The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 1-26

I t IT. -’r <\U mramisE mi gh jo , V.: • i'7- PATHOYADE an11 ' vuf ful c .? h ?prompt sdfvntion to ail PmjjnosR IB layt '4 to as. -NKWYORK ORAPT sntt BANK,¥.OMiV.ORDE;RS. The rheavcbi and most <eon- vexitont way Ut Kond money toy mail. • ■■■■■•' Loam Made on Real Estate, Personalor Collateral Security, Hanking Hoars: 0. A. M. to 3, F. M. n , w Prrc-idenh O. L. Ssniir, Ca ller. Confinement It you hire cante to fear the pain* of childbirth, remember that they are due to weakue**, or <Hs* tiuo,«i the womanly organ*, and that healthy women do not gutter, Wee weak ones. The specific, medicinal, veje* table Ingredients, of which that famous, female medtdne and wo* manly tonic WINE OF WOMAN'SRELIEF If composed, will hand up the womanly organs to a healthy state and thus prevent needless suffer­ ing. , “Beforemy confinement,^writes Mrs, Rose Schubarth, of Mona* ' meat, Colo., “1 had nnch hearing- down pains. I didn’t knurr what' to do, Cardin quickly relieved me. t.Some- months later I had a fine I 12-lb. baby, was sick only thirty | minutes, and did not even have * doctor," At All Druggists WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, ' Maria*aga and describing uymp- toms, to I>adimAdvisory Devt., The Chattanooga:' AJedlcmes Co., • Chattanooga, Term, . 3B SO CONSTIPATION tSeit For The Bowels t a a c c w u t o c A ndvcaw U ktic Pl»M*nt, Prtutubl*.Potent.T«uiteGood. DoGood, JT O f B'ckfn, rjenkoa or Gripe, Mo, 83 c, Mo. Never •old in bulk. Tlio (>onuln« tablet (tamped COO. Gu«*nteed to euro or-j’our money back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y* 603 AMMUALSALE, TEHMILLION BOXES 4##VflD6f*“Jns ’I'hrs Peddling of (llaGGos ima beon prohibited by la%vin most states on account of fbo im-ompctoncy of tho men that'aro engaged in- that way Of doing biiHinoGg. A fall at our office will convince you of tho difference. A Chas. S, Fay, MT?-. Optician Sti?i E. Main fit., fipringllold, 0. The Great Diairhoea aed Dysentery Remedy ICmcs Cfi.lo oBdefcmnicd»aftfcoea,dy8ea* Itcry, cI:ok?i tsanacr,complaint,M D o t s n o t C o l C M ’ - t h m H a l l * A Y m m m m v i g o u s t o p * RmHIrt* Kmir , A n » • # » « * : OrawMrtn* Dem troy* D a n d r u f f M « k « H a i r G r o w Composed of Sulphur, Gtycaris, Qattfo SodiumChlorid,C»j*fcam, Ss*, Alcohol, Water, Perfume. Ask your doctor W* opinion of such * hak preparation, A Y ER ’S H A IR V IG O R D o c s n o t C o lo r th e l"la lr - ^ _ J. O. SvmOBB^yr. r— M.Mm _______ ___ The Ced&rvffc Herald * . Jdz.oa p a r Y***r. ■ K A R L H BUIvL * d t to r . FRIDAY, JANUARY 1. 1W9. OUR BIRTHDAY- With this issue tbs Herald cele­ brates its thirty-second birthday, volume 32, No. 1, To know that a paper has with-, stood the hardships for thirty-one years and i* more prosperous today than ever to a good, record. The Herald has become a fixture in the community and its standing is rec­ ognised not only athome but,abroad It has been under the present management, an exponent of what was believed to be for the best in- tesests of tbe community. It bad no special object In view, no inter­ ests to protect for ulterior purposes, no political, commercial or social organization to defend, but .to rep­ resent all classes in a fearless and independent manner. To take finch a position, a newer papsr man must necessarily be out­ spoken at times. The strain of corrupt politicians in this day makes speaking to the point a nee- cassityao thut the interests of the masses may be protected. Knowing the profession as we do we cannot help but feel that any newspaper that protects or defends iin.'- person or organization that openly or secretly betrays a publie trust,- commits as great a crime as those directly interested. Refusal to bring tbe true, state..; .oi affairs to light is in a manner'« de­ fence of that which evidently must be wrong. The Heratd is greatfnlly thankful i ) Its many patrons for the liberal support ot the past and we are sure It has been our Aim to give value re­ ceived. ' ‘ ' 0 m bast v litM srs far j* Jtapggt wad prosperous Tmm Y#*r te a l l .' INSTITUTE PROGRAM. Wednesday, 9:50 a. m Prayer. “ The Horse for Profit” ..... .............I). I). Harsh,. Minerva, O* “ Buiidlng up a Dairy Herd"........... . ....Edward Van Alstyne, Kinderhook, H .y , Discussion......................................... - Opened by Joseph Eavy, Xenia, J Wednesday, / p> m- 1’Fruit, Care ot the Orchard” ......... ........... . Edward Van Alstyne, ■‘Details of Pork Productions” ....... J. H. Lackey, Jamestown, O. “ Advantages of Cream Production in Comparison with Selling Milk or Butter.1".....,.... ........................... Ward Garrison, Yellow Springs., “ Sheep Raising for Profit” ..... ......... D. D. Harsh. Question Box.............. ,Wm. Conley. Wednesday, 7 p. m. r MUSIC* “ Why Do Our’ Boys’ Bears the Farm?” ..................„.„D. D. Harsh. Vocal Solo—“ Red Wing” ........... ...................... ...HelenOglesbee, Reading. .............. Alberta Oreswell. Vocal Dtiet,...................................... ... Miss Ethel Ensign and Mr. Boss- Worth Porter, Jameetown. Reading—“ Cicely Crock” ................ Marguerite Wolf. “ The Making of a Man.” ,,.,......... .................... .,„,.,..E. Van Alstyne* Thursday, 9:50 a. m. . Prayer. “ Fertility and Commercial Ferti­ lizers” ............ .....E, Van Alstyne. “ (lorn, Care and Selection” ............ .................. *..W, H. Hetsel, Xenia, Discussion..... B Williamson. “ Production and Distribution of Hog Cholera Serum” lilll.iHI**«»••>« Paul Fischer, State Veterinarian, 7 * . Columbus, Ohio, Intensive Farmlng” ...D. 3). Harp’ , Thursday, / p.m. MUSIC* “ Failure and Success with Alfglfa” ...............E. Van Alstyne, Roading- “ Moo*Cow«Moo” ............ "How to Have Good Neighbors” ,..,,, D. D. Harsh. MRS. MARY JOHNSON. After an illness of about two weeks Mrs, Mary Johnson died last Thursday night. She had suf­ fered a stroke of paralysis and never recovered the effect of it. The funeral was held from her late residence on Monday afternoon the services being conducted by her pastor, Rev, O, H. Milligan, The following obituary was read: Mary JanaJohnson was born In Garvagh, Darry county, Ireland* on the 27th of March 18Sfi, She was the daughter of Joseph and Boseatm McAfee. In 1866 at the age of 20 years she came to America first settling in Cincinnati, later coming fo t'edftr ville, where she was married to Georg? Johnson in 18 ( 50 . To them were born two children, Mary Ann, who died in August’ 1879 and John. W. Johnson, <»f thiB place. At the age of 16 *she united with the United Presbyterian church at Garvagh, Darry county, Ireland, Two brothers and the son still sur­ vive her, Joseph McAfee of Cedar- ville, Sewart McAfee of St. Paul, 'Minn., and Jo,hnW, Johnson,. Bnriai took place at the cemetery north of town. The following wm tho pall bearers; John Ross, John McFarland, Prof. F. A. Jurkat, Charles Gilbert, John Giilaugh and H. A. Turnbull. ADITIONAL LOCAL Miss Jennie Edgar of Cincinnar: I* tbe guest of Miss A, L . Crauf< rd —Electric light globes will have to be changed when the new service •tarts. Got. Ihem of Kerr & Has­ tings Bros. Mr. James Townsley of Franklin, visited here Christmas. . “ • Mr. I. 0 . Davia and family re­ turned to Cincinnati Monday even­ ing. . Miss Georgia Strain entertained' about thirty frigid*Thursday eve­ ning, ' . —Rockers, oouefees, folding'bed.- s «fc]$boards, at McMillan’ s Mies Florence Forbes visited Mr. MUW. QoRins arm family of Tr'en* teaaowr Mr. O. C. Weimer expects to more into his property north of the hotel in a few days* Mr. and Mrs. W . R. Torrence are entertaining a number of relatives from here today. Mrs. Perry Bridgman and Miss McFarland, of Dayton, spent Christ- mas with D. H. McFarland and family. . ' Mr. Walter Bterretfc and slsteT, Miss Lounette, who have been at­ tending college in Beaver Falls, Pa., are home for the Holidays, —Curtains to fit your windows at McMillan’ s* Mr. aiid Mrs. Moore McMillan were called to Bellofountaine on account ot the former’s mother1* illness, Mrs. Fishbauglt., Prof. F. M. Reynolds had for his guest* Christmas, Mr. and Mrs, 0. C. Hainesand daughter, Dr. J. T. Phillips of Aierrow, O,, and Mrs. Dudley Halnefi and children of Loveland. t Mr. J. C. Barber and family are spending New Year’ s in Dayton. Mr. Fred Barber leaves Daytdn Sat­ urday morning for New Fork City. He will graduate this year from Columbia University law shcool. Prof. J. Robb Harper and wife ot Wilmette, 111., who have been visit­ ing Greene county relatives, were guests o f Prof. W. R. McOhdBiioy and wife Wednesday. Prof, George Harper and wife of the same place are also visiting in this comity and in Dayton. Mr. George Barber, who is super­ intending a large contract in New­ ark for a Columbus contracting firm, spent Sabbath hero. Mr, Barber is superintending tho erect­ ing of a large arcade building m Newark and seems to be making good in his line of work* Mr. O, E. Bradfute attended a meeting of the 0. S. U. Board Wed­ nesday la Columbus. Mr. Bradfute stated that J. P. Scott, the Wealthy manufacturer in the southern part Gold Medal Contest held in James­ town Opera-House oil Friday even- KKAD SPSCIAI, gOTlfep! ON PAGE 1—EEajBDING Tffi CONtii CLOAK CO. “ Ambitious young men and la­ dies should learn Telegraphy? for since the now 8-bour law became effective there isa shortage of many thousand telegraphers. Positions pay from Mu to 170 per month lo beginners. The National‘Telegraph Institute of Cincinnati, Ohio and five other cities is operated under supervision of R. R. officials and all pupils araplaosd when qualified. Write them for particulars,” The Dayton Journal of December i contains tbe following: Mrs. Carrie Xt, Flatter, president of the Greene County W, C, T. U., was very agreeably surprised Mon­ day morning when a man arrived at her home with a beautiful up­ holstered leather rocking chair, wbioh she supposed he was trying to sell, and thinking the Chair would be too high priced, told him that'she wouldn’ t buy it, but whgn hepolitely told her that' the ohair was, given her by the W. C. *T. U» unions of the county, she expressed herself as having tbe the best wo­ men of all the W. C. T. V* unions anywhere. Her joy knewnobounds. NOTICE. Patrons of the Cedarviilo Light & Power Co.; Those Wishing to use deetrie lights will at once secure new bulbs of 106 volts that are for -oile at Kerr & Hastings Bros, and Geo. A, Shroades. < The’new electric current will be turned on m a few days and all pa- Tons should have bulb* in readi­ ness. ; Cedarviile Light & Power Co. A GREAT OFFER. Ohio State Journal and Ohio li’nrmcr. or National Stockman or Farm and Fireside for $3. This of­ fer is good only to patrons of Rural Route*. Id. , T-'Nv Tarbox, Ag’t. HARRY JOHNSON. Mr- Harry Johnson oneof the well known farmers in this township, died Wednesday morning after an illness that extended-back several years For some' months he ffad been m a very »«rions condition and lit* death was not unexpected. Besides a wife, who Was a Mis* Rock, before marrfcagei eight child­ ren survival MrSTW. W. Northup, Hunting* m v m m t m Walter Ilfff, Mte Mary, George, Charles and John, of this place, Mrs, Martha Irvine, a sister, also •arrive*.; The funeral was held this after­ noon from the residence burial taking place north o f town, CASTOR! A Th« Rind. TomRare Always Bought, and which £uwbee* 1* use for over 80 years, has home the signature ot and has beenmadeunder Ms per­ sonalsupervision since its infancy** All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-a»-good” are bub Experiment* that trifle with and endangerthe health o f • InfAnts and Chlldren—Experienoe against Experiment* W hat is CASTOR IA Cfastoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Fare- , gorlc, Drops and Soothing1Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Ifp age is it* guarantee. It destroy* Worms and allay* Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colie, It relieves .Teething ^’roubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving ‘healthy and natural sloop* The Children’* Paaaeea-The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS S e a n the Signature of The KindYouHaveAlwaysBought In Use For Over 30 Years. Tut«unr««MeiMMiff,« ttunru*.TIWET. newvoeiterrv. J. H. HcMH-LAN, • ’ “ •* • » ^ V 4 Manufacturer of C E M E N T O R A V E V A U L T S Hollow Cement Building Blocks, Chimney Blocks, Veranda Col­ umns, Piers, E tc ., E tc . Teiephone 7 . Cedarvilte, Ohio. P0RTLAHD,MAINE,GUILD XU*Wank aaaXmaehtte^ Be- s to red t o H ea lth b y V in o l “Ourlittle dsughtar, six yee» of sge, after a severe sttMk of the messles. which developed into pneumonia, w*s left pitifully thin, week and emsetst- ed. She bed no sppeUte, end her stom­ ach wss to week It could not reteiu food, She ley In this condition for week*, and nothing the doctor pre­ scribed did a bit of good, end we were beginning to think the would never re­ cover. “At this time we commenced to give her Vlnol, end the effect was marvel­ ous. The doctor was ensued at her progress, end when we told him we Were giving her Vlnol, ha replied, ‘It ie a fine remedy, keep it up/ We did so, end she recovered her health end strength months before the doctor thought she could,” J. W. Flagg, Portland, Me, Vlnol cores conditions like this be­ came in * natural manner it Increases ihe appetite, tones up fbo digestive organs, make* rich, red blood, and strengthens every organ in tha body. Sold by U. M« Rldgway* gO TO too FARMS Constantly on band FOR SALE throughout Ohio. Write ue TO­ DAY for our descriptive list. State size of farm ami locality deslted—or if you want u* to sell your farm, write us. We can sell it for you. Years of* exper­ ience. SMITH,CLEMANSCHOPPING keel Bine? end Lean Ag*st*. Cedarville, Okie. §0 VRAM* > tXMERIfNDC THW* MASK* ^ {$«*»** l it ihp ^ vh w<**ijrwwijniwi may j, * oowirnimir GOWESTH*M g r ttx g tm . ^ t^ sM m ib iflA r f m v c 1 1 c a r . A i 1 KANY, The Tailor, OHIO. f W ^ M s ^ J t * * # * ^ - ^ . * * * * * * * * For the Holidays HUTCHISON St GIBNEY 1ms diebest collectionos useful ar tides ever s L owb . 6 . . SeeSemeof theArticle* intheGlass ShowCases. Umbrellas—fancy han- Purses. H®a» . Horothy Ualnty Rib- , Beltf. bona, Hats, etc., Center Pieces—round, Toilet Sets- square, long. Ruches Initial Handkerchiefs, Ties, etc. 4 1: 5 c, ioc, 15 c. age. 500 Fancy Gift Boxes* 5 cents each. Gloves. H. & P. Hose, . Pillows. . Wool Comforts. Wool Napped Cotton Blankets. Fret Work. Hand Bags. F U R S Children’ s sets, Lynx Coney, Sable, J a p Mink, Bear Skin Coats Silk Waists Net Waists, $ 3 . 75 . Bath Robes. Kimono’s. Knit Skirts* Silk Petticoats. BUTCHISOIt & GIBJlEY’g, XENIA, OHIO. '•TAKE THIS CUT" “ We recommend it? there isn't nay better... In mid-summer you have to trust to a large degree to your bu tter. Well Cared For Meats in hot weather are the. only kind to buy; we have proper appliances for keeping them right, and they're sweet and safe when sold. Don’t go meat shopping when it’ s hot. Buy of us and besure. ■ • ‘ c . 4 ; t R o u s E , CE f^RVILLE, p.,„ - Neuralgia P a in s . Are the result of an abnormal condition of the more prominent nerve branches, caused by con­ gestion, irritation^ or dis­ ease. I f you want to re­ lieve tbe pain tryDr.Miles Anti-Pain Pills. They often relieve when every­ thing else fails. They leave no disagreeable after-effects. " .Just a f leasurable sense of re- ;e£. Try them. '3 have neuralgia headache right over my eyes, and I am really afraiu that my eyfes wUl burst. I also have neuralgia pain around my heart. have been taking Dr. Miles'- Anti- Fain Fills recently and find they relieve these troubles quickly. I seldom find it necessary to take- more than two tablets for complete relief.” MBS. KATHERINE BARTON, 1117 Valley St, Carthage, Mo. “ I have- awful spells of neuralgia and have doctored a great deal with­ out getting much benefit; For tha last two .years I have been, taking Dr. .Miles* Atitl-Fain Fills and they always relieve me. I have been so bad with neuralgia that; sometimes thought I would go crazy. Sometimes it 1 b necessary to take two of them, but never more and they are sure to relieve me.” - JWB3. FEKRIER. MS* Lynn, at-, Lincoln, Neb. Your drugglyt sell* Pr, Mile*’ Anti- Patti Pills, and we authorize him .to return the prig* ofjfrsi package (only) If It fall* to benefit you. - Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind .4 estaafant... IN THE BOOKWALTER HOTEL HIGH STREET DINING ROOM FOR LADIES UP STAIRS ALSO REST ROOM, M E A L S N O W . 3 5 C E N T S . Lunch Counter on Main Floor Open Day and Night* 'The Best, of Good Used in the Cul- . inary Department. ELASTIC ROOF PAINT for tin, metal, paper, felt and ruberoid roof*. Is proof againsttheweatheror rust. Absolutelynon- porous, Wittnotcrack, peel, blister Or scale. Witt notevaporateafteronceSet, Isa fine water-proof­ ingmaterial. Contain*lio ingredients such as salt and lime which enter Into the composition of the major put of the so-called roofanaIron paint*on the market to-day which have ho ehurtic qualities , , ... and are destructive to metals and fibres, and are nd to crystalize any metal* Xtiercrmproof. Sendfo r einuht and'frit*Kst, Why netfnrehate the bestwhen it testsne mere. T h e PALLMSM OOOPKW SiUPPLV OO., rond-d»-lait>,Wt«. bound Piles or Smiles? A POSITIVE GUARANTEE OR. HEBRAS UNfiOID the.moet wonderful ectentlfio dtecorery ef modem timesfor tbeeevsrastoasesofltrtlSg Piles, Bcsema, Tstter, salt Bheum, Blur Worm, BarbersItch, etc, Thishighlymedicated antiseptic Bairs kills the germs, re­ morse the trouble and hsels the irritation permanently. Absolate satia&ction guar­ anteed ormoney refunded. 'trice00cts. atDruggists, i jimpls 2oents to oovsrmall . Ormailed, (ling. Trial THE fl. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, Ohio. Medium Weight Fail Clothing rjffjl1 ^ e*Su>-.'% y. is in dfcmand now, and we have an extremely ele­ gant line of correct sht dtt and colorings in line serg­ es, ca>simeres, tweeds for suits, and the best and la­ test fabrics for overcoats. We fit and fashion your suit or overcoat so that it gives distinctive style, correct fit and shape. FISTULA attoAu, DISEASES OF THE RECTUM MttMMMmn C r . .......... dr . J. j . M c C lellan K - f c * COLOMBUS,0. OelMSk 4* fori Sold and adjostod by 1 hs « « W t o tm m i Mad readers and Mr*. F. B. Mr. John 1 with rlicuma 'A sort was J, H. Stonm Mayor Wo trip to Dayti —Tho robe play at EalpJ Mjsfi Ileloi l^llss Mary M Mr. Carl Monday on b Mr. J . M. A relatives lu I —Mattresse- besfc to be hai Miss Berthi Xenia. Mr$. Ivato J relatives ip ? Mrs. Lucy about thirty . Mrs. J. B, I Jhersister, AD —Closing 01 reduced prici Mr. J7 e ; T the annual T>. m as. Mr. J. P, B; guest of his . Mitchell, Sat Mr. J. D. Ohio State epent Saturn - —Do hot dt Cutting wind storm fronta A number | of Mrs, Fliz. forChristma Mr, and Mi tained a nu dinner Chris Mrs. G, W relatives ihSi mas. Mr. and M• •penlrUbrlstj BandaU and; \ 5 A 6 Consis';r city br old dri Wood. Ohio C O i 9 4 T E . I cpriu good-O' barney m any 1