The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 1-26
U /ULjr A *\ /I Z AHfl f ? c' No Goods Charged During Clearance Sale. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE No Goods Charged During Clearance Sale* The well-known and up-to-date store of M, Marcus, better known as THE NEW YORK CLOTHING GO,, have started their January Clearance Sale and w ill continue until January 23rd< 1909, This will be one of the greatest and the cheapest sales ever given in Xenia, especially in our HEAVY WEIGHT MERCHAN DISE- On account of the mild weather we have had we are compelled to sell all our heavy weight merchandise at 50 c on the dollar. Below You ^rill Notice a Few of Our Prices I’M S i * ■ S y m <a* m z MTS * j g •61 m g PvJ „ M en ’s F u r n ish in g s . .Men’s Dress Shirts, broken sizes, regular 50c quality, clearance s a le .. 25e Men’s Hon brand and Waldo, brand, regular $1.00 quality, 'during clear ing sale... ................... ........................... .................................................. ;.fip0 . Men’s Sweaters, regular $1.00 quality, during clearing sale,...,........... ... eOc Mon’s Sweaters, regular $1.60 quality, during clearing sale....... ........... 70c Men’s strictly all woo] Sweaters, regular $2.00 Sweater, during clearing eale........... ............................................................................ .......... ...... $1,00 Men’s strictly all worsted Sweater;, regular $2.fc0 quality during clear ing sale.................................................................................................... $1.26 Men’s extra heavy fleeced lined Shirts and Drawers, regular 50c and 7fie quality, during clearing sale............................... .87MC Men’s derby ribbed Shirts or Drawers, regular 50c quality, during clear ing sale......................... ............................................................................. 85c We have one lo t of derby ribbed Shirts only, regular BOc quality, during clearing sale...................................................... ;....,.25c Men’s extra heavy work Sox, regular 10c quality, during clearing sale..Cc Men’s blade SoX, regular 10c quality, during clearing sale.. ..... 1............ 6c Men’s black and fancy Sox, regu larise quality, during clearing sale.... be Men’s black and fancy Sox, regular 25cquality, during tearing sale,...15e Men’s extra heavy all wool Sox, regular 25c and 35c quality, during this clearing sale, 8 pairs for..................... ............1...................................... 50e One lot of Men’s Linen Collars, broken sizes, during clearing sale, choice each......................... He Report Garters, sells the world over for 25c, during clearing sale.........15c Any 50c Tie in the house, during clearing sale.....,:..................... ...............23o' Any 25e 'Tie in the house, during clearing sajo........................ ...... ...... ...15c Hats A lo t of Men’s,odd Hats, odds and ends, will sell a t less than 50 cents on tho dollar. " > I Clothing Department Men’s and Young Men’s Suits and Overcoats, regular $7r50quality during clearing sale..................... ...............:..................................................... $3.76 $10 quality during clearing sale................................................................ $5,00- 812.50 quality, during clearingsale....,........... ...........................................$0.25 $15.00 quality, during clearing sale...........................................................$7.50 $18.09 quality, (luring clearing sale.,.................. ................................ .,....$0.00 $20.00 quality, during clearing sa le ............................................. ...........$10.00 $22.50.quality during clearing- sale ............................... ...................... .$11.00 Boys’ and Children’s Suits Boys’ ana Children’s Knickerbockers or Straight Pants Suits, $2,50 qnality, during cleariug sale......................... ‘...........‘........................ $1,25 Boys’ and Children’s Knickerbocker and S traight P an t Suits, all shades and weaves, $3 quality, during clearing sale.....,,.,........... ................$1.50 $1.00 quality, during clearing sale .................. ........................................ $2.00 $5.00 quality, during clearingaale........ ........... .............................. ........ ..$2.50 $6.00 quality, during clearing sale,’............................. ...... ........................$3,00 $7.00 qnality, during clearing sale... .........................................................$3,50 Boys’ and Children’s Overcoats less than 50c on the dollar. Children’s Overcoats, the latest styles and patterns, during clearing sale 50o on the dollar. Children’s Long Coats m bearsk in and a ll styles, during clearing sale 50 cents on tire dollar. * Ladies’ Millinery , Ladles’ $4, "$5 and $0 HatB, choice.............................................................$2.00 AH our Furs m the house 50c on the dollar, : We carry a full line of Ladies’, Gents’ and Chi’dren’s Bobbers a t less than coat. ■ Ladies' Department Ladies,Wash Sh irt Waisfc tailor made, short or long sleeves, regular $1 and $1.25 quality, during clearing sale................. .'................................59c Ladies’ Urmiek Taffeta Petticoats, regular $1 and $1.25 quality, during clearing sale..;.......................................................................................... 59c Ladies’ Dressing Sacks, regular 60cqnality, during clearingsale.......£5c One lot of LadieB Over Lace Waists, prices ranging from $3 to $5, dur ing clearing sale.......... ............................. . ................................... $1.79 Ladies’, Bibbed Underwear, regular 25c and 36c quality, during clearing sale...................... 19c Ladies’ Skirts in a ll colors and weaves, $3.50 values during clearing sa le .............. $2.25 $5.00 quality, during clearingsale......... ...................................... $3.00 $7.50 quality, during clearing sale.....:...........................'..... .......................$4.50 $10.00quality, during clearing sale............... $6.50 Ladies’ Voile Skirts, in all the la test shades and styles, regular $7.60 val ues, during clearing sale........................................... I................... -....$5,00 $8.50 quality, during clearing sale;..................... „.....................................$0,00 $10.00 quality, during cleaning sale.......... ........... .......... ......................... $7.00 $12.50 quality, during clearing sale... ..................................... ............$8.00 $15.00 quality, during clearing eale................ _ ......... ........................ $10.00 Ladies’ tailor made Suits, 50c on the dollar $10.00 Suits, during clearing sale.....'......................... ...... ;....;.......... .........$5.00 $15.00Suits, duringciearing sale,..........................................:.................. $7.50 $20,00 Suits, during clearing sale........................... .......... ....... ............. . $10.00 $22.09 Suits, during clearing side............................................... ...,.,.,...,,.....$12.50 $25,00 Suits, during clearing sale....................:.................... !........ ..... ,.,,....$17.50 $40.00 Suits, during clearing sale..................................................... ........$20,00 Ladie’s Cloaks in all designs and styles. ' $5 value.......$2.50 . $6 value,.......$3.00, $7.50 value..,..... $3.60 $10 value....... $6.00 $12.50value ,..$6.26 $15.00 value....... $7.50 Sfe % m z Sk He 3f ear? m Q 1eg?* d™ '- ■ tss JSC. m -s» NO GODS CHARGEDDURING CLEARANCE SALE. Remember the Place and Look for the Large Sign which will be out during the CLEARANCE SALE. 30 E» M ain S t., 2 D o o r s from G r e en S tr e e t , X EN IA , O. m ' mz M. MARCUS NO GODS CHARGEDDURING CLEARANCE ALE. MlMfeSjs Put Your Money In a New Country The Pacir Coast extension of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway now under construc tion, opens to tho settler thousands of acres of excellent agricultural land. The newcountry in Adami, Hettinger, and Bowman Counties, North Dakota, afid Butte County, South Dakota, is now reached by the new track. Tho soil is a dark loam with clay subsoil, and produces in abundance wheat, cats, barley, spelz, flax, corn and potatoes, The land is well adapted to farming, good water i3found at a depth of from twenty to fifty feet, and the whole country is underlaid v;ith lignite coal that out crops along the streams, and In most<nases can bo had for the digging. The climate is healthful, the air is dry and invigorating, and the percentage of siannhiny days fs high. Outdoor work can be done almost every day in the year. Rainfall is amply suffi cient to raise the crops. Regular mail service has been established, the roads are good, rural telephone line* traverse the country, and automobiles are In common use. The deeded land lathi; district sella for from $10 to $18 per acre. There are many instances this year where the crop equalled in value the cost of the land. — In Butte County, South Dakota, there is considerable government land open fer homestead entry. Government land offices are maintained at Lemmon, Hettinger and B nvrnan, where filings and final proofs may be made. Alt of these towns are on the new lino of the Chicago Milwaukee & S t Railway .uiMof uia, the new railroad travetcea goad farming land. It has been demonstrated that big crops of grata maybe raked. Alnfif; the Yellowctonfl find Mussellshell rivetu, the wafer i:; used for Irrigation, and phenomenal yields of alfalfa, sugar beets, and grain, arc always certain. In the Judith Basin Hear Lewistowa, Montana, is one of the most remarkable; sections to ha found on tho now line, tinder natural xaiufall, the famous beach lauds produced this year an average of 35 bushels of hard wheat to tho acre, and the price rvae 04 cents per bushel. The basin cor.faur; about *559 square miles and is sp tr:ely settled. Souio government land riili remains open for settlement. A government land office is maintained at Lswistown. In Fergus County, outside the Judith Basin, is one of the greatest Stuck countries in the world, and good r.vadic; can be purchased «t a reasonable figure. The Chicago, Milwaukee & fit. Paul Railway Co. lias established an immigration department for the purpa;; of assisting in the settlement and development of tho new lands now being opened. Pamphlets descriptive oi its resources will bs forwarded free on request. Paul Making a Match. Fu A. M I L L E R G E O . B . H A Y N E S Q«n# riil P a s t « i i£ « r A g u n t , Imm lgm tlon A g « n L CHICAGO « ADAMS sm e e r , CH 1 CAOO r&m [Copyright, ISOS by Am*ric»n V ttM A»»o- clAttouJ Mrs. Iluuutmau'* hobby was match making. IVhen Mr. Charles Edwin Lupton took up bis residence In the city of Mrs. Dinninnm’s home and presented p. letter of Introduction to her, her fir; t thought was how to pre sent hlin i >society, the second how to present him with a wife. She de termined t * Invite the social lenders to meet hint r.t dinner and. to give lilm for a table companion a lady, also a newcomer, in whose social preferment ' she took a deep intercut, j Mr. Lupton waa a man of forty, in- ' telleetual, good looking, well to do and of aristocratic mein. He had been ‘ abroad for some time, and Mrs. Jlunnl- man knew nothing of his antecedents i except that he was vouched for in the highest terms in hi# letter of Introduc tion. But no one would mistake him for anytbit g else than a gcntlemnn. j Miss Overlander, whom Mrs. Hnnni- : man designed for Mr. Impton’s wife, ' was thirty-two years old and still a beautiful woman. But a friend of Mro, Huaaimau told some one, who told oth ers, that Miss Oml&nder was not Mia Overtendcf at *11. When the dinner guest# were assem bled In the diuKiug room, Mrs, Ilnunl- man took Mr. Lupton*# arm and led him to the lady beside whom he wan to . sit at table. There was something so ! distinguished In both Mr. Ltiploii’n ' and Miss Overlaiuler’s person and manner that the hum at conversation ceased, and all eye# were flxctl upon the couple. Both bowed low, the man made some casual observation, the woman replied by an assenting nod, the guests resumed tlieir chat, and not long afterward all passed Into the din ing room. There is one thing that matchmaker# who arc real matchmaker# never do. They carefully abstain from any word or act that will intimate their inten tions to the object# of their designs. Mrs. Hunniman had thus abstained in the present case, though it had been whispered among the dinner gucstu that she had Intention# conccmtug Mr. Lupton and Miss ovcrlanfler, and dur ing the dinner the couple were the re cipients of curious glances. The con versation between the two seemed at first a trifle constrained, and Mrs. , Hnnnlman was hot especially encour aged as to the matter she had in view. XJC GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING X X {entertain exon otaer or sit in silence. i<| The lady by tbla time seemed to have $ 1made up her mind to make the best of a bad bargain and ventured several re marks to the, gentleman, who sat very stiffly beside her restlessly fingering the stem of his wineglass and only re plied In a perfunctory manner. I t be came evident to several of the conn pauy who were !u the secret of the hostess’ matchmaking that Mr; Lupton at least was showing a sure Sign of entanglement—pique. Then ho made aomo remark In a tone too low to be heard except by Miss Overlander, whereupon she haughtily turned hey back on him. This was near the close of the din ner. When the guests were departing, Mrs. Hunnlman asked Mr. Lupton how he was pleased with the lady she had assigned him for the evening. His re ply was a snort and an angry turning away. As Miss Overlandet came down from the ladles' cloakroom she re ceived the same question with regard to Mr, Lupton. "Delighted,” was her reply in a tone calculated to freeze the marrow in the bones of the questioner. When the last guests were depart ing, Mr, Hunnlman, who had gone out to put n lady in her carriage, returned, with a blank look on his face and whispered to life wife: * "My dear, what do yon think?" "What?” “Mr. Lupton and Miss Overlander have gone in the came carriage.” “For heaven’s sake! What does it mean?” Now, the departure of the newly In troduced couple was seen by two men of the party who were starting for their club. Moved by curiosity, they followed in their carriage. Two hours later they returned to the Hunnlman mansion cmd called for the head of the house. He came down from Ms bed-1 room In pajamas. i ; “Hunnlman,” said one of the Visit- { ors, “it is our duty an your friend to warn you that you and your wife are j being deceived. There's something 1wrong—very wrong—about Miss Over- j lander.” ' I “Oh, heavens!” exclaimed Mrs. Hun* nlman from the landing above, , “We saw her leave your house !tt a carriage with Lupton. We considered It our duty to you to follow them. They drove through the park for an hour and a half, then to a hotel, Where they registered ns Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lupton.” “We’re ruined,” cried Mrs. Htttml* man from above. “I’ll never hold Up my head In society again." At that moment there was a ring at the bell. Mr. Hnnnlman opened the J door and was handed a telegram. H# I Osterly M I L L I A f E H r ANNOUNCE WINTER CLEARANCE TRIJVIMED MILLINERY AT ONE-HALE THE FORMER PRICES 4 * Choice collection of models for dress and street wear. " tfntrimnied H ats, all colors and leading shapes, formerly $2.00and $ 2 . 60 , now,..,....... SOc 37 Green Street, XENU 1 . AMfiML TBI j AT. To Cure a Cold in One Day T«k*Laxative Bromo Quinine 3^**** fc»» TH* tjflttn titfit **** Cor** Grip In TwoDsys, on every tear* 3 5 c . The lady seemed not especially at tractcd to her dinner t ompanhm, who J read aloud Showed a trifle of embarrassment con-1 Ti;ankn for reuniting an e(s:fat)#c,l mar sequent upon her coldness, and when } couple, shortly after the soup she entered into, , conversation with the gentleman slt- ; ting on her other Bid# Air, I.npton turned to the lady on his other ^ilde and became animated, But at a dinner parly one cannot \ iguire Ms or her dinner companion , very long without being consider; d , rude, m«l Mr, lupton snd Mi«s tiv« r- J lander soon feusd themselves for, ed to CASTOR IA Infanta find Ohiidrwu IIIKindYenHiv*AlwaysBos|M s? B**x* th« fflgnxtnr* of Medium. Weight Fall Clothing flfuyt- WK,' U. t n * «» *P». m i 11 demand now, and we have an extremely ele gant line of correct shade and colorings in fine serg es, carsimeres, tweeds for suits, and the best and la test fabrics for overcoats* We fit and fashion your eu*lfc or overcoat so th a t it “ gives distinctive style, correct fit and shape, GIVE US A CALL. KANY , The Tailor, OHIO. rnmmm Made atl Old N e e d i t e tre n g th en i Tinol tones up aid3 assimilation, and rejuvenates body. In this n replaces weakness Wo are positive i | old person who w | If it don’t wo w ill r| r Sold by C. tl at| LOCAL ANDj I —Go to Townslo’ Blankets, ■ Mr. G. Y. Win 1.1 in Columbus, Monl —To close out ml Perfect fence 1will on hand at cost. The 89th biiThtliJ Mr. Samuel Cres^ brateci Tuesday funeral, of the lan —White Star guaranteed aatnl light oi'dull finis! Leave a t Finrn -call ’phone No. Ml bo called for. Tho tnmous ‘•The. Man of the a t tho Fa ir (tanks' day, Janu a ry 20til of th e old method! among plays dep| questions of the over six Immh’ij York, five inon til six mon ths in Ohi| plfiycd by four coast to coast. Tl bo seen here is th] pie who were in t| “ The Man of the everyone regard 1<| condition. J te n l f Jlotpreaeh. I'« man and sympa creates rt'ars an I t is a different eti| herclast season, pio who now poll b u rst's v irile am ll were tJmn cones I runs in New York I were no t etsewherl S tate op Onto, f i n L itas tV.i s i F eadk J. t’HI.M.V• *sr-nior partner of *!.*• & Co., riieng t usini rouijty, :.t;d state il! ftirni T.iiUpty the?.:. DOLLAUS for e.n :i that rann-.t t v cisse-1 C atauhu O m-?, f .Sworn to iirfoie tsie T.rrr.rni e, fi.-vi vt.Ii fl.iv ishk. R. H all'sf '.if;t?!. . a ' 1 al::l acts ditt ■ uy ..n ! SiUiJttai.f fit: sv-ni- -ala, free. PuWit Xv, ili s» b nf I refllth nee. 1 milt Oil tJto P. :u‘. e!. :t WEDNESDAY, ( ’tnuim hem., u ‘ foilowitg: p:opf :* 3 HEAD Ob I YEARLXM* 5 Hetul Dura FARM IM F D uo rit'V,’ idl-tSi little . 1 new i* li e t ’i’T mow issg ista b > jw em it rtda» {Jmvei phtv.. 1bv< tow, 1 isny saiiT. axt'O om l sojii'* 5 m S53B.U- C om . 0 4 Totno M a vu will In' pi von on n All swum umh-rOi «moin»5 a •li'-.t'.Ji will b> i.n n t f. r \V. It l o t Z U m i t m z \n m \x --'-w*
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