The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 1-26

ccl t Pays to Trad* a t Msley's." « Shoe Specials W/'AwW^»W--V^w--- ^~ v >A v - av - ~FDRr *0*.? His Invective falsss. o o o • _ ■ o O* 0 * 0 » 0 o 0 * 0 ® 00 <» 0 * 0 o 0 » 0 o 0 ou ICopj-Jicat, I., i, ?.y Anrri-'-’.n I’te p Arc:<> FR IDAY AND SATURDAY O N E L O T , $ 1 . 4 8 One lot Ladies’ Kid, Patent Leather Tan Low Shoesjin turn and welt soles. Brok­ en and discontinued lines of this season’s up- stvle^-regular S3 and $2.oQ grades— si . jos of every kind but all sizes in lot* c h o i c e $ 1.48 to-date not a.i Lad ies’ ONELOT, $2.48 Low Shoes and Strap Pomps in Bronze, Tan, Patent Colt and Suede Leathers, Goodyear welt soles, strictly high grade, up-to- date styles, and patterns, choice , $2.48 NISLE .Y , Springfield’s Largest and Best Shoe Store. IN THE ARCAD E , The C.R. PARISH CO. June SPECIAL Offers IN GAS AND COAL RANGES PORCH GOODS LAWN SWINGS CHINA CLOSETS DAVENPORTS & COUCHES FANCY ODD DRESSERS FANCY ODD BEDS BUFFETS & SIDEBOARDS W e also furnish the home complete. Special attention given to ‘June brides, *We invite you to call and inspect our full line. We W ILL save you money. l . a . p a r r e t t ; 30 S, Detroit St., Mgr. Xenia, Ohio. THE RAPID Folding Go-Cart i - MaBjjr combines comfort, durability and appear. ^■gV atice at the lowest possible price consist- ent with quality. Mother's motto:— “ Nothing too good for the baby.” We also manufacture Thompson’s Folding Crib. Sanitary, comfortable,1 M 9 1 convenient, durable and economical, • W N Ask your dealer to show you a “ Kapid ^ Wi I'oidiajTGo-Cart ” and Thompson’s Fold­ ing Crib, both of which arc necessary articles for the baby. The beet one motion Collapsible Cart made. If your dealer does not handle these two articles, write us direct for price and circulars. MISHAWAKA FOLDING CARRIAGE CO., Mishawaka, Ind. M U M S U F E S.VIPtS BLOOD PURIFIER A Speedy and Safe Remedy for all Diseases of the Skin and Blood. espe Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Fnriches the Rood.' :cialty valuable remedy for Iloilo, Carbuncles, Erysipelas An , „ „ ........ Tumors, Cancerous Humors, Ulcers, Ringworms, Oldbores, berofuh, Syphilitic Affections, Scrofulous Humors, Mutches, Pimples, Pustules, Salt Rheum and all diseases arising from impure blood or low condition of the system. Especially recommended for all forms of Sciatic R b e nm a tlsm . PRICE, ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE, FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS. MaahfaeiaraA by MoCULLOUGH CHEMICAL CO., Kanton, Ttnnmn, .1, ill £ i m r t T R Y OU R JOB PR INTING DailyCleveland and CedarPoint"Daily 6*t f c c G r c a t J ^ l l CS *,''®Sec*constructed, fleetest, safest (wia-screwsttsmer STEAMER EASTLAND ■ j. ■ - t i e / ’ F IV E HOURS A T THE POINT r.iatea nufl fa -it friaiulj. Johnny yomigor than J, but stronger. livery hoy who <•>uhl !H; njq availed himself of the opportunity just for the fun of it. Jolmjiy could Url: must of tlvin and, tinticing that I tie: d al a friend, be­ gan to lick every boy that licked me. Tills had a wholrconm effect, and I was soon let alone. Indeed, I am not sure that I dH not Impure on some of them, knowing that a dread of John's big fist would deter them from giving me a deserved punishment. When we left school to go out into the world (we were pretty big boys then) I aald to John Bounce: ‘'Johnny, I want yow to understand that I owe you a whole lot. If I ever get a chance to make a stand off for what you've done for me. I’ll do it." “Oil, you don’t owe me anything, Tom,” lie said. “Besides, I guess we’ll both get along pretty'well.” I didn’t see John after our parting for years. Then one day a man came into my office of very forlorn appear­ ance. I put my fingers In my pocket to get out 10 cents when J noticed the fellow looking at me with a quizzical expression. ‘ “You don’t know me, Torn?” “No, 1 don’t,” “I’m Johnny Bounce,” My heart sank, for I knew that the world-had been too much for John. However, I gave his hand a warm grasp, asked him to sit down and tell me what lie had been doing. He said he hadn’t had much success thus far, but he had “irons in the fire,” some of which he thought would pan out very big. I had heard of these “Irons” be­ fore in connection with men who had lost their grip on the world and knew' that Instead of irons they were gases. But I saw that John Svas sincere, so I did not discourage him. ' “Yon can’t run a thing like that, John," I said, referring to one of his Schemes, “without being ‘grub staked,’ I havon’t any capital to put in, but I wish yon would let me lend you whftt you need from time to time. I’ve got $10 here in my— No? Don’t need it? ’Well, whenever you do come right in here and get it." I know perfectly well that lie needed money, but could not bring himself ,to take it from me, whose equal he had been in everything except ah ability to punch boys’ heads, and in this he had been my superior, I was obliged to let him go without affording hltn relief, but I took his address, resolving; to find some indirect way of giving him money. But I was very busy a t the time and put the matter off. fie* sides, I am not an inventive genius and failed to think of any method of lend­ ing John Bounce money without Ap­ pearing to give i t ? One morning a woman came into my office, and said she had heard John Bounce, who boarded with her, speak of me. She said (hat Bounce owed her $87,45 for board, and she would like me to tell her if he had any property on which she conld levy, I told her that Mr. Bounce was a perfectly koJW ornblo man, but was trying to carry through Certain schemes without suffi­ cient capital. *Slio left with a check for the amount of her bilk A. week later £ received ft note from John re­ gretting that the woman had thought it necessary to adopt such strenuous measures and assuring me that one Of his Irons wms at white heat and he would soon call and return the amount. £ .admired Ills plan of enabling me to help him indirectly. . ■ , . John never came to see me. His pride, his sensitiveness, whatever it was, wouldn’t let lilm.. One day a long while after the board bill, episode I received a note from an undertaker telling me that a man named John Bounce had died in a boarding house. A letter from mo had been found In his room, and since there was no money to bury him it was deemed ad­ visable to notify me. The amount re* quired was about $100. I was sorry now since poor John waff gone that I had not been able to do more for him, I inclosed a check for tlio amount nr.d authorized a call for more. I did the latter as an ex­ cuse to my conscience for not attend. lng to the matter personally. I couldn’t bring myself to such a melancholy duty. A few months later I received a note from one who wrote that he had been an Intimate friend of tlie late Mr. John Bounce, the inventor. I t was proposed by several of Mr. Bounce’s friends to place a headstone at his grave. There were four men ready to contrib­ ute $.10 eai-h. The cost of the stones would bo $210. Knowing that I had been a schoolmate of Mr. Bounce, he had ventured to write to know If I would make one of five. I at once sent my cheek for $30. A year passed. One morning I re­ ceived a note from a lawyer stating that John Bourne had died a few' days before (my hair stood cm end with as­ tonishment! that Mr. Bounce had left me his nolo heir (I wondered), that Mr. Bounce had patented a mechanical toy, and n lev manufacturing company slortl ready to give $23,000 for the ode right to manufacture (1 grasped my desk for support). This wonder turned out to he a real­ ity. I accepted the offer, and When the cheek v. as paid me my eyes filled with tears. My poor, dear Johnny Bounce had run-corded after all, but too late Sty thoughts were only oft that genius for inventing methods by which I could ghe him money with- out wounding the feelings of either himself or me. SOVA, WFJH.EY BATES FATHER AND SON. Two deaths duo to typhoid *•'- ia one family.both fever I b n ,t >' record for Wednesday withHjarlcg Weak- toy, Jr., one! ids nets l.ilm. The ami died about noon that day, The former was taken sick after the mn and died about «ovun «\Tt)ck "Wednesday morning’. Charles Weakley, Jr,, was the .son of Charles Weakley, Sr., tho well known farmer *m the federal pike, Ho is (survived by his father, three sisters and two brothers. Of his immediate family ho is survived by a wife, three daughters unci a son. ' The funeral for both is being hold this afternoon, burial to take place at the Ktovonson cemetery. ‘fh# R N h t r e f the “otwn type” c t tawsenget rtem tt, tttam fiisler and smoother •I*.nay Mad m weather than any other ateamtr m P.a class e» I„ske Ksie. SCAtONMOCCNtldUNeiai. &LD#.e# SJJEFM2. r. ')**■*?, « frwtan-l itriuef V.-tftt A trim*Cleve’SeA S-a A, M, a , m . 4;?2 3 P, ?.?, tus v. M, Prc« iMsciii* mi j:o*r<t contircricas rasas »n^f£u»r,mtt *tc**»#8ot» b u t trljtps, RaftorWitter tfcsr ------------ . .. JUWMttPn <*#, Clnskt'1,'0, Nelson’s Business College, Arcadet Springfield, Ohio No Rotter la State Eatft at Aay Time. Nowin25th Yeaf. 0p«« AHYear. BOpKKIiliPINh & SHORTHAND. Writs for Catalogue, Among the many professors and scientists who in these days find place to ta lk and leave to print, the one who said, the other da}', a t a social problem congress somewhere, th a t the abundance of food in this country is a t an end, and tha tnb eap food is gone forever, has waved his cars against tho sun more pictur­ esquely thru* any other. To sfty th a t modern invention is reducing food supply and pu tting it o u t of proportion with increase of popula- tlon„and-that improved methods of distribution add to cost, is to say wliafc combinations of cap ital either in commorco or transportation m ay want said, and be willing to pay somebody for saying." The pay Should bo large for such long ears, it' m easu red either by ' the linea r foot or by circnmnambisnt a ir ihey cover and include in thoir various winking motions. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The KindYouHaveAlways Bought . Bears the Signature of $100 Rewards $100, The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disensc that science.has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's OatarrUCureis the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly up­ on the blood and mueoussUrraces of system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving th* patient strength by building up the Constitution and assisting nature iu doing its Work, The proprietor* have j * o much £*Uttiu its curative power*, that they offer on*Hundred Dollar* for any owe.that it felt* to cure, ftmd for. list o testimonial*. Address. K J. CHENEY &Co, Toieda O. Sold by Druggist, 76c, Hall’s Family nils at* the best. J . H. McHILLAN. -Funei’al Director and Furniture Healer, Mamiiacturer of Cement Grave Vault# ami Cement Building Blocks. Telephones?. Cfdarvlll*, Ohio, ' FORSALE! Houses and Lots in Cedarville and vicinity, Buy before the rush. We have three or four desirable proper­ ties jlist outside the corporation limits at very reasonable prices, also 2f>’ to 4 acres of land, Will sell one" for less than cost of dwelling which cost $8,500. Have a centrally located rooming house of 13or 10 rooms very cheap. Farms for sale hi Central Ohio. SMITH. CLEMANS &HOPPING Very Serious It fa a very serious natter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong c:io given yon. Fin’ this roa:oii we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine THEDFORDS B LACK -DRAUGH T Liver Medicine The reputation of thii oIJ, relia­ ble medicine, fir constipation, in­ digestion aEitlluve -v. ji Pint- ly established, it does not imitate other madieines. It is better than others, 0 ? It would not tic tbs fa­ vorite liver powder, with a large? sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN tt %aag» avi vvewv*.-;■vv'.vV? PATENTS It'aveaia. andTr.uIeAtaiJuol.-tiincJ onJall Pat-j leatlawirtc'!} f.,yMabeaATiSfCca, 5 imrnOre icr is ceeosite omoeJ stiiaiq _ . ______ _____ !A I'CitisaPatents,*'with! SCiSr.t of caiii*i in lift l".H. an.) forriart to y:1tiesi scent free. Address/ * |C.A.$NOW&CO.l 1 p*f>. Parent osncc, W sshinstoh , 6 ,6« | My ttt« **#**» ’•thk* « anfttff the At M'-n of th* liver and bowels \ i;f. Miles’ H eft* and U se r Mil* cur. J oArtJpatkm, (t «* m * M * w U< Ready-to-Wear Department This department always replete with tl\e season’s newest offerings, presents a line o t ladies* and misses suits, skirts, petticoats Oiyies ana COIOIS me pcuiu-uiaiiy piwwu»6 year and we have succeeded in securing a line of the moderate priced goods, where as much attention is given to the minor details as in th e better grades and possessing a distinctiveness rarely excelled by the tailor made garments. W e will be pleased to see you and i f you can appreciate a pretty costume a t a moderate ex­ pense, we have a surprise for you. HUTCHISON & GIBNEY, Xenia. MONEY CANNOT BUY A BETTER PAINT THAN HANA’SGRENSEAL The Paint possessing every essential quality. Nothing in it but what should be there. Nothing lacking that will improve it. , Pigments scientifically combined, and finely ground In Pure Linseed Oil. i t The Made to Wear Paint” that outwears all others, and that in wearing away does so gradu­ ally leaving a perfect surface for repainting. FOB SALE BY KERR & HAST INGS BROS They Go Noislessly Note This “WE WILL HAVE WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT” This is the celebrated “ Grey Streak” that made, the much talked of record a t the recent Savannah races. Speed 70 miles per hour. “ D o c to r’s” friend. The car f o r all occasions and especially the Model No. 10, with Roadster Body, 18 H. P., $1000.00. SPECIFICATIONS Seats Three Persons, Current supplied by Magneto., Wheel Base 91 inches. Shaft Drive. Pressed Steel Frame. Four Cylinder Engine size 3 3 -4x3 3 4 . This same car, with Tourabout Body, $1,050.00. BUICK Model “F 99 Most reliable ear on the market. A remarkable Hill Climber. Well adapt­ ed for country driving. Model “ F.” Tonring Car, 22 H. P., $1250.00. SPECIFICATIONS. Seats Five Persona. Wheel Base 92 inches. Double Opposed Engine 4 ’rX5. Chain Drive. This same car with Roadster Body if desired. BUICK Model No. 1 7 The greatest Car value offered for 1909. Do not ever consider other makes until you have seen this “Silent Forty.” Car has straight line body of approved design and is a beauty. Model No! 17 Touring Car, 40 H. P. $1,750.00. SPECIFICATIONS. Seats Five Persons. Current applied by Magneto.. Pressed Steel Frame. Wheel Base 112 inches. Four Cylinder Engine 4^x5. This Car equipped with Roadster Body if desired. We also have to oiler Iho r>oH . V. woven passenger Touring Car, Complete specifications given on request. This name ear equipped with Koaduter Jlofiy if desired. Also agents for the “ Incom­ parab le White Bteamer.” i ’ivo passenger Tom-ingCar $2,l|i;n. For a “ (own ea r” there is nothing to surpass our low out dirool drive “ Wavorly E lcon ie .” A silent oar. $1,(KKMH). A visit, to our (lavage will convince the moat exacting th a t we have tho most, reliable ear* afclow- est prices. Wo have two oar loads on tho way, Call and inspect tho lino before Investing. The Central Electric & Supply Company KEI.S0 & (iARllKU), P r o p s . .............................................. South Dtlroit St„ XENIA, 0 . STATE The O ment Stn the U. £ (sure, Bui ou t notlc are soon county. The p a : persons own wag fit and ft They a w ith all line of fo ing for pt ing the v and they vice and tera. Anyon * them m write to - giving l will try county. w Rainfa South w< clear da cloudy 1 14 dogro 74 degree showers 38 degree degrees; six uiontl ' Sat Notic Notice work of Ditch, in county, Cedarvill a t public i sponsiblo 8th. day o Place of Sale to a. tn. Section atation 4 8.6 feet. incho»,--t ditch. L; and cover Section pluS 015-f<M average c rating op R Sooth n atation 8 taking u] tilcihg no ing oamo. alto doni atreot. Specilio flic ami o, felt depoo quired, o amietion. will edit faithful c By «« 1 p ComuiioR Will in by (3e llie iat$ t ’oucc. to flniah half of tl amount ordered la rge r tl th a t the salaries Millor w fy lng tin A t a r committ> to reduct officials, keep the owing to The ord passage votestoot Bull; no and Shrc The c office of missione A resol u ty Man pay. ^ Fo been doi besides I . The s ordinanc could not of the sa. neoessar, next yea gmally d nance oo pm » m e ich the less ats» c a n ex- a X p .is it 6. Ut SO m id e. lb pii n» m Wdroen Women ) fan laiiiO!