The Cedarville Herald, Volume 32, Numbers 1-26

r> mmm mm#** lUEEXtU BANK t ED'vh 1 \ M I \ *»ii -** w r i s j n T T r ^ ^ and iiMiuis"1*-ar* <-i * Ultviui'M t tO SH E imtuht* it t*3 us, NEWYORK URAll juidBANKMONEY.ORDlRJy. The rhea;-'-'' vumeiff way f mail. awl idv^t i.cnd mono; :r- i»y D o c to r -O n ly O n e ;>sense in running from one doctor to another! Select I;, t «>ne, then stand by him. No sense either in trying r. : v-s, that thing, for your cough. Carefully, deliber- u htl the best cough medicine, then take it. Stick -.^A.-Ask yw E-4n#o&4thQaL^ Cherry Pecttna , nl and lung troubles. Sold years. Vohoiin this cough medicine. thin#. that thing, for your constipation? Why not riick to the good “»*a«mlykxative—Aytr’t PilU? A*k yourdoctorif b* approvesthis advice. The CedarvSe Herald JI 1.0 0 P e r Y ea r . Lpans Made on Real Estate, Personal or Collateral Security, ECAUEII J5TJL,*, 7^*>*aC BankingHours; EA. M. to 3,1>. M, FRIDAY, MARCH: 12, ■t e a r ! 1900. 5*5 S, W. S mith , President^ O. D, S mith , Cashier* KEEP CAMPAIGNING. Bad Backache Suck agonies as come women suffer, eyerjr month, from hack* ache! Is it necessary? No, It can ho prevented and relieved, when Caused by female trouble, by. fok« fog* medicine withspecific, corn* five action, on the female organs and functions, which acts by re* Bering the congestion, stopping the pain and building the organs andfunctions up to*; proper state Of health. Try. WINE OF WOMAN’S RELIEF . ’Tsuffered for IS years," writes Mrs. MaHodaA, Akers, of Basham, Vs, “wilh various femaletroubles, f had such a backache that it drew meover, * 0 1couldnotstand straight. The dsetar* could not help ate, so I took Cafdnl, and now I feel like * newwoman.” At All Druggists WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, atattsyj ago and dascribingBymp* toipa, to £ a4iea Advisory Dept., Thu Chattanooga, Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Term. . 33 as Let the campaign continue. Re­ callee one concern has clipped by, does not meantliat we should loose heart and give up the fight. Ocdarvillo during the day*' of the contest for the paper mill has set a high 'water marie that few towns ten times the stee can duplicate. Her name has been carried by the daily press and trade Journals into all parts of the country, .'Hit, rheet of the exertieo on the part of the people m interesting the Howards will be far reaching, even though we lost the prize. The campaign we have just start­ ed has been varied but tne people have profited by Lhe experience. We are in a better condition today t,>interest some other concern than wo were last December when the Board of Trade aroused the com­ munity in behalf of a “ Greater Cedarville.’ V The Heraitl;voices the sentiment of the commmufy. in extending praise foy the efforts of Dr. J. 0 -Stewart^president of tho Board of trade. It was through bis efforts that new life was injected into the community and tba name of the town for energy and push sent broadcast. The Dr, can never l/<§ repaid. His personal sacrifice was probably more than that of his many faithful assistants, 1 : The Herald insists on tiw people supporting the am! through the w&rfc dj*; The G, (\ T. dub met Monday ev» ping at tho home of Miss Verna Bird at. which time tiie members and their gentlemen friends enjoyed a three eT/nrie dinner. The enter, taimmnt of theeveningwasa spring millinery opening which was enter* airnng to all. SHIRT BARGAINS, We are closing out 50 do .. shirts regular 7oc and $1 ones for 2 . 0 c and 39c. Remember the name, ’ SULLIVAN, The Hatter,. 21 S. Limestone. St., Springfield, Ohio.] J. H. McTllLLAN. Funeral Director and Furniture Dealer. Manufacturer of Cement Grave Vaults and Cement Building Blochs. Telephone 7, Cedarville, Ohio. A FAMOUS DEBATE. HiMy«n k*Mn> I ***4 *Y*«tr»OHl»'V;r»,|llpllt'* TMnkt •*J? *uthS* You. • ttl« labsftifltorMii.-rii'i; Immunity•> U, r. rutin. JM»su1ca, 111. Baal For Tht Bov «t» l a w s a w c t o CANOVCATHARTIC Potent,TiwteCon*.Do ,co3, *»WSicken,WeakenorOrtpe. 102.Wc,COo,-fnvns Midinbuilt. Thegenuinetebletetaraped OOO. Gu»r»nt««tltocoreorsoarmoneybeck. SterlingRemedyCo., ChicagoorSf.Y. «03 ANNUALSALEJENMILLIONBOXES The PcdiUl!;.-; bf (r!u:::jfs has berm prohibited by Inwin must stair 3 'icumpctfuicy o f the eiaged in that way account >f f ‘> ■men thalur nfdoino b A ‘alia' , - will conviiite you o f file dlfferoneo. THESLEPINBStGKHES WHICHMEANSDEATH How many readers have heard of this How Lincoln Forced Douglas Into tbsi 3pun af .Freeport. One of the most inforesting sta­ tics of all American history.—that of the forensic con lost between Abraham Lincoln .ami Stephen- A Douglas in Illinois fifty years ago— u fold in the Century by Frederick Trevor Hill. In the following ex­ tract he describes the meeting and' the audience at Freeport In this part, of the state (Free­ port) Lincoln was almost a stranger, and his,- uncouth appearance and alouehy bearing were not offset by any direct knowledge of bis pro­ fessional attainments. On this oc­ casion, however, he speedily dis­ pelled all doubts of Ins ability by advancing boldly to the attack. lie- minding his auditors that Douglas had seen lit to cross examine him at their last meeting, he announced that he was prepared to answer the seven questions which had been put to him provided his adversary we dd reply to questions from him not ex­ ceeding the same number. ‘T give him an opportunity to respond."' he snoounoMl and. turning to Dona­ to , panned for hi» reply. itmi&n at the outaldrte of the crowd ceased plying their trades and strove to catch a glimpse of the platform. It was a dramatic mo­ ment and an unequak-d opportunity’' for Douglas. But ho merely shook j !.«.'&}•>ri*M, MH, by JmyWan ] tm >«S ' s C TLii-i- frkwia m.tim otttyw-t win r<vm;'3 ^peeih* full bo faHW< law «, f a..turn in { mating O h * of KfoMt. a lunrrlid nvii>, aft.-r 5Utt*ub»g t»«J( :li* v.Jmwa U h I t-> Bay, fit-nko »p; “Marrlago la a anfftar -which ‘UnUe-i pt‘»pk the aftsw* 4 * Ifoktulun does, Eome are ffiruwg 4^*atber. arnix* arc kept oume gu tutu It thoughtful­ ly. Bome m I tww Wtu It,1' "How Uid you happen u embruk in mntllmojiy'f * u M rone, of tin; party. "You speak *« If you had had out- of these exjw-rieaeea poumlf.” "My own c«*e la p«.-u!t:tr. Like other youug wen, If thajr will admit it, t OX" perkneeff a longtftc for acme wonitm who would be all is *11 to me. But, in the first place, I didn't think I could afford a wife. and. iu the aecoud, noth­ ing occurred to attach’ me to any wo­ man. The day whan I would net my affairs In shape-am wake marriage a prime object was always a few years ahead of me. "I had reaeluMS the age of thirty-five without getting aajr nearer to settling down In a home when one night, while on a Journey. I found myself In bed in a lMdek One «n*t c-oncelve of any probability of a wore unfitting place for that IncToraWe fate we have heen speaking of to start one Of its matri­ monial veutnrea. 1 was alotu;, lying awake, did not know a person in the city where I was, and it was mid­ night. “I bad Peru counting the strokes of a city clock when Fheard ihe door open and the nrUle o f u. dress approaching my bed, Where ware several,matters which, would naturally have occurred to me If there had.toden time, tu the irst place, | had jtergoffea to Jock my doer: hi the woad, whoever had en­ tered was not likely to he a' robber, nor even a thief, for there was noth­ ing steams,v In tlw entrance nor the ipprmu-h. It was -pitch dark, niul I could t‘co nothing.* 1 could otil.V hear. V, womnn** volc*~it was sweet and Minified KWi-fier to the toneiiness of ,iffdnrtht - jsald: "'Sorry I’ve been so long. I_could lot htdp }t, 1 bnid' to wake them' up to '■et Tuto the kitchen,' "I naturally vsrfffed' for develop- ite-its. a 1-tud vt**. slipped under the hedclufhcs ftid eataethlngwarmplaced.' m toy. jstorlttch. Then ihe baud who withdrawn, atsd m voice said:' *“ !’» light “Now, there wflafaometblug pleasant In all thia that iHi^rw must cease un­ lev the light, It plain that Flmd heen mistaken fdhJ sick map. and l was in no hurry.fe^eahuBe the owner of the voko wh#b- 1 made the mis­ take, ' s. ‘ ' _• The Kina Y«u l»nv» Always Bought, anti wliicli imB been in use for over years, lias Borne the pignafme of cw l lias Been made im ler Ii?s per- soanJsupervision slnro itBinfaney*' K Allowno one to deceive you in tins, AH Donnterf’eiis, Imitations and ' ‘ Just-as-good” ore hub Bxpormients that tride wilU and endanger the liealtli o f Infants and Oltndyen—Experience against Experiment, W h a t is C A S T O R I A Uastorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Bare** gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is I^Ieasont* It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Kareotic substance. Its age is its guarantee, It destroys Worm* and allays Feverishness. It eures Diarrlicea and. Wind Colic, It relieves Teething troubles, cures Coustipationi and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural gleep. The Children’s Famtcea-l'lie Mother’s Friend. GENUINE C A S T O R I A ALWAYS Bears tlie Signature of The Kind YouHave Aiiap BougM in Use For Over 30 Years. f : the e«BT*cw *r muwh . v wactr. wtw vobbc » tv , Well Cared For Meats in hot weather arc the only kind to buy; we liavo proper appliances forG keeping them right, and they’ rw sweet and safe when sold. Don’ t go meat shopping when it’s hot. Buy of ns and be sure. C. H. GROGSE, " CEDARVILLE, O, THE BEST VEHICLES FOR THE MONEY. THE McKAY BUGGIES, SURREYS, Spring, Road & Oil Field W A G O N S Best Quality-Select Ma­ terial. Carefully made, Boift to standHardService. The cheapest in the end. Writefor complete Catalog, and-Prices. McKAYCARRIAGECO., - GROVECITY. PA. "•Don't,1 i mu •noan; ‘Cottto «* “t hMrfi'-b«r 5 whk-h »Ui* fitting ‘ Of lUBW fof n wirt of Invalid -Wa^-my hanar lag for « chair, iutolde and, Iwrtd with„<to the other XU terrible'disease? It prevails to that j hl*g head an(1 pmilo;1, "The jmllfi rentdihs etlefft,” conlinued Liucolu. far-away country—Africa-^espeelally the Congo district. It Is caused by tho bite of the tsetse fly. When it bites a person, the sleeping symptoms begin and finally tho sufferer sleeps until death occurs. Contras^, this with the peaceful, balmy Sleep of health. Is there any­ thing more wearing than to lie awake at night, tossing about, nervous, with cold feet, hot head and mercy knows what else? Short of letting the tsetse fly bite us we would do almost any­ thing for relief, How can we pre­ vent it? Mr. George Hayes, of tTnion City, Pa., writes; "I had lost my appetite, was all run-down; could not sleep flights. I had tried, every­ thing without relief, Vlnol was rec- “I now say that I will answer hi:-, interrogatories whether he answers mine or not.*’ Kb more effective challenge was ever uttered, and the audience, quick to recognise its courage and fairness, responded in a fashion that must, have disconcerted and nettled Lincoln’s cautious adversary. Cer­ tainly Douglas was amiable mood when he rose to make reply, and the interruptions of the audi­ ence speedily worked him into a passion. >Again and again he as-, failed his hearers as '’black ltepub- Ileans,” characterizing their q u o omrnended, and to my aurprfoe I t , tfons as vulgar and blackguard In helpedme at once; gave me a splendid a ____ *•__ ^,*2 ,, appetite, and now I sleep soundly.” WhatVlnol did forMr. Hayes, It will do for every .run-down, nervous and overworked person who cannot sleep. .Sold by V. M< Kidgway, ss?J C h ets. ,F. F a y , MV-;. Optician tfaln -If., Springfield, O. The Great Diarrhea m H fiy s e o ie r y Kernel! Owe* jKn.tft rt::4f! ,afe.-:fi Amulet.-m, ta-1. \ cent of tv' fa- : —Hdu at,twined in e.I \ dinicrc.r.-T w .;.j i M/n-'.? “ WflftKS LIKE MAM.1* 1 PLU33INQ ALONG. ftr.t gfitilnc a lJvItrs In hardly a snap. t>'A ever you try it. It:ft? li;r.i i'.-.. fib::; t>.1:1:.': atrl oat. And keeping tho etoMreu off tho etroot. *.f:d bavin;: a pta-a :o >r::t your feet. Take paftetito and labor and sbtli. FrovMIitft a email and mn'j'U nback Ai.'.l fk.JlfuUy kc.-plng at Iny ■fhari.’da and roflicj* lnaiatent goat W'5.o f.on.c'j at tua ord oCtl.a nioutti tot tfeo icnt Ar.d i.VIl tal:e, if yo:i 1c; him, your laal rod unt f Can i:o.vjly tis called t:tiUsl‘o play. i:r.5ills’;;; t-nougUC om day to da? 'Ii, Jutw.o-room bread and pie Assil to pui-c-aro a dfcoa aial a pair of fi'isica And all <Y the things that the clilldten «ea laa ciw.l Hint will outfit a man with tut W;:< lint lie hesti't the time to .try, 1 around for a l.fltor Job IViilto hotCJng too one yfui’vo j;ot •.a a ta1',;: that 13ts'flnr? to tiedy ns,1ftiSr.J, ti;o Job that you v;a;.t you can lai- dots fina, ■■ 4 And to Uir, )•; tl.o old our, alas. lnrk'R<'d, Add r,;c:;.a?ly KCdtiirr ia not. aialxng a If,Ismc.::-! f,turning along to a man Biza job. you bat, > a llttto awl ttio came, ■ Itopteg to win la the nerve wtacklhff came, Besting flhaut like a molts round a flame, ' And that Is as for as you get. terrupliono, slinking his ftet in their faces and defying them as a mob. More than once ?Tr. Turner, the I’ e- pnblkan moderator, was drawn into the- fray by the speaker’s aggressive tactic^ .and the whole meeting was occasionally on the verge of tumult, Lincolns closing address, however, had a calming effect, and when his time expired the audience quietly dispersed to spread the news throughout the countryside that this unknown lawyer was actually outmaneuvering liis distinguished adversary and forcing him into the open, beyond reach of cover or pos­ sibility of retreat. Ml «*nt« fHir tfot, .. total ***«|rt igMht.'* if,- ' rariiiiM)> am'.-l"* f Ohr«toc«t if a* fnw ton* f'» rm ^A «1 0 OUEMICAL CORFViY, * 0»4>* I.Y .,B .* .A . ISBEAUTY WORTHY 9 UNWNILEY VillaCreiB W»*w«*.v aradtfafe* htel#%Mark mtainimandtaw, fyainrii,* <W w * ah 1, Wotahrf.wmjtkandfilr j*»a toMiafttotiwantanA t.tjotiih. TharalanwanMItwta*■>*thlaanjwtkwnanw. Iwfwaraiw, Th*DfeOw-rotofth* At *UnttMMfafanr matlaa*trMAan»«, Fp-Hai prnprmttbmmod ym e tffz s PQk,T*Ud#,mt*. • Why He Hurried. A lower Broadway business man summoned his diminutive office hoy the other day, instructing him to proceed to a nearby establishment. ‘‘Find out the lowest price at which they can give, me a cinemato­ graph outfit for parlor use,” said he, reA what Y* the woungater asked, a bit daged. “ Dinem»tograpli,M repeated his employer, “ But you uccdirt go for an hour. I want yon for something else just now/’ The hoy dashed out and in_ five minutes was Lack with the needed information. “ I thought I told you not to go for an hour!-'” said the bo. “Hull.y gee!" the hoy exclaimed, 1“ I couldn't veiiieml.ei' flint word re long, and if I forgot it I might lose me job,”—Ketv York Globe. Or, MUrs* AnH-l'afn Till* relievo t.slit CASTOR IA 2to fo&At* Afld CkildtoR, D m KMYftiKinAfwa|$Bs^lt Maora tha •igaatwiof thfll m hraft aSri.h wt* ffartc l had » •oft tblnjf f wantaff to stty aortta- thing, bttf mj- valev W«Ufd give 'Tie away. Bo f eontonted tn/aelf with an 'Wcaal.icwl cooes jwrt to let her know tlmr I wa* not to a talking .flood. 4lhe eBc-Quraaefi hi* to bollevo :iiat l woubl *o<>n Ire twttcr, atui |iy several thlnsp* she saW 1 lnfem’ri that •die v»;is* niirsins; ootue one. "I was thu* tuxuriattnjt blissfully .vhen the thlnE she had put ou my stomach bejeau to bum. I presume if my face could at that moment have teen seen it would have been vividly aspressne. One* the thing bejfon to hum it grew apace, and It"was not. loi g before it felt as if A redhot Icon van being pushed alrnut among my ‘utrails. "Did yon ever bear of the I ki J- who •.vjth one huul shoveled i‘.e cream into sis month and with the other held the •space between hl» <*ye« that tho cold aade painful, crying nil the while? vVelt. I was ilk* that boy. I had hover 'Oforo held a woman’s soft hand at •light anywhere, carfnlnly not In a lonely hotel, and I couldn't maker up enj* mhiil to tot go, I knew I ban aao sort of a plaster on and might take Stoff with my IfHire hand, but sits would hear ut* ar.-.l the rltuathm woiud l:c Clare, 1 . Tho thing kepf burning and Dutslug until I «t*ulu riatid it co longer. " ‘Great fekotti' I erlcd At belt, start­ ing up, ‘This Is tbs lire <>t purgatory/ "I heard the scratch of « match, and to an instant a ga* Jet Illumined tho loom. "There Mood a girl to dfohuMllu—a wrappir and a pigtaU. She looked at c:o with u Indy horiw, then exclaimed! “ 'Good gn ' iousl’ " ‘You must have got into tho wrong roots,’ I moaiked. “ T choufA think «»,’ “ 'Who is the patient you are earing for?' " ‘My brother;, I went down to get a mustard plaster and mming back f,ot Into the wrong room,’ “ 'Well, jou've burned a hole pretty through me.* "I took tl.« thing off and flung It cut fin tho floor. "You may call it fate or chance or providence «r what yon like, hut tho way I cnirit to marry toy wife van through a mnatard plaster. It would take A live hundred page novel to toll iho rest of the atory, and I’m not in that lino, too can make up a theory faun my <r#e or tot it ahme. When­ ever 1 tell the atory I can feel that wShot plaster on my vhafa, "Walter, bring a daret crip, with plenty of lot.” F. A. M1TCHRD What DoYou Think % : * • : » ■ o f '^ ih e , ; : :N o ^ s f iStyles'Jtt:.:7 Spring iteA \ v t V‘ J a c l i6 i0 r and. Su ita*M y.'; Hutchison ^ Oibncy's? Rheumatism Do you want to get rid of it'? I f so, takeDr.Miles■ Nervine modified as dL reeled in pamphlet around bottle. In addition to the direct curative properties it has a soothing effect up­ on the nervous system by ■which the rheumatic pains are controlled, and rest and sleep assured. It has made many, cures of, this painful disease, some of them after years of suffering. I f it will cure others why not you. I f your ease is compli­ cated, mite us for advice, it. costs you nothing and may save you prolonged suffering. "I warr so crippled that 'I could scarcely walk. Alter having ftiy shoes, on Cor an hour or two I could manage to walls by suffering tho pain. Thou , I began to luive pains all through ' my system. My doctor told me'I had aw acute attack of Inflammatory rheumatism. Xread about Dr. Milos .Kcrvino, bought a bottle and I. com- ’meneed to get better from the start and for the. past six months have scarcely any pain, and am ablo to walk as well an ever." _ _ • • JAS. E SAWDERS, ^ P. Q. Box 5, Itockaway/N . J. Your drupglat sells Of. Miles* Nervine, and- we Authorize him to return, price of -first bottle (only) If It fall* to benefit you- ■ ^ MilesMedical Co„ &lkhart»Ind bA F \C: M f f A %b,; { S’ • i1**f^torMiAWtieertoiiwsiwiieivtoi'1 -evtovto PATENTS t svreto. tmt T>*<e4liSt»555wHI sml*11fst mth)i«in*»«temleiaoi m Wv*OwnerMff N EW SK IRTS . Panama, Sicilian, Serge Mohairs, $ 3.75 to $12 CARPET ROOM. | Best display of Rugs, .Mattings, etc., we have W yet show i , and a little lower in price -jj, HUTCHISON & GIBNEY’S, % OHIO 2 The Boqkmaltep ...Restaapant... IN THE BOOKWALTER HOTEL HIGH STREET DINING ROOM FOR LADIESUP STAIRS ALSO REST RpOM. JvlISAES 1SIOW 535 CENTS . Lunch Counier on Main Floor Open Day and Night. , Tho Best of Good Tsed lu tho Oul- uiary Dcpartnu-nt. -XENIA, • > X v E L A S T I C % R O O F PA INT QgVy/for isn, racial, j.apcn fc!t and rafietoM- roofs. Is proofagainft too v.-eatkeror rest. Abtolutoty-non- 9 G fit {totous. Wittnot cfceli, .peel, blisteror scale. Will . notevapcrataafteronco c.,f. la a finewater-proof- fnfftuatetfofc Conlairffl h <>ingredieutj finch as Salt '/t-f and liino v.-hlch cufcr itito tho composition of the " ElASIIg^1‘ AIfilS?* inaj: r part of tho So-caikd roof andhowpaint*on tt© market to*day which I:avo no clastic qualities' y**' and arc ek-itautfivo to moiafo and fibres, and arc bound to crystal&e any metal. It I d x;cnnproof. SsMJfirtin-ti!arutui$ikt iht tPty hp ! ^tinhamtheIniisfatt it eatsm *;■) more, *Fh*i eauM-L.wnt,N du fsr»iuv e o „ roHd -du> i«o ,w ie . Piles or Smiles? A POSITIVE GUARANTEE to IwmtrflaltlfreltevoiaHuttlmalttymtwith DR. HEBRAS UNGOID th* moat wondcrfifl acientlflc d-aeorwy cSf )".r>tlMntlMC3fort'^cecVrr*otcr*.'ofItching Ih.r», I'-rr.rnia, lirttcr. Halt Eh-tim, Sin* Wo::n, Barber’sIkh, etc. ’Ibishiehlyjnrdf- cited antisep-ie Helve kills tlmgerm*, removes the tvcublo and heals tho irritation p: rw.suc.ntly. Absolute MtisfacUon gn*r- ",'crdormonsvrefanted. al- •* ISOOs, at Drnggi<tR. or mailed, Trial ..apleacentstocovertuadlng, THE G, D. BITTNERCO., Toledo, CMv. Meat is Healthy. The human cystem needo meat, not the tough, in- digestable hind which makes it a labor for the diges­ tive organs to asiimihite it, br.t'the lmti-itious, juicy hind which gives you muscle and none for daily duties. G W, Crouse & Co, Sufcowf to C, €, WMSLR, Onw^im m 0»«4sjrtiiii£ T R Y O U R JOB PR INT ING FISTULA AltoAU. DISEASESOFTHERECTUM £5 A*ft*y»faa!"W *r* HM »«4 D m .***nf IreiMil D a j. j . M c C le llan 4*i^ ********* C olumbus ,t). Wttt^r* -rnasiim. ‘-r - 1 ravins?.« ■g jffthSK.’r.ISQMMf OMwacf *muss Hold and *<ijug*»*ri ly Wiifonrmh, Buy W e ' jats 21 lbs.K 24^ lb. Si 8 Bars Si Eggs per. 3 10-cent 1 Gallon! 1-2 Gallo: 3 Quarts California SIR p. s. Watc Being I have ar elry at n property. iid tes f i­ nd he ies T b y tie ad id. ■es so, It'S ’ill, )IU >li- ee, u d , :ed ouWmas UtWl Otsll had tory 1103’ . out-. ■ tart lava t to k, l . J, ierv- turrt folia' |Xad . U u m ITEL FAIRS ■ ,T S . Oul- Sto ~ 25 River Str j p Nth ID tcCi* Lt&. itxn1 (roar- S7rln1 TO «9MIB L c if S y r a c u j ■» S a t f . C. N . fc. 1 ^ v