The Cedarville Herald, Volume 31, Numbers 27-52

ifs.^vvVVMV'^a f o x E x c e lle n c e O u r J e b W ot 1 w i l l com p a re w it h th a t o f a n y o th e r f i r m . , , « ■Ceda T H I R T Y - F I R S T ' Y E A R NO* 2 8 , C F 0 A R V J L L E , F R I D A Y , J U L Y 3 , 1908 . ■This Item when &wkf<i with an! Index, denotes tfcst your tabssrhi i is past due and a pwsnpt *eltit* went is earnestlydesired, ♦«*.,+ P R IC E $ 1 .0 0 A Y E A R . f D.HESBU'S IE- The Ju ly issue: of tfie Mi$ffi6B7a*J excellent publication pu t out by the Midland Publishing Company of Cincinnati contains a page of 'inters eating matter from the pen of Wil- her B. Neabit, f t deals With mat­ ters and history of a local nature, particularly the Home-Coming. “Cedarviile | | » little beauty spftt in /Greene- County, on* MasSio’a Creak and pear the l i t t l e Miami River, Clifton is on the Hiftlp Miami —It was of Clifton th a t the effervescent Ike Cummins once said to a party of tourists: “ Gentlemen, •old Greene County is a hors# apd we have Just reached its ta il!” At Clifton there are live authenticated places where Simon Kenton leaped »6rose th e rfver .to escape the In ­ dians—One spot required a leap of some eighty feet. However, there - is a place on Hassle’s Creek where Simon made h isleap for life, also, and there is an Indian mound from which Warren Morehead has pro­ cured the original swastika. .Also . .atCedarviiie there is a lost Indian cave, in wnleh acre untold fortunes in virgin gold' nuggets—and years ago, before any of its we^e alive, . there used, to be an old Indian who - came there annually and acted so mysteriously tha t undoubtedly he was getting, a. little pocket money t • out of the lost cave. Once the • >, writer and p a r r y Biff and Oal Morton found the cave, and Cal went in sn all fours to get ths gold, b u t a pole cat was resting there and ^ objected^ Maybe it wasn’t Cal Mutton, blit it was some other boy, anyhow; and whoever he was he „ was not p social favorite for a whole week, and there wasn’t anything In ' Ben Bidgway’s drugstore tha t could "be poured on or rubbed m that • .would remove the pungency, so,‘ to speak.' As Tom Moore so aptly, t ppuMfc; " • . jf “ ‘You may. cuss, you m a y label the skunk If you will , B a t the scent of itk presence re­ mains with you still.” > • 1 So, we’re a ll going "back home sometime o r other this'Sbmmer—ail ef us Ohio people. Some of ns to Greene county, some to Anglais* feire’s th is blessed, thing about Ohio—the people who wiU greet us,will be ju s t as glad, to see us homo again as we will be to. get there. I t is a wonderful thing for mankind—this idea o£ Home- Coming Week. I t hroadens usand •betters u s; it- sets our' feet in old paths; We breath the old a ir; we Bee the old flowers and old hills, and the old people—God bless ’em. Whether we drop off the. tram a t the littleVay station and And our way up the. street on each side of which foses peer through broken palings of sleepy fences, whether we climb in to a shiny trap and speed along a boulevard, ’whether w e pile our* selves into an old family carriage and roll out on a pike beside fields from which drift heavy odors of clover and hay, over the bridge be­ neath which grows mint th a t spices the twilight, through the woods where shadow fairieB dance among the 'trees, to bring up a t old* gate opening on the old walk between the beds of phlox and marigold and sweet William and four o'clock—it's* home! And home is where the heart is and the heart is where home is, now. and . forevermore, tt I t Pays to Trade In SPRINGFIELD” G o sh ! W b o 'd t h in k t h a t p la in , n a tu r a l a l l Wool w o u ld w o r k u p i n t o s tu f f a s h a n d s om e a s t h e t r o p ic a l w e ig h t w o r s t e d s u s e d in o u r S um m e r S u its? Th e new colors in tans, g rey *, browns are shown in profusion- , P rice i $ 7 . 45 , $ 9.86 to $ 25 * — T H E W H E N - Arcade - - - Springfield, 0 . fitofe Closed All Bay July 4th, Member* Merchants* Association- Ask for a JJefeatoBoOklafc this More. amen. And if ifc be daylight the ; front door will he open and the o ld1 walls and pictures will he giving u* welcome, and if i t be dark the front door wili. be open and the mellow lamplight w ill fling a pathway of its own out into the shadows for us. And the b e s t day there'll he the old boys—and the g n is who are ever young!—and. the .old time* will b* lived over again—and Home-Coming Week shall bo Fourth .of In ly and Christmas and New Years, and Thanksgiving and all other good days rolled into one. And the mem­ ories we have cheriBhed shall live for us in reality once more, the old songs shall have ataewsr sweetness T-even the old stories have a newer THEPRIMARY. ' TfaV cajifTifipfe*? ft>iT'fho~various county offices, subjeetto the [Repub­ lican primary election August 3rd are a ll in line now, Ithe “entries” having closed a t 12 o'clock, noon, Saturday. With the ejcceptfhir’of the offices of prosecuting attorney, sheriff, county surveyor and-central committgeman in one or two pre­ cincts there is competition, and and fresher tang to. them, The judging from the caliber of the con* haunts of boyhood, tha t call to us ever out pf the silences,, and in the clamor of alien streets will he ours once more. “The writer was horn In Xenia, hu t had the advantage of being raised-in .Cedarviile. Hater in life he peregrinated to Ind iana,'and there was afflicted with ‘bacillus scribendus.'. When he goes baok to the Home-Coming exercises and celebration, he Is going down on Main street in Xenia and gaze a t his birthplace. Not long ago a friend from Xenia dropped In and said : “Remember tha t little house you were boru in down on Xenia Street?'’ “IndeOU I do." It'is one of these old fashioned ljttle houses; it sits Bidewise to the street, and there are small panes in the'windows, and there Is a climb­ ing rose on the wall, and there are vines, th a t clamber all oyer it. “Well," said the friend, “ the city put a tablet oh th a t house last week.’* ,r ”r Wasn’t'fchat enough to feed the pride and vanity of any one? Wasn.fc tha t balm straigh t from-Gilead? Even though a man knows he has never done and m ay never do any­ thing meriting recognition b y bis home folks, it. is fine to feel tha t they ate „willing to overlook that, part of it and do something gracious. I sat back and closed my eyes ana hugged fchatuews to my soul for. a full minute . When any great big joy like th a t comes to a man he just simply has to revel In it. B a t final­ ly curiosity overcame modesty and I a s k e d - ' “E r—what doe* i t nay o n ' tbs tablet? counter-’ SHERIFF'S SALE S t a t e o f OHIO, ) Greene County, fjr, s. ) Pursuant to command of an order of sale issued in the Court o f Com­ mon Pleas pf said eoitnty, and-to me delivered, I will offer for sal* a t public auction a t the fron t door of tho court house, in the city of Kenia, in said county, on Saturday, J u ly 18th, A. D. 1908, afc2 o’clock p. m. the following de­ scribed lands and tenamenta, to wit: Situate in the County of Greene, State of Ohio,' and In the Village of Cedarviile, and bounded, and described as follows, viz; Being the whole oi lo t No. 71 in John Orr’s Third addition to the Town of Cedarviile moro fully de­ scribed in the plat of said town, arid toeing the same property con­ veyed to John Boss by John Orr by deed dated August 11, 1858, and re­ corded In Vol- 36-page 020 of the deeti records cf 8aid county. Said premises Were appraised a t Five Hundred dollars ($800). Terms of Sale : Cash. To be sold by order of said Court In Case No. 11433 wherein W. L, Miller is plaintiff and' Alexander Hall, Adm 'r, is defendant. HOWARD APPLEGATE, Sheriff, Greene Countv, W. L. MILLER, PliUrttlfl’s'A tt’y, LEGAL NOTICE. Ellen Levall*y whosfc residence is Unknown will take notice that Jacob C. LeVall6y-,-her husband, on the 17th day ol June 1008, filed hi* petition against her in the Court of Common Ideas in Greene County, Ohio, praying for a divorce from her on the grounds of gross neglect of duty and for adultery with a James A. Finfebono which cause will be heard before tho said Com­ mon Pleas Court on the 3rd day of August 190$ by Which ttme she will be required to answer. Jacob C< Lovalley. By J . N. Doan, a tt’y. 7 -ul-d TRUNKS—$3 to $12, S U L L IV A N , The Hatter, 21 S n a t h i i m e s t m e S tr e e t* SpHngflM* Ohh,: testing candidates, the rape for each office will he spectacular, to say the least. There are only two-candi­ dates for each pf themost important offices, hut in the others the candi­ dates vary from two to six in num­ ber. Probate Judge—Chas. F. Howard, W» F . Trattei\ c County Auditor—Wm, Dodds, W alter L, Dean.. ' County Treasurer—I. Dines, R. R. Grieve. County Recorder—M .' A. Broad- stone, B. F. Thomas. Clerk of Court—S. O. Hale, L. T, Marshall. Prosecuting Attorney—Wm. F. Orr. Sheriff—Howard-Applegate. County Surveyor - - S. Milton McKay. ■ * . Coroner—Dr, P. C. Marquart. ■The Central Committeeman, Ce- darville township; D. B, MoElwam, J . C, Townsley and Andrew Jack- son. ,Corporation—G, Y. Winter, Ralph Wolford, T. B. Andrew and S.' G, Wright. SPRINGFIELD’S FOURTH. A salute tif 21 guns will usher in the monster Fourth of July celebra­ tion a t Springfield. Tlrn saiute Will he fired,ah 9 a. m„ just one hour be­ fore the street pageant starts. Many m ilitary alid secret organizations wifi, -fake pa rt in the parade and numerous noveifioats will be in evi­ dence. The parade wili end a t the Cl*'-* Ooui&jisfair grounds an a will B P The offlclaj^rogram for the after­ noon e n tra inm e n t i* *s,follows; 1:00 o’clock, band contests; 1:30, prize drills; firOOo’clock, haloon as­ cension and parachute drop by H» H . McGill, editor of the Osborn Local And the only one-armod aero­ naut in the world; 2:15, trotting race; the Nolson DeVauwter com­ pany, olub jugglers; pacing race; the Aerial BuddS, sensational tra ­ peze artists f trotting' race ; upside- down Duffy, America’s upside-down juggler; pacing rape; DeVauwter and DeVauwter, fancy and trick rifle shooting and expert rope spin­ n e rs ;’free-for-all raco; tho Five Alton Troupe, European acrobats; automobile race. Evening prbgram; Band concert a t 7:00 o’clock; vaudeville and cir­ cus acts repeated, beginning a t 8:00 o’clock; sham battle by Yolo tribe, I . O. R. M. a t 9:00 o’clock; grand display of fire works 9:80 to 11:00 o’clock. In case of inclement weather tho vaudeville and amusement program will be carried out in full a t the Now Sun Theatre* . AN? We are author the pame of W. F. didute for Pr*t to the Republican; August «rd. -- ,MI•M* XT*XMVAjtiH'"*-*'** that he will be County Recorder 1 subjeetto the to he held Aug. M, i and Influence solis4< We arc author the name of L, T- candJdate for Clerk, jeot to the Repul August 8d, We ar© authorize the name of Dr. B ,; candidate for Reprs the Republican prlr August 3, 1808. We are authoring the name of Walter candidate for Count jeefc to the Republic be held on Augtisfc We are author the name of I. B. date tor County T*« the Republican prir August 3, 1908. • We are authorize the name of 5 . 0 . 3 d*te for re-nomii Clerk subject to th e j maryfcb be heldAui We are author! the name of R. R« < date’ for County to the Republican-{ held’August 3, 1908. We are authorise the*name ef I. T» didate for Comity cot jeot to the Republic be held AUgustfl, IS , We are authorize tho name of M. A. candidate for re-r County Recorder Republican prims lists,, 1908. We are author the name of How* candidate for &h<s Republican Augusts, Wo :NTS , to announce u » * can- rudge subject vary election, to WH.auuWfirj Mididate for ssne County »c*u primary Your vote to announce farshall as a Court* sub- in primary, to announce Spahr as a dative before ly to be held to announce* Dean as a mdifcor .sub; primary to to announce .ta s .a cahdi- itrer subject to ry to be held to announce a* a candi- for County mblican pri- ^8,1908.. to announce f# asacancii- turer *uhje®t pimary to he > * to announce fibs *a a can- kssionersqb- . primary to announce latone as a Ration for ^ecfc ’to ' the ae hold Attg- announce flegate as a jaerto -th l? be held CORNI CORN1 ... subjsot to th* Republican primary; to be held August 8 ,1906. We are authorized to announce JDr. f , G. Carson a* a candidate for Representative, subject to the com­ ing Republican primary. We are authorize^ to announce J , F,*Harshman a* a candidate for re-election to the office of County Commissioner, subject to the Re­ publican Primary, August 8rd. A, G. Carpenter announces his candidacy for nomination to the office of County Commissioner, sub- Jeot to the Republibari primary election, August fird, W« are authorized to announce the name of J . E . Lewis a* a can­ didate tor Representative in the state Legislature, subject to. the Republican Primary election Ang.; 3ra. We are authorized to announce that John B. Stevenson of Miami township, will be a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the Republican primary, Aug. 3rd, We are authorized to announce that Charles F, Howard will be a candidate for Probate Judge, sub- jeofc to the Republican primary, August 3rd, I will sell you corn so as to save you the middleman’s profit. 7-3d J . C. Barber. P op headache Dr. Milea* Antt-Paln P 11 K W O R M S AND T h e i r T r e a tm e n t I t would surprise to learn how much of thosickness of the child­ ren Is due to worms in the stom­ ach and intestines. Worms sap the strength of tho child, and the symptoms disappear when the worms tore expelled and the system is no.lortger robbed of tho nourishment it requires, 4 Worms are most frequently found In children, but they are by no means rare In adults. For expelling worms from’ tho body, nothing batter has been discover­ ed than A , D* S. Worm [Syrup which besides Its action onworms purifies and enriches the blood, thus causing complete restora­ tion o lhealth . I t Is especially recommended, because, when it Is used as a precautionary meas­ ure, and tto worms are present, ii exerts it* tonic influence and can do ho harm. S aa T w K man / A WORD ABOUT SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES* How much hotter to have your deeds and personal papers where they are safe from Are and readily accessible. A misplaced paper often causes worlds of trouble. W* have them for rent a t less than one-third of a cent pet day. THE EXCHANGE BANK, j Cedarviile, Ohio, CEOmiLECJLEGE J. Fifteenth year open* Sept. 18, Teacher* should examine out Teachers’ course. Students for the ministry, law, medicine and pro­ fessional teaching Should study our Classical and Fklkaephleal courses. Those who wish studies preparatory to agricultural, civil, electrical, andmeohanfoai dngiuecr- lug can And themv> in Cedarviile College. Our course* in Mud* and Oratory are except!***!, AU who want a thorough •duuaHdfteau get It righ t a t home in OMtarvUle Cot lege a t a trifling sxp#B»e, Yeung people, come t* oofl*|fc Every pur­ suit Is catling for tm tygl g3wtoai*s. Catalogue free. DAVIDHcKffWCT, M M $100 Rewards $100* Hie readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all its stages and that is Catarrh, Hall’s Catarrh Cureis the only positive euronow known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hell's Catarrh Cure is takenInternally, acting directly up­ on the blood and mUcoussnrreccs of system thereby destroying the foundation of the discaJe, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work, The proprietors havesomuch faith in its Curative powers, that they offer oneHundredHollars for Rny cage that It fails to cure. Sendfor list o testimonials. Address. F. J. CHFR j EY & Co, Tolcda O. SolfijbyDruggist, 75c. Hall's Family Fills Ore tho bc3f, NO TICE j—Parties wishing their buggies painted should pu t in their order a t mice as th* paint shop has befcm opened. Careful attention given this work a t Wolford’s, Panamas $2.50 to $5 Sullivan, The Hatter, 31 So. Limestone St., SPRINGFIEI.D, O. TiW facFtffa^pHce^oTgoo’de 'yo u’ can get of home merchants in lower thap you pay in cities, Is too often overlooked In a desire to go away or send away for your needs. Ju s t take a pencil and figure it out for yourself and see.if it is not true! For the cities figure on high rents, high clerk hire and a dojsen other expen­ sed th a t a country store .get along without, and the answer is easy, and when. the catalog comes from your mail order house,“draw an easy chair to the table where the light yviil shine full ujjou the page and pu t on your glasses th a t ho bargain may escape your eye, W hat a wonder­ ful book to be sure, wonderful for what It does not contain as well as what ifc doe*. • We miss some things we would he glad to see. Where is their offer to cash or exchange goods for your wheat, oats, com, beans, butter, eggs and hay? How much do they pay tor cattle, sheep and hogs f. o, b,.' a t your tiep.ofc? How much tax w illthey pay to support your schools and educate your children, for improving roads and bridges, the supperfc of the poor of file county, for the expense of run­ ning the business of county, town­ ship and state? On what page is their offer to contribute money to the church? What line of credit will they extend you when your crops are poor, and money gbne, when through illness or misfortune you are not able to “cash with or­ der’.’ for your .groceries, clothing, farm tools and crockery? Where is their 1 "offer to contribute to your next year’s entertainment? In short will they do any thing to provide a market for what-you have-to sell and thereby keep Up the value of your estate?' Will they do anything for social, church, school or gov­ ernment Support or do they take your dollars out' of the community, with too returns except, the ’goods they buy? Did you ever look a t i t this way? OIENTANGV PARK. company; Including‘F a y Courtney, Corinne Cantwel, Kate B laficke, Belle B’Arcy, Frank Camp, Fred Kerhy, James A, Hester, Harrison Stedttian, William Doming, Wil­ liam Boss, Wayne Campbell, Frank Carton, Theo. Johnston, and a num­ ber of other stage favorites, begin a season of twelye weeks a t Olentangy Fark Theatre, Columbus, Ohio, stariin&Monday, JUno29th. “The Man on the Box” will be tho offer­ ing for the first week, and for the second week the Company will pre­ sent Leo Dltrichstem’s hilariously funny farce, “Before and After,” Following thlB the company will produce, “The Heir to the Hoorah” “Dorothy Vernon of Hadden H a ll,” “The Road to'YoBterday,” “Graua- ta rk ,” The Other Girl,” and other late high class royalty plays, in* luring the very best of entertain­ ment a t Olentangy P a rk t Theatre, during the remainder of the summer season. 1 - Powell’s Big Union Band will also give free open air concerts every afternoon and evening, and all the other hundred of amusements in the Park are open every day and even­ ing* The Zoological Garden, Mu­ seum of Ornithology, Floral Con­ servatory and Japanese Village will remain free to all visitors, and other special attractions are promised- for each week. • * Another Old-fashioned Fourth - Amusem en ts all Day B A S E B A L L Street Races, Sack Races Wheel­ barrow Races, Foot Races? Greased Pole, Etc, X-A 7-mile Motorcycle Race in the evening, also a Bicycle Race. FINE DISPLAY OF FIRE WORKS JACKSON’SDRIVINGPARK 1:30 R M. 5 « B I G R A C E S == § ■ K H o r s e m e n w i l l R e m e m b e r w e P a y i n C a s h . N p >< 1 j , ’ • a* P r i z e s . N o '”" 'Bars. Free-for-all Pace - - - .$50.00 -■ (; * • • i M i l e H e a t s . 2:35 Pace - - - $40.00 v i l . H a l f -M i l e H e a t s 2:40 Trot - - - $30.00 H a l f -M i l e H e a t s Farmers’ Race .* / - $10.00 H a l f -M i l e H e a t s W in n e r t a k e s t h e w h o le p u r s e . . R a p e s s ta r t e d p r om p tly f it 1 :3 0 p . in . B n t iie f i t o b e m a d e w it h 1t h e s e c r e t a r y J u ly 3 d . COME ALL, BRING YOUR FAMILY AND NEIGHBOR. A n d r ew J a c k so n , P r e s .; J .W . J o h n so n , S e c ’y . . Joseph Finney and T. N. Tarbox, Committee on Arrangements, appointed by Board 'of Trade. ' • V- *••«*-* I have decided to close out my'^entire furniture business on-account of failing health. We will sell every article in stock a t a out price. Carpets, Rugs, Druggets, Linoleums, and all kinds of house furnish­ ings. I f you are looking for bargains come and seo Us. We will still continue our under­ taking business as before....... G. G. McClain, 2 0 1 W . M a in s t r e e t , X e n ia , Ohio. F r e s h F i s h ! F r e s h F i s h ! W h y n o t t r y s om e F r e s h F is h o n c e , t h e y a r e g o o d fo r y o u r a p p e t it e a n d h e a lth . I h a v e m a d e a rran g e ­ m e n t s a t t h e la k e s t o h a v e n o t h in g b u t F r e sh S to c k , s o t h e y a r e sh ip p e d t o me* t h e s am e d a y t h e y are c a u g h t . W e h a v e a ll k in d s o f v e g e t a b le s in season* B r e a k fa s t F o o d s , C an n ed G ood s a n d J e llie s . * S m o k e d M e a ts . F r e sh a n d B a lt Meats* I n t h e s a m e o ld s t a n d ; a t t h e s a m e p l d p la c e n e a r t h e s am e o ld E . R . f o n t h e s am e o ld s t r e e t ; t h e Sam e e l d P h o n e 1 0 0 ; t h e s am e o ld n am e j Chas. fl. Spencer T e le p h o n e 100 O ed a rv ille , O h io . F r e sh a n d B a lt Meatfl, V e g e t a b le s . J " - I * i *1 , I 4. m '