The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 27-52

I f || ! f ■ '&g> At1' f^K.'*-*«sffl?S.s5ta4!jr’-v o - f i U A m z n n weu» waraffiBrnoMaageuas Cr5J>AliVIH.i?> OHIO. W * Boztetv T o rn batrohaod and proraferi careful and prompt attention to ali husiucaa intrusted to no, N E W YO R K D R A F T and B A N K M G N E Y ,O R p E R a - T «e cheapest nod 'roost con­ venient v/oy to scad money by * * * «. „ Loans Made on Real Estate, f^onslor Collateral Security, Hanging Houtsi 8. A * M . to 8> T\ At. $, W* S m iot , President. ■ O, l«. S m ith , Cfeshier. Ihe CedarySIe, Herald. J# r , « » F fer 1 TffiU,r. m j t . i * « * pwiitor. for the l ittle mm ,: 'ig&ifS&flfjSili «*fe $3U&AYt j . w b t !&,ctm These Bad Pains Which gtvd, you inch exquisite suffering, everymonth, are caused, ■ as you fenowvby female trouble, "iRcHei «eldom or never comes cl Itself, It I f necessary to cute the cause, la order to atop the polos, and this can only be done, if you willjtake a specific, female remedy, that acts directly on the womanly organs. WINE OF WOMAN’S RELIEF “Cardai did wonders* for nje,w writes Airs. H. C. Larson, of Olds, ,la. "I had female trouble for 8 years. I bad displacement, which . increased my suffering, the doc* tor couldonly relieve,me at times. Now, 1amsomuChbetter, 1hardly .{mow when' my time begins or when it ends/' A t A ll Druggists, WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, Stating, age and describing sym»- ' ................. Vent., torn3, to Ladies Advisory Dept — “ ---- etoo Go •The Chattanooga Meat Chattanooga, Tern), fl. PAINT THEPEOPLEWANT and THE REASON WHY The essential qualitiesof paints ■ arer their DURABILITY, SPREADING CAPACITY, COVERINGQUALITIES and BEAUTY OF FINISH. Whitt more canbe desired? HANNA ’S GREENSEALPAINTS Possess all of these qualities, and these are P ositive P acts well known tothemanywhohave used these goods for years, with abso­ lute success, andwho cheerfully endorse them. ALL, OVER THE HOUSE. Directions For tho Cars of Children's Teeth—Domestic Notes. Tho first tcotli, like tho second, ore required for Uie-proper mu'itiea* tion of the food, which is all tho rooro necessary in ihe growing child, who needs more nourishment in pTojiurihro ihafr urr oldcy person 04 * twice life sfee, As soon ns the teeth .appear they should be cleansed with a soft cloth, and when the child -io old enough a little brush should he given to Inin, and ho should be taught how to use it. After this the mother or nurse should see that it is used regularly. The mouth of every child should he examined two or three times a year by the dentist, and. any little cavil ies* discovered should he‘ stopped with temporary filling, Indeed, as much care should be taken of the first as of the second set of teeth, for they are just as necessary to health, beauty and com* fort. ________ " Cleaning Sailed Ribbon. l'ick out oil pieces o f thread. Lay ribbon down right side up on cloth covered table. Jf the ribbon is wide, pin down' smooth as possible. Put a small piece of white soap in a dish or saucer, then put in a little cold water. -Make a soft pad of old muslin., With vthfe rub a little of .the soap and water together, Com- riierieo'at one end of the ribbon. Saturate a little at a time, rubbing hard on soiled places and w’ fere creases nre. Keep ribbofi smooth. I f the cloth underneath the ribbon becomes too wet, move the ribbon. When: it is perfectly cleau and smooth dry without any pressing. Ribbon cleaned this way will look nearly like new. ■.■ *** . To Clear* Light CUavas, Provide yourself with a cake of pure white soap, a little skim milk and some clean soft rags. After, placing thejjjlove on the hand dip a piece of rag into the milk a.nd rub it on "the soap' • Scrub the gloves thoroughly, changing tilerags as they become soiled, -using aslittle milk as possible, so as not to wet the.-gloves, ‘ 'doves cleaned in this manner dry quickly arid look like new even to the gloss, ' . • _ ! 1 L -. - — T-, *■ / Pan Broiled Salt Mackerel, / Preferon a mackerel by soaking iL overnight in cold water. Dry in a towel j ;§aah 4 ®vn is. #■ -on' MfttSfc tetter needed, When oooked through' add from one-third to one-half cupful of .thin cream and let it boil up well, Iterooye the ffeh to a hot platter, pour over it the gravy and garnish with parsley. 1 Cement For Glass. Add one pint of vinegar to one pint of milk and separate the curds from the whey. Mix the whey with the whites of five eggs. Beat it thwm'iglilyt'^tliK'uind.’^siftTntarit" a sufficient quantity of unslaeked lime to convert it into a thick paste. Broken glass or china mended with this cement will not break again and will resist tho action of fire and water, ‘ . Hardwood Floor Flniah, To tnnke a common floor look like hard wood first paint the floor with two coats of - deep yellow paint. Usually one quart will do it. Then stain with one pint of stale beer mixed with 5 cents* worth of raw sienna powder. Brush hard with a brush broom and varnish. imi!ir'Mliii‘f **•»*»> FOR SALE BY . R ems & H astings B ros . Equalization; Professor Brander Matthews, who is at least a good a wit as he is a reformer, w s overhear^, once talk­ ing with i f Carnegie. ‘T notice, Mr. Carnegie,” he said, a*t. . 1 . v ,.,.***. ■»* pit* To Cioad Paint. ’ Take a cloth just large enough to .dll the pi Ira of hand and dip light­ ly in kerosene oil and go over sev­ eral feet at a time. Then follow with hot water and soap, wiping dry with cloth free from lint. Mo mat­ ter how dirty, the paint after ush % oil will look good as new. “ that you don*t Jimp ” ...................M I ? •>» "And why short philanthropist. “ Well” slowly answered the pro lessor, “maybe they pull them alter- nately,*5--LippifieotCs Magazine. Freshening Stale Bread, To make old bread like new when asked the you And the bread is getting stale or dry just take the loaves and let water run on them for a second, place hack into the bread tins and rebake lor twenty minutes, , Tc{ej>hof!‘e arid Telcgmph Poles,- Decent estimates give 80(1,000 miles of telephone and telegraph . pole line la the United States, At an•average of forty poles, to the mile there ore 31*,000,OOP m use, mid, assuming that the life of a pole U twelve -years,' there are needed each year mere iliaA 3,050,000 polei *>"Wrcaderaft; fit ftemovo Splihters. Splinters may be removed by pour­ ing hot water in a wide mouthed bottle and then holding firmly against tho Denh where the splinter is. The steam will eoon remove it. PILES FISTULA AMPArds ‘ DISEASES OFTHERECTUM » ... «..... -........ .....etr, KiSKay, ».& Ski,; b!«s»#'tor aJkuK# or Wrttia watt*m umik os n*mt>wiwusts unm DR. J, J , McCLRIXAN C olumbus , 0. ' Polishing ihe Steve. '■ tTae boiled oil on the steel parts, rubbing on with woolen doth, (Jlean nickel with whiting and am* monia and good stove polish for the . Cheessi Salad. Place a smalt Cvake of cottage cheese in a bed o f shredded lettuce, Clover with a thick mayonnaise dressing and garnish with olives. Te Get Colors, I f fabrics are green, add vinegar r> the water} if lilac or pink, a little ammonia. Salt will set tho color of ".lack and white mnfilm. fir alronTfiifnln# (ho nerves wfileh wjlrel the cation of tfio liver and hovel.) Or. Miles' N bm aiid Fiver Fills cU**- dftjk(tjp*tton. it U VSnUi, Tiit Cauea c? Indian SMBunsr and .Crl» ein cf Ita Newt?. As the b'\va ami girle all humv, we lj.saaily huv<» n rca :on of compar­ atively mild,' hazy •weather some lime in Novr-mlcw, to. which has l ‘Km given ?!:<> name of Indian num- irc-r. rV.uidiav as the phenomenon V, veveiv few ])eti])Ie know what. it; elrisdly perhaps bemuse liny pave never tried to And. out, Mo.-t o? tb« seiimtists attribute the mihhiem of the air at that time to a change in the condition of the at- mopphere, which eontinea to the fewer strata the heat radiated from the earth’s surface. This explain*, 4w;i-fSrf;oi~-v,‘h<iliy f -af iMactwiy'dO''ft faynum, but it seems to be the best that the scientists can do for us, The hany'condition of the air at that time is move easily explained, It is due to the decay or the.slow eljerafeal combtction of leaves, grasses and other vegetable matter under the combined action of frost and the sun. As to the name, In­ dian summer, several explanation^ have been given of that, the most plausible being that the early set­ tlers called it so because they be­ hoved that the smoky appearance: at that time was caused by forest and prairie fires kindled by tho In­ dians. Some people think that the name came from the fact that tho Indians took advantage of that pe­ riod to lay in their winter supply of game.—Chicago Xews, A Trusting Monkey. Poor little monkeys! They get hungry and tired and sleepy Just like" children. Borg is a story of one who lives in Buffalo. He be­ longed to 'an organ grinder who stopped in front of a veranda where a kind hearted gentleman sat. When he'came up and held out his little cap for a bit of money the gentle­ man, who is very fond of animals, gave him a red cheeked apple. The monkey jumped upon Iris lap and ate the apple, and between the- bites he fixed his bright eyes on the face ,o£ bis new friend. He must have made up' his mind that he could trust him, for as he finished the apple he laid his head against the gentleman’s am and fell asleep. The-aind-friend of animals paid the organ grinder •to play a long time, sothat the tired little monkey could have his nap. When he awoke bis master pulled the chain, and he fol­ lowed tho organ again, much bright­ er- and happier for the kindness shown to him. Tho Water Mark In Papor. I f yon will hold »p to tho light a sheet of writing paper you will, 'as a ride, see the brand o f the paper or thename of tho manufacturer in i i This Is ottBod -the water mark, but \ ................. 2£/*rtfc»- wire* placed in the molded which have the effect of making the paper thinner there than anywhere else,. The wires are fashioned so m to- produce the figures or letters that the maker desires to* show, The cross marks seen in many kinds Of paper are likewise made by wires, Fte*nci»i Met, Air. Rhode* or;ce u 4 d a circle of r.vnda after Olaaer the utory of M b Jrst meeting With Belt “I called at \°l’Ses late cue erenlug” he said, and there was liflt working away 4s usual, 'Do jn^ **v#r take a rest?’ 1 asked, ‘Not often/ h« replied. 'Well, what’s your gamer said j , *r am .co­ ns to control thq whole diamond out­ put before T am much older/ ho an­ swered, as he Got off his stool, 'That's _ fanny/ 3f said, T hay® made up my ’ mlad to do the same; we had better -oln bauds/" Join bands they did. V IWU1 1 1'lmSM'inii.'iW*w*HffB'in'n»ir t Good Nam# for an Automobile.. “ ‘We call our motor car ‘Bftlzap/’* Said Mrs, C. N, WJl]i*nisrm once, ‘'be­ cause. to use Henry .Tones* phrase about tho great writer, its genius iE /violent and'complicated***, - - - - ’**** •*+• •>’tm Or«« Absorb Much Moisture. Recent teat* have shown that ores of lead nod itm may absorb more than three per, cent, of their own weight in moisture. JWOrOSiJD AMBNDKEITr TO THS CON- e m v v iw o r oiuo. JOtNVRILSOMTfiOt! TrtpPilni u t* Rif CeorUtv-U**’ »! 1W ■Ute «l e)il«y*I«Uve (»|fc ttttua s'VIII). lie it rctolvf.d to tftta U*>nptol A«;wm6fy of thv mats of om t ■ fil'.CTJOH 1. A pro aesltian i,ho*,l 0s sub-: lnltfsd to tb« slsctor*. of tWs utate st the next oteqtlon for lasnlbct') the gt-ncrnl csjembjy, to, tmettcl tho constitution of the. Mat* of Ohio io that stations ,18 la 38, J»tfc ln«lu«iv», at article II., sheH roMpeotively te numbered as sactloh* IS to 03; and sections Iff and is of such aftK’le be so amended as : ter read as follows; „ _ _ Awftcnu 3a. ^ 8ce, iff. Kyery !i|!l shall be fullj and; distinctly read pn three different days’.: un­ less, .in c »S q of ureency, three-fourths ot tha njdmhsc* elected to the Item* lo which, It shall h« tier.dimr, shalt dispense with this rule; hut the rsadfO* of h bill on Its final nossago shan in no v»,»* ba dispensed with, jo bin tihnU contain t;m* thas one eiffb.iect, which Shall be oleaUy nxpriJsssd in Us title; and no. law. shall be revived- or ppiended, unlaS* contain, the enlire act revived, or the section or sections amended; nod tho section or section# so amended shall pa repealed. • See. 18. Evtrfy bliv pssssd hy the gon- , erni assembly ■ shall,’:hafors .lt can bacoma a ) lavr, bb presented- fo lUt tovstnor ’for bis approval. •If hp appr»v* >» he can fchRjn sign ,(t. It ho do not oppvJvs II, be shall u 1 %> , v i s < m n m i.N PromotesDigfesHdteJCtierfuf-* andifc&bCdntalnsueillver ness....... ....... A O T U A l i e D T IC , r"TiT irmu,Cqj^la»hs,FeveNsf ncs* tn^ OJPSU b BP. facSimla Signature of . y E W T lE lB K . ! C A S T O B U For Infantaand CBildyea. m KindYou Have Always Bought Bears trie Signature Ihfe OIF gp r -; T « r " ‘'v i! ' -raj. "‘, ‘ i 'Ai - - / «v* Z*\ f “ Wo Tccoiuroepri it ; there isn’ t p a y bqtteife, ............ .......v ...... in mid-summer you trove to trust to at large degree to your butcher., Wet! -Csred .F-or-lfesfe- *z •A 11 > ) 11 «i<* 1 h,-< ^ D o m -s - ].^'L i n i s: EXACT COPT OF W ^APPW . ... In Use For Oyer Thirty Years CASTOBIA TOBCCNTSUftCOMPANY, NSWYOOrtC[TY. . Pil scad ft with W* abjf.qttoiw in- writing, to, iha hoyec |a.whkh H Originated which may then, reconsider ihf* vale ost Its passage. J8 two-tblrda'Of the inembera elected to th*t bcuso then agree to ropase the bill. It shall b» sent, with the objection* ,pt the governor, to tho. other bonsc which umy also recon­ sider- tho veto on, Its. passage. K two-thirds of the mbnibSsr* eleeied lit that house then agree to ropass It, .It Shull become a Jaw, not­ withstanding the- objections of the governor. I f a bill-rsha|t not be returned by tho gov­ ernor within torr days, Sumlaya excepted, --------*-•• — ’ ‘ it; It ahaU Become i’-JuftssmMr f .hy;ad#- . . . w ------- :a : In which case, it shall become’ a law- uniesa. W’Huin ten days after such adjournment'. It shall be filed by him, with, his objections, la .the office pf the secretary of state. The governor may dis­ approve any- Item or items to jtay bill mak-; -fog *fl Appropriation of money, and .the’ Item or items,' to dlaapproYdd, shall bo stricken therefrom, unless, repaased in the matinee horein prescribed for tea ropassafee of a bltli * * SEtj. 2, This amcodment. shall take effect ao. the first day ofJanuary, A. D. 1008, „ , , O. A, T hompson , Speak#?pfihe Seatsof Sepreeenlattvet. ANHK 8 W I,. Haams, . , j. President of theSenate. . Adopted NSrch 20,1805, fiKrritn a r m s op Autmcn, Omm Office of the Secretary Of state. ' ' . I, .CAUMi A, T1IQMVSON, Secretary of State ot the State of Ohio, do hereby certify that, the faregofnt ,ja an exemplified copy, barcfulr wmpared;p 9 t at* with ‘the erlglnal Toll* paw mi file Isjtel* office, and in ray official custody MueStetary of state.-a# re-" quirfdby the law* mfufi* statu of Obto.-ofJi Joist Iteeoltttera jtdopMW by the Ueasral A*-' *?rn|ly of W ♦€* 20 thday , i £ „..._,_.w/vsa , ‘ * ‘ OASMf A. THOMPSON, TfHtoUl ,. _ __ MmtHary of State. Moposap ANanpygNy %? <im qoN- STXJTJ5TON OP OHIO.- J. H. riciVULLAN, / » M anu facturer o f CEM ENT GRAVE VAU LT S 1 . ‘ ' , , ‘ , r, - J; u Hollow Cement ' Building Blocks, Chimney Blocks, Veranda Col­ umns, Piers, Etc*, Etc. Telephone 7 . , CedarviHe, Ohio. CANDYCATHARTIC ...u.o, Eotant, T»ateGood.DoGood, Veaken orGrip#, MCi ?5c,Me.Never ' >gennlno tablet .tompod GOO. yor yourmoney baek, ' StotllogRemedy Co,, Chicagoor N ,Y . 59» ANNUALSALE,TENMILLIONBOXES Are You flmerieati 4»IKf ttSOLiSTteft )afw**£w etitatteit t* awmrad ««sU*a fwt *E st&e fwtlv* «i th» Ctm ...... ..... *N Ohio, ■' ’ * An Ofe Problem. * f a bottle and a COrk cost $1.10 and the bottle costs a dollar more .thanutlio_cui:k,Jhow-jnut'fe musfetbe.. corlc cost ? . AustVer.—Five cents. Because if the bottle costs $1 more than the cork and tho cork costs. 5 cents the bottle must cost $1.05, Therefore the five cent cork and tho .$1,05 bot­ tle must cost $ 1 . 10 . Th* Investigating Cat and tho Jack- * In'tho-box, He it rarafued by the Oenerat Astembtp of the state of Ohioi - ' SrcriOH 1. Thai a prapoistUon *bau b« Aubnfttted te tbs Altotor* Of tea slate at Ohio, on tho first a'u**a*y ntteo th* firxt Monday to NOYsmb»r, 1808, te »ra*ad aoctloft two of article twelve of tb* otm*tltutlon ot the state of Ohio, fo teat it *it«U road os follows; ABWCUf XII. py»AKcas . * T awtxom , —Sec. 2., The Gefcoral Aasembly shall have ................ iabtloh and malntaiinaa- « " rattJnK ---- . ...................... .............................. .... .. taxation ao’ far as their differences justify power to es’ able system for Dto revenue. It may II. Tits Ravenous Spider. The natufalfets toll us that the eating ability of tiro spider is simply marvelous, If a man should eat as much, their relative u'eight being considered, he would eat in a single day four barrels of fish, a dozen hogs, three sheep and two oxen. Think of it! - Suppoto. Supposo Sonic O dd Should advertise For ehlidron, bravo and true, tv'Ho’d have tho coiir.ijjo to any “Wo" When naked a wrong to do. ’ - Suppose the wrong who comotlilng nlcs You'd always Ian[ted to ftp. Xwonder l£ tho answer would > Contain a note from you? a ' —Washington Star. u PATENTS fCavAats, aridTtoilc.Matkaobialocdamiall Pat- ‘icntt- .-ftneMrofidmicdfor MOOEHAte fits. )! 'OunorFieEtefprosiTtU.a.t'ATtNfornct { ;ana tvefaha«,« prttral In Icjstu.totluull.'ase ! .fCrtiotnf' 'mW«*hlngtoP. , ;, | Send r.'.trjcl,drAwiog'iiiOIOi. will; tlrsttlp.) i [lion. Wo advlM, if patrntablfe n« auWInffivI* ‘charge. Oafteanotaae. fill nafchtUsrCured. ‘ M W M K lW i,1Vi«fljtOM}in Oaf(fits,"wlih Scoil uf Earns In uie I'.a. and foreign ccawlea -teiit free, Address. . . , v t C.A.SNOW&OO.i OH*. WASttlfiOTOM, 0. ft. - toult- State and focal life Abs ,subjects .Of the same In ordM to uctir* a just return from_c*ch, AU tsxwi »nfi other charges shall be imposed for public put-pose* Only and shall lie ju*t te «*oh subject, 'The power ot taxatioa sbstl never-be surrendered, suspended or contracted away. Bonds ox tbs state of Ohio, bonds of any city, village, hamlet, county or towr-*-'" *- “ *- and' bonds lssosd In b schools of Ohio and tee ; In connection therewith, burying grounds, public school bouses, bouses used exclusively for public worship. Institutions of purely public charity, puwle property Used exclu­ sively for any public purpose/jind personal property to an: amount not, exceeding In value <200, tor sash Individual, may, by irat laws, be exempted from taxation; all such law* shall be subject te alter- god the value of ail prop­ time to time, g ene l at " ‘ ' .......' " ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ” atle . . erty, ao exempted, apstl, from . . be ascertained. sad published as may be directed by law. S ection 2. All taxes and exemptions In force when this amendment (a adopted shall tomato, to fore#, is the aame manner and to the same extr-ut, xteleac hud until otherwlie directed by statute. 1. XI. CtMMMWMOK, Speaker Pro Tem, of the House of i Sepraehiaiivet. XAMM M. WU.WAM8, Of theSenate. Adopted Marsh; tX. 1888, riuifEO sratra o r Aumaca, osiff. Office of tea Secretary of State, . J, CARMl A. THOMPSON, Secretary of State ot the State of Ohioftjko hereby cerllfy that the foregoing is alFwxetnplItted copy, earefuly compared by tne with the original rolls now on file to this office, stiff to my official custody a* Secretary ot State, as re- f ulred by the lawa et the State of Ohio, of a oint Resolution adopted by the General As­ sembly of the Slate nf Ohio, on tha 27th«day of March, A. I>. 3*5*. I h TrstTMowr W«w**or, I have hereunto subscribed ray .name, and affixed ray official seal, at roltiraous, this 23rd day of April, A‘. D. 1008. ' CAKftt A. THOMPSON, lavAraJ semtatp of state. PROPOSED, AMKNfiMJENT TO Tfet^*C0ff- SCICti'CtUM O f OHIO, «UfT OtMtOtlON Pr«»ilBg aw waeadwem le the Ceattllailea M il* Sisls el Ohl* f»UHv* t* ihe timeel ihs cm* meattawal atthe aegalarMssitaa e( lbs£***») hMtwbly, (linera, iscmtty of Be 4t ffxMtri by if BtcitM A ° proioaittoa % 11 bo sub­ mitted to the ejector# ot tela state at tho next election tor member# of tee general aosemhly to amend section 26 of article 11 ot too constitution, *e ** to read an reiimva; BBC. *• w « t b e le „ . eo a « .............. ...... .... Hoc 23, The regular ecaslon of each fShbtnl ntsCmbly j shall commence on the first Monday la- Janaary next after It Is chosen, * , H, A, T hompson , * SpeakerOf the Ifraise of ncpresenMlw, Awnaaw fi.jHMxmsi* .., , . ,, , .A President of (he Bonati, Adopted March <0, 3900, Vmntj CtAtfh or AMaatft, Ottid, pfijea of the fiecretnty of State, t, OAiiMI A. THOMPSON;,, Secretary of State «f the State nf Ohio, do hereby certify tunt tho.forcg.iing le an exemplified copy, caiyfiily torar-area by we with the original roll-; now on tue to tills office, and in ray clbi-lnl pnrtsdy a« of State, ne ro- aulrtff hy file law# at m State of Ohio, of a Joint lirnolutlon adopted by tee Honorai as - BcraMy of the State of Ohio, on te# 20th day Of March, A, t». MKW. I ?r rearmost rfnmmv, t have hereunto aiibscobea my name, *nd affixed my official «/sff at rotortbu#. this *3rff day of April, A. 1J. 1808,' taCM.j CARMI A. THOMPSON, Stmtary of State, JiluriittuxtiR Pain* tolleicff by tm oi it. Mika" Ami I-«ia FHM, H <10PM 2 i«t« Co/sets 1 ’ s1 ! 1 1 jPor slender and medium figures. The high hi long back snug hips. Mouli the form perfectly *producing t those slender andgrace- f ul fines, so much the vogue. Favorite P r ice $1, $1.50 an<$ $2* . Also Hair Bow Ribbons, all colors, Bordered , Lawns, Belts and Collars, Leather Bags and Chain Purses, Fans, Long Silk Gloves—all colors. HUTGRISON & GIBjiEY’S, X fiN IA . OHIO. T 0 W N 5 L E Y BROS,. Cedarville, Ohio. Manufacturers o f Cement Bu ild ing Blocks, Build­ ing® raised and'foundations constructed. See ;us for Cement w o r^ o f ta ll„ kinds. Estimates cheer­ fu lly given* Much sickness is due to a weak nervous system. Yours may be, . I f it is, you eauhot get w ell until you restore nerve strength. Your nervous system is -^nature power house; the organs ...of your body get their power from it .u I f . the power is not there, the action . o f the organs is -weak,, and disease (sick*- ness) follows*. Dr. MRee^ "Kervine, cures the. sick because i t soothes the - irritated and tired nerves and gives the system a chance to recuperate, v T ry .it, and see i f you do not quickly fe e l its bene- hcial effect. ' • . "1 was given up to file by a. leas­ ing doctor*. Got one of Dr. Miles B ooks and found tliat Dr. MUes‘ Ner­ vine fit my case. From the very first - d 030 XUook, 1 ^got. b&tteto. JC.jam_pettcr — now than I have been for years, and , do nil my own work on the farm. That's what Dr. Miles* Nervine. hnA done for me, and 1 am glad to recom­ mend It to othcra." ■ JOHN JAMES. Riverton, N6br. , Your druffatet aall* Ora Mile*' Nerv- In#, and we authorize him to return • •price of first bottle (ottlyj lf lt falls to benefit you. MilesMedicalCo,, Elkhart,Ind Baker’s Restaurant. Now located in the Book-* waiter Hotel Building across the street from the old “ Adams” stand* Restaurant in hotel lobby and dining room on second floor, reached by elevator. Meals 25c and 35c. High Street, Springfield, 0 . «, TOR DURAB ILITY AND SERVICE* D / W e have found , ^ “J .-M .” ASBESTOS R O O F IN G ■ ■ , t ■ - , ■■■ equal to all demands. Whether it be used on the most modest farm building or the largest manufacturing plant w e have always found it true to its trust* It is made to give service. Every square is thoroughly- inspected before leaving the factory. The workmanship is right, and the materials used in its construction are as good as money C3n buy. As evldence—we can point to Asbestos Roofing applied in the early nineties in good condition to-day. Furthermore, it requires no coating or painting. “ The first cost is the only cost** Our Booklet “ R*” Sent free on request, w ill give you valuable information, . H. W. Johns-Matwille Go. * , • C lm la tu l* O* LIQUOR% MORPHINE' Uablte, is the onlj auf« arid rational treatment K « » a & a w B » g i& COLUMBUS OHIO ftr^iliSSfS^Sisid f w Bfn, 0 , 1 J Mr. ffolfe tbo gucatd —-AtUftcj Tlio -to^Bi wiU open j The local box 10, in hot weather are fho only kind to buy; we jiave proper appliances for keeping them right, and they’ re sweet and safe when sold, Don’ t go meat shopping when it’ s hot. 3ujr of us and he sure. g Z h , CROUSE , OEUAUVlIvX/E/O. BADBREATH "Formanta, j jiafl prifst troublewithmy»tom*ch ' .nd »aed *U ktofi* ot medicines, My tonga* baa. Seanaettutoya* green ns grass, my breath haring shad odo,. Two weeks’ago.a triendrecommendeo' Cssoarots and after using thou, I canwillinglyand cheerfully«ny thetthey have entirely curedme. X. thereforelot you know that Z shall recommend them toanyone suffering front such troubles,'* _ . Chas. H. Halpun.JWBirington St.,Newyorl^H,Y, J Best For* i. m. ifxm The 5owe!s ^ i l W P I N W B d P W l ’ t 1 -I.. Misses Eq have for Clark of Col Rev. W. l Buffalo, jSr.j arid Mrs. cJ —Carpets, r| at McMHXaq —^=FCXB- drjll in gooij asd, Miss Eths cord, 0 „ is ■ E, P, Hastiij Tna Btftyl Thursday al “i-T'o closel Perfect fe«qr on hand at ,, —See thl spreader, a l Bort’ fcfor J concert by tftryband Si Mr. Walt] Who hns Del era- weekel .home in ltil ■“"OhioHlaij vide vir Pen her, 2aud H| XL* lib The I>ea>| nic Is beiti^ of,the Bea| town plhe. KrityhF “ Ten Niglij night nude The “ Teil which coro| moving pic by real A$tl Doh’ t fail cort on 'Msf field's Milij net 20. —Afi I WJ my entire! fence goes) Crouse. Ill i l rain g | k. 10 c. | peybol cichgol LUC Be byI jof d J F. rani (the v| l o il ttrayel an th l fifervl pad tel rton, I .Mltefl llm t(f m u| tlkhs Sold And Adjusted by IsMh m a tm m i, ,