The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 27-52

i* n iQ A N is s e io *%o* r m W i m t B * OHIO, W * S-PMCIV Vox'll J*ATriOS4W Ktid. promise carcfolami yrompt attention to all 4business intrusted to us, NUW YQRK DRAFT *ad BANK MONEY^ORDERS- T?iq cUeapc^i anil mopfc coft- YfsnlAjit- ■uriv.xr ~tn Efftftl nionOV "Iltr, mall. .■ • on Rea! Estate* Personalor Collateral Security, BankingHonrs: 8 , A . M. to 8 , F, M» S. W. SMXtnr,^President. 0 . li. S mith , Cashier* jThe Ccdarville Herald, * 4 r , o o P « r aY e a r . X.' . "At K A H L H B U M * * - Kditor* FRIDAY, A W S T 81, 1WK] JUUU„^...Ud .'jai/ggHgg For., ^ Female Ills You should take, for female ilia, « medicine wMch acfs-'on the female orgaaa.aad. fuacilocs. , , Cartful la not a man’s medicine... If Is for Women. Its pare, heal­ ing, curative, vegetable, Ingredt- , ents, go direct to the, womanly organs, relieve their, pain and In­ flammation, and build up their strength. ------- « -- * ‘‘Tongue cannot tell,’' Write? fifties Nola Smith, of-Swcetserj lad., “what . PROBE KICKEDBACK Confused by Failure }o Develop a Public Scandal. OFflCERS ARE FOUND FAITHFUL WOMAN’S RELIEF has done for me. 1 am on my | j third bottiq.and'am so much bet­ ter. Before -i began to take Car­ tful, I could not do n day’s work., Now I can work all day. Mother took four bottles of Cartful before confinement, got along fine and has keen real strong ever since.” At All Druggists WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, stating age ana describing symp­ toms, ‘ ........................ ~ •The , to Ladles Advisor!/ Dept,, Chattanooga JMedloino Co-, .Chattanooga. Teun, xaTd 4,-r THE PAINT THE PEOPLE WANT AND THE REASON WHY The essential qualities of paints are their DURABILITY, SPREADING CAPACITY, COVERINGQUALITIESand BEAUTY OF FINISH, What more camhe desired?- H A N N A ’S GREEN SEAL PAINTS Possess ail of thesequalities, and these are P ositive P acts well known tothe'manywho have used these goods for years, with abso­ lute success, and who cheerfully endorse them. , FOB SALE BY - K fiiiR 6 H a & t in o s E n o s , Equalization. Professor Brander Matthews, who is at least ao good a wit as he is a reformer, was overheard once talk­ ing with Mr. Carnegie, “ I notice, Mr. Carnegie,” he said, "that you don’t limp.” "And why should I f ” asked the philanthropist, "Well,” slowly answered the pro- lessor,-^inayhs they pull them alter- jmtely.”—-Ltppineott’s Magazine, Telephone, and Telegraph Poles. Becent estimates give 800,00(1 miles of telephone and telegraph polo line in the United States. At an Average of forty poles to the mile there are SS,000,000 m use, ur.d, assuming .that the life of a pole is twelve years, there are needed each year more than 0,050,000 poles, -■W i-ideraft. &ntn&m , . ... DISEASES OF THE RECTUM S . ssftmiew to BN***♦**!:»BtfABin »*>*»» Msnlr» * if !!:«* AMtn* 0 jmt V<r ruiSt meM Ktdicr, *i Hr.m Wto** #M f$ ii Inmm *rj l**«*!, j f w,nett, wm mkmhm a * mti.% imr,oix*itjutsi m memremtseiemrewt^m, mimikttim DR. J, J, McCLF.U.AN <SSfm< C olumbus , 0. INtffeek ■44***t Senate investigation of State Official# Proves Their Honesty and Ability-*- Work cf Partisan Committee Prove# , To Be a Boomerang. Since the close of the. last legisla­ tive session the Democratic organ* Ization has been searching diligently through the reports of the-Howe sen­ ate investigating committee for ma­ terial that might he used as campaign ; fireworks. The Howe committee was 1a. partisan hotfy acting under author- j Ity of a Democratic senate, created for the purpose q£ developing a scan­ dal In the administration of a nnm* per of statp offices, notably thosft of { the -auditor, treasurer and secretary {'Of state.- ' ■ j In, the time that has elapsed since the adjournment ot the legislature, the various reports” that. grew, out of the investigation have been compiled. 5 and given to the public.. But the Democratic.leadersi and their party - organs -hayefafledTo^ake^dvantage of" the ‘‘‘exposures’’ made by the ex­ perts employed at state^expense, prin­ cipally employes Of'theJCleveland City government. Practical politicians are now frank- to say that the Investign- *tion developed Jnto a Democratic boomerang. . •The Howe (?) .Committee. The Howe committee, headed by Senator Fred G. Hdwe of Cleveland, one of Mayor Tom L. Johnson’s chief aids, was the. development Of a cry by Johnson of rascality in the conduct of state offices so far as they related to the receiving and expending of public funds. Johnson forced through the senate a resolution creating a par­ tisan. committed to probe the offices accused. Efforts- were made to have the investigating body made bi-par- Usan, Governor Harris Sent a spe­ cial message to the legislature recom­ mending a thorough investigation but asking, in a Spirit' of fairness, - th„at there be equal representation on the committee .by the two parties.' By a "strict -party vote the Democfats- elect- jpd all the probing.* They-con- Rented; howdver, to? the presence of •one Republican on*the committee with Senator# Howe and Drah&" Senator Pattsr80n'wa»0ho»to fo to than tty**' *.* ••* The ootumttte* fir#t met tft the treasurer’s office in t% latter part of February with Senator HOW®as chair- •man and called as witnesses State Treasurer McKinnon and- Cashier Green, who is now .the. candidate of ' the -Republican parly to Succeed Mr. McKinnon. Expert1accountants from Cleveland,^ Messrs, Lothman ahfi Standard, engaged by Senator. Howe, took charge of the hooks of the office. The experts. Worked thirty-two days! and presented their report. In a for ffiai minority*report to the senate, SenatorrPatterson-says-bf-their-workt Suppress Report. “I do not charge Senator Howe with 4trying to suppress the Lothman report but 1J, Was many days after it wad made befove I got to see It- and some time longer and after repeated solici­ tations that I was able to secure a copy of it. “After the filing of this report Mr. Lothman was promptly discharged by the chairman of the committee for the" reason as I was then informed that his report was not drastic enough to suit the chairman and chiefly on account of the following parts of his report, viz: “ ’In accordance with your request we called at the Office of the treasurer Of state on the morning of Feb, 25, mOS, or the purpose of making an ex* filiation4o-<leler-min&-what-amonnt- of state funds had been distributed among state depositories, together with the rate of Interest at which same had bec-n placed, and the amount of interest-earned by .said funds, find­ ing that same showed a balance of $C,558,587,15, which was accounted for by the cash oh' haiid and In the de­ positories, . “ 'It was necessary fo examine and tabulate each certificate of deposit id brder to determine the amount on de* in the inactive depositories, the detail of which,aggregated $5,702,000, “ 'We examined the statements sub­ mitted by the acftve depositories finding the balances to he $444,0C0, which agreed with the Cashier's rec­ ord, All securities filed With the treasurer for the purpose of protect* lug the state against loss from the funds placed with the depositorlef were examined. This examination re* vealed thcTfact that, securities coven* ing the Inactive depositories consisted of surety company bonds to urn amount of $3,838,000, and municipal and county bonds to the amount of $1,855,708.20# aggregating $5,753,708.20, an excess over deposits of $51,708,20/ Gepcslt# Secured, *Tn other Word.'? Mr, Lothman was hired to. find a shortage In the state treasury and when he waa unable to find if be lost his job no an expert." One of the criticisms made by Ex­ pert. Lcthnian -on the state treasurer who hist lack of system in keeping his re emits With the Inactive depositor* :on , All the record formerly Jpgf by the ofllf-c of these deposits wao the' certificate ef deposit, carried and e unted no cash. When the quarterly payment of into:cm waa made, fid# *.urt cr* qpc \t » the back cf the «ttg Wii- n the e .miraittce began Its wash In the trencarcr’a qffico, a complete ret tf !)u»kq for tfio picyer rrcird -of tUcc dc; caito h»r already been or. d a - '1 i.n l w ’m 'ir 't r m iy and in d Fy arc*, T o cxscito f.-ad.' pikc criticism of ;/ '.r.t'T’ »V .V; b :la:u-o of ciuTcnvy ( m ! k f j • n-.-r In the office. IV aT iavtB'igaiion fif tho henkn of tho aud'tor end trre.'ubr it was shown tt*at t-ao nvaaye amount of currency tar: ri,’i at f't- time of the spring gtmteriy man inatoa ayas about -$,4 0. In bin report, Senator Pat* t raon “I nave po opinion upon the r+usfetion of Uov/ much currency slmult to kept in the treasury—and the dep si'cry law is silent on tbo sn 'j ev-hnt tint average monthly ■pi.- cato by “tho state?—treasurer*4ex­ ceed §500,000, bo that the above amount would not seem to me to be c-.-xpasive.Qr qa abuse of discretion on the pan of tho state treasurer,” Early in March, by senate- resolu­ tion, (lie Investigation was extended to the, office of the state auditor and a Mr.- Tanner, connected with, the Cleveland city waterworks depart­ ment, was brought to Columbus with several assistants to go through the’ niiilltiris books. Later In the month, a third’ xec-olution by the. senate ex­ tended the inquiry to all of the execu­ tive and administrative offices of the state and authorized the*employment of an attorney by the committee. The Democratic members thereupon selected Attorney W, IT. Boyd ,of Cleveland, gne of Mayor Johnson's legal advisers, as their., gpido and counsel at a salary of $40‘pov day and expenses. Under that resolution and with the assistance Of Mr, Boyd the offices of treasurer,-auditor, secretary of state, fire marshal,- superintendent of insurance and state printer .were examined, - Gives. Clean Bill. The seeretaryjDf state's-office- was givems ~clean' bill, In the offices of the auditor and treasurer no short­ ages: of auy lrdnd Were found and’ the only criticism' made by Mayor John* ,son’s accountants was based on dif­ ferences of opinion over theories of bookkeeping. The report of the ma­ jority of the committee, signed by ^Senators HoWe And Drake, is a re* Hicta't admission of the ability of,tho heads of the two most,, Interested de­ partments, the auditor’s and ■" treas­ urer's offices, to handle the, big bust- ness of'the state. Fault is found at FiiwwUM Mr, Bkodcai need* altar «M»ftbt|E viik /orgw' l»t# ea# ’and there vw is usual, *i)o you Met, * ,idrd* At *tory of hi# “X eelied at he eald, working away take a rest?* t asked. ’ Not. often,* Jkfc replied, 'Well, ahat# your * a » « r eat# I. % am g«- the Whole diamond out-* put before I am mnek older,’ he aa* iwored, a# h# got «t£ hla vtool- ‘That's ,unny/ I said. *i h»v» made up my mind to do the w* bad better -oin hands.*" Join hands they did. , Good Nam* far an Automobile, w*Wo call m r abotov ear ‘Balzac ’ " said Mr#. C. N. Wimamson. once, “ be. causa to ns# Hagra Jjmes’ phrase abyat tile wpfotr, « # genius it 'violent and eompltottod,’ " Or*# Absorb Mueb Moisture, Recent test# bar# shown Ihafc ores pt lead and Iron may absorb more than three per osut. of "their own weight in moisture. '< ’ "'•Kf.Si K*' bona* In which times >vitb business judgement,but this has been made by the examiner, ac countarit or expert, that the money is not all there and properly account- amounts only to natural'differences o f Opjnion inevitable between men, NO Indictment could be presented ott the honesty and Integrity of the men in charge of the state funds. In concluding bis minority report, Senator Patterson says: -/,No claim ed for and that the cash, in the treas­ ury and the accounts'with toe active and inactive depositories correspond ,exactly with the amount charged upon the auditor’s books, and that the audi­ tor’s books are absolutely correct: and there is not a particle of evidence not even kn intimation tending to ahem «fiy fraud, dishonesty or graft- on,ton,t " .... i ...... . •* By strengthening the nerve# which •entnal the action of the fiver and bowel# )t. Mile#* Nerve and Liver Idfis cure «n*tipfttion, if’ tkttfi $1 vest#. ■ : ; vardaman on nbgrohs . ’ : 'I*- ■‘ w y y , * r 1I » II* ■* Governor James K. Vardaman. • j !! of- Misslsslpiu gives this invita* ! ‘ |; tlon to negroes who" Would join j ' \.the Democratic party: , !! ; | “I would rather tho Demo- ; j •‘ cratlc, party went down forever ! I ;; and be remembered1only tor Its 1 ’ , >great work. In the past tlmtr that ‘ | -there-Should be |nsertcd--tnto tho -J; <>Denver - platform -one- word tef ■■ ' I catch a negro vote or that Bryan ] ••should be elected by the votescof <* JI veneered savages." , l * d*12* 'J.'!'T"t''1' 'I1 'I1 'I'4* d1 'I* .J* -Z1 .J. TAFT’S SPEECH. In ail respects the message will he regarded as orte of the ablest papers of Its kind that haa ever been ^pre­ pared.—Baltimore American, It is a speech which will greatly in­ crease Mr. Taft’s reputation and will put fife and enthusiasm into the Re­ publican campaign.—Buffalo Express, GOV. HARRIS AND TEMPERANCE. There Is some disposition on the part of Certain ultra-moral Democrats to criticize Governor Harris because he coyld not he In Columbus to do- .liver aft address ofwelcome to the na­ tional "Prohibition convention, This "higher criticism" is amusing, when it Is recalled that the Democratic platform Is utterly silent on the ques­ tion of temperance legislation and that the party as a whole has formed an'alliance with the liquor Interests, thinly disguised as a “Liberal Lea­ gue," . ’ While ho iff net a political Prohi­ bitionist, Governor Harris has always favored reasonable and fair temper­ ance legislation, and lfis Influence, when president of the state senate, was always on the side of such, Jaws. H"? has repeatedly shown his faith In , fc ability of the people to pass upon the liquor question lb their several lo­ calities, and he stands upon a plat­ form wlilcb declares unequivocally for auch legislation as may be needed to regulate the liquor business. The fact that, owing to a previous engagement, ho was unable to address the, Prohibitionists Is a ffeeblo argu­ ment at best, and a futile ode when the attitude of tho Democratic party toward temperance legislation la cq *> *.-**»Vk4VWI P A T E N T S CavMti, *#8'rtftiliAlstks oiiMfttdand entbusinesstosiilisctedfor MnetnATK Fee*. Sfa#omc#isveroatt e u;».t*ATENYOrvic# > »tiawe c»n set-me fisteet In lesstimetlttn tliose J tiext. We fldrise, if Jritentible o itre of- ’ chSYjee, Ourfeenotduetill p&tcetis seenred, ! • ‘,/‘ li'i'/.to outsit* patents," with it m seme in theV- S, ftfid(ereigo totv-lrie* ‘ itfree. Address, i O .A .S N O W d t C O . oe*. P atent Ossiet, W a « hin * ton , o , D> f—— . JOlHVWSSdLOTlOg : wwa C im WMr Sk* CMrda-Hea i| fit# «0 » ^UBr»Wjte#»»rste »' Wits. Be it resolved by tap £t«wal JtjMMWy of „ the fitat# t f Ohio:. ■: ‘ S kctwn 1, A »i»t»»Itti»rr hb*.» b» *un- niltted, to tbe'elBvtors ot Hit* -tate at the next riectlon tor (aamber-! vf the general eiieembiy, to »m*nd the eonstitntlon of the stAU of Ohio so that section* 18 to 32, both' lndJmnve. of arUritt II. »U-(U rsxpeetively ba tiumhsred a* aeetion* j# to XS*. and scctton* 16 and 18 of such aulski be so amended a* to rend a* follow*: ri _ ARrtrMtfI, - i, jBep. ia. Every V.1U #haU be XuJlj And qtatfnbtly read on tlirsa ’different d»ya, unless, tn ease of uraatwy, thrsa-murtb* of- tho members elected to tt- It shall b» — - - ruloi but m .passaco shal No biTi shall contain libra tbAft #o« subject, which shall be clearly napr-s***# In Its title; and -no law shall be revived or emended, unleB* the new act n-ntaln the entire Wet •revived, or the nee-tum or section*, amended; .apd tbp section or. sections so amended shaft be-ropealed. - Sec, IS, fiyciy bill Vsissd by,the gen­ eral .assembly abslT, before U.can became a law, ber presented to tbs'3interner for hW approval,- it li* approve It; he can f^hain sign it. J t he .do not 'Spprjr* it, be shaft send it with, hi*1Qhffttttods'-'Jft. wrldng. to the house In which, tt grigltuted which may then reconsider Ut#'*v«a" on ff« passage, if two-thirds ot the member* eterted to that .house then capass fb* htft; tt shaft b« sent, with the pbierftno* of the governor, to tho other house which tapy aho reconsider tho vote on tt* passage...ft iwo-tlilrds of the memhers eledtrjj; to that house then agree to repnes jt, tt shaft become a Taw* not­ withstanding tbo obinsrifona M the governor, If-a bill shaft-not ft* returned by'the gov- .erhor ‘ within, ten days. Sundays .'excepted, after being presented to hfin,‘Jt -shaft become law, unless the gefierat assembly by n'd- Journmcnt prevent Jt j return ISfSS& la ,<.runieai . „ . , _. . .itch case, it shall become a ? l u*, within ten day* -after.auch adjournment, It abaft be filed by him, .with his objection*, lit the office of the secretary of state, Tttt governor may disapprove ahy tfem or Jtonfa In any blft mak­ ing an appropriation of money, and the item or Stems,.so disapproved, shall be stricken therefrom, unlesa repass&d in the manner herein prescribed for the repassage of a Ollle v - * Bcc. srv, Tbt* amendment shaft' '.taka street Oh tbe-Jlrsf day of January,A. 0 . 1009. ' _ O, A.'TiiOMpgpp, „ speaker of (be Houseof Representatives, ’ . presidentpf (JtSf Senate, ■ Adopted March 20, jSOfl, • ‘ U.NiTan STAtto by ; am # sksa . O hio , onto* ot the-.seareuiw -* 5a‘ -** ■ - i, cakmi a . mas Btatft of the State uf ft, LUAt UfUU of State, ’ SQNi^'Secretary^ot ot do hereby certify pllfisd copy, theprlglnal an d inm y State, ##;##!»: -of OhIO, oL* a.qaaaralA*- iMSAt,] P roposed TO.THB CON- OCHIO. . . . * *r\- TeammadieeciiMMeet Iwafve tl tka C« b > “ t * prppo»lt[6a shall be Wfl«hr.ft«*!;#tata::OfOWo, if aftw- th* firtt MOUday is m , fo amend ot tM oemitittuU-d aoction two of 'ton of the state' ** follows: : BahtioK i, Tha eubjiiuted to the on the -first true In Norcmber, ‘180$ article twelve f ‘ of Ohio, *o that STxAJsc# A»n T axation . ’-Ser.T2.' 'The Oeneral -AwsaWr-ntmll- have- pov p to- estabftnh .aBd maintain an equit­ able system fori rising state and local revenue. H may -clarity th* subjects of taxation so far , a * their differences justify tbe name In order to a just return from each,; Aft taxoa and other charges shall be Imposed for public purposes only and Shall be- Ju*t to osch subject. Tbe power of taxation shaft u«v«r bs surrendered, suspended or roatrsoUd away. Bonds .of the State Of Ohio, bond# Of any city, village, “TAKE THIS I F The ILiftcl You Have Always Bought, and wliiclt lias Been, in us© for oVer 30 .years, Las borne tbe signature o f . and lias beenmade under bis per­ sonal supervision slpee its infancy. '* " “v v w f '' AUowno one to deceive you Intins. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-ns-good” are but Experiments that ti’ldejwltb and endanger tbe health o f juuants and ObHtb;en—Jtixperlence agamst ibxjjftrhneuli* - ' What is CASTOR1A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, 'Pare­ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. J.t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other ISTarcotio 4 'substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness, tt- cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic, tt relieves Toetblng troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tbe Food, regulates tbe Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, Tbe Children's PanaceJL*-Tlie Mother’s Friend. G E N U IN E CASTOR! A A LW A Y S Bears the Signature of CUT’ “ We recommend it} there isn’ t i.nay better... ............ .. ' ......... Tn mid-Bummer you liave to trust: to a largo degree to your butuher. Well Cared For Meats in hot weather pro Hie only kind to huy.;'we have proper appliances for keeping them right, anti they’ re sweet and safe when sold. Don’ t go meat shopping when it’s hot. Buy of us and be sure. C. H . CROUSE, - CEDARVILLE, O, PIMPLES .-'I lriedell klnde of bloed-romedle. which faileff to do uio any good hn* 1 lmve found the right thingr at iBBt. My toco was full o f pimples end block- heeds. After taking Ouscareta they Aftlefb i «n apntipuing the nee of them and recommendloc 1 them to rnyfrionds. I feel fine when Xrise in tbe moraine. Hope to have a chance to recommend OftHCftrGCPf^ ' ■ i’-; Fred C, Witten, 7 <£>mSt., Newark. H. J. Ill Use: For Over 3 0 Years, THEeinT*Un toMuuv, tt tiunnayavneer. new vodk cm . Best for The Boyvels r ^ ^ in oo i ismmm J. H. flcMILLAN, . Manufacturer of CEMENT GRAVE VAULTS’ ' , ' . .■. %S Hollow Cem6ixt ^Building iBlocks, Chimney Blocks, Veranda Col­ umns^ Piers, Etc., Etc. r Telephone 7 . Cedarville, Ohio. flmeriean Beauty - ..... ,grounds,. tuMUM*UKtd e*cw«lvcly burying in connection lb*r*wlth, public Khcol h«n*M, tu-__ ___ lor nubile worthi®, bMiitutlons of purely public charity, ptrbfi* properly urved *zclu- •Ively for any public poi-po*,, and peraonal property to ax anMm»t not exceeding In value” $200, for M*b Individual, may, by general law*, be eaemptod from taxation; but all auch law* S m U h« - - * - “ atton or repeal; > erty, ao exempted, be ascertained directed by law, S ecxio . h S, All 4 * 3 ^ 1 MM puU tubject to- alter- value dt all prop- fr«m time to time, 't*b«d a , may be ______ ____ ----------- ------ exemptions In force wbes thia MMfteeat la adopted shall remain In fore*. !a tfe* tarn* manner end fo the same exteat. eujM* and until otherwise directed by statute', 1 „ ...... -fiteAMaa Speaker era fern, of Meerrsmtatitet, M. W j mUitH, — __ tbo House of 3mm n .rtfAUMB, M M w n SS“**, - '“ *t~ '-. IlKrfED SfATM car ixsmtCA, O hio , Office of. th, ftewdury of fftatA. ^ I, GAHM1 A. TtfcpPOON, HerteUry ot State of the Utate rif OMUMto hereby certify that th* foregehut t* *IFTx*ittpHfled copy, carefuty eompate* by me with the original rolls how on fit* la tiris■-ftbr*. and in my official custody tut Seamary of State, as re­ quired by th« laws et tbe Rate of Oblfi, ot a joint Tteseiuttoa »4apMt by Use General As­ sembly nt the State of Oil*, oa th* 27th day or March, A, ft, IMS. Iw TEsrmoxr WHwmor, 1 have hereunto subscribed my Mt»e, and affixed my official seal, st rolsmlrtw, ifcia JSrd day of April, A. ft. 13011. . , ; > . . OAUSTI A. THOMPSON, f seat .,I secretary of state. ra5™aiTt$^Wdi 5 ™* ^ Jmr mmvmK . . gwtteWfaasg ttstMsi sa , ststeef (he Qtnerai Assembly of sttion shall be sub- at this elate at the Be it resoired by mlft-rt [ . tk, . ................ h fr ife r il* * for «f th* genorai assembly fo s*md MHstkm 25 of article H of the constttstloa, n u t i read as follows; See, 25. Th* ttofwse SM.ton of each f enera! ajwemhly Aafl Mmmenca on the rfct Monday tn Janaaty H«xt after It Is CuOIHv< Speaker if it* ^ttmHor^^eseniativet. Adopted Marsh *», Owrfr Srar** or Awwstcui mttpt u Haanta, » 0f lf>i Senate, W 'AnM t’*Af! * ^ c S ^ j | f ! lti!»r*tary of tfafs of the «tat« of Qfci*. do hereby certify » . ... that the foregoisg is «a ststnplffled copy, can fitly r*f»a«nHrhy «u with, the original 3, sew of Msrrh, A. ft. . t.x TrsriMowv M the 20 th day . „ .............mnnoT, I hat* hereunto •uWrlhed my aaw*, and a«*ed » y official **»{-, i» s X>r« dsy of April, OAitttr A. THOMPSftNT, . - Semtafy Of State. a a f c a s ^ —^ ■* A. ft. fsrar.l (theurnatto Palwt rWHavsd by us* 6> ot. mu **’ am I 'M i » mm n 3For slender and medium figures. The high bust, long back and snug hips. Mould the form perfectly producing those -slender-and-gr&ce-—^ ful lines/ so much jj? the vogue. , - F a v o r ite P r ic e $ 1 , $ 1 .5 0 a n 4 $ 2 . • Also HairBow Ribbons, all colors, Bordered Lawns,' Belts and Collars, Leather Bags and Chain Purses, Fans, Long Silk Gloves—all colors, JlUTGHISOfi & GIBNEY’S, XJSNXA, OHIO. TOWNSLEY BROS,, mmmmmmammmmtmmmmmmmsmsmmmmmmsmmmmmimmmm Cedarville, Ohio. Manufacturers of Cement Building Blocks, Build- inge raised and'fpundations constructed. See us for Cement work][of alL kinds. Estimates cheer­ fully given. „ TOR DURABILITY AND, SERVICE. 3 > W e have found ^ “J.-M .” ASBESTOS ROOFING equal to all demands. Whether it be used on the most modest farm building or the largest manufacturing plant We have always found it true to its trust It is made to give service. Every square is thoroughly inspected before leaving the factory. The workmanship is tight, and the materials used in its construction are as good as money can buy, As evidence—we canpoint to Asbestos Roofing applied in the early nineties in good condition to-day. Furthermore, it requires no coating or painting. ‘ ‘The first cost is the only cost,’* * Our Booklet “R,** Sent fr&d oh request, will give you Valuable information. ^ H. W . Johns-Manville Go. * w ^ ' r T " ' Clevetafid, O . ■ , , CANDVCATHAjmC Peasant, ftavorSick____________ ____ sold. In bnlk. Tbo pennino tablok ‘ Oapranteod to cure, or your rooiioy back. Sterling RemOdy Co., Chicago orM .V , 595 ANNUALSAME,TENMILLIONU0XES Why Suffer?* Pain Pills will relieve it ’—and leave no bad after­ effects. That’s the impor­ tant thing.. *Neither do they create a habit. More often the attacks5become lessfrequent, nr disappear altogether. Dr. Miles’ Anti-Paih,Pills have *hu ^ ' an:d -gmefSew^ * otrs irritation. , . - "We are Tiovex* wltoout Dr. AOI**’ * Anri-ftaln Dills. My huefeand and son, aged 45 .were always subject to stale headache until, we began using these Pills, and .they have broken them up entirely. Don't think they, have had to use them foe Six months. I recommend, them to every one,, A fow weeks ago I heard an old lady -1 friend was .sick.-' I went to see her.' ' She. Was down with XaGnppe, and, nearly crazy With awful backache. I gave her one of the Anti-F&ih Pills ana left another' for her to take in .a short time. They helped Kef right away, and she says she -will never be , without them again, la s t winter my ‘ husband:was taken with pluerlsy. on both sides, and X“know. he would have - died if it hadn't been for tho Pills.- In less than, half ■an hour he was sweating,* and Went to bed and slept,” , AIRS. G. H. WEBB, Austinburg, Ohio, Your druggist sells Dr. -Mite*’ Anti- Pfiln Pills, and we. authorize hlm to return the price of first package (only) If It falls to benefit you, Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Baker’s Restaurant. j ‘ N ov / located in the Book- waiter Hotel Building across the street from tho old “Adams” stand, Restaurant in hotel lobby and dining room on second floor, reached by elevator. Meals 25c and 36c. HighStreet, Springfield, O. s i n y LIQUOR MORPHINE Habits, Is th* only sur* and Optional treatment iat thoseaddicted to DRINKor DfftJO«!B*ndfa .ran, 10*?UsrthO mk H hs Srco Booklet:and terms. C O L U M B U S O H i b f H S S & ^ ^ - i i r i s e s ANVN1 *cnoH SSfIMJL . . J W 1 N ^ H J U W S *U ^ •tuvtsaujum«*HAsi/4fui Hold fitul adjufitoti t*y I simms Wiateififtiiu,