The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 1-26

f# r &s **ll*a *e Oar J # b ! Work will comp*#* with &*t of my other firm,, . ' C c d a iw^vyA v0 B D Round Trip Railroad and Trac­ tion Fares from your Home to Springfield and Return Every Day jn the Year. 1US T TWQ R EQ U IR EM EN TS . The customer must live w ith in 40 miles of Springfield. •A total of $15 must be spen t for mer­ chandise a t the stores belonging- to the members of The M erchan ts’ Association. All non-resident shoppers who spend more th an $15 on th e trip will receive in addition to the ir carfare, a rebate of One P e r Cent in Money on the am oun t ex­ pended in excess of the $ 15 . These two exceptional offers together w ith the fact th a t Springfield’s metropoli­ tan stores sell better merchandise for less •money than any other city, has been the m eans of making thousands of heretofore strangers regular patrons of Springfield stores. W h e n you make your next shopping trip , try Springfield. You can no t fail to be pleased w ith your purchases as the stocks are so varied and the prices so rea­ sonable tha t every [customer can always secure just wha t they desire a t the price they w ish to pay. Some of your neighbors are regu lar pa­ trons of Springfield stores.' Ask them if they do not make a saving on. the ir pur­ chases besides hav ing their carfare rebated Fo r th e convenience of out-of-town v isito rs and shoppers, The M erchants' Association has in ­ duced ah hank ing institu tions to keep open S a tu rd ay p. m . u n til 8o' clock " it P ays tq trade ; in S p r in g f ie l d .’' 30 S. D etro it St., Mgr. Xenia, Ohio. The C. R.PARISH CO. June SPECIAL Offers IN GAS AND COAL RANGES PORCH GOODS LAWN SW INGS CH INA CLOSETS DAVENPORTS & COUCHES FANCY ODD DRESSERS FANCY ODD BEDS BU F FE T S & SIDEBOARDS W e also furnish the home complete. Special attention given to June brides. We invite you to call and inspect our full line. W e W IL L save you money. L. A. PARRETT, Our Spring Showing Of handsome fabrics for sack suits, froek and cutaway coats and Chesterfield overcoats eni* braces a ll the la te s t novelties in elegan t and exclusive im ­ ported and domestic woolens. We a re prepare to fashion you a su it th a t will he peerless in cut, fit and distingue Style a t a t a reasonable figure. fCJtNY, Leading Tailor, X B X W P . CREMATEDALIVE. Mrs. John B rennan , aged 40, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Itobert Ford, (lied Sabbath a t noon as the resu lt of an explosion of a can of coa lo il a t her home in Fairfield. I le r husband is employed a t the power p lan t ot the Ohio Elec­ tric Company and had arisen early in the morning, procured his own b reak fast and left for work. The unfortunate woman arose la te r and finding the fire m the range out, as she thought, poured *'Coal oil in to s ta r t it. In an ,in stan t there was a flash and a report. The woman’s clothes were a mass of flames and the carpet and wood work were soon burning. H e r screams a ttra c ted neighbors and she was found enveloped in flames and suffering in terrib le agony. She w as conscious to the la s t despite the fRct .that her hands and feet wore bu rn t to a crisp and th ro a t seared in b reath ing the flames.. The deceased Is survived by her husband and paren ts, Mr. and Mrs. Itobert Ford, three brothers and one siste r and a half slsten The funeral was held in Fairfield Tuesday, bu rial tak ing place a t the cemetery north of town. This item when narked with ar. Ikdex, denote* that year sabscrip; is pan and a |r#uijpt is earnestly desired. ' SSmcsa■ FRIDAY, JUNE IS, 1909. PRICE $1.00 A YEAR. Hill Climbing By Autos. The contest on the F t. Ancient H ill, W arren county on Sa tu rday June 2G, promises to be one ot the eventB of the season in the automo- mobile world. The contest is being operated under the direction of the Cincin­ n a ti Automobile Olu b and will be under s tric t regu lation . The h ili is regarded ns one of the steep­ est in southern Ohio th a t is a t all safe for such a contest. Machines from different p a rts of the country w ill be entered and an exciting time is an ticipated . Arrangement)* are-being' Qft$ge by will be hundred* from Dayton, Hprlngfleld, Columbus and Ind iana ­ polis, A guard from Company H , Q. FT. G. w ill p a tro l th e course. There will be a number of local en­ thusiasts attend th is con test if the weather is favorable. Miami Valley Chautauqua. The fourteenth annual assembly of the Miami Valley Chau tauqua will be held a t the Chautauqua grounds fourteen miles south of Dayton on th e Ohio E lectric Bail- way lino from Ju ly 10 to August 13, inclusive. For an ideal summer va­ cation no better place could be cho­ sen. Fo r those who care for ten t T to w ith its thousands ot pleasures every convenience has been a r­ ranged. Large ten ts with or w ith ­ ou t a board floor are pu t up, more than five hundred being needed la s t year to accommodate the Chau- tauqnans and from p resen t ind ica­ tions them will be moro th is year. The lectu res and ente taim nen ts for th is year are tho best ever planned and will in terest everyone, The programs are varied and w ill a ttr a c t a ll classes. Fo r those who do not care to camp for two or three weeks, ac ­ commodations can ho necured a t one of the 70 or more cottages on Clio riv e r bank. The rooms are n e a t and clean and aro ren ted for tho season a t reasonable prices. Meals m ay be secured a t the hotels. For any one looking for an Ideal place to spend the summer vacation without tho expenditure o f !a large am oun t of money no more desirable place could be found. The en tertainm en ts combine both religious and secular speakers. Children are allowed to run about as they please arid the officers in charge of the grounds have general oversight. An accident on the grounds is almost unknown. There are classes for children, and for the wee tots, for the men and for the women, Borne are held in the au ­ ditorium , others are held under th e trees. Band concerts a t different times throughout the day makes tho grounds a delightful place to be, Once a Chautauquan always a Ctmuiauquan. The cost of living a t (lie Miami Valley Chau tauqua is no more than a t home. Tho location of tho the grounds and transportation are such th a t many who wish to enjoy / th e Chau tauqua season can go back and fo rth to work in Dayton and neighboring cities each day. Fu rthe r information concerning r ites and accoimnodatious can be secured from F . G illum Cramer, 1811 North Main Street, Dayton, 0 . Inspector s Report Favors Custis. The post office fight in Jamestown lias reached fever hea t and to make away w ith W . O. Custis, the pres­ en t official, Jeeee Taylor, filed oharges th a t the p**t m aster in th a t p lace had fought him in the last campaign. An inspector wa* sent by the de­ partm en t to investigate and the re­ port in the C incinnati Commercial Tribune la s t S a tu rday sta tes th a t Custis h a s been vindicated and th a t the charges a re linaustained, Lester Smith is the other cand idate and has had the suppo rt of the Taylor following. Custis is a fter his second term. IN MEMORIAL * E leanor Margaret, daugh ter of the la te Thomas L ittle and Eliza­ beth (Lukel L ittle , was born -in Chester D istrict, South Carolina, in 1828 and died in CedarviTflo, Greene county, Ohio. December 20, 1008,. ag ed ' nearly 88 years. The L ittle fam ily were Deformed Pres­ by terians and a s such strongly op­ posed to slavery and on account of th is opposition removed from the Sou th land to Ohio locating near Xenia m 1888. A ttend ed th e Old Massies Creek church under the the pastorate o f th e la te Bev. Hugh McMillan, D, D., who died .in 1850. Ellen a t the time of ■ this remov­ al was quite a you th , the fam ily a fterw ard remove# to Garrison Creek in Faye tte county, Ind iana, and attended th eB . P. church, un ­ der the Pasto ra l car© of Bev- An drew Herron D. D. Then again m 1858, the L ittle fam ily retu rned to Ohio, locating in Codarville. Greene county and again- to the B . P . church, still under the tb tp iasto ra te of Bev. H ugh MeMillan, D. D. Doctor McMillan J ie d iw October, i860. Then th aR ftt, J \ F . Morton, D. D. assumed cha fas of theehurofj E llen early «m and gave her heal lived a devout oh: d ay life and co: b righ t and *htiwn rafw*n.v& ' religion j'.Hod and ever H er every Um wa# a id. J&Mrik I came into the i t was Ellen who fiftsfc told hits to “ h#hold the Lamb of God who fcsk- cth aw ay the sin of the world.” AH I am in life I owe%to her sweet teaching and example. She had a opportunity to m arry and become well established in worldly affairs b u t renounced i t a ll and devoted her life to the care of h e r aged pa­ ren ts in their declining yea rs and such devotion to h e r charge has early been iScorded in the anna ls of time. H e r fa th e r was a soldier of Gen. Andrew JAckson in 1838 and a ruling elder in the Presby terian church for more than 55 years. He passed to tit* reward Jun e 20, 1807. The mother and Ellon sur­ vived till mother L ittle joined the heavenly host in th e g rea t beyond leaving E llen alone in the world bu t not alone for he -who sticketh closer than a b ro ther was ever in her thoughts and conversation and th is cheerkd her p a th way through life to the close. H e r la s t days were handicapped by long and se­ vere physical suffering bu t i t has ended in overiasting peace and tho mansion prepared fo r the righteous is certain ly E llen ’s. L ife ’s work, well done, life’s race Well run, life’s crown well worn, now Comes re»t. Though in sorrow and affliction, She was shrouded The soul of the sufferer Was calm and unclouded. The hours of pain they yielded good Which prosperous day« refused. As herb* though scentless when en­ tire, Spread fragrance when th ey 're bruised. When the troubles and tria ls of life had ended, A chariot of fire th rough the dark clouds dectnded, I ts d rivers were angels upon horses of whiteness And its hurn ingwheels turned upon axils of brightness. A seraph unfolded its doors b righ t and shining, All dazzling like gold of the seventh refining And the soul th a t cam# fo rth ou t of g reat trih u la ’ion H as mounted the chario t and steeds of Salvation. On the arch of the rainbow tho cha rio t is gliding, Through path* of thunder the horsemen a re riding, Glide sw iftly “ sweet sp irit” the prize is before you, A erown never fading, a kingdom of glory, Jam es L. W illis. Rtraughn, Henry County, Ind iana, Juno lb, loop. | Since the county rohd roller has | been in use on the streets there has been a growing sen timen t th a t the township and corporation should Own a roller in partnersh ip or tha t the township make the purchase and tho corporation hire i t a t a stated prlcfe for each day in use ai is done with the county. L a s t fall a number of the farmers along the Clifton pike no rth oi lown joined together to improvt th a t p a rt of the pike extending to the township line. There was con­ siderable time donated toward the improvement and the cost to the township was sligh t and the bene­ fit* cannot be estimated. In tb k case the county roller was used which only proves the necessity of such a machine in the m aking of good roads. We have our good roads associa­ tions. discussions a t institu te meet­ ings and pages ctf printed m a tte r as to improving good roads. To go further the S tate has appropriated funds to assist coun tiesm th is work and encourage a local levy th a t will yield a good sum for a permanent improvement not a haphazard re­ pair job. W ith all the advice of ex­ perts In road building there Is little a tten tion paid to those who make this their business. ■Stone or gravel is hauled and dumped onto the roads as if th a t was all th a t was necessary. A mud hole is seldom cleaned ou t before filling with new material.1 A load dumped iu one hole only in time makes one on each side and the road is left in the sanie condition. We have enough stone road in th is township to justify the pur­ chase of a ten too roller. I t has been proven by townships th a t own a roller th a t the cost of maintenance of a road is g rea tly reduced where properly rolled. This is to ‘ say nothing of the improved condition over th e old method. I n most cas­ es our roads have sufficient m ate­ ria l if th ey had the proper drainage Home y ea rs ago the Jamestown atttyiad&fviU* gjiye# wa# <$o»*fcru#t- etus pikiih, Tberv is o: then a hole, a ll due t© improper re­ p a ir. The sod ha# grown on the side* un til drainage is imperfect. This road could be placed in a* good condition a* the Xenia and Jamestown macadamized pike with but little expense. The road was well graded and is surfaced with solid crushed stone and the use of a roller would be a ll th a t is necesr sury. The Columbus pike with 8om« new materials and the proper grading is ano ther road th a t needs immediate* repair. The cost of n roller is abou t two thousand dollars. Long time is givenfor payment. The tax payor would never know th a t such had been purchased as fa r as a burden is concerned. In nine cases ou t of ten the same amount of material placed on tho roads a s i t has been under the old method has been little sho rt of wafito of money. The corporation is paying the county fo r the use of a ro lle r when the township trustee* m ight ju s t as well bo receiving th e same and a t tho same time be" able to make greater improvements on our roads. Binder Twine I t ’s worry-not work—tha t tries one’s soul, and it's poor twine th a t adds to th t farmer's trials while harvesting his grain, P L YM O U TH B IN D ER T W IN E will make the har­ vest a success. Hay Tools The Dain Side Delivery Rake and the Bain Hay Loader is the greatest pair of hay tools ever built. They will not pound, thresh, bunch, wad or taugle the hay. Will work on anjr ground, hilly or level. These features have helped to place them on the unapproachable plane they occupy today. COME AND S E E T H E NEW W AY EC K LE H A Y STACK ER . Thomas Crown Mowers, 5 ft. cut $40; 6 ft, cut $42. Thomas 9 f t Steel Rake, 23 teeth $ 22 ; 10 1-2 ft, 36 ' teeth, $24. Thomas 6 fork Steel Tedder, $31; 8 fork Steel Tedder $34.00. KERR & HASTINGS BROS. 0NE=HALF PRICE To close-all one, two and three pair lots. Dr Lace Curtains and Portieres. Styles tha t will not be brought out for Fall. Sample one half price. Prop patterns in-CoIonial Filet and Madras piece goods Short lengths in Drapery and Upholstery fabrics, a t prices to close out quick. SEE SHOW WINDOWS. THE P. M, HARMAN CO„ 30-32 Nbrth Main St., DAYTON, OHIO. H. N. GAGE.L, Bee Supplies Seeds, Implements, Hardware. 212 E a st Third S treet, DAYTON, - - - - - - - OHIO. Tim G. ( \ T, club enjoyed a picnic la s t F riday a t t h * hums of Miss*# E dn a and M artha Cooley. JOBE BROTHERS & COMPANY, D ry Good#, S h o e s XENIA, O. M illin e ry S u its ANNUAL SILK SALE Our Annual Silk Sate or Clean-up sale of Fancy Silks begins this week. The values are better the assortment is jarger than you have ever had offered at the prices. LOT NO . 1 . Soft Bilks in Foulards, Me*salin#s, l ’affelas, Rough silks, In all the new colors and design*. Silks th a t were 7Gc, 85e and some $1.00, a ll priced m our Silk Sal# a t ............ ......... ............................4flc LO T NO . 2 . All the host Foulard Silks, including Ohohey Bros. Spot Proof Silks th a t were $1,C0 and $1,£6 por ya rd , In all tho best colors ot th# saaison, priced in our Silk Sale a t ............................................ 8Gc LONG S IL K G LO V E S A T O N E -H A L F Colors black, white, tabs, grays and blues. 7»c Long Gloves fo r.......................................37* $1.00 Long Gloves n t .........................................50c $1,25 Long Gloves a t ...................................... $1.50 Long Gloves a t .......................................... Z6*3 $2,00 Lotyg Gloves a t........................................ $L0O W H IT E S H IR T W A IS TS , SOo E A C H . You would expect them to be 75e o r $1.00 each, but it is one of tho specials for th is week, mul while they la s t the pile# Will b e .......... t!0e Neckwear a t ............... ..... c and 50c New Belts at-........................................25c and 50c New I ’atanols a t ...............................*Sc to $8,00