Secretary of Stole. , Their Own Way. I’anuni.i, B!.t> t-wry otlior place, lias its Bmunt pfoblcm, and (lie plump girk from Jaiihiii-ft appear io fall a emh'iileruble tli -famu behind the, tUandard dcs.ii'ed by the Amer ican ukdrnK TV.ere are plenty of them, but their quality kayos much to be de-ired. They have tlu-ir own ideas nbout riling., and tii e tire :,imi to bn eu- t’ lvly eontifti’y to yu'ir.'-. I hoard of o-no v,h» v.n*i .-e v.'i-dded to her hat, unoiu.i, thsil , he eouid not fi oni it, and hor mis* ti’e-.-i hul to u.-.bnnt to lm ing lief v.aif mi {la1t.i'ile v. :<ii the hut drag- f <‘d dev.n eve r },<■!• 1. ft e..e. An- etie-r boilt-d the 1<'efido.i!: along ivith i '‘)no fr«'li tin .atok ami let- (net! that bad. urriud v.itb it on the •teimier. T'hoi in Panama v;fts a tiugedy anidi tii Min lundiy be appro- <' i >;1 by i'.traio;or . The po stsiaion of u i'.t»uk 15.5Tin ioi.l t-aiif-ft nlvrayn f V a dinner party, nod a party had I im '<i arranged for thin oeeusioii, but if had to bo called ofi,« - Dentoratfl- Chroftide, an old be :-.ep.u‘<u.-d ntoitoSED am en dm en t t o t h e con * s tjte tion o p , ohio . JOINT MSOLUflQN T« *ranieai *«dt«* two tl nrllcfo Iwelrt of ih« Con* sliiKlbn «! Ohio, Bo it resettled tijt that ■to’Mcral Aoscmblp of . t/w State of Ohio t ; Sficfios J, That a proposition shall be submitted to the electors of tho statu ot Ohio, on tho first -Tuesday nftor'thetofaniouday In November, lOftfl, to lunond r.cctlon two ot article twelve ot the constitution ot the state of Ohio, no that It tihxtll. road as fallowo • A hticik XII. PiNAtieri and T axatiow . S ac , 2. The Central Ansembly ohnll have power to eistabilak find maintain an equit able . »y«tcm for raining state nnd local revenue. It-w a y ehiMlfy the oubjecto of taxation so far aa their differences justify tbo tmme In order to isceure a Just return from each. All taxes and other charges shall he impo-jcd for public purposes only mid shall be just to cailh subject. The power of taxation ahal! never bo surrendered, suspended or contracted away. Honda of the state of Ohio, bonds ot nny city, vlllngo, hamlet, county o r . township in this state imd bonds issued In behalf of tho public schools ot ‘Ohio and the means ot Instruction In connection therewith, burying grounds, public ’Wheel houses, houses used exclusively for public worship. Institutions of purely public charity, public property used exclu sively tor nny public purpose, and personal property to tm -amount, not exceeding In value $200, for cash individual, may, by gtncrnl Jaws, ho exempted from taxation; hut all such Inw.i /hall to subject to alter*' ntlon or repeal; and the value of all prop erty, co exempted, nbnll, from tlmo lo time, bo tiHSftalncd and nubliakcd an may bs directed: Isy law. Unction 2. All tasea and exemptions In torco when this amendment is adopted shall remain In force, in ttio efitne manner and to the sa:no extent, tliilers nnd until othorwlce dlrcclsd by statute, J. t). (litAsinnnf.AiN, Speaker pro rein, of the House of Representatives. , jrAUl'fi IU WtM.tAtlO, JVcoidonf of the Senate. Adopted Mgrcls 27, 1008. t VciTtiD S tatus of azkeich , Oiiio, Duice of tbo BccTotnry ot State, T. CAIIMI A. THOMPSON, secretary of Stato of tbo State of ObidjlAo hereby certify that tbo foregoing Is oIPTscmpllfied copy. , tsrcfnly ccinpcivd by mu With tho original Solis now oft toe Sr, Ihii ofiicc, nnd in my ofleln) custody m Ccerctary of State, aa re quired by tho laws of ilia statu of Ohio, of a Joint K«.'.olutlo:i adapted by tho fletlernl As sembly ot the Stale of Ohio, on lUo 27lb dny of March, A, li. won. I jj TnotiMWlv Wttcaf.oy, I Jmvo hereunto subectlbed my and affixed my official pent, at rolumbas, this 22rd day of April, A. D. 1008. ' * , <‘ A, THOMPSON, tSEAt.,] secretary of State. PHOPtJSHD AMElIDriilNT' TO” THE~C0N- CTHTOVION OP OHIO, JOIfttiHolUTION Proposing }h smjndwcnl to lb* Contlllftllon ol the alato ot Ohio teUliv* to Ihs 'imo ol Ihe com* ,oentemenl el tbs rcfnlar session* cl tbsjtecrai aibemMy, So it rriol-Al l,;i tt:n Uenerat Assembly of tho state of ; . Brciion 1, A propo-iltlon nhall bo eub- tnUtul to the rlector,:- <,J thin alato nt tbo next election for fiieuliara of iho general owctnbly to atucml ccrsica 2 S .o fn n fcla .il of the (ont-tltution, ra na to read an followa; see. 85. The rvghlqr t.c.vdoft of each 'Vifiil fcotmnciiro njl tht) , . .dinar? next after It la chocea, A. T hompson ; Speaker of tk" fimta of lb prcsentatlves. Atir.i;:';;u la. llAinnri, ... , . -i P.. sulc.d of the.Scr.atd. Afli.ptrd Slftrcb ill, HKn',. Vtit-.a d n.ATtfi ’AMt ntf'A, Ouiu, «f the Sfi-rrrfato' nf Vltato, T. f’.jlisji a 'sEiuMPSUN, fief rotary ol f tuff' the of (Shi,), do hereby certify unit lint'r:..ii!f; la an exemplified copy, em.’ h ' l i . i j . , b y mo with tbn Original 1 1 ’.I; ni.wqicin jii -> tvs r,,n l.toie, and hr my r>-:,cJol lU'lfd;; iw j’r.'tft'.ry ut Slate, no re quired by the lAtiif. nf tlio M.-fttrt hf Ohio, of h J- lid He Mo; »„d by iho fleneral A r - Wml I:’ Cf Ike rifife <•? tiftl-j, OH tho 20t« day of Alas, h, A, 51. 1’jf.C. Iw Ti .'.ti&tcNV v/intH-.rp. t haw horounto euNa fit:,’.! t.iy not \r, find nrixr.I my ofilclfil A°ai' fit tbl.! 2';rd day of April, a . jj , itioa, a . CAUM1 A, TUOMPCON. ffii.AUjI ^ Seaeiiirti of State, < goneral nacembly sitnilaUng iteRjotlandBcgular' linfJfliieSloinatlts andBaweis or iPromolcsDjg*SlicfG.ChserCuf- nes^andRea&GAitalnsneilber Opium^fotpli^ier-iior^Iinoral. h o t K A H t c V n c . fita fieoe(M J d r$ xtitm .eiT qm V /Wy^ut.Jcw?* Atx.Sm tut.r » r jy peifecl jReifieayforCoHSlipa- Don , Sour Staijiaclv,Diarriioca Worms .Convulsions .Fcveris lf- i\eg£ tindt o s s O f S w e ep . •g4*1,■ ..I i.'I "* FacSimile 3i$rinlure of USTJGW Y O R K . i c A s r a R i A For Infants awl €MMi’en, ■ The Kind Yon Have Always Sought Bears the / , i ________ /(VfniJ Sigmturs ’ f/Vi b' t no iMh* ' o l d :I5» OS1 S ~ ] j ( , I N I S PXAOT copy OFWRAPPER." J ? In Use For Over Thirty Years GAST1IIA TWECCNTAUttCOMPANY. N6WYOtlHCITY. RS Jf. H. HcMILLAN, __Manufacturer of CEMENT GRAVE VAULTS! Hollow Cement Building Blocks, Chimney Blocks, Veranda Col umns, Piers, Etc., Etc. Telephone 7 . Cedarville, Ohio. flmerieaft Beauty Gofsets ; For slender and medium figures. The high bust, long back and snug hips. Mould the form perfectly producing those slender and grace ful lines, so much $ the vogue. X -Favorite Price $1, $1.50 and $2. ( t AI so Hair Bow Xtibbons, all colors. Bordered Lawns,-vJBelts and Collars, Leather Bags and Chain Purges, Fan 3 , Long Silk. Gloves— all colors. JUlTCfUSOfl & GIBJlEY’S, XENIA, OHIO. TOWNSLEY BROS,. C e d a r v i l le , O h io , Manufacturers of Cement Building Blocks, Build ings raised and*foundations constructed. See Jus for Cement work|of talTj kinds. Estimates cheer fully given. MISS FLANNERY ^ ^ E « d l t i s i v 6 H o s i e r y , F i n © B a & y G o o d s , t J p » t o = D a t© C o r s e t s . The base of all good dressing is a good COllBKT, W e carry the finest and largest nssortmenbof Corsets shown in the Middle West and have a special model for each figure. AH Corsets Fitted and Altered Fs‘eo of Charge. .l?vory Fair (Guaranteed. FrlcMi fromf.iteU|iwim1u, Oonto in and he luojK'rly . O .O R .S E .T A N D S T O R K S H O P , 307 Eaofc Higll Slroel, ’J'hmi Donrn Knot t»F Tiimesfoiit' Hh, “TAKE THIS CUT” Nv IV y : Ofk *4 .■*?! HlTllNtUTtiLB, OHIO. V k * t * l t * * t & Tt” ’ JcW-topr jJ “We rveommeiicl it; there isn’t Iii miU-auminer yon have to trust to a largo degree to your bntt/.ier. Well Cared For Meats in liofcweather are the only kind to buy 5 we Have proper appliances for keeping them riglit, and they’ re sweet and safe when sold. Don’ t go meat shopping when it’s hot, Buy of os and be Bure, C. H . CROU SE , C’EDARVIDLE , O- . ill* “IlmVotU^T your vnTuabio find themnorfcffc. fcouldn’t dowtfigttt tHcyn. I ntvyp usedthem for some tfm©*fpr indigestion win iounncBAandftpsnow coniplctoly cutou , uccomj toond thorn to cvoryoHo* « you Wii* neverboiritboat$homfn tliaf«nUy/' „ w v EdwardA j M ats ,Albany,«**. »Om in ulUU, J .1111 guuuiuu nuotoUAHMui'! dmirauteed to euro or yonrononey badk#, SterlingRemedyCo., ChicagoorN.V* fibs ANNUALSALE,TENMILUOtfBOXES, ' *|if Nervous Break-Down ; Nerve, energy is the force that^controls the or gans of. respiration, eir- ' dilation, digestion and elimination. When yon feel weak, nervous, irri- . table, sick, it is often be cause you lack nerve energy, and~~£EeTprocess’ of rebmkling”and sustain ing life is interfered with. ■D r .' Milos' FTervine has cured thousands of such cases, and w ill we believe benefit if not entirely cure you. .Try it. “My nervous system .sa ve away, completely, and loft-mo on tho verge Of tile grave. I tried; skilled physi cians but got no permanent feller. I got so bad I had to give tip my business. •I begun talcing Dr. Miles Restorative Nervine, in a . f ew days I was much better, nnd I continued to improve until entirely cured. I am in business again, and never miss an opportunity to recommend thin remedy.'' MI1S. W . I j . BUllICH; Myrtle Crock, Oregon. Your druDfllot oelln Dr. MII ob ' Morv- ’ Ine, and we authorize him to return price of first bottlo (only) If It falls to benefit you. Miles Medical Co., Efkhart, Iild Baker’s Restaurant. Now located in the Book- waiter Hotel Building "across the street from tho old “Adams” stand. Restaurant in hotel lobby and dining room on second floor, reached by elevator. Meals 25c and 35c. High Street, Springfield, 0 . LIQUOR» b I MORPHINE' ure Haima, 1- the only sun* n;til rational trafcr.rst fortimxn nddiotcdt;* DRINKor DBUQ3. Fend fcr I-roe noiwicttuuS terte-s, 1087 Hijth fisaalm in .. COLUMBUS OHIO •M ISM Atof Nl scnoH ssnux rjiLu:Ii .Gvmqiuto5j>uS FftiA wmmmM Hold hnd acjasttol wlstetiaftii, i
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