The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 27-52
MMaa»acrTr”»MBfX; M*#* O KOAKK^5EI> fitfco. CEPAUY II.L I!, 011X0. W c B ow r e Yovn ji & tronags and promise carefulandprompt attention to all hustnees •fntrogtctl to ns. NRW YORK DRAFT and BANKAIONEY1ORDERS'* Tho cheapo,*54 and most con-. w a v fn nourl. Tnntipvjw,, - . .. ■’ •*■ - * * • man. loans Made on Real Estate Personal or Collateral Security, Banking Hours: 8. A. M. to 3, P. M, S. W , S s iiih :, President. 0- L. S m ith , Cashier Agonies Of Pain Never give up, and think that all women, yourself Included, have to suffer palm Thousands of womenhave writ* ten to tell how they have cured their womanly ills, and relieved their pains; and over a million have been benefited, in various other formsof femaledisease, dur* lag the 'past SO- years, by that popular, and successful female remedy — WiifE {IF WOMAN’S REUEF “1 believe I would now have been dead,” writes Mrs. Minnie Lambe, of Lebanon Junction, Ky., “If it hadn’t been for Cardui. 1 bad suffered with bad cramping spells, pains In my. back,, sides and arms, and*awful bearidg>down pains. Now these pains have all gone, as a result of using Cardui.” At All Druggists WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, 8 taring ago and describing .symp toms, to bodies'Advisory Den rv Tiie Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Teun. 33 39 T H E P A I N T THE PEOPLE WANT -AND- THE REASON WHY The essential qualitiesof paints are their D U R A B ILIT Y , SPREADING CAPAC ITY, COVERING Q U A LIT IES and B EA U T Y O F FIN IS H , What more canbe desired? HANNA’S GREEN SEAL PAINTS Possg33 all of these qualities, and these are P ositive P acts well known tothemanywho have used these goods for years, with abso lute success, and who cheerfully endorse them. FOR SALfc BY K e r ii & H a s t in g s B ros . Equalization, -Professor Bfander Matthews, who is at least as good a wit as he is a reformer, wag overheard once talk ing with Mr. Carnegie. “1notice, Mr. Carnegie/* he said, "that you don’t limp.” “And why should I?” asked the philanthropist. “Well,” slowly answered the pro fessor, “ maybe they pull thorn alter- nately.”—lippinedtt’s Magazine. - Tofopliotto and,Telegraph Poles. • Recent estimates give 800,000 miles of telephone and telegraph polo lino in the United States. At an average of ■ forty poles to the jnile there are 8*3,000,000 in use,, as-iaming that the life of a pole is twelve tears, there are needed eachyear more than2,050,000poles. -4V nuleraft. PILES FISTULA A** AM, DISEASES OF THE RECTUM *»JfeCfSsi tsttatixt taCidtKfeiks c.-.i C m *,••••5.)'' fflatiMa < « » vs n<7# a. waitsra*m««3i ttum, emso trarkv **.auiArtsmswctta’ccowa, rasjjatjt$ot, d r . j . M c C l e l l a n C olumbus , 0. The Cedarville Herald P e r Yccw. I C A P t f l B U L L " - E d ito r . FRIDAY, A r t ir S T V, IDffil H B i T tv» T(TSecure Adoption of Proposed Amendments to Ohio’ s . , Constitution, TAXATION QUESTION IMPORTANT State Beard of Commerce Starto Movement to Make Ohio the Beat . State In the Union In Which to Earn a Living, to Operate a Busi ness, to Own Property—How Cam paign la to Be Conducted and Why Every Votar Should Cast Hie Ballot In Favor of the Amendments. The* General Assembly has submit ted to the voters for adoption ijf'tlie election to Tie held Nov. 3, 3908, throe amendments to the State Constitution, the adoption of each of which is of vital importance to the progress, pros perity and common good of all the people of Ohio. /» ■ ■ PURPOSE OF AMENDMENTS. The purpose of these amendments i? as.follows: 1., -To permit the passage of a bill ■ over'the Governor’s veto by’a veto of two-thirds of the members-elect of the General Assembly. Explanation: As , the constitution now stands a'bill to be passed oyer the Governor’s veto must receive nbt less than .the-bame number of votes it received on its original passage, ITn ^ler this ride the loss of. one vote would prevent the passage of a bill over tlie Governor’s veto. 2. To fix the date for convening the regular sessions of each General Assembly on the first Monday In Janu ary■next after it- is elected. Explanation: The constitution now provides that the members of the Gen eral Assembly, shall be elected in the even-numbered years aud that the reg ular session shall convene on the first Monday in January in the eveu-nmn- bered years. If the pending amend ment is not adopted the General, As sembly elected in "November,-1908, will lave to be convened in extraordinary cession in January, 1909, for the pur pose of electing a United States sena tor to succeed Senator Joseph R, For- 'nlxor, whose term expires March 4. 1909, It will also have to be convened in regular session in 1910, as repaired by tjie constitutional provision it is sought to amend, A new "'General Assembly will be elected in November, 1910. That Gen eral Assembly will have to be .con vened, In extraordinary session In Jan- ..nary, 1911, for the purpose of elect ing a United States senate*-to- sue* ■ ceed Senator Charles DJfplr, whose term expires, March 4, .1911, ■It will also have to bo convened in regular session id 1912 as required by the con stitutional provision it is sought to amend. There will be a se^on of(the Gen eral Assembly in 10t , 1910, 1911 and 1912 unless the pending constitutional amendment" Is adopted.- If It Is adoirt^' ed'the.sessions id 1910 and' 1912 can be avoided. • The expense of these ses sions will bo saved for the taxpayers: The people of the state will secure a corresponding rest from the many agi tations incident to a session of the General Assembly. 3. To classify the subjects of taxa tion In order to secure a just return from each, Explanation: This amendment does not make It necessary to change any. law now on the statute books. It doeU not grant arty authority for the ex emption of any property now taxable. It provides the only way In which the demand for the taxation of public bonds how exempt may-bo satisfied. It provides the only way In which greater equality in the burdens of tax ation can be secured; the only way by means of which methods ern be de vised to obtain a just return from the owners of franchises, stocks, bonds and other Intangible property. - Its real purpose is to give power to the General Assembly to revise the laws of the state as changes in condi tions, experience and reason may from time to time show to be necessary for the promotion of the general welfare. This amendment was drafted and proposed by the fax commission ap pointed by Governor Harris to Investi gate the subject of state and local to: ntion in Ohio. In transmitting this report to the General Assembly, Gov. ernor Andrew L. Harris endorsed its recommendations in the following words: "I heartily endorse the recommen dations made by the Commission dnd especially Its proposed amendment to Article XII, flection 2 of the Constitu tion." CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS DEFEATED BY NEGLECT TO VOTE .ON PROPOSITION. Under the previsions of tlte Const!* l:tiov, all electors who neglcet to vote for o constitutional amendment, are counted as having voted against it. Owing to this regieot, four proposed fixation constitutional amendments have keen defeated. MAJOPlTV CF ALL VOTES OAST AT THE ELECTION REQUIRED. ' The t’mrdlintioc minimi that a constituihntal nl. t-s lm .ilopfeu, ran t ic.vlvcs an .aflirninfive sajoiity t? all iLa v„)<-n tnnt at (ho electten. Tula luIn'; *t Ian1.Lit:ni wk ; m * wW-i^hYwat 1 ' i k' t ‘ uM.i *. TTa moW-jfy- j, -j-.iyci t'i r> rare r/H'a fljj; t:,n of t.'o jcwi.r? ewntitrt'.nrr',, own-! scut r v,l 1}rj c or ■ r-.r ‘.i'lii'ly i . r fa -’d. * THE LO? GVr»nTH LAV/. ’’i V ' 2 ia ■I , l ’.ra lew v;an ea j|’ | jtii #Fint5•'t'rv 5*>rv 1 t t n * :• f i l l '“f l i i' * j ;r *y 1 , ■ ""i ■ ’ 4 * i ;!’ t, ; a : ret l , v i. r." r.■a :; f f fds - :iv.- •»'.'<a i- icnt j wr> M-j t^d H :*.:M iva in 1951, ail rL'ai’ .iit .r :, v :- n 1: rag cun?:f d far theno a “J i'i n* ■. (i;i :rc'-'iut r.f t!--1c-asa v'Di vlj-h ( ’.r.i. tik.t’o.i has }>r>t»n r;r ml Q \v;ta thQ device, a wide- mnTad x nd ■-;,(ovr;ii'icd ilgmacd for the “<! Ci’ the I/ngv/orUi law in- J-F'lk1'XL;y_iiir_ohi*>_Htqti»Jjtauge jm<L -vivi-fiiit il i lUhu-iiafiiichJly by ps mem ber? and many others who rightly be- "irve- the ro’iFtitutloa should be rmeuded only by the del:berate affirm- ‘five act! m r,£ a maforitv of all elec- *m' i voting at o.i cled ion, Bellcvius tb - f mdauiental purpose of the people of the, state is to make Ohio the h'st state in the Union in which to cam a Jiving, to operate a business and to or: i property; know ing tiro character of the pending con stitutions} amendments will commend !h/>>n to the elector.", as 'being abso lutely essential to the realization of this fundamental, purpose; having full faith in -the sound common sense of the people; net wishing to aid the adoption of any constitutional amend ment that can not be carried on its merits’; and believing the . State Grange to be right in its contention on this point, the Ohio State Board pf; Commerce, favored the repeal of tlie, tiougworth law, " . , THE PEOPLE'S CAMPAIGN. The Ohio- State Board of Gommcrce- '1s organizing.. "The People's Cam paign’’ to secure the adoption of the pending constitutional amendments. Its plan of -organization is as fol lows:' . 1. A local committee will bo,organ- iced at the county sedt of each county to undertake organized campaignwork throughout the county* This commit tee will employ a county manager to devote his entire time to carrying out Its plans, : : 2. A township or ward committee will be organised in each township and city word to interest and instruct electors by organizing subcommittees; in every precinct. 3. Every elector, will'be called upon to enroll nimself as an associate in "The Peopled Campaign.’’ tosecure the adoption of the pending constitutiona’ "amendments. 4. A county committee, represent ing all townships, villages and cities, and all vocations, will be organized In each county as soon as the work has- been sufficiently developed to give it the required constituency, 5. All organizations of citizens in each county, for whatever purpose or ganized, wl!labe invited to co-operate in this movement by adopting resolu tions approving'the pending constitu tional amendments, and ui'glug its members, to work for the enrollment of alt electors as associates In ■‘‘The People’s Camralgn” to secure their adoption by the people at the Novem ber election. (5, The campaign fund required for each county is estimuKd at only ten cants per elector, In addition to the amount required for the salary and expenses o f the county manager, Each local committee will raise and dis burse Its own fund, paying therefrom all expenses of the campaign incurred in its own county, Including a small contribution to a general campaign fund for the*state. COMMON SENSE AND PUBLIC ' SPIRIT. “The People’s Campaign'*' to secure the adaption of the pending constitu tional amendments is designed to secure mtrue expression of oplijlon from all of the people. i It is based on the principle that con stitutional amendments, when submit ted to tlie electors of the state by the General Assembly, should be. adopted or rejected by a majority of all votes cast at the election. It is the side partner of no political party. . , It Is controlled by no class or ape <:lal interest. It Is-for-4he benefit of all of the people and l; entitl' d to their enthusi astic co-operati nt and support. It cads upon oath elector to do h‘s individual slyire, with a surplus mar- gin sufficient to make good any short age resulting from the failure of oth ers to do their share. FOR THE GENERAL BENEFIT OF EVERY ONE—FOR THE SPE CIAL BENEFIT OF NO ONE. To assure the people of Ohio that all taxation legislation hereafter en acted will be well considered, conserv ative, free from dictation by any class interests, and Intelligently devised for the common good, the Ohio State libanl of Commerce pledges itself, when the taxation, constitutional amendment has been adopted by the people, to favor the creation of a per manent expert, nonpartisan tax com mission, whose duty it shall be care fully to study and investigate all sug gestions for the improvement of ouf tax laws, so that the General Assem bly may be .governed largely by the recommendations of such commission when enacting tax laws, to the end that the people of Ohio may enjoy all benefits derivable from the best sys tem of state and local taxation that can bo devised for present-day condi tions. EVADING TAXATION. Our deposits dropped from $74,000 to $43,000. About one-third was in vested in non-taxablo bonds and tho balance wag bearded or hidden.*— Banker.. Financial Met, Mr. BIXeR» onvm rt>b( m cH'OtO of rlcnila after dius»*r Ut« #ts«y of bla irgt r.icet*.uK with Belt, “i coiled at Forges* late am ^vanlng,” ha entfl, 'and there wa* Unit away is usual. ‘Da w-tri' take a rest?' i asked. UCoi often,’ he replied, 'Well, wfeafs you? p«um*r nauid,!, T atn go* ■jig to central the whont”.l!an}kgij out put before I am wm-lt oUor/ ho an* iwered, a? ho got off ins stool. 'That’s funny,* I raid, ’I nave made np my mlad to do the same; wo I|.:d better ■oln hnijda.*” Join bauds they did, Good Name for an Automobile. " ‘We call our motor car ’Balzac,’ " paid Mrs. O. N'. Williamson once, "be cause to uxe Henry Jones' phraso a'Kiiit tho great Writer, ita gonlus is ’vhlent and corapUratetl.’ ” . Ores Absorb Muah Moisture, Recent tests have shown that ores of lead and Iron may absorb more than three per. cent, of their own weight in moisture. Ufu-nmatlc Pains relieved Oy use ot 8 r. Miles’ Anti. PMt, rutin 25doaea 25 eta PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO TKH COM* BTITVUVNUi- ymo. J9lHYW!S9LtJTI0K Prtpoilof in «m«n#.nenl t« lb* Coaritu-IIon of the > hole ofCUi* : o |»!I t * I* (he pm*i* o’ bill*. Bo it retained, by the Omtcmt Atnembtu of tho State Ohio i , S f . ction 1, A propoiftlan v.Uo'.l be sub- mltted to the electors ot tlili '.state At tho mixt otootlon tar members of the ncncral cuoombly, to Amend the constitution of tho state of Ohio ao that" fcejUoua IS to 32, both Inclusive, of article IJ. sh<rU rostieetlvely to numbered as sections 1 C to 9.3; and uect'ana 10 and 18 of r.ueh article b* so ameudM na to xend as follows; r • Aswis -XI. Beo. 18, Every hill (shall be fully and owtim'tly read on three different day.v, mi- IesB, In rasa of, urgency, tkfeo-fourtno of the members elected to the house iu which, it slinll bo pending, shall d'.spsusn with, this- Its final vended' with. .. more Vanfi one subject, which shall be clearly o*plMS3td In Its title; and no low shall be revived or emended, unless the new set crntaln the entire act revived, or, tho. section or sections amended; and the section or sections so amended shnll ho roponJed. Sec. 18. E v «y bill osesed by tbs son- oral Assembly ghnlt, heture It can' become a law, bo presented ro tho governor for. his npproval. 3f ho Approve P, ho can fshnUl sign It. If he dh not .^eirt'fVs il, bo shall send it with ’bis objection's Id writing, to the house In which if originated which may then reconsider’ Lists veto qn Its pn«sa;;o. If two-thirds of the members elected to that house then agree to ropes* the bill, it shall bo sent, with, the- objections Of the governor, to tho pther bouse' which may.also recon sider tho vote on It* passage. 3f two-thlrda of the members elected to that house then ngree to ropasa It, it stud) become a law, not withstanding tho OhlCctlons of the governor. It a bill ahalj not be. returned by tho gov ernor wltttht ton days, Sundays excepted, after being presented ter him, it shall become a law. unless tho general assembly by ad journment provent its return; In which case, it aball become, a law uijloaa, Within tfcn daya after such adjournment, it (shall bo. filed by him, with bla objections, Jn the oiiiee of tho secretary of state. The governor, may dis approve any Item or Hems In any bill mak ing an appropriation of money, and tho item or llenm, so. disapproved, shall bo stricken therefrom, unless repauEOd in the* manner heroin prescribed iur the repassage of a bin. S ec . 2. This amendment shall. "take eHect on tho first' day of January, AXD. 1909. „ ' . C, A, TitqMfKOff, Spedktr.of the «o«so of Bcpriwntativeo. A. vdbew tu •HAr.niS, ai .i <*! :: aa rula; but the reading rf a bill vp passago shall in no c«*e bo dlspc No bill shall contain M t thug -i President of the Senate. Adopted March 20, 1006.^ ' Ubitnh S tates tty AwsridA. -OrnO, -Qlfico of the Secretary of State, t, CARMI A, THOMPSON, Secretary of Stato ot the State of Ohio, do hereby certify that the foregoing lx an exemplified ropy, carefuty compared. By me with the original roll* now ext *!« In tbu office, and in my official custody e* Sac-rotary of.State, a* re- f u rad by th* lawe^of-th* Wat*’ of Ohio, of A olat fc«K>lutton adopted by the General A*- eemtily of th* State of Ohio, on the 20th day of March, A. D. 1908. 1 ?( T mtimoxy WiiKAfoy, t have hereunto eutcoribcd iuy name, and affixed my official Mai. at Columbua, this 23rd day of April, ,At'.c)«X9Q3t> ■ ' ' CARMI A. THOMPSON, jt o v tj ■ * Secretary of state, PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO Tilt: CON- " STXTLTION OP OHIO. 40(fir fifSSLUTIOH Te»mtn«n* MtllMlweelir' I*. I w «I t » el the Con* lillulleaet Obi*.. Bo it retained by the (tenoral AtOcfnbly of the State of Ohio ; S ection 1, ' That a proposition ohal] ha nubmltted to the elector* of thft state of Ohio, on tho first Tuesday after the first Monday. In November, 1008,- to amend section two of arllclo twelve of the constitution of tho state ot Ohio, so that lt shali road as foJlawai ____ AiaxlC’bKXII, . ihNANC* and T axation , See, 2, The General Assembly shall hitvo power to establish and maintain an equit- and local raising 'etato _ ..... sslfy tho Oubjecta of By Mpencthcfilfttr ftio ‘fiervca whk'U ontfol tho Aotlon Oi tho H int und totvtfa ip, Miles' Nc-rvo and Liver tolls r-ure onel^atloU, 10 tSOKedSo ceflld. |C.iventc,nndTiadc.Martmo',taiPCil nodall Pat- ,enttrasinesaconductedinf MooedA te Free. ;OunGrricEiorpPdsiTeU.O. P ate lit orrict ;andworantomfo p-itent Inleastimotlnn'thace1 (remotef'-’unWashionton, , . ; ; t;?ndmodel, ilriitt'i.i;; u, 'siii.W. With dracrip- ll-ni, Vt,(i mlvlcfl, if patentable *»i «wt» free of itharqo, OnffcarmtiJiictillpatentiafituircd. 1 lA pAMFkter. "How toObtain Ihitenta,'*with, to.-.t of came in tha U fhnftd foteifia coiudrieo ■CSutfits. Adircca. C.A.SNOW& CO. i Q m , PAtSHf GWee, WAaiiiNdfoN, ft, c. .• »4f/ able system far revenue* it -msy elaa:.,., _______ taxation so far ss their difrorencon Justify tho samo in order to eectiro a Just return from each. AU .taxes and other charges shall bo imposed for public jmrposeu only and shall be Just to each subject. The power ot taxation shsll never ba surrendered, suspended or contracted away. Ponds ot tho state of Ohio, bonds of any city, village, hamlet; county or towmShlp tn this state and bonds issued In behalf of tbo public schools of Ohio and the means of Instruction in connection therewith, burying grounds, public school bouse.?, houses used exclusively for public worship, institutions of purely public ebarity, public property used exclu sively for any public purpose, and porconnl property to an amount nbt exceeding id value $ 200 , for each Individual, may, by general laws, bo exempted from taxation; but all each laws shall he subject to alter ation or repeal; and the value of all prop erty, to exenirtcd. vhsil, from tlmo to time, bo ascertained and published as may he directed by law. S ection 2. AH tax: 5 nnd exemptions In forco when thlfl arxr.amcnt is adopted shall remain ia forco, tn !1 e same manner and to tho satno extent, uuiti .5 and until otherwise directed by statute. 3. Tb thtAMEEELAi:;, Speaker Pto rent, of tha lloaaa of / Hfr.rcscntalKcu. 3mte m , wnxiAua, President of the Senate. Adopted March 27,1908. UiniEb G tates ov avxiuca , Omo, Office cf the Seminary of State. I, CARMI A.'THOMPSON. Secretary of State of tho State of OhinfBfc) hereby, certify that tbo forogoisjf Is copy, carefuly ccmpnrcd by me with tbo original rolls now on file in tbi'a office, end, in my official custody as Secretary c.i State, aa re quired by tho laws of the fctato of Ohio, of a Jclr.t Resolution adapted ty tho tlcncral Aa* r.ombly of the Staf* Ohio, ca tho 27th day of Ma.;k, A. It. lfir 8 . I n 1 rntr.:o:,'E Wsirswy, t havo hereunto subscribed lay i:ati;e, and affixed my official seal, at Columbus, this 2"irJ day of April, A* Di iJ&ui CARMI A. THOMPSON, ^ tHEAt.,1 ^ Per/etary of State. PRopoano A’ innd . mk :; p to Tiin” coN* SiTiXftON OF OHIO,' 30iirr*i:*wiiTio?t Fropssin* ja *me«lm«sl I* tha C*nil!!.iilon ot Iht slaw ot Ohio rshtivs t* sheHms.-lihemm- meaemrat« th*raftsUr scss I ms •t tkslswml MM«isUy* Be it rrtohrd t>i th.eJhr.eftU Assembly of the l,tale cf <>ki >: ' Cctitton l. A rroreriticn shall ho cuh- mlttcd to tho elrrtoro *,f t«B «tafa nt the novt olcctSou for hc.e-fthcrs of tho rsneral acaomtijy to nirndd reaten Cg of artlclo II of tho eormtifntfoa, -o a ‘< to r.'ntl as follows: ... Vkh res.iHr «esatos> of each goneral arsaabiy rh»H vommcnco on tho ure.t Monday hi January next after n ia clioccn. &p!0tefOfthe ihmsetnf liepi M c i f e t t A:: iib -. w I*. llApnin, , , 1' .’Sec.ui of lhaSenate. Adopted Starch SB, ithto. t3mr:a SrA’fca t » A v .»»i< A. Ditto. Office o? tho Ff,-r.-i*(v el Jtf.itc, I, haif .1I A- ,m..wPros, t’erctary of Gtttfo qt tic nfain o f,!h’:Xdo howby certify that the h.iv:,. 'v% ti a; rt-p.pllficd copy, Mrrf-Jty vc:.:;.i-rj b- me Wifi; the original r>i!l ; now mi fim in im * uini m my Oircl.-n <«.N’.dv os H*r,stdry cf SCife. us re* qiilrpd by «he law* of <h* 8 (*ie of Ohio, of ft dUn, Rr'f-l.jjm srtnpw hy the acaornt As- G .m . !y <f the ;■ti»* ,.{ oh«», on the noth day of Marl'll, A. It. lfiflfi, ■ I n 'Ur-.a:‘. :;y iViiMmr, t have horAuntn j llV'” 1 . ' V ;v and affixed my official A l> in *'lf4 day of Aprli, CAttMl A TUOMFOftN, t/arAi^J terna ry ef Sialt, ® io Xlintt Yon Have Alv/nya Boug-Iit, and Tvjiicli lias been in ttse for over 30 years, has horno tho signature o f and has beenmadeunder Ids per* sonal supervision since its iiifaiicys Allow no on* todeceiveyou in tills* All Counterfoils, Imitations and **Jast^as-good^^ are bnb • B£p^rimeiits that’ti-lile with and cntlanger thodiaalth off Infants and Children—Experience against Experiments What is CASTORIA Clastorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasan^ lb contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm* and allays Feverishness, It euTes Diarrhoea and Wind Colic- It relieves I'ccthing* troubles, cures Constipation und Flatulency, It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* Tlie Children’s Fanacesv—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA .ALWAYS Bears t!ie Signature of “TAKE THIS CUT” The KiM YouHave AlwaysBought In Use For Over 3 0 Years. THE CENTAUR *OMI*Ak4Yi TV MUfmAV STAeCT' NCW YORK.eiTV« J. H. flcMILLAN, Manufacturer of CEMENT GRAVE VAULTS Hollow Cement Building Blocks, Chimney Blocks, Veranda Col umns, Piers, Etc., Etc. Tdephone.7. Cedarville, Ohio. f t Imeflean Beauty Gorsets For slender and medium figures* The high bust, long Hack and snug hips. Mould the form perfectly producing those slender and graces ful lines, so much ^ the vogue, •' Favorite Price $1, $1.50 and $2. Also Hair Bow Ribbons, all colors. Bordered. Lawns, Belts and Collars, Leather Bags and Chain Purses, Fans, Long Silk Gloves— all colors, jIUTGHISOli & GIBJlEY’S, XEN IA, OHIO. ^ FOR DURABILITY* A N D SERVICE. ^ W e have found “ J.-M.” A SB E STO S R O O F IN G equal to all demands. Whether It bo used on the most modest farm building or the largest manufacturing plant w e have always found it true to ita trust. I t is made to give service, Every square Is thoroughly inspected before leaving the factory. The workmanship is right, and tlie materials used in Its construction ate .as good as money can buy, As evidence-*-we can point to Asbestos Roofing applied in tlie early nineties in good condition to-day. Furthermore, it requires no coating or painting. “ The first cost is the only cost.1* O i|f Booklet “ R .” Sent free on request; w ill give you valuable information. BW a . isartArntparwl if* ion^t v’W’T—Vx»****«« V.H.W ■*ry— — *»'■>* '■—**•«.**’*■*>; nay bottev... In mid-Bunmier you Rave to trunk to a largo ejegroe to your ImttAier. WellCared For Meats in hot -weather aro the tmjy kind to buy; we have proper appliances for keeping them right, and they’ re sweet and safe when sold. Don’ t go meat shopping when it’s hot. Buy of us and be sure! C, H, CROUSE, * c e d a r v i l l e , o . ■ Hprtr* DYSPEPSIA •'Hnvlng taken ycur wonderJful MCaGCRrotsM fo? ’throomonthfl anduolnEontlroly curedof utomach oatarrli aml dyspepsia, i think a word of praise la dueto*‘Caflcarets”forthqlirwon<l«rful composition. I havetaken numerous other so-called remodios but without avail and I find that Cascarcta rollova more in a day than all tho otliora 1 have tuken •wouldin ayoar.^ . w .. ^ .JainoB McGuno, 103 Morcor St,, Jersey Clfcy. N* J* v Best for i The Bowels j . b o t ^ c o ^ l Q GANDY cathartic .. PleaaantiPalatable, potent,/JPastoGood,DuGood, NeverSicken, WeakenorGrlpu, lOo,25c,50c,Never sold In bulk* Tho gemxlno tablet Btnmpod OOO. Guaranteedto qnro oryonrmoneyback* Stefliog RemedyCa., Chicago or N*Y. 592 ANNUALSALE,TENMILLIONBOXES Epilepsy, Fits Convulsions, or Spasms and St. V itu s ’ -Dance are Nervous Diseases. Most eases can be cured by strengthening and build in g up the nervous system. T o do this a' nerve medi cine isneeded. Dr. M iles ’ Nerv ine -w ill be found efficacious' and satisfac tory. I t has cured many cases o f .these diseases and we believe i t w ill cure you. iWe can g ive you names Of many who have been cured through* its use. W r ite fo r advice. '.‘My son John hftd epilopsy fop yearn. and alter liavinn: him treated ■by specialists fpr over 2 years ho still continued to have spells. I had ai wost Given up in despair, but know- tho virtuei of Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills for side headache, I concluded to ?' *i, v*%, ,v‘k.,,vuuu.i,iiu, ALUliLUIUCULU try the. Nervine, During Julie, 1006, I gavo him a leaspoonful three times a. riftir tK n n ( m T «,1 » r ---- . ..» . . ...— **v »»***. «iv>s aau tv OUCH olIlvU August 28, 3006. and has taken no medicine since Jan.-D7, I am writing the case just as it is hoping it Will induce others to try It,” W, .It. ADDISON, Moorcsvillo, N» O. Your druggist sells Dr. Miles' Nerv ine, and we authorize him to return price of flrat bottle (only) If it falls to benefit you. MilesMedical Co„ Elkhart,Ind Baker’s Restaurant. * <w Now located in the Book-^ waiter Hotel Building across the street from the old “Adams” stand. Restaurant i|i hotel lobby and dining toom on second floor, reached yy elevator. Meals 25e and 35o. H igh Street, Springfield, O. LIQUOR MORPHINE' ia the only xure aml rational treatooat r.-ltSJa,a,li?letA t0 DRINKorDRUQ 8 , Send lor ficOBookletand terms, (0S7UirUi Dinrinn ««*., COLUMBUS OHIO gmmm n ,n UBM»—n laivjfPf18c H. W . Johns-Manvflle Co. . . . OkYo laha* O . •Htaus: ANY tonOH i g g n i i i ^ j m & i m f i k g Bold ami atljuutotl by Isaac 'VVTstcrnilm, i for m Osi M live a i 2 „**r Dpfi Bide M- of n M beei tt9 3V Mi l Day vaca Mi ' Xen Bfc’ll. Mi O., Artl p . Mi ing 1 in Di,. Mi Conn numi turnt Mi , her j ana i of Oi Mi taint Wed her Bam ' Mr his Eieh hom< for S' .. I t Hern! take *Loui Dam Mr issue hunt End fifth Th. of Oi days his n -WoH---- Ervii friem Tht jgend. fclieie value abilit ginni matu 4’Nat from feede sale 1 Om el’iug and L'olm and t gatln Tiros. McK York Ilev of O presi ways Harl Loui A, $1 We am you 86. Ev kfi ref n
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