The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 27-52

;*-* ,syte* a u o a & j # j 3 i > 2 S 00 . ■iaiMiWiaaiiB^ w . jy»iw«wiaMiiyi t 'E f l A R V U jM ? , O H IO . W b B q w i s Y o r ; i B A T tio ru xu i a n d p r o v is o c a r e fu l a n d prompt; fttSeuUott t o a l l bu sin e ss - in tru s te d to a s . mm vorkwrapt * a d BAN K MONIsY*QfeDKRS> j •Tsv* c’ttvArt'nocil* . d txl w n c f fUUW 1) =>.*>'»• «*»■!■.*.» »•—-rvwv^^yrf'M*' S- v e file n t w » y ‘ to s e w ! d n o lu 'y " b y m O i ■ Loans Made t>n Real Estate, Persona! or Collateral Security. Banking Hours: 8. A . M . to 8, P . M. S , W . g s i m r , PrcsiUfent. O , L . S m i t h , U a s liie r ,. Are You Regular ? II you arc not, It is a sign of dtacfisc, a sign of some bidden female iroublo, tbat nay be under* tnlinlnjf and weakening yonr con* stituHon, iind laying up for you much future suffering, ' Many thousand* of weak, ir* regular, suffering women have, In' tbe past 5ft years', been greatly benefited or cured by-the use of ibat well-known, successful, purely vegetable,, female tonic and cura­ tive remedy T * WINE flF WOMAN'S RELIEF Hanna’s Green' Seal Paint After you have once used It, th a t’s What all who have used it have.. I f you are going to paint your house consider -well before you act. Be as careful in your choice of paint as though you nought insurar-e against loss hy fire. For I ana’s Green Seal Paint in an insurance against the destructive elements of winter. FOR S A L E B lf ICiir.B & H astings B ros . Equalization. Professor Brander Matthews, Who h a t least as good a wit as he is a reformer, was overheard onee talk­ ing with Mr, Carnegie. “I notice, Mr. Carnegie/’ lie said, “ that yhu don’t limp,” “Ami why should I?” ashed the philanthropist, '•‘Well/’ slowly answered the pro­ fessor, “maybe they pull them, alter­ nately.’ -“"Lippineott’s Magazine. Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Iteeent estimates give oOOjOOD miles of telephone and telegraph pole lino in the United States. At im average of forty poles to the mile there are 38,000,000 in,use, and, assuming that.the life of a pole is twelve years, there ate needed each year more than £,650,000 poles. “ “V/Jadcraft. FISTULA ASK Aid, DISEASESOFTHE RECTUM ®f>.Hsftssta tei nnttst in C.s pnfit&a Cio Ss?!;»tri3f.» er.fea n ctttlM? tt teat fllsswia »f 5fc*n*M d ysttrs ctrsLssi eisn'.cnm, I.’a jala **i 1.3 ’ ftea tisicwj. Kails?, l.iir.vj, m-A\ *n Sk a WiO I*;.:;::* i.t W-r.:;a. wurratoanans^s m m dd - atcs <fnES» mi ts&iK^iaatitsa&utatt-x. D R l J* BcCSUBOAN The Cedarville Herald. *' f t . oo l ’c r V e a r . XZAMtJti- tS U l f a * - ' E d i to r . ' MHBAT.H l’.OTCMBl'lB '4 Kw TAFTS RELIGION. ___ _ Homo foolieh people who cannot boo an inch ahead ot them are a t­ tacking Heerctory Taft and alleging that they will not vote for him he* causdiio is aD iim u iu ii; uni!. Isrhe* cause he does not boliovo in » Trin­ ity, Father Son and Holy Spirit, hut prefers to adhere to a church which believes in One God and de­ nies the divinity of Jesus Christ. Aside from the fac t tha t the attach is really Against the Constitution of the United States which guarantees every man the righ t to pelievo as he pleases 111 religious Matter#, tho a t­ tack is foolish and w ill fa ll to the ground. " America Is a Christian nation, aud its groat growth Is du 6 to this fact and the further fact of its guar­ antee to all men their religious be* j lief. Ho man is held ro punishment | or molestation for his belief so long ' as his actions conform to- the laws 1 of the land. . And religion has never Jbeen mode a te st of Citizenship or qualification for Offico, That it lias - never figured prominently in presi­ dential Mentions is shown to the past generation by-t-lm religious be­ lief. of tjhe presidential candi­ dates. Grant, Hayes and McKinley wero Methodist#. Tilden. Blaine, .Cleveland, Harrison- and Bryan ‘were Presbyterians, Horace Greeley was a ’Umversaiist,' Garfield was a Disclpl'e of Christ and,' an ordained j minister of th a t denomination be­ sides. Arthur was an Episcopalian, and Koosevelfc is a member of the Dutch Deformed church. John Adams and John Quincy Adams and Janie# K. Polk, presidents of former generations wore Unitarians members of the church, to which Air. Taft adheres. I l is sad tb a t in this day of dis solving ’ barriers between men of different religious views tha t some thoughtless cr vicious partisan lias raised this.,even thourh the groat body of broad-minded American people will pay no attention to it. We hope th a t the day will ,never come when a religions qualification is a necessary adjunct to a political party adherence to secure a >manis candidacy fo r the highest political honors,^or any other political hon­ ors In the land, - . I f Is proper and righ t th a t tliOpeo pie of this nation draw the open infidelity or agnosticism, bat ev*a th a t is uotagsmerous sentiment The only question should he charac­ ter, integrity, ability anckthe naan’s and rights of the people in t|ie ques­ tion of nfi electton to the presidency This country is too high-minded, too -.intelligent, too solid oyer to fear th a t a characterless or vicious man will over ho th rust forward by a great political party for Its great honors, or if th rust forward by ac­ cident or dosigu, ever to be elected to position, ' • . ■ ' ■ ■ Once let the religious* drawn and men will be defeated be­ cause they are Methodists, -because they are Presbyterians or because tliey belong to some one or other of tho greilt divisions of the great church. Such ' a- condition is-Un- thinkable in this g reat country and would be d isastrous to hot* well being,—*Dayton Herald. ADDITIONALLOCAL Mr. and Mrs. G. E . McMillan en­ tertained a t dinner today. Miss Ethel Spencer visited friends and relatives in Dayton this week. Mr, I, (J, Davis and family of Cincinnati are visiting relatives in this place. Mr. James A. Gray of Pittsburg is expected homo Saturday on a short vacation Mr. D. M. Kylo left Thursday evening for Dima, where his race horse io entered. * AVo will sell you 1 quart sealing w|pt Glass Ja rs per doz. *G3e aiid give you sealing wax free, At Bird’s. —Wo pay 18c per doz, for Ho. 1 fresh Eggs, At Bird's, Mr. W. B. M» Cooper and son, Frank, of Findlay, arc calling on friends hero today. _Mr. Cooper has been attending the Homo-Comnig and isan been away from Cedarville twenty-one years. P ennsylvania C o l u m b u s Excursion N a t l S u n d a y Bound trip $1, Train leaves 'JjiOa, in, Mrs. M« A« Crc3V,'«lt entertained a number of friends and relatives a t a six o’clock 'dinner Thursday CVOBillg.. - Bebool Supplies of evory kind ' Puns/ Pencils, Tablets, states. -Sponge^, Kook Straps nod Jiunel- Boxes, . . A t Iliads, Tin Fru it Cans, per doz. file or 2 do::, for 7Cc and every can gunran- leed. A t Bird’s. Tho following was taken from a Philadelphia paper and may bo of :>nmo interest hero owing to Its 4i::iqueni?S“4- - ---------- ............. Tlu ro’s a man in Cedarville, Oiil<\ W’ho says President Boosoyelt is nj f Homo masterpiece in a picture 'I'lmi'ofni'fl Itn wrlfsii jrnllm’v? namesako, Therefore he writes to Judge Taft: 11 Dcr. >Sir—I am glad to have atiuthor good man. lor presadenh Mr. Taft We Will do a ll tha t is in our power to make you president. Boosoveit’s namesake ashes you to Bend him something. Ho Mr, Taft dout do me Iiko Mr. Roosevelt did ho would no ancer my letter, ■ H*r 4ubi>nn« AAmfratian. vou look a t it again r csgkrd Mrs, Howard Hew* come in, an oi-ta-y of Uis* “Isn’t it magniueent? fJ'uni thra wav now. A. fiido nlanep brpjjta out UuTtradi­ tional beauty. J i*,av»i never ccen anvtbing do pcrfetliy exqaMte, *1° conic over hero and look a t it from tins view. One Would never believe that such a lovely tiling ex- i:;tal in the ivoiM, The porspee* live is simply grand. How inspiring *nd noble! Here is another view from the right. Doesn’t it show off oven to better advantage? I am limply entranced with admiration.” / What is Mrs. Newcome looking at? NOTICE. * All persons kuqwing themselves to be indebted to mo should caU a t once and make immediate settle meat, • C. C. Weimor. PUBLIC SALE; I will sell a t public sale on Satur­ day, Sepr. 0 , a t two o’clock p.m. the loliowing personal property; Btovei tables, chairs, bedroom suits, water trough, three hives of beos, one iron kettle with raelc, bafiging lampoons set of harness, one lawn swing, gar den utensils, one couch, one base- burner, one churn, crockery ware, bed springs, Terms of sale cosh. W. J. Smith. S. T, Baker, Auct. “LABOR CONQUERS THING." EVERY. n I . In his. Labor day proclamation, just .Issued,'. Governor Harris urges the people of tho state to unite In observing Sept, 7 as a legal holiday. He,pays a glow­ ing tribute to tbe working map in these paragraphs: “Tho general assembly has very properly provided that the' first Monday In September of each and every year shall be known as Labor day. In har-' atony with this enactment I hereby proclaim Monday, Sept. ;V, IfiGSyas fcahor-dayr' - -— “This day Is set apart as a holiday for those wfto^ labor; a day given over to the celebra­ tion of the ever-growing dignity, prestige and importance of the working classes "of our ctUseu- ship, '“ Labor conquers everything.* It erects our homos, constructs our railways and: runs our trains, builds our ships and navigates the tjeas, excavates our mines and brings from the earth its wealth Of coal and ore; raises up factories and deftly shapes Into perfection the manifold products of our Industries, and It tills tho soil and draws from tbe field the goldbn treasures of the harvest. Labor produces everything. - •“On tlsiwdaysTct"airorour'peo~ pie. enter Into the spirit of the occasion and hy suspension of* business and putting aside for. the time their usual occupations, pay a fitting tribute to those in whoso honor this day Is dedi­ cated." ■*? 8 ! l8M €M 80SGC<C lieC8«CMH » DICK GOES ON THE STUMP it Junior Senator Telia of Pleasure . Will Give Him to Help Elect Ticket Senator Charles Dick ha 3 written Chairman Henry A. Williams of the Republican state executive committee of the pleasure It will give him to as. elst In the state campaign tlrfg year. The senator says he will do his ut­ most for the Republican ticket in the State and nation. Ho is expected to take the slump and what time he can Sdt outside his assignments by tho national committee will be spent in Ohio. He predicts a big plurality for Taft and Harris. It had been tlte senator’s hope to tra present at the opening of the cam­ paign at Youngstown Sept. *&. On Sept. 8 , however, tho Ohio national guard goes into a two weeks’ camp near Indianapolis, and Senator IJIcit being the state commanding officer, is forced by hlo position to ho at tbe camp. POLITICAL POINTS. Democratic politicians, resorting to fair means and foul to capture a por­ tion of the colored vole* for Bryan, are making all manner of statements, one of which was that- Joseph 13. 1 . 06 , a colored member, of the Taft nolifl- oalfon committee from Florida, had been refus, <1meala at the Sinton ho* tel, Cincinnati, Miv Lee writes over his ov/n signature that Jhoro was ab­ solutely no truth In tho story—Wil­ mington Journal. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, Tfio KindYou HaveAlways Bough! Bears the glgnftitfifo of fry atTenfiilitMitag Lhd ’W s I p * •introt tbe action Of the liver and bowel r, AJlLn’ Nerve nnd IJver Fills eur "nstii ation, 80 doses $S tmik g a e r y Ho, indeed. I t is an old kitchen chair she purchased a t a second­ hand stor*, which she thinks is a “genuine antique.”~-BohemianMng- azine. * PROPOSED AMB.WMBW TO THE tJON- flTITUT/.QN Ot OSLO, * JowTO tmon ?r*r?»!n* tn inuiifontt f« tbv CuarJUrHoii ?! the «l«te ot Ohio rtUlir* f>U o i i ' i i i o’ bllto. Be it resolve d hy the General Atnemblv Of the State t>f Gltiiii Srrx;oM i. A prope-dtlon t.ho',1 b* sub­ mitted to the uloctov* o t tbls wtato ,*t tho next olectlon for niertittora vi the general e«cerab!y, to smeud tbe ramdltutlon ot the state ot OMo ao illat fiertlonS. IS tq $2, both, Incluaiva, of article U , slt*n renhuctlvoly bo numbered ^. b sections JO to SS; aud acct'ona 10 and i s of ouch arltul* be to amended as to rsftd Hi follows: ■ A st «'1. d II. gee." 10, Every LiJU shall he fullj and di-tinctly read on three diffortnt dayy. un­ less. In rare of- urerncy, three-fourths qf tho members elected to ths house in which It shall be urmllas. r.hatl nishdoso with this rule: but the reatUu* ri a hill ua Its Bnal S nssago shah In no evss h» dlsnensoit with. o bill tiltin .contain mar* tbar. one. subject. Which shnlL-bo cJcatly Uxnrswsd (n its title; and no law-.shall -be revived op amended, imjoss tho now .act </ntsin the entire act rovived, or the election nr section* amended; nnd tho.sCclJojd or sections so amended Shall be repealed, 1 Sec,—IS, Every blU .ostsed by the gen­ eral. assembly shall, hc.fors ft edo- become a law, bo jipoKeuted to ike severnor for- his npproval. ' If he approve It. 1<e c»n [shrill sigh It If fid do net £ppf)Y« >i, be shall send It with bis objections In" writing, to Ete house In, which it oflulnsted Which may (then reconsider the vein on Us pdssago, 'Jf two-thirds of ,th& 'members elected to that house then agree to rdpaa* tbe bill, it shall be sent, with the objection* Of the governor, to the other house which nifty also recon­ sider tho vote on, its fiasiage. ft two-thirds of the members elected to that house then agree- to Tofciaes ft, it shall becoma a law, not- wltUstandfnsr th« Objections, ot the governor. If a bill shall not he returned by tbe gov­ ernor within^-ten- any*, Sundays* excepted, after beingfiresented to him, Lt shall become a. law, unless tha Kcnerat assembly by ad­ journment prevent its return; in.which-case, it shall become a taw miles*, within, ten days after auch adjournment. It shall be Plod by him, with hlo-objections, la tho oiBeb of 'the secretary of -stfltOi The governor, may dis­ approve any Item or itenw-ln any bill mak­ ing ah -appropriation of money," and.the item o t Jt0m3, co disapproved, .shall- he stricken therefrom, unlesd repaved, in the.manner heroin prescribed for the ropassage o t a hill, SK 0 . 2 . Tilts amendment shall - take ettect on the littt day of January, a . D» 200b. ■ h - , < X a . r m a v jw t speaker of tho flonte of Representatives, ANtmew Lt, llm tuo, . ' President ot the Senate. Adopted. Lrfftrch 20, tS03. fisirstt aVs\Ts* **>A«» mc *. time, 1 Office o f the Secretary of State. I, CARMt A. THOMPSON. Secretary, ol Stale of tha State of Ohio, do hereby, certify that the foregoing is an exemplified copy, CHrefuly -compared by- nw With the'-orlginal roll* now on SI* In this office, and -in my official custody j»* Secretary of State,- as re­ quired by the law* of tht State ot Ohio, ot-a Joint Resolution adopted by the General As- aembiy ot the Star* -March, A. D .lfC J» Ti 6 «Ti*»orrr Ohio, on the xoth day ■ ' " M o t Mar ts SSVJ* ' . *ub«crtb*d tsty hftm< ***I, at Ooluwbu*, A a, jss«. .i . ■ ;i OARMI A. THOMPSON, [KKAh.} .S -m io rv of State, . .. m y ,.... day >hf April, PROPOSED AMENDMENT TQ THE CON* STITOTWN O?* OHIO, joiftT tfsatotioif Ts tn p n il teefia* fw* *t iirtkd*. iwsiv* *1 fit* Cem *UI«H*nrf Ohl*. . Bo it resolved h y ' the General Asseintlv of the State, of Ohio: S ection j . That a pronoeltien sh*li he aubmittcd. tQthe elector* fif th* etate of Ohio, on the nrst Tuesdsy aft«r tha first Monday In Novcmhur, iSufi, to Smedd section two of article twelve of the constitution of the state' ot Ohio, so that it shall read as follows: AnirU’t.s XII. FiNAkcia ah » T axation . ••See. 2i - The-HUeneral Assembly ftbsll have power to establish and maintain nn eqult- nble system for rating state and local revenue. Ib may classify the eubjccta of taxation so far a t their dlfierenceo -justify tbe sumo- in order to secure a Juct return from each- All taxes and other chargee shall be Imposed tor public purpose* only end shall bo just to each subject. The power of taxation shall never be surrendered., suspended or contracted, away. Bonds of tho otiite of Ohio, bonds of any city, village, hamlet, county or township In this state and bonds Issued In behalf of tbe public schools of Ohio and th*-mesas of Instruction in connection therewith, burying grounds, public school bouses, house* used exclusively tor public worship, institution* ot purely public, charity, public property used exclu­ sively tor any public purpose, and personal property to an amount nbt exceeding In value $200, for each individual, may, by g eneral laws; be exempted from taxation; ut all such laws shall b* subject to alter­ ation or repeal; and tha value of all prop­ erty, co exempted, shall, from tlmo to time, bo ascertained and published as may be directed hy law. S ection 2. ^ All taxes and exemptions in force when this amendment is adopted shall remain in force, in the earn* manner and to the same extent, unless and until otherwise directed by statute. , J. D, FKAMRERtAtN, Speaker Pro Ttm, of the m u s e of • a Reifetentativcs. J ake * M. W ii . t . xam 3, „ ................ President, of the senate. Adopted March- 27, lfios. U in im state * «r A mvs P' a , O hio , Office of tUo Secretary of State, L CART.II A, TIioMPHON, Secretary of State of the State cf bsj.jin hereby certify that tho foregoing Is aiTexeropliflcd copy, carcfnly comf..'ir?d by me with tho original rolls now on file In thl* office, nnd in my official etisfcdy as Secretary of State, aa re­ quired hy tho laws of the State of Ohio, of a JCIct fierroltitiotf adopt'd t-y the General As­ sembly of the STtafe r.t Ohio, on tbe 27th day of March, A. D. fft'-a. - . Itf TnoTtHO-jy -IVtSEhi-ny, l have hereunto subscribed my name, and affixed my official seal, nfc (Toltunhus, this 23rd day of April, A, D. 1003. i . . CARMt a . T hompson , tOEAn.J S 'aciary of State. raopbHBB a ?ifiTHtVFN'r’ to ”‘•r iifilc oN - STlTC’iION OK OHIO, jm nm u n o K fropsslBf a» Sftieaimwt M the Gsjlilvlien tt th« stjlfte! Ohit^iielsKv* i* lit*H im *t the esm- m-fttcMfhtMthe *ei*Ut sesslest *t fitsKMetelisstMMy, Re it rcsclyrd hy the Gentr/tt Assctribtti of the State cf Ohio-. 1 . C«!4iO!T 1. A ptorosiUon.Jhan ba suh- mitted co the dlcctow of thlfp atato at the next election far members of tho general ftcacmhly to amend -ection 2S Of artlclo H of tho <onclttutiop, so a? to read tut fallows; Gee. 20 . 'itirv regular rfsSion of each gottorai .n'-setabiy shaft commence on tho firct Monday in January next after it la chosen, „ , O. A, Tari»tpfiON, Speaker of the Home of lup.rsentatives. ANitftEW I., H akris , - . President cf the Senate, Adopted March 2f>, l*od, OuiTrn GfAtcn or AMrsrcA, Oin o, tiffito of th* Re.-re*aiv nf slate. L OARMI A. THOMPSON, Secretary ot* Ptuto of the Stats r t Ohio, do herehy certify that i!m tor. t dag Is an exctuiilified copy, tarctaiy compavra hy ms with the orinlnsi ’.di.'i r -— ■ * — - * • - - - - *S?JioK ind T oil Have Always Rouglit, and vvliicli Jms lieea in use for over SO years, Jins Borne th e gignatnre o f and has been made under life peib- sonal supervision utoee Its infiineyp Allow no on* to deceive you in this* A ll Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-a^good” are Imf -—HjqierMueuts tl ia t t* Id s-v ritlr-n sd cndansfer th e IM’ ti UL o f Infants and Cliildren—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA, Castor!a is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, ftoro- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, I t is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Harcotio substance. Its ago is its guarantee. I t destroys Worm* and allays peverighness* f t cures Diarrhoea and Wind CPlio< It. relieves Teething troub les, cures Constipation and Flatulency, tt assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach, and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. G E N U I N E “CASTORIA A LW A Y S Beans the Signature of ‘TAKE THIS CUT” w t , f \ *■ssnr* TheKindYouHaveAlwaysBought In Use F o r Over 3 0 Years. THtccnTAUH^oMM^v, 7? Murt«hv»Tnep, Ncwyonn crrv. J. H. JTcMILLAN, M a n u f a c tu r e r o f CEMENT GRAVE VAULTS] < , ' ’ •<^2 Hollow Cement Building Blocks, Chimney Blocks, Veranda Col­ umns, Piers, "Etc,, Etc. T e le p h o n e 7 . ' C e d a rv ille , Oh io . now ch aie in tM«t offir*, aud in my 1 fititi-.dy ns UHrHtify nf Statft, a t ru­ by Hm law* rf ib* Htftw ot Ohio, b i s - . . Fc- dim.m alortM' hy tho Ocnovnl Aa» e.'f-ibly of thu litnt* ot ohlo, on ths com day fit r.Ittft'B;--A. I>, Jflftf}, • in'.mv Yineuror, 1 ti*v« hwntmtn stibnrfib.'d tny ram ., and affixod my official »on»; tM* *7fd day of Apill, * V**« itwo* , . , CARM1 A. TllOMFSftU, fHi.-Atj tterfetary of staid. Klicamatld I’»in* miovod by use o; J r . Miles’ Afitl P m H » . t t SI tit* .fimefiean Beauty - ■Gorsets For slender and medium, figures. The. high bust, long back and ,*^v snug hips. Mould the form perfectly producing those slender and grace^ ful lines, so much ^ J f the vogue, F a v o r ite P r ic e $1 , $1.50- an d $2. Also Hair Bow Ribbons, all colors, Bordered Lawns, Belts and Collars, Leather Bags and Chain Purses, Fans, Long Silk Gloves—all colors. fiUTCfLLSON & GlBJiEY’S, XENIA, OHIO. T 0 WN 5 LEY BROSr Cedarville^ Ohio. Manufacturers of Cement Building Blocks, Build­ ings raised and*foundations constructed.* See tus for Cement workjof all^ kinds, Estim ates cheer­ fully given. * FOR DURABILITY AND SERVICE. ^ .*£ We have found ^ “J.-M .” ASBESTOS .ROOFING enuat to all demands. Whether it be used on the most modest farm building or the largest manufacturing plant we have always found it true to Sts trust. It is made to give service. Every square is thoroughly inspected before leaving the factory. The workmanship is right, and the materials used in its 'construction are as good as money can buy* As evidenco—we can point to Asbestos Roofing/applied in the early nineties in good condition to-day, Furthermore, it requires no coating or painting. “The first coat is the only cost,** Our Booklet “R.** Sent free on request,"will give you Valuable Information. H , W . Johns-Manviile Co. T C levdand , O. ' l l } ; i '.i •-> ■ m p r- ■ l i fu '■ ' b^WJ-- jj “Wo rccoimnend it} there isn’t T ;u yl> cu *-i.s-.................. .......... ................... In mkl-suniiner you liavo to trust to a large degree to your buto-ker. Well Cared For Meats ta hot weather are the only kind to buy; we Lave proper appliances for keeping thorn right, and they're sweet and safe when sold. Don’t go meat shopping when it’s hot. Buy of us and be sure. , C. H . CROUSE, CEDARVILLE, O. I "I havo been,unlnf. Oaxc.reta for Ijiaomqig, -with which I. auyq been uxlucted for over twenty years, and I can say that Cascarots have given rno moro relief tlmn-fluy other remedy I haVo over tried. 1 shall certainly rflcommond them to my^friends as being all they aro ropresonted.1! . Tlios, GIRard, Elgin, 1U* Best For ----------- v ^ The Bowels -^ CANDY CATHARTIC — —. ------ sti Gunrauteed to cure or yoUr money baoh* Sterling Remedy Co.! Chicago or N»Y. 557 ANNUALSALE, TENMILLIONBOXES Pale f: Weakens « ' 4 Headache, rheumatism, neuralgia, or pains of any nature weaken .the sys­ tem—they are a s train up­ on th e nerves; Almost in s tan t relief can be ob­ tained by taking Dr. Miles Anti-Bain P ills ,and with­ out any bad after-effects. Take one on firs t indica­ tion of an attack—i t will ward i t off, They are a ileasant little tablet, sold y druggists' everywhere, 25 doses 25 cents; never sold in bulk. “I was subject to constant, head­ aches for a period o f -four years. A t times I was almost unfitted for' tho WOrk in which I am engaged, that o f station agent. Through tUo ndvico o f a friend I tried Dr. Miles’- Ahtl- Paln Pills, and the result has been that I have entirely eradicated m y system of those continuous headaches that follow n continual mental strain. T h e y have dona for mo all th at Is claimed for them," O. X j . RUSSELL, -Agts-C. & N; W.-Ry,; Rattle .Creek, la . “I bavo used Dr, Miles' Antl-Paln Pills for a. year now 'for neuralgia nnd -find there Is nothing like them. They surely have. boon a blessing to mo.” MRS. M. J. HAMILTON, Upper Alton, Ills. Your druggist tells Dr. Mlles’'Ant(- Paln Pills, and wo Authorise him to return the price of first package (only) if It falls to benefit you, Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Bakers Restaurant. Now loqAted in the Book- waiter Hotel Building across the street from the old “Adame” stand. Restaurant hotel lobby and dining in room on second floor, reached by elevator. Meals 25c and 35c. High Street, Springfield* O. LIQUOR«l MORPHINE 1 ure Rnbltj, is tbfi only sun* find rational treatment lot those addtetql to DRINKot DRUGS, send for Frca Booklet and term*. 10»7fiitth fi»nU«n fit*,, COLUMBUS OHIO n imuse ANY Nl \ ~mr attest? j *<noH v -Xsssisy J W I N @ R M S * u S Hold and adjustud by I«aan Wl 8 term»«.