The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 27-52
0 j p * * M r * w ^ * 3 « M * * » ^ I J r o . 141ft Y o u a 7 ^ V an W o rt i LOCAL Afj& PEfiJSOSAL 1 v2ciil*iotf bw*. ^asss£^^m ^=i .F w county .auditor, Wm , Dodds j»« Mls&Vowin Tmvnsioy is tl;© guest o f Lima relatives,- -Carpets, mattinga miff linoleum*) at MeRUHnu’ s -*-Wiliiam Auditor, Dodds for County --'Curtains to aft McMillan's,- flt your AYimloAvn r —Oetiready for tho Groeno County Fair, ' Mr. Harry Randall and Avaf<* ,m Dayton spent tbo week hero with relatives. • Tim great Grer-no Augasi, -1, f), «, 7. County Fair. Miss Mary Marshall of Xenia is being geutortained this week by Miss Helen Oylesbee. MrT3famos Kyle of Xenia la ' the guest o f Mr, Collins Williamson, f Mrs, Corn Trumbo and daughter, ure visiting Osborn relatives. Miss Marguerite KyJo is spendim" -----1hoiIN-Ag1ea tin y —w-Rk--Miv*—M;trti r, - Collins family near Coes fetation. FOR SALE: A walnut bed stead with springs. Mrs. Martha O,”Ervin. —-Rockers, couches, folding beds side boards, at McMillan’ s Mrs. J. N, Lott visited Dayton friends, Thursday. Miss Flora Msbet of Xenia spent Tuesday with friends here. —AttractTrefpnces'on buggies at. Kerr &Hastings Bros, ,•«$GaRM33‘jS»; ■1 —FOR SALE; Fresh Short horn nowj five years old. Charles Raney Mr, Charles Gilbert and wife of South Charleston,i spent Sabbath with relatives here. Mrs. Charles Ervin and sou, Fred, of Xenia have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Townsley tills Week. - 'Mrs. R. C. Watt left Thursday evening for Clarion, Iowa, to he the guest of Rev, W, A. Condon and wife fora few weeks. Mrs. Julia Alexander of Plymouth Ind„ a former resident ot (his place is the guest of friends and relatives here, • Rev Alvin Orr and family of Phil adelphia are guests of Mr. J, R. Orr and family. Rev. Orr will fill the R, IVpulpit, Sabbath. Mr. M. W. Collins, daughter, were guests Florence Forbes a few week;. ■ ' wlte and of Miss days this 'Mr. W, ,A- Alexander, wife and daughter, spe it Sabbath with Spring Valley reiatiyes.- Mlss Kate Kisbet had tlie misfor tune to sprain her ankle last Sab bath. ■ Miss Florence Forbes has returned from Trenton where'she has been visiting for some time. The Juniors of the IT. ,P. church held a picnic Thursday at the Jack- son driving park. —Vote for William -Dodds for county auditor^afc the coming pri mary. .Muster Byron Odaker of Rich mond, Ind., is visiting tG. O. Wel- mer and family. — :-------‘ Rev. W, A. Anderson of AUerton," Iowa, whs the guest of Mr, J. W Pollock and wife this week. The annual Oorry picnic and family reunion will be held at Snyder Park tn Springfield on Tues day, August 11. • Mr. and Mrs. CLa-.* <v!yki t Miss Dortha, Murray o f- Hn* Churl* efmi nprii! Suidflih /.iie ,! ih W. Harper and wife. J. II. Lackey of near Jamestown reci nily threshed his crop of win ai which averagi d hm.iu’It’, fur fill;, acres iesting fin pounds. - Maltm'-ses bed. sprinas.. t" best to be hml ftI McMillan,u. Mr. G. E, Jobe has been chosen, member in charge of the swine de partment, at the state fair, with (\ M. Austin, of Bellbrookas super- mtrmlcnt. P g n C\ p f iX l l f lM M i / rarfav' Pnrciui! o iner. rm NISLEY N S H I R E 'O X F O R D S A L E Memiieirt o f the Mcr- ehftjU’rt Acficifttion of Springfield. «L * * 2 Has thrown on the market thousands of pairs df TH IS SUMMER 'S newest style low shoes at S unheard-of prices. * 3 f YOU KNOW 'N ISLEY ’S PRICES, QUALITY CONSIDERED, Mrs. Thompson Crawford and Mrs, John Townuloy arc guests of Prof, AV. R. McChonncy and wife Utul 0. 0. Motion and wife at Wooster. ’ , --------------- KST~rN 'nCE lT Il^AX :K J H fo :------------------------------------------ ri--- yyi -- •' - .mr irnr'iii" i. n-"—w ...—--j- it m . ■ * - —Here are aHFew- of the Big Bargains Waiting For You- 8 P Ladies' &3.0U and $3.50 Tati Oxfords, Missed Anna and Ethel BmRh, and Messrs, Ralph Gilbert, Edwin Barmin and Charles Gilbert, of South Charleston, were guests of Miss Mabel Harris, Sabbath. *- -The Groeno County Fair will be held on August 4,-5, (5, 7, Xothiiq will be left undone to make this ex hibition the best yet. The fair the past, few years lias been a hummer. Overfill!) pairs in tills lot, nines from i}A to 8. Width A to E. ~ Xot ail size;; hi every kind, lmt your luzft is in Uie lot. CtUiu early for first choice, Sunshine .sale Price................ This seanon‘H up-to-dato $.‘t.GO 1 * 1 .9 8 new and’ Low .Shoes and Pomps with hand turn or welt soles, uppers of bright patent colt, gun metal of fine viei kid loaf hers. Ladies' 83.00' and §3.50 Tan Oxfords. Jlanan & Sons 85.00 Oxfords for Men. Also the famous Hur ley make. Your choice during this Hninthinn Bale... ........ ................ Patent Colt, Kid or Russia leathers. 1• .■ ' 4» . Tim columns of the Herald my open to candidates the same as any other person. t All matter appear ing in their behalf" is paid" mutter and so long ns consistent will be ac cepted at any tune. About 200 pair of turn brown vtri-kid, Good- yearwelt. oxbloocl and tan calf low - shoes in this lot. Sunshine Bale i’rieo....'... ........... $2.38 P,ig values at regular prices. Choice now of any of our tan, Russia calf low slim,--, pumps at Uils cut price. 0 i'AVfl are authorized ro announce the name or W. B. .Stevenson as a ;andictate for infirmary- director subject b> the Republican primary. August fird; Ladies' 82.00 Low Shoes, •These arc all new ■ Spring and Summer 1908,styles and par,-* torus. Sunshine bale ■price........ ....... The beautiful golden brown vici low shoes In turn Or welt soles. $3 .98 Nisley's 84.00 Special Oxfords for Men $2.98 Vi ei Calf In hiucher, bufion <5r buckle on the newest iast anit Y.tyJes. Suu- shino Sale. IT icc.... . You are sura of •com fort and service m ev ery j»air as well as correct shape. Nisley's 83.00 Arcade Oxfords for Men. Latest, reports from Miss Hem- Smith, who is sick at the Tindall home, near Selma,'arc that she is kmuch improved. •Mr. Frank McIntyre lias returned to his homo In Seneca, Xob., after a visit with-.his sister, Mrs. Stewart Townsley. Miss Jennie Ervinjp-as returned home after a visit of several weeks in Bloomington, Ind.. , —Remember and vote for Wil liam Dodds for County Auditor at the coming primary. Mrs. Harry King of Washington 0. H., is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Dobbins. There seems to bo little perma nent improvement in the condition of Mrs, John McElroy, who is sick aelho home o f Mr. fcjnmUcd Kildow. *Tlm four railrords. the T. & O, C., Big Four, Erie and Panhandle', which passthrough t'nlon county, pay one-eighth of the entire tax. The present duplicate is about $12,- 600,000, . Miss Mable Coyner of Greenfield, Misses Helen and Marguerite Jobe of Xenia and Mr. William Corry of Springfield have been guests of Mr. Oliver Jobe this Aveelt. On Thurs day evening Mr. Jobe entertained about seventy-five o f his friends m honor of Ins guests. A curious phenomena Avas seen by afiumber of Bucyrus people last Thursday night when the moon rose In the -astern sky there was a cloud formation which, clearly out lined the number “ 13.'^~Tbe forma tion was clearly discernible half an hour, after Avliich the CJotuls which foJm(d the figurou were dispelled. Tiie state board of agriculture filed with the auditor of state last Friday a deed convoying to flic state the title to the Btate Fair grounds and all the other real es tate that the board heretofore hold. This io in conformity with the re quirements of the act of last winter reorganizing the state board of agri culture. A horse's tall figured prominent ly m the plowing of a corn-Hold at Lebanon last Avoek, when it took the place of broken harness,' which aft the time could not be repaired. This unusual feat waa performed by Joo Vunharllngton, a gardener, who was working in a field some distance front his hnuoo when one , oi the traces of the horse’ s harness broke. It was beyond repair and with nothing at hand with which to mend flm strap (ho happy idea struck him to utilhm the tali of tho .old family horse tfmfc was never known to forsake him lit time of trouble. Accordingly bo fa rm ed the {-alt to the plow by tying the hmr in a hard Knot »nd finished plowing Ins field without delay, He how Bays his home w priceless. Notice to Customers. During the month of Aug ust our store will be closed at 6 o'clock every evening (Saturday excepted,) make your purchases during the day^don’ t forget. We will pay you 25c per pound for Choice Butter, and 16c per doz. for Clean, Fresh Eggs. Fresh Cake, Bread and Holts todays Remember we sell 6 loaves of Bread for 25 cents. Rov, Mills J. Taylor ami avj iV, Misses Carrie Finney, Verna Bird, Agnes* Stormont, Carrie Rife and Mr. .Fred Bird loft Wednesday for Bulialo and Xmgaru Falls. The O. Y. F, c , IT. convention is In' ses sion at Buffalo. Against (tro (lie central engine, house of Springfield has been in sured by tho bpard of public safely, A '$1,000 policy has been placed upon it at a premium of ?50. At the meet ing it was suggested that the hoard insure the jail against burglars, and one man. aaiil it was just as consist ent to buy flowers for a lloiist. Chief Samuel .Hunter urged that the firetneu might be out Arisen the' building caught lire, and ho wanted to protect the nowfire alarm systci recently installed at a cost,of $5 Children's 82.00 Low Shoes. A good, sol d, servicohlc low shoe for early school days in (an, brown, patent colt or'A-H-i, blnvimr or button T| r o : Oil foot-form Itmts. Bum.hinr- Price....... ...........ipLCyO Children's $1.50While Canvas Button ifi.ucs, mzc i<J- fo II. tjnusluux1. Bale Price... ; ...............................■...... 4*8.10 Choice of 10 styles and patterns of the best values ever shown in this city. Sunshine Sale Price............ ■....... AJ1 leathers jn a ll' styles and shapes and your size if yon come ea-riy. g b :P$u- mC 3 § 36* p C . m e Ladies’ 81,50 and $2,00 White Oxfords. One lot of new, dean $l.o0 and $2.00 AVliite Duck L oav , Shoes, in all sizes. Snnsiiine Halo Piice...................... Children's Bare-fook Sandals. Higli-grade bore-foots at low prices. The coolest and most coinforlat)! >summer shoe ever made for children. $1.50 Grade now............... $ 1 . 1 8 ■ $1.25 Grade now....................9 8 c ■ $1.00 Grade no\V.. . . . . . 78c IN." THE ARCADE. S p r i n g f i e l d ’ s JUa v g e s t a n d S K o e H p u s e . •stem 5:5,01.# At tho matinee races In. Xenia last Friday a four year old horse belonging to Mr. Jwhn Johnson, the je»v*ler, won tb** r«eo witlr e*Mwr. It is predicted that. Air. ,at»htison av JU Imve something fast. Ho avi U not cuter the animal im; -racing ^this fjiunmer other f hau matiiiee work. V O T E . F O R , - John B. Stevenson, Our ; tO Cent Counter has some extra special val ues on it this week, among, tliem— 4 quart Granite iauce Pans '4 " Preserve Kettles 4 “ “ Ponding Pans 6 “ Tin Stew Kettles 8 “ Raring Tin Buckets Any one of these worth 15c to 25c each. Our price tOc Don’ t forget that we close every evening at G o’ clock during August. ■ii'h'iiMHiT.^’^sayta.-iraawur'jrarr■ 1 : i; i\M.'nnii- thu ' i wwamiuirawatj Telescopes — all sizes at low yrices. Suit Cases from $1.50 to 85.00 each. W e ’re Cutting ’em Loose Now Men’s §1.00 Slfaw Hats at - - 67c Men’ s 50c Straw Hats at * - 33c Children’s 25c Straw Hats at * 10c Children's §1.25 Tan Oxfords - 9Sc Women's $2*00 Tan (Molds - $1.59 Men’ s $3.50 Tan Oxfords - $2.89 Zion*t Forget Our Remnant Counter. There arc always Bargains on it for you. A 25 lb. Sack Best Cane .Granulated Sugar for 81.50 Cash. SIP'S Slammotb Store. 060 Tho Ohio Railway commission has refused to modify its order for tho Dayton & Xenia Transit. Com pany in operating the Rapid Transit division of its road. .The ease was in tho hands vf the late Charles Darlington, ay I jo ‘teprosentfd the properly owners. Mr. W. IT, Corry ol’ Jamestown was in towtijoh Tuesday. Mr. Corry has a special excursion to Alberta, Canada, planned for August 4. lie is himself a holder of considerable farmland hi that section, of the country ami reports some wonder ful crops there tins season. He re ports that a number of prospective buyers will take in tho excursion. During tise storm Friday evening,, the homo of John Stiao. was .struck by lightning and slightly damaged. No one was at home at the time, Mrs. ritinc being theguest of friends in Xenia. A valuable driving homo belonging to Allan Humes of flu* Columbus pike, wasutniek by lighi- ningatid killed. Tie* animal avus in a ibild on the Haines farm. Miss Stella Kyle, daoghicr of Rev. Robert Kyle and grand daugh ter of M t . ami Mrs, i>. M. Dean, visited Avith the, latter here this week. Miss Kyle is a graduate of Monmouth college* and sails Salur* day for Egypt win re she will teach in tho school of which Miss Ella C. Kyle is a teach* r. Hire expects to bo gono three years. A man's last will is a (lead give away. Last year’s harvest showed that your crops were not what they used to he. Continuous cropping witboutthiMiHe of fertilization leads to poverty. Replace the plant, 'food. Tse Armour’ o Fertilizers. ‘ ‘Natural Want Food.” They increase tho yield and add a permanent im provement io the noil with oath pound applied. • Hold by KERR & HASTINGS RROB. NOTICE . Mr, 1). L. Crawford, of fbo firm of ('muse & Civ.wford, having ac cepted the Huperintotideney of tho Xenia township schools, has with* drawn from the hardware' business AVhlch iti Ihe fnltil o w ill he cmnlucf- <«t by Mr. ('rouse. An.Mr. (hawfovd expi-cfu to mein to Xenia shortly, those indebted So the linn will confer a favor by tudtling al their earliest convenience .'totheir books nifty ho cloned. Cnorsn ft CtiAWKimii. ■\ cAtoipATE. for ——.—1—County Commissioner R epu b lican Primary* M on d a y , A u gu s t 3 d, 1908 . COURT HOLDS R1DGWAY GUILTY.] (ontintuil from t’ird Vage.) that tlic state failed to. make a case was over ruled .by Mayor "Wolford, Both"attorneys argued tho motion tn full as to the evidence ’and both eimrgeK. Mayor Wolford rendcrod a ver dict of guilty and (he defendant then filed a motion for a now trial. This Avi.ll tie argued HatUvday. .Should this be dchied the defendant ft iff priiPableMh'ut another motion Avlllhe'iiled to appeal (he case to the Court of Common Fleas where Judge Kyle will get to hear it. The oilier witnesses summoned but hot called in iiie case ivero Dr, J. O. .Stewart, T. II. and T. B. An drew and Georg u 111IF. Surround/d by many friends. Miss Karah Hupimin celebrated her eightieth birthday anniversary al her home near Knon last week. She that iiquorif . had been shipped to Rhigway between January and ,Tuty. One barrel ot alcohol in Jan uary, barrel of Avhlnkey m February keg of ginin February, three barrels of hot tied* AVhir.koy in March, on < can of alcohol "m May and-two hart-ols of Whiskey Jn June. Carlton. McLean, supposed star AVitness for tlies rgafo proved to be the opposite. Had been in the drugstore t.o pnrehasa drugs, sta tionary and cigaro, ami soda Avaler, Novi-r purchase<1 beer or whiskey as defondanr. would nofstdl it to him. Dectared deiY.miant Inicvv ]jc ditl not drink. Denied being given| jy a cripple atul has for over seventy fifty eents and purchasing two hot- [years Inm forced to use crutches or lies of beer. Denied taking caro of {an invalid chair, tfTiMTbtWesvalter the beer wim drunk. ’ Of J . .C . YEARS' Dr. Milrn’\:i:i X’ills relievo tv.Sa Admitted that detective gave him fifty coats to get. the bcor and that ho ’ had at tempi •'d to pur- chaso it throngh a cobact! boy hut that bo Itfttl killed. Win. Hamilton, coins od, badpur- chascd ico cream soda in tho drug store, .Seldom visits lIn* placa and can not get liquor in £myn. Always goes to Xoma for it. Dollied faking liver to this hn»e kilns So have it cooled or that "ho I k H evor drank with Roasoiier tit. any time. Ad mitted that he* had mot Uoasoncr on several occaeioiUi. ikunpb-d one or the hoi Men of bfer and declared that alt beer task’ d alike. H. C. Wtlght, publJ iscr. and po litical associate: of trie- defendant admitted havinj-; be. n in tho drug store on ft number of occasion!? from January until July 15. De nied ever being hi tho back" room. Admitted that ho frequently 'went, behind dm prescription case. Never saw/ tin arosftTd........ , ,, , than’ thtvdrngutMo ilm wit- pouui] i or four |mr.« •? nnytlnn.q lesiiiiiony can"od oomo fttmico- it will have, fo be weighed to onlor.” Your dining room floor cun he touched up and rcflnishc<r with Campbell a Floor Finish, and (ho result will in* very satislactory, CROFHR ft. CRAWFORD carries a full lino of all size cans and the manufacturers guaiafifcu perfect satisfaction if llm uimplo directions are followed. • Tho Mnoic of Odd Nutabcrts. ‘‘Even in the tn.iUer of weighing groceries then; mons a magic in odd numbers,” call a ho:K 0 he.*}j*'r, GdoJt of the pnr-k’riv • of rj H, sugar, coffee ami oilier Cfunmodi- iic.i that groom's keep on hand to facilitate trade contain an odd number of pound-.'. If you are in a 'hurry and a ;k fm* a made tin pach* age of ulnio.-t any kind of gr'-.wms trail'isnipn tan ace.-.nrmodafc you Mrs, Fannie Dean, wife of Mr. H. C. Dean, died at her home in Xenia at five o'clock "Wednesday •evening after an illness of many months, death being dm* lo heart, trouble. I Mrs. Dean was born near this! place October lit?, lwift and was tho only child of Albert (>'. and Sarah Humpliorits Barber, now Mrs, Alex TuruSmll. Oil HepU'tub* r Ik she was marruKi to Mr. II. ('. J>« an. A soil, Humpheries, ami daughter, Mary, Avilb 'tho lather mourn the loss of a devoted AVife and mother. The deceased was an earnest worker mUic i'nlted Presbyterian church ami ■took active interest? -in the Women's Goneral Missionary Society. . For fourteen years she was a member of llm Board of Edi tors of tho Mission Sfio was also one of t (Ionia of tlm county W*. C. T. IT, The funeral will take place Satur day ail eruuon at fi o’ clock from tho family r(?sidetici’, burial taking place at "Woodland eemoiory. T rade : M arks ’ D esigns C opyrights & c , Anvnnonondins &nkotrli and doscrlptlnnmay nnlcldy nocortflln our opiilinn froo vrliotbor an liwontkm Is probably pntcnrnbln. Coinmnnlca. llonofltrlctlyctinlldontlnl. HANDBOOKon Patcutn cent froo. Oldoiit oponcy for oecuring patontfl. I’dtcnta takoa ibrobch Muna & Co. rocolvo epuiatnotlce, vltliout chnreg, Jntbo ScientificAmerican. A handsomely llhintrated woeWy, r.arscst elr. dilation of any adontlflo lournal. 'Termo, ?3 a ■year: four raontho, ?U SoldByall nowsdenlotfl. MUNN & jg^SI&osiliay,NewYork BranchOffice. C&j1 Ct„AVaslilngton,D,C. uiry Magazine.] ho curly prcsi-l For hcriCrielie Ur Miles’ Anll-F.Un X'ill:. CURE FOR PILES. Tlie Excelsior Chemical Company of Sanrlusk-y, Ohio, has a nuro cure far PILES in btcclrior File Cure. This ia a brand now remedy, guarantor it to care. It Conslstn of an internal remedy, a suppository and an oint ment. The three remedies for Ono Hollar. Aelt your druggist about Ex* crinior Pile Cura. EXCELSIOR CHEMICAL CO., Sanduaky, O. 0 . O POSTCARDS, Fix brand fiew ^ *? winning postcards for 10 cento. Y, Out of the ordinary—nothing «> I’ like the usual souvenir car'd, y Agents and dealers can malmbis o V money v/itli them, Rend a dime {»’ A of postage to T 2 UNITED PRESS, V .’j. • S24 Giilaen Bldg., O Ctevelandr 0. || //any liquor r.Md m- kept about‘ VviHiva mu* pfumd, tliren pound or a -place. An political coufereneou |five punud pftck:i'.';e. Hut thn j Baulin ho boU in remnm other eban/cs arc that if you want two ness mont. ' , Adjotmunent wn^iuucn until ■flVh'M'k* j *- Yew York Tinit ■ one T Tin’S*cwft!i hrtt'(»iU‘ v/iiiu-;?!1. called! afl tin lk: pi'«-l A inAtinii fil'd *"'h' fiefomiuni t*» dl'U'd’ CASTOR'! A S?or lii&ata swl CMlflsca* rdinner,Gifiecr Ronnon m: to) InCftl but o f tins buck I’&msi ftlidj.*,, , »» ni"'*'*' ~r- ,*-»uiu<cEb>n witn (Is.” dM!gfjto»o! ||1S Efel f i l l I l « U ^ l l t oard the. •I*. ti iff h tho eftflO tho jii* DlfifiMmo •lid, f Fiftemilh year opt-,U4 H*’pt. li». TeaelHM rimuhl examine our Toaeh'ejVi’ emir*:!’. Bfiulenfs for the, *ministry, law, medieiiu* and pvn- S'es'o-.mal teueiiing nlidnld ntu<ly unr rJft';: i('ftl and Fhilo.-mjililcal conraes. Tlmso 'trim wish uttuUes pw-pfiratory1 (o agmmitmal, civil, electrieak and meciianicnl engineer* lug can find them in Cndarville ! <i»»11ep;»*. Our coiiroes m Minuc and j OraFtry are exetpti<mal. Alt win* |want a thorough ''duration can jn i -Iit rigid at homo In CedarviJb* ( ‘id- (iegoa tft {rlilnnc WpeniiC, Youti;,’ nine to college. Kvev.v pur- Uing for college graduales, (MVli),'McSkNUV> Pwskleitfi 10 Per Cent Discount T cl _those who register and pay cash from • Ju ly io A t tg , 29 B o o i llie o p it ig , S h i o H h a t i d i s T y iio w f iiin ig * M E L S O N ’ 3 Arcade, . Springfield, O*
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