The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 1-26
I w xm m> pmoHM* ' -WANTED :- A n igh t t#lephon* operator. Apply At th* .office. Mr. M. "W. Colls u# of Trenton w*e ir, town Thursday, ' Special sale 'Won’«n’« Hate i:i hlaok and a ll the new colors ist $2,43 Mis* Osterly, Gr*cn Street, Xenia Mr. F rank Mills and fam ily of Hpriugiicld spent la s t Habhath w ith Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Turnbull. Sunny Monday Soap, A t Bivd’g, Mr. and MrB, W ill Du 111eld Dayton epsn t Thu rsday her*. of - Croqti*t HetB, 70c, $1 and $1,50 set,* Hammocks, $1 to $3,Goeach, A fcB ird 's. Programs for th e Antioch Chau tauqua can bo had a t this office. B a r. Jo shua Kylo w ill preach in th* IT, I*, church Sabbath evening. —M issesligh t blue and p ink hose, a t B ird 's, Miss Mary B ratton of Chicago ar- rirsdlasfc Monday for a -v is it w ith relatives. Mrs. Candls Dubois and children of Chiiifeethe have been v isiting Dr. J . W . Dixon and fam ily. Hon. Georgs L ittle retu rned Wed nesday evening from New York whore he le ft Saturday on. business. Mr. J. D, George, who underwent an operation for an in jured ankle, is reported as g rea tly improved. . j Rev. W« J . Sanderson expects to I _leave nex t wsek for Walton, N. Y. S, for a v isit with relatives. Mr. Harold Bratifute of Wa hlng- ton 0 , H. lias been spending a few | and Mrs. J . N, Lo tt. Mr, J . D. Silvey w a s ia Columbus J the first of the week on business, Mr, Silvey now enjoys a horse and buggy recently purchased. —Pine Apples cheaper than ever j before. We sell ex tra choice largo ones 10c or 3 for 23c; small size 7 c each or 4 to r 25o, a t B ird ’s. —23ib sack fine granu lated sugar for $1.28, cash and no tickets, A t B ird’s, —Ladies’ Gauze VestB and S u its .a t B ird ’s. Mr. W. W . Begg, who has been attend ing college has accepted a Union position a t the Dayton S ta te Hos pital. Miss Vera Andrew the Embroidery Club afternoon. . entertained Wednesday Mr, C a rl Ostorstrom H ub returned from Des Moines, Iowa, a fte r two weeks v isit in th jit city. —Po st Cards, m ade of any th ing , anywhere and anytime. C lark Nagloy. Mr. N . L. Ramsey had a finger dislocated Wednesday while work ing w ith a colt. —We will pay yon 20 o per dozen fo r clean, fresh eggs, in trade today A t B ird’s. Miss Em ily F itzw ater of Xenia was the guest of Miss Agnes Stor m on t la s t week. Miss Besfeie McGiven is visiting friends in Yellow Springs and a t tend ing the Chau tauqua. The ra in fa ll fox May was 5.57 in stead of 2.57 as s ta te d in the Herald of l a s t week. Miss Martha K no tt en tertained a number of friends from here a t her home nea r Clifton on Tuesday evening. Miss Mable McDonald of Salina, who has been attend ing the 0 . S. U. is the guest of her siste r Mrs, J . W. Radabaugh. Few people realized th a t Monday was “ F lag Day" judging from the number of places th a t failed to float “Old Glory". Mr. E rn e st W ildman, who has been attend ing E a rlham college a t Richmond, Ind ., visited Mr. Wil liam W a tt, Tuesday. The Xen ia City council lias under consideration an ordinance to re duce the police force to throe men, including the chief. Miss EdnaTownsley le ft Monday for K en t, Ohio, where she will be the guest of her cousin, Miss E leanor Sm ith for several weeks. —Women and. Misses an k le s trap Pumps, in fan and -p a ten t leathers, A t B ird ’s. The Clifton Gun Club is planning for a celebration on the Fourth. There w ill be shooting, base ball aud a fire works display. Rev, Lee R ife and fam ily le ft W ednesday fo r Oklahoma City where th e y w ill locate In th e ir new field of labor. Miami Un iversity honored Gov e rno r Harmon Wednesday w ith the degree of Bachelor of Laws. The Governor a s well as Lym an J . Ab bo tt spoke a t the commencement exercises,. ■ S h o rt L in e s Low Round-Trip Fares To New York arid Return To Jersey Coast Resorts and Return I f^ F o r Particular Information Apply to Pennsylvania Line Agents or address C. C. HAINES, District Passenger Agent, DAYTON, 0 , Daily **Between Cleveland and CedarPoint-Daily Don't Fall to take « ride on the nil-steel contracted, fleetest, anfest twin-screwsteamer on theGreat%akes--~ STEAMER EASTLAND 4* * r urs FIVE HOURS AT THE POINT T ks XABTLAND, being of the “ocean type” of vsssenger steseier, mores faster and smoother f i u j t i n i l of weather th in stiy other stesmer of its class on Lake fine. S eason OF cns J une 12, closes sept . 12. r Lease Cleveland ArriveCedar Point LeaveCedarPoint Arrive Cieveland S'jo A. M» 11:45 A, M, cap&jj. M5 jP*M- Pree Dantin* on Uoatd. C onkectioks made and Tnnocon T ickets point*, Kail orWater. The Cittfss# Naylisiion Cs. Soto to all CluelsnS, 0. THE RAPID Folding Go-Cart cornb’ncs comfort, durabilityand appear ance at the lowest possible price consist ent wilft quality. Mother's motto t— “ Nothing too good for the baby,” We also manufacture* Thompson’s Folding Crib. Sanitary, comfortable, convenient, durable and economical. Ask your dealer to show you a “ Rapid Folding Go-Cart” and Thompson’s Fold- both of which aro necessary articles for The best one motion Coliansible Cart made. — ■ ........ - - a * . ihe bftby* l p If your dealer docs not handle these two articles, write us direct for price and circulars MISHMMKA FOLOIHS CARRIAGE CO., MMmaka, lad. MoQULLOUBH’S LIFE SAVING BLOOD PURIFIER A Sp 4 NMly *nd Safa Remedy fo r a l| Dtmses of f t * Skin and Blood. Humors, ukerS* Ringworms, Old Sores, ft rofuls, fayphihtleAlto tmns, ..crofidous tblmm l B!ot<he*, Pimple*. Fustufes, Salt Rheum and *11 diseases atismg from impure bk«>Aor low condition of ihe system. Especially recommended tot all form* of Sciatic tmtmmmtUim, - - .,* 4 .,--,* ftmCl, {*< DOLLAR PER BOTTLE* FOR SALE BY DRUflOlSTS. Itom aa lwaA Ig MMJUM CREW0A1 CO ., Itaalaa, Taaaaataa. Master*. James and Dwiglit Lor- rim*r of Zan.svillo are making tb* lr j unole and aunt, Mr, and Mrs, F , P. Hasting*, a visit. A verd ict in favor *f the plaintiff I waB rendered in the Common Pleas j court W ednesday iu the case o t | Ambrose Richardson against Sam uel Dean. The ligh t in tli 0 north west each j evening t h a t appears to be changing | on the horizon is from a search -1 ligh t on top of the Algonquin Ho tel j building in Dayton. A number of persons have discovered the' ligh t bu t did nob know w h a t i t was. Rev. W. A.Condon, wife and son, who hav* been v isiting relatives i here for several weeks left W e d - ! nesday to r their *home in Clarion, Iowa. M rs, W a lter Morton and son of j Rice, Va., are expectod here this evening for a v isit With Mrs. Mor- J ton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Silas S ilas Murdock. Mr, C. H, Crouse has been moving j his slaugh ter house th is week' to the Brown farm on the Columbus ! pike. Mr, A, I>. Town slay has the contract. In the Bell-Boolman su it over some hay heard m Magistrate Bu ll’s j court Tuesday, the plaintiff, Bell, was given judgm en t for the amount | prayed for in the suit. Miss Louise Sm ith accompanied Mr- and Mrs. Kenneth Ham ilton to their home in Bloomington, Ilk , ] where she will make an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Huffman of j Jeffersonville a ttended the « 8 d an- n iyer*aryo f Mr. and Mr*. Samuel | Creswell, la s t Thursday, They re tu rned home Tuesday. M r .S -W .Sm jW ia a d . hav* keen lb ! month* are expected her* the of the month- They will reside to the Crawford property to be vaca ted by Mr. L. T. Marshall. The different fra te rn a l orders ob served Memorial day la s t Sabbath, Rev. P u tt delivering the sermon. The members', headed by, the K . of P. band, inarched in a body to the cemetery where the graves were decorated. W© have been informed th a t the county ta x ra te will' he increased for 1910, not because of expenditures which have been brought upon the county by the commissioners but because of additional- expenditures provided for by the la s t legislature. According to Dame Rumor, Os born is to have ano ther industry soon—a comen' factory, where ce ment blocks, posts, etc , will bp made. This should be one of the mostproiltable additions to Osborn’s industries th a t could be obtained. Mr. H a iry Nagloy attended the wedding of Miss Anna Marguerite Htraley to Mr. Eugbrn* Heironimus of Jeffersonville, Thursday. Mr, Nagloy acted the p a rt of best man. The ceremony was performed a t the homo of the bride in Edgefield. ---Veterinary D en tistry can be had a t Townsley’s blacksm ith shop Power float is used, the only abso lu tew ay to dress th e teeth w lthon t bleeding or lujury. I hold a diplo m a from the Detro it Veterinary DenfcaJ college. Also expert horse shoeing. 29<I W. A. Van Tress. Sab ina's council has been Endeav oring to devise some means by which the expense of of tho w ater and lig h t p lan t can bo reduced, i t - having required during the past year a sum. which was fa r beyond its reach. A committee was ap pointed which reported $2,400 would be required for its continuance, making the to tal expense $10,£00. A proposition was made to reduce th* number of employes bu t th is was rejected, it being claimed th a t lh* force already was a t its lowest po in t for good service. A v isit to th* C. D. Dobbins Sons’ farm is more than ordinary interest. To see the sixteen acres of soy beans and how they are cultivated is something now in thi* section. About one-half of th is crop 1* a l ready sold. This firm has done an extensive business in the sale of seed corn and soy beans. The oafs at* already headed ou t and ready for tho binder. Besides the raising of seed g rains the firm has been been very successful iu breeding hogs and *h«*p. THE CINCINNATI DEPARTMENT STORE’S GREAT M O D E R N I Z I N G S A L E f y " .. ______________■ ■ ,— Sw ing Tilt Great Celebration of the Wright Brothers Home-Coming to Dayton—this national event, will no doubt bring you to Dayton, and in order to make your coming interesting as well as profitable to vou, we have prepared a list of * EXTRAVAGANT BARGA INS Such as has never been offered before in Dayton. We want you to come and make your headquarters with us during your stay here—You will receive all the courtesy and accommodation and all the great values tha t we are able to offer you B e low wa print a few o f our Sp ec ia l Bargains, and a thousand Unadvertised va lu e s are awa iting you June Clearanctt-Boys' Clothing $2.50 Boy* S u its $1,19—Knickerbocker Su its worth $2,50, Special......... $ 1.19 Boy*’ 76o Knickerbocker Pan ts 39c— Well made And can be bad in all si- 1 stem Special.,... ....................... gg0 Wash Pant* for boys, sizes 8 to 14 year Special, p a ir..... ............................. 12;<c Mechanics’ Apr*na fo r Shop Wear, with four pockets; in white or blue regular 2Co values. While they t a * .....................-...............................18c Boys’ Good Kn*e P an ts. Special....l0o Boys’ $2,00 Su it 95c—Splendid for school wear; worth $ 2.00 for......... Ooc S e e the w ay w e c lea r our M IL L IN E R Y Note the prices then como and see our offering—you’ll find everything as represented. Nearly a hundred Irimmed ha ts; regu la r $7.50 kinds go at............. ,..,$2.45 Com* and see them . They a rc sam ples—not two a lik e --a ll beauties. $3.00*Untrimmed Milan hats.,..,.........9gc $1.50 IJntrlmmed b a ts ................... 29c 75c and $1,00 flowers and Foliage all sty les; S a tu rd ay ......!.......................29c 89c and 50c flowers and foliages, roses, hyac in ths etc. Satu rday ............. 19c We aro going to sell a il our muslin un derwear and K irao n a s a t a big price roductlon Satu rday ' Regular 75c Embroidered gown a t 8 kc Regular 75c Embroidered Chemise, 88c Regular 85c Muslin drawers tucked go a t ....................................................... 14c Regular 35c CorsetCovorstrimmoci -ldc Regular 60c Embroidered W h ite Pet ticoats ................................... 20c Kimonas and D ressing Sacques. The 25c kinds m arked to... ............... 9c The,00c k inds marked to .................. 19c The 75c Long Kimonas marked to . 39c The $2.00 long Kimonas, marked to 95c Choice of any $1.50 and $1 wrappers 00c , Real Bargains in MEN'S CLOTHING $7 .50 M en ’s Brown Suits, $3 .98 Well mad*, with fancy cuffs aud peg top pants, with side . buckles; worth $7.60. While they last fo r................ $5 .98 $18 M en ’s Suits, $9.6S. A ny Of our Men’s or. Yohng M«m*s S tric tly Tailored Suits; worth up - q $18.00, for................ ....... ................................ $9 .65 A fancy vest with each suit. M en ’s $lO Skeleton Suits, $6 .48 A large selection in the la te s t styles and patterns, worth from $10 to $ISS.6Q« Spec ia l....................... ......................... $6 .48 $1.25 W ork ing Pants, 95c. Men's Finn Working Rants, good values a t $1.25. While they la s t.... ......... ...J..,............ ......................................................... 690 •», $ 2 .0 0 M en ’s Pants, 95c Men’s Good Pan ts, w ith peg tops and side buckles, large as sortment to select from; worth $2.00. Special...... ............. 95c M en ’s Overalls, W ith or w ithout bib, for...., .................................................... 33c Bargains in Hosiery aud Underwear. Lad les’ 15c Seam less Hose, 7c F in e Black goae, In a ll sizes, good 35c volues Special,.,.... 6C 19c L ad ie s’ Dropstitch Hose, tOc Como in black, blue,.green, tan and laven'dar. Special.... 12 o Ikndtes' 25c LisleHJLbbed Hose, 14c Extra fiua values for26c; in black only. Special,........ 16c i - SOc S ilk Glcves, 29 c. In blaak oslS; 60e quality,......... ................. .............. ......... 2 c ^ 75c Hand Bags , 4 4 c l a A M 1 -Bg&Alfattti bag*, regular 660 values for.,,..,..„.„. ...,.;.44c if Gloria S ilk Umbrellas, 6pc <&*Sm^r*llA* with fancy hantUsg. Spcai*5u..,.. 69o 5 / 'kTwHfcaJuJtt*£»§iA£l_._-.... *C- ■ 25 Kaat 5 t# Rev. H . P; Jackson of S trong - hurst, 111., will preach Sabbath in tho U. P . church. EPARTMENT STORE, N e x t to L yr ic Thea tre. DAYTON , Dr. Hutchison of Pittsburg, sec reta ry of the IT* P . Home Mission Board came Thursday for a sho rt visit. Prof. D. L. Crawford, wife a r d two daughters, of Xenia came up Tuesday for two weeks while Mrs. Hanna Cooper visit* her daugh ter, Mrs. W ill Frazer of Sprlngflald. Mr. Frederick Beal McElwaln, sou of Mr. and Mrs. P . B, McElwaln graduated yesterday from the Ohio Wesleyan University with a degree of B. A. There was HO g raduates in the class, Mr. and Mrs. T. J . F lteh en ter tained about th irty friends Tues day evening m honor of Miss H a rrie t Campbell, a siste r of Mrs. Fitch. Six table* of progressive games furnished amusement for the guests. Refreshments were served during the evening, e HtV-l lUli-Svt.'S h SW) WUiPAtONT LIPS?*:,’ % ) K - -Ladies Miislm Underwear: (Tor- s e t Covers. 25c, 50c and 75c each ; White Sk irts, lace and embroidery trimmed, $1, $1.25 and $1.60 each ; Chemise and Drawers, 25c and 50o; N ight G owiib , OOP, 76c and $1.00, A t B ird ’s. Btjtiffiite leave* Saf.tif* day for Bloomington, Ind iana , to a ttend the twenty-fifth anniversary of his graduating claBS. A number of the class hav* tisen to g reat prominence since leaving, one of whom is now president of the uni- ivorsity. ' b ^ s ^ Ready-to-Wear Department. This department always replete with die season’s newest offerings* presents a line of ladies’ and misses’ suits, skirts* petticoats seldom seen outside of the larger city stores. Styles and colors are particularly pleasing this year and we have succeeded in securing a line of the moderate priced goods, where as much attention is given to the minor details as in the better grades and possessing a distindiveness rarely excelled by the tailor made garments. W e will be pleased to see you and i f you can appreciate a pretty costume at a moderate ex pense, we have a surprise for you. HUTCHISON & GIBNEY, Xenia. Mr. O. M.Ti»«rn*l*y htspnrehisod a small delivery Automobile to be used In-connection with his store, Mr. O. N. Stuckey has purchased the steamer owned by Mr, Wild- man near Selma and will u«e It in connection with hi* implement bus iness. Messrs. Harry Owens and Harry Barber well* to BlAncbestcr, 0., Thursday te inspect A newspaper proposition. Th* farmer has under consideration th* purchase of the plant ia tha t plan* and may em bark in the newspaper field. Man chester is a t*wn of about 2,090 | people and i« quite tkm in f. MONEY CANNOT BUY A BETTER PAINT THAN HANA’SGRENSEAL Tho Paint possessing every essential quality. Nothing in It but what should be there. Nothing lacking that will Improve it. Pigments scientifically combined, and finely ground In Pure Linseed Oil. <( The Made to Wear Paint” that outwears all others, and that in wearing away doe* so gradu ally leaving a perfect surface for repainting. FORSALS #Y * a .... KERR & HASTINGS BROS {
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