The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 27-52

'TT'W -AUr*Ctfvf pricw on buggiej at K*rr &Hasting* B’ro*. M m Kat* Jfiflmti* visUingin Coi- wmtm*. prftf. D. L, Crawford v u in Cin­ cinnati, WednMday, on buniaeB*. Mary and Alfr*d Marahall, of X*»ia*r*Bp*«<iiugthe wrak her*. Hr. Thomaa Spencer and wife, of Xenia, spent Wednesday with W. A. Spinear and family. Miss Han*y Finney eniariamed a few friend* Friday evening. Mr. O. H . Grouse and wife spent Sabbath jo South Charleston. FOR SALE 'Fertilizer drill in good condition. Uffil* O, 33 , Cooley. grain apron —■See the now endless spreader, now feature* at Kerr & Haetinga Bros. The Herald is in receipt of a has* Jkefc of delicious peaches from Mrs. A . O. Bridgman, for which w« are greatly thankful. - Curtain* to fit your at McMillan**. window* Master Shirley Evaleth J b visiting relatives in Kentucky. Fred Tdwusley has returned home after a visit of several days la Hr ban*. Mrs. Sarah Mitchell will occupy part of Mr,.H. TL McMillan's resi- ■deuce. Miss A.‘ L. Oraufurd is In Cinom natJLwhere she is engaged in look­ ing after her fall millinery,. —Mattresses, bed'; springs, best to be had at McMillan,*, the Mrs, D,x$. Ervin and,-daughter, Mary, were in Cincinnati over Sab hath. ■ , Mr. James Auld of MarteiyO., is - viB iting his brothers, J. M. and Ar thur.Auld. * Miss Loren Kichols, of Columbus, is the guest of her cousins, the Misses McGTven, Second hand fertilizer .drill almost .neV,vfemale at ' '' ’ ; Kerr A Hastings Bros. Mr„v Wm. Duffleld and wife, of Dayton, spent Sabbath with Mn4. Mary Duffleld. Miss Irene McClellan, of Dayton, spent Sabbath with her mother, Mrs. Lucy McClellan, —Superior and Buckeye grain drills, sold by Kerr & Hastings Bros. Mr. Vernon Dixon, of Cincinnati, was the gtteatr of Dr. J ,W » Dixon and family from Friday nniai ifon - 4a^« - ' ■ 7 Tuesday evening lor *pe&^. 'liuslH' neto, Every member is urged to be present, Messrs. 3, C. Shannon, John Stor- jnbnfc, S« C. Anderson and Charles McCoy left Tuesday on a trip to Ok­ lahoma. —Dockers, couches, folding beds side beards, at McMillan’ a * Mrs. Park, of Hrhana, Ill.v and 8lstor,-Mra.-Hessong, -of Inaiahftp- ojis, spent part of the week with their cousin, Mrs Robert Bird. Mrs. Sam’ kOouttrlght and daugh­ ter. Margaret, of Circleville, were entertained at the home Of Mr. Alex Turnbull Thursday, . Mr, A. G. Eveleth, wife and son Spent Sabbath in Wilmington at­ tending the annual meoting of the Friends church. —Carpets, mattings and linoleums at McMillan’ s. MI bs Virginia Burns, of Santa Ann, Cal., who has been the guest of her grandmother, Mrs, Susan Burns, has gone to Springfield for a visit. “ Word has been received hero that a son arrived at the homo ot Rev. and Mrs. W . A . Condon, of Clarion, Iowa, on Wednesday. A daughter IS being Ontert*. led at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Win. Pollock, South RyegotS, Vt., word to this effect be­ ing received Monday. F, T. Tarhox, wife and daughter, o f Xenia, a™ camping we»t o f town on their farm Mr. Tarbox ,1s tak­ ing his vacation as a member o f the Xenia police force and “enjoying camp life, , / $100 Reward! $100. TheTendersof this paper will to pleased tulwirn flmt'tlitre Is *t least one dreaded ,;fop. sc thatscience bs* beenableWcure rt all Us stages snd that is Catarrh. Bells Csturrii €drois theOnly positive Curdnow known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh tH'ln* a constitutional di*«e. requires a constitutional treatment.; Ball’s Catarrh ('ore is taken internally, acting directly up­ on the blood and muonti*stirracesof system thereby destroying «>* foundation of the disease, andgwmg lh» pMlMt strength by building up the constitution apd assisting imtnrt in doing itsWork, Ihe proprietors lukveaomfirh faith in «-« tw s tlw powers, ttot thar offer on*Hundred Polls* forany rmic thnt If fails to cure, Send for list 0 J. PHFNftY ACo, Tolcd* 6. field by llrnggist, Yfic. JMI'SFamily JW1U m fit* beat, Charles Andrew, who -has boon located in Winchester, Ind, for th past eighteen years, is nme on a visit with his aunt1, Mrs. Robinson, Thu annual meeting of the Greene County Teachers’ association will he held In Xenia next week,,. A ll ses­ sions will be held In the. assembly room ot the courthouse, - T b i street cominilteo lms given the streets a good, scraping, the grass Weeds and loose, material being hauled away. The appearance of the streeets has been greatly im­ proved. Mario Wright, owned by . C. C. Weimer, won a sensational, race at the Springfield fair on Wednesday in the 2;8& pace. After losing the first two heats Gilbert Luce, the driver, forged ahead the next three heats. The horse Was given a mark of2:20K. ’ „ - 7 * WS , The open-air meeting will he held ’in the qaual place Sab hath evening* The uhion service of the young people’ * societies will begin at five o’ clock. The other, service will fol­ low at-5:46. .The Sermon Will be1 preached by Dr. Jessie Johnson, of the Xenia, seminary, Everybody invited. i b *f ■— •, ■' . - - V 1 " % ' The fire ^department was called out Wednesday morning to a small flrfe on West Xenia avenue. The woodhouseab the D* -3. Ervin prop­ erty across.from the paper mill suf­ fered the I osb Of a roof. Otherwise there was tittle' damage, The de­ partment threw no water, the fire being put out by tlie paper company fire pump,. >• A recent saloon brawl in South, Charleston is to he the cause of a loom option election. Several years Soutli Charleston vdted„on local op­ tion and by a contest id the courts the dry lost. After th e last distur­ bance a petition was circulated ask­ ing eonneil for an ejection. It w o ? , b S e t fbf' the election. Writing a check on.,tbe bank and not having a deposi’iTtlo back it up, and planting Seed on impoverished Soil, Will bringthe same results. Xo funds, and no crops. Deposit Ar­ mour Fertilizer’s, "natural- Plant Food” and get a good yield with added, interest in the improvement in the quantity of the Crop, and com­ pound interest in the improvement o fih e soil. Sold by,Kerr_&._Haafe- mgsiBros.” ...... * _______ . COMPOUND MEREST The trouble with most' adver­ tisers is that they expect imme­ diate returns of large propor­ tions. One prominent advertiser illustrates the principle of adver­ tising in this way: «Th * m oney expended fo r advertising: ju the Same li* i t p laced at. Interest. The profit* from the advertisin g are v irtua lly the in terest on the investm ent. “TheSumsspent for advertising are properly chargeable -to cap­ ital account because the result­ ing good wifi is something that has value, which, if the adver­ tising haS been properly done, can usually be sold for the face value of the investment. “The rate o f Interest is deter­ mined by tbe skill with which, the investment is made. “Just as the quickest way to increase invested wealth is by compounding the interest, Just so the quickest way to realize re­ sults from advertising Is to Com- pound the returns,’’--Advertising Experience. Advertisers get good returns <m the amount Invested In Our columns. We reach th* . people. SCHOOL NOTICE. The Cedarville village schoojs.wili open Monday, September 7. Let each pupil be luesent with the nee cssary equipment to do effective work on that day. Wo urge tho parents to see to it that the children are supplied with th* necessary books and stationary at the very opening. Don’ t permit them to come a week or two, much 3see a whole term, without the very essentials necessary to do effective Work. The superintendent aud teachers desire to make this tho banner year in the education! history of our vlt lags school. We need "yoixr assist1 anee. Put your shoulder to tholoati. Look afl».r the horns side of educa­ tional affairs and will try to take carp qf the school side. . F. M. Reynolds, Supt. NOTICE. I have purchased a well drilling outfit and will soon be ready to take contracts. Any one wishing a well drilled, give me a call. ■ Harry Strain. BIBLE SOCIETY, The annual meeting of the Cedar- vilie Bible Society will be held next Tuesday, August25, in the R ..P , church, Xenia Aye., at two o’clock p. m. The Board will meet in tho sanm place at one p’ clock. The canvassers will please have their re­ ports in before that time. This is the 70th Anniversary of t ie society. Let the people show their interest in the Bible Society work’ by at­ tending this anniversary meeting. Pastors will please announce it in- their pulpits on Sabbaty.. There will be no preaching- in the II, P. church on Sabbath August 2g and SO. Dr. H. C. Middleton preaches his last sermon Sabbath for the M- E. congregation, after which he; ex­ pects to retire from active work in the ministry. ' h « Dr, has been With the local con .ration six years and his intention i leave id to’ he regretted. His ministry 'i n Oedar- ville has been productive of much good-and he leaves bearing the love and. esteem of everyone. It is ex­ pected that the Dr, Will move his. household goods to Yellow Springs nextweek, where he ownsproperty, MULES WERE REAL; QJ\IE$. SSL87 Ganjoh of fenIMbfade*rsMB8 who has just, returned Jffom « trip through the west, *1 stepped up to the desk to. register when l saw ah entry just above the space 1 was ^destined to fill. The lino read as follows: A . ft ‘Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, Ar­ kansas. Two mules/. “.The words ‘two-mules’ were not in -the same handwriting as that giving the names of the regent ar- rivals. A wild idea flashed through my mind that the hotel clerk must he in the habit of characterizing the gqestS: My natxiral curiosity prompt­ ed me to make inquiries. ' “ ‘Olq the mules?* replied the pre­ siding genius of the hotel. ‘That means that Mr. Jones and his wife are going to ride down the canyon tomorrow morning. Quite a party making the trip. Would you like to go ?’ “ ‘Y e s / I sail, “And I had the pleasure of see­ ing him write ‘one mule’ after my name.”—Hew York Press. A Startling Encounter. A man named Meueely pf Holy- wood, Belfast, had a remarkable fight the other day with ait enor­ mous rodent. IIo Was shooting sea fowl on the strand when a strange creature, nearly three feet long, sprang from a clump of grass and attacked him,. Menooly met the brute with a well directed kick, but the animal dashed at him again and this time sank its tectji through his sea hoots and held on like a terrier. Thus embarrassed, it was five min­ utes before Meneely killed tho ani­ mal, which fought with great.feroei- ty. The brute, which was as big as a good sized dog, lias been pro­ nounced a coypu, a large rodent fre­ quenting the river Plate, whence’it probably came to Belfast in a trad­ ing vessel.—-Westminster Gazette, Btop bains almost lnstantls^-Dr, Mile* AritbPaln PUls. Mo bad after-*«ecU, HARMON \ l FAjjtE BEACON TomL JeSaser* OrganMakes Attack U Midate. In Cuyahoga t&M y tlio Tom U Johnson patriot# ftgA tho ouikt |(,r their exuberant aj&ft* in tho gvea- more club, a Daqiortfttic organization recognized a# oa* of the largest'm the" state. It 1* o«ta*r*a by city om- plr.ycs, the ptwwwti h*ad being <ius Banna, suiieuntaadatot of the rareet cleaning deuartmss&t with SSyCaail' hundred: municipal.. Jobs at bis dJs- piml. Btaf i kepewfcmtative Henry Maulijerger . on* of th* trustees. The crub ls the rating plft(;0 f0r ap Hjo Johnsonian ikupscrats and peri- odic meetings, are &«J4 to stimulate interest in the m yw and his various undoitakings. r‘ The denunciation of jpdson jrar- mon, Democratic candidate (or gov- eritor, by .lolmkop at hi* party's state convention, is recast history, And In view of mibsoqitSBt developments In the Demer-ratlc faetlcuial fight, this paragraph from th* last number pi ’•The pimcrver," tha Bycantore club’s- ofileinl organ, iaeuligtitefling: •‘^inley, Gdrber, Boss of Colum­ bus, aud all the other satellites In the Democratic combination are active in suppressing progress within the Dem­ ocratic party. * * * ‘ It'Is’ schrcely necessary t « return a bill of particu­ lars here. The result of that su'p. pression is found in the political at­ mosphere of the atsta-an atmosphere musgy with plotting,' intrigue add deals, rotten with dishonesty, graft, sham reform and open defiance of public opinion. The Dehiocratlc can­ didate represents nothing so much oc a false beacon erected to'lure-the un­ wary’ into' danger. To liim the plat form fs a meaningless jumble- of words that Were adopted to conceal the real purpose of Ids candidacy— the stifling o f progress, the defeat of the legions of party purity, the ele­ vation to power of the ‘standpatters’ and the’corruptionists,'* -'W#V’V.fc- .-' v Y-V- a - L >* 'jT-.X-*’-/ ' ,NOT A DEMOCRATIC CON- ; - - pITION. , The j$l5-a-day expert employed by the Howe senate probing com- ; mltteq^ to go over the boolts, of : State Treasurer McKinnon, was : forged to report that there was t more money to-that credit or the : stqte ihSp senator Howe believed : sliddld have been on hand, poea : anyone recall such a-report being :■ made about » Dem6e«itlc ofilcSal? : KodaK For Sale! A new Eastman Kodak, never been used, for sale M a Bat The latest improvdd film Kodak Phone 2 on 71. 1 ’ - — - . . 1. , - s* v wV» * *1-/>•# DEMOCRATIC u$ p AR.E D EA L ” Legislative Investigation Instance of Method* Party He* Adopted, A "square 4§aP’ is- a deal that Is square on all When the Howe swat# *i«ls3ilflfefr•]&£!&*'. invegtk were getthigd/l Thb investigttrfjSS'.^iltt lor tbe put- pose of making ijte&u#c$fciie poiilicat capital, solely. Test-the only impor­ tant thing the jiivestfifttfion developed was that some' of the. state official? did not do thing* «* Senator Howe would have dope them had ho been In their shoes. Tfe> financial affairs of the state, involving millions of dirt* inrs of tha imopla'i money, had been handled by Repuhllosa official* with­ out the loss of a doHfce and In a com* petent,-MslflaBadika-manner, .The men fintned by th* Brapuhilcah- cou, vention to succeed Btata Treasurer McKinnon and Auditor CHdlbert are the chief deputies to thdse offices, Charles C. Green and H. M. Fulling- ton, who lttfaw hen# th* Work was done and are -fully dqwpntcnt to con­ tinue the good r*cord*oftheir present chiefs. Secretary of Suet* Thompson, who was also inVafttgatod and, found to measure up to th* standard, is a candidate to suctMHtd himself. Can bettor men for -the** office* be found anywhere? Does th* Democratic ticket offer men of *oafc proven" abil­ ity add integrity? GOVEftNQft 18 FRIEND OF TAFT’S. Gov, Andrew I* Hand* I* quoted as itollowa concerning Jnfig* Taft, the Keptibllcftn presideatial candidate: “While t am a great admirer and frrend of ilooseveli. and have great faith In his fearle«uw*k, honesty of- parpose, dPttrmlnatloa and patriotism, and while I believe that this adminis­ tration will bo rpem-ded a* one of the greatest rules of a oratory, yet I be- lieVe that Judge Taft with hin skUiful and legal learning, diplomacy, big* hcartednedS, Honesty and fairness, is more capable of carrying out the poli­ cies of tho party *nd government, than even Mr, BootmrMt himself. "He is tub safest and towt available man for tbe pre-sldsaoy and I believe firmly that the people will place him at the head of th* gWaramrat’ ’ I JUGGLING O f BANK DEPOSITS I | AT TAX TIME CAUSES VERY § * SERIOUS LOSS. | *• “We find the investment of money at tax time In non-taxable bonds to. lie our most serious ,loss. Money withdrawn from the deposit account, loaned on mortgage or otherwise, or even invested In government bonds, is sooner or later returned for deposit,' "The tax rate In our village Is about i per cent; 6 per cent is the rate fdr ood loaps. Gilder these conditions a good 4 per cent non-taxable bond at about par is an attractive investment. M\Ve find that when our customers buy^ thesejopg time -bonds that they Very seldom offer them for sale. They prefer real estate mortgages to bonds, and if the tax rate could be reduced to- one-half of one per cent, would'loan their money oh mortgage and it (the - money) would <£>* kept in the' com­ munity.’ - - , “Our people here have np’t invested in municipal bonds to any great ex­ tent as yet/ for the reasdn that’ thorn hnve been no local issues until re­ cently, About $5,000.00 was invested in a local Issue oft bonds in the last S months, and they* were .purchased by , people who, woiilc^not lie about reporting their money.,to. the . asses­ sor,, and who, did not like to jjuf their money-in the bank’ and get 4 per cent interest and then have to pay d per cent on the same for -taxes, thus de­ riving only 1 per cent from their, in­ vestment. Consequently they pur- si pm .cent .t® US’- "V fee ttaseftsor (that include* uine- te&ths.of 'bhem) prefer to leave their money ip. the bank and draw the saHie rate“ ct interest and'they can then use*it at any time, - "We believe a large majority of the people desire toi pay their just "pro­ portion of the tax and would'welpome a law that would place all values on a more equal basis?!'- LOOK HEREl What you Can Buy on Saturday, for Cash or Trade. 25 lb, of Aaveineyr &Elder's Granulated sugar $1.64 1 sack Snowball Flour .05c 1 sack American Queen Flour .T6c 1 pound of Star Tobacco- .40c . ' z Any package of Oats fox* 9 cents, s ■' California Hams at 10c atlb, " Tho boat Coffee that 30 cents a pound.- ■ - We are the only people who, handlle the first grade, of Jamestown Flour at 70 cents Give us a call and get prices. We oply handle first grade of ever ything. No seconds.' . . . . . - r ■’ V/E.WILL"PAY;* ’ Q For Butter; 23c per lb. l^or Egg-s; l?c per doz. - O. M. THE CORNER GROCER. KENTUCKY WANTS TAX flEFORM* Undoubtedly a vital need of Ken- tucky Is a more scientific system of. taxatl6n.”TfTs to ouFTnierest to pro”’ mote every- form of legitimate indus­ try, not to repbl It, and, in raising the necessary revenue.-1o levy the taxes by a system which shall be both ef­ fective and equitable. No one can claim such merits, for our existing an­ tiquated system, which is generally acknowledged to be a serious handi­ cap on our development,ms well as a clumsy and ufifalr method of gather­ ing revenue. The least the general assembly can do is to authorize a vole on a consti­ tutional amendment mqking It, possi­ ble to change the system as may be deemed best. Experience lias demon­ strated tbe Inadequacy and Injustice of our system and the superiority of other systems, and in moving for im­ provement we arc not moving in the dark What we ought to have, and what wo demand, is freedom to move if we choose, instead of being bound hand and foot in such a way that, in­ sofar as our taxation system can af­ fect us, we must either remain sta­ tionary or go backward.—-Editorial: Louisville Courier-Journal, CA STOR IA For Infanta and Children. ThaKindYouHave AlwaysBought' Bears the Signature Of “98» daily —CLEVELM®TOCEDARPOINT— daily When yott»l«h don't fall to t»ke* vi*J* 6» the »ll-»teel fionUtncted, fleeteirt, twi*-»*s«WiWwu*i*ro*th«Otentl-skst-- , ’ C T M U l f t t :: EXTRA MONEY OR A BUSINESS Timber Lands are a first-class Investment, Duo dollar or mote will buy an interest in profit* making timber land#. Agents to sell on our plan make good money. Write for details. The Sterling Lumber Co., 524 Citizens Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. If you have a large hr small 1 \ sum to invest we can show you ■how timber ichfls will give you handsome dividends, FARE $ 1 FOB ROUND T R IP EASTLAND The gASIUKS, tonsof waUt SriMXVtlHHf WONT *t?«t AND CANT BUftN . . . . fcefatg it M< mhw * tyM^of peetengetetehmet,«nd hftvlngelfththttrtated * tanSttn tMSW-tisit !>efo« thewetot-iiiie, movesfasierand In*** fcfeii M thsn *ry ether flatter of Its tlasaon Lake brie. ‘ i l l § AfTtnl vRW«l# * *^ * .m r* mU FM* iuWiftg On Koanl. CftVNKCtJttVij nt#deaml Tnufitrfiit tiC.Av.-ss Sou» toml finintif.Ttall ot Wntfif. ISEEASTLANDSTEAMSHIPCO, CLt.vElASD F re sh F i s h ! F i s h ! .v ; Why not try some Fresh Fish once/they are good for your appetite and health. I have made arrange- . ments at the lakes To have nothing but Fresh Stock, so they are shipped to me the same day they are caught,' We have all kinds of vegetables in season. Breakfast Foods, Canned Goods and fellies. Smoked'Meatsr Fresh and “Salt Meats.------------ In the same old stand; at the same'bld place; near the. same old It. R ,; on the same old street; the _ 9 same old Phone 100; the same old name] Chas Tl. Spencer Telephone HXk^ Cedarville, Ohio, j;Fresh and Salt Meats, Vegetables.] YOUR APPETITE hir appetite is poor, eat meat. To tempt your appetite and nourish the system our choice meats are not excelled by anything. The weak and the Strong, the small and the hearty eater alike enjoy them. G G WEIMER, W h e n T h e W i n d s Doth Blow Themanyrth tbeeon'ifoHable overcoat don'tmlml jfc a ml Comemami look at our new stock of importedand domes- tie•woolefip for Spring- over- coatsan Imtilsand h-aveyour orderearlyamt youwill liavo them when you want them most*