The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 1-26

1 i CLASS NIGHT “Half=Back Sandy.” Cedaryille Opera House, Tuesday, June 1st, 8 o’clock p. m. SYNOP i/jS. In the ofty of Royalton are two colleges, Kingston *md Queenstown which are great rivals m foot ball—Both try to get Sandy Smith a great player, to play on their team—lt»t act end* with Kingston winning Sandy . 2d act— Queenstown tries various sohemes to win him away from Knigston before their great annual game, but in vain—They kidnap him oil the eve of tne game, 3rd act,—next dayj Sandy not to he found—game must start—Sandy discovered a t end of first half and goes in the game— play ends with Sandy malting a touch down and winning the game for Kingston. Greatest event of “Home-Coming” of Cedaruille college. An up-to- date and popular college play, interspersed with excitement, wit and ro- ' mance. ■. , ■ CA ST OF CHARACTERS . cv • ' Perry Gordon ....... ................... ....... ,...... .................... .Kenneth'Williamson ‘ (Captain of Kingston football team.) doe Fleetwood, the college Sport .......... .......................... Ernest Foster Dick Kart, a Freshman.... ...................................................;....William Waide - Sandy S m i t h ................................................................-..Ernest McClellan Josiah Krop. his uncle.......................................:..........................William Waide Phillip Kr.op........................................... ....... ......... - .............Woodbrtdge TJstick His cousin, of Queenstown college. ' B ill Short;........ .............. ...... ......... .......... .......... .........................-..Edward Shaw Phil’s friend, o t Queenstown college. Kenneth Summers.........................!............................ ................. Lloyd Coufarr of Kingston college K itty Medrow, a student................. ......................................... ....Vera Andrew Ohve Wooditon, a studen t........................ ;....... .............. ........ ...Martha Knott Frank Thurston, a student........ .......................................William Hawthorne ' J . Booth MacRe&dy, nretited actor, ............William Hawthorne Prof. Bryden, authority on Ancient History..................... . Julia Harbison Mable Summer, sister of Kenneth....,.............................................. Verna Bird Sue-....... ............................................ ........................... ..................... Jeannette Orr •Reserve S ea ts a t Johnson’s, Tuesday, M ay 25th. A D f llS S IO N - - - ace May 81st, loo?, is a day which should long linger in the memory of the citizens of this town and community not only because it is the day set apart for the scattering of flowers o’er the graves of the soldiers who have answered the- last call of taps and gone to make thsir peace with the great com­ mander of all armies, but b I bo for the reason that we are to have with us as one of the speakers Ex-Gov­ ernor W. S. Taylor of Kentucky. Taylor, owing to his age is not veteran but tbs son of a veteran, hjs father having served in the Civil war and so the interest of the soldier finds a responsive chord in h is heart. He was elected attorney general of Kentucky m 1895, and served for four years being the first republican Attorney General the state ever had. He was elected Governor of Kentucky in Itufi by a majority of over 40,000 but the election was contested and the democratic elec­ tion commissioners got it down to about 4,000 majority. Excitement ran high verging on civil war and in the midst of the contest Goebel was assassinated. Taylor was in­ dicted-by the county grand.jury, as an accessory in the assassination and.- owing to the courts being in sympathy with the Goebel law and no chance for him to obtain justice he was forced to seek safety in In­ dianapolis. For eight years he has fought for his life, his honor and his liberty and was only jp April o f this year pardoned by the re­ publican governor of Kentucky, How that th e , cloud has been re­ moved from his life it is no wonder that to.him.the song of the birds is sweeter than evfer before, the nays of the sun brighter and that in his heart is a feeling of peace and. good fellowship for a ll mankind, He w ill speak here on Decoration day to the G. A . B. and in the evening will deliver his famous tec- tare on **The Peril o f Tyratmy” in the opera boos* and he should be greeted by a large audience. -The P )no»ofiKh i^ io«f«ob ii^ §6 The one big *ve*$‘ t the year, the Oedarville towneft3g» emraenoement is over, the exeroteg taking place m the opera hone*, huagpay even­ ing. The crowd ttt \d the capac­ ity of the houef- >41 seats were sold by Saturday* §fternOpn, the sale opening that Just received this week and tke prettiest patterns ever shown. Prices range from $ 8 to $ 2 5 SATURDAY, MAY29, DEMONSTRATION DAY. Of National B iscuit Co’s Inner-seal Cakes and B is­ cuits. Special prices on all their package goods, today only* All 10c packages* 3 for 25c 5c packages 3 for 10c We have just received 50 dozen packages of Gocoanut Dainties, Marsh Mallow Dainties, Peanut Wafers, Cheese Sandwich, Pig Newtons, etc.* for today’s sale. REMNANT DAY SAT. MAY29. All remnants of Calicos, Ging­ hams, White Goods etc., at spec­ ial low prices to close them out quickly. MEN’S and BOY’S SUITS and TROUSERS. A “GREAT LINE” of the seasons newest and noblest patterns to select from. Extra large Pine Apples at 10c. Choice Pine Apples at 8c each or 2 for 15c. 251b. fine granulated sugar for $1.38. Cash today only BIRD’SMAMMOTHSTORE Flowers For Decoration Day. The Currie P<*Bt G. A. R. requests that a ll flowers for Decoration day he brought to tho Crouse room in the Barber block not later than eight o’cb k|pMonday morning. Owing to the scarcity of flowers all persona are urged to give what they can in order that ths flower committee may be able to decorate all graves. By order of the Commander. BEAUTIFUL POST CARDS FREE. I f you live on a farm send five ons cent stamps for postage and pack­ ing and W#will send you ‘ten beau­ tiful Flower Post Cards printed in their natural colors, and tell you how you can get 50 beautiful Post Cards, world views, free. It will be a great surprise. Bend quick to THE GLEANER, 1021 Majestic Bldg., Detroit, Michigan. WANTED: WOOL. Will pay highest price. Before selling phone •r write John DeWtno Co., Yellow Springs. Will receive wool on Tuesdays and. Saturdays. SPRINGSTILES IH all kinds of Footwear are now ready for your inspec­ tion, • YOU GET GOOD SHOES Guaranteed to he just a* represented and give satis­ faction when you buy of Nisley, In The Arcade. Springfield’s Largest and Beat Bhoe House. Member of Merchants’ ^ Ansociation. The Japanese, national ;driUs of the enterteipj and last were clc which formed and brought from the audlef national drill Scotland, Gerim France and Spain,.j ehestra playing th<j the different eon couples appeared: United States hi “Uncle Sam” which formed a : The efforts of pupils in the exerc ing were highly a il sources, Th Boxwell gradual is the program: "“Mother’s Fool,* bar; “The House quy,” Erma Cress Belshazzar” Boy Hero,’’ phy,” Cora Com; Whipped thq JeaC well; “Mjscbievc Ferguson; “l ’be ry” , .Marjorie Grf Dying Child,” Bs providential b. Martin; •’Jane Shannon; “Amer Spraoklen; “The! Mable Stormont! Feller,” Ralph To Mias Cora Ooxxt the judges, Rev. It, B . Wilson anfl j h«e, to repress*! the county eemi Thediplo* J* Carl township vocation m* i* and Inter­ file features The first Hh a tableau Iking picture ofapplause The Inter­ red Ireland, Switzerland, tS, of V. Or- itlqnal airs ol les ns the Re drill. The ^presented by. “Columbia” climax, teaohers and the even- lentled from Fere fourteen Phe following wrence B ab 5er s Solilo- ?TheModern ^Collins; “A ty Philbso- “How We Eula Cres- >ys” Robert of Memo* “Collier’s Inston; “A Clara RuSseU flag,” Carl )g Baby," Slater’s Selected'by Jmne, Rev. C. Ogies- jwnship # ; ivered b f .outgoing TheSm .#***• The thirty-third annual com­ mencement of the Cedarvilie High School took place In the opera house last Friday evening, theie being six young men and two young ladles. 'The opera house ha'd been tastily decorated f ir the occasion with the class colors -and potted plants. The speakers all acquitted them­ selves nobly. The S. of V; Orchea tra e f Xenia, furbished the music for the evening. , The graduates and the subjects they chose for their graduation ad­ dresses are a* follows: Bertha An­ derson, “Amercan Ideals,” Fred Clemens, “Builders of the State, Rpbei^ Conley, '*Our Obligations;” Poster McFarland , “Every Light Must Cast a Shadow" Mary Stor­ mont, “Child Labor” Foy Troute, “True Patriotism;” Raymond W il­ liamson, “Uncrowned Heroes;” and Willlard Wllisoh, “Centennial Anniversaries of 1900.” Prof, F. M, Reynolds gave a short clasB address after which the di- plotnea were presented by the clerk S. C. Wright. - • Mr. Robert Conley received the scholarship offered each year by Wtslylan University. Mr. Foy Truute was second in the class. The scholarship is given on the highest gradeslhroiighout the high school course. The attendance was tho smallest known in recent years, probably due to the threatening weather. In former years the board has been able to meet the expense by the door receipts but there is quite a deficit this year. I t remained for the class of ’09 to introduce a novelty of dress for the young men, White duck trousers with blue serge coats proved quite a bit and was something far differ­ ent from former years. Tba two youngladiea were dressed in white. ^ * Who wants a good buggy? Pretty nearly everybody. A HOT WATERLUXURY. poddi *n«K>bt Five hundred thousand men have united, with the Sunday-schools of North America during tke last five years. This is the result of the or­ ganized Adult Class movementpow sweeping the country with startling results, Ohio has more than a thousand organized adult classes, wifh more coming in. These ate preparing to have a part in the demonstration and parade in connection with Ohio’s Golden Jubilee State Sunday School Convention to be held in Springfield, June 8-10, which is to be honored by the presence o f Ohio’s chief executive, the Honorable Gov­ ernor Judson Harmon, wno has kindly accepted an invitation to sp <ak a congratulatory message a t the Adult Class demonstration on Wednesday afternoon, June 9th. This- is only on* of the special features of a three days program, which will have the services of fifteen specialists of world wide fame. Springfield i t making elaborate preparations for the reception and entertainment of the Convention, which, without doubt, will bring to- gethei 5,000 Sunday School enthu siasts from all parts of Ohio, the majority Of whom will be men. Program now ready. Apply to the Ohio Sunday School Associa tton, Columbus, Ohio. FOR SALE,' 200 acres of good land situated In Clark am) Green* counties near Clifton, Ohio, and near the now traction line now being built. Call on or address. A. Bradford, Agsat, C*darvill*, O, Citizens’ Phon*, No. 5. aid Tho Xenia board of education has received an Ultimatum from the ministerial association of that city that som* of the social features at •the close of each school year be­ tween tho junior and senior classes should be alii .’natod for ilia good of the public schools. The class play, receptions where danc­ ing is indulged in and other fune- tttlohi are to be black-marked from now on. Miss Lillian Conner who has been living with her sister in California for the past two years returned home last week. While there Miss Conner was teaching and taking special Instruction in the Van Stein Academy for pianists of j ,<** Ange­ les. While at home she expects to conduct * class in piano music ami w ill be glad to have any on* inter­ ested phon* 8 «n m .- Jamestown Press. two hours, Malik’, *qn«e*e through aohaeee 416th, apd addon* eupful of cold water, and lemon juice to taste. ,Turn the mixture-in a brick mold- Whip one pins of heavy cream, using a Dover egg beater, and add one-hall cupful of powder­ ed sugar, one half tablespoon of vanilla, a tew grains of salt and two thirds o f a cupful of walnut meats cut in small pieces. Pour the cream mixture over the fruit mixture to overflow the mold. Cover with buttered paper, buttered side up, fit on the.cover, pack In finely crushed ice and rock salt, and let stand three and one-half hour*.— Woman's Homo Companion for June, AN OPPORTUNITY. The Michigan Nursery Company, of Monroe, Michigan, one of the oldest and most reliable nurseries in the country, wants a representa­ tive in this vicinity. Good wages can ho made Belling their high grade trees, plants, etc. Write them today. 20d. Rheumatic Pain* relieved by use w Or, Miles' Anti-Pain Pills, K Joeee K e ta Green Street Hats $1 ,00 to $3.50 Trunks $12 .00 to $1.85 Valises 50 Cents to $9.00 S U L L I VAN, The Hatter, 21 South Limestone Street* SPBINGFIKLD, O. Why do they want it? Because the best is none too Where can they get it? At Kerr & Hastings How? By asking for a Troy, Is the Troy No. a perfect Buggy. How nearly perfect is it? - Very nearly. Is there a more perfect buggy than the Troy? No, not one. S ee - J. W. GILES, M erchan t Tailor. For your Spring and Summer Suits. Up-to-date Tail- * oring and Bit Guaranteed, S u i t s P am s $ 1 4 . 0 0 a n d t i p . $ 3 . 5 0 a n d kip . Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing G iv e Me a C a l l . J. W. GILES, The Tailor, Main S treet, Cedarvilie, Ohio. 1 Domestic Rug Sale a t HARMAN’S RARE BARGAINS R O Y A L W ILTONS— Eogular Goods, Drop- Patterns. Size 9 x 12 . .$29.75; Begular price, $37.50 SEAM L E S S B R U S S E L S - Extra heavy. Size 9 x 12 . ......................$15.00; Regular price $ 20 . 00 , Special 9 x 11 Tapestry Brussels rugs $10.00. CARPETS MATT INGS D R A P E R IE S W A L L P A P E R L IN O L E UM S FRE SCO ING HARDW OOD F IN I SH IN G O U T S ID E PA IN T IN G THE P, M. HARMAN CO„ 30-32 North Main St,* R e liab le Furn ishers and DAYTON, OHIO. Decorators, Locust Fence Posts The beet let of posts that W*« ever offered here. International Corn King Spreaders, Weber Wagons, Gasoline Engine* Great Western Cream Separator*. Anti Carbon Auto Oil. Gale and Bmikey Cultivators. Cole, I’cters, Columbia Buggies. * Inspect the lock on the Farmers* Fence that holds. C. N. STUCKEY & SON. ................ TRY OUR JOB PRINTING