The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 1-26

'• -WANTED:- A n igh t telethon# operator, Apply a t the office, “=^^^^ rS fT J5k fE ir»p t» fc Saturday lu Uinciknatf. Mr. W. I I . Barbur returned from a trip te P ittsburg la st Monday. A number of relative* aad friend* were entertained a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bird on Wed- tntatiay^ Miss Fern Ervin l i f t Saturday for an extended v isit with relatives in Pittsburg;. “Bird’*w ill pay you 30o per dozen fer No, 1 clean, fresh egg;* in trade Saturday, June 18tb. Mr. J . Q, McCorkeli attended Is meeting of the Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias Dayton Tuesday and Wednesday. —Oroquet Sets, 76o,’$l,00 and $1.50 each .' Hammocks, $1 to $3.60 each, A t B ird’s. The salary of postxnaater Ellis of Yellow Springs has been increased to $1,6Q0. Postmaster Orr of Xenia will get $2,600. FOR SALE JGasoline Stove. Three burner. Inquire of the Misses Mc­ Neill. 24d. Mr. G. E. Jobe went to Springfield Tuesday tebe in attendance a t the State Sabbath School convention. ■Rev- W . E . P u tt and daugh ter, Marjorie, w en t to Morrow on Tues­ day being ca lled th ere ow in g to the death o f a friend. —Rugs! Rugs! Rugs! Room size rugs in grades and sizes from $8 to $25 each, a t Bird’s. Mrs. H arry Johnson has been spending several day* with her daughter, Mrs. W. W. Northup of Coshocton. Men’s and Boys Suits and Dress Trousers, the seasons choicest pat­ terns a t popular prices will be found a t Bird’s. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Fitch have issued invitations for Tuesday evening ■ in honor of Miss H a rrie tt Campbell. Mrs. R, F . Kerx entertained a number of friends Tuesday" after- noon in honor ot her guest, Mrs. Newton Waltz ofWheeling, W. V». —Don’t throw away your old car­ pets! Have beautiful Rugs made out .of them. For particulars see Phone 88. Mary O. McCorkell. Mr. Isaac Wisterman was called to Rockford, O., last Saturday by the death of a granddaughter. He returned home Tuesday evening. If-plans carry out Springfield Will bo connected w ith the world by the Halted Wireless Telegraph Com­ pany, a station being proposed for th a t city. The story is told on a certain clerk In Yellow Springs th a t a lady asked to be Bbown a pair of hose. He w en tou tw ith much self assurance and brought In two pieces of garden hose. Mr. and Mrs. John Lo tt arrived Wednesday mornihgfro mPlttsburg, the former leaving on a two days business trip to Louisville, Ky. Mr. Lott will return hero for a short va­ cation. Mr. JVT. Bentley and daughter of fit, Clalravilie, O., visited here this week. Mr. Bentley is a member 61 a Beaton firm th a t purchase* large a per cent of the wool raised In Ohio. A dispatch from Urbana states th a t the Howard Paper Cetnpany has purchased land in th a t city for the erection of the mill th a t was of­ fered Oedarvllie. The deeds have been delivered to the Howards, —Ladles muslin Underwear 25c and 60c per garment. Ladies Mus­ lin N ight Gowns, GOo, 75o and $1.00 each ; Ladies Corset Covers 26c, 60c and 75e each, a t B ird’s. Mr. Perry Alexander and family of Spring Valley came up la s t F ri­ day for a v isit with his son, W. E. Alexander and wife. The trip Was made in Mr, Alexander’s new Buick touring car. The W. O, T. IT, of the-county ob­ served Flower Mission day Thurs­ day. The work house, county In­ firmary, children’s home and the •ouniy jail. Luncheon was eafce* a t the county Infirmary. Prof, F. A. Ju rke t, wife and son# left Wednesday morning for Cole* Springs, Colo., where they ’were called by the serious illness of Mrs. jfurkat’s brother Morton Bromagsni, Who has lung fever. A meeting of the IT. F* congrega­ tion was held (Saturday te consider the plans for altering the church building. P lans were drawn by the iam u e l ttan a fe rd Company of Om* riaaaU for a Babbath-BehooF rohni, k itchea, oW** t*M * Mi. Mr. L. II. Sullenberger and wife aad Miss Gertrude Reynolds ex- t* $ > to Oxford Saturday, where they will spend the coming week. Owing to rain the Thursdayafter- noon program ef tbe Springfield Horse Show was postponed uatii Saturday afternoon. The show is attracting a large number of per­ sons from this section. Seaton tickets for Antioch Chautauqua ran be had at this office or at Johnson’s Jewelry Store. The Methodist Brotherhood will meet in its rooms, Thursday even­ ing, June 17th, the Rev. F . L. Car­ rier of Mason, Ohio, will give th* address. Let every brother be pres ent. Refreshments, The Boxwell-Patterson commence­ ment will be he ld in the Xenia opera house Saturday afternoon a t two o’clook. Rev. "W. M, Patton of pf Yellow Spring will delrgev tbe address and present the diplomas —See #nr display of Summer Wash Dress Goods to day. Beau­ tiful “Lawns” lOo and 12^b yard Beach Suitings, 15o per y a rd ; Pop­ lins. all shades, 25o per yard, White goods of every variety and weave 12#o 26o yard, a t Bird’s. Miss A lberta CresweU went to Springfield Thursday wherbshe will be the guest of Miss Blanohe Turn- bull, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turnbull, who has been a t­ tending schoolm th a t city and mak- ng her home with her uncle and aunt. Two Ohio colleges benefit by ap­ propriations announced by the gen­ eral educational board apportioning funds from John D. Rockefeller’s gift of $82,000,000made in 1007. The Ohio appropriations are Oberlin college, $125,000, and University of Wooster, $150,000. After tbe town council of Lake- view-had advertised for two months for a marshal, the town was looted by crooks, who evidently read the papers, John Golden, village po­ liceman, resigned two months ago and no officer has been .found who is suitable to the council. The “gaspol auto” of the Cincin­ n a ti City Missionary Society of tbe Methodist Episcopal church will be In Cedarville, June- 28th and 22th. The evening meetings will be held on the streets. Good music and speaking—evangelistic. These meet­ ings will b* fo r every body. Great crowds gather to hear these work­ ers. No collections. The auto has been equipped a t the expense of $6000 by Snider, the wealthy manu­ facturer of catsup lu Cineinnatl. State Dairy and Food Commission­ er R. W. Dunlap has condemned a large herd of fine cows owned by George W. Gill of Columbus, and located on a farm in Hardin eounty, which has been attasked by some malady which is killing the animals a t a rapid rate, The tuberculin test was applied to th* herd but this did no t reveal the presence of tuberculosis, and the nature of the disease has not been' determined, There are 50 cows in the herd and they are finely bred, many being bigb-elass Jerseys, One of the attractions programed for the home-coming celebration to be held m North Lewisburg during the first week of July. The groom has already been scoured, and now the committee in charge is looking for the maid. The former is said to be 45 years old, sober, industrious and respectable. I f a maid thers be who is willing to take a chance on this groom for a companion along the balance of life’s journey she can send her communicatieu te Box 165, North Lewisburg, Ohio. I t is unlawful to bb !1or give away any trees, shrubs, plants, vines, un­ less the same have been inspeoted. This includes small fru it plants of of all kinds, bu t excepts greenhouss and vegetable plants. Violations ar# pnnlshabl* by severe penalties. Inspections are made by the Inspec­ tors of th* Ohio Department of Ag­ riculture, and free of charge if ap­ plication is made pefor* Ju ly 1st, For application blank and further Information, address. N, E. Shaw, Ohio Department of Agriculture, Columbus, Ohio. FOR SALE! Houses and Lots in Cedarville and vicinity. Buy before the rush. We have three or four desirable proper­ ties just outside the corporation limits at very reasonable prices, also 2 % to 4 seres of land. Will sell one for less thsh cost of dwelling which cost $8,600. Have a centrally located rooming house of 15 or 16 rooms very cheap. Farms for sale in Central Ohio. SMITH, CLEMANS &HOPPING Get your season tickets ..... Chautauqua at this office or at Johnson's Jewelry Store. f[ ' ■ ,j Mrs, Charles Brotherton and Bon of ] Dayton were guests of Mr. and Mrs Charles Miuser over Sabbath, Rev. R . B. Wilson, wife and daughter ] returned to their home in Hanna City, III,, after a visit with relatives. Mr, and Mrs. H. A, Turnbull enter­ tained a number of friends Tuesday in honor of Rev. W. A, Condon and wife. Meatra. S. E . Hanna and Richard De- bois of Cfiiliicoths have been spending a j few- days with Dr, J. W. Dixon and family. Mr. John Klontz and Mrs. Ruth Lit- ] tier were married Thursday evening at | the M. E, parsonage by Rev. W. E. Putt. More season tickets are being sold this year for Antioch Chautauqua than in former years. Cedarville people can get them at the Herald office or at John­ son's Jewelry Store. Mr. Rev. W. J, Grimes of Millersburg will deliver a special sermon Sabbath for ] the U, P. Sabbath School. A special children's day program has been pre­ pared, Beginnin* at 10 o'clock. Mr. H. H. McMillan suffered a sink- j ing spell Monday. Of late he has been able to be about and- has been in fair | health, The attack is thought to be due to over-exertoin during the heated part of the day. Mr.. L. H . Sullenberger attended the Sabbath School convention in Spring- field this week, as a delegate. Mrs, Sullenberger, 4Mrs. J. W. Johnson and Miss Lula Barber also were in attend­ ance Wednesday. The report of the American Breeders Association1 is out and is quite an exten- j sive work. The organizational in scope, and of the greatest plant and animal breeders in the country are enrolled. Mr. O. E . Bradfute is chairman of .the animal section and we find an excellent | likeness of him in a half tone engraving. Mr. J. G. George has been quite ill for several weeks suffering from a sprained ankle,. A numberof physicians have examined the injured member as to an operation, There has been some fear as to Mr. George standing the operation should one be decide# upon. Miss Edith Bajfer was very pleasantly_ surprised Inst Saturday afternoon,* when 1"a number of her liftle friends gathered at her home to remind her of her thirteenth birthday. The afternoon was spent in playing games and after re­ freshments were served, all departed wishing her many such bright birthday s BIRTHDAY PARTY. Mrs. Sidney Smith delightfully enter­ tained Tuesday afternoon in honor of her daughter Thelma’s seventh birthday. Twenty-five little girls were present and the little folks thoroughly enjoyed them­ selves. Sandwitches, strawberries, ice cream and candy were served. Carna­ tions were given as favors. $(00 Rewards $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there la at Icaat one dreaded disease that science haa been able to cure in aii its stages and that is Catarrh. IIall'a Catarrh Cure ia the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional diaeasa. require* a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Care is taken internally, acting directly up* on the blood and mucous anrracea-of system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature lu doing its work, The proprietors have so much faith in"Us curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any owe that it fails to cure. Send for list o testimonials. Address. i \ J. CHFNBY &Co, Toleda O ., Sold toy Druggist, 7oc. Hall’s Family Mils are the best, THE CINCINNATI DEPARTMENT STORE’S GREAT Swing Th* Great Celebration of the Wright Brothers Home-Coming to Dayton—this national event; will no doubt bring you to Dayton, and in order to make your coming interesting as well as profitable to you, we have prepared a list of EXTRAVAGANT BARGAINS Such as has never been offered before in Dayton, We want you to come and make your headquarters with us during your stay here—You will receive all the courtesy and accommodation and all the great values that we are able to offer you Below we p rin t a few o f ou r Special B argains, and a thousand U nadve rtised va lues a re aw aiting you it June Clearance*—Boys’ Clothing $2.50 Boy* Suits $1.10~Kiilckerhocker Suit* -worth $2.60. Special.........$U9 Roy*’ 76g Kmokerboeker Pants 89c— Weil made and can be-had In all sizes, Special..... .............. ,gg0 Wash Pant* for boys, sizes 8 to 14 year Special, pair.................................. }ia Mechanics’ Aprsns for Shop Wear, -with four pockets; in white or blue regular 26* value*. While they la s t........ ........................................... . Boy*’ Good Kn*e Pants. Special,...10c Boy*’ $2.00 Suit 95c—Splendid for school wear; worth $2.00 for....... '..95c S ee tbe w ay w e p lear our / MILLINERY Note the prices then com* and see our offering—yeu’ll find everything a* represented. Nearly a hundred trimmed hats; regu­ lar $7.50 kinds go at............ .........$ 2.45 Come and see them. They a re sam­ ples—net two alike—all beauties. $3.00 Untrimmed Milan hats............ 95c $1.50 ha ts................. 29c 75c and $1.00 flowers and Foliage all styles; Saturday.............................29o 39o and 60c flowers and foliages, roses, hyaomths etc, Saturday..................I9c We are going to sell all our muslin un- . derwear and Kimonaa a t a big " price reduction S a tu rd ay Regular 78c Embroidered gown a t 38c Regular 75c Embroidered Chemise, 38c Regular 85c Muslin drawer* tucked go a t........: ............................. .......... .....14c Regular 35o Corset Covers trimmed..14o RegularBOcEmbro"tiered White Pet­ ticoats .............................................29c Klmonas and Dressing fiacques. The 25c kinds marked to..,..................9c The 50o kinds marked to................ ...19c The 75c Long Kimonas marked to....89o The $2.00 long Klmonas, marked te 95c Choice of any $1.50 and $1 wrappers.OQc Real Bargains in , MEN’S CLOTHING $7.50 Men’s Brown Suits, $5.98 Well made, with fancy cuffs and peg top pants, with side buckles; worth $7.50. While they last for.............. $5.98 vi $!8 Mon's Suits, $9.65. Any Of ouf Men’s or Yohng Men’s Strictly Tailored Suits; worth np -0 $18.00, for..............................................,....... $9.65 . A fancy vest with each suit. Men’s. $IO Skeleton Suits, $6.48 A large selection In the la test Btyles and patterns, worth from $l<i to $12.50. Special.............................. ............... $6.48 $1.25 Working Pants, 95c, Men’a Fine Working Pants, good values at $1.25. While they ‘ last............................ 69 c , $2 .00 Men’s Pants, 95c Men’* Good Pants, with peg tops and side buckles, large as­ sortment to select from; worth $2.00. Special... -.............. 95c Men’s Overalls. With or Withoutb’lb,. for........... .............. ....“T............... .... 53c Astounding Reduction of WOMEN’S SUITS All summer garments included in this gigantic reduction reduction sale. Come Saturday and pick from our great variety of new summer garments and pay half and less thatv half on many suits. We are overstocked and are clearing ALL goods a t a loss. Don’t miss it. $6 ,50 Coat Suits, 3.45 Made of good quality linen, trfinmedln oluny lace, come in all colors. Special............................. ..... ...................... $3.45 / ■■ 12 and $15 Battenbe g Suits 8.95 The new kinds, coat is worked over fine nettings; Bkirt trimmed with insertions; the best salts eve; Bhown a t $12 and $15. Saturday............................................. !..... . $8,95 $12 Foulard Silk Prlecess Dresses $5 We have only 18 of these dresses, they are positive $12 val- On Saturday they goa t.................................................. $5 .00 Ladles’ $7.50 Serge Coats, $ 3 . 79 . Trimmed in black jet buttons Special....................... $3.79 $lO Lace Coats. $5. Black Lace Oorts, lined wittoeilk. $10.00 values for...... $5 .00 Bargains in Hosiery aud Underwear. Ladies’ ISc Seamless Hose, 7c Fine Black gose, in all sizes, good 15o voices Special,..... 6 c 19 c Ladies’ Dropstltch Hose, Wc Come in black* blue, green, tan and lavendar. Special.... 12 c . Ladies’ 25c Lisle Hibbed Hose, 14c E x tra flue values for 25c; in tojack only. Special...;........ 16c SOe Silk Cloves, 29c. In black oplyf 50o quality.... ............................................. ..... 29c 75c Hand Bags , 44c Ladfest Fine Hand bags, regular 660 vatues for.......x.... ....44c $1 Gloria S ilk Umbrellas, $90 Ladies’ fine Umbrellas with fancy handles. Speoial.,......60o CLEARAING OF MEN’S FURNISHINGS • With Real Price Reductions Made of blue chambray; with or without.collars to match ; * regular 60c values fo r........ ...... ........................................ 860 60c Men’s Dress Shirty, 56c. One lot of fine Dress Shirts, slightly soiled. Special......49c Men’s $1 Dress Shirts, 49c. Men’s Fancy Hose good values for 19c. Your choice...... .....lie SOc Working Shirts, 19c. Men’s strong working Shirts, splendid 50o values lor........ 19o 19c Men’s Lisle Hose, lie v 35c Silk Hose, 19c Men’s Fine Silk Lisle Hose, 35c quality......................... .... igo THE CINCINNATI DEPARTMENT STORE, Z3t E a s t 5 th S tre e t, N ex t to L y ric h e a tre . DAYTON# O. THE WAY NEW PLAINFIGK pax Si CO liny* Smite I H» ClMh# nuewmeiie ***** W j ***** Very Serious It Is a very serious matter to ask Sor one mediciAe and have the Wrong one given you. For ’this reason we urge you In buying to bo careful to get the genuine— B u c k - S i g h t Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia­ ble medicine, for constipation, in­ digestion and liver troubi e, Is firm­ ly cfeuibfiahed. It doe* not imitate other r iedicines. It is better than others, 0 1 it would not be tbe fa­ vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined, SOLD IN TOWN ** m UAVEKPORT r-UiT f ok fiam c. favored Olii'avC* aC-ltll" <t\ with tvord- voi, . F. r j-'atUEilay 1 .iid Monday ... ., nEGtruAn *io Potfosfal Tables Mado of solid oak, 6 fe t loriK when open. While they last, $21,50 $13.50 BUFFETS Any tltyle or fin­ ish, from 3G Inch top to 72, inch top. From $16.50 (09~-<lt E. Fifth Street, Freight prepaid on all out of town P u rch a se s J. H. McniiXAR Fitnsral Director and Furniture Dealer. Manufacturer of Cement Grave Vaults and Cemsnt Building blocks. Telephen* 7. C sdartlllt, Ohi*. Siam* Apprsnriotshlp tystam. Lack of a proper apprenticeship sys­ tem for training boys 14 to SO yeais of age in th* trade* is wide­ ly believed 1ft Stotfsad to b* respon­ sible in a burg* degree for the "casual labor,"’ la«k of employment and poverty of thoasaada ot men now afflicting tbe united kingdom. $7.60 I1UYS THIS Refrigerator Worth s».on, We have them up to tso.oo. OAS RANGES