The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 27-52

Q> €> IiQ .\NX£¥ i& *8 q < j * I c f o A B m iM S , o n w . W * SottOXT B v u B atrdn AGP and promise careful and prompt j attention to all TmMncss intrusted to us. NEW YORK DRAFT . andBANKfiS^B^ORDgRS* Yiio obeapect and most con- vshiont way to' send money by mail. .■ Loans Made on Real Estate. Personal or Collateral Security. Banking Hours: 8. A, M. to 8, P. if. S. W . S mith , President, O. L. S mith , Cashier, Easy Confinement 'If yon have cause fo fear the pales of childbirth, remember that they are due to weakness, or dis* - esse, of the womanly organs, nod that healthywomen do not suffer, like weak ones. The specific, medicinal, vege* table ingredients, of which that famous, female medicine and wo* manly tonic WiHE OF WOMAN'S RELIEF hi composed,.,will build up the womanly organs to a healthy state ' thus prevent needless suffer* eforemy confinement,” writes Mrs. Rose Schubarth,. of Monu­ ment, Co!o„ “I had such hearing- down pains I didn’t knew what to , do. Cardiff quickly relieved me. Some months later 1 had a fine ->12-lb, baby, was sick only thirty minutes, and did not even have a doctor.” A t A ll Druggists. I WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, statins'age and describing i synra-. torns, to Letdiee:Advisory Dept,, The Chattanooga- Medicine Co., tanctoga, Tenn.., -• 39 SB BEST FOR THE , 8 tot s>* —e iw t tltlw»h»r«-0Jf siMHirins*, Tli* v»M »* P*sr»« f t j>iu »onnw, ]» dam^ron h Maoetbsst, most #«£«*# way o* JtMntae t&«>ewel*!Bl**r*mi oI«>» 1* totsit* ' CANDY ^ OATHART IO EAT ’ EM LIKE CANDY tlm an e. MataHe, potent, Taate Good. Do Good, Never 8icjt«n, WeaKon or Gripe: 10, Si *nd fOeeute-norbo*. Writ* forfroeaample,andbook* let on health. Addross : 130. SterlingRemedyCompurty, ChicagoorNewYork. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN FO AM O The New Economical and Convenient SH AM PO O T A B L E .T The use of ^oatno.. Transparent Shampoo !Tar Tablet will cause that dull appearance of the hasr to vanish, giving place to that en­ chanting satin smoothness; the loveliness for which you have bo long sought for will be yoiirs. PRICE 25 CEhJTS. T 9 introduce' FoatnO we will mall (fora limited time only) a full slfce tablet on receipt of 15*. R o c k w o o d M e d ica l C o STATION B . C INC INNATI, 0 F A R M S $ o t o i 100 _ _ fjotislahtly on,tfand FOR SALE throughout (mio, ' Write us TO- BAY for oW descriptive list. State sizo of farm and locality desired -or if you want us to sell your fanil, write us. Wo can soli it for you. Years o f exper­ ience. Oootlbank references. Smith & Cleman 5 y Rr*f Eilato end Loan Agent*, CodArvllle, Ohio. Also agents for tlm famous Oar- torcar Automobile, • -» or** Absorb Mash MoMrirt, Ectmt tc 3 t» have shown that ores o f lead and iron may nhsorh room thin thi '90 per scat of fholr own Weight in wolateo, TheCedarvHle Herald, S#tr.oo TPsfr Y # e r . K A R E I I PLTX.L, - * K d lto r . FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1808 MMwariAiUK^ This Is the time of year when the school children are wishing they wore oltler and dicing have to go to school, and when the gr«wn-ups ars cursingfiheir own neglaet of school opportunities and .Wishing they could have back again some of^the wasted weeks .out of those long years of childhood and school work. I t Is one of the mysterious complex­ ities of human life that in every condition w* wish we were some place else. The fellow who can tor- get past mistake* and keep awake to the opportunities o f today that may he ’fitting while he regret* those lost yesterday) has a*key that unlocks most .of the doors that are worth entering. The editor of the Record having refused to insert the following in his paper, wlil y«m kindly as* it? To the Honorable Jetse Taylor, Republican Candidate for Congress: - -Will you kindly answer through the columns of your paper the fol­ lowing question; Can a colored man belong to ihe Junfor Order? If not why not? Colored- Voter. .There wULbe satisfaction on the whole that Mr, Taft- will do' some stumping. The old tradition kept the candidate, at some, and there was a certain dignity in this atti tude. But the man who wins in any walk of business life is apt to get out and hustle for himself. Poli­ ticians naturally do the same Eng- gllsh politics have never been con eidered undignified, yet the' candi­ dates always get out; and make all the speeches they want tp. The stumping. tour gives the- averag voter' a bettor chance to estimate the character of the candidate ttiai information he can get in any othei way. The - simplified' spelling peopl must be. cast down by the statement o f the New York service commission' that complainants writing them- have spelt ‘ ‘meter” in 49 different ways. Sometimes the unexpurgated spelling of the old fashioned type sticks in 'the mind a* well as the pale and anaemic product of the spoiling reformers; „ It is nofcprobable thatMr. Taft Is getting out on the stump because he thinks there is a serious'chance ol 'Bryan’s election. Rather 1 * it that he is one of the kind that prefer* making a home run himself rather than sit on the players’ beneh watching the abhor* hRt the fcfcJL _MLW. Laird, president of the Trum­ bull County Patrons* Mutual Insur­ ance company, Middleheld, Q., under date of July 19, 1908, writes; “I am heartily in favor of the constitutional amendment proposed by the tax com­ mission named l)y our governor/ which will give more leeway In rais­ ing our. taxes. I believe we still raise ■ tnen in Ohio who are capable of fram­ ing just lawn; that we .will send-some of them to the legislature,- I-am hot- afraid to trust them with the. tax laws. Under our present, laws the property- in- sight, the fruits of brains and in­ dustry. and a desire to better our con­ ditions bear, an unjust share in the maintenance'of the government. This must continue-unless we so amend the constitution as to make it possible to enact Wise law* that will reap ben- . f t from privileges and franchises. 4 w Heariti* having ld tso f fan Gig­ ging up some of Bryan’ * past wttsr- sntiea. Thar* are some nuggets loft behind in the avalanche of Words that the Eqhrkakan ha* disgorged in 12 years, and'thesa should not be allowed to remain buried any/long­ er*" How many presidents have the Democrats of Ohio furnished the na­ tion? How many presidents have the Republicans of Ohio furnished the na­ tion, There is the answer to attacks upon Republicanism. Party platform* sometime appear to magnify party principles but'in the case of state and* national Republican platforms ' this year the planks only relate history and make promises that will be put into practice; Every loyal Republican and every right-minded Ohioan should rejoice that Governor Harris lias picked Up the gauntlet thrown down by the Per­ sonal Liberty league, and will defend from the stump Ills record on temper­ ance legislation. He is expected to make his first reply at the Republican state opening In Youngstown, Sept. 6. Canton News philosophy; “The trouble' with the Independence party Is not Hiageti, but Hearst, and the trouble with Hearst'scemS to be spite. Can a great political party be built up in this country on the spite of a single Individual?” Certain "Interests” are making vic­ ious attacks upon Governor Harris. They are using “black jacks” instead of argument. Campaigns of that kind never meet with the approval of the people, * X* . ,r..'' '...’ ■ A prominent Democrat dropped dead while Judge Parker Wa* making a speech at Los Atigele*. Ttoagino MY. Bryan’s feelings on the subject! —Cleveland Leader. The Denver delegates who shouted 84 minutes for Bryan have probably not yet contributed 84 bents to the Bryan campaign fund.—CharleatoU Nows and Courier. By strengthening th* nerves whies ontrbf ihe action of the liter and %ow«W Uf. Miles' Nerve and Liter Pills cue •nsilfcatlon, ** doses SS eehta. Cincinnati E x c u r s i o n . N e x t Sundb -y Roundtrip, #i,80 train leave* 1M%, rjv N oth ;—As been the rule in the past the column* of the Herald are open to the public for a free dis- cushion of all subjects, ao long a* there are no objectionable state* vubut. of a personal nature, A news­ paper in regarded by the postal au­ thorities a* a common carrier and for the benefit of the public. The Herald being.untied, is at liberty to throw It* columns open to the public without first asking permission fromAny source. I A STRONG ENDORSEMENT. j The late S. H. Bills, chairman X of the executive committee of £ the Ohio State Grange, Patrons X of Husbandry, wrote as follows r about the taxation constitutional X amendment of 1903A, 2 t ‘ “ I fuljy uffprse your p’an of v X educating the voters of Ohio on X- T the proposed amendment to our w X constitution in . the taxation X x clause. I send you a list of cur w granges In the state, and I shall ^ -be glad <r you are able, .through our membership, to awaken a Widespread interest to the Im­ portance of the voters of the state adopting this amendment. “Yours for the right. “ (SIgned> & H. LLUS.” The' proposed amendment of •1908 was In every sense like the ♦ ‘atnepdmeht now before the peo- !>»-• SOUND ARGUMENTS. Prominent Agriculturist Endorse* Pro­ posed Taxation .Amendment, 1 st “The proposed law dew* not say that property' SHALL be classlded, but that it MAY be classified. WW1, Why not classify it legally?’ ' It Is classified now and tangible property Is the class that hears the tax, while Intangible, for the moat part, goes scot free. Aa long as the law bears unjuBtly on a certain class of property which can easily go Into hiding. It will do so, and the class that- can not be concealed must bear, an increasing burden. “Let us not so venerate the consti­ tution, drawn by ‘God’s cheerful, falli­ ble men/ that we stand in our own light and pay not only our own taxes, but our neighbors’ as Well. I have faith in the present generation, who know the conditions. They who have to live under the laws are as com- petent to legislate for themselves through their representatives as a past generation who could not con- celve of our surroundings,'’ CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. Tto KindYenHawAlwajsBosghi Bears the Signature of Cleaning Dyeing A t prices much lower than theyare elsewhere. Gents suits, trousers, over­ coats,’cleaned and pressed in the latest stayla. In dye­ ing suits we do not' allow any one to excel, j 3 In ladies* wear, jacket*, cloaks, skirts, , plaited or unpleated, cleaned pressed or dyed. W ork called for and deliv­ ered or leave with Dwight Sfecrrett, Cedarville agent. X EN IA DftY C LEA N IN G CO .* o , SSE. Main 8 fo BothThonefL j#?1*' Har fuhHww Admiration, “ Qh, dear, will you look at it agaip ’a** sighed Mr*. Howard New- come in auLMStasy of bits*. ‘•'Ian't it magnifiwwtf Turn tbia way now. A side glance bring* out tho tradi­ tional b**uty. I have never seen anything;. *o j^rfectly exquisite. Dear, do oom« over hero and look at it from thia view. One would never believe that aneb A lovely thing ex­ isted in the world. The perspec­ tive is simply «and- How inspiring and noble! Here i* another view from the right Doesn't it show off even to bettor advantage? I am limply *ntmno«d with admixaiion.^ What ia Kw> Newcomo looking “TAKE THIS CUT’ «*.s i««arv>' Some maeteTpieee in a picture gallery? No, indeed. It is an old kitchen chair she purchased .at a second­ hand Stor/, which, she thinks is & “ genuineantique”—BohemianMag- .azine. Pkorosan ANWfDMSN'." VO 1 limSlOH oy OHIO,TSOI OON- jautvmounno? ImM iba as JinMrfaiut 1* C*»fdlctlm, *f tie P* it rtiolved by theOmeral ‘ the sm ilf OhU>i lnqrioH I.. A propoaltion *• Attittnbly of SkeMON i I’ A m J u fcbV.l bo aub- to tM <lteWW tbi* state at jth« aext election fox member* o£ the general eawmbiy. to amend the eonatltutlon of tbc( .state of Ohio *o that sections. IS to 32, hath Inclusive, of article II. shell respectively be numbered a* sections is to nsi add sections 14 an* IS of such, article he so. amendt/d a» to read ae.toUow*: <• L AnTrctn II. See. 14. Every Mil sbsll be fully and. distinctly read, on three, different day* unless, .In, case Of urgency. UireB-fourths of the members elected, to .the house iri which It shall be pending, shall 4!EF;ua» with thla rule; but the readluj* r( * blit cn -and no law shall be revived or emended, unless the new act crmtaln the entire act revived, or the section or .'sections amended: and the suction, or sections SOamended shall be wealed. Bsc, 3,8. Bveiy bill. cSsssd br the general assembly shall, horore. lt can beooma a law, be presented- to the governor .for hla approval,' If hc.epprnve ir hatcan [shall] sign It. If he dp- not' epprive it, be .ehatl- eeud It with hi* objections In writing, to the hcmtc.'tn which it"originated which mar then• reconsider (lia vate pu 1Mpassage. It two-thirds of the .Memhers,elected to that, hpuae then agree to’ repast-tbe blU. lt ehal! he .sent, with the objections of the governor, to*the. other bopse which may also rcconr older the vote on IU pauses. If two-thlrda of the member* elected'to7that house than agree to repajwoIt, It shat) become a law, notwithstanding the objections pf tho governor. C A S T e m t For Infants and Ohildreg, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the 'Sipmture In Use For Over Thirty Years a law. unless the gsQeriil assembly by adjournment prevent its return; InWhich case, .it shall become a law- unless, withinton day* after such adjournment, it shall be filed oy him. with hi* objections,. In. the office-of the secretary of -state.. The governor may disapprove any item-or Items in any bill making an-appropriation of money, and the item or Items, so disapproved, shall be stricken therefrom, junices repasxed in the .'manner herein prescribed for the rep&osage of n bill.,,Sac. *, ThI* , amendment - shall taka effect on the first day ptJanuary.A. 0.1909. ’ • O. a , T hompson , Spenfccrof(fig IlfmeepfRgpretentative*. r ■ ' AHnnawL. H asbis , .. u , W u HNnxn Sia-rKB or A mssica . O hio , , Officeof the Secretary of State. • r. CARMI A, THOMPSON. Secretory /ol .Btote of fhe State of Oble, do hereby -certify tb*t the foregoing 1 * an' exemplified copy,, carefuly compared by me with fh* original roll* aowon-Slo In this WBo*. and in my eSolal euetody aa Secretary of State, ah're-: Ohkh.ot a p i ■j*fe r*g**.J CARMI A. TlfdSifPSqN, . ? ; •, SecnMor* of fifete. RRCPl^^1’^ tun "CPN' STITUTION o r OHIO. Teaamwaleedleeitoeel ttpde twelve ei Ac C m - alilsfiM ei *>|e. iBe <» rexoJocd by tht General Asirmbty of • the Blot* of Qhti : , ’ SsmoK a. - That, a proposition shall he submitted to theelectors of the state of Ohio, oh the -first Tuesday atur the. Dm Monday In November,-1968, to amend section two of article twelve of the constitution of the state of Ohio, so that It than read aa follows; _ JtottcweXtl.' KtxANce and .T axation . Sec. S. TI m General Assembly shall have power to establish and maintain an eqult-' able system for raising state and local rovenue. It mgy Classify -the subject* of taxation so far at their differences justify the earn* in order to wears a duet return from each* All taxes and other charges shall be imposed for public purposes only and shall 'h* just to each, subject. . The power of taxation shall never be surrendered, suspended or coatretted away. Ronds ol the state of Ohio, bead;, of any city; village, hamlet, county or township In-this state and bonds Issued to behalf of the public school* of Ohio and theuneans of instruction In connection therewith, butyls* grounds, public echosl house*, house* used exclusively for public worship,, Ihstltntlone of purely pnbllo charity, public property used exclusively for any pubHe purpose, and personal property :to a* amount not exceeding In value #200. for each Individual, may. by general law*., be exempted from taxation; hut all such law* shall he subject to alteration or repast; and the value of all property. so exempted, shell, from time to time, he ascertained and published a* directed by law*« . . SxcmoH S. Ali taxes and' exemption* la force when this amendment is adopted shall remain in loros,, la the same manner, and to the seme extent, -unite* and until otherwise directed by statute.J. 0. CHXMamtJUM, fipeeher jm r*m> of the Home of KiptfttntatHet. J amsu M. W uxukb , . - ^ Presidentof theSenate. Adopted Marsh«?, 1*08, H krxs ST atxs curA mmhca , Omo, once of the Oeereury of fitote, I, CARMI A. THOMPSON, Secretory ,of State of the State m Dhtnjjito hereby,certify that the foregoing 1* arrTcempIlfied copy, carefuly compered by mt with the original rolls now on file ................ ......- efllcHs! rertody ae . ' ' the taw* el the In this office^,and In mr rf lelal cus e fiecrete'............. quiredhy e l of . ............. Joint Resolution adopted by the General At' tr of Bute, aa restate,of Ohio, of a eembly of the Stale of Ohio, on the 37thday et March, A. D. 1*0*. In T kctimomt WHXawxr. I have hereunto aubecribed my. name, and affixed my official seal, at ColumbU*, ihta 33rd day of April, A» D, IFH j S s „ „ CARMI A, THOMPSON, ts«Ai'.l ’ . /Secretary of State,. PR0P08EID AMRNOMKNf TO TUB CON- fitlTUTION OP OHIO,. J*1*T*SfMUHl0» Prepestag isjweedsw* te die Ceaslthcllea et ike M»l« *1 Obi* nkHrt le IkelineeiIkeCim- tolWOwfHwl MWwItniP' "W fel - 9* U ritotvfd by thi aentral Auembty of . the Slate of Ohio: itfiito* l. A proposition shall be sub- tnlttod to the edertor* of this state at the next election tor members of the general assembly to. emend Motion 25 of article II of the CofietRutlou, so ae to read As follows: . Bee.,25. The regular Session of each S oners! assembly commence on the r*t Monday to January next after It is 0h»MM. . ^ ^ _ D. A. TiroMraOn, fipeuhsrof toeReuse oficeytetmiatinbi. A hwikw L. IlAtmia, . ^ ^ PreiWentofihtStiwte, AdoptedMarch *0,1804. ifHirm gTAT** or AuBhtdA, Onto, Office of the Sacretery of State. ' ^ J, CARMI A. THOMPSON, Bectotafy ,ot Bute of the fim* of dhlo. do hereby certify that the fertgslfag U an exemplified copy, carefuly comparetr by to* witti the original rolls new ea it* to this «mce, and In uy official enstody ae secretory of Btate, aa re- " ,L- “ * • ‘ " Btate of Ohio, of a ty the perietal A*- w, on the 20 thday i t* - - , ........ S eret* oulred by the Uw* at the Joint Reedutto* ad aemhly et tie Hate #f JHRjrf'to, A* . m TasttMUMT' kubecribito « y i*'..., .............................. M*i- at OMwndSto lWa *3rd day of April, Atr Ur XpOll* i , . OKftUl A. THOMPSON. (axAb.j Memtarff of fitnfA r, f have hereunto affixed my official Bheuraatid itoto* toitowi* by a*» «w p». MAM* AJWl-Pato Plji*. 88 mm % ^HECENTAUflCpM^AMy*NEWYORHCrTt*' Ira! J. H. JTcMILLAN, M an u fa ctu re r o f CEMENT GRAVE VAULTS] Hollow Cement Building Blocks* Chimney Blocks, Veranda Col­ umns, Piers, Etc;,. E tc. T e leph on e 7 . C eda rv ille , O h io . 3 9 . flmeFieati Beauty F or slender and m edium ' figures. The high bust, long back and snug hips. Mould 1 the form perfectly producing those slender and grace­ fu l lines, So much , the vogue. ‘ , F a v o r i t e P r i c e $ 1 , $ 1 * 5 0 a n d $ 2 . Also Han* Bow Bibbons, all colors, Bordered Lawns, Belts' and Collars, Leather Bags and Chain Purses, Fans, Long Silk Gloves—all colors. H U T C f l l S O H & G I B f l E Y ’ S , “ We- rccommemi jfc; isn’ t aaybsHor..,' In fnld-puiniaiSf yotiTriive L t trust to a large degree to your Lu ther. Wei! Cared For Meats Lnhot -weather are the only kind to buy} we Save propel: appliances fpt keeping tkein rigbt, and tbey^r* ‘sweet and safe when sold. Han’ t go meat ^hopping when it’s hot., Buy o f us and. be sure. C. H , CBO U SB , „ CEDARVILLE, 0, Heart Troubles The heart may he weak ' ju st the saine' as the eyes, stomach o r other organs. I t often ‘ happens that r , person is h om w ith a weak heart. Then again dis­ ease, fevers, over-exertion , anxiety, * nervousness, rheumatism, e t c ., weaken the h ea rt.' The resu lt is shortness o f breath, pa l- pitation , pain in the heart,, or in some o f the nerves o f the chest o r abdomen,. The heart shou ld h e " strengthened w ith a ton ic, and fo r this noth ing equals D r. M iles 7 H eart Cure. “I .Raft. LaGrippa last fall. tto. I • thouBbt in a mild form.’ Xwas'weak. t-Irea feeling, and. gliortr- of .breathi.1 copld hardly go -about; and;; a ,good deal of tho time sort of an asthmatic 1 breathing-and extremely- nervous. •I • began faking Dr, Miles' Heart Cura' .'and Nervine and how -Xfeel so .much better In every,‘way. X. .thankful; that X,began taking .this 'medicine; ‘ and. shall' not hesitate to tell*' others how much good, it has' done-me." . MRS. F, J. HOiRTQN, , Freevilie,' New York; Your druggist sells Dr.'Mites’ Heart Cure, and we authorize, hint to return price of first bottle (only} If it tttUa to benefit you. MilesMedical Co„ Elkhart, Ind ■*i}J ip "<*'i l . S' A n ; /. Now located - in the B ook - Waiter H otel Building across the street, from the o ld “Adams” stand. Bestaurant in hotel lobby and dining room on second fioor, reached by elevator. Meals 25c And 35c. High Street, Springfield, O* XBNIA, OHIO. TQW N 5 LEY BROS,. Cedarville, Ohio. M anufacturers 6 f Cement B u ild in g B lock s , B u ild ­ ings raised andjfoundations constructed . See [us fo r Cement w o rk jo f ^all] kinds. E stim ates cheer­ fu lly ; g iven . ^ HsbUs, is tb* only sur*and rstlensl tre&tovmt fwthoseMfiJotedto drink orDRUO#!6mdtor fttoBKktetatkdtetto*. 1117Btrt* COLUMBUS OHIO 4 FOR D0RAB IUTV AND SERVICE* ft ** W e have found * “J.-M.” ASBESTOS ROOFING equal to all demands. Whether it he used on the most modest farm building or the largest manufacturing plant We have always found it trim to its trust. It Is made to give service. Every square is thoroughly inspected before leaving the factory. The workmanship is right, and the materials used in its construction are as good as money can buy. Aa evidence—we can point to Asbestos Roofing, applied in the early nineties In good condition to-day. Furthermore, it requires no coating or painting. “ The first cost is the only cost.** Our Booklet “R .“ Sent free on request, will give you valuable Information. PILES FISTULA A kdauu DISEASES OF THE RECTUM 3 s » » w S y S S D R J. J . M d X H L L A N - t o iK S 't i .H i COLUHBIIS. 0 . ^ W S M I T H i l N I A t f 1 TRUSS HOLDS Mt* ,H. W . Johns-ManviUe Go. ^ O kV ^ a tid i O* / ^ h i S S L S i * * * * 1* — OFPOSil Gold Stan Ooeo I As a jin; on hao i km lmnUI«3_w Iiavo Ijrouj. country if Rut they n rowing pit'- merely fig bawd on v»imtever. ■ It is m*H bur that pr tor of Ihe fully ICO j i ate that a nnd Is ab again. A might by ‘the foreetis lieved by I in the past hut empty “ Drivi For instai meinher of rives in ISO Unit protect u-y hendioti itlrf speech year he dre pictures: ‘‘ProteeUo tree, and ai farmers hn eoutpiinions shouted,‘On in every si ties have be ■of home on nnd that of This means, land of Uu bticlred by that has go no people under a fi­ nals of a tern (proti'c farm o\\in stlluted the ’ Ilow far America of any year any Americ .Mr, Bryaii’ answer rigb tlsoro isu’ l 70 to trust M ea ts jr Mnd to lances fox id tlioY’?'* Don’ t go bo.fc. Buy o . p w e a k \ e eyes, - organs, that a a weak h. dis- :ertion, or.clrentust ttSneSS, iKiri bew (‘i ; _ . peahen suit is h, pa l- heart, nerves lomen. Id be l tonic, equals great m a joiflure. value. “Murd1 But ffurju that speech tlO less Ii6i had raised ! with, dlmin: again saw couufiy, ; panacea, a ' of the thin happen If t) tlnued: “X teply t Its thousan slain -its- te Speech at veulion Jul; “Do not 1 you about written In t gold.’’—Froi gust, 1890. “Ah, my f son why cities and 1 e your leglsln * foreclosure farms. * * ° standard go to complain cates Insten condition of mending the that the pc much they Speech at 1899, But who sliiIn? W blood? \V close? Aguj country mal the iibpasslt Campaignl] an decided other clange ' continued forgotten b, "spirit of ’1 of the past. Bryan said: Sees “The light out the sent! so .often Thee.’ If w children's Hi] the spirit of of the Four for the spin* m ” Is there States whert] anti forgotfc a moaning! One of thl prophecies t| Mr. Bryan Barker duril when he aill bitterly, Tl .military dorl the docroasel aU ds -X * vas weak, breath; ... a good asthmatic ;i irvous. X■ cart Cure si ,•so much so thank- % medicine. - ell other* a me," toRTON. ew York, las’ Heart . lto return' s; « It falls iart,Ind Book- acrom the old itau ran t dining reached 5c and ield, 0 . tul (nstoiett -Smdior MlHSfit*.. Hio repel m i (LAN m 1AMY .^cauHiip,